Hale, Matthew.
A New-Years gift. By Sir Matthew Hale, Knight, late Lord Chief Justice of England. Written with his own hand. The sum of religion.
[Boston]: Reprinted and sold in Newbury Street at Boston in N.E, January 1st. 1724 [i.e., 1725 N.S].
ESTC No. W37209.Grub Street ID 347977.
Hale, Matthew.
The sum of religion. He that fears the Lord of heaven and earth ...
[Philadelphia: Printed by Benjamin Franklin.] Sold by Benjamin Lay in Second-Street near the market, Philadelphia: where may be had Bibles, testaments, psalters, primers, &c. with Latin books for scholars, books of arithmetick, geometry, astronomy, &c, [between 1740 an 1749].
ESTC No. W5660.Grub Street ID 354639.
Hale, Matthew.
An essay touching the gravitation, or non-gravitation of fluid bodies, and the reasons thereof.
London : printed by W. Godbid, for William Shrewsbury, at the sign of the Bible in Duck-lane, 1673.
ESTC No. R16205.Grub Street ID 64083.
Hale, Matthew.
Difficiles nugæ: or, Observations touching the Torricellian experiment, and the various solutions of the same, especially touching the weight and elasticity of the air.
London : printed by W. Godbid, for William Shrowsbury, at the sign of the Bible in Duck-lane, M.DC.LXXIV. [1674].
ESTC No. R4323.Grub Street ID 124272.
Hale, Matthew.
Difficiles nugæ: or, Observations touching the Torricellian experiment, and the various solutions of the same, especially touching the weight and elasticity of the air.
London : printed by W. Godbid, for William Shrowsbury, at the sign of the Bible in Duck-lane, M.DC.LXXIV. [1674].
ESTC No. R228007.Grub Street ID 100763.
Hale, Matthew.
An essay touching the gravitation, or non-gravitation of fluid bodies, and the reasons thereof.
The second edition, with some occasional additions..
London : printed by W. Godbid, for William Shrowsbury, at the sign of the Bible in Duck-lane, 1675.
ESTC No. R24974.Grub Street ID 108702.
Hale, Matthew.
Difficiles nugæ: or, Observations touching the Torricellian experiment, and the various solutions of the same, especially touching the weight and elasticity of the air.
The second edition, with some occasional additions..
London : printed by W. Godbid, for William Shrowsbury, at the sign of the Bible in Duck-lane, M.DC.LXXV. [1675].
ESTC No. R228399.Grub Street ID 101084.
Hale, Matthew.
Contemplations moral and divine. The second part.
London : printed for William Shrowsbury at the Bible in Duke-lane, and John Leigh at the Blew-Bell in Fleet-street, 1676.
ESTC No. R188174.Grub Street ID 76179.
Hale, Matthew.
Contemplations moral and divine. The second part.
London : printed by William Godbid, for William Shrowsbury and John Leigh, 1667 [i.e. 1676].
ESTC No. R188175.Grub Street ID 76180.
Hale, Matthew.
Contemplations moral and divine. By a person of great learning and judgment. Imprimatur. Ex ædibus Lambethanis, Martii 13. 1675/6. Antonius Saunders, Reverendissimo Dno, Domino Gilberto Archi-Episc. Cant. à sacris domesticis.
London : printed by William Godbid, for William Shrowsbury at the Bible in Duke-lane, and John Leigh at the Blew Bell in Fleetstreet neer Chancery-lane, M.DC.LXXVI. [1676].
ESTC No. R227996.Grub Street ID 100757.
Hale, Matthew.
Contemplations moral and divine. By a person of great learning and judgment. Imprimatur. Ex ædibus Lambethanis, Martii 13. 1675/6. Antonius Saunders, Reverendissimo Dno, Domino Gilberto Archi-Episc. Cant. à sacris domesticis.
London : printed by William Godbid, for William Shrowsbury at the Bible in Duke-lane, and John Leigh at the Blew Bell in Fleetstreet neer Chancery-lane, M.DC.LXXVI. [1676].
ESTC No. R4366.Grub Street ID 124571.
Hale, Matthew.
Contemplations moral and divine. By a person of great learning and judgment. Imprimatur. Ex ædibus Lambethanis, Martii 13. 1675/6. Antonius Saunders, Reverendissimo Dno, Domino Gilberto Archi-Episc. Cant. à sacris domesticis.
London : printed by William Godbid, for William Shrowsbury at the Bible in Duke-lane, and John Leigh at the Blew Bell in Fleetstreet neer Chancery-lane, M.DC.LXXVI. [1676].
ESTC No. R236760.Grub Street ID 107433.
Hale, Matthew.
Contemplations moral and divine. The second part.
London : printed for William Shrowsbury at the Bible in Duke-lane, and John Leigh at the Blew-Bell in Fleet-street, 1676.
ESTC No. R228670.Grub Street ID 101333.
Hale, Matthew.
Contemplations moral and divine. The second part.
London : printed for William Shrowsbury at the Bible in Duke-lane, and John Leigh at the Blew-Bell in Fleet-street, 1676.
ESTC No. R229708.Grub Street ID 102140.
Hale, Matthew.
Contemplations moral and divine. The second part.
London : printed for William Shrowsbury at the Bible in Duke-lane, and John Leigh at the Blew-Bell in Fleet-street, 1677.
ESTC No. R12575.Grub Street ID 60739.
Hale, Matthew.
The primitive origination of mankind, considered and examined according to the light of nature. Written by the Honourable Sir Matthew Hale Knight: late chief justice of His Majesties court of King's Bench.
London : printed by William Godbid, for William Shrowsbery at the sign of the Bible in Duke-Lane, MDCLXXVII. [1677].
ESTC No. R17451.Grub Street ID 67677.
Hale, Matthew.
Contemplations moral and divine· By a person of great learning and judgment. Imprimatur. Ex ædibus Lambethanis, Martii 13. 1675/6. Antonius Saunders, Reverendissimo Dno, Domino Gilberto Archi-episc. Cant. à sacris domesticis.
London : printed by William Godbid, for William Shrowsbury at the Bible in Duke-lane, and John Leigh at the Blew Bell in Fleetstreet near Chancery-lane, M.DC.LXXVII. [1677].
ESTC No. R14876.Grub Street ID 62855.
Hale, Matthew.
Observations touching the principles of natural motions; and especially touching rarefaction & condensation: together with a reply to certain remarks touching the gravitation of fluids. By the author of Difficiles nugæ.
London : printed by W. Godbid, for W. Shrowsbury, at the Bible in Duke-Lane, 1677.
ESTC No. R8786.Grub Street ID 128920.
Hale, Matthew.
Pleas of the crown. Or a brief, but full account of whatsoever can be found relating to that subject.
London : printed for Richard Tonson under Grays-Inn Gate next Grays-Inn Lane; and Jacob Tonson, at the Judge's Head in Chancery Lane near Fleetstreet, 1678.
ESTC No. R30719.Grub Street ID 113560.
Hale, Matthew.
Pleas of the crown: or, A methodical summary of the principal matters relating to that subject. By Sir Matthew Hale knight, late Chief Justice of the Kings Bench.
London : printed by the assigns of Richard Atkyns and Edward Atkyns Esquires, for William Shrewsbury at the Bible in Duck-Lane, and John Leigh at the blew Bell in Fleet-street, 1678.
ESTC No. R12164.Grub Street ID 60378.
Hale, Matthew.
Contemplations moral and divine: in two parts. By Sir Matthew Hale Knight, late chief justice of the Kings-Bench. Imprimatur. Ex edibus Lambethanis Martij 13. 1675[/]6. Antonius Saunders, reverendissimo Dno, Domino Gilberto archi-episc. Cant. a sacris domesticis.
London : Printed for William Shrowsbury at the Bible in Duke-lane, and John Leigh at the Blew Bell in Fleetstreet near Chancery-lane, M. DC. LXXIX [1679].
ESTC No. R43228.Grub Street ID 124270.
Hale, Matthew.
Contemplations moral and divine. The second part.
London : printed for William Shrowsbury at the Bible in Duke-lane, and John Leigh at the Blew-Bell in Fleet-street, 1679.
ESTC No. R215464.Grub Street ID 90505.
Hale, Matthew.
Contemplations moral and divine: in two parts. By Sir Matthew Hale Knight, late chief justice of the Kings-Bench. Imprimatur. Ex edibus Lambethanis Martij 13. 1675[/]6. Antonius Saunders, reverendissimo dno, domino Gilberto archi-episc. Cant. a sacris domesticis.
London: printed for William Shrowsbury at the Bible in Duke-lane, and John Leigh at the Blew Ball in Fleetstreet near Chancery-lane, M. DC. LXXIX. [1679].
ESTC No. R228668.Grub Street ID 101331.
Hale, Matthew.
Contemplations moral and divine. The second part.
London : printed for William Shrowsbury at the Bible in Duck-lane, and John Leigh at Stationers-Hall, 1682.
ESTC No. R177710.Grub Street ID 69719.
Hale, Matthew.
Contemplations moral and divine: in two parts. By Sir Matthew Hale Knight, late chief justice of the Kings-Bench. Imprimatur. Ex edibus Lambethanis Martij 13. 1675/6. Antonius Saunders, Reverendissimo Dno, Domino Gilberto Archi-Episc. Cant. a sacris domesticis.
London : printed for William Shrowsbury at the Bible in Duke-Lane, and John Leigh at Stationers-Hall, M.DC.LXXXII. [1682].
ESTC No. R35444.Grub Street ID 117855.
Hale, Matthew.
Contemplations moral and divine: in two parts. By Sir Matthew Hale, Knight, late Chief Justice of the Kings-Bench. Imprimatur. Ex edibus Lambethanis, Martij 13. 1675/6. Antonius Saunders, Reverendissimo Dno., Domino Gilberto archi-episc. Cant. a sacris domesticis.
London : printed for W. Shrowsberey and J. Leigh, and are to be sold by J. Phillips at the Seven-Stars in St. Paul's church-yard, and H. Rodes next door to the Bear Tavern near Bride-Lane in Fleet-street, M. DC. LXXXII.
ESTC No. R14875.Grub Street ID 62854.
Hale, Matthew.
Pleas of the crown: or, A methodical summary of the principal matters relating to that subject. By Sir Matthew Hale Knight, late chief justice of the Kings Bench.
London : Printed by the Assigns of Richard Atkyns and Edward Atkyns Esquires, for William Shrewsbury at the Bible in Duck-Lane, and John Leigh at the blew Bell in Fleet-street, 1682.
ESTC No. R230551.Grub Street ID 102852.
Hale, Matthew.
A discourse touching provision for the poor. Written by Sir Matthew Hale, late Lord Chief Justice of the Kings-Bench.
London : printed for William Shrowsbery, at the Bible in Duke-Lane, 1683.
ESTC No. R11689.Grub Street ID 59944.
Hale, Matthew.
A discourse touching provision for the poor. Written by Sir Matthew Hale, late Lord Chief Justice of the Kings Bench.
London : printed by H. Hills, for John Leigh at Stationers Hall, and are to be sold by the booksellers in London, 1683.
ESTC No. R11202.Grub Street ID 59512.
Hale, Matthew.
A short treatise touching sheriffs accompts.
London : printed, and are to be sold by Will. Shrowsbery, at the Bible in Duck-Lane, 1683.
ESTC No. R233981.Grub Street ID 105378.
Hale, Matthew.
A short treatise touching sheriffs accompts. Written by the Honourable Sir Matthew Hale, kt. sometime Lord Chief Justice of His Majesty's Court of King's-Bench. To which is added, A tryal of witches, at the assizes held at Bury St. Edmonds, for the county of Suffolk, on the 10th of March 1664, before the said Sir Matthew Hale, kt.
London : printed, and are to be sold by Will. Shrowsbery, at the Bible in Duck-Lane, 1683.
ESTC No. R14358.Grub Street ID 62386.
Hale, Matthew.
The judgment of the late Lord Chief Justice Sir Matthew Hale, of the nature of true religion, the causes of its corruption, and the churches calamity, by mens additions and violences: with the desired cure. In three discourses, written by himself at several times. Humbly dedicated to the honourable judges and learned lawyers, who knew and honoured the author, because in their true sentiments of religion, and its depravations, and the cure, the wellfare of England, under his Majesty, as well as their own, is eminently concerned. By the faithful publisher, Richard Baxter. To which is annexed the judgment of Sir Francis Bacon Lord Verulam St. Albans, and Chancellour of England: and somewhat of Dr. Isaack Barrows on the same subject.
London : printed for B. Simmons at the three Cocks near the west-end of S. Paul's Church, 1684.
ESTC No. R11139.Grub Street ID 59452.
Hale, Matthew.
Several tracts written by Sr Matthew Hale, kt sometime Lord Chief Justice of England: viz. I. A discourse of religion on three heads. 1. The ends and uses of it, and the errors of men touching it. 2. The life of religion, and superadditions to it. 3. The superstructions upon it, and animosities about it. II. A treatise touching provision for the poor. III. A letter to his children, advising them how to behave themselves in their speech IV. A letter to one of his sons, after his recovery from the small-pox.
London : printed by J. P[layford]. for W. Shrowsbery at the Bible in Duke-Lane, 1684.
ESTC No. R35715.Grub Street ID 118080.
Hale, Matthew.
A letter from Sr Matthew Hale, Kt. sometime Lord Chief Justice of England: to one of his sons, after his recovery from the small-pox.
London : printed by J. Playford, for W. Shrowsbery, at the sign of the Bible in Duke-lane, 1684.
ESTC No. R228016.Grub Street ID 100768.
Hale, Matthew.
Pleas of the crown: or, A methodical summary of the principal matters relating to that subject. By Sir Matthew Hale, Knight, late Chief Justice of the King's-Bench.
London : printed by the assigns of Rich. Atkins and Edw. Atkins Esq[uire] for W[illiam]. S[hrewsbury]. and J[ohn]. L[eigh]. and are to be sold by J. Walthoe, at the Black Lyon in Chancery-Lane over against Lincoln's-Inn, 1685.
ESTC No. R177711.Grub Street ID 69720.
Hale, Matthew.
Pleas of the crown: or, A methodical summary of the principal matters relating to that subject. By Sir Matthew Hale, Knight, late Chief Justice of the King's Bench.
London : printed by the assigns of Richard Atkins and Edward Atkins Esq; for William Shrewsbury, at the Bible in Duke-Lane, and John Leigh, at Stationers Hall, 1685.
ESTC No. R14578.Grub Street ID 62592.
Hale, Matthew.
Contemplations moral and divine: In two parts. By Sir Matthew Hale, Knight; late Chief Justice of the King's-Bench. Imprimatur. Antonius Saunders, Reverendissimo Dno, Domino Gilberto Archi-Epise. Cant. à Sacris Domesticus. Ex edibus Lambethanis Martij 13. 1675/6.
London : printed for William Shrowsbery at the Bible in Duke-Lane, and John Leigh at Stationers-Hall, M.DC.LXXXV. [1685].
ESTC No. R31525.Grub Street ID 114311.
Hale, Matthew.
Contemplations moral and divine in two parts / by Sir Matthew Hale.
London : Printed for William Shrowsbery and John Leigh , 1685.
ESTC No. R24968.Grub Street ID 108697.
Hale, Matthew.
The father's new-years-gift to his son containing divers useful and necessary directions how to order himself both in respect to this life and that which is to come / written by the Right Honourable Sir Matthew Hale ; whereunto is added, divine poems upon Christmas-day.
London : Printed for William Booker .., 1685.
ESTC No. R40538.Grub Street ID 122314.
Hale, Matthew.
A discourse of the knowledge of God, and of our selves, I. By the light of nature. II. By the sacred scriptures. Written by Sir Matthew Hale, knight, late Chief Justice of the King's Bench, in his younger time, for his private meditation and exercise. To which are added A brief abstract of the Christian religion; and Considerations seasonable at all times, for the cleansing of the heart and life. By the same author.
London : printed by B. W[hite]. for William Shrowsbery, at the sign of the Bible in Duke-Lane, MDCLXXXVIII. [1688].
ESTC No. R4988.Grub Street ID 125467.
Hale, Matthew.
Contemplations moral and divine. The second part.
London : printed for William Shrewsbury at the Bible in Duke-Lane, and Susanah Leigh near Stationers-Hall, M.DC.L.XXXVIII. [1688].
ESTC No. R20421.Grub Street ID 81212.
Hale, Matthew.
A discourse of the knowledge of God, and of our selves, I. By the light of nature II. By the sacred Scriptures. Written by Sir Matthew Hale, Knight, late Chief Justice of the King's Bench, in his younger time, for his private meditation and exercise. To which are added, brief abstract of the Christian religion; and Considerations seasonable at all times, for the cleansing of the heart and life. By the same author.
London : printed for William Shrowsbery, and are to be sold by Richard Chiswell, at the Rose and Crown in St. Paul's Church-Yard, 1688.
ESTC No. R13994.Grub Street ID 62046.
Hale, Matthew.
Contemplations moral and divine. In two parts. By Sir Matthew Hale, knight; late Chief Justice of the Kings-Bench. Imprimatur. Ex edibus Lambethanis Martij 13. 1675/6. Antonins [sic] Saunders, Reverendissimo Dno, Domino Gilberto Archi-episc. Cant. à sacris domesticis.
London : printed for W. Shrowsbery, and S. Leigh, and are to be sold by J. Phillips at the Seven-Stars in St. Paul's Church-yard, and H. Rodes next door to the Swan-Tavern near Bride-lane in Fleet-street, MDCLXXXIX. [1689].
ESTC No. R12165.Grub Street ID 60379.
Hale, Matthew.
Pleas of the crown: or, A methodical summary of the principal matters relating to that subject. By Sir Matthew Hale, knight, late Chief Justice of the King's Bench.
London : printed by the assigns of Richard and Edward Atkyns, Esquires; for W. Shrewsbury, at the Bible in Duke-Lane, M DC XCIV. [1694].
ESTC No. R6534.Grub Street ID 126875.
Hale, Matthew.
A treatise, shewing how usefull, safe, reasonable and beneficial, the inrolling & registring of all conveyances of lands, may be to the inhabitants of this kingdom. By a person of great learning and judgment.
London : printed for Mat. Wotton, at the Three Daggers near the Inner-Temple-Gate in Fleetstreet, 1694.
ESTC No. R12109.Grub Street ID 60325.
Hale, Matthew.
A treatise, shewing how useful, safe, reasonable and beneficial, the inrolling & registring of all conveyances of lands may be to the inhabitants of this kingdom. By a person of great learning and judgment.
The second edition..
London : printed for Mat. Wotton, at the Three Daggers, near the Inner-Temple-Gate, in Fleet-street, 1695.
ESTC No. R177713.Grub Street ID 69722.
Hale, Matthew.
Magnetismus magnus: or, Metaphysical and divine contemplations on the magnet, or, loadstone. Written by Sir Matthew Hale, knight, some time Lord Chief-Justice of the King's-Bench.
London : printed for William Shrowsbury, at the Bible in Duck-lane, 1695.
ESTC No. R8784.Grub Street ID 128918.
Hale, Matthew.
A discourse touching provision for the poor. Written by Sir Matthew Hale, late Lord Chief Justice of the Kings-Bench.
London : printed for Mat. Gillyflower in Westminister-Hall; and Tim. Goodwin at the Queens-Head over-against St. Dunstan's Church in Fleetstreet. And sold by most booksellers, 1695. Price bound 6 d.
ESTC No. R5973.Grub Street ID 126359.
Hale, Matthew.
Contemplations moral and divine: in two parts. By Sir Matthew Hale, Knight; late chief justice of the Kings Bench. Imprimatur. Antonius Saunders, Reverendissimo Dno, Domino Gilberto Archiepisc. Cant. à Sacris Domesticis. Ex Ædibus Lambethanis Martii 13. 1675/6.
London : printed for William Shrowsbery, at the Bible in Duck-Lane; and Charles Harper, at the Flower-de-Luce over-against St. Dunstan's Church, in Fleet-Street, MDCXCV. [1695].
ESTC No. R24973.Grub Street ID 108701.
Hale, Matthew.
Contemplations moral and divine. The third part. By Sir Matthew Hale, Knight; sometime Chief Justice of the Kings Bench. Never before printed. To which is added the life of the author, written by the Reverend Father in God, Gilbert, Lord Bishop of Sarum.
London : Printed for William Shrowsbury, and are to be sold by Richard Wellington, at the Lute in St. Pauls Church-Yard, 1696.
ESTC No. R177708.Grub Street ID 69717.
Hale, Matthew.
Contemplations moral and divine. The third part. by Sir Matthew Hale, knight; sometime Chief Justice of the Kings Bench. Never before printed. To which is added The life of the author, written by the reverend father in God, Gilbert, Lord Bishop of Sarum.
London : printed for William Shrowsbury, at the Bible in Duke-Lane, 1696.
ESTC No. R14824.Grub Street ID 62805.
Hale, Matthew.
Contemplations moral and divine. The third part. By Sir Matthew Hale, Knight; sometime chief justice of the Kings Bench. Never before printed. To which is added The life of the author, written by the reverend father in God, Gilbert, Lord Bishop of Sarum.
London : printed for William Shrowsbury, and are to be sold by Richard Wellington, at the Lute in St. Pauls Church-Yard, 1696.
ESTC No. R215859.Grub Street ID 90819.
Hale, Matthew.
Some necessary and important considerations, (to be consider'd of by all sorts of people) taken out of (that late worthy and renowned judge) Sir Matthew Hale's writings: and therein his own experience of the inward and invisible guidance of the spirit of God.
The tenth edition..
London : printed, 1697. And are freely given away by me (who am given up to spend, and be spent, for the everlasting well-being of all mankind) John Pennyman, [1697].
ESTC No. R17681.Grub Street ID 69181.
Hale, Matthew.
Some necessary and important considerations, to be consider'd of by all sorts of people taken out of (that late worthy and renowned judge) Sr. Matthew Hale's writings: and therein his own experience of the inward, and invisible guidance of the spirit of God.
The sixth edition..
London : printed by John How,in Ram-head-Inn-Yard, in Fenchurch-street, 1697. And are freely given away by J[ohn]. P[ennyman]., [1697].
ESTC No. R177712.Grub Street ID 69721.
Hale, Matthew.
Some necessary and important considerations (to be consider'd of by all sorts of people). Taken out of (that late worthy and renowned judge) Sir. Matthew Hale's writings: and therein his own experience of the inward, and invisible guidance of the spirit of God.
The ninth edition..
London : printed by John How, in Ram-Head-Inn-Yard, in Fenchurch-street, 1697. And are freely given away by J[ohn]. P[ennyman]., [1697].
ESTC No. R221897.Grub Street ID 95973.
Hale, Matthew.
De successionibus apud anglos: or, A treatise of hereditary descents, shewing the rise, progress and successive alterations thereof. And also the laws of descent as they are now in use.
London : printed and are to be sold by A. Baldwin in Warwick-lane, 1699.
ESTC No. R14823.Grub Street ID 62804.
Hale, Matthew.
Contemplations moral and divine: In two parts. By Sir Matthew Hale, Knight; late chief justice of the Kings-Bench. Imprimatur. Antonius Saunders, Reverendissimo Dno, Domino Gilberto Archiepisc. Cant. à Sacris Domesticus. Ex Ædibus Lambethanus Martii 13. 1675/6.
London : printed for William Shrowsbury at the Bible in Ducklane; Dan. Midwinter and Tho. Leigh at the Rose and Crown in St. Paul's Church-yard, 1699.
ESTC No. R31524.Grub Street ID 114310.
Hale, Matthew.
Contemplations, moral and divine. The third part. By Sir Matthew Hale, knight; sometime Chief Justice of the King's-Bench. The second edition, with large additions, by the same author. To which is added, the life of the author written by the reverend father in God, Gilbert, Lord Bishop of Sarum.
London : printed by William Shrowsbury, at the Bible in Duke-Lane, 1700.
ESTC No. R42688.Grub Street ID 123917.
Hale, Matthew.
Contemplations moral and divine. The third part. By Sir Matthew Hale, knight; sometime Chief Justice of the King's-Bench. The second edition, with large additions, by the same author. To which is added, the life of the author, written by the Reverend father in God, Gilbert Lord Bishop of Sarum.
London : printed for William Shrowsbury, at the Bible in Duke-Lane, 1700.
ESTC No. R177709.Grub Street ID 69718.
Hale, Matthew.
De successionibus apud Anglos: or, A treatise of hereditary descents: shewing the rise, progress and successive alterations thereof. And also, the laws of descent, as they are now in use. With a scheme of pedigrees; and the degrees of parentage and consanguinity.
London : printed, and are to be sold by Robert Battersby, at Staple-Inn-Gate, next the Bars in Holborn, 1700.
ESTC No. R173.Grub Street ID 66716.
Hale, Matthew.
De successionibus apud Anglos the law of hereditary descents : shewing the rise, progress and successive alterations thereof : also the law of descent as now in use / by Sir Matthew Hale.
London : Printed for S.S. and are to be sold .., 1700.
ESTC No. R34924.Grub Street ID 117408.
Hale, Matthew.
Contemplations moral and divine. The third part. By Sir Matthew Hale, Knight; sometime Chief Justice of the King's-Bench. The second edition, with large additions, by the same author. To which is added, the life of the author, written by the Reverend Father in God, Gilbert, Lord Bishop of Sarum.
London : printed for William Shrowsbury, at the Bible in Duke-Lane, 1700.
ESTC No. R202309.Grub Street ID 79555.
Hale, Matthew.
Some necessary and important considerations, (to be consider'd of by all sorts of people) Taken out of (that late worthy and renowned judge) Sr Matthew Hale's account of The good steward. By J.P.
The second edition..
London : printed by John How, in Ram-Head-Inn-Yard, in Fenchurch-street, and are to be freely given away, [1700?].
ESTC No. R230300.Grub Street ID 102652.
Hale, Matthew.
Contemplations moral and divine: in two parts. By Sir Matthew Hale, knight; late chief justice of the Kings-Bench.
London : Printed for William Shrowsberry at the Bible in Duck-lane; Dan. Midwinter and Tho. Leigh at the Rose and Crown in St. Paul's Church-yard, 1705.
ESTC No. N28284.Grub Street ID 17517.
Hale, Matthew.
Contemplations moral and divine: in two parts. By Sir Matthew Hale, Knight; late Chief Justice of the Kings-Bench.
London : printed for William Shrowsberry at the Bible in Duck-Lane; Dan. Midwinter and Tho. Leigh at the Rose and Crown in St. Paul's Church-Yard, 1705.
ESTC No. T103514.Grub Street ID 157141.
Hale, Matthew.
The original institution, power and jurisdiction of parliaments. In two parts. Part I. Comprehending the Nature and Method of all Parliamentary Transactions: Collected out of the Tower Records, Journals of both Houses of Parliament, &c. Part II. Consisting of Observations, Rules and Orders, collected out of divers Journals of the House of Commons, enter'd in the Reigns of King Edward VI, Queen Mary, Queen Elizabeth, and King James I. With a declaration of the House of Commons, concerning their privileges, drawn up by a select committee. Being a manuscript of the late Judge Hales.
London : printed for Jacob Tonson, at Grays-Inn Gate; Benjamin Barker at the White-Hart, and Charles King at the Judge's-Head in Westminster-Hall, 1707.
ESTC No. T147045.Grub Street ID 193636.
Hale, Matthew.
Pleas of the crown: or, A methodical summary of the principal matters relating to that subject. By Sir Matthew Hale, Knight, Late Chief Justice of the King's Bench. To which is now added a learned treatise written by the same author, touching sheriff's accounts; and a tryal of witches at the assizes held at St. Edmonds Bury in Suffolk, before the said Sir Matthew Hales, when he was Lord Chief Baron of the Court of Exchequer.
London : printed by the assigns of Richard and Edward Atkyns, Esquires: for D. Brown, without Temple-Bar, and J. Walthoe, in the Middle-Temple-Cloysters, 1707.
ESTC No. N12162.Grub Street ID 2175.
Hale, Matthew.
A treatise, shewing how useful, safe, reasonable and beneficial, the inrolling and registring of all conveyances of lands maybe to the inhabitants of this Kingdom. Written by the Honourable Sir Matthew Hale, Knight, Sometime Lord Chief-Justice of His Majesty's Court of King's Bench.
The second edition..
London : printed for Mat. Wotton, at the Three Daggers near the Inner-Temple-Gate in Fleetstreet, MDCCX. [1710].
ESTC No. T147575.Grub Street ID 194117.
Hale, Matthew.
Contemplations moral and divine: in two parts. By Sir Matthew Hale, Kt. Late Chief Justice of the King's-Bench. Imprimatur, Antonius Saunders, Reverendissimo D no. Domino Gilberto Archiepisc. Cant. à Sacris Domesticis. Ex Aedibus Lambethanis Martii 13. 167?.
London : printed for D. Brown, J. Walthoe, J. Sprint, M. Wotton, G. Conyers, and D. Midwinter, MDCCXI. [1711].
ESTC No. T129379.Grub Street ID 178837.
Hale, Matthew.
The history and analysis of the common law of England. Written by a learned hand.
London] : In the Savoy: printed by J. Nutt, assignee of Edw. Sayer Esq; for J. Walthoe, in the Middle-Temple Cloysters; and at his shop in Stafford, 1713.
ESTC No. N7657.Grub Street ID 52591.
Hale, Matthew.
The history of the common law of England. Divided into twelve chapters. Written by a learned hand.
London] : In the Savoy: printed by J. Nutt, assignee of Edw. Sayer Esq; for J. Walthoe; and at his shop in Stafford, 1713.
ESTC No. T77292.Grub Street ID 299435.
Hale, Matthew.
The analysis of the law: being a scheme, or abstract, of the several titles and partitions of the law of England, digested into method. Written by a learned hand.
London] : In the Savoy: printed by John Nutt; for John Walthoe, 1713.
ESTC No. T77294.Grub Street ID 299437.
Hale, Matthew.
The sum of religion. He that fears the Lord of Heaven and Earth, walks humbly before Him, thankfully lays hold of the message of redemption by Jesus Christ, and strives to express his thankfulness by the sincerity of his obedience: .
London : sold at the Bible in George-yard, Lombard-street, [not before 1714].
ESTC No. R470675.Grub Street ID 125105.
Hale, Matthew.
The analysis of the law: being a scheme, or abstract, of the several titles and partitions of the law of England, digested into method. By Sir Matthew Hale, Kt late Lord Chief Justice of the Court of the King's Bench.
The second edition corrected: with the addition of an alphabetical table..
London : printed for John Walthoe in the Middle-Temple-Cloysters, and J. Walthoe Junr. against the Royal Exchange in Cornhill, 1716.
ESTC No. N14895.Grub Street ID 4646.
Hale, Matthew.
The history of the common law of England. Divided into twelve chapters. By Sir Matthew Hale, Kt. late Lord Chief Justice of the Court of King's Bench.
The second edition corrected..
London : printed for John Walthoe in the Middle - Temple - Cloysters, and John Walthoe Junr. against the Royal Exchange in Cornhill, 1716.
ESTC No. N8429.Grub Street ID 53336.
Hale, Matthew.
The history of the common law of England. Divided into twelve chapters. By Sir Matthew Hale, .
The second edition corrected..
London : printed for John Walthoe, and John Walthoe Junr., 1716.
ESTC No. N17021.Grub Street ID 6524.
Hale, Matthew.
Pleas of the crown: or, a methodical summary of the principal matters relating to that subject. By Sir Matthew Hale, .
London] : In the Savoy: printed by J. Nutt, Assignee of Edward Sayer; for Dan. Brown, J. Walthoe, M. Wotton, 1716.
ESTC No. N52744.Grub Street ID 36733.
Hale, Matthew.
Pleas of the crown: in two parts. Or, A methodical summary of the principal matters relating to that subject. With several hundred references, never before printed, to the ancient and modern books of the law. And likewise three other treatises by Sir Matthew Hale; viz. Of sheriffs accompts, Trial of witches, and Provisions for the poor. By Sir Matthew Hale, Knight, late Chief Justice of the King's Bench. Second part being a continuation of the Pleas of the crown, down to this time, in Sir Matthew Hale's method. By Giles Jacob, gent.
London : printed by J.N. assignee of Edw. Sayer, Esq; for D. Brown, at Exeter Change, M. Wotton, at the 3 Daggers in Fleetstreet, W. Mears, at the Lamb; J. Brown at the Black Swan without Temple-Bar, and T. Woodward, at the Inner-Temple-Gate, 1716.
ESTC No. T147426.Grub Street ID 193982.
Hale, Matthew.
Pleas of the crown: or, a methodical summary of the principal matters relating to that subject. By Sir Matthew Hale, ... The fifth edition. To which are now added, several hundred references, ... Also three other treatises by the same author; .
London] : In the Savoy: printed by J.N. Assignee of Edw. Sayer; for D. Brown, J. Walthoe, M. Wotton, W. Mears, J. Brown, and T. Woodward, 1716.
ESTC No. T147427.Grub Street ID 193983.
Hale, Matthew.
A short treatise touching sheriffs accompts. Written by the Honourable Sir. Matthew Hale, Kt. sometime Lord Chief Justice of His Majesty's Court of King's-Bench. To which is added, a tryal of witches, at the assizes held at Bury St. Edmonds, for the county of Suffolk, on the 10th of March 1664, before the said Sir Matthew Hale, Kt.
London : Printed for D. Brown, J. Walthoe, and M. Wotton, 1716.
ESTC No. N22869.Grub Street ID 12227.
Hale, Matthew.
The analysis of the law: being a scheme, or, abstract, of the several titles and partitions of the law of England, digested into method. By Sir Matthew Hale, Kt. late Lord Chief Justice of the Court of King's Bench.
The second edition corrected: with the addition of an alphabetical table..
London] : In the Savoy: printed by E. Nutt, (executrix of J. Nutt, assignee of Edw. Sayer Esq;) and sold by D. Browne, J. Tonson, G. Strahan, W. Taylor, J. Bowyer, H. Clements, T. Bever, B. Lintott, W. Mears, R. Gosling, J. Pemberton, J. Hooke, J. Browne, C. King, J. Osborne and T. Varnam, E. Nutt, L. Sweeting and F. Clay, booksellers in London and Westminster, 1716.
ESTC No. T114272.Grub Street ID 166094.
Hale, Matthew.
The history of the common law of England. Divided into twelve chapters. By Sir Matthew Hale, Kt. late Lord Chief Justice of the Court of King's Bench.
The second edition corrected..
London] : In the Savoy, printed by E. Nutt, (executrix of J. Nutt, assignee of Edw. Sayer Esq;) and sold by D. Browne, J. Tonson, G. Strahan, W. Taylor, J. Bowyer, H. Clements, T. Bever, B. Lintott, W. Mears, R. Gosling, J. Pemberton, J. Hooke, J. Browne, C. King, J. Osborne and T. Varnam, E. Nutt, L. Sweeting, and F. Clay, booksellers in London and Westminster, 1716.
ESTC No. T114273.Grub Street ID 166095.
Hale, Matthew.
A discourse touching provision for the poor. Written by Sir Matthew Hale, Kt. .
London : printed for D. Brown, J. Walthoe, and M. Wotton, 1716.
ESTC No. N54677.Grub Street ID 38351.
Hale, Matthew.
A short treatise touching sheriffs accompts. Written by Sir Matthew Hale, Kt. Sometime Lord Chief Justice of the King's-Bench.
London : printed for J. Walthoe in the Middle-Temple-Cloysters, and J. Walthoe junr. at the Golden Ball against the Royal Exchange in Cornhill, 1716.
ESTC No. T118387.Grub Street ID 169936.
Hale, Matthew.
A short treatise touching sheriffs accompts. Written by the honourable Sir Matthew Hale, ... To which is added A tryal of witches, at the assizes held at Bury St. Edmonds, ...
London: printed for D. Brown, J. Walthoe, and M. Wotton, 1716.
ESTC No. T147460.Grub Street ID 194017.
Hale, Matthew.
Contemplations moral and divine. In three volumes. By Sir Matthew Hale ... With his lordship's letters to his children. ... To which is now prefix'd, the life of the author, by the late Bishop Burnett.
London : printed for D. Browne, J. Walthoe, J. Sprint, G. Conyers, D. Midwinter, W. Mears, F. Clay, and T. Wotton, 1721.
ESTC No. N50242.Grub Street ID 34346.
Hale, Matthew.
Contemplations moral and divine. In two parts. By Sir Matthew Hale, .
London : printed for D. Brown, J. Walthoe, J. Sprint, M. Wotton, G. Conyers, and D. Midwinter, 1721.
ESTC No. N28257.Grub Street ID 17488.
Hale, Matthew.
Some necessary and important considerations, directed to all sorts of people. Taken out of (that late worthy and renowned judge) Sir Matthew Hale's writings. And herein is discover'd his own experience of the inward and invisible guidance of the Spirit of God. [Two lines o quotations].
Newport, Rhode-Island: Printed and sold by James Franklin, 1733.
ESTC No. W2361.Grub Street ID 333529.
Hale, Matthew.
De successionibus apud Anglos: or, the law of hereditary descents. Shewing the rise, progress, and successive alterations thereof: And also the Laws of Descent, as they are now in Use; with a Scheme of Pedigrees, and the Degrees of Parentage and Consanguinity. First published from an original manuscript of Sir Matthew Hale, Knt. Lord Chief Justice of England. By Sir Bartholomew Shower, Knt.
The second edition..
London : printed for Ward and Chandler, at the Ship between the Temple gates in Fleet-Street, and at their shop in Scarborough, MDCCXXXV. [1735].
ESTC No. T130648.Grub Street ID 179734.
Hale, Matthew.
Historia placitorum coron?. = The history of the pleas of the Crown, by Sir Matthew Hale Knt. sometime Lord Chief Justice of the Court of King's Bench. Now first published from his Lordship's original manuscript, and the several references to the records examined by the originals, with large notes. By Sollom Emlyn of Lincoln's-Inn Esq; To which is added a table of the principal matters. In two volumes. .
London] : In the Savoy: printed by E. and R. Nutt, and R. Gosling, (assigns of Edward Sayer, Esq;) for F. Gyles over-against Grays-Inn in Holborn, T. Woodward at the Half-Moon between the Two Temple-Gates in Fleet-Street, and C. Davis in Pater-Noster-Row, MDCCXXXVI. [1736.
ESTC No. N17759.Grub Street ID 7220.
Hale, Matthew.
Some necessary and important considerations directed to all sorts of people. Taken out of the writings of that late worthy and renowned judge Sir Matthew Hales [sic]. Wherein is discovered his own experience of the inward and invisible guidance of the Spirit of God.
[New York]: Printed and sold by William Bradford in New-York, 1736.
ESTC No. W33919.Grub Street ID 344512.
Hale, Matthew.
Historia placitorum coronæ. The history of the pleas of the Crown, by Sir Matthew Hale ... Now first published from his Lordship's original manuscript, and the several references to the records examined by the originals, with large notes. By Sollom Emlyn ... To which is added a table of the principal matters. In two volumes. .
London] : In the Savoy: printed by E. and R. Nutt, and R. Gosling, (assigns of Edward Sayer, Esq;) for F. Gyles, T. Woodward, and C. Davis, 1736.
ESTC No. T187517.Grub Street ID 223457.
Hale, Matthew.
The analysis of the law: being a scheme, or abstract, of the several titles and partitions of the law of England, digested into method. By Sir Matthew Hale, .
The third edition, corrected: with the addition of an alphabetical table..
London] : In the Savoy: printed by E. and R. Nutt, and R. Gosling, (assigns of Edw. Sayer, Esq;) for T. Waller, 1739.
ESTC No. T110502.Grub Street ID 163022.
Hale, Matthew.
The history of the common law of England. Divided into twelve chapters. By Sir Matthew Hale, .
The third edition, corrected..
London] : In the Savoy: printed by E. and R. Nutt, and R. Gosling, (assigns of Edw. Sayer, Esq;) for T. Waller, 1739.
ESTC No. T110503.Grub Street ID 163023.
Hale, Matthew.
Sir Matthew Hale's Sum of religion. To which is added, I. A poem on zeal. II. Real intercourse. III. A hymn. IV. A morning hymn. V. An evening hymn. VI. A midnight hymn.
Philadelphia: Printed and sold by B. Franklin, M,DCC,XL. [1740].
ESTC No. W37211.Grub Street ID 347980.
Hale, Matthew.
Sir Matthew Hale's Sum of religion. To which is added, I. A poem on zeal. II. Real intercourse. III. An hymn. IV. A morning hymn. V. An evening hymn. VI. A midnight hymn.
Philadelphia: Printed and sold by B. Franklin, M,DCC,XLI. [1741].
ESTC No. W38306.Grub Street ID 349127.
Hale, Matthew.
Some thoughts on the nature of true religion. By Sir Matthew Hale, Lord Chief Justice of the King's Bench. To which is added, a letter from Sir Walter Rawleigh to his lady, after his condemnation.
Glasgow: printed by Robert Foulis, sold by him, and Robert Smith, in Glasgow; and by Messieurs Hamilton and Balfour, Edinburgh, 1742.
ESTC No. T155641.Grub Street ID 199342.
Hale, Matthew.
The great audit; or, good steward. Being some necessary and important considerations to be considered of by all sorts of people. Taken out of (that late Worthy and Renowned Judge) Sir Matthew Hale's writings: And therein his own Experience of the Inward and Invisible Guidance of the Spirit of God.
Dublin: printed by and for I. Jackson, at the Globe in Meath-Street, 1745.
ESTC No. T163651.Grub Street ID 202067.
Hale, Matthew.
Contemplations, moral and divine. In two volumes. By Sir Matthew Hale, ... to which is prefixed, an account of his life and death. By ... Gilbert Burnet, ...
Glasgow: printed by R. Urie and Company, for J. Gilmour, 1745-46.
ESTC No. T165465.Grub Street ID 203724.
Hale, Matthew.
The great audit, or, Good steward: being some necessary and important considerations to be consider'd of by all sorts of people. Taken out of (that late worthy and renowned judge) Sir Matthew Hale's writings: and therein his own experience of the inward and invisible guidance of the Spirit of God. [Two lines from Psalms].
Boston: N.E.: Re-printed by J. Draper, for J. Edwards in Cornhill, 1749.
ESTC No. W37208.Grub Street ID 347976.
Hale, Matthew.
Several tracts written by Sr Matthew Hale, Kt ... viz. I. A discourse of religion on three heads. ... II. A letter to his children, ... III. A letter to one of his sons, ...
Dublin: printed for William Brien, 1753.
ESTC No. N22362.Grub Street ID 11725.
Hale, Matthew.
The opinion of Lord Chief Justice Hale, respecting the exercise of the M--l---- on Sundays, as may be collected from his Lordship's directions, touching the keeping of the Lord's day, to his children. .
London : printed for E. Withers, 1757.
ESTC No. N41753.Grub Street ID 28106.
Hale, Matthew.
A methodical summary of the law relating to the pleas of the Crown. Written originally by Sir Matthew Hale, Knt. sometime Lord Chief Justice of the Court of King's Bench. To which are now added many new references to the best authorities, and an improved table to the whole. The sixth edition, continued to the present year of His Majesty's reign. By a gentleman of the Inner Temple.
London] : In the Savoy: printed by Catherine Lintot, Law-Printer to the King's Most Excellent Majesty, for J. Worrall, at the Dove, in Bell-yard, near Lincoln's-Inn, MDCCLIX [1759.
ESTC No. T172260.Grub Street ID 209732.
Hale, Matthew.
Some necessary and important considerations, directed to all sorts of people, taken out of the writings of that late worthy and renowned judge Sir Matthew Hale. Wherein is discovered, his own experience of the inward and invisible guidance of the Spirit of God.
Woodbridge [N.J.]: Printed and sold, by James Parker, MDCCLIX. [1759].
ESTC No. W33920.Grub Street ID 344514.
Hale, Matthew.
The great audit, or good steward. Being some necessary and important considerations ... taken out of the writings of the late ... Sir Matthew Hale .
London : re-printed by Samuel Clarke, 1761.
ESTC No. T163652.Grub Street ID 202068.
Hale, Matthew.
Sir Matthew Hale's three epistles to his children. With directions concerning their religious observation of the Lord's day. To which is prefixed an account of the author's life.
Berwick: printed and sold by R. Taylor, MDCCLXII. [1762].
ESTC No. T104251.Grub Street ID 157800.
Hale, Matthew.
Contemplations, moral and divine. In two volumes. By Sir Matthew Hale, ... To which is prefixed, an account of his life and death. By ... Dr. Gilbert Burnet, ...
Glasgow: printed by J. Galbraith and Company, for J. Galbraith and J. Whitehill, 1763.
ESTC No. N4155.Grub Street ID 27894.
Hale, Matthew.
An epitome of Judge Hale's Contemplations, in his account of the good steward.
Bristol: re-printed by E. Farley, 1765.
ESTC No. T225089.Grub Street ID 247091.
Hale, Matthew.
Ein Marterwoch-Geschenkgen, für die Kenner und Bekenner des jetzt zwar unsichtbaren doch liebenswürdigsten Weiss und Rothen Freundes; (1 Pet. 1:8. Hohel. Sal. 5:10.) zur Erinnerung seiner Schönheit.
Philadelphia: gedruckt bey Henrich Miller, in der Zweyten-strasse, 1766.
ESTC No. W43528.Grub Street ID 353155.
Hale, Matthew.
An epitome of Judge Hale's Contemplations, in his account of the good steward.
Bristol: printed by S. Farley, in Castle-Green, MDCCLXVI. [1766].
ESTC No. T138633.Grub Street ID 186499.
Hale, Matthew.
A new-year's gift. By Sir Matthew Hale, Knight. Late Lord chief justice of England. Written by his own hand. The sum of religion.
New-London [Conn.]: Printed and sold by Timothy Green, 1768.
ESTC No. W37210.Grub Street ID 347979.
Hale, Matthew.
The sum of religion. He that fears the Lord of heaven and earth ...
Providence: Printed and sold at Shakespear's Head [by John Carter], 1771.
ESTC No. W34778.Grub Street ID 345433.
Hale, Matthew.
The great audit, or good steward. Being some necessary and important considerations, to be considered of by all sorts of people. Taken out of the writings of the late ... Sir Matthew Hale. .
London : printed for John Kendall in Colchester, 1773.
ESTC No. N65002.Grub Street ID 46935.
Hale, Matthew.
A methodical summary of the law relating to the pleas of the Crown, written originally by Sir Matthew Hale, Knt. some Time Lord Chief Justice of the Court of King's Bench. To which are now added many new References to the best Authorities, and an improved Table to the Whole. The seventh edition, continued to the present time. By a gentleman of the Inner Temple.
London : printed by his Majesty's law-printers; for B. Tovey, in Bell Yard, near Lincoln's Inn, MDCCLXXIII. [1773].
ESTC No. T110377.Grub Street ID 162912.
Hale, Matthew.
A New Year's gift. By Sir Matthew Hale, Knight, Lord Chief Justice of England. Written with his own hand. The sum of religion.
[Boston: s.n, ca. 1775].
ESTC No. W39271.Grub Street ID 349996.
Hale, Matthew.
Sir Matthew Hale's three epistles to his children. With directions concerning their religious observation of the Lord's Day. To which is prefixed an account of the author's life.
London : Sold by J. Dempster, R. Nelson, T. Prince, W. Draper, S. Tomlinson, M. King, P. Dixon, A. Bland, and C. Holland, [1775?].
ESTC No. T174558.Grub Street ID 211645.
Hale, Matthew.
The great audit, or good steward. Being some necessary and important considerations, to be considered of by all sorts of people. Taken out of the writings of the late Worthy and Renowned Sir Matthew Hale. And therein His own Experience of the Inward and Invisible Guidance of the Spirit of God.
London : printed for John Kendall in Colchester, MDCCLXXV. [1775].
ESTC No. T62446.Grub Street ID 287943.
Hale, Matthew.
Historia placitorum coronæ. The history of the pleas of the crown. By Sir Matthew Hale, ... Published from the original manuscripts by Sollom Emlyn, ... A new edition: carefully revised and corrected; with additional notes ... Together with an abridgement of the statutes ... enacted since the first publication ... By George Wilson, ... In two volumes. .
London : printed for T. Payne, P. Uriel, W. Owen, L. Davis, B. White [and 11 others in London], 1778.
ESTC No. T109135.Grub Street ID 161949.
Hale, Matthew.
Historia placitorum coron?. The history of the pleas of the crown. By Sir Matthew Hale, Lord Chief Justice Of The Court Of King's Bench. Published from the original manuscripts by Sollom Emlyn, of Lincoln's-Inn, Esq. A new edition: carefully revised and corrected; with additional notes And References To Modern Cases Concerning The Pleas Of The Crown. Together with an abridgement of the statutes Concerning Felonies Which Have Been enacted since the first publication Of This Work. By George Wilson, Serjeant at Law. Vol. I.
Dublin: printed for E. Lynch, No. 6, in Skinner-Row, and at her Shop in the Four-Courts, M,DCC,LXXVIII. [1778].
ESTC No. N9068.Grub Street ID 53965.
Hale, Matthew.
The history of the common law; by Sir Matthew Hale, Knt. Lord Chief Justice of England in the reign of Charles the Second. The fourth edition corrected; with notes, references, and some account of the life of the author, by Charles Runnington, Esq. Barrister at Law.
London : printed by W. Strahan and M. Woodfall, law-printers to the King's most excellent Majesty; for T. Cadell, in the Strand, MDCCLXXIX. [1779].
ESTC No. T100933.Grub Street ID 154851.
Hale, Matthew.
An epitome of Judge Hale's contemplations, in his account of the good steward.
[Bristol]: Printed for T. Mills, 1780.
ESTC No. T103997.Grub Street ID 157601.
Hale, Matthew.
The great audit; or good steward. Being some necessary and important considerations to be considered of by all sorts of people. Taken out of (that late worthy and renowned judge) Sir Matthew Hale's writings.
The thirteenth edition..
London] : Printed in the year, 1788.
ESTC No. N697.Grub Street ID 50639.
Hale, Matthew.
Sir Matthew Hale's affectionate epistles to his children. With directions concerning the religious observation of the Lord's Day. To which is prefixed, the life of the author.
Salisbury: printed by B. C. Collins, and sold by S. Crowder, Paternoster-Row, London; and the other booksellers, M.DCC.LXXXVIII. [1788].
ESTC No. T180970.Grub Street ID 217582.
Hale, Matthew.
Sir Matthew Hale's affectionate epistles to his children. With directions concerning the religious observation of the Lord's Day. To which is prefixed, the life of the author.
Dublin: printed for W. Chamberlain, P. Byrne, P. Wogan, W. Sleater, Grueber and M'Allister, and W. Jones, 1790.
ESTC No. N23270.Grub Street ID 12632.
Hale, Matthew.
The great audit; or, Good steward: Being some necessary and important considerations for all sorts of people. Taken out of the writings of the late Worthy and Renowned Sir Matthew Hale. And therein his own experience of the inward and invisible guidance of the spirit of God.
London : Printed and sold by Darton and Harvey, No. 55, GraceChurch-Street, 1791.
ESTC No. N2407.Grub Street ID 13436.
Hale, Matthew.
The history of the common law. By Sir Matthew Hale, Knt. Lord Chief Justice of England in the Reign of Charles the Second. The fourth edition corrected; with notes, references, and some account of the life of the author. By Charles Runnington, Esq. Barrister at Law.
Dublin: printed for James Moore, 45, College-Green, MDCCXCII. [1792].
ESTC No. T78586.Grub Street ID 300366.
Hale, Matthew.
Contemplations moral and divine. In two volumes. By Sir Matthew Hale, ... To which is prefixed, an account of his life and death. By ... Dr. Gilbert Burnet, ... The fifth edition, corrected. .
London : printed for J. Matthews, C. Foster; and sold by J. & J. Fairbairn, Edinburgh, 1792.
ESTC No. N32125.Grub Street ID 20921.
Hale, Matthew.
The history of the Common law; by Sir Matthew Hale. The fifth edition, (with considerable additions) illustrated with notes and references, ... By Charles Runnington, .
London : printed for G. G. and J. Robinson; J. Debrett; Ogilvy and Speare; and W. Clarke and Son, 1794.
ESTC No. T146482.Grub Street ID 193121.
Hale, Matthew.
The sum of religion. Written by Judge Hale, Lord Chief Justice of England, and was found in the closet, amongst his other papers, after his decease.
London] : Printed and sold by Darton and Harvey, Gracechurch-street, [1795?.
ESTC No. T208468.Grub Street ID 237330.
Hale, Matthew.
The sum of religion. Written by Judge Hale, Lord Chief Justice of England, and was found in the closet, amongst his other papers after his decease.
Nottingham: printed and sold by C. Sutton, [1795?].
ESTC No. T177956.Grub Street ID 214881.
Hale, Matthew.
The jurisdiction of the Lords House, or Parliament, considered according to antient records. By Lord Chief Justice Hale. To which is prefixed, by the editor, Francis Hargrave, Esq. an introductory preface, including a narrative of the same jurisdiction from the accession of James the First.
London : printed for T. Cadell, jun. and W. Davies, (successors to Mr. Cadell, ) in the Strand, 1796.
ESTC No. T110601.Grub Street ID 163116.
Hale, Matthew.
The sum of religion. Written by Judge Hale, Lord Chief Justice of England, and was found in the closet, amongst his other papers after his decease.
London] : Printed and sold by Darton and Harvey, Gracechurch-street, 1796.
ESTC No. T195532.Grub Street ID 229200.
Hale, Matthew.
The sum of religion. Written by Judge Hale, Lord Chief Justice of England, and was found in the closet amongst his other papers after his decease.
London] : Printed and sold by Darton and Harvey, Gracechurch-street, 1798.
ESTC No. T126485.Grub Street ID 176424.
Hale, Matthew.
Considerations on the nature of true religion, on the conscience, the right use of God's creatures, and other important subjects. Written by Sir Matthew Hale.
Norwich: printed by Stevenson and Matchett, 1798.
ESTC No. N27256.Grub Street ID 16508.
Hale, Matthew.
A New Year's gift. By Sir Matthew Hale, Knight, late Lord Chief Justice of England. Written with his own hand. The sum of religion.
[Boston?: s.n, ca. 1800].
ESTC No. W39272.Grub Street ID 349997.
Hale, Matthew.
The great audit; or, good steward. Being some necessary and important considerations to be considered of by all sorts of people. Taken out of the writings of The late Worthy and Renowned Sir Matthew Hale. and Therein His Own Experience of the Inward and Invisible Guidance of the Spirit of God.
Whitby: printed by T. Webster, 1800.
ESTC No. T105819.Grub Street ID 159036.
Hale, Matthew.
Historia placitorum coronae. The history of the pleas of the Crown. By Sir Matthew Hale, Lord Chief Justice of the Court of King's Bench. Published from the original manuscripts by Sollom Emlyn, of Lincoln's-Inn, Esq. With additional notes and references to modern cases concerning the pleas of the Crown. By George Wilson, Serjeant at Law. A new edition. And an abridgment of the statutes relating to felonies continued to the present time, with notes and references, by Thomas Dogherty, Esq. of Clifford's-Inn. In two volumes. .
London : printed by E. Rider, for T. Payne, H. L. Gardner, W. Otridge, E. and R. Brooke and J. Rider, J. Butterworth, W. Clarke and Son, R. Pheney, J. Cuthell, J. Walker, J. Bagster, and R. Bickerstaff, 1800.
ESTC No. T101060.Grub Street ID 154965.
Hale, Matthew.
A father's advice to his children, in three letters; written by ... Sir Matthew Hale, Knt. To which is added The sum of religion, by the same author.
London : printed and sold by Watts and Bridgewater; sold, also, by Williams, [1800?].
ESTC No. T190931.Grub Street ID 226000.