Publications of Thomas Heywood


  • Heywood, Thomas. Oenone and Paris. [London: R. Jones, 1594]. ESTC No. S125238. Grub Street ID 144490.
  • Heywood, Thomas. The first and second partes of King Edward the fourth. Containing his mery pastime with the tanner of Tamwoorth, as also his loue to fayre Mistresse Shoare, her great promotion, fall and misery, and lastly the lamentable death of both her and her husband. Likewise the besiedging of London, by the bastarde Falconbridge, and the valiant defence of the same by the Lord Maior and the citizens. As it hath diuers times beene publiquely played by the Right Honorable the Earle of Derby his seruants. Imprinted at London: by I. W[indet]. for Iohn Oxenbridge, dwelling in Paules Churchyard at the signe of the Parrat, 1599. ESTC No. S92964. Grub Street ID 151593.
  • Heywood, Thomas. A pleasant conceited comedie, wherein is shewed, how a man may chuse a good wife from a bad. As it hath bene sundry times acted by the Earle of Worcesters seruants. London: Printed [by T. Creede] for Mathew Lawe, and are to be solde at his shop in Paules Church-yard, neere vnto S. Augustines gate, at the signe of the Foxe, 1602. ESTC No. S119222. Grub Street ID 138865.
  • Heywood, Thomas. The first and second parts of King Edward the fourth. Containing. [sic] His merie pastime with the tanner of Tamsworth, as also his loue to faire Mistrisse Shore, her great promotion, fall and miserie, and lastly the lamentable death of both her and her husband. Likewise the besieging of London, by the Bastard Falconbridge, and the valiant defence of the same by the Lord Maior and the citizens. As it wath diuers times beene publikely played by the Right Honourable the Earle of Derbie his seruants. London: printed by H. L[ownes]. for Nathaniell Fosbrooke, and are to be sold at his shoppe at the west doore of Paules, 1605. ESTC No. S92965. Grub Street ID 151594.
  • Heywood, Thomas. A pleasant conceited comedie, wherein is shewed, how a man may choose a good wife from a bad. As it hath bene sundry times acted, by the Earle of Worcesters seruants. London: Printed [by V. Simmes] for Mathew Law, and are to be sold at his shop in Paules Church-yard, neare vnto St. Augustines gate, at the signe of the Foxe, 1605. ESTC No. S119223. Grub Street ID 138866.
  • Heywood, Thomas. The second part of Queene Elizabeths troubles. Doctor Paries treasons: the building of the Royall Exchange, and the famous victorie in 1588. VVith the humors of Hobson and Tawny-coat. At London: printed for Nathaniell Butter, [1606]. ESTC No. S120220. Grub Street ID 139856.
  • Heywood, Thomas. A woman kilde with kindnesse. Written by Tho. Heywood. London: Printed by William Iaggard dwelling in Barbican, and are to be sold in Pauls Church-yard. by Iohn Hodges, 1607. ESTC No. S118314. Grub Street ID 137971.
  • Heywood, Thomas. If you know not me, you know no bodie: or, The troubles of Queene Elizabeth. At London: Printed [by Thomas Purfoot] for Nathaniel Butter, 1608. ESTC No. S116203. Grub Street ID 135892.
  • Heywood, Thomas. [The rape of Lucrece. A true Roman tragedie. With the seuerall songes in their apt places, by Valerius, the merrie lord amongst the Roman peeres. Acted by her Majesties Seruants at the Red Bull, neere Clarken-well. Written by Thomas Heywood.]. [London: Printed [by E. Allde] for I. B[usby]. and are to be solde [by Nathaniel Butter] in Paules-Church-yard at the signe of the Pide-Bull, 1609.]. ESTC No. S92967. Grub Street ID 151596.
  • Heywood, Thomas. Troia Britanica: or, Great Britaines Troy. A poem deuided into XVII. seuerall cantons, intermixed with many pleasant poeticall tales. Concluding with an vniuersall chronicle from the Creation, vntill these present times. Written by Tho: Heywood. London: printed by W. Iaggard, 1609. ESTC No. S119729. Grub Street ID 139369.
  • Heywood, Thomas. If you knovv not me, you know no bodie: or, The troubles of Queene Elizabeth. At London: Printed [by Thomas Purfoot] for Thomas Pauier, 1610. ESTC No. S116204. Grub Street ID 135893.
  • Heywood, Thomas. The brazen age, the first act containing, The death of the centaure Nessus, the second, The tragedy of Meleager: the third The tragedy of Iason and Medea. The fourth. Vulcans net the fifth. The Labours and death of Hercules: written by Thomas Heywood. London: printed by Nicholas Okes, dwelling neere Holborne-Bridge at the signe of the Hand, 1613. ESTC No. S92962. Grub Street ID 151592.
  • Heywood, Thomas. If yon [sic] knovv not me, you know no bodie: or, The troubles of Queene Elizabeth:. At London: printed [by T. Purfoot] for Nathaniell Butter, 1613. ESTC No. S4702. Grub Street ID 148646.
  • Heywood, Thomas. A marriage triumphe. Solemnized in an epithalamium, in memorie of the happie nuptials betwixt the high and mightie Prince Count Palatine. And the most excellent princesse the Lady Elizabeth. Written by Thomas Heywood. London: Printed [by N. Okes] for Edward Marchant, and are to be sold at his shoppe in Pauls Church-yard ouer against the Crosse, 1613. ESTC No. S118313. Grub Street ID 137970.
  • Heywood, Thomas. A pleasant conceited comedie, wherein is shewed, how a man may choose a good wife from a badde. As it hath been sundry times acted by the Earle of Worcesters seruants. London: Printed [by W. White] for Matthew Law, and are to be sold at his shop in Paules Church-yard, neere vnto S. Augustines gate, at the signe of the Fox, 1614. ESTC No. S116831. Grub Street ID 136519.
  • Heywood, Thomas. The rape of Lucrece, a true Roman tragedie. With the seuerall songs in their apt places, by Valerius the merrie lord amongst the Roman peeres. Acted by her Maiesties Servants at the Red Bull. The third impression. Written by Thomas Heywood. London: Printed [by T. Purfoot] for Nathaniell Butter, 1614. ESTC No. S116206. Grub Street ID 135895.
  • Heywood, Thomas. The foure prentises of London. VVith the conquest of Ierusalem. As it hath bene diuerse times acted, at the Red Bull, by the Queenes Maiesties Seruants. Written by Thomas Heyvvood. Printed at London: [By Nicholas Okes] for I. W[right]., 1615. ESTC No. S120519. Grub Street ID 140148.
  • Heywood, Thomas. King Edvvard the Fourth, the first and second part. Containing, his merrie pastime with the tanner of Tamworth; as also his loue to faire Mistris Shore, her great promotion, fall and misery, and lastly the lamentable death of both her and her husband. Likewise, the besieging of London, by the bastard Falconbridge, and the valiant defence of the same by the Lord Maior and the citizens. As it hath diuers times been publikely plaied, by the Right honorable, the Earle of Derbie his seruants. At London: Printed by Humfrey Lownes, 1619. ESTC No. S122580. Grub Street ID 142113.
  • Heywood, Thomas. Gynaikeion: or, Nine bookes of various history. Concerninge women; inscribed by ye names of ye nine Muses. Written by Thom: Heywoode. London: Printed by Adam Islip, 1624. ESTC No. S119701. Grub Street ID 139341.
  • Heywood, Thomas. The rape of Lucrece, a true Roman tragedie. With the seuerall songs in their apt places, by Valerius the merrie lord amongst the Roman peeres. Acted by her Maiesties Seruants at the Red Bull. The fourth impression. Written by Thomas Heywood. London: printed [by W. Stansby] for Nathaniell Butter, 1630. ESTC No. S3316. Grub Street ID 147584.
  • Heywood, Thomas. A pleasant conceited comedy, wherein is shewed, how a man may choose a good wife from a bad. As it hath beene sundry times acted by the Earle of Worcesters Seruants. London: printed by I[ohn]. N[orton]. and are to be sould by Hugh Perrie, at his shoppe at the signe of the Harrow, in Brittains Burse, 1630. ESTC No. S1235. Grub Street ID 142987.
  • Heywood, Thomas. The foure prentises of London, vvith the conquest of Ierusalem. As it hath beene diuers times acted at the Red-Bull, by the Queenes Maiesties Seruants with good applause. Written and newly reuised by Thomas Heyvvood. Printed at London: by Nicholas Okes, 1632. ESTC No. S123080. Grub Street ID 142603.
  • Heywood, Thomas. The hierarchie of the blessed angells. Their names, orders and offices the fall of Lucifer with his angells written by Tho: Heywood. London: printed by Adam Islip, 1635. ESTC No. S122314. Grub Street ID 141866.
  • Heywood, Thomas. Londini sinus salutis, or, Londons harbour of health, and happinesse. Expressed in sundry triumphs, pageants and showes; at the initiation of the Right Honorable, Christopher Clethrowe, into the maioralty of the farre renowned city London. All the charges and expences of this present ovation; being the sole undertaking of the Right Worshipfull Company of the Ironmongers. The 29. of October. anno salutis. 1635. Written by Thomas Heywood. Printed at London: by Robert Raworth, 1635. ESTC No. S92966. Grub Street ID 151595.
  • Heywood, Thomas. The vvonder of this age: or, The picture of a man living, who is one hundred fifty two yeeres old, and upward. This 12th. day of November. 1635. London: printed [by Bernard Alsop and Thomas Fawcet] for Beniamin Fisher, 1635. ESTC No. S92969. Grub Street ID 151598.
  • Heywood, Thomas. The three vvonders of this age. Imprinted at London: [by John Okes] and are to be sold by M. Sparke, Iunior, 1636. ESTC No. S92968. Grub Street ID 151597.
  • Heywood, Thomas. The ph?nix of these late times: or the life of Mr. Henry Welby, Esq;. who lived at his house in Grub-street forty foure yeares, and in that space, was never seene by any. Aged 84. Who in all that time neither dranke wine, nor eate flesh, as it is testified. Shewing the first occasion, and the reasons thereof. There is also intermixt some other new passages, with the manner of his bestowing his charity and pious uses. Whose portracture, you may behold, as it was taken at his death. With some new epitaphs by those who formerly knew this gentleman, who lyeth buried in S. Giles Church neere Criple gate, London. London: printed by N. Okes, and are to be sold by Richard Clotterbuck at his shop in little Brittaine, at the signe of the golden ball, 1637. ESTC No. S95765. Grub Street ID 153682.
  • Heywood, Thomas. A curtaine lecture: as it is read by a countrey farmers wife to her good man. By a countrey gentlewoman or lady to her esquire or knight By a souldiers wife to her captain or lievtenant. By a citizens or tradesmans wife to her husband. By a court lady to her lord. Concluding with an imitable lecture read by a queene to her soveraigne lord and king. London: Printed [by T. Harper] for Iohn Aston, and are to be sold at his shop at the signe of the Bulls head in Cateaten-street, 1638. ESTC No. S120219. Grub Street ID 139855.
  • Heywood, Thomas. A true discription of his Majesties royall and most stately ship called the Soveraign of the Seas, built at Wolwitch in Kent 1637. With the names of all the prime officers in her, who were appointed by his Majesty since the time of her launching at Wolwitch. Also a brief addition to the first printed coppy, worthy your observation and reading. Published by authority. Imprinted at London: By I. Okes, 1638. ESTC No. S117662. Grub Street ID 137331.
  • Heywood, Thomas. A true relation, of the lives and deaths of two most famous English pyrats, Purser, and Clinton; who lived in the reigne of Queene Elizabeth. Together with the particular actions of their takings, and undertakings with other pleasant passages which hapned before their surprizall worth the observing. London: Printed by Io. Okes, 1639. ESTC No. S120267. Grub Street ID 139903.
  • Heywood, Thomas. Englands Elisabeth: her life and troubles, during her minoritie, from the cradle to the crown; historically laid open and interwoven with such eminent passages of state, as happened under the reigne of Henry 8, Edvvard 6, Q. Mary; all of them aptly introducing to the present relation. By Th. Heyvvood. Cambridge: Printed by Roger Daniel: and are to be sold by J. Sweeting at the signe of the Angel in Popes-head-alley, 1641. ESTC No. R6671. Grub Street ID 126998.
  • Heywood, Thomas. Machiavel. As he lately appeared to his deare sons, the moderne proiectors. Divulged for the pretended good of the kingdomes of England, Scotland, and Ireland. Printed by authority: in the yeare of grace 1641. London: printed by J. O[kes]. for Francis Constable, and are to be sold at his shop in Kings Street, at the signe of the Goat, and in Westminster Hall, 1641. ESTC No. R228803. Grub Street ID 101445.
  • Heywood, Thomas. A chronographicall history of all the kings, and memorable passages of this kingdome; from Brute to the reigne of Our Royall Soveraigne King Charles. With the life and predictions of Merline, (sirnamed Ambrosius) the ancient British prophet; his prophesies interpreted, and their truth made good by our English annalls. Being a subject never published in this kinde before, and deserves to be knowne and observed by all men. London: printed by J. Okes, 1641. ESTC No. R40977. Grub Street ID 122724.
  • Heywood, Thomas. Machiavels ghost. As he lately appeared to his deare sons, the moderne projectors. Divulged for the pretended good of the kingdomes of England, Scotland, and Ireland. Printed by authority: in the yeare of Grace 1641. London: printed by J.O. for Francis Constable, and are to be sold at his shop in Kings Street, at the signe of the Goat, and in Westminster Hall, 1641. ESTC No. R6769. Grub Street ID 127080.
  • Heywood, Thomas. Englands Elisabeth: her life and troubles, during her minoritie, from the cradle to the crown; historically laid open and interwoven with such eminent passages of state, as happened under the reigne of Henry 8, Edvvard 6, Q. Mary; all of them aptly introducing to the present relation. By Th. Heyvvood. Cambridge: printed by Roger Daniel: and are to be sold by J. Sweeting at the signe of the Angel in Popes-head-alley, 1641. ESTC No. R214817. Grub Street ID 89977.
  • Heywood, Thomas. The life of Merlin, sirnamed Ambrosius. His prophesies, and predictions interpreted; and their truth made good by our English annalls. Being a chronographicall history of all the kings, and memorable passages of this kingdome, from Brute to the reigne of our royall soveraigne King Charles. A subject never published in this kind before, and deserves to be knowne and observed by all men. London: printed by J. Okes, and are to be sold by Jasper Emery in Pauls Church-yard, at the signe of the Eagle and Child, neare St. Austins Gate, 1641. ESTC No. R10961. Grub Street ID 59289.
  • Heywood, Thomas. Machiavel. As he lately appeared to his deare sons, the moderne projectors. Divulged for the pretended good of the kingdomes of England, Scotland, and Ireland. Printed by authority: in the yeare of Grace 1641. London: printed by J.O. for Francis Constable, and are to be sold at his shop in Kings Street, at the signe of the Goat, and in Westminster Hall, 1641. ESTC No. R34458. Grub Street ID 116982.
  • Heywood, Thomas. Hogs caracter of a projector. Wherein is disciphered the manner and shape of that vermine. With some other witty conceits unhappily falling out in these distracted times, in the kingdom of England, and Ireland. And in relation to a book lately printed, intituled Pigs corantoe, or, News from the north, being neer alliance the one to the other; and therefore thought good to joyn them together for the better satisfaction of divers. London: printed for G. Tomlinson, July 15. 1642. ESTC No. R23306. Grub Street ID 104680.
  • Heywood, Thomas. Merlins prophesies and predictions interpreted, and their truth made good by our English annalls, with the life of Merlin. Being a chronographicall history of all the kings, and memorable passages of this kingdom from Brute, to the reign of the late king. A subject that deserves to be known, and observed by all men. London: printed for I. E[mery], and are to be sold by Thomas Pierrepoint, at the singe of the Sun in Pauls Church-yard, 1651. ESTC No. R14810. Grub Street ID 62793.
  • Heywood, Thomas. Fortune by land and sea. A tragi-comedy. As it was acted with great applause by the Queens servants. Written by Tho. Haywood and William Rowly. London: printed for John Sweeting at the Angel in Popes-head Alley, and Robert Pollard at the Ben Johnson's Head behind the Exchange, 1655. ESTC No. R10165. Grub Street ID 58558.
  • Heywood, Thomas. The famous and remarkable history of Sir Richard Whittington three times Lord Major of London who lived in the time of King Henry the Fift, in the year 1419 with all the remarkable passages, and things of note, which hapned in his time: with his life and death. Written b T. H. London: printed by W. Wilson, and are to be sold by Frances Coles in the Ould-Bayley, 1656. ESTC No. R10116. Grub Street ID 58514.
  • Heywood, Thomas. The generall history of vvomen, containing the lives of the most holy and prophane, the most famous and infamous in all ages, exactly described not only from poeticall fictions, but from the most ancient, modern, and admired historians, to our times. By T.H. Gent. London: printed by W.H. for W.H. at the sign of the Blew Anchor, at the backside of the Roiall Exchange, 1657. ESTC No. R10166. Grub Street ID 58559.
  • Heywood, Thomas. The actors vindication, containing, three brief treatises, viz. I. Their antiquity. II. Their antient dignity, III. The true use of their quality. Written by Thomas Heywood. London: printed by G.E. for W. C[artwright], [1658]. ESTC No. R6819. Grub Street ID 127123.
  • Heywood, Thomas. Loves mistress: or, The Queens masqueDT as it was three times presented before their Majesties, within the space of eight days: in the presence of sundry foreign ambassadors. Publickly acted by the Queens Comedians, at the Phenix in Drury-LaneDT The second impression, corrected by the author, Thomas Heywood. London : printed by Iohn Raworth [i.e. Thomas Johnson], for Iohn Crouch [i.e. F. Kirkman], 1640 [i.e. 1661?]. ESTC No. S104067. Grub Street ID 130075.
  • Heywood, Thomas. The famous and remarkable history of Sir Richard Whittington. Three times Lord Mayor of London. Who lived in the time of King Henry the Fifth, in the year 1419. with all the remarkable passages, and the things of note which happened in his time; with his life and death. Written by T.H. London : printed by A.P. and T.H. for T. Vere, and J. VVright, and are to be sold at their shops at the Angel without Newgate, and at the Crown on Ludgate-hill, 1678. ESTC No. R216802. Grub Street ID 91669.
  • Heywood, Thomas. The famous and remarkable history of Sir Richard Whittington, three times Lord Mayor of London: who lived in the time of King Henry the Fifth, in the year 1419, with all the remarkable passages, and things of note which happened in his time: with his life and death. Written by T.H. London] : Printed for W. Thackeray and T. Passinger, [1687?. ESTC No. R23971. Grub Street ID 107810.
  • Heywood, Thomas. Love's mistress; or, the Queen's mask. By Thomas Heywood. An ancient comedy, and very scarce. London : printed 1640, and reprinted 1792, by T. Wilkins, No. 23, Aldermanbury, [1792]. ESTC No. T107933. Grub Street ID 160926.