Berault, Peter.
The Church of Rome evidently proved heretick. By Peter Berault, D. Who abjured all the errors of the said church in London, at the Savoy upon the 2d. day of April, 1671.
London : printed by Tho. Hodgkin for the author, MDCLXXX. [1680].
ESTC No. R17778.Grub Street ID 69766.
Berault, Peter.
The Church of Rome evidently proved heretick. By Peter Berault, D. Who abjured all the errors of the said Church in London at the Savoy upon the 2d. day of April, 1671.
London : printed by Tho. Hodgkin for the author [, sold by William Marshall], MDCLXXXI. [1681].
ESTC No. R27181.Grub Street ID 110374.
Berault, Peter.
The true and certain way to heaven, both in French and English; by Peter Berault, D. Proselyte.
London : printed by Tho. Hodgkin for the author, MDCLXXXI. [1681].
ESTC No. R5227.Grub Street ID 125689.
Berault, Peter.
The Church of England evidently proved the holy catholick church. By Peter Berault, the author of the Church of Rome prov'd heretick.
London : printed by T. Hodgkin, for the author, 1682.
ESTC No. R22975.Grub Street ID 102167.
Berault, Peter.
The Church of England evidently proved the Holy Catholick Church. By Peter Berault, the author of the Church of Rome prov'd heretick.
London : printed by T. Hodgkin, for the author, 1683.
ESTC No. R3799.Grub Street ID 120129.
Berault, Peter.
A nosegay or miscellany of several divine truths, for the instruction of all persons; but especially for the consolation of a troubled soul. By Peter Berault, the author of the way to heaven.
London : printed by T.M. for the author, 1684.
ESTC No. R230855.Grub Street ID 103081.
Berault, Peter.
The Church of Rome evidently proved heretick, by Peter Berault, Dr. Who abjured all the errors of the said church in London at the Savoy upon the 2d. day of April 1671. [One line of Latin quotation].
Boston, Printed by S. Green for James Cowse: 1685.
ESTC No. W37392.Grub Street ID 348162.
Berault, Peter.
A nosegay or miscellany of several divine truths, for the instruction of all persons; but especially for the consolation of a troubled soul. By Peter Berault, the author of the way to heaven.
London : printed by T.M. for the author, 1685.
ESTC No. R27180.Grub Street ID 110373.
Berault, Peter.
The Church of England evidently proved a member of the Holy Catholick Church: wherein the doctrine of Arians, Socinians, and Anabaptists, are answered and confuted; and the Presbyterians proved schismaticks. With some reasons of the Reverend Dr. Tillotson against persecution meerly for religion. By P.B. formerly of the Order of St. Francis, now a convert to the Church of England.
London : printed for the author, and sold by Benj. Crayle at the Peacock and Bible at the West-end of St. Pauls, 1687.
ESTC No. R175536.Grub Street ID 68388.
Berault, Peter.
A new, plain, short, and compleat French and English grammar: whereby the learner may attain in few months to speak and write French correctly, as they do now in the court of France. And wherein all that is dark, superfluous, and deficient in other grammars, is plain, short, and methodically supplied. Also very useful to strangers, that are desirous to learn the English tongue: for whose sake is added a short, but very exact English grammar. By Peter Berault.
London : printed by Tho. Hodgkin, for the author, MDCLXXXVIII. [1688].
ESTC No. R170510.Grub Street ID 65144.
Berault, Peter.
La logique, ou la clef des sciences; et la morale, ou le moyen d'tre heureux. La premiere dirigeant nôtre entendement pour bien raisonner de toutes choses; & la seconde conduisant nôtre volonté à une vie honte & vertueuse. Toutes deux fort utiles pour apprendre le François & l'Anglois. Par Pierre Berault.
à Londres: imprimes par Thomas Hodgkin, aux dpens de l'autheur, 1690.
ESTC No. R28916.Grub Street ID 111942.
Berault, Peter.
A new, plain, short, and compleat French and English grammar: whereby the learner may attain in few months to speak and write French correctly, as they do now in the court of France. And wherein all that is dark, superfluous, and deficient in other grammars, is plain, short, an methodically supplied. Also very useful to strangers, that are desirous to learn the English tongue: for whose sake is added a short, but very exact English grammar. The second edition. By Peter Berault.
London, printed by Tho. Hodgkin, for Richard Baldwin, near the Oxford-Armes in Warwick-Lane, 1691.
ESTC No. R172722.Grub Street ID 66504.
Berault, Peter.
Nouvelle, claire, courte, & compléte grammaire Francoise & angloise. Par la quelle on peut apprendre en peu de mois à parler & ecrire François correctement, comme l'on fait à présent dans la cour de France. Et o tout ce qui est obseur, superflu, & omis dans les autres grammaires, se trouve clairement, en abregé, &c avec methode. Aussi fort utile aux etrangers, qui ont désir d'apprendre la langue Angloise: en faveur de qui est adjoutée une courte, mais fort exacte Grammaire Angloise. Par Piere Berault.
[London]: á Londres, imprimée pour Robert clavel, & se vendent chez Jean North, marchand libraire demeurant dans Dublin, 1693.
ESTC No. R175537.Grub Street ID 68389.
Berault, Peter.
A new, plain, short, and compleat French and English grammar: whereby the learner may attain in few months to speak and write French correctly, as they do now in the court of France. And wherein all that is dark, superfluous, and deficient in other grammars, is plain, short, and methodically supplied. Also very useful to strangers that are desirous to learn the English tongue: for whose sake is added a short but very exact English grammar. The third edition, with additions. By Peter Berault.
London : printed by T. Hodgkin, for Robert Clavel at the Peacock at the west end of St. Paul's Church Yard, 1693.
ESTC No. R31579.Grub Street ID 114360.
Berault, Peter.
A new, plain, short, and compleat French and English grammar: whereby the learner may attain in few months to speak and write French correctly, as they do now in the court of France. And wherein all that is dark, superfluous, and deficient in other grammars, is plain, short, and methodically supplied. Also very useful to strangers, that are desirous to learn the English tongue: for whose sake is added a short, but very exact English grammar. The third edition, with additions. By Peter Berault.
London : printed for Robert Clavel, and are to be sold by John North, bookseller in Dublin, 1683 [i.e. 1693].
ESTC No. R31582.Grub Street ID 114364.
Berault, Peter.
A short and plain discourse of philosophy. 1. Containing physick and metaphysick, with a treatise of astronomy; in Latin. 2. Logick and ethicks, or moral philosophy; both in French and English. For the use especially of them, that either desire to learn these three languages, or have no leasure to read the great and intangled volumes of philosophers. By P. Berault.
London : printed by H[enry]. Hills, for the Author, 1695.
ESTC No. R175538.Grub Street ID 68390.
Berault, Peter.
Rome tyrannous idolatrous and heretick. The origine of her errors, with an answer to her objections. By Peter Berault. Lately chaplain of His majesty's ships the Kent and Victory.
London : printed by W. Redmayne for the author, and are to be sold by Richard Parker at the Unicorn under the Royal Exchange, 1698.
ESTC No. R223533.Grub Street ID 97331.
Berault, Peter.
Rome tyrannical, idolatrous and heretical. The origine of her errors, with an answer to her objections. Also, three short sermons of repentance, against swearing and drunkenness, preached to the ships company before Admiral Aylmer, and several captains. By Peter Berault. Chaplain in His Majesty's ships the Kent and Victory, in the late war.
London : printed by W. Redmayne for the author, 1698.
ESTC No. R30222.Grub Street ID 113105.
Berault, Peter.
A treatise clearly shewing, God's existence; the certainty of the Holy Scriptures; and the immortality of our souls. With the key of sciences, and way to eternal felicity. In English and French, by Peter Berault; Chaplain of His Majesty's ships the Kent and Victory in the late war with France.
London : printed by William Redmayne for the author, 1700.
ESTC No. R176308.Grub Street ID 68893.
Berault, Peter.
A discourse I. Of the trinity and divinity of Jesus Christ the Son of God, and of the Holy Ghost clearly prov'd against ... with an answer to their chiefest objections. II. Of God's existence, against atheists. III. Of the certainty of the holy Scriptures, against libertines. IV. Of the immortality of our souls, against epicureans. V. Of physick, metaphysick, and astronomy, for the use of them, who have no time to read the great and intangled volumes of philosophers. By Peter Berault, Chaplain of His Majesty's ships the Kent and Victory in the late war with France.
London : printed by William Redmayne for the author, and are to be sold by Mr. Duchemin at Abraham's sacrifice over against Sommersethouse , 1700.
ESTC No. R38691.Grub Street ID 120754.
Berault, Peter.
A new, plain, short, and compleat French and English grammar: whereby the learner may attain in few months to speak and write French correctly, as they do now in the court of France. And wherein all that is dark, superfluous, or deficient in other grammars, is plain, short, and methodically supplied. Also very useful to strangers, that are desirous to learn the English tongue: for whose sake is added a short, but very exact English grammar. The fourth edition, with additions. By Peter Berault, French minister.
London : printed by T. Hodgkin, for John Nutt, near Stationers's-Hall, 1700.
ESTC No. R25277.Grub Street ID 108983.
Berault, Peter.
The narrow way which leads to heaven; and the broad way which leads to hell. In two parts. By P. Berault. Late Chaplain of her Majesty's ships the Dunkirk and Scarborough, .
London : printed by William Redmayne for the author, 1703.
ESTC No. N47430.Grub Street ID 32125.
Berault, Peter.
The dissenters re-union to the church of England: or, reasons drawn from the holy scripture, the primitive fathers, and Calvin himself. ... By P. Berault, late Chaplain of her Majesty's ships the Dunkirk, the Scarborough, .
London : printed by W. Redmayne, and are sold by J. Nutt, G. Strahan, and T. Slater, 1706.
ESTC No. N47976.Grub Street ID 32594.
Berault, Peter.
Nouvelle & complete grammaire françoise & angloise. Enseignant clairement le plus court, & le plus aysé moyen pour promtement & parfaitement entendre, parler, & écrire ces langues, ... Cinquieme edition. A la quelle est adjoutée, une courte, mais exacte grammaire angloise. Avec un dictionaire françois & anglois. ... Par Pierre Berault, .
Londres : imprimée par T. Hodgkin, & se vend par J. Morphew, 1706.
ESTC No. T204516.Grub Street ID 235231.
Berault, Peter.
A new and compleat French and English grammar: plainly shewing the shortest and easiest way to understand speak, and write speedily and perfectly those languages, but especially the French; containing above twenty pleasant and useful dialogues, translated into English by Sir Roger L'Estrange, and here rendred into French, with several others, almost word for word. To which is added, a short but exact English grammar. Also a French and English dictionary, where the parts of speech are ranged separately; comprehending all that's necessary for any persons, that have a desire to learn either language. By Peter Berault, French minister, late chaplain of Her Majesty's ships the Kent, Victory, Scarborough and Dunkirk.
London : printed by T. Hodgkin, and sold by J. Morphew near Stationers-Hall, 1707.
ESTC No. N12138.Grub Street ID 2152.
Berault, Peter.
Nouvelle & complete grammaire françoise & angloise. Enseignant clairement le plus court, & le plus aysé moyen pour promtement & parfaitement entendre, parler, & écrire ces langues, ... A la quelle est adjoutée, une courte, mais exacte grammaire angloise. Avec un dictionaire françois & anglois. ... Par Pierre Berault, .
Seconde edition..
Londres : imprimée par T. Hodgkin, & se vend par J. Morphew proche Stationers-Hall, 1708.
ESTC No. T222430.Grub Street ID 245326.