Ross, Alexander.
Rerum Iudaicarvm memorabiliorvm ab exitu ex Ægypto, ad vltimum vsque Hierosolymitanum excidivm, liber primvs. Ad illustrissimum Carolum Magnæ Britanniæ principem. Authore Alexandro Rossaeo Aberdonense.
Londini: excudebat Edwardvs Griffin impensis Francisci Constable, 1617. [i.e. 1619].
ESTC No. S94953.Grub Street ID 153067.
Ross, Alexander.
The first booke of questions and answers vpon Genesis. Containing those questions that are most eminent and pertinent, vpon the sixe first chapters of the same booke: collected out of ancient and recent writers; both briefly and subtilly propounded and expounded, by Alexander Rosse, of Aberdine, preacher at Saint Maries neere Southampton, and one of his Maiesites chaplaines.
London: Printed by Nicholas Okes, for Francis Constable, dwelling in Pauls Church-yard, ouer-against the great North doore, at the signe of the white Lyon, 1620.
ESTC No. S112086.Grub Street ID 131851.
Ross, Alexander.
The second booke of questions and answers vpon Genesis. Containing those questions that are most eminent and pertinent, from the sixt to the fiueteenth chapter of the same booke. Collected out of ancient and recent writers: briefly propounded and expounded. By Alexander Rosse, of Aberden, preacher at Saint Maries neere Southampton and one of his Maiesties Chaplaines.
London: Printed by Iohn Legatt, for Francis Constable, and are to be sold at his shoppe in Pauls Church-yard, at the signe of the White Lyon, 1622.
ESTC No. S124457.Grub Street ID 143817.
Ross, Alexander.
An exposition on the fourteene first chapters of Genesis, by way of question and answere. Collected out of ancient and recent writers: both briefely and subtilly propounded and expounded. By Abraham [sic] Rosse of Aberden, preacher at St. Maries neere South-Hampton, and one of his Maiesties chaplaines.
London: Printed by B[ernard]. A[lsop]. and T[homas]. F[awcet]. for Anth: Vpphill, and are to be sold at the White-Lyon, in Pauls Church-yard, 1626.
ESTC No. S116181.Grub Street ID 135872.
Ross, Alexander.
Three decads of diuine meditations. VVhereof each one containeth three parts. 1 A history. 2 An allegory. 3 A prayer. With a commendation of the priuate countrey life. By Alexander Rosse his Maiesties chaplaine in ordinarie.
London: Printed by A[ugustine] M[athewes] for Francis Constable and are to be sold at the signe of the Crane in St. Paules Church-yeard, [1630].
ESTC No. S116241.Grub Street ID 135929.
Ross, Alexander.
Rerum Iuadaicarum memorabiliorum. Ab exitu ex Ægypto ad ultimum usque Hierosolymitanum excidium, liber quartus. Authore Alexandro Rossæo Aberdonense.
Londini: Excudebat Thomas Harperus, sumptibus auctoris, 1632.
ESTC No. S110529.Grub Street ID 130561.
Ross, Alexander.
Virgilius evangelisans. Sive Historia Domini & Salvatoris nostri Iesu Christi, Virgilianis verbis & versibus descripta. Operâ Alexandri Rossæi Aberdonensis.
Londini: Per Iohannem Legatum pro Richardo Thralo, apud quem væneunt in vico vocato Cheap-side, M.DC.XXXIIII. [1634].
ESTC No. S1740.Grub Street ID 146153.
Ross, Alexander.
Rerum iudaicarum memorabiliorum. Ab exitu ex Ægypto ad ultimum usque hierosolymitanum excidium, liber quartus. Authore Alexandro Rossæo Aberdonense.
Londini: impensis Guilielmi Sheres, 1635.
ESTC No. S94958.Grub Street ID 153070.
Ross, Alexander.
Virgilii evangelisantis Christiados libri XIII. In quibus omnia quæ de Domino nostro Iesu Christo in utroque Testamento, vel dicta vel prædicta sunt, altisona divina Maronis tuba suavissime decantantur. Inflante [sic] Alexandro Rosæo Aberdonense.
Londini: typis Iohannis Legate, sumptibus Richardi Thrale, in Cœmeterio Paulino, anno Domini, 1638.
ESTC No. S119286.Grub Street ID 138928.
Ross, Alexander.
Mel heliconium: or, poeticall honey, gathered out of the weeds of Parnassus. The first book: divided into VII. chapters, according to the first VII. letters of the alphabet: containing XLVIII. fictions, out of which are extracted many historicall, naturall, morall, politicall, and thrologicall observations, both delightfull and usefull: with XLVIII. meditations in verse; by Alexander Rosse His Maiesties chaplein in ordinary.
London: printed by L[uke]. N[orton]. and J[ohn]. F[ield] for William Leak, and are to be sold at his shop in chancery-lane, near unto the Rolls, 1646 [i.e. 1642?].
ESTC No. R182851.Grub Street ID 72792.
Ross, Alexander.
Mel heliconium: or, Poeticall honey, gathered out of the weeds of Parnassus. The first book: divided into VII. chapters, according to the first VII. letters of the alphabet: containing XLVIII. fictions, out of which are extracted many historicall, naturall, morall, politicall, and theologicall observations, both delightfull and usefull: with XLVIII. meditations in verse; by Alexander Rosse His Maiesties chaplein in ordinary.
London: printed by L[uke]. N[orton]. and J[ohn]. F[ield]. for William Leak, and are to be sold at his shop in Chancery-Lane, near unto the Rolls, 1642.
ESTC No. R21749.Grub Street ID 92273.
Ross, Alexander.
Medicus medicatus: or The physicians religion cured, by a lenitive or gentle potion: with some animadversions upon Sir Kenelme Digbie's Observations on Religio medici. By Alexander Ross.
London: printed by James Young, and are to be sold by Charles Green, at the signe of the Gun in Ivie-lane, anno Dom. 1645.
ESTC No. R21768.Grub Street ID 92440.
Ross, Alexander.
The philosophicall touch-stone: or Observations upon Sir Kenelm Digbie's Discourses of the nature of bodies, and of the reasonable soule. In which his erroneous paradoxes are refuted, the truth, and Aristotelian philosophy vindicated, the immortality of mans soule briefly, but sufficiently proved. And the weak fortifications of a late Amsterdam ingeneer, patronizing The soules mortality, briefly slighted. By Alexander Ross.
London: printed for James Young, and are to be sold by Charles Green, at the signe of the Gun in Ivie-lane, 1645.
ESTC No. R200130.Grub Street ID 77677.
Ross, Alexander.
A centurie of divine meditations upon predestination, and its adjuncts: wherein are shewed the comfortable uses of this doctrine. To which are annexed sixteen meditations upon Gods justice and mercy. By Alexander Ross.
London: printed by James Young, 1646.
ESTC No. R1065.Grub Street ID 58996.
Ross, Alexander.
A centurie of divine meditations upon predestination, and its adjuncts: wherein are shewed the comfortable uses of this doctrine. To which are annexed sixteen meditations upon Gods justice and mercy. By Alexander Ross.
London: printed by James Young, and are to be sold by John Clark junior, at his shop in the porch entring into Mercers Chappell, 1646.
ESTC No. R222740.Grub Street ID 96683.
Ross, Alexander.
The picture of the conscience drawne to the life, by the pencell of divine truth. VVherein are set out 1. Its nature. 2. Infirmities. 3. Remedies. 4. Its duties. Consisting first in the truths to be beleived [sic]. 2. The vertues to be practised. 3. The vices to bee avoyded. 4. The heresies to bee rejected. All seasonable for these distracted times. By Alexander Rosse.
London: printed by Tho. Badger, for M.M. and Gabriel Bedell, and are to be sold at their shop neere Temple-Bar, at the middle Temple Gate, 1646.
ESTC No. R208720.Grub Street ID 84950.
Ross, Alexander.
The new planet no planet: or, The earth no wandring star; except in the wandring heads of Galileans. Here out of the principles of divinity, philosophy, astronomy, reason, and sense, the earth's immobility is asserted; the true sense of Scripture in this point, cleared; the fathers and philosophers vindicated; divers theologicall and philosophicall points handled, and Copernicus his opinion, as erroneous, ridiculous, and impious, fully refuted. By Alexander Rosse. In answer to a discourse, that the earth may be a planet.
London: printed by J. Young, and are to be sold by Mercy Meighen, and Gabriel Bedell, next to the middle-Temple-gate, 1646. [i.e. 1647].
ESTC No. R3474.Grub Street ID 117250.
Ross, Alexander.
Mystagogus poeticus, or The muses interpreter: explaining the historicall mysteries, and mysticall histories of the ancient Greek and Latine poets. Here Apollo's temple is opened, the muses treasures discovered, and the gardens of Parnassus disclosed, whence many flowers o usefull, delightfull, and rare observations, never touched by any other mythologist, are collected. By Alexander Ross.
London: printed for Richard Whitaker at the Kings Arms in Pauls Church-yard, M.DC.XLVII. [1647].
ESTC No. R1748.Grub Street ID 67888.
Ross, Alexander.
Gnomologicon po'ticum: hoc est, sententiæ veterum po'tarum insigniores, in ordinem alphabeticum digestæ. In usum puerorum. Per Alexandrum Rossæum.
Londini: typis Thomæ Brudenelli, impensis Joan. Marshal ad insigne Manus-&-Pennæ in vico vulgò dicto Cornhill, Anno Domini M.DC.XLVII [1647].
ESTC No. R182849.Grub Street ID 72790.
Ross, Alexander.
Mystagogus poeticus, or The Muses interpreter: explaning the historicall mysteries, and mysticall histories of the ancient Greek and Latine poets. Here Apollo's temple is again opened, the Muses treasurers the second time discovered, and the gardens of Parnassus disclosed more fully, whence many flowers of usefull, delightfull, and rare observations, never touched by any other mythologist, are collected. The second edition much inlarged. By Alexander Ross.
London: printed by T[homas]. W[arren]. for Thomas Whitaker at the Kings Arms in Pauls Church-yard, M.DC.XLVIII. [1648].
ESTC No. R203395.Grub Street ID 80492.
Ross, Alexander.
Alexandri Rossæi Isagoge grammatica, in gratiam illorum qui nolunt memoriam multis & longis regulis gravari, concinnata. Frustra fit per plura, quod fieri potest per pauciora.
Londini: typis Guil. Du-gardi: impensis Jehos. Kirton, ad insigne Equi-albi in Cœmeterio Paulino, 1648.
ESTC No. R218399.Grub Street ID 93061.
Ross, Alexander.
Englands Threnodie. Or A briefe and homely discoverie of some jealousies and grievances, under which the kingdom at present groaneth; affectionately tendred by Lady Anglia, to all her dear children, the lovers of their country, and well-willers to truth and peace: especially to her worthy sons, the members of both Houses of Parliament.
[London: printed by John Macock, 1648].
ESTC No. R206117.Grub Street ID 82687.
Ross, Alexander.
Som animadversions and observations upon Sr Walter Raleigh's Historie of the world. Wherein his mistakes are noted and som doubtful passages cleered. By Alexander Ross.
London: printed by William Du-gard for Richard Royston, and are to bee sold at the Angel in Ivie-lane, [1650].
ESTC No. R1169.Grub Street ID 59945.
Ross, Alexander.
Arcana microcosmi: or, The hid secrets of mans body disclosed; first, in an anatomical duel between Aristotle & Galen, about the parts thereof. Secondly, by a discovery of the strange and marvellous diseases, symptomes, and accidents of mans body. With a refutation of Doctor Browns vulgar errors, and the ancient opinions vindicated. By Alexander Ross.
London: printed by Thomas Newcomb, and are to be sold by George Latham at the Bishops Head in St. Pauls Church-yard, 1651.
ESTC No. R203426.Grub Street ID 80523.
Ross, Alexander.
The history of the world: the second part, in six books: being a continuation of the famous history of Sir Walter Raleigh, Knight: beginning where he left; viz. at the end of the Macedonian kingdom, and deduced to these later-times: that is, from the year of the world 3806. or, 160 years before Christ, till the end of the year 1640. after Christ: by Alexander Ross. Wherein the most remarkable passages of those times, (both ecclesiasticall and civill) in the greatest states, empires, and kingdomes, are represented: together with a chronologie of those times, &c. and an alphabeticall-table by the author.
London: printed for John Saywell, and are to be sold at his shop at the sign of the Greyhound in little-Britain without Aldersgate, M:DC.LII. [1652].
ESTC No. R17554.Grub Street ID 68392.
Ross, Alexander.
An appendix to Arcana Microcosmi: wherein are contained divers passages; as of fishes, presages, sneezing, thunder-struck persons, &c. with refutation of divers tenets held by Doctor Harvie in his book De Generatione. The Lord Bacon in his Naturall History, and some others. By Aeexander [sic] Ross.
London: printed by Thomas Newcomb, 1652.
ESTC No. R182848.Grub Street ID 72789.
Ross, Alexander.
The history of the world: the second part, in six books: being a continuation of the famous history of Sir Walter Raleigh, Knight: beginning where he left; viz. at the end of the Macedonian kingdom, and deduced to these later-times: that is, from the year of the world 3806. or 160 years before Christ till the end of the year 1640. after Christ: by Alexander Ross. Wherein the most remarkable passages of those times, (both ecclesiasticall and civill) in the greatest states, empires, and kingdomes, are represented: together with a chronologie of those times, &c. and an alphabeticall-table by the author.
London: printed for John Saywell, and are to be sold at his shop at the sign of the Greyhound in little-Britain without Aldersgate, M: DC. LII. [1652].
ESTC No. R218398.Grub Street ID 93060.
Ross, Alexander.
Arcana microcosmi: or, The hid secrets of man's body discovered; in an anatomical duel between Aristotle and Galen concerning the parts thereof: as also, by a discovery of the strange and marveilous diseases, symptomes & accidents of man's body. With a refutation of Doctor Brown's vulgar errors, the Lord Bacon's Natural history, and Doctor Harvy's book De generatione, Comenius, and others; whereto is annexed a letter from Doctor Pr. to the author, and his answer thereto, touching Doctor Harvy's book De generatione. By A.R.
London: printed by Tho. Newcomb, and are to bee sold by John Clark, entring into Mercers-Chappel, at the lower end of Cheapside, 1652.
ESTC No. R13878.Grub Street ID 61943.
Ross, Alexander.
Pansebeia: or, A view of all religions in the world: with the several church-governments, from the Creation, to these times. Together with a discovery of all known heresies, in all ages and places, throughout Asia, Africa, America, and Europe. By A.R.
London: printed by James Young, for John Saywell, and are to be sold at his shop, at the sign of the Grey-hound in Little Britain, without Aldersgate, 1653.
ESTC No. R203397.Grub Street ID 80494.
Ross, Alexander.
Leviathan drawn out with a hook: or Animadversions upon Mr Hobbs his Leviathan. Together with Some observations upon Sr Walter Raleigh's History of the world.
London: printed by Tho. Newcomb, for Richard Royston at the Angel in Ivy-Lane, 1653.
ESTC No. R1490.Grub Street ID 62878.
Ross, Alexander.
Mystagogus poeticus, or The muses interpreter: explaining the historicall mysteries, and mysticall histories of the ancient Greek and Latine poets. Here Appollo's temple is again opened, the muses treasurers the third time discovered, and the gardens of Parnassus disclosed more fully, whence many flowers of usefull, delightfull, and rare observations, never touched by any other mythologist, are corrected. The third edition corrected and enlarged. To which is prefixed the geneology of the heathen gods. By Alexander Ross.
London: printed by S[arah]. G[riffin]. for Joshua Kirton at the Kings Armes in Pauls Church yard, 1653.
ESTC No. R29337.Grub Street ID 112337.
Ross, Alexander.
Pansebeia: or, A vievv of all religions in the world: with the severall church-governments, from the creation, to these times. Also, a discovery of all known heresies in all ages and places: and choice observations and reflections throughout the whole. The second edition, enlarged and perfected, by Alexander Ross. To which are annexed, the lives, actions, and ends of certain notorious hereticks. With their effigies in copper plates.
London: printed by T[homas]. C[hilde]. for John Saywell, and are to be sold at his shop, at the sign of the Grey-hound in Little-Britain, without Aldersgate, 1655.
ESTC No. R216906.Grub Street ID 91753.
Ross, Alexander.
A view of the Jewish religion containing the manner of life, rites, ceremonies and customes of the Iewish nation throughout the world at this present time; together with the articles of their faith, as now received. Faithfully collected by A.R.
London: printed by T.M. for E. Brewster S. Miller and T. Iohnson, and are to be sold at the Crane, Star and Key in St. Pauls Churchyard, 1656.
ESTC No. R182853.Grub Street ID 72793.
Ross, Alexander.
A view of the Jewish religion containing the manner of life, rites, ceremonies and customes of the Iewish nation throughout the world at this present time; together with the articles of their faith, as now received. Faithfully collected by A.R.
London: printed by T.M. for E. Brewster and S. Miller, and are to be sold at the Crane, and at the Star in St. Pauls Churchyard, 1656.
ESTC No. R217817.Grub Street ID 92558.
Ross, Alexander.
Pansebeia: or, A view of all religions in the world: with the severall church-governments, from the creation, to these times. Also, a discovery of all known heresies in all ages and places: and choice observations and reflections throughout the whole. The third edition, enlarged and perfected, by Alexander Ross. To which are annexed, the lives, actions, and ends of certain notorious hereticks. With their effigies in copper-plates.
[London]: Printed for John Saywell, and are to be sold at the sign of the Grey-hound in Little-Britain, and at the Pile of Bibles in the Stocks Fish-market, looking into Lombard-street, over against the Post-house, London, 1658.
ESTC No. R16929.Grub Street ID 64736.
Ross, Alexander.
Virgilii Evangelisantis Christiados libri XIII. In quibus omnia quæ de Domino nostro Jesu Christo in utroque Testamento, vel dicta vel prædicta sunt, altisona divina Maronis tuba suavissime decantantur. Instante Alexandro Rosæo Aberdonense.
Londini: typis E. Tyler, sumptibus Richardi Thrale, in Cœmeterio Paulino, Anno Dom. MDCLIX. [1659].
ESTC No. R8416.Grub Street ID 128590.
Ross, Alexander.
Mystagogus poeticus, or, The muses interpreter: explaining the historicall mysteries, and mysticall histories of the ancient Greek and Latine poets. Here Apollo's temple is again opened, the muses treasures the fourth time discovered, and the gardens of Parnassus disclosed more fully, whence many flowers of useful, delightful, and rare observations, never touched byany [sic] other mythologist, are collected. The fourth edition corrected and enlarged. To which is prefixed the genealogy of the heathen gods. By Alexander Ross.
London : printed by S. Griffin, for Joshua Kirton, at the Kings Arms in St, [sic] Pauls Church-yard, 1664.
ESTC No. R37137.Grub Street ID 119382.
Ross, Alexander.
Pansebeia: or, A view of all religions in the world: with the several church-governments, from the creation to these times. Also, a discovery of all known heresies in all ages and places: and choice observations & reflections throughout the whole. The fourth edition, enlarged and perfected, by Alexander Ross. To which are annexed, the lives, actions, and ends of certain notorious hereticks. With their effigies in copper-plates.
London : printed by Sarah Griffin, for J.S. and are to be sold by John Wiliams, at the Crown and Globe in Saint Pauls Church-yard, 1664.
ESTC No. R218401.Grub Street ID 93065.
Ross, Alexander.
Mystagogus poeticus, or The muses interpreter: explaining the historical mysteries, and mystical histories of the ancient Greek and Latin poets. Here Apollo's temple is again opened, the muses treasures the fifth time discovered, and the gardens of Parnassus disclosed more fully, whence many flowers of useful, delightful, and rare observations, never touched by any other mythologist, are collected. The fifth edition corrected and enlarged. To which is prefixed the genealogy of the heathen gods. By Alexander Ross.
London : printed for J[ohn]. Martyn, S[amuel]. Mearn, and H[enry]. Herringman: and are to be sold in St. Paul's Church-Yard, Little Britain, and the New Exchange, 1672.
ESTC No. R40158.Grub Street ID 121986.
Ross, Alexander.
Pansebeia: or, A view of all religions in the world: with the several church-governments, from the creation, to these times. Also, a discovery of all known heresies in all ages and places: and choice observations and reflections throughout the whole. The fourth edition, enlarged and perfected by Alexander Ross. To which are annexed, the lives, actions, and ends of certain notorious hereticks. With their effigies in copper-plates.
London] : Printed for John Williams at the sign of the Crown in Cross-Keyes-Court in Little-Brittain, 1672.
ESTC No. R203421.Grub Street ID 80518.
Ross, Alexander.
Mystagogus poeticus; or the muses interpreter.
London : For S. Mearn, J. Martin, and H. Herringman, to be sold by George Swinnock, 1673.
ESTC No. R188735.Grub Street ID 76584.
Ross, Alexander.
Pansebeia: or, A vievv of all religions in the world: with the several church-governments, from the creation, till these times. Also, a discovery of all known heresies in all ages and places: and choice observations and reflections throughout the whole. The fifth edition, enlarged and perfected by Alexander Ross. To which are annexed, the lives, actions, and ends of certain notorious hereticks. With their effigies in copper-plates.
London : printed for John VVilliams at the sign of the Crown in Cross-Keyes Court in Little Brittain, 1673.
ESTC No. R218069.Grub Street ID 92785.
Ross, Alexander.
Pansebeia or, A vievv of all religions in the world: with the several church-governments, from the creation, till these times. Also a discovery of all known heresies in all ages and places: and choice observations and reflections throughout the whole. The fifth edition, enlarged and perfected by Alexander Ross. To which is annexed, The lives, actions, and ends of certain notorious hereticks. With their effigies in copper plate.
London : printed for John VVilliams at the sign of the Crown in Cross-Keys Court in Little Brittain, 1673.
ESTC No. R232621.Grub Street ID 104348.
Ross, Alexander.
Pansebeia or, A view of all religions in the vvorld: with the several church-governments, from the creation, till these times. Also, a discovery of all known heresies in all ages and places: and choice observations and reflections throughout the whole. The fifth edition, enlarged and perfected by Alexander Ross. To which is annexed, The lives, actions, and ends of certain notorious hereticks. With their effigies in copper plate.
London : printed for John Williams, and sold by Ben. Billingsley at the Printing Press, and Tho. Cockeril at the Atlas in Cornhill, 1675.
ESTC No. R8363.Grub Street ID 128540.
Ross, Alexander.
Mystagogus poeticus; or the muses interpreter: explaining the historical mysteries, and mystical histories of the antient Greek and Latin poets. Here Apollo's temple is again opened, the muses treasures the sixth time discovered, and the gardens of Parnassus disclosed more fully, whence many flowers of useful, delightful, and rare observations, never touched by any other mythologist, are collected. The sixth edition corrected and enlarged. To which is prefixed the genealogy of the heathen gods. By Alexander Ross.
London : Printed for S. Mearn, J. Martyn, and H. Herringman: and are to be sold in Little Britain, S. Pauls Church-Yard, and the New Exchange, 1675.
ESTC No. R37138.Grub Street ID 119383.
Ross, Alexander.
Mystagogus poeticus; or the muses interpreter, explaining the historical mysteries, and mystical histories of the antient Greek and Latin poets. Here Apollo's temple is again opened, the muses treasures the sixth time discovered, and the gardens of Parnassus disclosed more fully; whence many flowers of useful, delightful, and rare observations, never touched by any other mythologist, are collected. The sixth edition corrected and enlarged. To which is prefixed the genealogy of the heathen gods. By Alexander Ross.
London : printed for S. Mearn, J. Martin, and H. Herringman: and are to be sold by George Swinnock at the Crane at the lower end of Cheap-side against Mercers Chappel, 1676.
ESTC No. R229393.Grub Street ID 101886.
Ross, Alexander.
Pansebeia: or, A view of all religions in the world: with the several church-governments from the creation, till these times. Also, a discovery of all known heresies in all ages and places: and choice observations and reflections throughout the whole. The sixth edition, enlarged and perfected, by Alexander Ross. To which is annexed, The lives, actions, and ends of certain notorious hereticks. With their effigies in copper-plates.
London : printed for John Williams, at the sign of the Crown, in St. Paul's Church-yard, MDCLXXXIII. [1683].
ESTC No. R12902.Grub Street ID 61050.
Ross, Alexander.
Virgilius evangelisans, sive historia domini & salvatoris nostri Jesu Christi, virgilianis verbis & versibus descripta. Operâ Alexandri Rossæi, Aberdonensis. Nunc emendata & republicata ex prima editione.
Londini : apud Jacobum Buckland, in vico vulgo dicto Pater Noster Row, MDCCLXIX. [1769].
ESTC No. T139448.Grub Street ID 187300.
Ross, Alexander.
A view of all religions in the world. With the several church governments from the creation to the present times: also, a Discovery of all Known Heresies in all Ages and Places. And Choice Observations and Reflections Throughout the Whole. Written in the year 1640 by Alexander Ross, Chaplain in Ordinary to King Charles the First; and now brought down to the present times by a clergyman.
London : printed for R. Hilton, in Wellclose-Square; S. Bladon, in Pater-Noster-Row; Messrs. Richardson and Urquhart, under the Royal Exchange; H. Turpin, in St. John's Street, West-Smithfield; T. Dunn, in Gloucester; and C. Pugh, in Hereford, [1775?].
ESTC No. T109746.Grub Street ID 162403.