Miege, Guy.
A relation of three embassies from His Sacred Majestie Charles II to the great Duke of Muscovie, the King of Sweden, and the King of Denmark. Performed by the Right Hoble the Earle of Carlisle in the years 1663 & 1664. Written by an attendant on the embassies, and published with his Lps approbation.
London : printed for John Starkey at the Miter in Fleet-street near Temple-Barr, 1669.
ESTC No. R15983.Grub Street ID 63871.
Miege, Guy.
A new dictionary French and English, with another English and French; according to the present use, and modern orthography of the French. Inrich'd with new words, choice phrases, and apposite proverbs; digested into a most accurate method; and contrived for the use both of English and foreiners. By Guy Miege, Gent.
London : printed by Tho. Dawks, for Thomas Basset, at the George, near Cliffords-Inn, in Fleetstreet, 1677.
ESTC No. R917.Grub Street ID 129274.
Miege, Guy.
A new French grammar; or, a nevv method for learning of the French tongue. To which are added, for a help to young beginners, a large vocabulary; and a store of familiar dialogues. Besides four curious discourses of cosmography, in French, for proficient learners to turn into English. By Guy Miege, author of the New French dictionary, professor of the French tongue, and of geography.
London : printed for Thomas Bassett, at the George near St. Dunstan's Church in Fleet-street, 1678.
ESTC No. R34532.Grub Street ID 117056.
Miege, Guy.
A new dictionary French and English, with another English and French; according to the present use, and modern orthography of the French. Enrich'd with new words, choice phrases, and apposite proverbs; digested into a most accurate method, and contrived for the use both of English and foreiners. To which is added, A collection of barbarous French; or, of obsolete, provincial, mis-spelt, and made words. For the satisfaction of such as read old French authors. By Guy Miege, Gent.
London : printed for Thomas Basset, at the George, near Cliffords-Inne in Fleetstreet, 1679.
ESTC No. R5346.Grub Street ID 125798.
Miege, Guy.
A dictionary of barbarous French. Or, A collection, by way of alphabet, of obsolete, provincial, mis-spelt, and made words in French. Taken out of Cotgrave's Dictionary, with some additions. A work much desired, and now performed, for the satisfaction of such as read Old French. By Gvy Miege, author of the New French dictionary.
London : printed by J.C. for Thomas Basset, at the Sign of the George near Clifford's-Inne, in Fleetstreet, 1679.
ESTC No. R677.Grub Street ID 127081.
Miege, Guy.
A short and easie French grammar, fitted for all sorts of learners; according to the present use and modern orthography of the French, with some reflexions upon the ancient use thereof. Humbly dedicated to the honourable Dean Goodwin, Esquire. By Guy Miege gent.
London : printed for Tho. Basset at the sign of the George in Fleetstreet, 1682.
ESTC No. R224085.Grub Street ID 97807.
Miege, Guy.
A new cosmography, or Survey of the whole world; in six ingenious and comprehensive discourses. With a previous discourse, being a new project for bringing up young men to learning. Humbly dedicated to the Honourable Henry Lyttelton, Esq; by Guy Miege, gent.
London : printed for Thomas Basset, at the George in Fleet-street, near St. Dunstans Church, 1682.
ESTC No. R10178.Grub Street ID 58571.
Miege, Guy.
The present state of Denmark. By Guy Miege, author of the New cosmography, or survey of the whole world.
London : printed for Tho. Basset, at the George in Fleetstreet, near St. Dunstan's Church, 1683.
ESTC No. R214182.Grub Street ID 89502.
Miege, Guy.
A short dictionary English and French, with another French and English. According to the present use, and modern orthography. By Guy Miege, Gent.
London : printed for Tho. Basset, at the George in Fleet-street, near St. Dunstans Church, 1684.
ESTC No. R15489.Grub Street ID 63423.
Miege, Guy.
Nouvelle methode pour apprendre l'anglois. Avec une nomenclature, francoise & angloise; un recueil d'expressions familieres; et des dialogues, familiers, & choisis. Par le Sieur Guy Miege.
A Londres : for Thomas Bassett at the George near S. Dunstans's Church in Fleet-street, 1685.
ESTC No. R219305.Grub Street ID 93858.
Miege, Guy.
A short dictionary English & French, with another French & English. According to the present use, and modern orthography. The second edition. To which is added a new and certain rule, for finding out the genders of French nouns. By Guy Miege, gent.
London: Printed for Tho. Basset, at the George in Fleetstreet, near St. Dunstan's Church, 1685.
ESTC No. R41055.Grub Street ID 122791.
Miege, Guy.
The grounds of the French tongue. Or, A new French grammar; according to the present use, and modern orthography. Digested into a short, easy, and accurate method. With a vocabulary, and dialogues. By Guy Miege, Gent.
London : printed for T. Basset at the George near St. Dunstan's, 1687.
ESTC No. R7984.Grub Street ID 128194.
Miege, Guy.
The great French dictionary. In two parts. The first, French and English; the second, English and French; according to the ancient and modern orthography. Wherein each language is set forth in its greatest latitude: the various senses of words, both proper and figurative are orderly digested; and illustrated with apposite phrases, and proverbs: the hard words explained; and the proprieties adjusted. To which are prefixed the grounds of both languages, in two grammatical discourses; the one English, and the other French. By Guy Miege, Gent.
London : printed by J. Redmayne, for Tho. Basset, at the George near St. Dunstan's Church in Fleet-street, MDCLXXXVIII. [1688].
ESTC No. R12669.Grub Street ID 60819.
Miege, Guy.
The English grammar; or, The grounds and genius of the English tongue. With a prefatory discourse, concerning its original, and excellency; and, at the end, a collection of the English monosyllables; being the radical part of the language. Wherein true spelling and pointing, the usual abbreviations, the several hands used in writing, and characters in printing, the variety of styles, and the method of books, &c. are explained. By Guy Miege, author of the Great French dictionary.
London : printed by J. Redmayne, for the author, at his house next to the Nag's head, in James Street, Covent-Garden, 1688.
ESTC No. R9393.Grub Street ID 129481.
Miege, Guy.
The short French dictionary, in two parts. The I. English and French, II. French and English; according to the present use, and modern orthography. By Guy Miege, Gent.
The third edition, with some improvements..
London : printed for Thomas Bassett at the George near St. Dunstan's Church in Fleet-street, 1690.
ESTC No. R219307.Grub Street ID 93860.
Miege, Guy.
A complete history of the late revolution, from the first rise of it to this present time. In three parts. Shewing I. The growth of popery in England, under the reign of the late King Charles; by his connivence, French intrigues, & c. II. Our imminent ruin in his popish successor King James his reign; by his invading of our laws, religion, and liberties. With a particular and impartial narrative of the ficticious Great Belly. III. Our wonderful and happy deliverance, by the Prince of Orange, our present King's famous expedition over into England. With an Account of the late King James's desertion and abdication, of Their Majesties happy succession to the Throne of Great Britain, and of their prosperous reign hitherto, by defeating the Jacobites dark plots in England, by suppressing their open rebellion in Scotland, and by the total reduction of Ireland. T which is added A postcript, by way of seasonable advice to the Jacobite party.
London : printed for Samuel Clement at the Lute in St. Paul's Church-Yard, 1691.
ESTC No. R18999.Grub Street ID 76804.
Miege, Guy.
The English grammar, setting forth the grounds of the English tongue; and particularly its genius in making compounds and derivatives, with many other useful and curious observations. Wherein are also explained the usual abbreviations, the several hands used in writing, and characters in printing, the variety of styles, the art of true pointing, and the way to understand books. With a prefatory discourse about the original, and excellency of the English tongue; and at the end, an alphabetick collection of the monosyllables, being a treasure of orthography for writers, and of Rhimes for poets. A necessary work in general for all persons desirous to understand the grounds and genius of the English, and very proper to prepare young men for the Latine tongue. By Guy Miege, Gent.
The second edition..
London : printed for John Wyat at the Rose, and Samuel Clement at the Lute in St. Paul's Church-Yard, 1691.
ESTC No. R17403.Grub Street ID 67341.
Miege, Guy.
The new state of England under Their Majesties K. William and Q. Mary. In three parts. Containing I. A geographical description of England in general, and of every county in particular, with usefull and curious remarks. II. An account of the inhabitants, their original, genius, customs, laws, religion, and government; of their present Majesties, their court, power, revenues, &c. III. A description of the several courts of judicature; viz. the High Court of Parliament, Privy Council, and all other courts; with a catalogue of the present officers in Church and state. By G.M.
London : printed by H. C[lark]. for John Wyat, at the Golden Lion in St. Paul's Church-yard, 1691.
ESTC No. R218967.Grub Street ID 93555.
Miege, Guy.
The new state of England under Their Majesties K. William and Q. Mary. In three parts. Containing I. A geographical description of England in general, and of every county in particular; with usefull and curious remarks. II. An account of the inhabitants, their original, genius, customs, laws, religion, and government; of their present Majesties, their court, power, revenues, &c. III. A description of the several courts of judicature; viz. the High Court of Parliament, Privy Council, and all other courts; with a catalogue of the present officers in Church and state. By G.M.
London : Printed by H.C. for Jonathan Robinson, at the Golden Lion in St. Paul's Church-yard, 1691.
ESTC No. R31230.Grub Street ID 114035.
Miege, Guy.
The short French dictionary, in two parts. The I. English and French, II. French and English; according to the present use, and modern orthography. By Guy Miege, gent.
Hague: by Henry van Bulderen, bookseller, in the Poten, at the sign of Mezeray, M.DC.XCI. [1691].
ESTC No. R32089.Grub Street ID 114830.
Miege, Guy.
The new state of England under Their Majesties K. William and Q. Mary. In three parts. Containing I. A geographical description of England and Wales, with useful and curious remarks. II. An account of the inhabitants, their original, genius, customs, laws, religion, and government; of Their present Majesties, their court, power, revenue, &c. III. A description of the high court of Parliament, Privy-Council, and all courts of judicature, with a catalogue of the present officers in church and state. The second edition, with great improvements. By G.M.
London : printed for R. Clavell, H. Mortlock and J. Robinson in St. Paul's Church-yard, 1693.
ESTC No. R24388.Grub Street ID 108186.
Miege, Guy.
The new state of England under Their Majesties K. William and Q. Mary. In three parts. Containing I. A geographical description of England and Wales, with useful and curious remarks. II. An account of the inhabitants, their original, genius, customs, laws, religion, and government; of Their present Majesties, their court, power, revenue, &c. III. A description of the High Court of Parliament, Privy-Council, and all courts of judicature, with a catalogue of the present officers in Church and State. The second edition, with great improvements, and alterations, to June 1694. By G.M.
London : printed for R. Clavel, H. Mortlock, and J. Robinson in St. Paul's Church-yard, 1694.
ESTC No. R216235.Grub Street ID 91162.
Miege, Guy.
Miscellanea: or, A choice collection of wise and ingenious sayings, &c. of princes, philosophers, statesmen, courtiers, and others; out of several antient and modern authors: for the pleasurable entertainment of the nobility and gentry of both sexes. By G.M. Dispersa Colligo.
London : printed for William Lindsey at the Angel near Lincolns-Inn in Chancery-Lane, 1694.
ESTC No. R31228.Grub Street ID 114032.
Miege, Guy.
Delight and pastime: or, Pleasant diversion for both sexes. Consisting of good history and morality, witty jests, smart repartees, and pleasant fancies; free from obscene and prophane expressions, too frequent in other works of this kind; whereby the age is corrupted in a great measure, and youth inflamed to loose and wanton thoughts. This collection may serve to frame their minds to such flashes of wit, as may be agreeable to civil and genteel conversation. By G.M.
London : printed for J. Sprint at the Bell, and G. Conyers at the Gold-Ring in Little-Britain, over-against the Sugar-Loaf, 1697.
ESTC No. R42126.Grub Street ID 123567.
Miege, Guy.
Miege's last and best French grammar: or, A new method to learn French. Containing the quintessence of all other grammars; with such plain and easy rules, as will make one speedily perfect in that famous language. To which is added, a vocabulary. A set of dialogues; a collection of facetious stories; ingenious repartees, letters, &c. Both in French and English. By Guy Miege, Gent. author of the French dictionary.
London : printed for William Freeman, at the Bible over against the Middle Temple-Gate, and Abel Roper at the Black Boy in Fleetstreet, 1698.
ESTC No. R230730.Grub Street ID 102979.
Miege, Guy.
Methode abbregee pour apprendre l'anglois avec une nomenclature & un corps de dialogues un recueil de plaisans contes, & bons mots, de lettres galantes, & caracteres bien tournez par le sieur Guy Miege auteur du dictionaire anglois.
London : Printed for William Freeman ... and Abel Roper ..., 1698.
ESTC No. R42172.Grub Street ID 123603.
Miege, Guy.
The new state of England, under our present monarch K. William III. In three parts. Containing, I. A general account of England. With a particular description of its several counties, cities, universities, market adn borough-towns; and a survey of Wales. II. Of the original, temper, genius, language, trade, religion and government of the English. Of the king's prerogative, power, court, and revenues, &c. Of the nobility and gentry, clergy, and commonalty. With a succinct history of the kings and queens of England, to this time. III. A description of the high court of Parliament, Privy Council, and all Court of Judicature. And a catalogue of the present officers, in church and state.
The third edition, with great improvements..
London : printed for R. Clavel, H. Mortlock, and J. Robinson, in St. Paul's Church-Yard, 1699.
ESTC No. R32427.Grub Street ID 115140.
Miege, Guy.
The short French dictionary, in two parts. The I. English and French, II. French and English; according to the present use, and modern orthography. By Guy Miege, Gent.
Hague: by Henry van Bulderen, bookseller, in the Poten, at the sign of Mezeray, M. DC. XCIX [1699].
ESTC No. R39712.Grub Street ID 121589.
Miege, Guy.
Miege's last and best French grammar: or, A new method to learn French. Containing the quintessence of all other grammars; with such plain and easy rules, as will make one speedily perfect in that famous language. To which is added, a vocabulary; a set of dialogues, a collection of facetious stories, ingenious repartees, letters, &c. Both in French and English. By Guy Miege, Gent. author of the French dictionary.
The second edition..
London : printed for William Freeman, at the Bible, against the Middle Temple Gate in Fleet-street, 1706.
ESTC No. N72294.Grub Street ID 52079.