Publications of James Owen


  • Owen, James. Bedydd plant or nefoedd: neu, Draethawd am natur a diben bedydd. Yn profi, trwy ddeuddeg o resymmau scrythuraidd y dylid bedyddio plant y ffyddloniaid. O waith James Owen gweinidog yr efengyl. Printiedic yn Llundain : gan F. Collins, 1693. ESTC No. R6124. Grub Street ID 126495.
  • Owen, James. A plea for Scripture ordination: or, Ten arguments from Scripture and antiquity proving ordination by presbyters without bishops to be valid. By J.O. Minister of the Gospel. To which is prefixt an epistle by the Reverend Mr. Daniel Williams. London : printed for A. Salusbury at the Rising Sun in Cornhil over-against the Royal Exchange, 1694. ESTC No. R32194. Grub Street ID 114933.
  • Owen, James. Tutamen evangelicum: or, A defence of Scripture-ordination, against the exceptions of T.G. in a book intituled, Tentamen novum; proving, that ordination by presbyters is valid; Timothy and Titus were no diocesan rulers; the presbyters of Ephesus were the Apostles successor in the government of that church, and not Timothy; the first epistle to Timothy was written before the meeting at Miletus; the ancient Waldenses had no diocesan bishops, &c. By the author of the Plea for Scripture-ordination. London : printed for Zachary Whitworth, bookseller in Manchester, 1697. ESTC No. R9488. Grub Street ID 129568.
  • Owen, James. Remarks on a sermon, about corrupting the word of God. Preach'd by Tho. Gipps, Rector of Bury, on a publick occasion, July 11. 1696. Wherein the dissenters are fully vindicated against his unjust accusations. By J.O. Minister of the Gospel at Oswestry. London : printed for Zachary Whitworth, bookseller in Manchester, 1697. ESTC No. R6175. Grub Street ID 126537.
  • Owen, James. A further vindication of the dissenters from the Rector of Bury's unjust accusations, wherein his charge of their being corrupters of the Word of God, is demonstrated to be false and malicious. His pretended justification and confirmation of it to be groundless, weak and self-condemning. The titles of psalms to be divinely inspired. The purity of the Hebrew copies is asserted. The Scotch church and bibles defended. The rector convicted of corrupting the Word of God, by adding to it, and diminishing from it, in several instances. And his unworthy calumnies of St. Jerom and other good men, detected and confuted. By James Owen, Minister of the Gospel at Oswestry. London : printed by S[amuel]. Bridge, for Tho. Parkhurst, at the Bible and Three Crowns in Cheapside near Mercers Chapel, 1699. ESTC No. R24051. Grub Street ID 107884.
  • Owen, James. An answer to the rector of Bury's letter to his friendĀ· Wherein is shew'd, that he has effectually, tho' unwllingly acquitted the dissenters from his malicious charge of their being corrupters of the Word of God. That his attempts against the titles of the Psalms, and Hebrew Bibles are feeble and inconsistent. By James Owen. London : printed by S. Bridge, for Tho. Parkhurst at the Bible and Three Crowns in Cheapside near Mercers-Chapel, 1699. ESTC No. R38158. Grub Street ID 120286.
  • Owen, James. Church-pageantry display'd: or, Organ-worship, arraign'd and condemn'd, as inconsistent with the revelation and worship of the Gospel, the sentiments of the ancient fathers, the Church of England, and several eminent divines, both Protestants and papists. By Eugenius Junior - in answer to a letter about organs. London : printed in Usum Vitaliani Filiorum, MDCC. [1700]. ESTC No. R227671. Grub Street ID 100562.
  • Owen, James. Moderation a virtue: or, the occasional conformist justify'd from the imputation of hypocrisy; wherein is shewn, the antiquity, catholick principles, and advantage of occasional conformity to the Church of England; and that Dissenters, from the Religion of the State, have been imploy'd in most Governments; under the several Heads following. I. That Occasional Conformity is no new thing, but is warranted in some Cases by the most sacred and uncontestable Precedents. II. That the Principles of the Occasional Conformists are truly Christian and Catholick. III. That the difference between the Church and Moderate Dissenters is inconsiderable. IV. That the imploying of sober Dissenters in Publick Trusts, so far from being prejudicial to the Church of England, that it really strengthens it. V. That Occasional Conformity is an advantage to the Church, and weakens the Dissenters. VI. That the late Bill against Occasional Conformity, wou'd have been highly prejudicial to the Church of England. Vii. T. The second edition corrected.. London : printed for A. Baldwin, in Warwick-Lane, 1703. ESTC No. N12245. Grub Street ID 2254.
  • Owen, James. Moderation a virtue: or, the occasional conformist justify'd from the imputation of hypocrisy; wherein is shewn, the antiquity, catholick principles, and advantage of occasional conformity to the Church of England; and that Dissenters, from the Religion of the State, have been imploy'd in most Governments; under the several Heads following. I. That Occasional Conformity is no new thing, but is warranted in some Cases by the most sacred and uncontestable Precedents. II. That the Principles of the Occasional Conformists are truly Christian and Catholick. III. That the difference between the Church and Moderate Dissenters is inconsiderable. IV. That the imploying of sober Dissenters in Publick Trusts, is so far from being prejudicial to the Church of England, that it really strengthens it. V. That Occasional Conformity is an advantage to the Church, and weakens the Dissenters. VI. That the late Bill against Occasional Conformity, wou'd have been highly prejudicial to the Church of England. Vii. London : printed for A. Baldwin, in Warwick-Lane, 1703. ESTC No. T61827. Grub Street ID 287438.
  • Owen, James. Moderation still a virtue: in answer to several bitter pamphlets: especially two, entituled, (Occasional conformity a most unjustifiable practice.) and (The wolf stripp'd of his shepherd's cloathing.) which contain the substance of the rest. Wherein the precedents and Christian principles of conscientious occasional conformity are defended: the government of the reformed churches that have no bishops, ordination by presbyters, and the dissenters separate communions, are justified: with a short vindication of the dissenting academies, against Mr. Sacheverel's misrepresentation of 'em. By the author of Moderation a virtue. London : printed for J. Taylor, at the Ship, in St. Paul's Church-Yard, MDCCIV. [1704]. ESTC No. T61828. Grub Street ID 287439.
  • Owen, James. The history of the consecration of altars, temples and churches: shewing the various forms of it among Jews, heathens and Christians, deduced from it's first origine to this present age. By James Owen. London : printed for Benj. Bragg in Ave-Mary-Lane near Ludgate, 1706. ESTC No. T99237. Grub Street ID 318388.
  • Owen, James. The history of the consecration of altars, temples and churches: shewing the various forms of it among Jews, heathens and Christians, deduced from it's first origine to this present age. By James Owen. London : printed for John Taylor; and Benj. Bragg, 1706. ESTC No. N17686. Grub Street ID 7154.
  • Owen, James. A plea for scripture ordination: or, ten arguments from scripture and antiquity proving ordination by presbyters without bishops to be valid. By J. Owen Minister of the Gospel. To which is prefixt an epistle by the Reverend Mr. Daniel Williams. The second edition carefully corrected.. London : printed for John Nicholson at the Kings Arms, and Sam. Ballard at the Blue-Ball in Little Brittain, 1707. ESTC No. T99421. Grub Street ID 318550.
  • Owen, James. The history of images, and of image-worship. Shewing, the original and progress of idolatry among pagans, Jews, and Christians: with a refutation of the second Council of Nice, and of other Advocates for Idolatry. By the late Reverend, Mr. James Owen. London : printed for T. Parkhurst at the Bible and Three Crowns near Mercer's-Chappel, J. Robinson at the Golden Lyon in St. Paul's-Church-Yard, and J. Lawrence at the Angel in the Poultrey, 1709. ESTC No. T132000. Grub Street ID 180967.
  • Owen, James. Moderation a virtue: or, The occasional conformist justified from the imputation of hypocrisy; Wherein is shewn, the antiquity, Catholick principles, and advantage of occasional conformity to the Church of England; and that dissenters, from the religion of the state, have been imploy'd in most governments. To which is added, a defence thereof, in answer to several pamphlets wherein the precedents and Christian principles of conscientious occasional conformity are defended; the government of the reformed Churches that have no bishops, ordination by presbyters, and the dissenters separate communions are justified; with a short vindication of the dissenting academies, against Dr. Sacheverell's misrepresentation of them. By James Owen. London : Printed, and are to be sold by N. Cliff, and D. Jackson, at the Bible and Three Crowns in Cheapside, near the Poultry, 1712. Where may be had the history of the consecration of altars, temples and churches: shewing the various forms of it among Jews, Heathens and Christians, deduced from it's first origine to this present age. By the same author, 1712. ESTC No. T172749. Grub Street ID 210154.
  • Owen, James. Trugaredd a barn, neu, yn agos i drichant o siampleu rhyfeddol o farnedigaetheu Duw ar yr annuwiol. Ac o drugareddeu nodedig ir Duwiol, Mewn amryw wledydd ac oesodd; Gyda llawer o Ystorieu buddiol eraill, wedi eu casglu allan o Ysgrifenniadeu gwyr Dysgedig: Er dychryn i'r Drygionus, Er cyssur i'r Daionus, Ac er rhybydd i Bawb. London] : Preintiedig yn Llundain, 1715. ESTC No. T186382. Grub Street ID 222536.
  • Owen, James. The validity of the dissenting ministry: or, The ordaining power of presbyters evinced from the New Testament and church history. In four parts. Publish'd by Cha. Owen. London : printed for Eman. Matthews at the Bible in Pater-Noster-Row, 1716. ESTC No. T99232. Grub Street ID 318383.