Publications of Bernard Alsop

Note: The following printer, bookseller, or publisher lists are works in progress. They are generated from title page imprints and may reproduce false and misleading attributions or contain errors.

What does "printed by" mean? How to read the roles ascribed to people in the imprints.

In terms of the book trades, the lists below are sorted into up to four groups where: the person is designated in the imprint as having a single role:

  1. "printed by x"; or
  2. "sold by x"; or
  3. "printed for x" or "published by x";

or as having multiple roles in combination (which suggests a likelihood that the person is a trade publisher):

  1. "printed and sold by x"; "printed for and sold by x"; or "printed by and for x" and so on.

Printers (owners of the type and printing presses, and possibly owners of the copyright) may be identified by the words printed by, but printed by does not universally designate a person who is a printer by trade. Booksellers may be identified by the words sold by, but sold by encompasses a number of roles. Booksellers or individuals who owned the copyright are generally identified by the words printed for, but nothing should be concluded in this regard without further evidence, especially since "printed for" could signify that the named person was a distributor rather than a copyright holder. Trade publishers, who distributed books and pamphlets but did not own the copyright or employ a printer—and were not printers themselves—might be identified by the words printed and sold by. Furthermore, works from this period often display false imprints, whether to evade copyright restrictions, to conceal the name of the copyright holders, or to dupe unwitting customers. Ultimately, one must proceed with caution in using the following lists: designations in the imprints may not reliably reflect the actual trades or roles of the people named, and the formulas used in imprints do not consistently mean the same thing.

David Foxon discussed the "meaning of the imprint" in his Lyell Lecture delivered at Oxford in March 1976, with particular attention to "publishers" in the eighteenth-century context:

The fullest form of an imprint is one which names three people, or groups of people:
     London: printed by X (the printer), for Y (the bookseller who owned the copyright), and sold by Z.
In the eighteenth century the printer's name is rarely given, at least in works printed in London, and the form is more commonly:
     London: printed for Y, and sold by Z.
Very often in this period, and particularly for pamphlets, it is further abbreviated to:
     London: printed and sold by Z.
It is this last form which is my present concern. Z is usually what the eighteenth century called 'a publisher', or one who distributes books and pamphlets without having any other responsibility—he does not own the copyright or employ a printer, or even know the author.

D. F. McKenzie coined the term "trade publisher" for these publishers in his Sandars Lectures, also in 1976, on the grounds that their principal role was to publish on behalf of other members of the book trade (Treadwell 100).

Michael Treadwell cautions that "In this period the imprint 'London: Printed and sold by A.B.' normally means 'Printed at London, and sold by A.B.' and must not be taken to mean that A.B. is a printer in the absence of other evidence." Further, "The imprint 'published by' occurs only rarely in Wing and is almost always associated with the name of a trade publisher" (104). While there are exceptions to the rule, it is "certain," he explains, "that anyone who made a speciality of distributing works for others will show a far higher proportion than normal of imprints in one of the 'sold by' forms" (116), which appear in the imprint as "sold by," "printed and sold by," or "published by" (104). Treadwell gives Walter Kettilby as an example of "a fairly typical copyright-owning bookseller" (106)—his role is almost always designated by the phrase "printed for" on imprints.

A final caution: publisher is a word that should be used with some deliberation. Samuel Johnson defines it simply as "One who puts out a book into the world," but "published by" rarely appears on the imprint until later in the eighteenth century, and then primarily associated with newspapers and pamphlets. Treadwell observes that John Dunton names only five publishers among the 200 binders and booksellers in his autobiographical Life and Errors (1705) wherein he undertakes "to draw the Character of the most Eminent [Stationers] in the Three Kingdoms" (100). Treadwell also remarks, however, that "in law, anyone who offered a work for sale 'published' it. In this sense every work had one or more 'publishers', and every bookseller, mercury, and hawker was a 'publisher'" (114).


  • Terry Belanger, "From Bookseller to Publisher: Changes in the London Book Trade, 1750–1850," in Book Selling and Book Buying. Aspects of the Nineteenth-Century British and North American Book Trade, ed. Richard G. Landon (Chicago: American Library Association, 1978).
  • Bricker, Andrew Benjamin. "Who was 'A. Moore'? The Attribution of Eighteenth-Century Publications with False and Misleading Imprints," in The Papers of the Bibliographical Society of America 110.2 (2016).
  • John Dunton, The Life and Errors of John Dunton (London: Printed for S. Malthus, 1705).
  • John Feather, "The Commerce of Letters: The Study of the Eighteenth-Century Book Trade," Eighteenth-Century Studies 17 (1984).
  • David Foxon, Pope and the Early Eighteenth-Century Book Trade, ed. James McLaverty (Oxford University Press, 1991).
  • Samuel Johnson, Dictionary of the English Language, (printed for J. and P. Knapton; T. and T. Longman; C. Hitch and L. Hawes; A. Millar; and R. and J. Dodsley, 1755).
  • D.F. McKenzie, The London Book Trade in the Later Seventeenth Century (Sandars lectures in bibliography, 1977).
  • Michael Treadwell, "London Trade Publishers 1675–1750," The Library sixth series, vol. 4, no. 2 (1982).

Printed by Bernard Alsop

  • Crokey, Benjamin. To his sacred maiestie, the lords spiritual, and temporal, and the House of Commons in this present Parliament assembled. [London: B. Alsop], Printed the 1 of Iune 1625. ESTC No. S114520. Grub Street ID 134230.
  • [Numb. 67. 269.] The ordinary vveekely currantoes from Holland. [London: printed [by Bernard Alsop and Thomas Fawcet?] May. 13. 1639. for Nathaniel Butter and Nicholas Bourne, [May. 13. 1639]]. ESTC No. S94408. Grub Street ID 152682.
  • Cent. 3. Numb. 12. The curranto this vveeke from Norimberg. [London: printed [Bernard Alsop and Thomas Fawcet?] for Nath: Butter, 31 die Martij. 1640.]. ESTC No. S94431. Grub Street ID 152702.
  • Tuke, Thomas. A discourse against painting and tincturing of women. Wherein the abominable sinnes of murther and poysoning, pride and ambition, adultery and witchcraft are set foorth & discouered. Whereunto is added The picture of a picture, or, the character of a painted woman. Imprinted at London: [By Thomas Creede and Bernard Alsop] for Edward Marchant, 1616. ESTC No. S118556. Grub Street ID 138210.
  • The first part of the no lesse rare, then excellent and stately historie, of the famous and fortunate prince Palmerin of England. Declaring the birth of him, and Prince Florian du Desart his brother, in the forrest of great Brittaine: the course of their liues afterward, in pursuing knightly aduentures, and performing incomparable deedes of chiualrie. Wherein gentlemen may finde choyse of sweete inuentions, and gentlewomen be satisfied in courtly expectations. Translated out of French, by A.M. one of the messengers of her Maiesties chamber. London: printed by Thomas Creede, and Bernard Alsop, 1616. ESTC No. S112858. Grub Street ID 132603.
  • The shepheards calender. Containing twelue æglogues, proportionable to the twelue moneths. Entituled, to the noble and vertuous gentleman, most worthy of all titles, both of learning and chiualrie, Master Philip Sidney. London: Printed by Bar: Alsop for Iohn Harrison the elder, and are to bee solde at his shop at the signe of the golden Anker in Pater Noster Row, 1617. ESTC No. S122009. Grub Street ID 141569.
  • Cole, Nathaniel. The godly mans assurance: or A Christians certaine resolution of his owne saluation. Wherein are set downe the infallible markes of Gods children. Together, with the principall graces, required of all such as looke to be saued: and the especiall meanes to attaine them: Newly published, to the glory of God, and the benefit of his Church. By Nathanaell Cole, preacher of Gods word, at Much-Parringdon in Essex, neere Harlowe. Seene, perused, and allowed. London: printed by Bernard Alsop: for Richard Woodroffe and are to be sould at his shop in Paules Church-yeard at the signe of the golden Key, neere the great North doore, 1617. ESTC No. S116267. Grub Street ID 135955.
  • Webbe, George. A briefe exposition of the principles of christian religion. Gathered out of the holy Scriptures, for the benefite of all that are desirous to heare sermons, and to receyue the sacraments with comfort. Reuiewed by the authour. London: printed by Ber. Alsop, for W. Arundell, dwelling in Pauls Church-yarde, at the signe of the Angell, 1617. ESTC No. S95751. Grub Street ID 153670.
  • The famous victories of Henry the fifth. Containing the honourable Battell of Agincourt. As it was acted by the Kinges Maiesties seruants. London: imprinted by Barnard Alsop, dwelling in Garter place in Barbican, 1617. ESTC No. S4698. Grub Street ID 148642.
  • I. F. The necessitie and antiquitie of catechizing. By IF. London: Imprinted [by B. Alsop] for R. M[eighen], 1617. ESTC No. S118328. Grub Street ID 137983.
  • Rowlands, Samuel. A sacred memorie of the miracles wrought by our Lord and Sauiour Iesus Christ. Written by Samuel Rowlands. London: Imprinted by Bernard Alsop, and are to be sold at his house by Saint Annes Church neere Aldersgate, 1618. ESTC No. S116249. Grub Street ID 135937.
  • Nausea, Friedrich. A treatise of blazing starres in generall. As well supernaturall as naturall: to what countries or people soeuer they appeare in the spacious world. London: imprinted by Bernard Alsop, and are to be solde by Henry Bell at his shoppe without Bishops-gate, 1618. ESTC No. S94274. Grub Street ID 152581.
  • Saul, Arthur. The famous game of chesse-play, being a princely exercise; wherein the learner may profite more by reading of this small booke, then by playing of a thousand mates. Now augmented of many materiall things formerly wanting, and beautified with a three-folde methode, viz. o the chesse men, of the chesse-play, of the chesse lawes. By Io. Barbier. P. Printed at London: By Bar: Alsop for Roger Iackson, and are to be solde at his shop neere Fleetstreet Conduit, 1618. ESTC No. S110873. Grub Street ID 130836.
  • Nausea, Friedrich. A treatise of blazing starres in generall. As well supernaturall as naturall: to what countries or people soeuer they appeare in the spacious world. London: imprinted by Bernard Alsop, and are to be sold by Edward Wright at his shoppe neere Christ Church Gate, 1618. ESTC No. S123128. Grub Street ID 142649.
  • Fitzgeffrey, Henry. Certain elegies, done by sundrie excellent wits. With satyres and epigrames. London: Printed by B: A[lsop]: for Miles Partriche, and are to be solde at his shoppe neare Saint Dunstons Church in Fleet-streete, 1618. ESTC No. S116819. Grub Street ID 136507.
  • Hull, John. An exposition vpon a part of the Lamentations of Ieremie: Lectured at Corke in Ireland, by Iohn Hull, Bacheler of Diuinity, sometime of Gunuill and Caius Colledge in Cambridge. London: Imprinted by Bernard Alsop, and are to be sold at his house by Saint Annes Church neere Aldersgate, 1618. ESTC No. S116572. Grub Street ID 136259.
  • Sybthorpe, Robert. A counter-plea to an apostataes [sic] pardon. A sermon preached at Paules Crosse vpon Shroue-Sunday, February 15. 1617. By Robert Sibthorpe, preacher of the Word of God at Waterstratforde in Buckingamshire. London: Printed by Bar: Alsop, for Richard Fleming, and are to be sold at his shop at the great south-dore of Paules, on the right hand going vp the steps, 1618. ESTC No. S117406. Grub Street ID 137076.
  • Torquemada, Antonio de. The Spanish Mandeuile of myracles. Or The garden of curious flowers. Wherein are handled sundry points of humanity, philosophy, diuinity, and geography, beautified with many strange and pleasant histories: first written in Spanish by Anthonio de Torquemeda, and translate out of that tongue into English. It is diuided into sixe treatises, composed in manner of a dialogue, as in the next page shall appeare. London: Imprinted by Bernard Alsop, by the assigne of Richard Hawkins, and are to be sold at his [Alsop's] house by Saint Annes Church neere Aldersgate, 1618. ESTC No. S118474. Grub Street ID 138128.
  • Heinsius, Daniel. The mirrour of humilitie: or Two eloquent and acute discourses vpon the natiuitie and passion of Christ, full of diuine and excellent meditations and sentences. Published first in Latine by the worthy author Daniel Heinsius, and since done into English, by I.H. Master of Arts in Mag. Coll. Oxon. London: Printed by Bernard Alsop, and are to be solde at his house by Saint Annes Church neere Aldersgate, 1618. ESTC No. S115181. Grub Street ID 134876.
  • Ford, Emanuel. The most pleasant historie of Ornatus and Artesia. Wherein is contained the vniust raigne of Theon King of Phrygia. Who with his sonne Lenon intending Ornatus death, right heyre to the crowne, was afterwards slaine by his owne seruants, and Ornatus after many extreame miseries, crowned king. London: Imprinted by Bernard Alsop, and are to be solde at his house by Saint Annes Church neere Aldersgate, 1619. ESTC No. S120142. Grub Street ID 139779.
  • Morrice, Thomas. An apology for schoole-masters, tending to the aduauncement of learning, and to the vertuous education of children. By Thomas Morrice, Master of Artes. London: Printed by Bernard Alsop, for Richard Flemming, and are to be sold at his shoppe at the signe of the three Flower-de-Luces in Saint Pauls' Alley neere Saint Gregories Church, 1619. ESTC No. S120701. Grub Street ID 140330.
  • Guevara, Antonio de. Archontorologion, or The diall of princes: containing the golden and famous booke of Marcus Aurelius, sometime Emperour of Rome. Declaring what excellcncy [sic] consisteth in a prince that is a good Christian: and what euils attend on him that is a cruell tirant. Written b the Reuerend Father in God, Don Antonio of Gueuara, Lord Bishop of Guadix; preacher and chronicler to the late mighty Emperour Charles the fift. First translated out of French by Thomas North, sonne to Sir Edward North, Lord North of Kirthling: and lately reperused, and corrected from many grosse imperfections. With addition of a fourth booke, stiled by the name of The fauoured courtier. London: imprinted by Bernard Alsop, dwelling by Saint Annes Church neere Aldersgate, 1619. ESTC No. S120712. Grub Street ID 140341.
  • Horne, Robert. Certaine sermons, of the rich man and Lazarus. Preached by Robert Horne, minister of the word of God. London: printed by Ber. Alsop for Iohn Hodgets, 1619. ESTC No. S93053. Grub Street ID 151661.
  • A helpe to discourse. Or, A miscelany of merriment. Consisting of wittie, philosophical and astronomicall questions and answers. As also, of epigrams, epitaphs, riddles, and iests. Together with the countrymans counsellour, next his yearely oracle or prognostication to consult with. Contayning diuers necessary rules and obseruations of much vse and consequence being knowne. By W.B. and E.P. London: Printed by Bernard Alsop for Leonard Becket, and are to be sold at his shop in the Temple, neere the Church, 1619. ESTC No. S117185. Grub Street ID 136858.
  • Brathwait, Richard. The prodigals teares. With a heavenly new yeeres gift sent to the soule; contayning many most zealous and comfortable prayers, with deuout meditations: both worthie the acceptance of all Christians, and their expence of time to peruse. By H. G. preacher of the most sacred Word of God. London: Printed by B. A[lsop] for Iohn Browne, and are to be sold at his shop in Little Brittaine neere Duck Lane end: or else at Bernard Alsop his house, at S. Annes Church, neere Aldersgate, 1620. ESTC No. S114442. Grub Street ID 134154.
  • Joannes, de Mediolano. Regimen sanitatis Salerni. ... London: B. Alsop, 1620. ESTC No. S95036. Grub Street ID 153131.
  • Goodcole, Henry. Londons cry: ascended to God, and entred into the hearts, and eares of men for reuenge of bloodshedders, burglaiers, and vagabounds. Manifested the last sessions, holden at Iustice Hall in the old Baily the 9. 10. 11. 12. of December, Anno Dom. 1619. Likewise heerein is related, the courts legall proceedings, against the malefactors that were executed at Tiburne and about London, and the chiefest offenders, there offences and confessions at large expressed. Printed at London: By Barnard Alsop, and are to be solde at his house by Saint Annes Church neere Aldersgate, 1620. ESTC No. S118382. Grub Street ID 138035.
  • Boughen, Edward. A sermon of confirmation, preached in Oxford, at the first visitation of the right reuerend Father in God, Iohn Lord Bishop of Oxford. September, 27. 1619. By Edward Boughen, chaplaine to the Lord Bishop of Oxford. London: Printed by Bernard Alsop, for Elizabeth Adams, and are to be sold at her shop, in Pauls Church-yard, 1620. ESTC No. S114770. Grub Street ID 134475.
  • Peyton, Thomas. The glasse of time, in the two first ages. Diuinely handled, by Thomas Peyton, of Lincolnes Inne, Gent. Seene and allowed. London: printed by Bernard Alsop, for Lawrence Chapman, and are to be sold at his shop ouer against Staple Inne, 1620. ESTC No. S126329. Grub Street ID 145496.
  • Sylvester, Josuah. The vvood-mans bear. A poeme. By Io. Syluester. London: [Printed by Bernard Alsop?] for Thomas Iones and Laurance Chapman, 1620. ESTC No. S111328. Grub Street ID 131197.
  • The mysterie of the holy government of our affections. Contayning their nature, originall, causes, and differences. Together with the right ordering, triall, and benefit thereof: as also resoluing diuers cases of conscience, incident hereunto. Very necessarie for the triall of sinceritie, and encreasing in the power of Godlinesse. The first booke. London: Printed by Bernard Alsop, and ar[e] to be sold at his house, at S. Annes Church, neere Aldersgate, [1620?]. ESTC No. S113515. Grub Street ID 133248.
  • Peyton, Thomas. The glasse of time, in the two first ages. Diuinely handled, by Thomas Peyton, of Lincolnes Inne, Gent. London: Printed by Bernard Alsop, and are to be had at Laurenee [sic] Chapmans shop ouer-against Staple Inne, 1620. ESTC No. S114595. Grub Street ID 134304.
  • Mountford, Thomas. A sermon preached at S. Martins Church in the Fields. At the funerall of the Lady Blount, the 6. day of December, An. Dom. 1619. London: Printed by Bernard Alsop for Iohn Hodgets, 1620. ESTC No. S114336. Grub Street ID 134053.
  • Virgil. The thirteene bookes of Aeneidos. The first twelue being the worke of the diuine poet Virgil Maro; and the thirteenth, the supplement of Maphæus Vegius. Translated into English verse, to the first third part of the tenth booke, by Thomas Phaer, Esquire: and the residue finished, and now newly set forth, for the delight of such as are studious in poetry, by Thomas Twyne, Doctor in Physicke. London: Printed by Bernard Alsop, by the assignement of Clement Knight, 1620. ESTC No. S119320. Grub Street ID 138963.
  • Greene, Robert. Theeves falling out, true men come by their goods: or, The belman wanted a clapper. A peale of new villanies rung out: the sound being musicall to all gentlemen, lawyers, farmers and all sorts of people that come vp to the tearme: shewing that the villanies of lewd women excell those of men. By Robert Greene. London: Printed by Bernard Alsop for Henry Bell, and are to be sold at his shop, at the signe of the sunne in Bethelem, 1621. ESTC No. S124535. Grub Street ID 143887.
  • I. B. Algiers voyage in a iournall or briefe reportary of all occurrents hapning in the fleet of ships sent out by the King his most excellent Maiestie, as well against the pirates of Algiers, as others: the whole body of the fleete consisting of 18. sayle. Viz. Sixe of his Maiesties ships. Ten marchants ships. Two pinnaces. Vnder the command of Sir Robert Mansel knight, Vice-admirall of England, and Admirall of that fleet: and a councell of warre appointed by his Maiestie. The accidents of euery particular moneth (since the first setting forth) being in this discouery, expressed by one that went along in the voyage. [London]: Imprinted [by B. Alsop], MDCXXI. [1621]. ESTC No. S117368. Grub Street ID 137038.
  • Adagia in Latine and English containing five hundred proverbs : very profitable for the vse of those who aspire to further perfection in the Latine tongue. London: Printed by Bernard Alsop, dwelling in Distaff-Lane, at the signe of the Dolphine, 1621. ESTC No. S2657. Grub Street ID 147027.
  • Fiscus papalis. Siue, Catalogus indulgentiarum & reliquarum septem principalium ecclesiarum vrbis Romæ. Ex vetusto manuscripto codice vere & fideliter descriptus. = A part of the Popes exchequer. That is, A catalogue of the indulgences and reliques belonging to the seuen principall churches in Rome. Laying downe the spirituall riches and infinite treasure which (as sure as the Pope is holy and true) are to be found in the catholike Roman Church, whereof the poore heretikes in England haue not one mite. Taken out of an ancient manuscript, and translated. Together with certaine notes and comments, explaining the more difficult place, for the ease and helpe of good Catholikes, who had best goe to Rome, to try the vertue of the glorious indulgences. By a Catholike diuine. London: Printed by Barnard Alsop, and are to be sold at his house at the signe of the Dolphin in Distaffe-lane, 1621. ESTC No. S114011. Grub Street ID 133737.
  • Scot, Patrick. A table-booke for princes. Containing short remembrances for the gouernment of themselues and their empire. Wherein also respectiuely the seuerall members of state, and all sorts of subiects, may finde matter worthy their obseruation. By Patricke Scot, Esquire. London: Printed by Bernard Alsop, dwelling in Distaffe-Lane at the signe of the Dolphin, neere Olde Fish-street, 1621. ESTC No. S116871. Grub Street ID 136558.
  • VVilie beguile ye, or The worldlings gaine: shevving how they hazard their pretious soules for the attaining of these vaine and transitory things, and withall teaching how to obtaine and enioy the benefits of this life: that so we may lay vp a good foundation thereby against the life to come: expressed in some sauoury and effectuall meditations and obseruations hereupon. By Thomas Cooper. Imprinted at London: [B. Alsop], 1621. ESTC No. S119004. Grub Street ID 138650.
  • Reading, John. The old mans staffe, two sermons shewing the onely way to a comfortable old age, preached in Saint Maries in Douer by Iohn Reading. London: Printed by Bernard Alsop for Iohn Hodgets, 1621. ESTC No. S115679. Grub Street ID 135368.
  • Reading, John. A faire vvarning. Declaring the comfortable vse both of sicknesse and health. Deliuered in seuerall sermons at Saint Maries in Douer, by Iohn Reading minister and preacher of Gods words. London: printed by Bernard Alsop, for Iohn Hodgets, 1621. ESTC No. S115682. Grub Street ID 135371.
  • Schwarzenberg, Georg Ludwig. The oration or substance of that which was deliuered before his Maiestie of Great Brittaine, by the Emperours embassador, the high and excellent Lord, Count Swartesienbourge, at his day of audience, being the seuenth of Aprill, in the Parliament chamber. Translated out o the high Dutch, and now published by especiall command. Imprinted at London: [by B. Alsop] for Thomas Acrher [sic], and are to be sold in Popes head Pallace, ouer against the signe of the Horse-shooe, 16. Aprill. 1622. ESTC No. S124850. Grub Street ID 144152.
  • The nevv man or, A supplication from an vnknowne person, a Roman Catholike vnto Iames, the monarch of Great Brittaine, and from him to the emperour, kings and princes of the Christian world. Touching the causes and reasons that wil argue a necessity of a generall councel to be forthwith assembled against him that now vsurps the papall chaire, vnder the name of Paul the fifth. Wherein are discouered more of the secret iniquities of that chaire and court, then hitherto their friends feared, or their very aduersaries did suspect. Translated into English by William Crashaw Batchelour in Diuinity, according to the Latine copy sent from Rome into England. London: printed by Barnard Alsop, for George Norton, and are to be sold in Distaffe-lane, at the signe of the Dolphin, 1622. ESTC No. S661. Grub Street ID 149284.
  • Whately, William. The nevv birth: or A treatise of regeneration, deliuered in certaine sermons, and published by William Whately, preacher and minister of Banbury in Oxfordshire. London: Printed by Bernard Alsop for Ionas Man, and Paul Man, and are to be sold in Paternoster-row, at the signe of the Talbot, 1622. ESTC No. S112667. Grub Street ID 132420.
  • Whately, William. The nevv birth: or A treatise of regeneration, delivered in certaine sermons; and published by William Whately, preacher and minister of Banbury in Oxford-shire. London: Imprinted by Bernard Alsop for Thomas Man, and are to be sold at his shop in Pater-noster-row, at the signe of the Talbot, 1622. ESTC No. S2386. Grub Street ID 146777.
  • Massinger, Philip. The virgin martir, a tragedie. As it hath bin diuers times publickely acted with great applause, by the seruants of his Maiesties Reuels. Written by Phillip Messenger and Thomas Decker. London: Printed by Bernard Alsop for Thomas Iones, 1622. ESTC No. S112431. Grub Street ID 132193.
  • Whately, William. Gods husbandry: the first part. Tending to shew the difference betwixt the hypocrite and the true-hearted Christian. As it was deliuered in certaine sermons, and is now published by William Whately, preacher of the Word of God in Banbury in Oxfordsheire. London: Imprinted by Bernard Alsop [and Felix Kyngston] for Thomas Man, and are to be sold at his shop in Pater-noster-row, at the signe of the Talbot, 1622. ESTC No. S119726. Grub Street ID 139366.
  • A copie of the agreement made betweene Hurian Bassa, gouernor of Tunis and Argier, for the great Turke. And the lords the generall states of the vnited Netherland Prouinces. Faithfully translated out of the Spanish and Dutch copie. [London: B. Alsop], MDCXXII. [1622]. ESTC No. S114545. Grub Street ID 134254.
  • The vvonderfull mysterie of spirituall growth. Describing the necessitie, nature, manner, measure, and markes thereof. As also, laying downe necessarie rules for the wise discerning of the same. And resoluing many speciall cases of conscience incident hereunto, tending t the comfort of distressed spirits, and so to the attaining of perfect holinesse. Diuided into two bookes. London: Printed by Bernard Alsop, and are to sold at his house in Distaffe Lane, at the signe of the Dolphin, 1622. ESTC No. S114304. Grub Street ID 134023.
  • Harris, Robert. The drunkards cup. By Master Harris, pastor of Hanwell, and Batchelor in Diuinitie. At London: printed by Bernard Alsop for Thomas Man, and are to be sold at the signe of the Talbot in Pater-noster row, 1622. ESTC No. S120288. Grub Street ID 139924.
  • A proclamation made and proclaimed in Holland, &c. by the lords the generall States of the vnited Netherland Prouinces, prohibiting all Iesuites, priests, monkes, friers, and other spirituall persons of the Romish religion, to come into the vnited Netherland Prouinces, o to stay therein, &c. As also that no man shall send any children out of the said vnited Netherlands to schoole or to boord, in any townes, places, vniuersities or schooles, vnder the King of Spaines commaund, into the enemies countrey, nor into any Iesuites colledges. As also not to make any collections or gatherings of money, gold and siluer minted and vnminted, or of any other goods, wares, or marchandizes, for, or to behoofe of any churches, hospitalls, ecclesiasticall or other colledges or couents. Printed at the Hage [i.e. London]: By Hillebrany Iacobson [i.e. B. Alsop] Printer to the States, 1622. ESTC No. S112762. Grub Street ID 132510.
  • Du Vair, Guillaume. A buckler against aduersitie: or A treatise of constancie. Written in French by the Right Honourable the Lord Du Vair, keeper of the great seale of France. And now done into English by Andrevv Court. London: Printed by Bernard Alsop, dwelling in Distaffe Lane at the signe of the Dolphin, 1622. ESTC No. S786. Grub Street ID 149407.
  • Mayenne, Henri de Lorraine. The Duke de Mayennes ghost speaking to the princes, lords, and gentlemen of France. Faithfully translated according to the French copie. Printed at the Hage [i.e. London?]: by [B. Alsop? for] Hillebrant Iacobson, printer to the Generall States of the vnited Netherlands, MDCXXII. [1622]. ESTC No. S94150. Grub Street ID 152485.
  • Novus Homo.. The nevv man or, A supplication from an vnknowne person, a Roman Catholike vnto Iames, the monarch of Great Brittaine, and from him to the Emperour, kings, and princes of the Christian world. Touching the causes and reasons that will argue a necessity of a generall councell to be forthwith assembled against him that now vsurps the papall chaire vnder the name of Paul the fifth. Wherein are discouered more of the secret iniquities of that chaire and court, then hitherto their friends feared, or their very aduersaries did suspect. Translated into English by William Crashaw, Batchelour in Diuinity, according to the Latine copy, sent from Rome into England. London: Printed by Bernard Alsop, for George Norton, and are to bee sold in Distaffe-lane, at the signe of the Dolphin, 1622. ESTC No. S120834. Grub Street ID 140462.
  • Harris, Robert. Samuels funerall. Or, a sermon preached at the funerall of Sir Anthonie Cope, Knight, and Barronnet. By Mr. Robert Harrice. At London: printed by Bernard Alsop for Thomas Man, and are to be sold at the signe of the Talbot in Pater-noster Row, 1622. ESTC No. S114876. Grub Street ID 134580.
  • Novus Homo.. The nevv man or, A supplication from an vnknowne person, a Roman Catholike vnto Iames, the monarch of Great Brittaine, and from him to the Emperour, kings, and princes of the Christian world. Touching the causes and reasons that will argue a necessity of a generall councell to be forthwith assembled against him that now vsurps the papall chaire vnder the name of Paul the fifth. Wherein are discouered more of the secret iniquities of that chaire and court, then hitherto their friends feared, or their very aduersaries did suspect. Translated into English by William Crashaw, Batchelour in Diuinity, according to the Latine copy, sent from Rome into England. London: Printed by Bernard Alsop, for George Norton, and are to bee sold in Distaffe-lane, at the signe of the Dolphin, 1622. ESTC No. S1474. Grub Street ID 145910.
  • Whately, William. A bride-bush. Or, A direction for married persons. Plainely describing the duties common to both, and peculiar to each of them. By performing of which, marriage shall prooue a great helpe to such, as now for want of performing them, doe finde it a little hell. Compiled and published by William Whateley, minister and preacher of Gods Word, in Banbury in Oxford-shiere. London: Printed by Bernard Alsop for Beniamin Fisher, and are to be sold at his shop in Pater noster Rowe, at the signe of the Talbot, 1623. ESTC No. S119431. Grub Street ID 139071.
  • The Christian sword and buckler. Or, A letter sent by D. Sprint, to a man seuen yeares grieuously afflicted in conscience, and fearefully possessed by the Diuel. Very comfortable and commodious to withstand the assaults of Sathan. London: printed by B. Alsop for Samuel Rand and are to be sold at his shop at Holborne Bridge, 1623. ESTC No. S4917. Grub Street ID 148831.
  • Powell, Thomas. The attourneys academy: or, The manner and forme of proceeding practically, vpon any suite, plaint or action whatsoeuer, in any court of record whatsoeuer, within this kingdome: especially, in the great courts at Westminster, to whose motion all other court of law or equitie; as well those of the two prouinciall counsailes, those of Guild-Hall London; as those of like cities and townes corporate, and all other of record are diurnally mooued. With the moderne and most usuall fees of the officers and ministers of such courts. Publisht by his Maiesties speciall priuiledge, and intended for the publique benefit of all his subiects. Tho: Povvell Londino-Cambriensis. London,: printed [by Nicholas Okes and Bernard Alsop] for Beniamin Fisher: and are to be sold at his shop in Pater-noster Row, at the signe of the Talbot, 1623. ESTC No. S124370. Grub Street ID 143745.
  • Rogers, Richard. The practice of Christianitie. Or An epitomie of seuen treatises, penned and published in the yeare 1633 [sic]. by that reuerend and faithfull pastor M. R.R. late preacher of Wethersfield in Essex, tending to that end. Contracted long since for priuate vse, and now published for the benefite of such, as either want leisure to reade, or meanes to prouide larger volumes. London: printed by B. Alsop for Tho. Man, and are to be sold by Beniamin Fisher at the signe of the Talbot in Pater noster row, 1623. ESTC No. S501. Grub Street ID 148909.
  • Sir Thomas Moore's Vtopia: containing, an excellent, learned, wittie, and pleasant discourse of the best state of a publike weale, as it is found in the gouernment of the new ile called Vtopia. First written in Latine, by the Right Honourable and worthy of all fame, Sir Thomas Moore, Knight, Lord Chauncellour of England; and translated into English by Raphe Robinson, sometime fellow of Corpus Christi Colledge in Oxford. And now after many impressions, newly corrected and purged of all errors hapned in the former editions. London: Printed by Bernard Alsop, dwelling in Distaffe lane at the signe of the Dolphin, 1624. ESTC No. S112889. Grub Street ID 132633.
  • Markham, Gervase. Honour in his perfection: or, A treatise in commendations of the vertues and renowned vertuous vndertakings of the illustrious and heroyicall princes Henry Earle of Oxenford. Henry Earle of Southampton, Robert Earle of Essex, and the euer praise-worthy and much honoured Lord, Robert Bartue, Lord Willoughby, of Eresby: with a briefe cronology of theirs, and their auncestours actions. And to the eternall memory of all that follow them now, or will imitate them hereafter, especially those three noble instances, the Lord Wriouthesley, the Lord Delaware, and the Lord Montioy. London: Printed by B. Alsop, for Beniamin Fisher, and are to be sold at his shop in Pater noster Row, at the signe of the Talbot, 1624. ESTC No. S112100. Grub Street ID 131866.
  • Cleaver, Robert. The patrimony of Christian children: or, a defence of infants babtisme prooued to be consonant to the scriptures and will of God (against the erroneons [sic] positions of the Anabaptists.[)] By Robert Cleaver, with the ioynt consent of Mr. Iohn Dod. London: Printed by Bernard Alsop, for Ioseph Hunscot and Beniamin Fisher, and are to be sold at the signe of the Talbot in Pater-noster Rowe, 1624. ESTC No. S114494. Grub Street ID 134203.
  • Tailboys, Samuel. A nevv lachrymentall and funerall elegy: or, a distillation of Great Brittaine's teares, shed for the vnexpected and sudden death of the tresvertuous and most glorious Prince Lodovvicke, Duke of Richmond and Lenox. Who departed this transitory life, at his chamber in White-Hall, on Munday morning, being the 16. day of February 1624. being the same day appointed and intended by him to haue attended and gone with our soueraigne lord, King Iames; Prince Charles his Highnesse, and other the nobilitie, in robes of scarlet, to the honourable House of Parliament, which by reason of his death, was then put off till the 19. day of February following. Printed at London: by B. Alsop, dwelling at the signe of the Dolphin in Distaffe Lane, 1624. ESTC No. S124894. Grub Street ID 144192.
  • Skelton, John. Elynour Rummin, the famous ale-wife of England. Written by Mr. Skelton, Poet Laureat to King Henry the egiht [sic]. London: Printed [by Bernard Alsop] for Samuel Rand, 1624. ESTC No. S111024. Grub Street ID 130960.
  • Pilovius, Conradus. Epicedium: in obitum luctuosissimum honoratissimi omniumque virtutum encomio præstantissimi herois ac Domini Ludovici Linoxiæ & Richmondiæ ducis inclytissimi, &c. qui obijt in alba Aula Westmon. 16. die mens. Februar. Anno 1624. Scriptvm et oblatum a Conrado Pilovio Marauo Germano. Excussum Londini: [B. Alsop], M.DC.XXIIII. [1624]. ESTC No. S110451. Grub Street ID 130496.
  • Dalton, Edward. Doubtings dovvnfall, first, prouing the communitie of the Saints assurance. Secondly, disprouing Bellarmines and his fellowes false allegations and friuolous exceptions against that truth. By Edvvard Dalton, preacher of the Word, &c. London: Printed by B. A[lsop], 1624. ESTC No. S115432. Grub Street ID 135125.
  • The Spanish pilgrime: or, An admirable discouery of a Romish Catholicke. Shewing how necessary and important it is, for the Protestant kings, princes, and potentates of Europe, to make warre vpon the King of Spaines owne countrey: also where, and by what meanes, his dominions may be inuaded and easily ruinated; as the English heretofore going into Spaine, did constraine the kings of Castile to demand peace in all humility, and what great losse it hath beene, and still is to all Christendome, for default of putting the same in execution. Wherein hee makes apparant by good and euident reasons, infallible arguments, most true and certaine histories, and notable examples, the right way, and true meanes to resist the violence of the Spanish King, to breake the course of his designes, to beate downe his pride, and to ruinate his puissance. London: Printed by B[ernard]. A[lsop]. and are to be sold by Thomas Archer at his shop in Popes head Alley, ouer against the signe of the Horse-shooe, 1625. ESTC No. S118337. Grub Street ID 137990.
  • Especiall obseruations, and approued physicall rules; which haue (heretofore) beene well tryed and experienced, in the last heauy and grieuous time of the pestilence. And, vpon the good and benefit then ensuing by it: thought meete to bee now published, in this dangerous contagion of the plague. Seruing as soueraigne antidotes, for preseruation of all such as are not infected; as also for them that bee already visited. London: printed by B. Alsop and T. Fawcet, by the assignes of R. B[arker] and are to be sold at their house in Grubstreet, neere vnto the lower Pumpe, 1625. ESTC No. S119939. Grub Street ID 139578.
  • Petowe, Henry. The countrie ague. Or, London her vvelcome home to her retired children. Together, with a true relation of the warlike funerall of Captaine Richard Robyns, one of the twentie captaines of the trayned bands of the citie of London, which was performed the 24. day of September last, 1625. in armes, in the time of this visitation which the rumour in the countrey went currant, that London had not people enough left aliue to bury her dead. By Henry Petovve, Marshall of the Artillerie Garden, London. [London]: Printed [by B. Alsop and T. Fawcet] for Robert Allot, and are to be sold at the Greyhound in Pauls Church-yard, 1626 [i.e. 1625]. ESTC No. S119194. Grub Street ID 138837.
  • Douglas, Eleanor. A vvarning to the dragon and all his angels. London: printed [by B. Alsop], M.DC.XXV. [1625]. ESTC No. S115841. Grub Street ID 135532.
  • Scot, Patrick. Vox vera: or, Obseruations from Amsterdam. Examining the late insolencies of some pseudo-puritans, separatists from the Church of Great Brittaine. And closed vp with a serious three-fold aduertisement for the generall vse of euery good subiect within his Maiesties dominions, but more especially of those in the kingdome of Scotland. By Patricke Scot, North-Brittaine. London: Printed by Bernard Alsop, 1625. ESTC No. S116886. Grub Street ID 136573.
  • The names of the knights, citizens, burgesses for the boroughs, and barons for the ports for the honourable assembly of the House of Commons for the High Court of Parliament, begun at Westminster the 18. day of Iune, in the first yeere of the raigne of our Soueraigne Lor Charles, by the Grace of God King of England, Scotland, France, and Ireland, defender of the Faith, &c. 1625. And also the names of those that were of the precedent Parliament, held 1624. and likewise of the former held 1620. shewing how neere they were the same chosen againe, and the names of those that are now new come in, so distinguished as they haue serued in either the two former Parliaments, or in all three of them may be hereby discerned. London: Printed [by B. Alsop for Thomas Walkley], 1625. ESTC No. S114356. Grub Street ID 134072.
  • Holland, Abraham. Hollandi post-huma. A funerall elegie of King Iames: with a congratulatory salve to King Charles. An elegie of the magnanimous Henry Earle of Oxford. A description of the great, fearefull and prodigious plague: and diuers other patheticall poemes, elegies, and other lines, on divers subiects. The post-humes of Abraham Holland, sometimes of Trinity-Colledge in Cambridge. The authors epitaph, made by himselfe. Cantabrigiæ [i.e. London: Printed by Bernard Alsop and Thomas Fawcet] impensis Henrici Holland, M.DC.XXVI. [1626]. ESTC No. S122587. Grub Street ID 142120.
  • Holland, Henry. Motus Medi-terraneus. Or, A true relation of a fearefull and prodigious earthquake, which lately happened in the ancient citie of Couentrie, and some other places of the Kingdome, to the great amazement of the inhabitants. With a touch of some other occurrences, as well forraine as domestique. [London]: Printed [by B. Alsop and T. Fawcet] for He: Holland, 1626. ESTC No. S119151. Grub Street ID 138795.
  • E., J.. A winding-sheet. Wrapped vp in a letter from an onely liuing brother, sent to his few suruiuing sisters. Denouncing vnto them the sad sentence of death and directing them how to bee prepared for the happie entertainment of it. London: Printed by B.A. [i.e. B. Alsop] and T.F. [i.e. T. Fawcet] for F.C. [i.e. F. Clifton] and are to bee sold at his shop on New Fishstreet-Hill, 1626. ESTC No. S126067. Grub Street ID 145243.
  • Overbury, Thomas. Sir Thomas Ouerbury his obseruations in his trauailes vpon the state of the Xvii. Prouinces as they stood anno Dom. 1609. The treatie of peace being then on foote. [London]: Printed [by Bernard Alsop for John Parker], M.DC.XXVI. [1626]. ESTC No. S113538. Grub Street ID 133270.
  • Vicary, Thomas. The English-mans treasure with the true anatomie of mans body / compiled by that excellent chyrurgion Mr. Thomas Vicary ... ; whereunto are annexed many secrets appertaining to chyrurgerie, with diuers excellent approued remedies ... ; also the rare treasure of the English bathes, written by William Turner ... ; gathered and set forth for the benefite and cure of the poorer sort of people ... by William Bremer ... Printed at London: By B. Alsop and Tho. Favvcet dwelling in Grubstreet neere the lower Pumpe, 1626. ESTC No. S538. Grub Street ID 149155.
  • Ross, Alexander. An exposition on the fourteene first chapters of Genesis, by way of question and answere. Collected out of ancient and recent writers: both briefely and subtilly propounded and expounded. By Abraham [sic] Rosse of Aberden, preacher at St. Maries neere South-Hampton, and one of his Maiesties chaplaines. London: Printed by B[ernard]. A[lsop]. and T[homas]. F[awcet]. for Anth: Vpphill, and are to be sold at the White-Lyon, in Pauls Church-yard, 1626. ESTC No. S116181. Grub Street ID 135872.
  • Holland, Abraham. Hollandi post-huma. A funerall elegie of King Iames: with a congratulatory salve to King Charles. An elegie of the magnanimous Henry Earle of Oxford. A description of the great, fearefull and prodigious plague: and divers other patheticall poemes, elegies, and other lines, on divers subiects. The post-humes of Abraham Holland, sometimes of Trinity-Colledge in Cambridge. The authors epitaph, made by himselfe. Cantabrigiæ [i.e. London]: impensis Henrici Holland [i.e. B. Alsop and T. Fawcet], 1626. ESTC No. S5104. Grub Street ID 148951.
  • Holland, Abraham. Hollandi post-huma. A funerall elegie of King Iames: With a congratulatory salve to King Charles. An elegie of the magnanimous Henry Earle of Oxford. A description of the late great, fearefull and and [sic] prodigious plague: and divers other patheticall poemes, elegies, and other lines, on divers subiects. The post-humes of Abraham Holland, sometimes of Trinity-Colledge in Cambridge. The authors epitaph, made by himselfe. Cantabrigiæ [i.e. London]: [printed by B. Alsop and T. Fawcet] impensis, Henrici Holland, 1626. ESTC No. S114142. Grub Street ID 133865.
  • Cotton, Robert. A short vievv of the long life and raigne of Henry the Third, King of England. Presented to King Iames. [London]: Printed [by John Okes, Bernard Alsop, and Thomas Fawcet for Benjamin Fisher], M D CXXVII. [1627]. ESTC No. S302. Grub Street ID 147324.
  • Niccols, Richard. The beggers ape. London: printed by B[ernard] A[lsop] and T. Fawcet. for L. Chapman, and are to bee sold at his shop at the upper end of Chancery-Lane 1627. ESTC No. S110154. Grub Street ID 130271.
  • Purchas, Samuel. Purchas his pilgrim. Microcosmus, or the historie of man. Relating the wonders of his generation, vanities in his degeneration, necessity of his regeneration. Meditated on the words of Dauid. Psal. 39.5. Verily, euery man at his best state is altogether vanitie. Selah. By Samuel Purchas, parson of S. Martins neere Ludgate, London. London: Printed [by William Stansby, Bernard Alsop, and Thomas Fawcet] for Tho. Alchorn, and are to be sold at his shop at the signe of the Greene Dragon in Pauls Church-yard, 1627. ESTC No. S115451. Grub Street ID 135142.
  • The effect of certaine branches of the statute made in anno, 33. Henrici viii. touching the maintenance of artillerie, and the punishment of such as vse vnlavvfull games, to be put in present execution, by especiall order from the Kings most excellent Majestie. Imprinted at London: [by B. Alsop and T. Fawcet], M.D.C.XXVIII [1628]. ESTC No. S123647. Grub Street ID 143111.
  • Cambium Regis: or, The office of His Maiesties Exchange Royall. Declaring and iustifying his Maiesties right; and the conveniencie thereof. Published by authoritie. London: Printed [by B. Alsop and T. Fawcet] for B. F[isher], 1628. ESTC No. S117072. Grub Street ID 136747.
  • Burton, Henry. A tryall of priuate deuotions. Or, A diall for the houres of prayer. By H.B. rector of St. Mathevves Friday-street. London: Printed [by Bernard Alsop, Thomas Fawcet, and Thomas Cotes] for M[ichael] S[parke], 1628. ESTC No. S121011. Grub Street ID 140620.
  • The effect of certaine branches of the statute made in anno, 33. Henrici viii. touching the maintenance of artillerie, and the punishment of such as vse vnlawfull games, to be put in present execution, by especiall order from the Kings most excellent Majestie. Imprinted at London: [by B. Alsop and T. Fawcet], M.D.C.XXVIII [1628]. ESTC No. S92057. Grub Street ID 150905.
  • Sanderson, Robert. Two sermons preached at Paules-Crosse London. The one November 21. the other Aprill 15. 1627. By Robert Saunderson, Bachelour in Divinitie, and sometimes Fellow of Lincolne Colledge in Oxford. London: Printed by B. A[lsop] and T. F[awcet] for Robert Dawlman, and are to be sold at his shop, at the signe of the Brazen Serpent in Pauls Church-yard, 1628. ESTC No. S112209. Grub Street ID 131974.
  • Burton, Henry. A tryall of private devotions. Or, A diall for the houres of prayer. By H.B. rector of St. Mathevves Friday-street. London: Printed [by Bernard Alsop, Thomas Fawcet, and Thomas Cotes] for M. S[parke]., 1628. ESTC No. S124658. Grub Street ID 144008.
  • Anti-montacutum. An appeale or remonstrance of the orthodox ministers of the Church of England; against Richard Mountagu clerke, lately made Byshop of Chichester. To the most illustrious, high, and honble. court of Parlament, nouu assembled. And if the Parlament breake uppe, to the nobilitie, orthodox clergie, gentrie, and communaltie of England. With the proceedings against him in Bow-Church. And an epistle to B. Mountagu him-selfe. As also, a supplication of the ministers of Scotland against the said Mountagu. Wherein the mysterie of Mountaguisme is revealed. An Arminian or Mountaguists character is added. Edenburgi [i.e. London: B. Alsop and T. Fawcet], M. DC. XXIX. [1629]. ESTC No. S125127. Grub Street ID 144402.
  • Crashaw, William. Englands lamentable complaint to her God. Out of which may bee pickt a prayer for priuate families. Together, with a soueraigne receipt against sinne, the true cause of all our sorrow. As also, a necessarie catechisme, intituled Meate for men; or, A principall seruice of the sacraments. Left as a legacie by that late learned and diuine, W. Crashavv, sometimes pastor at White-Chappell, for a helpe to holinesse and humiliation, in such as desire to liue and dye in the feare and fauour of God. Printed at London: [by B. Alsop and T. Fawcet] for George Fairebeard, at the North doore of the Royall Exchange, 1629. ESTC No. S91561. Grub Street ID 150592.
  • Crashaw, William. Meate for men. Or, A principall seruice of the sacraments. Wherein (amongst many) these two points are specifically handled --- 1. Of the baptizing of infants. 2. Of kneeling in the act of breaking and receiuing the Lords supper. For the vse of all religious families and monethly communicants in the kingdome when they come to the Lords table. Written by way of briefe questions and answers, for the ease and benefit of the simple. By W. Crashaw B. of divinitie, and sometimes pastor at White-Chappell. London: printed [by B. Alsop and T. Fawcet] for G. Fayer-beard at the North doore of the Royall Exchange, 1629. ESTC No. S91562. Grub Street ID 150593.
  • Sutton, William. A seminary priest put to a non-plus. Or, A Christian and modest answere, to certaine motiues sent by a popish priest to a worthy gentleman, to induce him to turne papist. London: Printed [by Bernard Alsop and T. Fawcett] for William Sheeres, 1629. ESTC No. S117103. Grub Street ID 136778.
  • Massinger, Philip. The Roman actor. A tragædie. As it hath diuers times beene, with good allowance acted, at the private play-house in the Black-Friers, by the Kings Majesties Servants. Written by Philip Massinger. London: printed by B[ernard]. A[lsop]. and T[homas]. F[awcet]. for Robert Allot, and are to be sold at his shop at the signe of the Beare in Pauls Church-yard, 1629. ESTC No. S112428. Grub Street ID 132190.
  • Cowper, William. The workes of Mr Willia[m] Cowper late Bishop of Galloway. Now newly collected into one volume. Whereunto is added a comentary on the Reuelation neuer before published. Also an alphabeticall table for the finding out the principall heads contained in euery booke. London: imprinted [by John Beale, Thomas Brudenell, Thomas Harper, Miles Flesher, John Legatt, Elizabeth Allde, Bernard Alsop, and Thomas Fawcet] for Robert Allott, and are to be sold at his shop in Paules Church-yard, at the signe of ye blacke Beare, 1629. ESTC No. S122982. Grub Street ID 142506.
  • Petowe, Henry. An honorable president for great men by an elegiecall [sic] monument to the memory of that worthy gentleman Mr. Iohn Bancks, citizen and mercer of London, aged about 60 yeares, and dyed the day of September, anno Dom. 1630. [London?: B. Alsop and T. Fawcet, 1630]. ESTC No. S3211. Grub Street ID 147490.
  • Shirley, James. The gratefull seruant. A comedie. As it was lately presented with good applause at the priuate House in Drury-Lane, by her Majesties Servants. Written by Iames Shirley Gent. London: printed by B[ernard]. A[lsop]. and T[homas]. F[awcet]. for Iohn Groue, and are to be sold at his shop at Furnivals-Inne gate, 1630. ESTC No. S117332. Grub Street ID 137004.
  • Powell, Thomas. The attourneys academy: or, The manner and forme of proceeding practically, vpon any suite, plaint or action whatsoeuer, in any court of record whatsoeuer within this kingdome. Especially, in the great courts of Westminster, to whose motion all other courts of law or equitie; as well those of the two prouinciall counsailes, those of Guild Hall London; as those of like cities and towncs [sic] corporate, and all other of record are diurnally mooued. With the modern and most useful fees of the officers and ministers of such courts. The third impression corrected and inlarged with additions of the verge court and others. Publisht by his Maiesties speciall priuiledge, and intended for the publike benefit of all his subjects. Tho: Povvell. Londino. Cambrensis. London: Printed [by Bernard Alsop and Thomas Fawcet] for Benjamin Fisher, and are to be sold at his shop in Aldersgate-street at the signe of the Talbot, 1630. ESTC No. S115026. Grub Street ID 134726.
  • Three severall treatises concerning the truce at this present propounded. The first, laying open divers considerations and reasons, why a truce ought not to bee contracted: propounded vnto the high and mightie lords of the States Generall of the Vnited Provinces: by the right honble the commissioners and deputies of the most hon: authorized Company of West India. In their owne behalfe. The second, discusseth this question very pithily and at large, whether or no it bee lawfull to make truce with the King of Spaine, with divers fitting considerations. Lastly, here is added a remonstrance, represented to the States theyr Excellencies, in the behalfe of the King of Bohemia, which hath a respect vnto the affaires in Germanie. All truly and faithfully translated out of the Low Dutch copie. London: Printed [by Bernard Alsop and Thomas Fawcet] for Nathaniel Butter and Nicholas Bourne, 1630. ESTC No. S120731. Grub Street ID 140359.
  • Powell, Thomas. The attourney's academy: or, The manner and forme of proceeding practically, vpon any suite, plaint or action whatsoeuer, in any court of record whatsoeuer, within this kingdome: especially, in the great courts of VVestminster, to whose motion all other courts of law or equitie; as well those of the two prouinciall counsailes, those of Guild Hall London; as those of like cities and townes corporate, and all other of record are diurnally mooued. With the moderne and most vsuall fees of the officers and ministers of such courts. The third impression corrected and inlarged with additions of the verge court and others. Publisht by his Maiesties speciall priuiledge, and intended for the publike benefit of all his subjects. Tho: Povvell Londino-Cambriensis. London: printed [by B. Alsop and T. Fawcet] for Benjamin Fisher, and are to be sold at his shop in Aldersgate-street, at the signe of the Talbot, 1630. ESTC No. S94768. Grub Street ID 152922.
  • Coote, Edmund. The English schoole-master: teaching all his schollers, of what age soever, the most easie, short, and perfect order of distinct reading, and true writing our English-tongue, that hath euer yet beene knowne or published by any. And further also, teacheth a direct course, hovv any vnskilfull person may easily both vnderstand any hard English words, ... Deuised for thy sake that wantest any part of this skill, by Edward Coote, Master of the Free-schoole in Bury St. Edmond. London: Printed [by B. Alsop and T. Fawcet, and George Purslowe [at Eliot's Court press]] for the Company of Stationers, 1630. ESTC No. S113503. Grub Street ID 133237.
  • Francke, Christian. The doctrines and practises of the Societie of Iesuites. In two bookes. The first, containing their grounds and intentions, discovered by two of their owne societie, the Reverend Paulus Florenius, Doctor and professor of Divinitie, and Christianus Francken, professor of philosophy, both in the Imperiall Schoole of Iesuites at Vienna. The second, containing a detection of the secret designes and bloody proiects of that societie of later yeares; especially, since their first designes for disturbing the sate [sic] of Germanie. And may serue as a warning for vs of this iland, and these times whereinto wee are fallen. By W.F. an vnworthy minister of the Gospell of Iesus Christ. London: Printed by B[ernard]. A[lsop]. and T. Fawcet, for George Gibbs, and are to be sold at his shop at the Flower de Luce in Popes-head Alley, 1630. ESTC No. S122937. Grub Street ID 142463.
  • A canon of triangles: or, The tables, of sines, tangents, and secants, the radius asumed to be 100000. London: Printed [by Bernard Alsop and Thomas Fawcet] for Iohn Tap, 1630. ESTC No. S114829. Grub Street ID 134534.
  • Hall, Joseph. Occasionall meditations. By Ios: Exon. Set forth by R.H. London: printed [by B. Alsop and T. Fawcet?] for Nath: Butter, 1630. ESTC No. S124972. Grub Street ID 144266.
  • Overbury, Thomas. Sir Thomas Ouerbury his VVife. With additions of nevv characters, and many other wittie conceites neuer before printed. London: Printed [by Bernard Alsop and Thomas Fawcett] for Robert Allot, and are to be sold at the signe of the Beare in Pauls Church-yard, 1630. ESTC No. S113548. Grub Street ID 133280.
  • Taylor, John. All the vvorkes of Iohn Taylor the water-poet. Beeing sixty and three in number. Collected into one volume by the author: vvith sundry new additions, corrected, reuised, and newly imprinted, 1630. At London: printed by I[ohn] B[eale, Elizabeth Allde, Bernard Alsop, and Thomas Fawcet] for Iames Boler; at the signe of the Marigold in Pauls Churchyard, 1630. ESTC No. S117734. Grub Street ID 137401.
  • Powell, Thomas. Tom of all trades. Or The plaine path-vvay to preferment. Being a discovery of a passage to promotion in all professions, trades, arts, and mysteries. Found out by an old travailer in the sea of experience, amongst the inchanted islands of ill fortune. Now published for common good. By Thomas Povvell. London: Printed by B. Alsop and T. Fawcet, for Benjamen Fisher, and are to bee sold at his shop at the signe of the Talbot in Aldersgate-street, 1631. ESTC No. S114992. Grub Street ID 134692.
  • Articles to be enquired of, within the arch-deaconrie of Colchester, by the church-wardens, and sworne-men in euery parish. And presentment to be made thereof, to the arch-deacon. With peculiar answer to euery article. Giuen, anno Dom. 1631. London: printed by B. Alsop and T. Favvcet, 1631. ESTC No. S92314. Grub Street ID 151085.
  • Tvvo memorable relations. The former, a relation of some late conflicts betweene the Portugals and the English at Surat in the East-Indies? [sic] wherein the Portugals were vanquished, many slaine, and many taken prisoners. The later, the copie of a letter written from Bergen-vp-Zoom by an English hand; wherein is contained, a full perfit and true relation, of the late (great and admirable) defeat of the Spanish forces by water, by the Prince of Orange assisted with the English forces neere Bergen, the 12. of September, 1631. London: Printed [by B. Alsop, T. Fawcet, and R. Young] for Nath: Butter, and Nich: Bourne, 1631. ESTC No. S110605. Grub Street ID 130621.
  • Agard, Arthur. The repertorie of records, remaining in [brace] the 4. treasuries on the receipt side at Westminster, the two remembrancers of the Exchequer with a briefe introductive index of the records of the Chancery and Touuer, whereby to give the better direction to the records abovesaid : as also a most exact calender of all those records of the Touuer, in which are contained and comprised whatsoever may give satisfaction to the searcher, for tenure or tytle of any thing. London: Printed by B. Alsop and T. Fauucet, for B. Fisher, dwelling at the signe of the Talbot in Aldersgate-street, 1631. ESTC No. S2396. Grub Street ID 146784.
  • Tvvo memorable relations. The former, a relation of some late conflicts betweene the Portugals and the English at Surat in the East-Indies? [sic] wherein the Portugals were vanquished, many slaine, and many taken prisoners. The latter, the copie of a letter written from Bergen-vp-Zoom by an English hand; wherein is contained, a full perfit and true relation, of the late (great and admirable) defeat of the Spanish forces by water, by the Prince of Orange assisted with the English forces neere Bergen, the 13. of September, 1631. London: printed [by B. Alsop, T. Fawcet, and R. Young] for Nath: Butter, and Nich: Bourne, 1631. ESTC No. S126425. Grub Street ID 145525.
  • Louis. Severall letters betwixt the French King and the Q. Mother, concerning the present troubles there. Vnto which is added, the French Kings declaration vpon the departure of the Queene Mother, and Monsieur his brother out of the kingdome. The confirmation of the Court Parliament of Paris vpon the same. Faithfully translated out of the French. London: Printed [by Bernard Alsop and Thomas Fawcet] for Nath: Butter, and Nich: Bourne, 1631. ESTC No. S1347. Grub Street ID 145790.
  • Massinger, Philip. The virgin martyr; a tragedie. As it hath beene divers times publikely acted with great applause, by the servants of his Majesties Revels. Written by Philip Messenger, and Thomas Decker. London: printed by B[ernard]. A[lsop]. and T[homas]. F[awcet]. for Thomas Iones, and are to be sold at his shop in St. Dunstans Church-yard, 1631. ESTC No. S123207. Grub Street ID 142723.
  • Tapp, John. The sea-mans kalender: or, An ephemerides of the sunne, moone, and certaine of the most notable fixed starres. London: printed by B. Alsop and T. Favvcet, for Iohn Tap, and are to be sold at his shop at Saint Magnus corner, anno Dom. 1631. ESTC No. S1367. Grub Street ID 145806.
  • Brathwait, Richard. The English gentlevvoman, drawne out to the full body: expressing, what habilliments doe best attire her, what ornaments doe best adorne her, what complements doe best accomplish her. By Richard Brathvvait Esq. London: Printed by B. Alsop and T. Favvcet, for Michaell Sparke, dwelling in Greene Arbor, 1631. ESTC No. S122488. Grub Street ID 142022.
  • Agard, Arthur. The repertorie of records: remaining in the 4. treasuries on the receipt side at Westminster. The two remembrancers of the Exchequer. With a briefe introductiue index of the records of the Chancery and Tovver: whereby to giue the better direction to the records abouesaid As also, a most exact calender of all those records of the Tovver: in which, are contayned and comprised whatsoever may giue satisfaction to the searcher, for tenure or tytle of any thing. London: printed by B. Alsop and T. Favvcet, for B. Fisher, dwelling at the signe of the Talbot in Aldersgate-street, 1631. ESTC No. S122217. Grub Street ID 141772.
  • Agard, Arthur. The repertorie of records: remaining in he [sic] 4. treasuries on the receipt side at Westminster. he [sic] two remembrancers of the Exchequer. With a briefe introductiue index of the records of the Chancery and Tovver: whereby to giue the better direction to the records abouesaid. As also, a most exact calender of all those records of the Tovver:[...] in which, are contayned and comprised whatsoever may giue satisfaction to the searcher, for tenure or tytle of any thing. London: printed by B. Alsop and T. Favvcet, for B. Fisher, dwelling at the signe of the Talbot in Aldersgate-street, 1631. ESTC No. S126772. Grub Street ID 145661.
  • The Svvedish discipline, religious, civile, and military. The first part, in the formes of prayer daily used by those of the Swedish nation, in the armie. Together with two severall prayers, uttered upon severall occasions by that pious King; which God immediately heard and granted him. The second part, in the excellent orders observed in the armie; whereof we here present you the articles, by which the souldiery is governed. The third part, in the Kings commission for levying of a regiment: his order for drawing vp of a private company; of a squadron; and of a brigade: with his manner of enquartering a private regiment; and of an army royall: vnto which is added the best manner of building and fortifying of a towne of warre. All, in fiue severall figures expressed and explained. Last of all, is the famous Battell of Leipsich, in two fayre figures also set forth: and now this second time more fully and particularly described. London: Printed by Iohn Dawson [, Bernard Alsop, and Thomas Fawcet] for Nath: Butter and Nich: Bourne, 1632. ESTC No. S118094. Grub Street ID 137757.
  • Stow, John. Annales, or, a generall chronicle of England. Begun by Iohn Stow: continued and augmented with matters forraigne and domestique, ancient and moderne, vnto the end of this present yeere, 1631. By Edmund Howes, Gent. Londini: [printed by John Beale, Bernard Alsop, Thomas Fawcett, and Augustine Mathewes] impensis Richardi Meighen, 1631 [i.e. 1632]. ESTC No. S117586. Grub Street ID 137255.
  • M.M.. Vienna Where in is storied, ye valorous atchieuements, famous triumphs, constant loue, greate miseries, & finall happines, of the well-deseruing, truly noble and most valiant kt, Sr Paris of Vienna, and ye most admired amiable princess, the faire Vienna. London: Printed [by Bernard Alsop and Thomas Fawcet] for Richard Hawkins, and are to be sould at his shop neere Sarjeants. Inne in Chancery lane, [1632?]. ESTC No. S111866. Grub Street ID 131633.
  • Goffe, Thomas. The couragious Turke, or, Amurath the First. A tragedie. Written by Thomas Goffe Master of Arts, and student of Christ-Church in Oxford, and acted by the students of the same house. London: printed by B. Alsop, and T. Favvcet, for Richard Meighen, 1632. ESTC No. S122361. Grub Street ID 141912.
  • Francke, Christian. Tvvo spare keyes to the Iesuites cabinet. dropped accidentally by some Father of that societie and fallen into the hands of a Protestant. The first wherof, discovers their domestick doctrines for education of their novices. The second, openeth their atheisticall practises touching the present warres of Germany. Projected by them in the yeare 1608. and now so farre as their power could stretch, effected, till the comming of the most victorious King of Sweden into Germany. Both serving as a most necessary warning for these present times. London: printed by B[ernard]. A[lsop]. and T[homas]. F[awcet]. for George Gibbes, and are to be sold at his shop at the Flower de Luce, by the little South-doore of St. Pauls Church, 1632. ESTC No. S124940. Grub Street ID 144236.
  • Preston, John. Three godly and learned treatises. Intituled, I. A remedy against covetousnesse. II. An elegant and lively description of spirituall death and life. III. The doctrine of selfe-deniall. Delivered in sundry sermons, by that late famous preacher, and worthy instrument of Gods glory, I.P. Doctor of Divinitie. And now first published, for the publike good of Christians. London: printed by B[ernard] A[lsop, Thomas Cotes] and T[homas] F[awcet] for Michaell Sparke, and are to be sold at the blue Bible in Greene-Arbor, 1632. ESTC No. S115139. Grub Street ID 134834.
  • Vicary, Thomas. The English-mans treasure. With the true anatomie of mans body: compiled by that excellent chyrurgion Mr. Thomas Vicary Esquire, Sergeant Chyrurgion to King Henry the 8. to K. Edvvard the 6. to Queene Mary, and to our late soveraigne Qu. Elizabeth. ... Whereunto are annexed many secrets appertaining to chyrurgery, with divers excellent approved remedies for all captaines and souldiers, that travell eyther by water or land: and likewise for all diseases which are eyther in man or woman: with emplaisters of especiall cure: with other potions and drinkes approve in physicke. Also the rare treasure of the English bathes: written by William Turner Doctor in Physicke. Gathered and set forth for the benefit and cure of the poorer sort of people, who are not able to goe to the physitians: by William Bremer, practitioner in physicke and chyurgerie. Imprinted at London: By Barn. Alsop, and Tho. Favvcet. dwelling in Grubstreet, neere the lower pumpe, 1633. ESTC No. S119121. Grub Street ID 138766.
  • Donne, John. Deaths duell, or, A consolation to the soule, against the dying life, and living death of the body. Deliuered in a sermon at White-Hall, before the Kings Maiestie, in the beginning of Lent, 1630. By that late learned and reverend divine, Iohn Donne, Dr. in Divinity, and Deane of S. Pauls, London. Being his last sermon, and called by his Maiesties houshold the doctors owne funeral sermon. London: printed by B. Alsop, and T. Fawcet, for Beniamin Fisher, and are to be sold at the signe of the Talbot in Aldersgate-street, M.DC.XXXIII. [1633]. ESTC No. S125991. Grub Street ID 145170.
  • Shirley, James. The bird in a cage. A comedie. As it hath beene presented at the Ph?nix in Drury-Lane. The author Iames Shirley, servant to Her Majesty. London: printed by B. Alsop. and T. Fawcet. for William Cooke, and are to be sold at his shop neere Furnivals-Inne Gate, in Holborne, 1633. ESTC No. S117308. Grub Street ID 136981.
  • Shirley, James. The vvittie faire one. A comedie. As it was presented at the Private House in Drury Lane. By her Maiesties Servants. By Iames Shirley. London: printed by B[ernard]. A[lsop]. and T[homas]. F[awcet]. for Wil. Cooke, and are to be sold at his shop, neere Furnivals-Inne Gate, in Holborne, 1633. ESTC No. S117328. Grub Street ID 137000.
  • Isaacson, Henry. Saturni ephemerides siue Tabula historico-chronologica containing, a chronological series or succession of the foure monarchyes, with an abridgment of the annual memorable passages in them, as also a succession of the kings and rulers ouer most kingdomes and estates of the world, with a breife chorographical description of them, & theyre seueral storyes epitomized, with a compend of the history of the Church of God from the Creation ... Lastly an appendix of the plantation and encrease of religion in this monarchy of Britayne ... By Henry Isaacson Londoner. [London] : Printed by B[ernard] A[lsop] & T[homas] F[awcet] for Henry Seile and Humphrey Robinson, & are to be sold at their shops in St. Paules Churchyard London, 1633. ESTC No. S122147. Grub Street ID 141704.
  • Randal, John. Noble Blastus: the honor of a lord chamberlaine: and of a good bed-chamber--man: or The courtier justified in conditions of peace. Being a sermon preacht the 27. of March, 1631. before Sir Lucius Cary, and the congregation at Burford Church in Oxfordshire; with speciall relation to the Coronation-day, and the plague and dearth then among the people. By Iohn Randol Bachelor in Divinitie, of Brasen-nose Colledge in Oxford. London: Printed [by Bernard Alsop and Thomas Fawcett] for Tho: Lambert neare the Hospitall-gate in Smithfield, 1633. ESTC No. S115627. Grub Street ID 135318.
  • The birth of man-kinde; othervvise named, The womans booke. Set forth in English by Thomas Raynald physitian, and by him corrected and augmented. The contents are in the table following, but chiefly in the prologue. London: Printed [by Robert Barker, Bernard Alsop, and Thomas Fawcet] for A. H[ebb] and are to be sold by Iohn Morret, at the two Tuns in little Britaine, 1634. ESTC No. S116051. Grub Street ID 135744.
  • Ford, Emanuel. The most pleasant history of Ornatvs and Artesia. VVherein is contayned the vniust raigne of Thæon King of Phrygia. Who with his sonne Lenon intending Ornatvs his death, right heyre to the crowne, was afterwards slaine by his owne servants; and Ornatvs, after many extreame miseries crowned king. London: printed by B. Alsop and T. Favvcet, dwelling in Grub-street neere the Lower-Pumpe, 1634. ESTC No. S122634. Grub Street ID 142166.
  • Articles to be enquired of, within the arch-deaconrie of Middlesex, by the church-wardens and sworne-men in euery parish, and presentment to be made thereof, to the Arch-deacon with peculiar answer to euery article : given, anno Dom. 1634. London: Printed by B. Alsop and T. Fawcet, 1634. ESTC No. S4286. Grub Street ID 148342.
  • Joannes, de Mediolano. Regimen sanitatis Salerni: or, The schoole of Salernes regiment of health. Contayning most learned and judicious directions and instructions, for the guide and government of mans life. Dedicated vnto the high and mighty King of England, from that Vniversity, and published (by consent of learned physitians) for a generall good. Reviewed, corrected, and inlarged with a comentary, for the more plaine and easie vnderstanding thereof. Whereunto is annexed, a necessary discourse of all sorts of fish, in vse among vs, with theyr effects, appertayning to the health of man. London: Printed by B. Alsop and T. Favvcet, dwelling in Grub-street neere the lower pumpe, 1634. ESTC No. S116397. Grub Street ID 136083.
  • Sutcliffe, Alice. Meditations of man's mortalitie. Or, A way to true blessednesse. Written, by Mrs. Alice Sutcliffe wife of Iohn Sutcliffe Esquire, groome of his Maiesties most honourable privie chamber. London: printed by B[ernard]. A[lsop]. and T[homas]. F[awcet]. for Henry Seyle at the Tygers head in Pauls Church-yard, 1634. ESTC No. S126462. Grub Street ID 145559.
  • Chapman, Richard. Hallelu-jah: or, King David's shrill trumpet, sounding a loude summons to the whole world, to praise God. Delivered by way of commentarie and plaine exposition vpon the CXVII. Psalme. By Richard Chapman, minister of the Word of God at Hunmanbie in Yorkshire. London: Printed by B. Alsop and T. Fawcet, for Robert Allot dwelling at the signe of the blacke Beare in St. Pauls Church-yard, 1635. ESTC No. S122563. Grub Street ID 142098.
  • Heywood, Thomas. The vvonder of this age: or, The picture of a man living, who is one hundred fifty two yeeres old, and upward. This 12th. day of November. 1635. London: printed [by Bernard Alsop and Thomas Fawcet] for Beniamin Fisher, 1635. ESTC No. S92969. Grub Street ID 151598.
  • Articles to be enqvired of, within the Arch-Deaconrie of Essex, by the church-wardens and swornemen in every parish. And presentment to bee made thereof, to the Arch-deacon. With peculiar answer to every article. Given, anno Dom. 1635. London: printed by Barn: Alsop, and Tho: Favvcet, 1635. ESTC No. S92332. Grub Street ID 151098.
  • Coote, Edmund. [The English schoole-master teaching ... the most easie, short, and perfect order of distinct reading and true writing of our English tongue. By Ed. Coote. M.A.]. [London: B. Alsop, T. Fawcet, E. Perslowe, for the Company of Stationers, 1635]. ESTC No. S5271. Grub Street ID 149075.
  • Darcie, Abraham. The way to immortality: or happinesse in her perfection A perspective view of eternitie, and mirror of felicitie. Printed at London: [Bernard Alsop and Thomas Fawcet], 1635. ESTC No. S113562. Grub Street ID 133292.
  • Habington, William. Castara. London: printed by B[ernard]. A[lsop]. & T[homas]. F[awcet]. for Will: Cooke, and are to bee sold at his shop neare Furnivals-Inne Gate in Holburne, 1635. ESTC No. S92822. Grub Street ID 151481.
  • Hooker, Thomas. The soules preparation for Christ. Or, A treatise of contrition. Wherein is discovered how God breakes the heart, and wounds the soule, in the conversion of a sinner to Himselfe. London: Printed by E[lizabeth] A[llde] [and B. Alsop] for R. Allot and R. Dawlman, and are to be sold at the Black Beare, and the Brazen Serpent, in Pauls Churchyard, 1635. ESTC No. S116215. Grub Street ID 135904.
  • Shaw, John, inventor. Soli gloria Deo. Certaine rare and nevv inventions for the manuring and improving of all sorts of ground. Published by the author, for the helpe and instruction of all those that having any barraine land or other, and that are desirous to use the same unto their best profi and the publique good. At London: printed by B[ernard]. A[lsop]. and T. Fawcet, and are to bee sold by H. Seyle, dwelling at the Tygres-head in Fleet-street, 1636. ESTC No. S123178. Grub Street ID 142696.
  • Saltonstall, Charles. The nauigator. Shewing and explaining all the chiefe principles and parts both theoricke and practicke, that are contayned in the famous art of nauigation. With a new and admirable way of sayling by the arch of one of the greatest circles. Also contayning excellent table most exactly calculated, shevving the true proportion of all paralels in respect of the meridian. With the proper phraises vsed in working of a ship according to all weathers. By Captain Charles Saltonstall. London: Printed [by Bernard Alsop and Thomas Fawcet] for Geo: Herlock, 1636 and are to be sold at his shop in St. Magnus-corner, [1636]. ESTC No. S110799. Grub Street ID 130773.
  • A declaration of the Pfaltzgraves: concerning the faith and ceremonies professed in his churches. According to the originall printed in the High Dutch, translated by I.R. London: Printed [by Bernard Alsop and Thomas Fawcet] for Thomas Iones, and are to bee sold at his shop in the Strand neere Yorke-House, 1637. ESTC No. S113910. Grub Street ID 133636.
  • An elegie sacred to the immortall memory of the honoured and most accomplished lady, Margaret Lady Smith, one of the ladies of her Majesties honourable privie chamber. Dedicated to the true lover of all good learning and perfect mirrour of his rank, Edvvard Savage Esquir (one of the gent: of his Majesties most honourable privie chamber) her noble and lamenting husband. Composed by his most humble and devoted servant, R.C. [London: B. Alsop and T. Fawcet, 1637]. ESTC No. S117089. Grub Street ID 136763.
  • How to order any land, so as it may reteyne all the moysture that falleth thereon: and to improve it thereby. [London: Printed by Bernard Alsop, 1637?]. ESTC No. S976. Grub Street ID 153957.
  • Buck, James. A treatise of the Beatitudes. Or Christs happy men. By James Buck Bachelor of Divinitie, and vicar of Stradbrooke in Suffolke. London: Printed [by Bernard Alsop and Thomas Fawcet] for [John Clarke and] William Cooke, neare Furnivalls Inne gate in Holbourne, MDCXXXVII. [1637]. ESTC No. S117005. Grub Street ID 136685.
  • Squire, John. A thankesgiving, for the decreasing, and hope of the removing of the plagve. Being a sermon preached at St. Pauls in London, vpon the 1. of Ianuary, 1636. By Iohn Sqvier priest, vicar of St. Leonards Shordich, sometime fellow of Iesus Colledge in Cambridge. The contents of this sermon. I. Prayer to God alone, not to saints. II. The power of prayer, rightly qualified. III. Prayer and fasting with, or without a sermon. IV. The newes-carryer of Ipswich confuted. V. A tribute of thankfulnesse due to God, for his mercy in decreasing the plague. London: printed by B[ernard]. A[lsop]. and T[homas]. F[awcet]. for Iohn Clark, and are to be sold at his shop vnder St. Peters Church in Cornhill, 1637. ESTC No. S123323. Grub Street ID 142835.
  • W. I. Dictionariolum quadruplex: or A foure-fold dictionarie for the use and benefit of grammar-schollers. By W.I. London: Printed by B[ernard]. A[lsop]. for Henry Seile, and are to be sold at the signe of the Tygres-head in Fleet-street, over against St. Dunstan's-Church, 1638. ESTC No. S120189. Grub Street ID 139826.
  • Articles to be enquired of, within the arch-deaconrie of Essex, by the church-wardens and side-men in every parish. And presentment to be made thereof, to the arch-deacon. With peculiar answer to every article. Giuen, anno Dom. 1638. London: printed by B. Alsop. and T. F[awcet], 1638. ESTC No. S92333. Grub Street ID 151099.
  • Certaine helpes and remedies vnder God to prevent dearth and scarcitie. Also to kill and destroy heath, brakes, mosse or any other shrubs whatsoever, and to improove the sayd ground. With divers other points of husbandrie never yet practised by any. If there bee any that cannot perceive, nor beleeve how barraine land not worth xij pence the acre, may be improved and be made to yeeld XX. or XXX. shillings an acre, let them but helpe the author vnto some such barraine land, and they shall soone see it effected, if they please. London: Printed by B. Alsop, 1638. ESTC No. S975. Grub Street ID 153956.
  • Fage, John, student in phisicke. Speculum ægrotorum. The sick-mens glasse: or, A plaine introduction whereby one may give a true, and infallible iudgement, of the life or death of a sicke body, the originall cause of the griefe, how hee is tormented and afflicted, what things are medicinable to the diseased person: and the day and houre in which hee shall recover, or surrender his vitall breath. Whereunto is annexed a treatise of the foure humours, and how they are ingendred and distributed in our humane bodies: with certaine and manifest signes to discerne of what complexion any man is: and the operation that eating, drinking, rest and exercise, worketh in every person: with certaine speciall preservatives for the eye-sight. Composed by Iohn Fage, student in phisicke, and practitioner in astrologie. London: Printed by B. Alsop and T. F[awcet] for William Lugger, and are to be sold at his shop on Tower-Hill neere the Posterne-gate, 1638. ESTC No. S114686. Grub Street ID 134395.
  • The common-vvealth of Vtopia: containing a learned and pleasant discourse of the best state of a publike weale, as it is found in the government of the new ile called Vtopia. Written by the right Honourable, Sir Thomas Moore, Lord Chancellour of England. London: printed by B. Alsop & T. Fawcet, and are to be sold by Wil: Sheares, at his shop in Bedford-street in Coven-garden neere the New Exchange, 1639. ESTC No. S112890. Grub Street ID 132634.
  • The first part of the no lesse rare, then excellent and stately history, of the famous and fortunate Prince Palmerin of England. Declaring the birth of him, and Prince Florian du Desart his brother, in the forrest of Great Britaine: the course of their lives afterward in pursuing knightly adventures and performing incomparable deeds of chivalry. Wherein gentlemen may find choise of sweet inventions, and gentlewomen be satisfied in courtly expectations. Translated out of French, by A.M. one of the messengers of her Majesties chamber. London: printed by Ber: Alsop and Tho: Favvcet, dwelling in Grubstreet neere the lower pumpe, 1639. ESTC No. S110235. Grub Street ID 130335.
  • Articles to be enqvired of, within the arch-deaconrie of Essex, by the church-wardens and side-men in every parish. And presentment to be made thereof, to the Arch-deacon. With peculiar answer to every article. Given, anno Dom. 1639. London: printed by Bar: Alsop, and Tho: Favvcet, 1639. ESTC No. S92334. Grub Street ID 151100.
  • Numb. 40. 161 The ordinary weekly curranto from Holland. In which, amongst other things, is a very exact relation of the late sea-fight betwixt the Dunkerks and the Hollanders. [London: printed [by Bernard Alsop?] for Nath. Bvtter, and Nich. Bovrne, March 12. 1639.]. ESTC No. S94401. Grub Street ID 152675.
  • Breton, Nicholas. VVits private vvealth. Stored vvith choise of commodities to content the minde. London: Printed by B. Alsop and T. Favvcet, for George Hurlock, and are to be sold at his shop neere St. Magnus-corner, 1639. ESTC No. S240. Grub Street ID 146788.
  • Tvvo famous sea-fights. Lately made, betwixt the fleetes of the King of Spaine, and the fleetes of the Hollanders. The one, in the West-Indyes: the other, the eight of this present moneth of February, betwixt Callis and Gravelin. In the former, the Hollander suffered. In the latter the Spaniard lost. Two relations not vnfit for these times to animate noble spirits to attempt and accomplish brave actions. London: Printed [by Bernard Alsop and Thomas Fawcet] for Nath: Butter and Nic: Bourne, with priviledge, 1639. ESTC No. S117010. Grub Street ID 136689.
  • Ford, Emanuel. The famous historie of Montelyon, Knight of the Oracle, and sonne to the renowned Persicles King of Assyria. Shewing his strange birth, vnfortunate love, perilous adventures in armes, and how he came to the knowledge of his parents. Interlaced, with much variety of pleasant and delightfull discourse. London: Printed by B. Alsop, and T. Favvcet, dwelling in Grubstreet, neere the lower Pumpe, 1640. ESTC No. S120140. Grub Street ID 139777.
  • T. J. A discourse, betvveene Vpright the shoomaker and Master Pattent, the smith. Both meeting on the horse exchange in Smithfield, on the 20. day of Aprill 1639. Ne sutor vltra crepidam. By T.J. London: Printed by B. Alsop, and T. F[awcet] for Francis Groves dwelling on Snow-Hill neare the Sarazens Head, 1640. ESTC No. S119111. Grub Street ID 138757.
  • Church of England. Archdeaconry of Chichester. Archdeacon (1640-1641 : Marsh). Articles to be enquired of in the ordinary visitation of the Right Worshipfull, Iames Marsh, Dr. of Divinity, Arch-Deacon of Chichester. Holden anno Dom. 164[blank]. London: printed by B[ernard]. A[lsop]. for Richard Meighen, 164[0]. ESTC No. S92312. Grub Street ID 151083.
  • The priviledges and practice of parliaments in England. Collected out of the commou [sic] lawes of this land. Seene and allowed by the learned in the lawes. Commended to the High Court of Parliament now assembled. [London]: Printed [by B. Alsop and T. Fawcett], 1640. ESTC No. R212831. Grub Street ID 88379.
  • Smart, Peter. A sermon preached in the cathedrall church of Durham, July, 7. 1628. By Peter Smart. [London]: Printed [by Bernard Alsop and Thomas Fawcet], in the yeare, 1640. ESTC No. S123139. Grub Street ID 142658.
  • Smart, Peter. A sermon preached in the cathedrall church of Durham, Iuly, 7. 1628. By Peter Smart. [London]: Printed [by Bernard Alsop and Thomas Fawcet], in the yeare, 1640. ESTC No. R212597. Grub Street ID 88168.
  • Cent. 2. Numb. 87. 245 The curranto for this vveeke from Franckford. [London: printed [Bernard Alsop and Thomas Fawcet?] for Nath. Butter, February, 11. 1639 [i.e. 1640]]. ESTC No. S94419. Grub Street ID 152690.
  • Cent. 3. Numb. 8. 29 The curranto for this vveeke from Norimberg. [London: printed [Bernard Alsop and Thomas Fawcet?] for Nath: Butter, 25 die Martij. 1640.]. ESTC No. S94427. Grub Street ID 152698.
  • Cent. 3. Numb. 11. 41 A true narration of a late sea-fight betwixt 15. men of vvarre of Dunkerke, and one man of warre of Sealand (bound for Brasil) neare Portland. Or, A journall of all that passes from the setting out of the ship called Princesse Amelia, till the end of the fight aforesaid. [London: printed [Bernard Alsop and Thomas Fawcet?] for Nath: Butter, 27 die Martij. 1640]. ESTC No. S94430. Grub Street ID 152701.
  • Taylor, John. A brave and valiant sea-fight, upon the coast of Cornewall, the 17. of Iune last past, betwixt three Turkish pyrats, men of warre, and onely one English merchants ship of Plimouth, (called the Elizabeth) being not above 200. tun. Wherein they all behaved themselves so valiantly, that (after a long and bloudy fight) they quit their ship out of the hands of the cruell Turke, with the losse only of three men, but slue many of the Turks, to their everlasting honour. Written from Plimouth by a good hand, and exemplified for the delight of the reader. London: Printed [by Elizabeth Purslowe, Bernard Alsop, and Thomas Fawcet] for Nathanael Butter, July 14. 1640. with priviledge, [1640]. ESTC No. S118196. Grub Street ID 137857.
  • Margariton. A rich treasure discovered of problemes and their resolves. In three parts. Amorous. Naturall Morall and politique. Faithfully translated out of French, for the profit and delight of the ingenious English of both sexes; to serve as a usefull helpe in their discourse. London: printed by B. Alsop. and T[homas]. F[awcet]. for Daniel Frere, and are to be sold at his shop, at the Red Bull in little Britaine, 1640. ESTC No. S123205. Grub Street ID 142721.
  • Cent. 3. Numb. 15. 57 The curranto for this vveeke from Norimberg. [London: printed [Bernard Alsop and Thomas Fawcett?] for Nath: Butter, Aprill the 10. 1640.]. ESTC No. S94434. Grub Street ID 152705.
  • Cent. 3. Numb. 18. 69 The curranto for this vveeke from Franckford. [London: printed [Bernard Alsop and Thomas Fawcet?] for Nath: Butter, Aprill the 20. 1640.]. ESTC No. S94437. Grub Street ID 152708.
  • C., R.. Paradise within us: or, The happie mind. By Robert Crofts. London: Printed by B. Alsop and T. Fawcet, 1640. ESTC No. S116646. Grub Street ID 136334.
  • Ford, Emanuel. [The most famous, delectable, and pleasant history of Parismus, the renowmed Prince of Bohemia. The first part. Contaigning [sic] his noble battailes fought against the Persians. His love to Lavrana, the kings daughter of Thessalie: and of his strange adventures in the desolate iland.]. [London: Printed by B. Alsop?, 1640?]. ESTC No. S123513. Grub Street ID 143001.
  • Breton, Nicholas. VVits private vvealth. Stored vvith choise commodities to content the minde. London: printed by B. Alsop, and T. Favvcet, for George Hurlock, and are to be sold at his shop neere St. Magnus-corner, 1640. ESTC No. S95989. Grub Street ID 153840.
  • Englands ioy, for the Kings gratious proclamation for the banishing Papists. [London: B. Alsop and T. Fawcet], Printed M. DC. XL. [1640, i.e 1641]. ESTC No. S116764. Grub Street ID 136451.
  • Marianus, or, Loves heroick champion. Describing his honorable travailes and haughty attempts in armes, with his successe in love. Intermixed with many pleasant discourses, wherein the graver sort may take delight, and the youthfull bee encouraged by honourable and worthy adventures to gaine fame. London: printed by B. Alsop and T. Fawcet, and are to be sold by James Becket at his shop at the Inner Temple Gate, 1641. ESTC No. R217384. Grub Street ID 92172.
  • Jonson, Ben. The vvorkes of Benjamin Jonson. The second volume. Containing these playes, viz. 1 Bartholomew Fayre. 2 The staple of newes. 3 The Divell is an asse. London: printed [by John Beale, John Dawson 2, Bernard Alsop and Thomas Fawcet] for Richard Meighen [Thomas Walkley and Robert Allot], 1640 [i.e. 1641]. ESTC No. S111824. Grub Street ID 131598.
  • An order made by the House of Commons for the establishing of preaching lecturers, through the kingdome of England and Wales. Passed before the rising, Septemb. 8. 1641. London: printed by B. Alsop, dwelling in Grubstreet, 1641. ESTC No. R16975. Grub Street ID 64782.
  • The confession of John Browne a Iesvite, in the gate-house. Twice examined by a committee from the honourable House of Commons. Wherein is discovered the late plots of the Pope and papacy, against these kingdomes, England, Scotland, and Ireland. And the manner how he poceeds [sic] in his intents, to intrude himselfe into the temporall monarchy hereof. With the copy of the Popes Breve, & the fansinesse of his Nuntio with the English ladies, and the event that may proceed by stopping such proceedings. [London]: Printed by Barnard Alsop, 1641. ESTC No. R10825. Grub Street ID 59166.
  • A Great discoverie of a plot in Scotland, by a miraculous meanes. Two great actors in the same being so taken with the sweet disposition of those worthies, against whom they plotted; that their troubled consciences would not permit them to proceed in their wicked intents As also, the names of those lords, that should have bin cut off in this plot of Scotland. And the names of the conspirators. With the copy of a letter sent to the papists in London. London: printed by Bernard Alsop, MDCXLI. [1641]. ESTC No. R17406. Grub Street ID 67362.
  • The orders from the House of Commons for the abolishing of superstition, and innovavation [sic], in the regulating of church affaires. 1. Concerning the communion table. 1 [sic]. Concerning the Sabbath day. 3. Concerning images. September, 1, 1641,. London: printed by B. Alsop, 1641. ESTC No. R9499. Grub Street ID 129579.
  • Ball, William. To the honourable the knights, citizens, and burgesses, now assembled in Parliament. The humble propositions of William Ball, alias Bennet, Gent. concerning the forts of this kingdome. With some other considerations of state. [London]: Printed [by Bernard Alsop], anno Domini 1641. ESTC No. R209083. Grub Street ID 85301.
  • His Royall Maiesties speech: spoken in the High Court of Parliament on Friday, December the 2. 1641, with the love which His Majesty lately hath shown to the city of London, by knighting five aldermen, at his palace at Hampton Court, and royally giving them againe into their hands London-Derrie. [London]: Printed by B. Alsop, 1641. ESTC No. R9799. Grub Street ID 129845.
  • An appeale of the orthodox ministers of the Church of England: against Richard Mountague, late Bishop of Chichester, now Bishop of Norwich. To the most illustrious, high, and honourable court of Parliament. And to the nobilitie, orthodox clergie, gentry, and communaltie of England. With the proceedings against him in Bow-Church. And an epistle to B. Mountague himselfe. also, a supplication of the ministers of Scotland against the said Mountague. Wherein his dangerous heresies are revealed; and the character of an Arminian or Mountaguists is added. Edenburgi [i.e. London: printed by B. Alsop for T. Fawcet], M.DC.XLI. [1641]. ESTC No. R209850. Grub Street ID 86070.
  • [A mate for mariners, and a treasure for travellers.]. [London: printed by B. Alsop and T. Fawcet, for William Lugger, 1641]. ESTC No. R180440. Grub Street ID 71480.
  • Burton, Henry. A most godly sermon: preached at St. Albons in Woodstreet on Sunday last, being the 10. of October, 1641. Shewing the necessity of selfe-denyall and humiliation, by prayer and fasting before the Lord, in regard of the present plague we now lye under. Which God, in his good time, remove from amongst us. By that faithfull minister, and witnesse of Iesus Christ, M. Henry Burton. London: printed by B. Alsop, MDCXLI [1641]. ESTC No. R18459. Grub Street ID 74068.
  • The Kings Most Excellent Majesties proclamation and the Estates of Parliament in Scotland; for the publishing of certaine statutes, and ordinances by them enacted, concerning the unnecessary confluence of his liege-people to Edinburgh, in the time of this Parliament. October, 20. 1641. Published by his Majesties speciall command. [London]: First printed at Edinburgh by Robert Brison. And now printed at London by B. Alsop for Thomas Bates, 1641. ESTC No. R5069. Grub Street ID 125547.
  • Jonson, Ben. The vvorkes of Benjamin Jonson. The second volume. Containing these playes, viz. 1 Bartholomew Fayre. 2 The staple of newes. 3 The Divell is an asse. London: printed [by John Beale, John Dawson 2, Bernard Alsop, Thomas Harper, and Thomas Fawcet] for Richard Meighen [Thomas Walkley and Robert Allot], 1640 [i.e. 1641]. ESTC No. S428. Grub Street ID 148335.
  • A true relation of a damnable gun-powder plot, found out at Rugland-Castle in Monmoth-shire in Wales, related to the high court of Parliament by Iohn Davis, Nov. 12, being an eye-witnesse to the same, who was had down by the groome of the castle to see the vault and stables under the ground. Wherein he doth discover the number of horses, men, powder, match and shot by them prepared, with the places where they are, and the danger we were in, had not God by his mercy protected us. With certain quæres presented to the high court of Parliament, concerning such wicked designes. Whereunto is annexed a true discoverie of a horrible and bloudy treason and conspiracie. Against the Protestants of this kingdome in generall, but especially against divers of the nobility, and many of the honourable House of Commons in Parliament, and also against some of the citizens of London. Which discovery was brought to the House of Commons on Munday Novemb. the 15. 1641. As also a relation of a search at Worc. London: printed by B[ernard]. A[lsop]., MDCXLJ. [1641]. ESTC No. R185625. Grub Street ID 74621.
  • Holles, Denzil Holles. A speech of the Honorable Denzell Hollis, (second son to the Right Honorable John Earle of Clare deceased) and brother to the now Earle of Clare. At the delivery of the protestation to the Lords of the upper Honse [sic] of Parliament, 4. May 1641. Wherein is set forth th reasons that moved the House of Commons to make the said protestation. Together with a short narration of the severall grievances of the Kingdome. London: printed by B. A[lsop]. and T. F[awcet]. for Iohn Hammond, 1641. ESTC No. R228878. Grub Street ID 101502.
  • A preparative to studie: or, The vertue of sack. London: printed [by Bernard Alsop], Anno Dom. 1641. ESTC No. R22858. Grub Street ID 101249.
  • The Kings Majesties resolution, and the Parliaments determination, concerning the requests of the French and Spanish embassadors. With the names and charge of 47. of the House of Commons, appointed for the Committee, till the Parliament sit againe. London: printed by B. Alsop, dwelling in Grubstreet, 1641. ESTC No. R230175. Grub Street ID 102540.
  • Argyll, Archibald Campbell. A most noble speech spoken by the Lord Cambel of Lorne. one of his Majesties most Honourable Privie Counsell of Scotland. Moving the Lords House in Scotland, in his Maiesties presence, for the prevention of such advantages; whereby incendiaries may in the vacancy of Parliaments, any way extort from his Highnesse proclamations, to inforce the bringing in of innovations into the Kirke; or confirming of monopolies, that so all oppressions may be removed from his Majesties subjects of both kingdomes. As also, an honourable reply made by the Lord Lowden, against such, who objected against his former speech. London: printed by B. Alsop, 1641. ESTC No. R11251. Grub Street ID 59558.
  • The names of the committee of the House of Commons and the charge to them left on September 9. being the last day of the Parliament sitting. With their determination concerning the French and Spanish embassadors, and the reason of denying them forces. London: printed by B. Alsop, 1641. ESTC No. R16608. Grub Street ID 64430.
  • C., A. B.. A true coppy of a bold and most peremptory letter, sent to the Honourable Earle of Salisbury, by A. B. C. &c. To mittigate his prosecuting of recusants. London: printed by B. Alsop, dwelling in Grubstreet, 1641. ESTC No. R14669. Grub Street ID 62673.
  • The Kings Majesties resolution, and the Parliaments determination, concerning the requests of the French and Spanish embassadors. With the names and charge of 47. of the House of Commons, appointed for the Committee, till the Parliament sit againe. London: printed by B, Alsop, and are to be sold by Henry Walker, at his shop in Gratious streete, MDCXLJ. [1641]. ESTC No. R35871. Grub Street ID 118226.
  • Vicary, Thomas. The English-mans treasvre. With the true anatomie of mans body: compiled by that excellent chyrurgion Mr. Thomas Vicary Esquire, sergeant chyrurgion to King Henry the 8. to King Edvvard the 6. to Queene Mary, and to our late soveraigne Queene Elizabeth, and also chiefe chyrurgion to St. Bartholmewes Hospitall. Whereunto are annexed many secrets appertaining to chyrurgerie, with divers excellent approved remedies for all captaines and souldiers, that travell either by water or land: and likewise for all diseases which are either in man or woman: with emplaisters of especiall cure: with other potions and drinkes approved in physicke. Gathered and set forth for the benefit and cure of the poorer sort of people, who are not able to goe to the physitians: by William Bremer, practitioner in physicke and chyrurgerie. And now ninthly much augmented, corrected an enlarged, with almost a thousand approved waters and medicines, meet and necessary for physicke and chyrurgerie: as also oyntments an. Printed at London: by B. Alsop, and Tho. Favvcet, dwelling in Grubstreet neere the lower pumpe, 1641. ESTC No. R13290. Grub Street ID 61402.
  • Urquhart, Thomas. Epigrams: divine and moral. By Sir Thomas Vrchard, Knight. London: printed by Barnard Alsop. and Thomas Favvcet, in the yeare, 1641. ESTC No. R7441. Grub Street ID 127707.
  • An act published by the General Assembly of Scotland being a forme of examination at the speciall desire of the Kirke; by them thought to be so needfull, that every pastor exhort his flocke to buy the said booke, and reade the same in their families; whereby they may be better instructed. And that the same may be [sic] read, and learned in lector schooles. [London]: First printed at Edinburg, by R.VV. And now reprinted at London by B. Alsop, and are to be sold by Henry Walker, 1641. ESTC No. R29653. Grub Street ID 112606.
  • The orders from the Hovse of Commons for the abolishing of superstition, and innovavation [sic], in the regulating of church affaires. 1. Concerning the communion table, and rayles. 2. Concerning the Sabbath day. 3. Concerning images. September, 1, 1641,. London: printed by B. Alsop, 1641. ESTC No. R234995. Grub Street ID 106215.
  • Depositions and articles against Thomas Earle of Strafford Febr. 16. 1640. [London]: Printed [by Bernard Alsop and possibly another], in the yeare 1640 [i.e. 1641]. ESTC No. S1747. Grub Street ID 146160.
  • Crashaw, William. The bespotted Iesuite: whose gospell is full of blasphemy against the blood of Christ, the horrible impiety whereof, traduceth to abomination with the creature, trampling under foote the blood of the covenant, in despight of the spirit of grace. Which erronious doctrine, is fully and cleerely laid open, and reproved. By W.C. And now presented to the Honourable, the House of Commons in Parliament assembled. Imprinted at London: by Bar: Alsop, dwelling in Grubstreet. in Honey-suckle Court, neere to the flying Horse, 1641. [i.e. 1642]. ESTC No. R2517. Grub Street ID 108879.
  • Fairfax, Ferdinando Fairfax. A letter from the Right Honourable Ferdinando, Lord Fairfax, Sir Hugh Cholmley, Sir Philip Stapleton, Sir Henry Cholmley, Committees of the Commons House of Parliament residing at York together with a relation of all the passages at the great meeting at York on Thursday the 12 of this instant May : with the free holders protestation inclosed in the letter from the said committee to Mr. Speaker and ordered by the said House to be forthwith published in print. London: Printed by B. Alsop for Robert Wood, May 18, 1642. ESTC No. R29800. Grub Street ID 112729.
  • Abbot, George. A briefe description of the whole world. VVherein is particularly described all the monarchies, empires and kingdomes of the same, with their academies. As also their severall titles and situations thereunto adjoyning. Written by the most Reverend Father in God, George, late Arch-bishop of Canterbuy [sic]. London: printed by B. Alsop, for J.M. and are to be sold by W. Sheares at his shop in Coven-garden, neare the new Exchange, 1642. ESTC No. R40725. Grub Street ID 122488.
  • His Majesties ansvver to the petition of the Lords and Commons in Parliament assembled. Presented to His Majestie at York, June 17. 1642. Together with a catalogue of the names of the Lords that subscribed to levie horse to assist His Majestie, in defence of his royall person, the two Houses of Parliament, and the protestant religion. London: printed by B[ernard]. A[lsop]. for Robert Wood, 1642. ESTC No. R26423. Grub Street ID 109746.
  • Calthrop, Henry. The liberties usages, and customes of the City of London; confirmed by especiall Acts of Parliament, with the time of their confirmation. Also, divers ample, and most beneficiall charters, granted by King Henry the 6. King Edward the 4. and King Henrie the 7th. not confirmed by Parliament as the other charters were, and where to find every particular grant and confirmation at large. Collected by Sir Henry Colthrop, knight, sometime recorder of London, for his private use. And now published for the good and benefit of this honourable city. London: Printed by B. Alsop for Nicholas Vavasour, and are to be sold at his shop in the Inner-Temple, MDCXLII. [1642]. ESTC No. R14680. Grub Street ID 62686.
  • Rudyerd, Benjamin. Two speeches in Parliament: the one concerning religion, and fit men to be chosen for the Assemblie. The other concerning a West Indie Association at a committee of the whole House in the Parliament, 21. Iacobi. By Sir Benjamin Rudyerd, Knight, surveyour of His Majesties Court of Wards and Liveries. London: printed by B[ernard]. A[lsop]. for Henry Seile at the Tygers Head in Fleet-street, 1642. ESTC No. R24505. Grub Street ID 108287.
  • A Dialogue betwixt a horse of warre, and a mill-horse; wherein the content and safety of an humble and painfull life, is preferred above all the noyse, the tumults, and trophies of the warre. Full of harmelesse mirth, and variety. London: printed by Bernard Alsop, and published according to order, 1643. ESTC No. R4065. Grub Street ID 122420.
  • A more full and truer relation of Sir VVilliam VValler, his regaining his ammunition from the Kings new forces sent against him from Oxford under the command of Prince Rupert, since the great and hapy overthrough given to the L. Hopton and P. Mavrice together with the number that were slayne and taken prisoners on both side also a consultation of the peoples report concerning Sir William Wallers death given out by some malignants, as it was delivered unto a worthy member of the House of Commons, on Munday the 17 of of Iuly 1643. Published by order. London: printed by B. Alsop, July 19 [1643]. ESTC No. R233527. Grub Street ID 105041.
  • Walby, Anthony. Good nevves from the traine bands and auxiliars. Being a true relation of their meeting with the Lord Generals forces, and what exceeding joy was exprest at that instant on both sides. Likewise the number of the forces which are so happily met, and with what cheerfulnesse they goe forward, couragiously chasing the enemy before them. Also a true narration of the raising the siege at Exeter: and the prosperous proceedings, successefull skirmishes, and good estate and condition of Glocester. VVith the manner of the Lord Generals marching through the countries. Sent from a souldier there, bearing date Septemb. 2. and writ upon his knee without doores, wanting house-room, lest he (losing that opportunity) had kept his friends from the truth. This is licenced and entred in the hall-book according to order. Printed at London: by Bernard Alsop, 1643. ESTC No. R222647. Grub Street ID 96600.
  • A true relation of the whole proceedings of Sir William Waller his army: from the 20. of Nov. to the 9. of Decemb. taken by one who was dayly in the service, and sent in a letter to a friend of his in London. Containing these particulars. 1. A proclamation in Farnham tha every man should repaire to his colours, with the occasion thereof, and what was done afterwards. 2. A true relation of the sending of a party of horse towards Odiam against Sir Ralph Hopton, and what was done thereupon. 3. Of Captaine Okleys marching to Medosse, in the enemies quarters, and of hi encountering with the enemy, and what prise hee brought from thence. 4. That there was an Allarum at Guilford, and the cause thereof. 5. That the enemy faced our forces at Farnham, and what was done thereupon, and how the enemy retreated. 6. A most full and perfect relation of a late fight at Farnham, between the Parliament forces and the Hoptonians, with the number of men that were slaine on both sides. 7. Of Sir Ralph Hopto. London: Printed by Bernard Alsop, Decemb. 9, 1643. ESTC No. R18895. Grub Street ID 76683.
  • A true relation of a great fight between the Kings forces and the Parliaments, at Chinner neer Tame on Saturday last. With the manner how the Kings forces made the assault, and by what meanes they were forced to retreat. Also in what manner Colonell Hampden is wounded, with the names of the chiefe commanders that were killed and taken prisoners on both sides: as also the firing and burning of the towne of Chinner, by the Kings forces, and many other remarkable passages concerning the said fight. London: printed by B[ernard]. A[lsop]. for Robert Wood, and Iohn Grenesmith, [1643]. ESTC No. R222401. Grub Street ID 96403.
  • Crashaw, William. Loyola's disloyalty; or The Iesuites open rebellion against God and his Church. Whose doctrine is blasphemie in the highest degree against the blood of Christ, which they vilifie, and under-valew, that they might uphold their merits. By consequent, encouraging all traytors to kill their lawfull kings and princes. With divers other principles and heads of their damnable and erronious doctrine. Worthy to be written and read in these our doutfull and dangerous times. London: printed by B[ernard] A[lsop], in the yeare 1643. Iuly the 4. ESTC No. R935. Grub Street ID 129443.
  • Mercurius Cambro-Britannus, the Brittish mercury, or, The Welch diurnall. Communicating remarkable intelligences, and true newes to awle the whole kingdome, from ... London [England]: printed by Bernard Alsop, Novemb. 20., 1643-. ESTC No. P1079. Grub Street ID 54950.
  • Leicester, John. An elegiacall epitaph upon the deplored death of that religious and valiant gentlemen, Colonell Iohn Hampden Esquire, a worthy Member of the honourable House of Commons in Parliament; who received his death wound in a battell neere Chinnar in Oxfordshire, and deceased at Thame. June, the 27. M D CXLIII. London: printed by Bernard Alsop, 1641. [i.e. 1643]. ESTC No. R212066. Grub Street ID 87751.
  • The key to the kings cabinet-counsell. Shevving, the secret instructions of His Majesties evill-councellors to their agents, for first raising of armes against his honourable house of Parliament. Together, with their devices for drawing the peoples hearts to adhere to them; and the councels by them used, to uphold that new-sprung and unwarrantable act. Also, what meanes they did formerly, and still make use of, for the maintaining their armies; and linking that desperate faction in an undividable knot, tending to the destruction of His Majesty and his kingdomes Published by authority, and entred according to order. London: printed by Bernard Alsop, 1644. ESTC No. R4572. Grub Street ID 124933.
  • Calver, Edward. Englands sad posture; or, A true description of the present estate of poore distressed England, and of the lamentable condition of these distracted times, since the beginning of this civill, and unnaturall warr. Presented to the Right Honourable, pious and valiant, Edward, Earle of Manchester. London: printed by Bernard Alsop, and are to be sold by Richard Harper, in Smithfield, at the signe of the Bible, 1644. ESTC No. R170351. Grub Street ID 65057.
  • A Full and true relation of the great defeat given to Sir Ralph Hopton by Sir William Waller certified by severall letters from Sir William Wallers quarters, viz. [brace] Generall Brown, Lieut. Collonel Harrison, Captain Drinkwater : shewing how our forces March 28 beat the enemy at a skirmish, and on Friday March 29 gave them an overthrow and utterly routed them ... : and by directions from the states of both kingdomes an order for thanksgiuing for the said victory by John Wollaston, mayor. London: Printed by Bernard Alsop and Andrew Coe ..., 1644. ESTC No. R43184. Grub Street ID 124239.
  • Mercurius veridicus. Commmunicating such intelligence as is brought to him (which he conceives to be the plain truth) without favour or flattery. London [England]: printed by Bernard Alsop, according to order, 1644. ESTC No. P2953. Grub Street ID 56405.
  • Mercvrivs &c. Upon my life new borne, and wants a name, 'troth let the reader then impose the same. London [England: Bernard Alsop], [1644]. ESTC No. P1607. Grub Street ID 55397.
  • Calver, Edward. Englands sad posture. Or, A true description of the present estate of poore distressed England, and of the lamentable condition of these distracted times, since the beginning of this civill, and unnaturall warr. Presented to the Right Honourable, pious, and valiant, Edward Earle of Manchester. London: printed by Bernard Alsop, and are to be sold by Richard Harper, in Smithfield, at the signe of the Bible, [1644]. ESTC No. R208613. Grub Street ID 84845.
  • Artemidorus, Daldianus.. The interpretation of dreames, digested into five books by that ancient and excellent philosopher, Artimedorus. Compiled by him in Greek; and translated afterwards into the Latine, the Italian, the French, and Spanish, tongues. And now more exactly rendred into English. It being a work of great esteem in all ages, and pleasant and profitable to peruse, for all conditions of people whatsoever. London: printed by Bernard Alsop, 1644. ESTC No. R9580. Grub Street ID 129657.
  • J. A, of Ailward. An historicall narration of the judgement of some most learned and godly English bishops, holy martyrs, and others: (whereof III; viz. Archbishop Cranmer, B. Latimer, and Bishop Hooper, suffred martyrdome, in the dayes of Queen Mary, for the truth and Gospel of Christ Iesus) concerning Gods election, and the merit of Christ his death, etc. Formerly suppressed by the Bishop of Canterbury, but now published for the comfort of all Gods people. London: printed [by Bernard Alsop and Thomas Fawcet] for Rebecca Nealand, and are to be sold at her shop at the signe of the Crowne in Duck-Lane, 1645. [i.e. 1644]. ESTC No. R2842. Grub Street ID 111492.
  • The anatomie of the French and Spanish faction. With a full discovery of who they are; and what they have done, from before the beginning of King Iames his raigne unto this present. Declaring in particulars, how the many miseries and the calamities which we have, and do indure by blood, rapine, and many insupportable impositions, have proceeded directly from them, seconded by the ambitious spirits of the bishops. Wherein also all our grievances, and their subtle and horrible plots are instanced; to give a more full and ample satisfaction unto all. Published according to the order of Parliament. London: printed by Bernard Alsop, 1644. ESTC No. R20722. Grub Street ID 83633.
  • A full relation of the Scots besiedging Newcastle, and their taking the glasse houses, and other forts. With a list of the chief malignants in the town. Also, the victorious Lord Fairfax his taking of Whitby, where he surprized; 500. officers and soldiers. 1000. sailers and inhabitants. 40. ships in the Channell. Good store of powder. 500. armes. 20. commissioners of array. All their traine of artillery. 100 peece of ordnance. London: printed by Bernard Alsop, according to order, 1644. ESTC No. R12428. Grub Street ID 60610.
  • Isack, J. A famous victory obtained, by Sir William Brewerton. Sir Thomas Fairfax. Sir William Fairfax. In a pitcht battle against the Lord Byron, (chief commander of the kings forces) at the raising of the siedge of Namptwitch. Together, with a list of all the commanders that wer slain and taken in the said fight. Also, in what estate the towne of Namptwitch now is, and the miserable condition of the enemies forces in those parts. Printed according to order. London: printed by Bernard Alsop, Febr. the 2d. 1644. ESTC No. R15513. Grub Street ID 63444.
  • Converted cavalier.. The converted cavaliers confession of their designe when first we drew the King away from his Parliament. As also (now our eyes are in some measure opened) that we see there was a deeper plot and designe in hand, at that time by the papists; who made use of us, to accomplish their own designe, which then lay hid from us, but now discovereth it selfe: with our resolution to forsake the papists. Written by a converted cavalier, for full satisfaction to all neutralists. London: printed by Bern: Alsop, according to order, 1644. ESTC No. R24781. Grub Street ID 108534.
  • An exact relation of foure notable victories obtained by the Parliaments forces: being informed to the Honourable House of Parliament on Satterday last, being the 24. day of this instant February, 1644. Viz. I. The taking of 3000 pound in money, besides plate and jewels, with a convoy of sixty horse; going from Prince Rupert to Weymouth. II. Collonel Mittons taking of one collonel, many captaines and other officers, and 60 common soldiers prisoners; with the routing two regiments of Irish rebels newly landed, and taking their bag and baggage. III. A defeat given to the Newark forces, occasioned by a discovery of a dangerous plot, for betraying the town of Nottingham; with the manner of drowning many of them, and taking others prisoners. IV. The taking of twelve ships by the Earle of Warwicks ships, which were imployed against the Parliament, under the command of Browne Bushell; with a relation of what store of ordnance, ammunition and treasure was therein. Published according to order. London: Printed by Bernard Alsop., 1644. ESTC No. R14161. Grub Street ID 62207.
  • Mercurius veridicus: or, true informations, of speciall and remarkable passages, from both houses of Parliament: and severall counties of the kingdome. [London, England]: Printed according to order [by Bernard Alsop], [1645-1646]. ESTC No. P1212. Grub Street ID 55048.
  • A strange and wonderful example of Gods judgmenents [sic], shewed upon Iames Brathwaight of Shoreditch, London, 1645. Shewing how he was twice buried, and the last time layed three foot deeper than before, and another layed upon him; yet the grave was opened as before, and his body eaten and torn to pieces with dogges, and the other corps not touched. Also, a relation of the life and conversation of the said Iames Brathwaight, his fearfull vowes, oaths, and imprecations; the manner of his death, and how the grave was opened in the night. With the confession and acknowledgement of his wife, and many un-heard of passages, which will be maintained to be true, by the wife of the said Iames, the clerke of the parish, the sexton, the grave-maker, William Pillips a gardiner and many other persons of note. London: printed by B[ernard]. A[lsop]., 1645. ESTC No. R200324. Grub Street ID 77868.
  • Marsal, Richard. Fifteen considerations, stirring us up to the watchfulnesse of these dangerous times. With, fourteen directions to every godly Christian, who is desirous to go out to fight the Lords battles against Antichrist. Also, thirteen principles of religion; by Mr. Perkins: by way of question and answer. Shewing, what necessitie there is for all that are for reformation, and are desirous to venture life, fortune and estate, for religion, King, Parliament, laws, liberties; against those who (if they prevail) will blot out religion, and utterly destroy us all. Published by Richard Marsal minister of Gods word. Published by authority, and printed with order. London: printed by Bernard Alsop, 1645. ESTC No. R208285. Grub Street ID 84544.
  • Goode, William. A new catechisme, commended to be set forth in this time of reformation, being the principall grounds of Christian religion; with directions for the examining of all persons, before they come to receive the holy Communion, or Lords Supper. Also, with a breefe direction, how to read the Holy Scriptures with profit. Written by William Good, minister of Gods word, at Denton in Norfolke. Published according to order. London: printed by Bernard Alsop, 1645. ESTC No. R210209. Grub Street ID 86403.
  • Goode, William. A new catechisme, commanded to be set forth in this time of reformation, being the principall grounds of Christian religion, with directions for the examining of all persons, before they come to receive the holy Communion, or Lords Supper. Also, with a breefe direction, how to read the Holy Scriptures with profit. Written by William Good, minister of Gods word, at Denton in Norfolke. Published according to order. London: printed by Bernard Alsop, 1645. ESTC No. R210211. Grub Street ID 86406.
  • Sir Thomas Fairfaxes entring Bridgewater by storming; on Munday last. In which town he took from the enemy; 4. colonels. 50. captaines, lieutenants, and other officers. 500. prisoners, whereof some papists. 60. horse. 1. Great piece of ordnance, in the royall fort. The royall fort also taken. Mr. Harvey's house taken. And a list of all the particulars, and what losse was on both sides; and the manner of the fight: and in what posture the rest remains in those holds where they lye. Also, the termes tendred by Sir Hugh Cholmley, for the surrender of Scarborough castle. Commanded to be printed, and published according to order. London: Printed by B. Alsop, and I. Coe, 1645. ESTC No. R200169. Grub Street ID 77714.
  • Hopkinson, James. The coppie of a letter from major Generall Poines his quarters of the taking of Scarborough. With the coppie of the 12 articles agreed and concluded upon the 22. of Iuly, 1645. between the Honourable Sir Matthew Boynton, Knight and Baronet, one of the militarie committee for the Northerne Association. And Sir Hugh Cholmneley Knight and Baronet, governour of that castle there, concerning the delivering of the same. As also a list of what was taken in Scarborough. Printed, and published according to order. London: Printed by B. Alsop, and J. Coe, 1645. ESTC No. R200185. Grub Street ID 77727.
  • Cheynell, Francis. Aulicus his hue and cry sent forth after Britanicus, vvho is generally reported to be a lost man. London: [Bernard Alsop?], printed in the dismall yeare of Britanicus. 1645. ESTC No. R200211. Grub Street ID 77756.
  • The Manner of discovering the King at Southwell on Tuesday the 5. of April, 1646, who is now in the Parliaments quarters before Newarke Banbury taken in, with the ordnance, armes, and ammunition : and the treaty with Sir Charles Compton from Oxford : also the copie of Si Thomas Fairfax's proclamation commanded to be read in all churches neere Oxford : and a copie of a summons sent to Ludlow, and the governours answer : and a copie of Colonel Birch his letter. London: Printed by Bernard Alsop and J. Coe, 1646. ESTC No. R40874. Grub Street ID 122626.
  • W. C, Gent. The first part of the renowned historie of Fragosa King of Aragon. Together with the strange fortunes, and heroicall deedes, performed by his three sons, and the worthy president of love in his faire daughter Flermia. Right pleasant for the aged to drive away melancholy thoughts, and profitable for the young to behold the often variations of the fickle world. Written by W. C. London: printed by Bernard Alsop, dwelling in Grub-street, 1646. ESTC No. R170340. Grub Street ID 65048.
  • Freeman, Francis. VIII. problems propounded to the Cavaliers: for conviction of their consciences; with a discovery of certain plots and conspiracies. Declared by Captain Francis Freeman. With an answer thereunto returned by Colonell Francis Windham. And a reply to the said answer. These ar printed by the originall papers, and published according to order of Parliament. London: printed by Barnard Alsop dwelling in Grubstreet, 1646. ESTC No. R200943. Grub Street ID 78416.
  • Marsal, Richard. XXIX. directions and considerations, stirring us up to watchfulnesse, where every Christian may get armour in these dangerous times, to fight against Antichrist, and his adherents. With Thirteen principles of religion, by M. Perkins: by way of question and answer. Shewing, what necessitie there is for all that are for reformation, and are desirous to venture life fortune and estate, for religion, King, Parliament, laws and liberties; against those who (if they prevail) will blot out religion, and utterly destroy us all. Published by Richard Marsal minister of Gods word. Set forth by authority, and printed with order. London: printed by Bernard Alsop, 1647. [i.e. 1646]. ESTC No. R208317. Grub Street ID 84574.
  • Sad newes from the eastern parts, or, a true and perfect relation of the strange spectacles and signes, both seen and heard in the Eastern Association. Distinctly setting forth, the names of the townes and places where Englands warning-piece lately appeared. As also, the description of a most wonderfull sight (or cloud) which appeared over the famous, and chiefe city, the Hague in Holland. Whereunto is annexed, severall observations, and remarkable passages, plainly setting forth the signification of Gods signes and tokens to England and Holland. These are printed by the originall papers, and perused by the English and Dutch copies, and now published according to order. London: Printed by B. Alsop, July 14. 1646. ESTC No. R200965. Grub Street ID 78437.
  • A horrible and bloody plot to murder Sir Thomas Fairfax, Sir William Brereton, Sir Thomas Middleton, Colonell Moore, and above one hundred more of the Parliament men, colonels, and other officers and gentlemen. With the names of the knights, esquires, gentlemen, and others that were chief actors therein. The copies of the severall indictments, bills, and other parchments and papers; and the names of the judges, justices, and grand iury; and their proceedings therein. With letters from the committee of Chester, and other gentlemen of the country sent up about the same. These are copied out by the originall papers, delivered into the committee at Goldsmiths Hall, and are printed and published according to order of Parliament. London: Printed by B. Alsop, for E. Griffin, 1646. ESTC No. R200998. Grub Street ID 78466.
  • The discourse and sad complaints betwixt the French-man and the Irish-man; evidently declaring, that the King was the onely cause of the progresse and continuation of the warres in Ireland, to be brought over into England; and that the Queen was the onely occasion of the recruits and monies which have been levied, to be transported over from France. With a true narration of the sad successe that hath followed His Majesties armies and doth still keep them company; not onely in the west, but in divers other places, and the great possibility wherein the Parliaments forces are of putting a speedy period to these long and unnaturall wars. VVith a full account of the severall remarkable victories which it hath pleased God of late in divers places to confer on the army of the Parliament. London: Printed by Bernard Alsop, 1646. ESTC No. R200729. Grub Street ID 78220.
  • Dyott, Richard. Litchfield to be surrendred: together with all the ordnance, arms, and ammunition. As also, the names of the commissioners appointed by Sir Thomas Tidsley, governour, on the one party; and the right Honourable Sir William Brereton on the other party, for the resigning up o the said garrison to the obedience of king and Parliament. Likevvise, the gallant proceedings of His Excellencie Sir Thomas Fairfaxes forces at VVorcester, since the coming up of the additionall regiments, both of horse and foot. These are printed by the original papers, and published according to order of Parliament. London: Printed by Bernard Alsop, July 6. 1646. ESTC No. R21963. Grub Street ID 94134.
  • A letter from His Excellencies quarters, of a discovery in Sir Thomas Fairfax his army, the enemies thereof; and a further resolution of the Officers and souldiers for the better peace and safety of the kingdome. With a conference between His Excellency, and the Marquess of VVorcester. Also, a full relation of all the whole proceedings at Ragland Castle; and a perfect list of the names of the colonels, majors, captains, lieutenants, and other officers therein, viz. the Marquesse of Worcester, the Lord Charles, the Countesse of Glamorgan, the Lady Iones, Sir Philip Iones, Doctor Bayley, Commissary Gwillam, ... Printed by the originall copies, and published according to order of Parliament. London: Printed by Bernard Alsop, August 27. 1646. ESTC No. R201071. Grub Street ID 78532.
  • An exact and true collection of the weekly passages, from ... London [England]: Printed by B[ernard]. A[lsop]. and are to be sold by W[illiam]. H[arris]., [1645, i.e. 1646]. ESTC No. P1126. Grub Street ID 54993.
  • The manner of the discovering the King at Southwell, on Tuesday the 5. of April, 1646. who is now in the Parliaments quarters before Newarke. Banbury taken in, with the ordnance, armes, and ammunition. And the treaty with Sir Charles Compton from Oxford. Also the copie o Sir Thomas Fairfax's proclamation, commanded to be read in all churches neere Oxford. And the copie of the summons sent to Ludlow, and the governours answer: and a copie of Colonel Birch his letter. These are commanded to be printed by the originall papers, and published according to order of Parliament. London: Printed by Bernard Alsop and J. Cox, 1646. ESTC No. R200811. Grub Street ID 78295.
  • Ten severall orders to be put in execution by the Lord Major and aldermen of London, for the price and sale of meale, flesh, butter, and other commodities; and to prevent disorders in the markets: with the penalties to be inflicted upon every person or persons, which shall not obey the same. Also, the coming in of twenty thousand quarters of corne and graine. And a list of the particulars thereof as it is entred at the Custome House. And care is also taken, that every one may buy at the cheapest rate, and that there be no regrating or forestalling the markets. November, 5. 1647. Imprimatur, Gilb. Mabbet. London: printed by Bernard Alsop, dwelling neere Cripple-Gate, 1647. ESTC No. R204477. Grub Street ID 81427.
  • Tracey, H. His Majesties most gracious message to the speaker of the House of Peeres: to be communicated to both Houses of Parliament, and to the Scots Commissioners. Also, Collonel Hammonds declaration concerning the Kings Majesties comming into the Isle of Wight, and for those whic shall come thither from forraign parts. Together, with His Majesties speech and propositions, at his comming into the said island. [sic] severall conferences between His Majesty, Collonel Hammond, and others. Certified in a letter, sent from an officer out of the said island. Imprimatur, Gilbert Mabbot. London: printed by Bernard Alsop, and are to be sold at the royall Exchange in Cornhill, 1647. ESTC No. R204483. Grub Street ID 81432.
  • The heads of the propositions to be sent to his Majestie in the Isle of Wight. And Comissioners of Lords and commons, and are to be made choise of, to present them. Also, His Majesties desire, to repair to London, and have a personall treaty with the Parliament, and thei resolution thereupon. Together, with the Parliaments instructions to Collonel Hammond, desiring him to continue his care of the safety of his Majesties person. London: printed by B. Alsop, and are to be sold at the Royall Exchange, 1647. ESTC No. R204517. Grub Street ID 81456.
  • A declaration of the northern counties. Shewing their diligent care, and willingnesse to oppose all forces that shall endeavour to enter into this kingdome against the Parliament and Generall. Also, the effect of the Generals letter to Collonel Hammond Governour of the Isle of Wight. Together, with his Majesties desires to both Houses of Parliament, for the setling of a firme and well-grounded peace, within his three kindgdomes [sic]. Novemb. 26. Imprimatur Gilb. Mabbot. London: printed by B. Alsop, and are to be sold at the Royall Exchange, 1647. ESTC No. R204532. Grub Street ID 81465.
  • The Parliaments agreement for a personall treaty with the King the conditions thereof, and his Majesties reasons, that the said treaty may be at London to settle a firme peace in the three kingdomes. Also, a message to be sent, and 4. new propositions to be first signed by his Majestie. Novemb. 28. Imprimatur Gilb. Mabbot. London: printed by B. Alsop, and are to be sold at the Royall Exchange, 1647. ESTC No. R204534. Grub Street ID 81467.
  • Similies divine, and morall. Touching the great work of redemption; in, and through our blessed Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. Consisting of ome hundred centuries; and approved of by sundry learned authors. Very necessary and usefull for these times. Imprimatur, Ja: Cranford. London: printed by B. Alsop, dwelling neer Cripplegate, 1647. ESTC No. R208302. Grub Street ID 84561.
  • Well-Wisher to What Himselfe Once Was.. The honour of London apprentices: exemplified, in a briefe historicall narration; containing many heroicall actions done by (some in particular, the rest in generall) prentices of the most renowned, and (in that regard) truly honourable City of London, both at home and abroad. In long, fore-past, present, and moderne times. Collected and published, by a well-wisher to what himselfe once was, that is to say, a prentice (and now a free citizen) of the famous City of London. London: printed by B[ernard]. A[lsop]., 1647. ESTC No. R201543. Grub Street ID 78940.
  • Reverend divine.. A new catechisme commanded to be set forth, for the instruction of all those, who still affect a reading ministry, and the Common-prayer; but remaineth opposite to the true Directory of Christ. Wherein is contained, sixe remarkable branches of the Church of England, viz the great vow in Baptisme, the Creed, the Lords Prayer, and the Ten Commandements, &c. By a reverend divine. London: printed by B. Alsop, dwelling in Grub-street, neer Cripple-Gate, 1647. ESTC No. R14257. Grub Street ID 62303.
  • The perfect weekely account containing certain special and remarkable passages from both Houses of Parliament; and collections of severall letters from the armies. [London, England: Bernard Alsop, 1647-1648]. ESTC No. P1321. Grub Street ID 55143.
  • The City-law, or, the course and practice in all manner of juridicall proceedings in the hustings in Guild-Hall, London. Englished, out of an ancient French manuscript, also, an alphabet of all the offices disposed and given by the Lord Mayors of London. London: printed by B. Alsop, for L. Chapman, and L. Blaiklocke, and are to be sold at their shops, at Temple-Barre, and at the next doore to the Fountain Taverne in the Strand, 1647. ESTC No. R210027. Grub Street ID 86235.
  • The antiquity of reformation: or, an observation proving the Great Turke a triangle, and the rest of the world roundheads. Wherein is shewed, a difference between the government of the Word of God, and best reformed churches. London: Printed by B. Alsop, and R. Harper, at the Bible and Harpe in Smithfield, 1647. ESTC No. R201747. Grub Street ID 79084.
  • The declaration and propositions of the navie with the oath which they have taken, concerning an admirall for the seas, and who they made choice of for the present. A message from the Kentish-men to the Lord Generall, and his answer thereunto. A thousand of them come in, and Dover Fort taken. With the taking of Chepstow Castle by storme, the Governour Sir Nicholas Kemish, and others slain; with the number of officers and prisoners taken. As also another petition to the Parliament, from the City of London, and what is desired therein. London: printed by B. Alsop, 1648. ESTC No. R204795. Grub Street ID 81674.
  • Markham, Gervase. Cheape and good husbandry for the well-ordering of all beasts and fowles, and for the generall cure of their diseases. Containing the natures, breeding, choice, use, feeding, and curing of the diseases of all manner of cattell as horse, oxe, cow, sheepe, goats, swine, and tame conies. ... the whole art of riding great horses, with the breaking, and ordering of them, and the dieting of the running, hunting, and ambling horse, and the manner how to use them in their travaile. Also approoved rules for the cramming, and fatting of all sorts of poultry, and fowles, both tame, and wild, &c. And ... medicines, for the cure of all the diseases in hawkes, ... Together with the use, and profit of bees, the making of fish-ponds, and the taking of all sorts of fish. Gathered together ... from English practises, ... differing from all former and fotraign [sic] experiments, which either agreed not with our clime, or were too hard to come by, or over-costly, and to little purpose: ... newly corrected. Printed at London: by Bernard Alsop, for Iohn Harrison, and are to be sold at his shop in Pauls Church-yard, 1648. ESTC No. R180363. Grub Street ID 71437.
  • Cotton, W. A new catechisme drawne out of the breasts of the Old and New Testament, for the soules nourishment, concerning the blessed sacrament of the Lords Supper, and the visible signe in baptisme. Wherein is set forth, the strong bond and seales of the Covenant betwixt God and his people. With an excellent caution to beware of sectaries. By W. Cotton, B.D. and minister of the true word of God. London: printed by B. Alsop, dwelling neer Cripplegate, 1648. ESTC No. R208234. Grub Street ID 84504.
  • The declaration of the counties of Worcester-shire, Warwick-shire, Hereford-shire, and Sallop, concerning the raising of forces there for the King: also, a declaration of the city of London, to give satisfaction touching their desires of a personall treaty with His Majesty. With a list of the prisoners taken at St. Needs, and the names of the Colonels, and other officers taken since in the pursuit of the Duke of Buckingham. London: printed by B[ernard]. A[lsop]., 1648. ESTC No. R204867. Grub Street ID 81735.
  • The demands and proposals of the Parliament of Scotland to be presented to the Parliament of England, by the Lord Lee, for removing the King neer London, a personall treaty, and the disbanding the Lord Fairfax his army. Votes of the Parliament of Scotland that the Parliament of England have broken the covenant and treaties in seven particulars, and the answer given to the English commissioners. London: printed by Bernard Alsop, and are to be sold at the Royall-exchange in Corne-hill, 1648. ESTC No. R204622. Grub Street ID 81542.
  • Bacon, Francis. The remaines of the Right Honorable Francis Lord Verulam Viscount of St. Albanes, sometimes Lord Chancellour of England. Being essayes and severall letters to severall great personages, and other pieces of various and high concernment not heretofore published. A table whereof for the readers more ease is adjoyned. London: printed by B. Alsop, for Lawrence Chapman, and are to be sold at his shop neer the Savoy in the Strand, 1648. ESTC No. R17427. Grub Street ID 67494.
  • A letter sent from the Lord Goring directed to the Lord Maior, aldermen, and commonalty of the city of London, and what was agreed upou [sic], at the receipt thereof. Also Rochester surrendred to the Lord Fairfax, and his further proceedings in Kent, and Lieutenant Generall Cromwells comming up with his forces. As also the Lord Gorings passing over the River of Thames into Essex, and the proceedings of the Essex men at Bow, and other places. London: printed by B[ernard]. A[lsop]., MDCXLVIII. [1648]. ESTC No. R10170. Grub Street ID 58564.
  • Heads of chiefe passages in Parliament, and an account of the state of the King and kingdome. London [England]: Printed by B[ernard]. Alsop, and are to be sold neer Cripplegate, and in the Old Bayley, 1648. ESTC No. P1131. Grub Street ID 54998.
  • Two sallies forth by the Lord Goring and Sir Charles Lucas at Coulchester, on Munday and Tuesday last; the manner of the severall fights, and the number that were killed and taken prisoners on both sides. The taking of the enemies court of guard, the setting fire thereof, and burning downe the wind-mills. With the examination of Mr. Osburn, touching the Kings Majesty; and the speech of Alderman Avery, at presenting the city petition; and the answer to the same by both Houses of Parliament. London: printed by B[ernard]. A[lsop]., anno Dom. 1648. ESTC No. R9153. Grub Street ID 129259.
  • Ford, Emanuel. The most famous, delectable, and pleasant history of Parismus the renowned Prince of Bohemia. The first part. Containing his noble battels fought against the Persians, his love to Laurana, the Kings daughter of Thessaly: and of his strange adventures in the desolate island. London: printed by B. Alsop, dwelling neere the upper pumpe in Grubstreet, 1649. ESTC No. R3399. Grub Street ID 116539.
  • The articles and charge exhibited by the court-marshall at White-Hall, against Major Generall Laughorn, Col. Poyer, Col. Powell, and Captain Bowen; and their severall answers. With the judgment and sentence to be denounced against them to morrow, being the 10. of this instant Aprill, 1649. Also, a letter from the governour of Lancaster; concerning his apprehending of Col. John Morris (late governour of Pontefract Castle) and Cornet Blackburn, as they were going disguised to the Isle of Man. With the particulars of their examination, a copy of their confession, and the declaration of the said Col. Morris concerning the Prince of Wales. Imprinted at London: by B[ernard]. A[lsop]., Aprill 9. 1649. ESTC No. R172517. Grub Street ID 66369.
  • Markham, Gervase. A way to get wealth: containing five principall vocations, or callings, in which every good husband, or house-wife may lawfully imploy themselves. As, I. The natures, ordering, curing, breeding, choice, use, and feeding, of all sorts of cattell, and fowle, fit for the service of man: as also the riding & dieting horses, either for warre or pleasur. II. The knowledge, use, and laudable practise of all the recreations meet for a gentleman. III. The office of a housewife, in phisick, surgery, ... brewing, baking, and the profit of oates. IV. The enrichment of the weald in Kent. V. The husbanding, & enriching of all sorts of barren grounds, making them equal with the most fruitfull: with the preservation of swine, and computation of men, and cattels labours, &c. VI. The making of orchards, planting and grafting, the office of gardening, & the ornaments, wit the best husbanding of bees. The first five bookes gathered by G.M. The last by Master W.L. for the benefit of great Brittain. London: printed by B[ernard]. A[lsop]. for Iohn Harison, and are to be sold at his shop in Pauls-Chnrch yard [sic], 1648 [i.e. 1649]. ESTC No. R38866. Grub Street ID 120911.
  • A brief discourse of the present power of magistracy and justice occasioned upon the tryall of Lieutenant Collonel John Lilburn. Together with severall perticulers concerning his charge and out of the speeches of the Judge. Also some arguments and conclusions drawn up ou of Lieutenant Collonel John Lilburns, pleadings and defence, made to his charge on Thursday the 25 of Octob. 1649. Collected at the request of some friends for generall satisfaction. London: printed by B. Alsop, and are to be sold near Criplegate, 1649. ESTC No. R206356. Grub Street ID 82882.
  • The declaration and engagement of the officers and souldiers of Col. Ingoldsbies regiment for the present government, whereunto is added two letters, of a great fight between Col. Jones and the Marq. of Ormond, with the routing of Ormonds whole body of horse, and pursuin him to Waterford, the surrender of Ross and other garrisons to the Lord Lievt. Cromwell, since the taking of Waxford, with the besieging of Duncanon. Also an act made at Edenburgh for receiving all persons to the sacrament, that were formerly debarred from it, the expectation they have of the Prince, and the Earl of Mourtons joyning with the euemy [sic] in the North. London: printed by B[ernard]. A[lsop]., 1649. ESTC No. R206359. Grub Street ID 82885.
  • Abbot, George. A briefe description of the whole world. VVherein is particularly described all the monarchies, empires and kingdomes of the same, with their academies. As also their severall titles, and situations thereunto adjoyning. Written by the most Reverend Father in God, George, late Arch-bishop of Canterbuy [sic]. London: printed by B. Alsop, and are to be sold by VVilliam Sheares, at the signe of the Harrow in Brittains Burse, [1650?]. ESTC No. R223504. Grub Street ID 97305.
  • The eighth liberal science: or a new-found-art and order of drinking. With a true description of their school and library, the degrees taken there, the tongues studied there, the several titles proper to the professors of that art, both civil and martial, viz. To the universitie men. The inns of court and chancery. The army and souldiery. The sea men, or seller-service-men. Also, penal statutes enacted in drinking, proverbs used amongst them, with divers stories of such whom immoderate drinking hath made ridiculous. London: printed by B.A. near the Upper Pump in Grub-street, 1650. ESTC No. R209306. Grub Street ID 85531.
  • Reading, John. The Ranters ranting: with the apprehending, examinations, and confession of Iohn Collins, I. Shakespear, Tho. Wiberton, and five more which are to answer the next sessions. And severall songs or catches, which were sung at their meetings. Also their several kinds of mirt and dancing. Their blasphemous opinions. Their belief concerning heaven and hell. And the reason why one of the same opinion cut off the heads of his own mother and brother. Set forth for the further discovery of this ungodly crew. London: printed by B. Alsop, 1650. ESTC No. R203304. Grub Street ID 80423.
  • Breton, Nicholas. I pray you be not angry: for I will make you merry. A pleasant and merry dialogue between two travellers, as they met on the highway. London: printed by Bernard Alsop, for Samuel Rand, and are to be sold at his shop at Holborn-Bridge, 1650. ESTC No. R229776. Grub Street ID 102188.
  • Joannes, de Mediolano. Regimen sanitatis Salerni: or, The schoole of Salernes regiment of health. Containing, most learned and judicious directions and instructions, for the preservation, guide, and government of mans life. Dedicated, unto the late high and mighty King of England, from that university, and published (by consent of learned physicians) for a generall good. Reviewed, corrected, and inlarged with a commentary, for the more plain and easie understanding thereof. By P.H. Dr. in Physicke, deceased. Whereunto is annexed, a necessary discourse of all sorts of fish, in use among us, with their effects appertaining to the health of man. As also, now, and never before, is added certain precious and approved experiments for health, by a right honorable, and noble personage. London: printed by B. Alsop, dwelling in Grub-street neer the Upper-Pump, 1649 [i.e. 1650]. ESTC No. R203898. Grub Street ID 80950.
  • Peedle, Thomas. The falacie of the great water-drinker discovered. Fully representing what are the ingredients that provoke him to so wonderfull a vomit, and by what art one glass seemeth to be of one colour, and another of another; and what he doth when he taketh the rose-water and the angelica-water. By Mr Thomas Peedle and Mr Thomas Cozbie, who brought him over into England from Tours in France: and after Wednesday next being the 26 of this present June, will be constantly readie every after-noon, if desired, in their own persons to make an experimental proof of what is here declared. Published for the satisfaction of many of the nobilitie and ladies of this nation, and many eminent gentlemen who have offered great sums of money to have the misterie discovered. As also to undeceive many thousands, who having seen the manner of it, have been amazed at the wonder but could not discover the secret. Licenced and entered into the register-book of the Company of Stationers, according to order. [London]: Printed by B. Alsop for T. Dunster, and are to be sold at the Red Lion in Grubstreet, Anno Domini 1650. ESTC No. R25173. Grub Street ID 108882.
  • The perfect vveekly account. Containing the daily intelligence in England, Ireland, and Scotland, with the proceedings of the armie under the command of his Excellency the Lord General Cromwel. London [England]: printed by B. Alsop, and are to be sold near Criple-gate, and the Royall-Exchange, [1650]. ESTC No. P2952. Grub Street ID 56404.
  • A letter from Amsterdam conteining the full relation of the proceedings of the Prince of Orange against that city, and the transactions betwixt him, and the citizens, their opening of the sluces to drown the said city, with severall other passages thereupon, and the copy of the Prince of Orange his letter the magistrates of the city. With an exact relation of the five days seige or blocking up, of Amsterdam by the Prince of Orange, and Grave William of Nassaw. Together with a particular discovery of the whole design and opening the sluces to let in the sea, which hath overflown great part of the land. London: printed by Bernard Alsop for T.P. and are to be sold at the Royall-Exchange in Cornhil, 1650. ESTC No. R205929. Grub Street ID 82530.
  • Fernández, Jer-nimo. The honour of chivalry. Or the famous and delectable history of Don Bellianis of Greece, containing the valiant exploits of that magnanimious and heroick prince: son unto the Emperour Don Bellaneo of Greece. Wherein are described, the strange and dangerous adventures tha befell him: with his love toward the Princesse Florisbella, daughter to the Soldan of Babylon. Translated out of Italian. London: printed by Bernard Alsop, dwelling in Grub-street neer the upper pump, 1650. ESTC No. R6775. Grub Street ID 127086.
  • The beginning, progress, and end of man. London: printed by B. Alsop, for T. Dunster, 1650. ESTC No. R211953. Grub Street ID 87672.
  • The routing of the Ranters being a full relation of their uncivil carriages, and blasphemous words and actions at their mad meetings, their several kind of musick, dances, and ryotings, and their belief and opinions concerning heaven and hell. With their examinations taken before a justice of peace, and a letter or summons sent to their sisters or fellow creatures in the name of the Divel, requiring them to meet Belzebub, Lucifer, Pluto, and twenty more of the infernall spirits at the time and place appointed. Also, a true description how they may be known in al companies and the names of the chief ring-leaders of this new generation that excell all others in wickednesse. [London]: Published by authority, and printed by B[ernard]. A[lsop]., [1650]. ESTC No. R203427. Grub Street ID 80524.
  • Waring, Thomas. A brief narration of the plotting, beginning & carrying on of that execrable rebellion and butcherie in Ireland. With the unheard of devilish-cruelties and massacres by the Irish-rebels, exercised upon the Protestants and English there. Faithfully collected out of depositions, taken by commissioners under the Great Seal of Ireland. Hereunto are added observations, discovering the actions of the late King; and manifesting the concernment of the Protestant-army now imployed in Ireland. Published by special authority. London: printed by B. Alsop and T. Dunster. And are to be delivered at Bernard Alsop's house in Grub-street, MDCL. [1650]. ESTC No. R204016. Grub Street ID 81044.
  • James. Regales aphorismi or A royal chain of golden sentences, divine, morall, and politicall, as at severall times, and on several occasions they were delivered by King James. Collected by certain reverend and honourable personages attending on his Majesty. London: printed by B.A. and are to be sold at his house near the upper pump in Grub-street, 1650. ESTC No. R202612. Grub Street ID 79838.
  • Ford, Emanuel. The most pleasant history of Ornatus and Artesia. VVherein is contained the unjust reign of Thæon King of Phrygia, who with his son Lenon intending Ornatvus his death, right heir to the crown, was afterwards slain by his own servants; and Ornatus after many extreame miseries crowned king. London: printed by B.A. dwelling in Grubstreet near the Upper-Pump, 1650. ESTC No. R37850. Grub Street ID 120033.
  • Strange nevves from Newgate and the Old-Baily: or The proofs, examinations, declarations, indictments, conviction, and confessions of I. Collins, and T. Reeve, wo of the Ranters taken in More-lane, at the Generall Sessions of goal-delivery, holden in the Old-Baily the twentieth day, of this instant Ianuary, the penalties that are inflicted upon them. The proceedings against one Parson Williams for having four wives, and Iohn Iackson a Scots minister, condemned to be drawn, hanged, and quartered, for proclaiming Charles Stuart, King of England, with the strange and wonderfull judgement of God shewed upon one T. Kendall, a Ranter in Drury-lane who fell down dead as he was affirming that there is no God, or hell to punish. Published according to order. London: printed by B. Alsop, 1651. ESTC No. R206429. Grub Street ID 82953.
  • The troublesome and hard adventures in love. Lively setting forth, the feavers, the dangers, and the jealousies of lovers; and the labyrinths and wildernesses of fears and hopes through which they dayly passe. Illustrated by many admirable patterns of heroical resolution in some persons of chivalry and honour; and by the examples of incomparable perfections in some ladies. A work very delightfull and acceptable to all. Written in Spanish, by that excellent and famous gentleman, Michael Cervantes; and exactly translated into English, by R. C. Gent. London: printed by B. Alsop, dwelling in Grubstreet near the upper pump, 1652 [i.e. 1651]. ESTC No. R3681. Grub Street ID 119067.
  • Massinger, Philip. The virgin-martyr: a tragedie. As it hath been divers times publickly acted with great applause. By the Servants of his Majesties Revels. Written by Philip Messenger, and Thomas Decker. London: printed by B[ernard]. A[lsop]., MDCLI. [1651]. ESTC No. R202152. Grub Street ID 79407.
  • The Diary being a perfect summary of the particular proceedings of our armies in England, Ireland, and Scotland; as also of our fleets at sea. Together with the orders of Parliament and the Council of State in relation thereunto. London [England]: Printed by Bernard Alsop, 1651. ESTC No. P1264. Grub Street ID 55095.
  • A strange and wonderful relation of the miraculous iudgements of God in the late thunder and lightning on Saturday the 23 of thi[s] instant August, being the next day after Mr. Love and Mr. Gibbons were beheaded. Shewing in what a fearfull and terrible manner one William Deane was struck dead with a thunderbolt, and six more stricken dumb, with other strange and unheard of wonders which were seen and felt at the the [sic] same time at Henden, and in some places on the river of Thames by many hundred spectators. Also a certificate, and the names of divers persons o quality to justifie the truth of this relation brought hither to be printed. London: printed by Bernard Alsop, [1651]. ESTC No. R25792. Grub Street ID 109180.
  • Coote, Edmund. The English school-master. Teaching all his schollers of what age soever, the most easie, short, and perfect order of distinct reading, and true writing our English tongue, that hath ever yet beene known or published by any. And further also, teacheth a direct course, ho any unskilfull person may easily both understand any hard English words, which they shall in the Scriptures, sermons, or else-where heare or reade: and also be made able to use the same aptly themselves; and generally, whatsoever is necessary to be known for the English speech: so that he which hath this book only, needeth to buy no other to make him fit from his letters unto the grammar-school, for an apprentice, or any other his private use, so far as concerneth English. And therefore is made not only for children, though the first [b]ook be meer childish for them, but also for all other[s], especially for those that are ignorant in the Latine tongue. In the next page the school-master hangeth forth his table to the . London: printed by B. Alsop, for the Company of Stationers, 1651. ESTC No. R174246. Grub Street ID 67478.
  • Grace leading unto glory: or A glimpse of the glorie, excellencie and eternity of heaven. Wherein most part of the Spirits various operations in his enlightening, convincing, converting, guiding, leading, strengthening, comfortings, sealings are shewed, as He assures salvation leading unto glory. Written by J.H. London: printed by B. Alsop, and are to be sold at his honse [sic] in Grubstreet, near the upper Pump, 1651. ESTC No. R215863. Grub Street ID 90823.
  • The hue and cry after those rambling protonotaries of the times. Mercurius Elenticus. Britanicus. Melancholicus. and Aulicus. Published by authority. London: printed by B. Alsop, MDCLI. [1651]. ESTC No. R206370. Grub Street ID 82896.
  • Border, (Daniel). D. Polypharmakos kai chymist?s: or, The English unparalell'd physitian and chyrurgian: shewing the true use of all manner of plants and minerals. In which is explained, the whole art and secresy of physick and chyrurgery. Wherein is contained, 1. The cure of any internal disease, which hath taken effect, and brought forth symptoms, ... 2. The making of diverse rare and excellent balsames, oyls, plaisters, and waters, with the effects thereof. 3. The making, and use of purges, vomits, drinks, and clisters, ... 4. The nature and temperarure [sic] of herbs, plants, and vegetables, ... 5. The way to extract the spirits and quintaessences of several sorts of herbs and minerals, and the rare operations they have. 6. The making of salt of wormwood, balm, or any other herb. 7. The cure of any wound, contusion, puncture, or ulcer in any part of the body. All which have been prescribed and practised by several learned doctors and chyrurgians. By D. Border, practitioner in physick. London: printed by B. Alsop, and are to be sold at his house in Grubstreet, near the upper pump, 1651. ESTC No. R4185. Grub Street ID 123349.
  • The rarities of the world. Containing, rules and observations touching the beginning of kingdoms and common-wealths, the division of the ages, and the memorable things that happened in them: why men lived longer in those days than in these present times. Also the opinion of the great emperours, and Egyptians, touching the life of man; and the strange things that have befallen kings and princes. With excellent discourses of creatures bred in the sea, to the likenesse of man; and others on earth. Very pleasant and profitable. First written in Spanish by Don Petrus Messie, afterward translated into French, and now into English, by J.B. London: printed by B[ernard]. A[lsop]., 1651. ESTC No. R39711. Grub Street ID 121588.
  • Curtius Rufus, Quintus. The ten books of Quintus Curtius Rufus: containing, the life and death of Alexander the Great. Exactly conferred with the original, and purged from many gross errours and absurdities, with which it before abounded. By the same hand which translated the last volume of the Holy court. London: printed by Bernard Alsop, and are to be sold at his house near the upper pomp [sic] in Grubstreet, 1652. ESTC No. R212861. Grub Street ID 88404.
  • A true and perfect list of the names of those prisoners in Newgate, who on this last gaole delivety [sic] were brought unto the sessions held at the Old Bayly, February 18. 1651. Together with their particular indictments, and the names of the justices of the peace that did commit them. Giving also a particular account of the number and names of those who are condemned to be hanged, and the nature of their offence, of one prest to death, of all those that were burned in the hand, or those that are reprieved, of those thought fit to be discharged, and of those who are not yet brought unto their tryal. Published for the general information and satisfaction of the nation. London: printed by Bernard Alsop, 1652. ESTC No. R205942. Grub Street ID 82542.
  • Baron, George. No-body his complaint a dialogue between Master No Body, and Doctour Some-Body. A delightfull discourse. By George Baron. No-Body. Why do'st thou father all they lies on me? heaping indignities on one that never injur'd thee? Som-Body. My words and acts hurt no-body. No-Body. Som-Body hath belied me much, no-body sure hath cause to grutch. London: printed by By. Alsop, dwelling near the Upper-Pomp in Grubstreet, 1652. ESTC No. R209399. Grub Street ID 85627.
  • Sheppard, (Samuel). S. Discoveries, or, An exploration and explication of some enigmatical verities hitherto not handled by any author viz., in the written Word of God, in the commentaries of the fathers, in the cabal of the stoicks, many choice inferences and unheard of (yet considerable) nicities [sic] never proposed : also A seraphick rhapsodie on the passion of Jesus Christ our sole redeemer / by S. Sheppard. London: Printed by B. Alsop .., 1652. ESTC No. R29355. Grub Street ID 112351.
  • Plat, Hugh. The jevvel house of art and nature: containing divers rare and profitable inventions, together with sundry new experiments in the art of husbandry. With divers chimical conclusions concerning the art of distillation, and the rare practises and uses thereof. Faithfully an familiarly set down, according to the authours own experience. By Sir Hugh Plat of Lincolns-Inne, Knight. Whereunto is added, a rare and excellent discourse of minerals, stones, gums, and rosins; with the vertues and use thereof. By D.B. Gent. London: printed by Bernard Alsop, and are to be sold at his house in Grubstreet, near the Upper Pump, 1653. ESTC No. R12749. Grub Street ID 60897.
  • A Perfect account of the daily intelligence from the armies in England, Scotland, and Ireland, the navy at sea, and other transactions of, and in realtion to this Common-wealth. London [England]: printed by Bernard Alsop, -[1655]. ESTC No. P1030. Grub Street ID 54907.

Printed for Bernard Alsop

  • A remonstrance of the representations of the army for redresse of the grievances of the kingdom. With certain remedies, humbly remonstrated to the Parliament, for the setling of the kingdome in peace. London: printed for B. A[lsop?]., Iune 21. 1647. ESTC No. R201599. Grub Street ID 78983.
  • Carter, Bezaleel. Christ his last vvill, and Iohn his legacy. In a sermon preached at Clare in Suffolke, by Bezaleel Carter preacher of the word of God at Canham neere to Saint Edmunds Bury. London: Printed for Bernard Alsop for Edward Blackemore and are to be sold at his shop at the signe of the Blazing-Starre in Paules Church yard, 1621. ESTC No. S117382. Grub Street ID 137051.
  • Palmerin d'Oliva. The first part: shewing the mirrour of nobilitie, the map of honour, anatomie of rare fortunes, heroicall presidents of love, wonder of chivalrie, and the most accomplished knight in all perfection. Presenting to noble minds, their courtly desire, to gentiles their expectations, and to the inferiour sort, how to imitate their vertues: handled with modestie to shun offence, yet delightfull for recreation. Written in Spanish, Italian, and French: and from them turned into English, by A.M. one of the messengers of his Majesties chamber. London: printed for [i.e. by] B. Alsop and T. Favvcet, dwelling in Grub-street neere the lower Pumpe, 1637. ESTC No. S113963. Grub Street ID 133687.
  • The copie of a letter sent from Exeter, by a gentleman of quality, to a worthy friend of his dwelling in London. Shewing, how the enemy have besieged the said city, and how they lye quartered about it: with a true relation of a fight between the citizens and the cavaliers, wherein the citizens took 80. prisoners from them. Moreover how the Earl of Warwick arriving at a place called Apsom, sent to the high sheriffe to raise the county, which he denied; whereupon the Earl sent 3. or 4. small ships, who battered down a fort where the cavaleirs harboured, to the ground, and flew 60. or 70. of them. Together with other remarkable matters, of speciall note and consequence. This is entred into the register book of Stationers Hall, and printed according to order. London: printed for Bernard Alsop, 1643. ESTC No. R295. Grub Street ID 112475.
  • A Weekly accompt of certain special and remarkable passages from both Houses of Parliament, and other parts of the kingdome. [London, England]: Aug. 3. London, printed for Bernard Alsop, 1643. ESTC No. P1314. Grub Street ID 55138.
  • The Parliaments scouts discovery: or certain information from both armies, and other parts of the kingdome, from ... London [England]: printed for Bernard Alsop, 1643. ESTC No. P1114. Grub Street ID 54982.
  • The flying post: conveying weekly packets to all forraigne nations, of the proceedings of both Houses of Parliament, and the armies in Great Brittain. From ... [London, England]: May. 10. London, printed for Bernard Alsop. 1644. ESTC No. P1272. Grub Street ID 55104.
  • Tindall, Humphrey. Tvvo prophecies full of wonder and admiration. Made by Humphrey Tindall Vicar of Wellin [sic] two hundred yeares past: and after his death, found in his study, with his name subscribed thereunto. And some sixty years since coppied out by a worthy gentlem [sic] and ever since kept private. Foretelling many strange accidents which shall befall to this kingdom. London: Printed for Bern: Alsop, according to Order, 1644. ESTC No. R12379. Grub Street ID 60566.
  • The moderators pax vobis: or ten considerations to move both city and army, king and Parliament, Presbyterians and Independents, to a speedy conjunction in peace for the publike safety of all. London: Printed for B. Alsop, 1647. ESTC No. R201803. Grub Street ID 79123.
  • Dyer.. Study to be quiet: or, a short vievv of the miseries of warre, with the necessity of peace. Also, the character of a peaceable man: whose motto is, I am for peace, Psal. 120. vers. 7.. [sic] By a dyer. London: Printed for B. Alsop, 1647. ESTC No. R201814. Grub Street ID 79129.
  • Articles of agreement betwixt Prince Charles and the Parliament of Scotland, brought over by their commissioners from Holland. Scotland now hath not a King, they agree in everything, King of one kingdome now is he, who we know is heire to thee, no man knows that kingdomes fate, nor our own expos'd to hate, when we have appeas'd our God, he at length will burne the rod. To the tune of, The Lord Willowbie march. London: printed for A. B. [i.e. B. Alsop?]; [ca. 1651]. ESTC No. R172523. Grub Street ID 66374.