Publications of John Downame


  • Downame, John. The Christian vvarfare. Wherein is first generally shewed the malice, power and politike stratagems of the spirituall enemies of our saluation, Sathan and his assistants the world and the flesh; with the meanes also whereby the Christian may vvithstand and defeate them. And afterwards more speciallie their particvlar temptations, against the seuerall causes and meanes of our saluation, whereby on the one side they allure vs to security and presumption, and on the other side, draw vs to doubting and desperation, are expressed and answered. Written especially for their sakes who are exercised in the spirituall conflict of temptations, and are afflicted in conscience in the sight and sense of their sinnes. By I. Dovvname preacher of Gods word. At London: imprinted by Felix Kyngston, for Cuthbert Burby, and are to be sold at his shop in Paules Church-yard at the signe of the Swan, 1604. ESTC No. S1536. Grub Street ID 145967.
  • Downame, John. The Christian vvarfare. Wherein is first generally shewed the malice, power and politike stratagems of the spirituall enemies of our saluation, Satan and his assistants the world and the flesh; with the meanes also whereby the Christian may withstand and defeate them. An afterwards more speciallie their particular temptations ... are expressed and answered. Written especially for their sakes who are exercised in the spirituall conflict of temptations, and are afflicted in conscience in the sight and sense of their sinnes. By I. Dovvname, Batcheler in diuinitie and preacher of Gods word. At London: Imprinted by Felix Kyngston, for Elizabeth Burby, widow, and are to be sold at her shop in Paules Churchyard at the signe of the Swan, 1608. ESTC No. S110213. Grub Street ID 130315.
  • Downame, John. Lectures vpon the foure first chapters of the prophecie of Hosea. Wherein the text is expounded and cleered, and such profitable instructions obserued, and applied, as naturally arise out of this holie Scripture, and are fit for these times. By Iohn Dovvname Bacheler in Diuinitie, and preacher of Gods word. At London: Imprinted by Felix Kyngston [and T. East], for William Welby, and are to be sold at his shop in Pauls Churchyard at the signe of the Greyhound, 1608. ESTC No. S110223. Grub Street ID 130325.
  • Downame, John. Foure treatises, tending to disswade all Christians from foure no less hainous then common sinnes; namely, the abuses of swearing, drunkenesse, whoredome, and briberie. Wherein the greatnes and odiousnesse of these vices is discouered; and the meanes and remedies; which ma either preserue, or weane men from them, are propounded. Whereunto is annexed a treatise of anger. By Iohn Dovvname batcheler in diuinitie, and preacher of Gods word. At London: imprinted by Felix Kyngston, for William Welby, and are to be sold at his shop in Pauls Church-yard at the signe of the Greyhound, 1608. ESTC No. S119025. Grub Street ID 138671.
  • Downame, John. Spirituall physicke, to cure the diseases of the soule, arising from the superfluitie of choller, prescribed out of Gods vvord. Vvherein the chollericke man may see the dangerousnesse of this disease of the soule vnjust anger, the preseruatiues to keepe him from the infection thereof, and also fit medicines to restore him to health being alreadie subject to his raging passion. Profitable for all to vse, seeing all are patients in this disease of impatiencie. Edinburgh: printed by Andro Hart, and are to be sold at his shop on the north-side of the gate, a little beneath the crosse, anno dom. 1608. ESTC No. S91770. Grub Street ID 150736.
  • Downame, John. Foure treatises, tending to disswade all Christians from foure no lesse hainous then common sinnes; namely, the abuses of swearing, drunkennesse, whoredome, and briberie. Wherein the greatnes and odiousnesse of these vices is discouered; and the meanes and remedies, which may either preserue, or weane men from them, are propounded. Whereunto is annexed a treatise of anger. By Iohn Dovvname Batcheler in Diuinitie, and preacher of Gods word. At London: Imprinted by Felix Kyngston, for William Welby, and are to be sold at his shop in Pauls Church-yard at the signe of the Greyhound, 1609. ESTC No. S110222. Grub Street ID 130324.
  • Downame, John. The Christian warfare. Wherein is first generally shewed the malice, power and politike stratagems of the spirituall enemies of our saluation, Satan and his assistants the world and the flesh; with the meanes also whereby the Christian may withstand and defeate them. And afterwards more speciallie their particular temptations, against the seuerall causes and meanes of our saluation, whereby on the one side, they allure vs to securitie and presumption, and on the other side, draw vs to doubting and desperation, are expressed and answered. Written especially for their sakes who are exercised in the spirituall conflict of temptations, and are afflicted in conscience in the sight and sense of their sinnes. By I. Dovvname, Batcheler in diuinitie and preacher of Gods word. At London: Imprinted by Felix Kyngston for Elizabeth Burby, widow, and are to be sold at her shop in Paules Churchyard at the signe of the Swan, 1609. ESTC No. S121188. Grub Street ID 140783.
  • Downame, John. The second part of The Christian warfare; or the contempt of the world: tending to arme and confirme the weake Christian against the tentations of prosperitie, and to preserue him from the immoderate loue of earthly things; by prouing vnto him, that both the world and worldly vanities are so base and worthlesse, that they deserue not to be esteemed and loued of a Chrstian, in comparison of Gods spirituall graces and heauenly ioyes. Written as an antidote against the poyson of worldlie loue ... By I. Dovvname Bachelar in Diuinitie, and preacher of Gods word. At London: Imprinted by Felix Kyngston, 1611. ESTC No. S110217. Grub Street ID 130319.
  • Downame, John. The Christian vvarfare. Wherein is first generallie shewed the malice, power and politike stratagems of the spirituall enemies of our saluation, Satan and his assistants the world and the flesh; with the meanes also whereby the Christian may withstand and defeate them. And afterwards more speciallie their particular tentations ... are expressed and answered. Written especially for their sakes who are exercised in the spirituall conflict of tentations, and are afflicted in conscience in the sight and sense of their sinnes. By I. Dovvname, Batcheler in Diuinitie and preacher of Gods word. At London: Imprinted by Felix Kyngston, for William Welby, and are to be sold at his shop in Paules Churchyard at the signe of the Swan, 1612. ESTC No. S110215. Grub Street ID 130317.
  • Downame, John. Foure treatises, tending to disswade all Christians from foure no lesse hainous then common sinnes; namely, the abuses of swearing, drunkennesse, whoredome, and bribery. Wherein the greatnesse and odiousnesse of these vices is discouered; and the meanes and remedies, which may either preserue, or weane men from them, are propounded. Whereunto is annexed a treatise of anger. By Iohn Dovvname Batcheler in Diuinity, and preacher of Gods word. At London: Imprinted by W. Hall and I[ohn] B[eale] for Michaell Baker, and are to be sold at his shop in Pauls Church-yard, at the signe of the Greyhound, 1613. ESTC No. S122026. Grub Street ID 141586.
  • Downame, John. Consolations for the afflicted: or, The third part of The Christian warfare: wherein is shewed, how the Christian may be armed and strengthened against the tentations of the world on the left hand, arising from trouble and affliction; and inabled to beare all crosses and miseries with patience, comfort and thanksgiuing. By I. Dovvname, Batchelar in Diuinitie, and preacher of Gods word. At London: Printed by Iohn Beale [and Felix Kingston], for W. Welby, and are to be sold at his shop in Pauls Churchyard at the signe of the Swan, 1613. ESTC No. S110221. Grub Street ID 130323.
  • Downame, John. The plea of the poore. Or A treatise of beneficence and almes-deeds: teaching how these Christian duties are rightly to be performed, and perswading to the frequent doing of them. Necessary for these times, wherein the workes of mercy are so much neglected, or so vndiscreetly practized. Published by Iohn Downame Bachelour in Diuinitie. London: Printed by Edward Griffin for Ralph Mabbe, and are to be sold at his shop in Paules Church-yard at the signe of the Grey-hound, 1616. ESTC No. S110224. Grub Street ID 130326.
  • Downame, John. The conflict betvveene the flesh and the spirit. Or the last part of The Christian warfare: wherein is described the nature of these combatants, the malice and power of the flesh and fleshly lusts, with the meanes whereby we may subdue and ouercome them. By Iohn Dovvname Batchelar in Diuinitie, and preacher of Gods Word. London: Printed by William Iones, dwelling in Red-crosse streete, neere Saint Gyles Church without Cripple-gate, 1618. ESTC No. S110219. Grub Street ID 130321.
  • Downame, John. The second part of the Christian vvarfare; or the contempt of the world: tending to arme and confirme the vveake Christian against the tentations of prosperity, and to preserue him from the immoderate loue of earthly things; by prouing vnto him, that both the world and worldly vanities are so base and worthlesse, that they deserue not to be esteemed and loued of a Christian, in comparison of Gods spirituall graces and heauenly ioyes. VVritten as an antidote against the poyson of worldly-loue, with which in these daies so many are infected; and that it might reuiue that heauenly fire of spirituall and diuine loue, which is so much cooled and abated. By I. Dovvname Bachelar in Diuinitie, and preacher of Gods Word. London: printed by Thomas Snodham, 1619. ESTC No. S5274. Grub Street ID 149077.
  • Downame, John. A guide to godlynesse or a Treatise of a Christian life shewing the duties wherein it consisteth, the helpes inabling & the reasons parswading vnto it ye impediments hindering ye practise of it, and the best meanes to remoue them whereunto are added diuers prayers and a treatise of carnall securitie by Iohn Douname Batcheler in Diuinitie and minister of Gods Word. Printed at London: By Felix Kingstone [and William Stansby] for Ed: Weuer & W: Bladen at the north dore of Pauls, [1622]. ESTC No. S121690. Grub Street ID 141262.
  • Downame, John. A treatise, tending to perswade all Christians to the contempt of the world and earthly things, to arme and confirme them against the tentations of prosperity, and to preserue them from the immoderate loue of earthly vanities; by prouing, that both the the world and worldly things are so base and worthlesse, that they deserue not to be esteemed and loued of a Christian, in comparison of Gods spirituall graces and heauenly glory. VVritten as an antidote against the poyson of worldly-loue, with which in these dayes so many are infected: and that it maight reuiu that heauenly fire of spirituall and diuine loue, which is so much cooled and quenched. By I. Downame Bachelar in Diuinite, and Preacher of Gods Word. London: printed by T. S[nodham]. for Iohn Budge, and [are to be] sold at his shop at the signe of the Greene Dragon in Pauls Church-yard, 1624. ESTC No. S96016. Grub Street ID 153851.
  • Downame, John. The summe of sacred diuinitie briefly & methodically propounded: more largly & cleerely handled and explaned. Published by John Downhame Batchelor in Diuinitie. London: printed by William Stansby, [1625?]. ESTC No. S5154. Grub Street ID 148993.
  • Downame, John. A guide to godlynesse or a Treatise of a Christian life shewing the duties wherein it consisteth, the helpes inabling & the reasons, parswading vnto it ye impediments hindering ye practise of it, and the best meanes to remoue them whereunto are added diuers prayers and a treatise of carnall securitie by Iohn Douname Batcheler in Diuinitie. Printed at London: By F. K[ingston] for Philemo[n] Stephens [and] Christopher Meredith dwelling at ye golden Lyon in Pauls Churchyard, 1629. ESTC No. S118222. Grub Street ID 137884.
  • Downame, John. A briefe concordance to the Bible of the last translation. Seruing for the more easie finding out of the most vsefull places therein contained. Alphabetically digested, and allowed by authoritie to be printed, and bound with the Bible in all volumes. Imprinted at London: [By Humphrey Lownes and Robert Young], 1630. ESTC No. S122325. Grub Street ID 141877.
  • Downame, John. A briefe concordance to the Bible of the last translation. Seruing for the more easie finding out of the most vsefull places therein contained. Alphabetically digested, and allowed to be printed, and bound with the Bible in all volumes. London: printed by [H. Lownes and R. Young for] the assignes of Clement Cotton, 1630. ESTC No. S120381. Grub Street ID 140016.
  • Downame, John. A briefe concordance to the Bible seruing for the more easie finding out of the most vsefull places therein contained : alphabetically digested, and allowed by authority to be printed, and bound with the Bible in all volumes. Imprinted at London: [R. Young], 1631. ESTC No. S4616. Grub Street ID 148573.
  • Downame, John. A briefe concordance, or table to the Bible of the last translation. Serving for the more easie finding out of the most usefull places therein contained. Collected and alphabetically digested by John Downame, B. in Divinity. Allowed by his majesties speciall priviledge to bee printed, and bound with the Bible in all volumes. London: printed by the assignes of Cl. Cotton, 1633. ESTC No. S124673. Grub Street ID 144022.
  • Downame, John. The Christian warfare against the Deuill world and flesh wherein is described their nature, the maner of their fight and meanes to obtaine victorye. By Iohn Downame Bachelar in Divinity and preacher of Gods word. London: Printed by William Stansby [for Philemon Stephens and Christopher Meredith, 1634]. ESTC No. S121705. Grub Street ID 141277.
  • Downame, John. A briefe concordance, or table to the Bible of the last translation. Seruing for the more easie finding out of the most vsefull places therein contained. Carefully perused and enlarged by Mr. Iohn Downame, B. in Diuinitie. Allowed by his Maiesties speciall priuiledge to be printed, and bound with the Bible in all volumes. London: Printed by [Robert Young for] the assignes of Clement Cotton. Cum priuilegio, [1635?]. ESTC No. S351. Grub Street ID 147727.
  • Downame, John. A briefe concordance or table to the Bible of the last translation. Seruing for the more easie finding out of the most vsefull places therein contained. Carefully perused and enlarged by Mr. Iohn Downame, B. in Diuinitie. Allowed by his maiesties special priuiledge to be printed, and bound with the Bible in all volumes. London: Printed by [R. Young for] the assignes of Clement Cotton. Cum privilegio, [1635?]. ESTC No. S114607. Grub Street ID 134317.
  • Downame, John. A treatise against lying. Wherein is shevved vvhat it is, the nature and causes of this sinne, the divers kindes of it; and that all of them are sinfull, and unlawfull, with the motives and meanes to preserve us from it, or to cure us of it. By John Dovvname, B. of D. an preacher of Gods Word. London: Imprinted by Felix Kyngston for Nicolas Bourne, and are to bee sould at his shop, at the South entrance of the Royall Exchange, 1636. ESTC No. S116622. Grub Street ID 136310.
  • Downame, John. A concordance, or table to the Bible of the last translation: vvhereby one of meane capacitie may easily find out (by remembring any part of the sentence) the most usefull places contained in holy Scripture. Carefully perused and enlarged by Master John Downame, B. in Divinitie. Allowed by his Majesties speciall priviledge to be printed, and bound with the Bible in all volumes. London: printed by [by R. Young for] the assignes of Clement Cotton, 1639. ESTC No. S122323. Grub Street ID 141875.
  • Downame, John. A briefe concordance, or table to the Bible of the last translation: serving for the more easie finding out of the most usefull places therein contained. Carefully perused and enlarged by Mr. John Downame, BÂÂ.†©n Divinitie. Allowed by his Majesties speciall priviledge to be printed, and bound with the Bible in all volumes. London: printed for N. Bourne and R. Young, 1642. ESTC No. R8707. Grub Street ID 128851.
  • Downame, John. A treatise tending to direct the weak Christian, how he may rightly celebrate the sacrament of the Lords Supper. What he must do before in the time of preparation. What in the action itself. And what afterwards; that so he may communicate with profit and comfort. Unto which are annexed divers meditations, fit to be used in the time of preparation. And others in the action of receiving. With some short prayers and ejaculations. By John Downame, B.D. and minsiter of Gods word. London: printed for Philemon Stephens, at the Guilded Lion in Pauls Church-yard, 1645. ESTC No. R25005. Grub Street ID 108730.
  • Downame, John. A briefe concordance, or table to the Bible of the last translation: serving for the more easie finding out of the most usefull places therein contained. Carefully perused and enlarged by Master John Downame, B. in Divinitie. Allowed by His Majesties speciall priviledge to be printed, and bound with the Bible in all volumes. London: printed for N. Bourne and J. Young, and are to be sold by Charles Green, at the signe of the Gun in Ivie-Lane, 1646. ESTC No. R34992. Grub Street ID 117463.
  • Downame, John. A briefe concordance, or table to the Bible of the last translation. Serving for the more easie finding out of the most usefull places therein contained. Carefully perused and enlarged by Master John Downame, B. in Divinitie. Alowed by His Majesties speciall priviledge t be printed and bound with the Bible in all volumes. London: printed for N. Bourn and J. Young, and are to be sold by Charles Green at the signe of the Gun in Ivie lane, 1646. ESTC No. R232750. Grub Street ID 104427.
  • Downame, John. A brief concordance, or table to the Bible of the last translation: serving for the more easie finding out of the most useful places therein contained. Carefully perused and enlarged by Master John Downame, B. in Divinitie. Published by autoritie [sic]. London: printed by W. Du-Gard for N. Bourn, and are to bee sold by E.D. and N.E. at the sign of the Gun in Ivie-lane, An. Dom. 1652. ESTC No. R231718. Grub Street ID 103701.
  • Downame, John. A brief concordance, or table to the Bible of the last translation, serving for the more easie finding out of the most useful places therein contained. Carefully perused and enlarged by Mr John Downame, B. in Divinitie. Published for the good of the common-wealth. London: printed by W[illiam]. Du-Gard for N[icolas]. Bourn, and are to bee sold at the South entrance of the Royal Exchange, 1652. ESTC No. R175975. Grub Street ID 68673.
  • Downame, John. A brief concordance, or table to the Bible of the last translation. Serving for the more easie finding out of the most useful places therein conteined [sic]. Carefully perused and enlarged by Mr John Downame, B. in Divinitie. Allowed by his Majesties special privilege to bee printed, and bound with the Bible in all volumes. London: printed by William Du-Gard, for Nicolas Bourn, and are to bee sold by Edward Dod, and Nathanael Ekins, at the Gun in Ivie-Lane, 1652. ESTC No. R8706. Grub Street ID 128850.
  • Downame, John. A brief concordance, or, Table to the Bible of the last translation serving for the more easie finding out of the most useful places therein contained / carefully perused and enlarged by Mr. John Downame ... London: Printed by W. Du-Gard for N. Bourn .., 1654. ESTC No. R5899. Grub Street ID 126296.
  • Downame, John. A brief concordance, or table to the Bible of the last translation, serving for the more easie finding out of the most usefull places therein contained. Carefully perused and enlarged by Mr. John Downame, B. in Divinitie. Published for the good of the Common-wealth. London: printed by W. Du-Gard for N. Bourn, and are to be sold at the South entrance of the Royal Exchange, 1654. ESTC No. R221845. Grub Street ID 95931.
  • Downame, John. Annotations upon all the books of the Old and Nevv Testament: this third, above the first and second, edition so enlarged, as they make an entire commentary on the sacred scripture: the like never before published in English. Wherein the text is explained, doubts resolved, scriptures parallel'd, and various readings observed; by the labour of certain learned divines thereunto appointed, and therein employed, as is expressed in the preface. London: printed by Evan Tyler, 1657. ESTC No. R222538. Grub Street ID 96508.
  • Downame, John. A brief concordance, or table to the Bible of the last translation, serving for the more easie finding out of the most useful places therein contained. Carefully perused and inlarged by Mr. John Downame, B. in Divinitie. Published for the good of the common-wealth. London: printed by James Flesher for Nicolas Bourn, and are to be sold at the South Entrance of the Royal Exchange, 1659. ESTC No. R34993. Grub Street ID 117464.
  • Downame, John. A brief concordance, or table to the Bible of the last translation, serving for the more easie finding out of the most useful places therein contained. Carefully perused and inlarged by Mr. John Downame, B. in divinity. Published for the good of the kingdome. London : printed by James Flesher for Thomas Clark, and are to be sold at the south entrance of the Royal Exchange, 1663. ESTC No. R37768. Grub Street ID 119963.
  • Downame, John. A brief concordance, or table to the Bible of the last translation, serving for the more easie finding out of the most useful places therein contained. Carefully perused and inlarged by Mr. John Downame, B. in Divinity. Published for the good of the kingdome. London : printed for Robert Horn, and are to be sold at the south entrance of the Royal Exchange, 1671. ESTC No. R6711. Grub Street ID 127032.
  • Downame, John. A brief concordance, or table to the Bible of the last translation, serving for the more easie finding out of the most useful places therein contained. Carefully perused and inlarged by Mr. John Downame, B. in Divinity. Published for the good of the kingdome. London : printed for Robert Horn, and are to be sold at the south entrance of the Royal Exchange, 1671. ESTC No. R231433. Grub Street ID 103496.
  • Downame, John. Spiritual physick. To cure the diseases of the soul, arising from superfluity of choler, prescribed out of Gods Word. Wherein the chlerick man may see the dangerousness of this disease of the souls unjust anger, the preservatives to keep him from the infection thereof, and also fit medicines to restore him to health, being already subject to this raging passion. Profitable for all to use, seeing all are patients in this disease of impatiency. By John Downam. Glasgow: by Robert Sanders, printer to the city and university, and are to be sold in his shop, 1673. ESTC No. R171831. Grub Street ID 65921.
  • Downame, John. A brief concordance, or table to the Bible of the last translation. Serving for the more easie finding out of the most useful places therein contained. Carefully perused and inlarged by Mr. John Downame, B. in Divinity. And allowed by the special privilege of His Majesty K. Charles I. of blessed memory, to be printed and bound with the Bible in all volumes. The whole book now carefully revised and made more useful by many hundreds of additions and amendments.. London : printed for Tho. Horne, and are to be sold at the South-Entrance of the Royal Exchange, 1688. ESTC No. R33461. Grub Street ID 116076.
  • Downame, John. A brief concordance, or table to the Bible of the last translation. Serving for the more easie finding out of the most useful places therein contained. Carefully perused and inlarged by Mr. John Downame, B. in Divinity. And allowed by the special privilege of His Majesty K. Charles I. of blessed memory, to be printed and bound with the Bible in all volumes. The whole book now carefully revised and made more useful by many hundreds of additions and amendments. London : printed fot Tho. Horne, and are to be sold at the South-Entrance of the Royal Exchange, 1689. ESTC No. R228004. Grub Street ID 100760.
  • Downame, John. A brief concordance, or table to the Bible of the last translation. Serving for the more easie finding out of the most useful places therein contained. Carefully perused and inlarged by Mr. John Downame, B. in divinity. And allowed by the special privilege of His Majesty K. Charles I. of blessed memory, to be printed and bound with the Bible in all volumes. The whole book now carefully revised and made more useful by many hundreds of additions and amendments. London : printed for Tho. Horne, and are to be sold at the South-Entrance of the Royal Exchange, MDCXC [1690]. ESTC No. R171830. Grub Street ID 65920.
  • Downame, John. A brief concordance or table to the Bible of the last translation. Serving for the more easie finding out of the most useful places therein contained. Carefully perused and inlarged by Mr. John Downame, B. D. Allowed by the special priviledge of His Majesty King Charles I. of blessed memory, to be printed and bound with the Bible in all volumes. The whole book now carefully revised, and made more useful by many hundreds of additions and amendments. London : printed for Tho. Horne, at the South-Entrance of the Royal-Exchange, M DCC XIX [1719]. ESTC No. N72260. Grub Street ID 52058.
  • Downame, John. A brief concordance, or table to the Bible of the last translation. Serving for the more easy finding out of the most useful Places therein contained. Carefully perused and inlarged by Mr. John Downame, B. in Divinity. And allowed by the special Privilege of His Majesty K. Charles I. of Blessed Memory, to be Printed and Bound with the Bible in all Volumes. The whole Book now carefully revised and made more useful by many Hundred of Additions and Amendments. London : printed by D. Leach, for R. Ware, at the Bible and Sun in Amen Corner, 1726. ESTC No. T123064. Grub Street ID 173572.
  • Downame, John. A brief concordance or table to the Bible of the last translation. Serving for the more easy finding out of the most useful Places therein contained. Carefully Perused and Enlarged by Mr John Downame, B. D. Allowed by his Majesty's Special Privilege to be Printed and Bound with the Bible in all Volumes. London : printed by D. Leach, for R. Ware, at the Bible and Sun in Amen Corner, the End Pater-Noster-Row, MDCCXXVI. [1726]. ESTC No. T82284. Grub Street ID 302865.
  • Downame, John. A brief concordance or table to the Bible of the last translation. Serving for the more easy finding out of the most useful Places therein contained. Carefully Perused and Enlarged by Mr John Downame, B. D. Allowed by his Majesty's Special Privilege to be Printed and Bound with the Bible in all Volumes. London : printed by D. Leach, for R. Ware, at the Bible and Sun in Amen Corner, the End Pater-Noster-Row, MDCCXXVI. [1726]. ESTC No. T81468. Grub Street ID 302266.
  • Downame, John. A brief concordance or table to the Bible of the last translation. Serving for the more easy finding out of the most useful Places therein contained. Carefully Perused and Enlarged by John Downame, B. D. Allowed by his Majesty's Special Privilege to be Printed and Bound with the Bible in all Volumes:[.]. London : printed for R. Ware, at the Bible and Sun in Amen-Corner, near Pater-Noster-Row, MDCCXXXII. [1732]. ESTC No. T81465. Grub Street ID 302264.
  • Downame, John. A brief concordance or table to the Bible of the last translation: Serving for the more easy finding out of the most useful Places therein contained. Carefully Perused and Enlarged by John Downame, B.D. Allowed by his Majesty's Special Privilege to be Printed and Bound with the bible in all Volumes. London : printed for R. Ware, at the Bible and Sun in Amen-Corner, near Pater-Noster-Row, MDCCXXXIX. [1739]. ESTC No. T167013. Grub Street ID 205158.
  • Downame, John. A brief concordance or table to the Bible of the last translation: ... by John Downame, . London : printed for R. Ware, 1745. ESTC No. T81466. Grub Street ID 302265.
  • Downame, John. A brief concordance or table to the Bible of the last translation: ... by John Downame, . London : printed for R. Ware, 1752. ESTC No. T167016. Grub Street ID 205161.
  • Downame, John. A brief concordance or table to the Bible of the last translation: Serving for the more easy finding out of the most useful places therein contained. Carefully perused and enlarged by John Downame, B.D. allowed by his majesty's special privilege to be printed and bound with the Bible in all volumes. London : Printed for C. Ware, at the Bible and Sun on Ludgate-hill, MDCCLVII. [1757]. ESTC No. T184193. Grub Street ID 220554.
  • Downame, John. A brief concordance or table to the Bible of the last translation. Serving for the more easy finding out of the most useful Places therein contained. Carefully Perused and Enlarged by John Downame, B. D. Allowed by his Majesty's Special Privilege to be Printed and Bound with the Bible in all Volumes. London : printed for C. and R. Ware, at the Bible and Sun on Ludgate-Hill, MDCCLXII. [1762]. ESTC No. T81469. Grub Street ID 302267.
  • Downame, John. A brief concordance or table to the Bible of the last translation: Serving for the more easy finding out of the most useful Places therein contained. Carefully Perused and Enlarged by John Downame, B. A. lowed by his Majesty's Special Privilege to be Printed and Bound with the Bible in all Volumes. London : printed for C. and R. Ware, at Numb. 36, on Ludgate-Hill, MDCCLXVII. [1767]. ESTC No. T91943. Grub Street ID 311765.
  • Downame, John. A brief concordance or table to the Bible of the last translation: serving for the more easy finding out of the most useful places therein contained. Carefully perused and enlarged by John Downame, B.A. Allowed by his Majesty's special privilege to be printed and bound with the Bible in all volumes. London : printed for J. and F. Rivington, in St. Paul's Church-Yard; and S. Crowder and T. Longman, in Pater-Noster Row, MDCCLXXIII. [1773]. ESTC No. T90032. Grub Street ID 309885.
  • Downame, John. A brief concordance to the Holy Bible. Serving for the more easy finding out of the most useful places therein contained. Carefully perused and enlarged by Mr John Downame, Bachelor in Divinity. Edinburgh: printed by D. Paterson, for C. Elliot Bookseller, Parliament-close, MDCCLXXIV. [1774]. ESTC No. T167710. Grub Street ID 205752.
  • Downame, John. A brief concordance or table to the Bible of the last translation: serving for the more easy finding out of the most useful places therein contained. Carefully perused and enlarged by John Downame, B.A. [One line from Psalms]. Trenton: Printed and sold by Isaac Collins, M.DCC.XC [i.e., 1791]. ESTC No. W28443. Grub Street ID 338616.