Publications of (John). J Fowler


  • Fowler, (John). J. The history of the troubles of Suethland and Poland, which occasioned the expulsion of Sigismundus the Third, King of those kingdomes, with his heires for ever from the Suethish crown. With a continuation of those troubles, untill the truce, an. 1629. As also, a particular narration of the daily passages at the last and great treaty of pacification between those two kingdomes, concluded at Stumbsdorff in Prussia, anno 1635. Concluding with a Breife commemoration of the life and death of Sr. George Duglas Knight, Lord Ambassadour Extraordinary from the lat King of Great Brittaine, for the treaty above mentioned. Faithfully couched by J. Fovvler, secretary to his Lordship for that embassy. London: printed by Thomas Roycroft for Henry Twyford, and are to be sold at his shop in Vine Court Middle Temple, 1656. ESTC No. R10615. Grub Street ID 58967.