Godolphin, John.
The holy limbeck: or, A semicentury of spiritual extractions: wherein the spirit is extracted from the letter of certain eminent places in the Holy Scripture: and a compendious way discovered for the spiritual improvement of the literal sense, in order to the better understanding of the minde and meaning of the spirit therein. By Jo: Godolphin, L.L.D.
London: printed by John Field for Edmund Paxton, and are to be sold at his shop in Pauls Chain, over against the Castle Tavern near the Doctors Commons, 1650.
ESTC No. R37865.Grub Street ID 120046.
Godolphin, John.
The holy arbor, containing a body of divinity: or, The sum and substance of Christian religion. Collected from many orthodox laborers in the Lords vineyard; for the benefit and delight of such as thirst after righteousness. First methodically and plainly treated of, then analized and applied at large, by John Godolphin. J.C.D. VVherein also are fully resolved the questions of whatsoever points of moment have been, or are, now controverted in divinity. Together with a large and full alphabetical table of such matters as are therein contained, or occasionally handled, either by way of exposition, controversie, or reconciliation.
London: printed by John Field for Edmund Paxton, neer Doctors Commons; and William Roybould at the sign of the Unicorn in S. Pauls Church-yard, neer the west-end, 1651.
ESTC No. R9148.Grub Street ID 129253.
Godolphin, John.
Syn=egoros thalassios. A vievv of the admiral jurisdiction. Wherein the most material points concerning that jurisdiction are fairly and submissively discussed. As also divers of the laws, customes, rights, and priviledges of the high admiralty of England by ancient records, and other arguments of law asserted. Whereunto is added by way of appendix an extract of the ancient laws of Oleron. By John Godolphin, LL.D.
London : printed by W. Godbid for Edmund Paxton over against the Castle Tavern neer Doctors Commons, and John Sherley at the Pellican in Little Brittain, 1661.
ESTC No. R12555.Grub Street ID 60723.
Godolphin, John.
Syn=egoros thalassios. A vievv of the admiral iurisdiction. Wherein the most material points concerning that jurisdiction are fairly and submissively discussed. As also divers of the laws, customes, rights, and priviledges of the high admiralty of England by ancient records, and other arguments of law asserted. Whereunto is added by way of appendix an extract of the ancient laws of Oleron. By John Godolphin, LL.D.
London : printed by W. Godbid for Edmund Paxton over against the Castle Tavern neer Doctors Commons, and John Sherley at the Pellican in Little Brittain, 1661.
ESTC No. R227394.Grub Street ID 100303.
Godolphin, John.
The orphans legacy: or, A testamentary abridgement. In three parts. I. Of last wills and testaments. II. Of executors and administrators. III. Of legacies and devises. Wherein the most material points of law, relating to that subject, are succinctly treated, as well according to the common and temporal, as ecclesiastical and civil laws of this realm. Illustrated with great variety of select cases in the law of both professions, as well delightful in the theorie, as usefull for the practice of all such as study the one, or are either active or passive in the other. By John Godolphin LL.Dr.
London : printed by E. T[yler]. and R. H[olt]. and are to be sold by Joseph Nevill at the sign of the Grey-hound in St. Pauls Church-yard; and Christopher Wilkinson at the Black Boy, over against St. Dunstans Church in Fleet-street, 1674.
ESTC No. R8268.Grub Street ID 128461.
Godolphin, John.
The orphans legacy: or, A testamentary abridgment. In three parts. I. Of last-wills and testaments. II. Of executors and administrators. III. Of legacies and devises. Wherein the most material points of law relating to that subject, are succinctly treated, as well according to the common and temporal, as ecclesiastical and civil laws of this realm. Illustrated with a great variety of select cases in the law of both professions, as well delightful in the theory, as useful for the practice of all such as study the one, or are either active or passive in the other. The second edition much augmented and enlarged. By John Godolphin LL.D.
London : printed for Chr. Wilkinson at the Black Boy over against St. Dunstan's Church in Fleetstreet, 1677.
ESTC No. R7229.Grub Street ID 127508.
Godolphin, John.
Repertorium canonicum; or An abridgment of the ecclesiastical laws of this realm, consistent with the temporal: wherein the most material points relating to such persons and things, as come within the cognizance thereof, are succinctly treated. By John Godolphin, LL.D.
London : printed by S. Roycroft, for Christopher Wilkinson at the Black Boy against St. Dunstans Church in Fleetstreet, 1678.
ESTC No. R7471.Grub Street ID 127735.
Godolphin, John.
Repertorium canonicum; or An abridgment of the ecclesiastical laws of this realm, consistent with the temporal: wherein the most material points relating to such persons and things, as come within the cognizance thereof, are succinctly treated. The second edition corrected whereunto is added an appendix. By John Godolphin, LL.D.
London : printed by S. Roycroft, for Christopher Wilkinson at the Black-Boy against St. Dunstan's Church in Fleetstreet, 1680.
ESTC No. R15601.Grub Street ID 63522.
Godolphin, John.
Repertorium canonicum; or An abridgment of the ecclesiastical laws of this realm, consistent with the temporal: wherein the most material points relating to such persons and things, as come within the cognizance thereof, are succinctly treated. The second edition corrected whereunto is added an appendix. By John Godolphin, LL.D.
London : printed by the assigns of Richard and Edw. Atkins Esquires; for Christopher Wilkinson at the Black Boy against St. Dunstan's Church in Fleetstreet, 1680.
ESTC No. R219871.Grub Street ID 94345.
Godolphin, John.
Synegoros th=al=assiosĀ· A view of the admiral jurisdiction. Wherein the most material points concerning that jurisdiction are fairly and submissively discussed. As also divers of the laws, customs, rights and priviledges of the high Admiralty of England, by ancient records, and other arguments of law asserted. Whereunto is added by way of appendix, an extract of the ancient laws of Oleron. For the better regulation and government of merchants, owners of ships and part-owners, masters of ships and common mariners in all maritime affairs. With a catalogue of all the Lords High Admirals that have been in this Kingdom since King John's time, to the reign of His now most gracious Majesty K. James II. By John Godolphin, LL.D.
The second edition corrected and amended..
London : printed for and sold by George Dawes, in Chancery-Lane, against Lincolns-Inn-Gate, 1685.
ESTC No. R6529.Grub Street ID 126870.
Godolphin, John.
The orphans legacy: or, A testamentary abridgment. In three parts. I. Of last-wills and testaments. II. Of executors and administrators. III. Of legacies and devises. Wherein the most material points of law relating to that subject, are succinctly treated, as well according to the common and temporal, as ecclesiastical and civil laws of this realm. Illustrated with a great variety of select cases in the law of both professions, as well delightful in the theory, as useful for the practice of all such as study the one, or are either active or passive in the other. The third edition much augmented and enlarged. By John Godolphin, LL.D.
London : printed by the assigns of Richard and Edward Atkins, Esquires; for Christopher Wilkinson at the Black-Boy over against St. Dunstan's Church in Fleetstreet, 1685.
ESTC No. R6574.Grub Street ID 126911.
Godolphin, John.
Repertorium canonicum: or, an abridgment of the ecclesiastical laws of this realm, consistent with the temporal: wherein the most material points relating to such persons and things as come within the cognizance thereof, are succinctly treated. The third edition corrected: whereunto is added an appendix. By John Godolphin, LL.D.
London : Printed by the assigns of R. and E. Atkins, Esquires, for Christopher Wilkinson, at the Black Boy against St. Dunstan's Church in Fleetstreet, 1687.
ESTC No. R24969.Grub Street ID 108698.
Godolphin, John.
The orphan's legacy: or, a testmentary abridgment. In three parts. I. Of last wills and testaments. II. Of executors and administrators. III. Of legacies and devises. Wherein The most Material Points of Law relating to that Subject, are succinctly Treated, as well according to the Common and Temporal, as Ecclesiastical and Civil Laws of this Realm. Illustrated With a great Variety of Select Cases in the Law of both Professions, as well delightful in the Theory, as useful for the Practice of all such as Study the one, or are either Active or Passive in the other. The fourth edition much augmented and enlarged. By John Godolphin, LL.D.
London : printed by the assigns of Richard and Edward Atkins, Esquires; for Robert Vincent in Cliffords-Inn Lane in Fleetstreet, 1701.
ESTC No. N12133.Grub Street ID 2148.