Publications of John Smith


  • Smith, John. The trade & fishing of Great-Britain displayed: with a description of the islands of Orkney and Shotland. By Captain John Smith. London: printed by William Godbid, and are to be sold by Nathaniel Webb, at the sign of the Royal-Oake in St Paul's Church-yard, 1661. ESTC No. R220078. Grub Street ID 94534.
  • Smith, John. The trade & fishing of Great-Britain displayed: with a description of the islands of Orkney and Shotland. By Captain John Smith. London: printed by William Godbid, over against the Blew-Anchor in Little-Britain, M. DC. LXII. [1662]. ESTC No. R503946. Grub Street ID 359296.
  • Smith, John. The trade & fishing of Great-Britain displayed: with a description of the islands of Orkney and Shotland. By Captain John Smith. London: printed by William Godbid, over against the Blew-Anchor in Little-Britain, M. DC. LXII. [1662]. ESTC No. R230298. Grub Street ID 102648.
  • Smith, John. England's improvement reviv'd: digested into six books. By Captain John Smith. [London]: In the Savoy. Printed by Tho. Newcomb for the author, an. Dom. 1670. ESTC No. R22597. Grub Street ID 99086.
  • Smith, John. England's improvement reviv'd: in a treatise of all manner of husbandry & trade by land and sea. Plainly discovering the several ways of improveing all sorts of waste and barren grounds, and enriching all earths; with the natural quality of all lands, and the several seeds and plants which most naturally thrive therein. Together with the manner of planting all sorts of timber-trees, and under-woods, with two several chains to plaint seeds or sets by; with several directions to make walks, groves, orchards, gardens, planting of hops and good fences; with the vertue o trees, plants, and herbs, and their physical use; with an alphabet of all herbs growing in the kitchin, and physick-gardens; and physical directions. Also, the way of ordering cattel, with several observations about sheep, and choice of cows for the dairy, ... with many other remarks never before extant. Experienced in thirty years practise, and digested into six books, by John Smith, gent. Published for the common good. London: printed by Tho. Newcomb, for Benjamin Southwood, at the Star next to Sergeants-Inn in Chancery-lane; and Israel Harrison near Lincolns-Inn, 1673. ESTC No. R12577. Grub Street ID 60741.