Publications of James Houstoun


  • Houstoun, James. Some new and accurate observations geographical, natural and historical. Containing a true and impartial account of the situation, product, and natural history of the coast of Guinea, so far as relates to the improvement of that trade, for the advantage of Great Britain in general, and the Royal African Company in particular. By James Houstoun, M.D. Humbly address'd to the Honourable the Court of Assistants of the Royal African Company of Great Britain. London : printed for J. Peele, at Locke's Head in Pater-noster-Row, 1725. ESTC No. T49307. Grub Street ID 277145.
  • Houstoun, James. A true and impartial account of the rise and progress of the South Sea Company; Wherein the assiento contract is particularly considered: proving the great advantages that would have accrued to England by a faithful observance of it on the part of Spain. With observations on a late pamphlet, intituled, considerations on the American trade, before and since the establishment of the South Sea Company, detecting the many gross misrepresentations of the author. Humbly addressed to admiral Vernon. By a Gentleman now resident in Jamaica. London : Printed for T. Cooper, at the Globe, in Pater-noster-Row, MDCCXIIII. [1714]. ESTC No. T51813. Grub Street ID 279016.
  • Houstoun, James. Dr. Houstoun's memoirs of his own life-time. Containing, amongst other curious particulars, during upwards of thirty years travels, an account of I. The Scotch settlement at Darien. II. The great advantages accruing to Great Britain from an incorporated union of the whole island. III. The rise and progress of the Royal African and Assiento Companies. IV. The rise and fall of the grand South Sea Bubble, &c. in 1720. V. The conduct of the Spaniards, and the manner of their trade in the West Indies. VI. The secret expedition thither in 1740. VII. Some anecdotes of the government of Jamaica, with the characteristicks of its inhabitants. VIII. The importance of Cape-Breton to the British nation. IX. An essay on genius and education. Collected from the author's original manuscripts, and publish'd by Jacob Bickerstaff, M.A. London : printed for Lawton Gilliver, in Oxford-arms Passage, Warwick-Lane, and sold by W. Owen, near Temple-bar, Fleet-Street, MDCCXLVII. [1747]. ESTC No. N71373. Grub Street ID 51656.
  • Houstoun, James. Dr. Houstoun's memoirs of his own life-time. Containing, among other curious particulars, during upwards of thirty years travels, an account of I. The Scotch settlement at Darien. II. The great Advantages accruing to Great Britain from an Incorporated Union of the Whole Island. III. The Rise and Progress of the Royal African and Assiente Companies. IV. The Rise and Fall of the grand South Sea Bubble, &c. in 1720. V. The Conduct of the Spaniards, and Manner of their Trade in the West Indies. VI. The secret Expedition thither in 1740. Vii. Some Anecdotes of the Government of Jamaica, with the Characteristicks of its Inhabitants. Viii. The Importance of Cape-Breton to the British Nation. IX. An Essay on Genius and Education. Collected from the Author's Original Manuscripts, and Publish'd by Jacob Bickerstaff, M. A. London : printed for Laiston Gilliver, in Oxford-Arms Passage, Warwick-Lane, and sold by W. Owen, near Temple-Bar, Fleet-Street, MDCCXLVII. [1747]. ESTC No. T114818. Grub Street ID 166602.
  • Houstoun, James. Memoirs of the life and travels of James Houstoun, M. D. (formerly Physician and Surgeon-General to the Royal African Company's Settlements in Africa, and late Surgeon to the Royal Assiento Company's Factories in America.) from the year 1690 to this present year 1747. Containing A great Variety of curious Observations that occurred during the Course of above Thirty Years Travels in divers Foreign Parts. Collected and written by his own hand. London : printed for the author, and sold by J. Robinson, in Ludgate-Street; J. Wood, under the Royal-Exchange, and W. Owen, near Temle-Bar, Fleet-Street, MDCCXLVII. [1747]. ESTC No. T114832. Grub Street ID 166618.
  • Houstoun, James. The works of James Houstoun, M.D. Containing memoirs of his life and travels in Asia, Africa, America, and most parts of Europe. From the year 1690, to the present time. London : printed for the author; and sold by S. Bladon, 1753. ESTC No. T114871. Grub Street ID 166655.