Publications of James Solas Dodd


  • Dodd, James Solas. An essay towards a natural history of the herring. By James Solas Dodd, Surgeon. London : printed for T. Vincent. near Chancery-Lane, Fleet-Street, MDCCLII. [1752]. ESTC No. T85866. Grub Street ID 306151.
  • Dodd, James Solas. A physical account of the case of Elizabeth Canning. With an enquiry into the probability of her subsisting in the manner therein asserted, and her ability for escape after her suppos'd ill usage. By James Solas Dodd, surgeon. Dublin: printed by G. Faulkner, MDCCLIII. [1753]. ESTC No. N12243. Grub Street ID 2252.
  • Dodd, James Solas. A physical account of the case of Elizabeth Canning. With an enquiry into the probability of her subsisting in the manner therein asserted, and her ability for escape after her suppos'd ill usage. By James Solas Dodd, surgeon. London : printed for J. Bouquet, at the White-Hart, in Pater-Noster-Row, [1753]. ESTC No. T85869. Grub Street ID 306154.
  • Dodd, James Solas. An essay towards a natural history of the herring. Containing the description, names, anatomy, progress, method of catching and cure, use as food, and medicine (with receipts for divers methods of dressing and preparation) of that valuable and useful animal. With an account of the methods used to bring the fishery to its present improving height, with their rules, and a consideration on the peculiar advantages of this fishery to the British nation. By James Solas Dodd, surgeon. The second edition.. London : Printed for T. Vincent near Chancery-Lane, Fleet-street, [1755?]. ESTC No. T168715. Grub Street ID 206588.
  • Dodd, James Solas. A satyrical lecture on hearts: to which is added, a critical dissertation on noses. As they are now performing, at the Great Room, Exeter Exchange. London : printed for G. Kearsley, in Ludgate-Street; W. Nicoll, in St. Paul's-Church Yard; and Richardson and Urquhart, at the Royal-Exchange, 1767. ESTC No. T122804. Grub Street ID 173376.
  • Dodd, James Solas. A satyrical lecture on hearts: to which is added, a critical dissertation on noses. As they are now performing, at the Great Room, Exeter Exchange. The second edition.. London : printed for G. Kearsley, in Ludgate-Street; W. Nicoll, in St. Paul's-Church Yard; Richardson and Urquhart, at the Royal-Exchange; and G. Pearch, at No. 34. on Fish-Street Hill, 1767. ESTC No. T85872. Grub Street ID 306158.
  • Dodd, James Solas. A satirical lecture on hearts: as it has been performed, at Exeter Exchange in the Strand, Westminster, and also, at Manchester, Liverpool, Chester, and other places; with several valuable additions, particularly, The heart of a man of merit, or the accomplished Gentleman, never before published: to which is added, a critical dissertation on noses. London : printed by Thomas Reddish, [1770?]. ESTC No. T225797. Grub Street ID 247559.
  • Dodd, James Solas. Essays and poems, Satirical, Moral, Political, and Entertaining, by J. S. Dodd, Member of the Corporation of Surgeons of London, and Surgeon of his Majesty's Royal Navy. Corke: printed by Eugene Swiney, for the author, M,DCC,LXX. [1770]. ESTC No. T64210. Grub Street ID 289291.
  • Dodd, James Solas. An essay on education. With a new plan of an academy, for fitting youth for the university, the army, navy, learned professions, or compting-house. ... By J. S. Dodd, ... Corke: printed for the author, by Eugene Swiney; and sold by the booksellers of Corke, Limerick, &c., [1770]. ESTC No. T214476. Grub Street ID 240867.
  • Dodd, James Solas. A funeral oration (in the manner of the antient Romans) on the late Charles Lucas, Esq; M.D. representative in Parliament for the city of Dublin. Pronounced on Monday November 18th, 1771. Before the Dublin Oratorical Academy. By J. S. Dodd, ... Dublin: printed by P. Byrn, for J. Potts, 1771. ESTC No. T184200. Grub Street ID 220563.
  • Dodd, James Solas. Gallic gratitude; or, the Frenchman in India: a comedy in two acts, As it is performed at the Theatre Royal in Covent-Garden. By J. S. Dodd. London : printed for E. Johnson (no 4.) Ludgate-Hill, M.DCC.LXXIX. [1779]. ESTC No. T40394. Grub Street ID 269468.
  • Dodd, James Solas. The ancient and modern history of Gibraltar, and the sieges and attacks it hath sustained: with an accurate journal of the siege of that fortress by the Spaniards, from February 13, to June 23, 1727. Translated from the original Spanish, published by authority at Madrid. By J.S. Dodd, Late Surgeon in the Royal Navy. London : printed for John Murray, No. 32, Fleet-Street, MDCCLXXXI. [1781]. ESTC No. T95130. Grub Street ID 314654.
  • Dodd, James Solas. The pilgrim's progress, from this world to that which is to come: ... Originally written by John Bunyan. And now rendered into blank verse, by J. S. Dodd, ... Dublin: printed by J. and J. Carrick, 1795. ESTC No. T58437. Grub Street ID 284556.
  • Dodd, James Solas. The funeral pile: a comic opera, in two acts. As it was performed at the Theatre-Royal, in Smock-Alley, Dublin, in the year 1772. Since revived, with an additional character, under the name of Gallic gratitude; or, the Frenchman in India. And performed at the Theatre-Royal, Covent-Garden, in the year 1779. ... Written by J. S. Dodd, M.D. Dublin: printed by T. Burnside, 1799. ESTC No. N32729. Grub Street ID 21292.
  • Dodd, James Solas. The funeral pile: a comic opera, in two acts. As it was performed at the Theatre-Royal, in Smock-Alley, Dublin, in the year 1772. Since revived, with an additional character, under the name of Gallic gratitude; or, the Frenchman in India. And performed at the Theatre-Royal, Covent-Garden, in the year 1779. ... Written by J. S. Dodd, M.D. Dublin: sold by G. Walsh, [1799?]. ESTC No. N31556. Grub Street ID 20447.