Dove, Jonathan.
Dove. 1629. A new almanacke for the yeare since the nativitie of our Saviour Christ 1629. Being the first after leape-yeare. Calculated for the famous Vniversitie and towne of Cambridge; being 24 degrees in longitude, and in latitude 52 degrees and 17 minut. By Ionath. Dove.
[Cambridge]: Printed by the printers to the Vniversitie of Cambridge, 1629.
ESTC No. S122448.Grub Street ID 141994.
Dove, Jonathan.
Dove 1631. A new almanack, for the yeare since the nativity of our Saviour MDCXXXI being the third after bissextile or leap yeare, and from our Saviours passion, 1598. Calculated properly for the famous universitie and town of Cambridge, where the pole is elevated above th horizon 52 degrees and 17 minut.
[Cambridge]: Printed by the printers to the Universitie of Cambridge, 1631.
ESTC No. S124447.Grub Street ID 143811.
Dove, Jonathan.
Dove. An almanack for the yeare since the nativitie of our Saviour 1634. Being the second after bissextile or leap-yeare; and from our Saviours passion 1601. Calculated properly for the famous Universitie and town of Cambridge, where the pole is elevated above the horizon 52 degrees and 17 minutes.
[Cambridge]: Printed by the printers to the Vniversitie of Cambridge, [1634].
ESTC No. S116078.Grub Street ID 135771.
Dove, Jonathan.
Dove. An almanack for the yeare since the nativitie of our Lord, 1635. Being the third after bissextile or leap-yeare; and from our Saviours passion, 1602. Being also the yeare from the Worlds creation, 5584. Calculated properly for the famous Universitie and town of Cambridge, where the pole is elevated above the horizon 52 degrees and 17 minutes.
[Cambridge]: Printed by the printers to the Vniversitie of Cambridge, [1635].
ESTC No. S116080.Grub Street ID 135773.
Dove, Jonathan.
Dove. An almanack for the yeare of our Lord God 1637. Being the first after bissextile or leap-yeare; and from the worlds creation (according to Scaliger, Calvisius, Helvicus and such others) 5586. Calculated properly for the famous universitie and town of Cambridge, where the pole is elevated above the horizon 52 degrees and 17 minutes.
[Cambridge]: Printed by the printers to the Vniversitie of Cambridge, [1637].
ESTC No. S90128.Grub Street ID 149595.
Dove, Jonathan.
Dove. An almanack for the yeare of our Lord God 1638. Being the sencond after bissextile or leap-yeare; and from the worlds creation (according to Scaliger, Calvisius, Helvicus and such others) 5587. Calculated properly for the famous Universitie and town of Cambridge, where the pole is elevated above the horizon 52 degrees and 17 minutes.
[Cambridge]: Printed by the printers to the Universitie of Cambridge, [1638].
ESTC No. S115720.Grub Street ID 135410.
Dove, Jonathan.
Dove an almanack for the yeare of our Lord God 1639, being the third after bissextile or leap-yeare, and from the worlds creation (according to Scaliger, Calvisius, Helvicus and such others) 5588 : calculated properly for the famous universitie and town of Cambridge, where the pole is elevated above the horizon 52 degrees and 17 minutes.
[Cambridge, England]: Printed by the printers to the Universitie of Cambridge ;, London: Are to be soulde by Will Harris ..,[?1639].
ESTC No. S1446.Grub Street ID 145882.
Dove, Jonathan.
Dove. An almanack for the yeare of our Lord God, 1640: being bissextile or leap-yeare, and from the worlds creation (according to Scaliger, Calvisius, Helvicus and such others) 5589. Calculated properly for the famous Universitie and town of Cambridge, where the pole is elevated 52 degr. 17 min.
[Cambridge]: Printed by Th. Buck, printer to the Universitie of Cambridge, [1640].
ESTC No. S1449.Grub Street ID 145885.
Dove, Jonathan.
Dove. An almanack for the yeare of our Lord God 1641: being the first after the bissextile or leap-yeare, and from trhe worlds creation (according to Scaliger, Calvisius, Helvicus, and such others) 5590. Calculated properly for the famous Universitie and Town of Cambridge, where the pole is elevated 52 degr. 17 min.
Cambridge: printed by Roger Daniel, printer to the Univesity of Cambridge, [1641].
ESTC No. R16540.Grub Street ID 64373.
Dove, Jonathan.
Dove. An almanack for the yeare of our Lord God, 1641. Being the first after bissextile or leap-yeare, and from the worlds creation (according to Scaliger, Calvisius, Helvicus, and such others.) 5590. Calculated properly for the famous University, and towne of Cambridge, where the pole is elevated 52 degr. 17 min.
London: printed by J[ohn]. Norton for the Company of Stationers, 1641.
ESTC No. R172393.Grub Street ID 66268.
Dove, Jonathan.
Dove. Speculum anni a?artu Virginis M DC XLII. Or an almanack for the yeare of Our Lord God 1642: being the second after bissextile or leap-yeare, and from the world's creation (according to the accounts in scripture) 5573: which is lesse by 18 years then Scaliger reckoneth. Calculated properly for the famous Universitie and town of Cambridge, where the pole is elevated 52 degr. 17 min.
[Cambridge, Cambridgeshire]: Universitie of Cambridge, 1642.
ESTC No. R16956.Grub Street ID 64762.
Dove, Jonathan.
Dove speculum anni à partu Virginis MDCXLIII, or, An almanack for the year of our Lord God 1643 ...
London: By A.N. for the Company of Stationers, 1643.
ESTC No. R32718.Grub Street ID 115403.
Dove, Jonathan.
Dove. Speculum anni à partu Virginis MDCXLIII, or An almanack for the year of our Lord God 1643 ...
[Cambridge]: printed by Roger Daniel, printer to the Universitie of Cambridge, [1643].
ESTC No. R172394.Grub Street ID 66269.
Dove, Jonathan.
Dove. Speculum anni ... Or an almanack for ... 1644.
[Cambridge]: Printed by R[oger]. Daniel, printer to the Universitie of Cambridge, [1644].
ESTC No. R172395.Grub Street ID 66270.
Dove, Jonathan.
Dove. Speculum anni à partu Virginis M DC XLIII. Or an almanack for the yeare of our Lord God 1644. Being bissextile or leap-yeare, wherein is contained a probable conjecture of the temper of the foure seasons, all the lunations, planetary configurations, celestiall observations, and astrologicall predictions concerning the weather in every moneth throughout the yeare. Calculated properly for the famous University and town of Cambridge.
Printed at London: by I[ohn]. N[orton]. for the Company of Stationers, 1644.
ESTC No. R172396.Grub Street ID 66271.
Dove, Jonathan.
Speculum anni à partu Virginis 1645, or, An almanack for the yeare of our Lord God 1645 being the next after bissextile or leap-year : wherein is contained a probable conjectum of the temper of the foure seasons, all the luminations, planetary configurations [...].
[London: Printed by A.N. for the Company of Stationers, 1645].
ESTC No. R25237.Grub Street ID 108943.
Dove, Jonathan.
Dove. Speculum anni à partu Virginis MDC XLV. Or An almanack for the yeare of our Lord God 1645: being the next after bissextile or leap-year. Wherein is contained a probable conjecture of the temper of the foure seasons, all the lunations, planetary configurations, celestiall observations, & astrological predictions concerning the weather in every moneth of this yeare. Calculated properly for the famous universitie and town of Cambridge, where the pole is elevated 52. degr. 17. min.
[Cambridge]: Printed by R. Daniel, printer to the Universitie of Cambridge, [1645].
ESTC No. R172397.Grub Street ID 66272.
Dove, Jonathan.
Dove. Speculum anni à partu Virginis MDCXLVI. Or an almanack for the yeare of our Lord God 1646. Being second after besextile or leap-yeare, and from the worlds creation. 5678. Calculated properly for the famous University and town of Cambridge, where the pole is elevated 52 degr. 17 min. But may indifferently serve for any other place within this kingdome.
Printed at London: by T[homas]. W[arren]. for the Company of Stationers, 1646.
ESTC No. R172398.Grub Street ID 66273.
Dove, Jonathan.
Dove. Speculum anni à partu virginis MDCXLVII. Or An almanack for the yeare of our Lord God 1647 being the third after Bissextile of leap-yeare, and from the worlds creation, 5657. Calculated properly for the famous Vuniversity and town of Cambrigde, where the pole is elevated 52 degr 17. min. For may indifferently serve for any other place within this kingdom.
London: printed at London for the Company of Stationers, [1647].
ESTC No. R32720.Grub Street ID 115406.
Dove, Jonathan.
Dove. Speculum anni à partu Virginis MDCXLVII. Or An almanack for the yeare of our Lord God 1647. Being the third after bissextile or leap-yeare, and from the worlds creation. 5657. Calculated properly for the famous universitie and town of Cambridge, where the pole is elevated 52. degr. 17. min. but may indifferently serve for any other place within this kingdome.
[Cambridge]: Printed by R. Daniel, printer to the Universitie of Cambridge, [1647].
ESTC No. R172399.Grub Street ID 66274.
Dove, Jonathan.
Dove. Speculum anni à partu Virginis MDCXLVIII. Or an almanack for the yeare of our Lord God 1648. Being bissextile, or leap-yeare, and from the worlds creation 5658. Calculated properly for the famous Universitie and town of Cambridge where the pole is elevated 52. degr. 17. min. But may indifferently serve for any other place within this kingdom.
[Cambridge]: printed by R[oger]. Daniel, printer to the Universitie of Cambridge, [1648].
ESTC No. R170184.Grub Street ID 64929.
Dove, Jonathan.
Dove. Speculum anni à partu virginis MDCXLVIII. Or an almanack for the year of our Lord God 1648. Being bissextile or leap-yeare, and from the worlds creation, 5658. Calculated properly for the famous Vniversitie and town of Cambridge, where the pole is elevated 52 degr. 17.min. But may indifferently serve for any other place within this kingdome.
Printed at London: for the Company of Stationers, [1648].
ESTC No. R172400.Grub Street ID 66277.
Dove, Jonathan.
Dove. Speculum anni à partu virginis MDCXLIX. Or, An almanack for the yeare of our Lord God 1649. Being the first after bissextile, or leap-yeare, and from the worlds creation 5659. Calculated properly for the famous Vniversitie and town of Cambridge, where the pole is elevated 52. degr. 17. minutes. But may indifferently serve for any other place within this kingdome.
London: printed by T[homas]. W[arren]. for the Company of Stationers, 1649.
ESTC No. R32723.Grub Street ID 115408.
Dove, Jonathan.
Dove speculum anni à partu virginis MDCLI, or, an almanack for the yeare of our Lord God 1651 ...
Cambridge: Printed by the printers to the Universitie, 1651.
ESTC No. R32725.Grub Street ID 115410.
Dove, Jonathan.
Dove speculum anni à partu virginis MDCLXII, or an almanack for the yeare of our Lord God 1653 ...
Cambridge: Printed by the printers to the Universitie, 1652.
ESTC No. R32727.Grub Street ID 115412.
Dove, Jonathan.
Dove. Speculum anni à partu virginis MDCLII. Or An almanack for the year of our Lord God 1652. Being bissextile, or leap-yeare, and from the worlds creation 5662. Calculated properly for the famous Universitie and town of Cambridge, where the pole is elevated 52 degrees an 17 minutes: but may indifferently serve for any other place within this kingdome.
Cambridge: printed by the printers to the Universitie, 1652.
ESTC No. R232367.Grub Street ID 104177.
Dove, Jonathan.
Dove speculum anni à partu virginis MDCLIV, or, an almanack for the yeare of our Lord God 1654 ...
Cambridge: Printed by the printers to the Universitie, 1653.
ESTC No. R32728.Grub Street ID 115413.
Dove, Jonathan.
Dove speculum anni à partu virginis MDCLV, or, an almanack for the yeare of our Lord God 1655 ...
Cambridge: Printed by the printers to the Universitie, 1654.
ESTC No. R32729.Grub Street ID 115414.
Dove, Jonathan.
Dove speculum anni à partu virginis MDCLVI, or, an almanack for the yeare of our Lord God 1656 ...
Cambridge: Printed by the printers to the Universitie, 1655.
ESTC No. R32730.Grub Street ID 115416.
Dove, Jonathan.
Dove speculum anni à partu virginis MDCLVII, or, an almanack for the yeare of our Lord God 1657 ...
Cambridge: Printed by J. Field printer to the Universitie, 1657.
ESTC No. R32731.Grub Street ID 115417.
Dove, Jonathan.
Dove. Speculum anni à partu Virginis MDCLVIII. An almanack for the yeare of our Lord God 1658. Being the second after bissextile or leap-year, and from the worlds creation 5662. Calculated properly for the famous University and Town of Cambridge, where the pole is elevated 52 degrees and 17 minutes. But may indifferently serve for any other place within this nation.
Cambridge: printed by John Field printer to the University, 1658.
ESTC No. R16541.Grub Street ID 64374.
Dove, Jonathan.
Dove speculum anni à partu virginis MDCLIX, or, an almanack for the yeare of our Lord God 1659 ...
Cambridge: Printed by John Field printer to the Universitie, 1659.
ESTC No. R32765.Grub Street ID 115443.
Dove, Jonathan.
Dove speculum anni à partu virginis MDCLX, or, an almanack for the yeare of our Lord God 1660 ...
Cambridge: Printed by John Field printer to the Universitie, 1660.
ESTC No. R32766.Grub Street ID 115444.
Dove, Jonathan.
Dove. Speculum anni à partu virginis MDCLXI. Or, An almanack for the yeare of our Lord God 1661. Being the first after Bissextile, or Leap year: and from the worlds creation, according to the best account 5664. Calculated properly for the famous Universitie and town of Cambridge, where the Pole is elevated 52 degrees and 17 minutes. But may indifferently serve for any other place within this nation.
Cambridge: printed by John Field, printer to the Universitie, 1661.
ESTC No. R32768.Grub Street ID 115446.
Dove, Jonathan.
Dove speculum anni à partu virginis MDCXLVII, an almanack for the year of our Lord God 1662 : being the second after bissextile, or leap-year, and from the worlds creation, according to the best account, 5666 : calculated properly for the famous universitie and town of Cambridge ... but may indifferently serve for any other place within this nation.
Cambridge [Cambridgeshire]: Printed by John Field .., 1662.
ESTC No. R36984.Grub Street ID 119233.
Dove, Jonathan.
Dove speculum anni à partu virginis MDCLXIII, an almanack for the year of our Lord God 1663 : being the third after bissextile, or leap-year, and from the worlds creation, according to the best account, 5667 : calculated properly for the famous universitie and town of Cambridge ... but may indifferently serve for any other place within this nation.
Cambridge [Cambridgeshire]: Printed by John Field .., 1663.
ESTC No. R36985.Grub Street ID 119234.
Dove, Jonathan.
Dove. Speculum anni à partu Virginis MDCLXIV. An almanack for the year of our Lord God 1664. Being bissextile or leap-year: and from the worlds creation, according to the best account 5668. Calculated properly for the famous Universitie and town of Cambridge, ... But may indifferently serve for any other place within this nation.
Cambridge: printed by John Field, printer to the Universitie, 1664.
ESTC No. R26505.Grub Street ID 109811.
Dove, Jonathan.
Dove speculum anni à partu virginis MDCXLV, an almanack for the year of our Lord God 1665 : being the first after bissextile or leap-year, and from the worlds creation, according to the best account, 5669 : calculated properly for the famous universitie and town of Cambridge ... but may indifferently serve for any other place within this nation.
Cambridge [Cambridgeshire]: Printed by John Field .., 1665.
ESTC No. R36986.Grub Street ID 119235.
Dove, Jonathan.
Dove Speculum anni à partu Virginis MDCLXVI. Or Almanack for the year of our Lord God 1666. Being the second after bissextile or leap-year, and from the worlds creation, according to the best account, 5670. Calculated properly for the famous university and town of Cambridge, where the pole is elevated 52 degr. and 17 min. But may indifferently serve for any other place within this nation.
[Cambridge]: Printed by John Field, printer to the University, 1666.
ESTC No. R22920.Grub Street ID 101758.
Dove, Jonathan.
Dove speculum anni à partu virginis MDCLXVII, or, an almanack for the year of our Lord God 1667 : being the third after bissextile or leap-year, and from the worlds creation, according to the best account, 5671 : calculated properly for the famous university and town of Cambridge ... but may indifferently serve for any other place within this nation.
[Cambridge, Cambridgeshire]: Printed by John Field .., 1667.
ESTC No. R36987.Grub Street ID 119236.
Dove, Jonathan.
Dove. Speculum anni à partu Virginis MDCLXVIII or an almanack for the year of our Lord God 1668. Being bissextile or leap-year, and from the worlds creation, according to the best account, 5672. Calculated properly for the famous university and town of Cambridge, where the pole is elevated 52 degr. and 17 min. But may indifferently serve for any other place within this nation.
[Cambridge]: Printed by John Field, printer to the University, 1668.
ESTC No. R36988.Grub Street ID 119237.
Dove, Jonathan.
Dove. Speculum anni à partu virginis MDCLXIX. Or An almanack for the yeare of our Lord God 1669. Being the first after bissextile or leap-year and from the worlds creation, according to the best account, 5673. Calculated properly for the famous University and town of Cambridge, where the Pole is elevated 52 degr. and 17 min. But may indifferently serve for any other place within this kingdom.
[Cambridge]: Printed by John Field printer, to the University, 1669.
ESTC No. R32769.Grub Street ID 115447.
Dove, Jonathan.
Dove speculum anni à partu virginis M.DC.LXX, or, an almanack for the year of our Lord God 1670 : being the second after bissextile or leap-year, and from the worlds creation, 1674 [sic] : calculated properly for the famous university and town of Cambridge ... but may indifferently serve for any other place within this kingdom.
Cambridge [Cambridgeshire]: Printed by John Hayes .., 1670.
ESTC No. R36989.Grub Street ID 119238.
Dove, Jonathan.
Dove speculum anni à partu Virginis M.DC.LXXI. Or an almanack for the year of our Lord God 1671. Being the third after bissextile or leap-year, and from the worlds creation, 5675. Calculated properly for the famous University and town of Cambridge, ... But may indifferentl serve for any other place within this kingdom.
Cambridge: printed by John Hayes, printer to the University, 1671.
ESTC No. R36990.Grub Street ID 119240.
Dove, Jonathan.
Dove speculum anni à partu virginis M.DC.LXXII, or, an almanack for the year of our Lord God 1672 : being the bissextile or leap-year, and from the worlds creation, 5676 : calculated properly for the famous university and town of Cambridge ... but may indifferently serve for any other place within this kingdom.
Cambridge [England]: Printed by John Hayes .., 1672.
ESTC No. R36991.Grub Street ID 119241.
Dove, Jonathan.
Dove speculum anni à partu Virginis M.DC.LXXIII. Or an almanack for the year of our Lord God 1673. Being the first after the leap-year, and from the worlds creation, 5677. Calculated properly for the famous University and town of Cambridge, where the pole is elevated above the horizon 52 degr. and 17 min. But may indifferently serve for any other place within this kingdom.
Cambridge: printed by John Hayes, printer to the University, 1673.
ESTC No. R230816.Grub Street ID 103052.
Dove, Jonathan.
Dove. A new almanack for the year of our Lord God 1674. Being the second after the leap-year and from the worlds creation, 5678. Wherein is contained the planets aspects, with the eclipses and other observations sutable for a work of this kind. Calculated properly for the famous university and town of Cambridge, where the pole is elevated above the horizon 52 degr. and 17 min.
Cambridge: printed by John Hayes, printer to the University, 1674.
ESTC No. R22717.Grub Street ID 100078.
Dove, Jonathan.
Dove. Speculum anni or an almanack for the year of our Lord God 1675. Being the third after the leap-year and from the worlds creation, 5679. Wherein is contained a chronology, the planets, aspects, eclipses, terms, inclination of the Air, with other things of note. Calculated properly for the famous University and Town of Cambridge, where the Pole is elevated above the Horizon 52 degr. and 17 min.
Cambridge: printed by John Hayes, printer to the University, 1675.
ESTC No. R5731.Grub Street ID 126151.
Dove, Jonathan.
Dove speculum anni or, An almanack for the year of our Lord God 1676. Being the bissextile or leap-year, and from the worlds creation, 5680. Wherein is contained a chronology, the planets, aspects, eclipses, terms, inclination of the Air, with other things of note. Calculated properly for the famous University and town of Cambridge, where the North Pole is elevated above the Horizon 52 degr. and 17 min.
Cambridge: printed by John Hayes, printer to the University, 1676.
ESTC No. R16588.Grub Street ID 64411.
Dove, Jonathan.
Dove speculum anni or An almanack for the year of our Lord God 1677. Being the first after bissextile or leap-year, and from the worlds creation, 5681. Wherein is contained a chronology, the planets, aspects, eclipses, terms, inclination of the air, with other things of note. Calculated properly for the famous university and town of Cambridge, where the North Pole is elevated above the horizon 52 degr. and 17 min.
Cambridge: printed by John Hays, printer to the university, 1677.
ESTC No. R16490.Grub Street ID 64327.
Dove, Jonathan.
Dove Speculum anni or An almanack for the year of our Lord God 1678. Being the second after the bissextile or leap-year and from the worlds creation 5682. Wherein is contained a chronology, the planets aspects, eclipses, terms, inclination of the air, with other things of note. Calculated properly for the famous University and town of Cambridge, where the North Pole is elevated above the horizon 52 degr. and 17 min. But may indifferently serve for any place within this kingdom.
Cambridge: printed by John Hayes, printer to the University, 1678.
ESTC No. R30672.Grub Street ID 113512.
Dove, Jonathan.
Dove speculum anni or An almanack for the year of our Lord God 1679. Being the third after bissextile or leap-year and from the worlds creation 5683. Wherein is contained a chronology, the planets aspects, eclipses, terms, inclination of the air, with other things of note. Calculated properly for the famous university and town of Cambridge, where the north pole is elevated above the horizon 52 degr. and 17 min. But may indifferently serve for any place within this kingdom.
Cambridge: printed by John Hayes, printer to the University, 1679.
ESTC No. R22897.Grub Street ID 101583.
Dove, Jonathan.
Dove Speculum anni or an almanack for the year of our Lord God. 1680. Being the bissextile or leap-year, and from the worlds creation 5683. Wherein is contained a chronology, the planets aspects, eclipses, terms, inclination of the air, with other things of note. Calculate properly for the famous University and town of Cambridge, where the north pole is elevated above the horizon 52 degr. and 17 min. But may indifferently serve for any place within this kingdom.
Cambridge: printed by John Hayes, printer to the University, 1680.
ESTC No. R5381.Grub Street ID 125830.
Dove, Jonathan.
Dove Speculum anni or An almanack for the year of our Lord God. 1681. Being the first after bissextile or leap-year, and from the worlds creation 5684. Wherein is contained a chronology, the planets aspects, eclipses, terms, inclination of the air, with other things of note. Calculated properly for the famous University and town of Cambridge, where the north pole is elevated above the horizon 52 degr. and 17 min. But may indifferently serve for any place within this kingdom.
Cambridge: printed by John Hayes, printer to the University, 1681.
ESTC No. R26506.Grub Street ID 109812.
Dove, Jonathan.
Dove Speculum anni or An almanack for the year of our Lord God. 1682. Being the second after bissextile or leap-year, and from the worlds creation 5685. Wherein is contained a chronology, the planets aspects, eclipses, terms, inclination of the air, with other things of note. Calculated properly for the famous University and town of Cambridge, where the north pole is elevated above the horizon 52 degr. and 17 min. But may indifferently serve for any place within this kingdom.
Cambridge: printed by John Hayes, printer to the University, 1682.
ESTC No. R35278.Grub Street ID 117696.
Dove, Jonathan.
Dove Speculum anni or An almanack for the year of our Lord God 1683. Being the third after bissextile or leap-year, and from the worlds creation 5685. Wherein is contained a chronology, the planets aspects, eclipses, terms, inclination of the air, with other things of note Calculated properly for the famous university and town of Cambridge, where the north pole is elevated above the horizon 52 degr. and 17 min. But may indifferently serve for any place with this kingdom.
Cambridge: printed by John Hayes, printer to the University, 1683.
ESTC No. R27776.Grub Street ID 110913.
Dove, Jonathan.
Dove. Speculum anni or An almanack for the year of our Lord God 1684. Being the bissextile or leap-year, and from the worlds creation 5687. Aspects, eclipses, terms, inclination of the air, with other things of note. Calculated properly for the famous University and town o Cambridge, where the north pole is elevated above the horizon 52 degr. and 12 min. But may indifferently serve for any place within this kingdom.
Cambridge: printed by John Hayes, printer to the University, 1684.
ESTC No. R27777.Grub Street ID 110914.
Dove, Jonathan.
Dove. Speculum anni or an almanack for the year of our Lord God 1685. being the first after bissextile or leap-year, and from the worlds creation 5688. Wherein is contained the principal aspects of the planets, eclipses, terms, both at London and Cambridge, inclination of the air, with other things of note. Calculated properly for the famous university and town of Cambridge, where the North Pole is elevated above the horizon 52 degr. and 12 min. But may indifferently serve for any place within this kingdom.
Cambridge: printed by John Hayes, printer to the University, 1685.
ESTC No. R27778.Grub Street ID 110915.
Dove, Jonathan.
Speculum anni, or, An almanack for the year of our Lord God 1686 being the second after bissextile or leap-year and from the worlds creation 5689 : wherein is contained the principal aspects of the planets, eclipses, terms at London and Cambridge, inclination of the air with other things of note : calculated properly for the famous university and town of Cambridge, where the north pole is elevated above the horizon 52 degr. and 12 min. but may indifferently serve for any place within this kingdom.
Cambridge [Cambridgeshire]: Printed by John Hayes, 1686.
ESTC No. R27779.Grub Street ID 110916.
Dove, Jonathan.
Speculum anni, or, An almanack for the year of our Lord God 1687 being the third after bissextile or leap-year and from the worlds creation 5690 : wherein is contained the principal aspects of the planets, eclipses, terms, both at London and Cambridge, inclination of the air with other things of note : calculated properly for the famous university and town of Cambridge, where the north pole is elevated above the horizon 52 degr. and 12 min. but may indifferently serve for any place within this kingdom.
Cambridge [Cambridgeshire]: Printed by John Hayes, 1687.
ESTC No. R27780.Grub Street ID 110918.
Dove, Jonathan.
Dove. Speculum anni or An almanack for the year of our Lord God 1688. Being the bissextile or leap-year, and from the worlds creation 5691. Wherein is contained the principal aspects of the planets, eclipses, terms, both at London and Cambridge, inclination of the air, wit other things of note. Calculated properly for the famous university and town of Cambridge, where the North Pole is elevated above the horizon 52 degr. and 12 min. But may indifferently serve for any place within this kingdom.
[Cambridge]: printed by John Hayes, printer to the University, 1688.
ESTC No. R14233.Grub Street ID 62278.
Dove, Jonathan.
Dove. Speculum anni or An almanack for the year of our Lord God 1689. Being the first after bissextile or leap-year, and from the worlds creation 5692. Wherein is contained the principal aspects of the planets, eclipses, terms, both at London and Cambridge, inclination of the air, with other things of note. Calculated properly for the famous University and town of Cambridge where the North Pole is elevated above the horizon 52 degr. and 12 min But may indifferently serve for any place within this kingdom.
Cambridge: printed by John Hayes, printer to the University, 1689.
ESTC No. R14623.Grub Street ID 62635.
Dove, Jonathan.
Dove. Speculum anni or an almanack for the year of our Lord God 1690. Being the second after bissextile or leap year, and from the worlds creation, 5693. ... Calculated properly for the famous University and town of Cambridge ... But may indifferenty serve for any place within this kingdom.
Cambridge: printed by John Hayes, printer to the University, 1690.
ESTC No. R28223.Grub Street ID 111309.
Dove, Jonathan.
Dove. Speculum anni or An almanack for the year of our Lord God 1691. Being the third after bissextile or leap-year, and from the worlds creation 5694. Wherein is contained an account of several saints as they are in the breviary, the planets, eclipses, terms both at Londo and Cambridge, inclination of the air, and other things of note. Calculated properly for the famous university and town of Cambridge where the north pole is elevated above the horizon 52 degr. and 12 min. But may indifferently serve for any place within this kingdom.
Cambridge: printed by John Hayes, printer to the University, 1691.
ESTC No. R34280.Grub Street ID 116808.
Dove, Jonathan.
Dove. Speculum anni or An almanack for the year of our Lord God 1692. Being the bissextile or leap-year, and from the worlds creation 5695. Wherein is contained an account of several saints as they are in the breviary, the planets, eclipses, terms both at London and Cambridge, inclination of the air, and other things of note. Calculated properly for the famous university and town of Cambridge where the north pole is elevated above the horizon 52 degr. and 12 min. But may indifferently serve for any place within this kingdom.
Cambridge: printed by John Hayes, printer to the University, 1692.
ESTC No. R34281.Grub Street ID 116809.
Dove, Jonathan.
Dove. Speculum anni or An almanack for the year of our Lord God 1693. Being the first after bissextile or leap-year, and from the worlds creation 5696. Wherein is contained an account of several saints as they are in the breviary, the planets, eclipses, terms both at Londo and Cambridge, inclination of the air, and other things of note. Calculated properly for the famous university and town of Cambridge where the north pole is elevated above the horizon 52 degr. and 12 min. But may indifferently serve for any place within this kingdom.
Cambridge: printed by John Hayes, printer to the University, 1693.
ESTC No. R27870.Grub Street ID 111004.
Dove, Jonathan.
Dove. Speculum anni or An almanack for the year of our Lord God 1694. Being the second after bissextile or leap-year, and from the worlds creation 5697. Wherein is contained an account of several saints as they are in the breviary, the planets, eclipses, terms both at London and Cambridge, inclination of the air, and other things of note. Calculated properly for the famous university and town of Cambridge where the north pole is elevated above the horizon 52 degr. and 12 min. But may indifferently serve for any place within this kingdom.
Cambridge: printed by John Hayes, printer to the University, 1694.
ESTC No. R10104.Grub Street ID 58502.
Dove, Jonathan.
Dove. Speculum anni or An almanack for the year of our Lord God 1695. Being the third after bissextile or leap-year, and from the worlds creation 5698. Wherein is contained an account of several saints as they are in the breviary, the planets, eclipses, terms both at Londo and Cambridge, inclination of the air and other things of note. Calculated properly for the famous university and town of Cambridge where the north pole is elevated above the horizon 52 degr. and 12 min. But may indifferently serve for any place within this kingdom.
Cambridge: printed by John Hayes, printer to the University, 1695.
ESTC No. R27099.Grub Street ID 110303.
Dove, Jonathan.
Dove Speculum anni or An almanack for the year of our Lord God 1696. Being the bissextile or leap-year, and from the worlds creation 5699. Wherein is contained an account of several saints as they are in the breviary, the planets, eclipses, terms both at London and Cambridge, inclination of the air, and other things of note. Calculated properly for the famous University and town of Cambridge where the north pole is elevated above the horizon 52 degr. and 12 min. But may indifferently serve for any place within this kingdom.
Cambridge: printed by John Hayes, printer to the University, 1696.
ESTC No. R28202.Grub Street ID 111289.
Dove, Jonathan.
Dove. Speculum anni or An almanack for the year of our Lord God 1697. Being the first after bissextile or leap-year, and from the worlds creation 5700. Wherein is contained an account of several saints as they are in the breviary, the planets, eclipses, terms both at Londo and Cambridge, inclination of the air, and other things of note. Calculated properly for the famous university and town of Cambridge where the north pole is elevated above the horizon 52 degr. and 12 min. But may indifferently serve for any place within this kingdom.
Cambridge: printed by John Hayes, printer to the University, 1697.
ESTC No. R31845.Grub Street ID 114600.
Dove, Jonathan.
Dove. Speculum anni or An almanack for the year of our Lord God 1698. Being the second after bissextile or leap-year, and from the worlds creation 5700. Wherein is contained an account of several saints as they are in the breviary, the planets, eclipses, terms both at London and Cambridge, inclination of the air, and other things of note. Calculated properly for the famous university and town of Cambridge where the north pole is elevated above the horizon 52 degr. and 12 min. But may indifferently serve for any place within this kingdom.
Cambridge: printed by John Hayes, printer to the University, 1698.
ESTC No. R33071.Grub Street ID 115716.
Dove, Jonathan.
Dove. Speculum anni or An almanack for the year of our Lord God 1699. Being the third after bissextile or leap-year, and from the worlds creation 5701. Wherein is contained an account of several saints as they are in the breviary, the planets, eclipses, terms both at Londo and Cambridge, inclination of the air, and other things of note. Calculated properly for the famous university and town of Cambridge where the north pole is elevated above the horizon 52 degr. and 12 min. But may indifferently serve for any place within this kingdom.
Cambridge: printed by John Hayes printer to the University, 1699.
ESTC No. R35690.Grub Street ID 118057.
Dove, Jonathan.
Dove. Speculum anni or An almanack for the year of our Lord God 1700. Being the bissextile or leap-year, and from the worlds creation 5702. Wherein is contained an account of several saints as they are in the breviary, the planets, eclipses, terms both at London and Cambridge, inclination of the air, and other things of note. Calculated properly for the famous university and town of Cambridge where the north pole is elevated above the horizon 52 degr. and 12 min. but may indifferently serve for any place within this kingdom.
Cambridge: printed by John Hayes, printer to the University, 1700.
ESTC No. R31850.Grub Street ID 114605.
Dove, Jonathan.
Dove. Speculum anni or an almanack for the year of our Lord God 1701. Being the First after Bissextile or Leap-Year, and from the worlds Creation 5703. Wherein contained an account of several Saints as they are in the Breviary, the Planets, Eclipses, Terms both at London and Cambridge, Inclination of the Air, and other things of note. Calculated properly for the famous University and Town of Cambridge where the North Pole is Elevated above the Horizon 52 degr. and 12 min. But may indifferently serve for any Place within this Kingdom.
Cambridge: printed by John Hayes, Printer to the University, 1701.
ESTC No. T28544.Grub Street ID 260192.
Dove, Jonathan.
Dove. Speculum anni or an almanack for the year of our Lord God 1702 ...
Cambridge: printed by John Hayes, 1702.
ESTC No. N746.Grub Street ID 52396.
Dove, Jonathan.
Dove. Speculum anni or an almanack for the year of our Lord God 1703. ...
Cambridge: printed by John Hayes, 1703.
ESTC No. T162993.Grub Street ID 201689.
Dove, Jonathan.
Dove. Speculum anni or an almanack for the year of our Lord God 1704. Being the Bissextile or Leap-Year, and from the worlds Creation 5706. Wherein is contained an account of several Saints as they are in the Breviary, the Planets, Eclipses, Terms both at London and Cambridge, Inclination of the Air, and other things of note. Calculated properly for the famous University and Town of Cambridge where the North Pole is Elevated above the Horizon 52 degr. and 12 min. [but] may indifferently serve for any Place within this Kingdom.
Cambridge: printed by John Hayes, Printer to the University, 1704.
ESTC No. T28545.Grub Street ID 260193.
Dove, Jonathan.
Dove. Speculum anni or an almanack for the year of our Lord God 1705. ...
Cambridge: printed by John Hayes, 1705.
ESTC No. T28546.Grub Street ID 260194.
Dove, Jonathan.
Dove. Speculum anni or an almanack for the year of our Lord God 1706. ...
Cambridge: printed by John Hayes, 1706.
ESTC No. T28547.Grub Street ID 260195.
Dove, Jonathan.
Dove. Speculum anni or an almanack for the year of our Lord God 1707. Being the 3d after Bissextile or Leap-Year, and from the worlds Creation 5709. Wherein is contained an account of several Saints as they are in the Breviary, the Planets, Eclipses, Terms both at London and Cambridge, Inclination of the Air, and other things of note. Calculated properly for the famous University and Town of Cambridge where the North Pole is Elevated above the Horizon 52 degr. and 12 min. but may indifferently serve for any Place within this Kingdom.
Cambridge: printed for the Company of Stationers, 1707.
ESTC No. T28548.Grub Street ID 260196.
Dove, Jonathan.
Dove speculum anni: or, An almanack for the year of Our Lord God, 1708. Being the bissextile or leap-year, and from the worlds creation, 5710. Wherein is contained the births, marriages, &c. of several kings, princes and potentates of Europe: [the] planets, eclipses, terms both at London and [Cam]bridge, inclination of the air, and other things [of] note. Calculated properly for the famous university and town of Cambridge, where the north ... is elevated above the horizon, 52 deg and ... min. ... may indifferently serve for any place within this kingdom.
London : printed by J. Heptinstall, for the Company of Stationers, 1708.
ESTC No. T28549.Grub Street ID 260197.
Dove, Jonathan.
Dove. Speculum anni: or, an almanack for the year of our Lord God, 1709.
London : printed by J. Heptinstall, for the Company of Stationers, 1709.
ESTC No. T28550.Grub Street ID 260199.