Publications of J. B.

Note: The following printer, bookseller, or publisher lists are works in progress. They are generated from title page imprints and may reproduce false and misleading attributions or contain errors.

What does "printed by" mean? How to read the roles ascribed to people in the imprints.

In terms of the book trades, the lists below are sorted into up to four groups where: the person is designated in the imprint as having a single role:

  1. "printed by x"; or
  2. "sold by x"; or
  3. "printed for x" or "published by x";

or as having multiple roles in combination (which suggests a likelihood that the person is a trade publisher):

  1. "printed and sold by x"; "printed for and sold by x"; or "printed by and for x" and so on.

Printers (owners of the type and printing presses, and possibly owners of the copyright) may be identified by the words printed by, but printed by does not universally designate a person who is a printer by trade. Booksellers may be identified by the words sold by, but sold by encompasses a number of roles. Booksellers or individuals who owned the copyright are generally identified by the words printed for, but nothing should be concluded in this regard without further evidence, especially since "printed for" could signify that the named person was a distributor rather than a copyright holder. Trade publishers, who distributed books and pamphlets but did not own the copyright or employ a printer—and were not printers themselves—might be identified by the words printed and sold by. Furthermore, works from this period often display false imprints, whether to evade copyright restrictions, to conceal the name of the copyright holders, or to dupe unwitting customers. Ultimately, one must proceed with caution in using the following lists: designations in the imprints may not reliably reflect the actual trades or roles of the people named, and the formulas used in imprints do not consistently mean the same thing.

David Foxon discussed the "meaning of the imprint" in his Lyell Lecture delivered at Oxford in March 1976, with particular attention to "publishers" in the eighteenth-century context:

The fullest form of an imprint is one which names three people, or groups of people:
     London: printed by X (the printer), for Y (the bookseller who owned the copyright), and sold by Z.
In the eighteenth century the printer's name is rarely given, at least in works printed in London, and the form is more commonly:
     London: printed for Y, and sold by Z.
Very often in this period, and particularly for pamphlets, it is further abbreviated to:
     London: printed and sold by Z.
It is this last form which is my present concern. Z is usually what the eighteenth century called 'a publisher', or one who distributes books and pamphlets without having any other responsibility—he does not own the copyright or employ a printer, or even know the author.

D. F. McKenzie coined the term "trade publisher" for these publishers in his Sandars Lectures, also in 1976, on the grounds that their principal role was to publish on behalf of other members of the book trade (Treadwell 100).

Michael Treadwell cautions that "In this period the imprint 'London: Printed and sold by A.B.' normally means 'Printed at London, and sold by A.B.' and must not be taken to mean that A.B. is a printer in the absence of other evidence." Further, "The imprint 'published by' occurs only rarely in Wing and is almost always associated with the name of a trade publisher" (104). While there are exceptions to the rule, it is "certain," he explains, "that anyone who made a speciality of distributing works for others will show a far higher proportion than normal of imprints in one of the 'sold by' forms" (116), which appear in the imprint as "sold by," "printed and sold by," or "published by" (104). Treadwell gives Walter Kettilby as an example of "a fairly typical copyright-owning bookseller" (106)—his role is almost always designated by the phrase "printed for" on imprints.

A final caution: publisher is a word that should be used with some deliberation. Samuel Johnson defines it simply as "One who puts out a book into the world," but "published by" rarely appears on the imprint until later in the eighteenth century, and then primarily associated with newspapers and pamphlets. Treadwell observes that John Dunton names only five publishers among the 200 binders and booksellers in his autobiographical Life and Errors (1705) wherein he undertakes "to draw the Character of the most Eminent [Stationers] in the Three Kingdoms" (100). Treadwell also remarks, however, that "in law, anyone who offered a work for sale 'published' it. In this sense every work had one or more 'publishers', and every bookseller, mercury, and hawker was a 'publisher'" (114).


  • Terry Belanger, "From Bookseller to Publisher: Changes in the London Book Trade, 1750–1850," in Book Selling and Book Buying. Aspects of the Nineteenth-Century British and North American Book Trade, ed. Richard G. Landon (Chicago: American Library Association, 1978).
  • Bricker, Andrew Benjamin. "Who was 'A. Moore'? The Attribution of Eighteenth-Century Publications with False and Misleading Imprints," in The Papers of the Bibliographical Society of America 110.2 (2016).
  • John Dunton, The Life and Errors of John Dunton (London: Printed for S. Malthus, 1705).
  • John Feather, "The Commerce of Letters: The Study of the Eighteenth-Century Book Trade," Eighteenth-Century Studies 17 (1984).
  • David Foxon, Pope and the Early Eighteenth-Century Book Trade, ed. James McLaverty (Oxford University Press, 1991).
  • Samuel Johnson, Dictionary of the English Language, (printed for J. and P. Knapton; T. and T. Longman; C. Hitch and L. Hawes; A. Millar; and R. and J. Dodsley, 1755).
  • D.F. McKenzie, The London Book Trade in the Later Seventeenth Century (Sandars lectures in bibliography, 1977).
  • Michael Treadwell, "London Trade Publishers 1675–1750," The Library sixth series, vol. 4, no. 2 (1982).

Printed by J. B.

  • Bee, Matthew. The lady's perspective glass: through which may be clearly seen, a glorious landskip worth their observation. By M. B. gent. London: printed by J. B. and sold by Richard Butt, Book-Sellor in Princes-Street near Covent-Garden, 1701. ESTC No. N12341. Grub Street ID 2345.

Sold by J. B.

  • Gilpin, William. The lord's cup; or, the dispensations of providence with regard to good and evil, considered in a sermon; by William Gilpin, Vicar of Boldre. Lymington: printed and sold by J. B. Rutter, 1797. ESTC No. T11644. Grub Street ID 168104.

Printed for J. B.

  • Finch, Anne. Miscellany poems, on several occasions. Written by the Right Honble Anne, Countess of Winchilsea. London: printed for J. B. and sold by Benj. Tooke, William Taylor, James Round, and John Morphew, 1713. ESTC No. N34986. Grub Street ID 23275.


  • B., J.. The marchants avizo verie necessarie for their sonnes and seruants, when they first send them beyond the seas, as to Spayne and Portingale or other countreyes / made by their hartie wellwiller in Christ, I.B. marchant. Imprinted at London: By Thomas Orwin, by the assignes of William Norton, 1590. ESTC No. S252. Grub Street ID 146908.
  • B., J.. The merchants auizo. Very necessary for their sonnes and seruants, when they first send them beyond the sea, as to Spaine and Portingale, or other countries. Made by their hearty welwiller in Christ, I.B. merchant. London: printed by Iohn Bill, 1616. ESTC No. S115854. Grub Street ID 135545.
  • B., J.. An English expositor: teaching the interpretation of the hardest words vsed in our language. With sundry explications, descriptions, and discourses. By I.B. Doctor of Physicke. London: printed by Iohn Legatt, 1621. ESTC No. S115630. Grub Street ID 135321.
  • B., J.. The merchants avizo, or Instructions very necessary for their sonnes and servants, when they first send them beyond the sea, as to Spaine, and Portingale, or other countries. Written by a wel-willer to youth, I.B. merchant in Bristoll. London: Printed by E. G[riffin] for Richard Whitaker, and are to be sold at his shop at the signe of the Kings armes in Saint Pauls Churchyard, 1640. ESTC No. S115855. Grub Street ID 135546.
  • B., J.. An English expositor: teaching the interpretation of the hardest words used in our language. With sundry explications, descriptions, and discourses. By I.B. doctor of physick. London: printed by Iohn Legatt, and are to be sold by Andrew Crooke, in Pauls Church-yard, 1641. ESTC No. R29141. Grub Street ID 112157.
  • B., J.. Speciall nevves from the army at Warwicke since the fight: sent from a minister of good note, to an alderman here in London: wherein is related the names of such that are slain and taken prisoners of both sides: and also the comming of the Marquesse of Hartford towards Hereford with 2000. men, but made to retreate againe by the appearing of the Lord Stampford and his forces: also the funerall of Colonel Charls Essex at Warwick, his body being borne to the grave by the Lo: Mandevill, Lo: Brookes, and some 4. or 6. colonels: with other remarkable passages of truth touching that great battle, not yet printed, which will give great satisfaction to the reader. Also a most pious passage uttered by his Excellency to Master Marshall, upon their discourse of the battle. London: printed for Henry Overton, at his Shop in Popes-Head-Alley, Octob. 29. 1642. ESTC No. R14507. Grub Street ID 62523.
  • B., J.. The poets knavery discouered, in all their lying pamphlets: wittily and very ingeniously composed, laying open the names of every lying lybel that was printed last yeare, and the authors who made them, being above three hundred lyes. Shewing how impudently the poets have not onely presumed to make extream and incredible lyes, but dare also feigne false orders and proceedings from the Parliament, with many fictitious speeches. Well worth the reading and knowing of every one, that they may learn how to distinguish betwixt the lyes, and reall books. Written by J.B. London: printed for T.H., [1642]. ESTC No. R18881. Grub Street ID 76620.
  • B., J.. Glad tydings, Christ held forth in the seals. London: printed by T.P. in Goldsmiths Alley, 1643. ESTC No. R230838. Grub Street ID 103068.
  • B., J.. Chirologia, or, The naturall language of the hand composed of the speaking motions, and discoursing gestures thereof : whereunto is added Chironomia, or, The art of manuall rhetoricke, consisting of the naturall expressions, digested by art in the hand, as the chiefest instrument of eloquence, by historicall manifesto's exemplified out of the authentique registers of common life and civill conversation : with types, or chyrograms, a long-wish'd for illustration of this argument by J.B. ... London: Printed by Tho. Harper, and are to be sold by R. Whitaker ..., 1644. ESTC No. R41319. Grub Street ID 122968.
  • B., J.. Chirologia: or The natvrall langvage of the hand. Composed of the speaking motions, and discoursing gestures thereof. Whereunto is added Chironomia: or, the art of manvall rhetoricke. Consisting of the naturall expressions, digested by art in the hand, as the chiefest instrument of eloquence, by historicall manifesto's, exemplified out of the authentique registers of common life, and civill conversation. With types, or chyrograms: a long-wish'd for illustration of this argument. By J.B. Gent. philochirosophus. London: printed by Tho. Harper, and are to be sold by R[ichard] Whitaker, at his shop in Pauls Church-yard, 1644. ESTC No. R208625. Grub Street ID 84854.
  • B., J.. The Oxonian antippodes, or, The Oxford anty-Parliament. First, setting forth who it is that calls that Parliament. Secondly, who they are that sit in that Parliament. Thirdly, what Parliament it is, when the members of it are in one body. Fourthly, to what end this Parliament is called. Fifthly, what they are for their religion, their lives and conversations, that beare armes in defence of that Parliament. Sixthly, that the Parliament now sitting at Westminster is the absolute lawfull Parliament. Seventhly, that whatsoever is done against this lawfull Parliament, is against God, the Protestant religion, the lawes of the land, and the liberty of the subjects. By I.B. Gent. London: printed for Richard Lounds, and are to be sold at his shop neere Ludgate, 1644. ESTC No. R6818. Grub Street ID 127122.
  • B., J.. Chirologia: or The naturall language of the hand. Composed of the speaking motions, and discoursing gestures thereof. Whereunto is added Chironomia: or, the art of manuall rhetoricke. Consisting of the naturall expressions, digested by art in the hand, as the chiefest instrument of eloquence, by historicall manifesto's, exemplified out of the authentique registers of common life, and civill conversation. VVith types, or chyrograms: a long-wish'd for illustration of this argument. By J.B. Gent. philochirosophus. London: printed by Tho. Harper, and are to be sold by Henry Twyford, at his shop in Fleetstreet, 1644. ESTC No. R14061. Grub Street ID 62108.
  • B., J.. The reformed army. VVherein is plainly set forth, 1. What officers are necessary in an army, over one particular brigade. 2. VVhat officers may well be discharged, which as yet are allowed. 3. VVhat revinews will be saved which may be imployed to more necessary uses. 4. VVhat disaduantatge the state receives by such unnecessary officers, overpowring votes in councells of war. 5. What can be alleaged for the allowance of such places and the difference between these our civill vvars, and those in other countries. Seene and allowed by the Right Honourable, the Lords and Commons, in Parliament, and published for the good of the kingdome in generall. London: printed for J.B., 1645. ESTC No. R209855. Grub Street ID 86075.
  • B., J.. The nevv army regulated. Wherein is set forth, what officers which are now allowed, are unnecessary, and the disaduantages that hath and may arise, by the same if not reformed. As it was presented to the Honourable Houses of Parliament by the author. London: printed by John Hammond, 1645. ESTC No. R209889. Grub Street ID 86106.
  • B., J.. A mournfull elegie, in pious and perpetuall memory of the most honourable, Robert, Earle of Essex, and Evve, Viscount Hereford, Lord Ferrers of Chartley, Bourchier, and Lovaine, late Lord chiefe Generall of all the Parliaments forces, who exchanged his life Septemb. 14. 1646. London: printed for Thomas Banks, 1646. ESTC No. R232169. Grub Street ID 104025.
  • B., J.. Philocophus: or, The deafe and dumbe mans friend. Exhibiting the philosophicall verity of that subtile art, which may inable one with an observant eie, to heare what any man speaks by the moving of his lips. Upon the same ground, with the advantage of an historicall exemplification, apparently proving, that a man borne deafe and dumbe, may be taught to heare the sound of words with his eie, & thence learne to speake with his tongue. By I.B. sirnamed the Chirosopher. London: printed for Humphrey Moseley, and are to be sold at his shop in Pauls Church-yard, 1648. ESTC No. R3977. Grub Street ID 121643.
  • B., J.. Chirologia: or The natvral langvage of the hand. Composed of the speaking motions, and discoursing gestures thereof. Whreunto is added Chironomia: or, The art of manuall rhetoricke. Consisting of the naturall expressions, digested by art in the hand, as the chiefest instrument of eloquence: by historicall manifesto's, exemplified out of the authentique registers of common life and civill conversation. With types, or chirograms: a long-wish'd for illustration of this argument. By J.B. Gent. philochirosophus. London: printed by T. H. and are to be sold by Fran. Tyton at his shop in Fleetstreet at the 3 daggers, 1648. ESTC No. R173218. Grub Street ID 66862.
  • B., J.. Pathomyotamia or A dissection of the significative muscles of the affections of the minde. Being an essay to a new method of observing the most important movings of the muscles of the head, as they are the neerest and immediate organs of the voluntarie or impetuous motions of the mind. With the proposall of a new nomenclature of the muscles. By J.B. Sirnamed the Chirosopher. London: printed by W.W. for Humphrey Moseley, and are to sold [sic] at his shop at the Princes Armes in St. Pauls Church-yard, 1649. ESTC No. R8806. Grub Street ID 128942.
  • B., J.. Anthropometamorphosis: man transform'd; or, The artificial changeling. Historically presented, in the mad and cruel gallantry, foolish bravery, ridiculous beauty, filthy finenesse, and loathsome lovelinesse of most nations, fashioning & altering their bodies from the mould intended by nature. With a vindication of the regular beauty and honesty of nature. And an appendix of the pedigree of the English gallant. By J.B. sirnamed, The Chirosopher. London: printed for J. Hardesty, at the Black-spread-Eagle in Duck-Lane, 1650. ESTC No. R24242. Grub Street ID 108048.
  • B., J.. A faire in Spittle Fields, where all the knick knacks of astrology are exposed to open sale, to all that will see for their love; and buy for their money. Where, first Mr. William Lilley presents you with his pack, wherein he hath to sell. 1. The introduction, 2. Nativities caluclated, 3. The great ephimeredies, 4. Monarchy, or no monarchy 5. The caracture of K. Charles, 6. Annus Tenebrosus. Second, Nicholas Culpeper, brings under his veluet jacket. 1. His chalinges against the docttors [sic] of phuisick, [sic] 2. A pocket medicine, 3. An almanack, & conjuring circle, Third Mr. Bowker unlocked his pack, wherein is, 1. The 12. signes of the zodiack 2. The 12. houses, 3. The 7. planets, 4. The yeares predictions, and the starry globe. [London]: Written by J.B. Gent. and printed by J.C. in the yeare, 1652. ESTC No. R206781. Grub Street ID 83256.
  • B., J.. The knight errant: being a witty, notable and true relation of the strange adventures of Sir William Hart now prisoner in the tower: his severall exploits, cheats, and most witty tricks by him acted ever since his first beeing untill his proclaiming the Scotch king at Worcester, in August last. Written by J.B. Gent. London: printed by E. C., 1652. ESTC No. R209334. Grub Street ID 85562.
  • B., J.. Sermon fait en l'eglise francoise de Londres le 29 d'aoust, 1652 avant l'imposition des mains de Monsieur Stouppe / par Jean Bulteel, ministre de la parole de Dieu ; avec l'action et ses circonstances. A Londres: Chez Humphrey Robinson .., 1653. ESTC No. R37488. Grub Street ID 119719.
  • B., J.. Anthropometamorphosis: = man transform'd: or, the artificiall changling historically presented, in the mad and cruell gallantry, foolish bravery, ridiculous beauty, filthy finenesse, and loathsome loveliness of most nations, fashioning and altering their bodies from the mould intended by nature; with figures of those transfigurations. To which artificiall and affected deformations are added, all the native and nationall monstrosities that have appeared to disfigure the humane fabrick. With a vindication of the regular beauty and honesty of nature. And an appendix of the pedigree of the English gallant. Scripsit J.B. cognomento chirosophus. M.D. London: printed by William Hunt, anno Dom. 1653. ESTC No. R202040. Grub Street ID 79312.
  • B., J.. An English expositor: teaching the interpretation of the hardest words used in our language. With sundry explications, descriptions and discourses. By I.B., Doctor of Physick. London: printed by J[ohn]. L[egate]. and are to be sold by Edward Brewster at the sign of the Crane in Pauls Church-yard, 1654. ESTC No. R173215. Grub Street ID 66860.
  • B., J.. A vievv of the people of the vvhole vvorld: or, A short survey of their policies, dispositions, naturall deportments, complexions, ancient and moderne customes, manners, habits & fashions. A worke every where adorned with philosophicall, morall and historicall observations on the occasions of their mutations & changes throughout all ages. For the readers greater delight figures are annexed to most of the relations. Scripsit J.B. cognomento chirosophus, M.D. London: printed by William Hunt, 1654. ESTC No. R3856. Grub Street ID 120638.
  • B., J.. A sermon preached in the French church, in London on the 29. day of August 1652. At the imposition of hands on Mr. Stouppe by John Bulteel, minister of the word of God. With the action and circumstances thereof. London: printed by T.M. for Edward Archer, and are to be sold at the sign of the Adam and Eve in Little-Brittain, near the Church, 1654. ESTC No. R224358. Grub Street ID 98017.
  • B., J.. A seasonable word of advice unto all the saints in England whereby they are exhorted to beware of Satans subtilties, and hold fast the words of sound doctrine / by J.B., a lover of the truth. London: Printed by T.C. and are to be sold by George Wilford .., 1655. ESTC No. R32845. Grub Street ID 115515.
  • B., J.. An English expositor: teaching the interpretation of the hardest words used in our language. With sundry explications, descriptions, and discourses. By I.B., Doctor of Physick. Newly revised, corrected, and with the addition of above a thousand words enlarged. By W.S. London: printed by J.L. and are to be sold by Simon Waterson, at the sign of the Globe in Pauls Church-yard, 1656. ESTC No. R24806. Grub Street ID 108558.
  • B., J.. The filacers office, or, The measne processe filacers make out before appearance, the nature and forms of their several writs, and the manner of their proceedings thereupon. Together with a table of their fees. Very usefull for all attorneys and practisers of the law, fo the dispatch of their businesse in the filacers office. With an exact table, relating to all the matters herein contained. London: printed for Tho. Firby, and are to be sold at his shop near Grayes-Inne-Gate in Holborn, [1657]. ESTC No. R208897. Grub Street ID 85116.
  • B., J.. Innocency cleared from lyes. In answer or reply to some particular things: which them, who are scornfully called Quakers, are charged with in a boook intituled, Malice stript and whipt, &c. Published by one, who calls himself Samuel Smith Minster of the gospel, but his practise and bitter spirit maketh him manifest to be forth of the Doctrine of Christ, and that he is not guided by the same spirit which the minsters of Christ were, are guided by as hereafter may be made appear. By one who desires that all men might come to do as they would be done unto. I.B. London: printed for Thomas Simmons at the Bull and Mouth neer Aldersgate, 1658. ESTC No. R18765. Grub Street ID 75840.
  • B., J.. A vievv of the people of the vvhole vvorld, or, A short survey of their policies, dispositions, naturall deportments, complexions, ancient and moderne customes, manners, habits, and fashions a worke every where adorned with philosophicall, morall and historicall observations on the occasions of their mutations & changes throughout all ages : for the readers greater delight, figures are annexed to most of the relations scripsit J.B. ... London: Printed for the use and benefit of Thomas Gibbs, Gent., 1658. ESTC No. R41728. Grub Street ID 123279.
  • B., J.. An English expositor, or, Compleat dictionary teaching the interpretation of the hardest words, and most useful terms of art, used in our language / first set forth by J.B. Dr. of Physick, and now the third time revised, corrected, and very much augmented with several additions, viz., a new and copious supply of words, an index directing to the hard words by prefixing the common words before them in an alphabetical order, a brief nomenclator, containing the names of the most renowned persons among the ancients, whether gods and goddesses (so reputed) heroes, or inventors of profitable arts, sciences, and faculties, with divers memorable things out of ancient history, poetry, philosophy, and geography ; by a lover of the arts. London: Printed for J. Field, and are to be sold by Thomas Williams at the Bible in little Britain, 1663. ESTC No. R173216. Grub Street ID 66861.
  • B., J.. The blazing-star, or, A discovrse of comets, their natures and effects. London: printed for Francis Fox, 1664. ESTC No. R33228. Grub Street ID 115870.
  • B., J.. The blazing star: or, A discourse of comets, their natures and effects: in a letter from J.B. to T.C. concerning the late comet seen on Sunday December the 11. 1664. at Ibbesley in Hantshire, and since at London and Westminster,and divers other places of this kingdom. London: printed for Sam: Speed, at the Rainbow in Fleetstreet, neer the Inner Temple-gate, 1665. ESTC No. R5134. Grub Street ID 125605.
  • B., J.. An English expositour, or Compleat dictionary: teaching the interpretation of the hardest words, and most useful terms of art used in our language. First set forth by J.B. dr. of physick ... And now the fourth time revised, corrected, and very much augmented with several additions, viz. A new and copious supply of words. An index directing to the hard words, by prefixing the common words before them in an alphabetical order. A brief nomenclator, containing the names of the most renowned persons among the ancients, whether gods and goddesses (so reputed) heroes, or inventours of profitable arts, sciences and faculties. With divers memorable things out of ancient history, poetry, philosophy, and geography. By a lover of the arts. Cambridge: printed by John Field, printer to the University, 1667. ESTC No. R170866. Grub Street ID 65380.
  • B., J.. An English expositor, or, Compleat dictionary teaching the interpretation of the hardest words, and most useful terms of art, used in our language / first set forth by J.B. ... and now the fourth time revised, corrected, and very much augmented with several additions, viz., a new and copious supply of words, an index directing to the hard words by prefixing the common words before them in an alphabetical order, a brief nomenclator, containing the names of the most renowned persons among the ancients, whether gods and goddesses (so reputed) heroes, or inventors of profitable arts, sciences, and faculties, with divers memorable things out of ancient history, poetry, philosophy, and geography by a lover of the arts. Cambridge [Cambridgeshire]: Printed for J. Field .., 1667. ESTC No. R33262. Grub Street ID 115903.
  • B., J.. An English expositour, or Compleat dictionary: teaching the interpretation of the hardest words, and most useful terms of art used in our language. First set forth by J.B. Dr. of Physick. And now the fourth time revised, corrected, and very much augmented with several additions, viz. a new and copious supply of words. An index directing to the hard words, by prefixing the common words before them in an alphabetical order. A brief nomenclator, containing the names of the most renowned persons among the ancients, whether gods and goddesses (so reputed) heroes, or inventours of profitable arts, sciences and faculties. With divers memorable things out of ancient history, poetry, philosophy, and geography. By a lover of the arts. Cambridge: printed by John Hayes, printer to the University, and are to be sold by G. Sawbridge at the Bible on Ludgate-hill, London, 1671. ESTC No. R221140. Grub Street ID 95343.
  • B., J.. Christologia. Or A brief (but true) account of the certain year, moneth, day and minute of the birth of Jesus Christ. By John Butler, B.D. and chaplain to his Grace James Duke of Ormond, &c. And rector of Lichborrow in the diocess of Peterburgh. London: printed by Joseph Moxom, and sold by him, at the signe of Atlas in Russel-street, and by Hen. Broom, at the signe of the Gun at the west end of St. Pauls, 1671. ESTC No. R5369. Grub Street ID 125817.
  • B., J.. Christologia. Or A brief (but true) account of the certain year, moneth, day and minute of the birth of Jesus Christ. By John Butler, B.D. and chaplain to his Grace James Duke of Ormond, &c. And rector of Lichborrow in the diocess of Peterburgh. London: printed by Joseph Moxon, and sold by him, at the signe of Atlas in Russel-street, and by Hen. Broom, at the signe of the Gun at the west end of St. Pauls, 1671. ESTC No. R227676. Grub Street ID 100565.
  • B., J.. Ludus Literarum, the sporting of the letters: or, the scholar's recreation. Being a new invention, tending to a speedy attaining knowledge in the tongues. Also, fit, pleasant and profitable for all sorts and capacities of men and women whatever: to be used instead of card-playing. By J.B. A.M. This book of directions, with the packs of letters to be made use of in this learned recreation, are to be sold by Mr. Davis bookseller in Oxford, by Mr. Morden bookseller in Cambridge, and by Stephen Goodall stationer at the sign of the Golden-Cross in Cornhill, near th Royal Exchange in London. The price of the book is one shilling, and the pack of letters four pence, or, if with a box of counters, six pence. London: printed for the author [to be sold by Mr. Davis, Oxford; Mr. Morden, Cambridge, and Stephen Goodall, London], an. 1674. ESTC No. R223948. Grub Street ID 97696.
  • B., J.. God made man: or, An account of time. Stating the day, hour and minute of our Saviour's nativity. First, cleared by plain arguments. 2dly, proved by sacred records. 3dly, confirmed by anthentique historie, and antiquitie. And lastly, verified by the rules of practical astrologie. By a learned and reverend divine of the Church of England. London: printed for the author, and are to be sold by most booksellers, anno Dom. 1675. ESTC No. R25323. Grub Street ID 109021.
  • B., J.. An English expositour, or Compleat dictionary: teaching the interpretation of the hardest words, and most useful terms of art used in our language. First set forth by J.B. Dr of Physick. ... And now the fifth time revised, corrected, and very much augumented with several additions, viz. a new and copious supply of words. An index directing to the hard words, by prefixing the common words before them in an alphabetical order. A brief nomenclator, containing the names of the most renowned persons among the ancients, ... With divers memorable things out of ancient history, poetry, philosophy, and geography. By a lover of the arts. Cambridge: printed by John Hayes, printer to the University, and are to be sold by G. Sawbridge at the Bible on Ludgate-hill, London, 1676. ESTC No. R28518. Grub Street ID 111578.
  • B., J.. The sleepy spouse of Christ alarm'd: or, a warning to beware of drowsiness vvhen Christ calls, lest he withdraw in a discontent. Being the sum of some sermons upon Cant. 5th, and the beginning. By J.B. minister of the Gospel. Recommended in a preface by M. Nath. Vincent. London: printed for Samuel Crouch, at the Princes Arms at the corner of Popes-head Ally next Corn-hil, 1677. ESTC No. R27223. Grub Street ID 110411.
  • B., J.. To pyr to ai?nion: or, Everlasting fire no fancy. Being an answer to a late pestilent pamphlet, entituled The foundations of hell-torments shaken and removed wherein the author hath laboured to prove, that there is no everlasting punishment for any man (though finally wicked and impenitent) after this life. His considerations considered, and his cavils confuted; together with a practical improvement of the point, and the way to escape the damnation of Hell.----- By Jo. Brandon, late of Oriel Colledge (Oxon) now a minister of the Church of England. London: printed for Henry Brome at the Gun in St. Paul's Church-Yard, 1678. ESTC No. R20144. Grub Street ID 78863.
  • B., J.. A compleat and true narrative of the manner of the discovery of the Popish Plot to His Majesty, by Mr. Christopher Kirkby. With a full answer to a late pamphlet entituled Reflections upon the Earl of Danby. relating to the murther of Sir Edmundbury Godfrey, in a letter to a friend. London: printed and are to be sold by Henry Million at the Bible in the Old-Bayley, 1679. ESTC No. R175487. Grub Street ID 68353.
  • B., J.. A compleat and true narrative of the manner of the discovery of the Popish Plot to His Majesty, by Mr. Christopher Kirkby. With a full answer to a late pamphlet entituled Reflections upon the Earl of Danby. relating to the murther of Sir Edmundbury Godfrey, in a letter to a friend. London: printed and are to be sold by Henry Million at the Bible in the Old-Bayley, 1679. ESTC No. R18232. Grub Street ID 72538.
  • B., J.. Directions for the right receiving of the Lords Supper. Drawn up by way of question and answer, for the use and benefit of the younger sort, especially the citizens of Exeter. By J.B. With allowance. London: printed for Tho. Parkhurst, at the Bible and Three Crowns, over against the the Great Conduit, at the lower end of Cheapside, 1679. ESTC No. R3234. Grub Street ID 115055.
  • B., J.. A proposal humbly offered to the Parliament, for suppressing of popery. [[London]: Printed, and are to be sold by Richard Janeway in Queens head Alley in Pater-Noster-Row, 1680]. ESTC No. R12318. Grub Street ID 60517.
  • B., J.. An English expositour, or Compleat dictionary: teaching the interpretation of the hardest words, and most usefull terms of art used in our language. First set forth by J.B. Dr. of physick. And now the sixth time revised, corrected, and very much augmented with several additions, viz. a new and copious supply of words. An index directing to the hard words, by prefixing the common words before them in an alphabetical order. A brief nomenclator, containing the names of the most renowned persons among the ancients, whether gods and goddesses (so reputed) heroes, or inventours of profitable arts, sciences and faculties. With divers memorable things out of ancient history, poetry, philosophy, and geography. By a lover of the arts. Cambridge: printed by John Hayes, printer to the University, and are to be sold by G. Sawbridge at the Bible on Ludgate-hill, London, 1680. ESTC No. R214801. Grub Street ID 89964.
  • B., J.. Crumbs of comfort scattered for the relief and support of all weak doubting Christians: these dead and unsettled times. Or, The onely way to provide armour of proof against all popish bloody villanies. Being a sermon preached by that Reverend and Eminent Divine Mr. J.B. late of Sandwich in Kent, on Sunday, Novemb. 30th. 1679. [London]: Printed for W[illiam]. T[hackeray]. and sold by J[ohn]. Clarke, at the Horse-shooe, between Duck-lane-end, and the Hospital-Gate, in West-smith-field, [1680?]. ESTC No. R172632. Grub Street ID 66446.
  • B., J.. Hagiastrologia. Or, The most sacred and divine science of astrology. 1. Asserted, in three propositions; shewing the excellency and great benefit thereof, where it is rightly understood, and religiously observed. 2. Vindicated, against the calumnies of the Reverend Dr. Mor in his Explanation of the grand mystery of godliness. 3. Excused, concerning pacts with evil spirits, as not guilty, in humble considerations upon the pious and learned discourse upon that subject, by the Right Reverend Father in God, Joseph sometimes Lord Bishop of Norwich. By J.B. B.D. a Protestant minister of the true, antient, catholick and apostolick faith of the Church of England. London: printed for the author; and are to be sold by William Bromwich, at the Three Bibles in Ludgate-Street, M.CD.LXXX [sic] [i.e.1680]. ESTC No. R4462. Grub Street ID 124834.
  • B., J.. Lucerna scholastica. Or, The scholar's companion. In two parts. The first giving rules for making epistles, themes, orations, and all other kinds of oratorical exercise. The second giving directions for making all sorts of poetical exercise. And both fitted to the capacity of children. By J.B. London: printed for Jonathon Robinson at the Golden Lion in S. Paul's Church-yard: and are to be sold by Robert Benson in Penreth in Cumberland, 1680. ESTC No. R31569. Grub Street ID 114350.
  • B., J.. From a-board the Van Herring. The answer to the letter from Legorn answered: in a third letter to a merchant in London. [London: printed for T. Davies, 1681]. ESTC No. R23041. Grub Street ID 102738.
  • B., J.. Kedarminster-stuff. A new piece of print: or, a remnant of Mr. Baxter's piæ fraudes unravelled. Being an appendix to Nonconformists plea for peace impleaded. By J.B. Worcestershire. London: printed for John Jones, bookseller in Worcester, 1681. ESTC No. R224312. Grub Street ID 97986.
  • B., J.. Kedarminster-stuff. A new piece of print: or, a remnant of Mr. Baxter's piæe fraudes unravelled. Being an appendix to Nonconformists plea for peace impleaded. By J.B. Worcestershire. London: printed for Randal Taylor neer Stationers-hall, 1681. ESTC No. R6607. Grub Street ID 126942.
  • B., J.. The morality of the seventh-day-Sabbath disproved. In answer to C.T. Tillam's book, entituled, A present from prison, dedicated to L.C. Hobson. Wherein the most material points in another book, entituled, A discourse of the Sabbath, lately published by Henry Sowrsby and Mehetabel Smith, are succinctly discuss'd. Written by the learned J.B. Master of Arts, at the request of the laid L.C. Hobson. London: printed by Francis Clark for L. Curtis, 1683. ESTC No. R32844. Grub Street ID 115514.
  • B., J.. God's judgments upon regicides: a sermon preached in the Fleet-prison, on the 30th day of January 1682/3. Proving that the bloud of that pious monarch, and glorious martyr, King Charles the First, is not yet expiated. By J. Butler, B.D., chaplain to His Grace the Duke of Ormond. London: printed by T[homas]. Moore, and J[ohn]. Ashburne for Awnsham Churchill, at the Black-Swan in Ave-Mary-Lane, 1683. ESTC No. R35813. Grub Street ID 118175.
  • B., J.. An English expositour, or Compleat dictionary: teaching the interpretation of the hardest words, and most usefull terms of art, used in our language. First set forth by J.B. Dr of physick. And now the seventh time revised, corrected, and very much augmented with several additions, viz. a new and copious supply of words. An index directing to the hard words, by prefixing the common words before them in an alphabetical order. A brief nomenclator, containing the names of the most renowned persons among the ancients, whether gods and goddesses (so reputed) heroes, or inventours of profitable arts, sciences and faculties. With divers memorable things out of ancient history, poetry, philosophy, and geography. By a lover of the arts. Cambridge: printed by John Hayes, printer to the University, and are to be sold by H. Sawbridge at the Bible on Ludgate-hill, London, 1684. ESTC No. R214803. Grub Street ID 89966.
  • B., J.. The pilgrims progress to the other vvorld: or, A dialogue betvveen two pilgrims in their way to paradice; with an account of many strange adventures that befel them whilst they journied. And of their kind reception into the New Jerusalem, by way of visionary representation. By J.B. an unworthy labourer in Christs vineyard. London: printed by H.B. for T[homas]. Passinger at the three Bibles on London-Bridge, 1684. ESTC No. R172636. Grub Street ID 66450.
  • B., J.. Catholick schismatology: or, An account of schism and schismaticks: in the several ages of the world. To which are prefixed some remarks on Mr. Bolde's plea for moderation. J.B. London: printed for Anthony Steevens, bookseller in Oxon, 1685. ESTC No. R37483. Grub Street ID 119714.
  • B., J.. A bill and ansvver, betwixt Jack Catch plaintiff, and Slingsby Bethel, & al. defendants, of the year, 1681. Published for the satisfaction of all true lovers of conscience and equity. This may be printed, Rich. Pocock, March 8. 1685/6. London: printed by J.B. for Joseph Hindmarsh at the Golden-Ball over against the Royall-Exchange in Cornhill, 1686. ESTC No. R38676. Grub Street ID 120741.
  • B., J.. An English expositour, or Compleat dictionary: teaching the interpretation of the hardest words, and most useful terms of art, used in our language. First set forth by J.B. Dr of Physick. And now the eighth time revised, corrected, and very much augmented with several additions, viz. A new and copious supply of words. An index directing to the hard words, by prefixing the common words before them in an alphabetical order. A brief nomenclator, containing the names of the most renowned persons among the ancients, whether gods and goddesses (so reputed) heroes, or inventours of profitable arts, sciences and faculties. With divers memorable things out of ancient history, poetry, philosophy, and geography. By a lover of the arts. Cambridge: printed by John Hayes printer to the University, and are to be sold by T[homas]. Sawbridge at the Bible on Ludgate-hill, London, 1688. ESTC No. R32007. Grub Street ID 114751.
  • B., J.. Bellua marina: or The monstrous beast which arose out of the sea. Being a historical description of the papal empire, as it is originally copied out of the prophecies of Holy Writ. Together with an epitome of the lives of all the popes, who have reigned in the church empire, for these last 900 years; from the time this beast began to put forth his ten horns at Roma. By J.B. B.D. a minister of the Church of England. Licens'd according to order. London: printed by George Croom, and are to be sold by Richard Baldwin, in the Old-Baily, and most booksellers in London and Westminster, 1690. ESTC No. R24333. Grub Street ID 108132.
  • B., J.. An English expositor; or Compleat dictionary: teaching the interpretation of the hardest words, and most useful terms of art, used in our language. First set forth by J.B. doctor of physick. [Greek characters] And now the ninth time revised, corrected, and very much augmented with several additions, viz. A new and copious supply of words. An index directing to the hard words, by prefixing the common words before them in an alphabetical order. A brief nomenclator, containing the names of the most renowned persons among the ancients, whether gods and goddesses (so reputed) heroes, or inventors of profitable arts, sciences, and faculties. With divers memorable things out of ancient history, poetry, philosophy, and geography. By a lover of the arts. London: printed for Awnsham and John Churchil, at the Black Swan in Pater-Noster-Row, 1695. ESTC No. R33261. Grub Street ID 115902.
  • B., J.. The true state of the case of John Butler, BÂÂ.Ñ° a minister of the true Church of England. In answer to the libel of Martha his sometimes wife. Treating of a marriage dissolved, and made null by desertion. And of a lawful concubinage in a case of necessity: wherein lawful marriage conveniently, or possibly cannot be obtained. London: printed for the authot [sic], 1617 [i.e. 1697]. ESTC No. R4689. Grub Street ID 125039.
  • B., J.. The true state of the case of John Butler, B.DÂÂ.†° minister of the true Church of England: in answer to the libel of Martha his sometimes wife. Treating of a marriage dissolved, and made null by desertion. And of a lawful concubinage in a case of necessity: wherein lawful marriage conveniently, or possibly cannot be obtained. London: printed for the author, 1697. ESTC No. R20976. Grub Street ID 85986.
  • B., J.. Explanatory notes upon a mendacious libel, called Concubinage and poligamy disproved; written by a nameless author, in answer to a book writ by J.B. as being a scurrilous libel, as not fit to be stiled an answer. As may appear, by a catalogue of notorious and villainous lies, and Billingsgate raileries, and dunghil language, to be shewed therein. By J.B. B.D. London: printed for the author. And are to be sold by most booksellers in London and Westminster, 1698. ESTC No. R219424. Grub Street ID 93961.
  • B., J.. An English expositor; or compleat dictionary: teaching the interpretation of the hardest words, and most useful terms of art, used in our language. First set forth by J. B. doctor of physick. And now the ninth time revised, corrected, and very much augmented with several additions, viz. A new and copious supply of words. An index directing to the hards [sic] words, by prefixing the common words before them in an alphabetical order. A brief nomenclator, containing the names of the most renowned persons among the ancients, whether gods or goddesses (so reputed) heroes, or inventors of profitable arts, sciences, and faculties. With divers memorable things out of ancient history, poetry, philosophy, and geography. By a lover of the arts. London: printed for Awnsham and John Churchil, at the Black Swan in Pater-Noster-Row, 1698. ESTC No. R33260. Grub Street ID 115901.
  • B., J.. An argument, shewing that 'tis impossible for the nation to be rid of the grievances occasion'd by the marshal of the King's-Bench, and warden of the Fleet, without an utter extirpation of their present offices. With proposals for a new constitution of those offices. By way of letter to a Member of Parliament. London: printed for Richard Standfast, bookseller, near Temple-Bar, MDCXCIX. [1699]. ESTC No. R5834. Grub Street ID 126239.
  • B., J.. A sermon preached at Bridgwater, at an ordination of ministers, August 2. 1698. By J.B. Published at the request of some of the hearers. London: printed for J. Roberts, and are to be sold by him at his shop in Bridgwater; and by John Sprint in Little-Britain, 1699. ESTC No. R223582. Grub Street ID 97376.
  • B., J.. A letter to a Member of Parliament, on the regulation of the plantation trade. [London:]: Printed in the year, 1701. ESTC No. T38060. Grub Street ID 267568.
  • B., J.. Faith's trial and triumph: or, the soul's conflict with temptation, And Rejoicing when Victory is obtained through Faith in Christ. Being the substance of several sermons Preached at Rainford, and at some Lectures at Bolton in the Moores in Lancashire, from John xx. 28. By J. B., pastor of the congregation at Rainford. And now Published for Publick Use and Benefit. London: printed by R. J. for Tho. Parkhurst, at the Bible and Three Crowns in Cheapside, near Mercers-Chappel, 1702. ESTC No. T200979. Grub Street ID 232458.
  • B., J.. A memorial briefly pointing at some advantages of the union of the two kingdoms, humbly offered to the consideration of the Commissioners appointed for that end. London: printed and are to be sold by J. Nutt near Stationers-Hall, 1702. ESTC No. T70167. Grub Street ID 293950.
  • B., J.. In answer to Sir Humphry Mackworth's Peace at home, a discourse concerning liberty, whether consciencious, civil or political. ... By J. B. ... London: printed for B. Bragg, 1703. ESTC No. N28885. Grub Street ID 18084.
  • B., J.. A sermon preached at Kingston, upon Hull, on Wednesday, April 14th, 1703. upon the sorrowful occasion of the loss of divers, and damage of more, ships (on the coast of Holland) ... By J. B. ... London: printed for Tho. Parkhurst; and Tho. Ryles, at Hull 1703. ESTC No. T230869. Grub Street ID 250330.
  • B., J.. The ancient and fundamental right of English parliaments in general asserted; and the particular right of the Commons of England justified, ... with some necessary reflections ... in answer to Sir Humphry Mackworth's late pamphlet, call'd, Free parliaments, &c. ... By J. B. ... London: printed, and sold by B. Bragg, 1705. ESTC No. N16454. Grub Street ID 6090.
  • B., J.. The english expositor improv'd: being a complete dictionary, teaching the interpretation of the most difficult words, which are commonly made use of in our English tongue. First set forth by J. B. Doctor of Physick. And now carefully revised, corrected, and abundantly augmented; with a new and very large Addition of very useful and significant Words. by R. Browne, Author of The English School Reform'd. There is also an Index of Common Words (alphabetically set) to direct the Reader to others more Learned, and of the same Signification with them. And likewise a short Nomenclator of the most celebrated Persons among the Ancients; with Variety of Memorable Things: Collected out of the best of History, Poetry, Philosophy and Geography. London: printed for A. and J. Churchill, at the Black Swan in Pater-Noster-Row, 1707. ESTC No. T191539. Grub Street ID 226377.
  • B., J.. Cameronian Whigs no patriots: or, some remarkable exploits of Bob Hush, and his fairylanders, set in a true light. In a letter to an elector of Lynn Regis. ... London: printed for John Morphew, 1713. ESTC No. T59725. Grub Street ID 285715.
  • B., J.. The English expositor improv'd: being a complete dictionary, teaching the interpretation of the most difficult words, which are commonly made use of in our English tongue. First set forth by J. B. Doctor of Physick. And now carefully revised, corrected, and abundantly augmented, ... by R. Browne, ... London: printed for J. Churchill, 1713. ESTC No. N6317. Grub Street ID 45387.
  • B., J.. A whig-miscellany, containing, amongst other things, an argument, proving, beyond contradiction, that all the Tory-clergy in the nation are either Papists or atheists. To which is added, a preface relating to the mug-houses. Written by a gentleman who was the founder of that in St. John's-Lane. London: printed for J. Roberts, 1716. ESTC No. N35733. Grub Street ID 23839.
  • B., J.. The martyrdom of King Charles the first. A sermon preach'd on the 30th of January. By J. B. a divine of the Church of England. Birmingham: printed and sold by Matthew Unwin, 1717. ESTC No. T171974. Grub Street ID 209469.
  • B., J.. The art of beauty: a poem. Humbly address'd to the Oxford toasts. London: printed for R. Francklin at the Sun against St. Dunstan's Church in Fleet-Street, and at the Court of Requests; and sold by J. Bettenham in Pater-Noster Row, 1719 [1718]. ESTC No. T68937. Grub Street ID 293043.
  • B., J.. The english expositor improv'd: being a complete dictionary, teaching the interpretation of the most difficult words, which are commonly made use of in our English tongue. First set forth by J. B. Doctor of Physick. And now carefully revised, corrected, and abundantly augmented, with a new and very large Addition of very useful and significant Words. by R. Browne, Author of the English School Reform'd. There is also an index of Common Words (alphabetically set) to direct the Reader to others more Learned, and of the same Signification with them. And likewise a short Nomenclator of the most celebrated Persons among the Ancients; with Variety of Memorable Things: Collected out of the best of History, Poetry, Philosophy, and Geography. London: printed for W. Churchill, at the Black-Swan in Pater-Noster-Row. 1719. Where may be had the above-mention'd Spelling-Book, Entituled, The English School Reform'd: Being a Method very exact and easy both for the Teacher and Learner, [1719]. ESTC No. T144043. Grub Street ID 190987.
  • B., J.. Honesty yet to be found, a poem in praise of Leicester-shire. By J. B. [Stamford]: Printed at Stamford, Lincolnshire, 1721. ESTC No. N7407. Grub Street ID 52342.
  • B., J.. A letter to the Freeholder occasioned by the London journal of May 19. 1722. London: printed for T. Payne at the Crown in Pater-Noster-Row, MDCCXXII. [1722]. ESTC No. N19250. Grub Street ID 8678.
  • B., J.. The English expositor improv'd: being a complete dictionary, teaching the interpretation of the most difficult words, which are commonly made use of in our English tongue. First set forth by J. B. Doctor of Physick. And now carefully revised, corrected, and abundantly augmented; ... By R. Browne, author of the English school reform'd. ... Dublin: printed by Pressick Rider, and Thomas Harbin, and sold by the booksellers, 1726. ESTC No. T220948. Grub Street ID 244437.
  • B., J.. The English expositor improv'd: being a complete dictionary, teaching the interpretation of the most difficult words, which are commonly made use of in our English tongue. First set forth by J. B. Doctor of Physic. And now carefully revised, corrected, and abundantly augmented; ... By R. Browne, author of the English school reform'd. ... Dublin: printed by and for Samuel Fuller, 1731. ESTC No. N66140. Grub Street ID 47911.
  • B., J.. The English expositor, improv'd: being a compleat dictionary teaching the interpretation of the most difficult words, which are commonly made use of in our language. By J. B. M.D. To which is added, an index of common words, ... and likewise, a short nomenclator of the most celebrated person among the ancients; ... And now carefully revised, corrected, and abundantly augmented; ... By R. Browne, ... London: printed for J. and J. Knapton, R. Knaplock, D. Midwinter and A. Ward; B. Sprint, W. Innys, [and 3 others in London], 1731. ESTC No. N7024. Grub Street ID 50920.
  • B., J.. The church of England's complaints to the Parliament and clergy against I. Careless non-residents II. Encroaching pluralities. III. Unconscionable simony. IV. Loose prophaneness. V. Undue ordination. Now reigning among her clergy. To which is added, A List of the Non-Residents in every distinct County of England and Wales: And the Number of young unqualified Persons, that, by a just Computation, are said to be admitted into Holy Orders. London: printed for J. Torbuck, in Clare-Court Drury-Lane, and sold at the booksellers and pamphlet shops of London and Westminster, MDCCXXXVII. [1737]. ESTC No. T20925. Grub Street ID 237924.
  • B., J.. Remarks on the continuation of Mr. Whitefield's journal. Pointing out the many direct inconsistencies, ... therein contained. To which is added, ... some thoughts on the doctrine of regeneration, ... By the Reverend Mr. J. B. curate of N---th---t. London: printed for T. Cooper, 1739. ESTC No. T169058. Grub Street ID 206907.
  • B., J.. The free thought: or, a valiant resolution. Containing, a familiar conversation between an Englishman and a Scotchman, ... London: printed for J. Oldcastle, [1745?]. ESTC No. T183943. Grub Street ID 220303.
  • B., J.. The prophetical dream. Recommended to the perusal of the j-ge and j-y at S---hw---k, before whom the r---s are to be t---d. London: printed for J. Oldcastle, near St. Paul's, [1746]. ESTC No. T70152. Grub Street ID 293937.
  • B., J.. The English expositor improv'd: being a complete dictionary, teaching the interpretation of the most difficult words, which are commonly made use of in our English tongue. First set forth by J. B. Doctor of Physic. And now carefully revised corrected and abundantly augmented; ... By R. Browne, author of the English school reform'd. ... Dublin: printed by and for I. Jackson, 1750. ESTC No. N47786. Grub Street ID 32422.
  • B., J.. The true interest and exigencies of the state of Ireland. In a letter to His Grace the D---- of B------d. Dublin: printed in the year, 1758. ESTC No. T177101. Grub Street ID 214062.
  • B., J.. The true interest and exigencies of the state of Ireland. In a letter to His Grace the D---- of B------d. Dublin: printed in the year, 1758. ESTC No. T177102. Grub Street ID 214063.
  • B., J.. The English expositor improv'd: being a complete dictionary, teaching the interpretation of the most difficult words, which are commonly made use of in our English tongue. First set forth by J. B. Doctor of Physic. And now carefully revised corrected and abundantly augmented; ... By R. Browne, ... Dublin: printed by and for I. Jackson, 1763. ESTC No. T212602. Grub Street ID 239701.
  • B., J.. An address to the people of Great-Britain and Ireland, on the preliminaries of peace, signed November 3, 1762, between Great-Britain, France, and Spain. London: printed for Mess. Whiston and White; and E. Dilly, 1763. ESTC No. T188124. Grub Street ID 223963.
  • B., J.. The English expositor improved. Being a complete dictionary; containing an interpretation of the most difficult words in the English tongue. First set forth by J. B. Doctor of Physic. And now carefully revised, corrected, and abundantly augmented; ... By R. Browne, autho of the English school reformed. ... Dublin: printed by and for Henry Saunders, 1766. ESTC No. N47787. Grub Street ID 32423.
  • B., J.. The english expositor improv'd: being a complete dictionary, teaching the interpretation of the most difficult words, which are commonly made use of in our English tongue. First set forth by J. B. Doctor of Physic. And now carefully revised corrected and abundantly augmented; with a new and very large Addition of very useful and significant Words. By R. Browne, Author of the English School Reform'd. There is also an Index of Common Words (alphabetically set) to direct the Reader to others more Learned, and of the same signification with them. And Likewise a short Nomenolator of the most celebrated Persons among the Ancients; with Variety of memorable Things: Collected out of the best of History, Poetry, Philosophy, and Geography. Dublin: printed by and for I. Jackson at the Globe in Meath-Street, 1769. ESTC No. N48807. Grub Street ID 33282.
  • B., J.. The English expositor improved. Being a complete dictionary; containing an interpretation of the most difficult words in the English tongue. First set forth by J. B. Doctor of Physic. And now carefully revised, corrected, and abundantly augmented; ... By R. Browne, autho of the English school reformed. ... Dublin: printed and sold by the booksellers, 1775. ESTC No. T230536. Grub Street ID 250138.
  • B., J.. A short treatise on rice machinery; with a schedule of the expence. Also, the construction of pumps. With proper tables, etc. By J. B. Esq. of South Carolina. Glasgow: printed for the author, 1784. ESTC No. N23682. Grub Street ID 13037.
  • B., J.. Laura; or, the fall of innocence: a poem. London: printed for E. Macklew, No. 9, Hay-Market, M,DCC,LXXXVII. [1787]. ESTC No. T2402. Grub Street ID 257641.