Meston, William.
Mob contra mob, or the rabblers rabbled.
Edinburgh: printed, and sold at Mr. Freebairn's shop in the Parliament-closs, [1714].
ESTC No. T172623.Grub Street ID 210050.
Meston, William.
A tale of a man and his mare. Found in an old manuscript, never before printed.
[Edinburgh?]: Printed in the year, 1721.
ESTC No. T73691.Grub Street ID 296945.
Meston, William.
The knight,.
[Edinburgh]: Printed in the year, 1723.
ESTC No. T93985.Grub Street ID 313607.
Meston, William.
The knight of the kirk: or, the ecclesiastical adventures of Sir John Presbyter.
The second edition..
London : printed for M. Smith, in Cornhill, [1728].
ESTC No. N837.Grub Street ID 53271.
Meston, William.
The knight of the Kirk: or, The ecclesiastical adventures of Sir John Presbyter.
The third edition..
London : printed for M. Smith, 1728.
ESTC No. T154996.Grub Street ID 198900.
Meston, William.
Old Mother Grim's tales, found in an old manuscript, dated 1527. Never before published. Decad I.
London [Edinburgh?] : printed, and sold by the booksellers in London and Westminster, 1737.
ESTC No. T190182.Grub Street ID 225397.
Meston, William.
Old Mother Grim's tales, found in an old manuscript, dated 1527. Never before published. Decade I.
London [Edinburgh?] : printed, and sold by the booksellers in London and Westminster, 1737.
ESTC No. T91400.Grub Street ID 311243.
Meston, William.
Mob contra mob: or, the rabblers rabbled.
Edinburgh: printed in the year, 1738.
ESTC No. T2215.Grub Street ID 244753.
Meston, William.
Decadem alteram, ex probatissimis auctoribus, in usum juventutis linguæ Latinæ, ... subjunxit Jodocus Grimmus, .
Londini [Edinburgh] : impensis editoris, & prostat venalis apud bibliopolas Londinenses & Westmonasterienses, 1738.
ESTC No. T91387.Grub Street ID 311231.
Meston, William.
The knight of the kirk: or, the ecclesiastical adventures of Sir John Presbyter.
Edinburgh: printed in the year, 1767.
ESTC No. T180724.Grub Street ID 217380.
Meston, William.
The poetical works of the ingenious and learned William Meston, ...
Edinburgh: printed by Wal. Ruddiman junior; for Francis Robertson, 1767.
ESTC No. T91401.Grub Street ID 311244.
Meston, William.
Mob contra mob; or the rabblers rabbled. Wrote by a Buchan poet, in the style of Hudibras. In six canto's.
[Edinburgh]: Parliament-House: printed by Peter Williamson in one of his new portable printing-presses, 1769.
ESTC No. T172629.Grub Street ID 210056.