Publications of Hugh Plat


  • Plat, Hugh. The floures of philosophie with the pleasures of poetrie annexed vunto them, as wel pleasant to be read, as profytable to be followed of all men. Imprinted at London: by Frauncis Coldocke and Henry Bynneman, Anno. 1581. ESTC No. S125839. Grub Street ID 145060.
  • Plat, Hugh. A briefe apologie of certaine nevv inventions, whereof there hath bene a publicke viewe taken in London by some of her Maiesties priuie Counsell, and diuerse other gentlemen and citizens of good worship and account, with the authors excuse for not publishing the same, to the generall good of his countrey. Imprinted at London: by Richard Field, 1593. ESTC No. S94737. Grub Street ID 152902.
  • Plat, Hugh. The iewell house of art and nature. Conteining diuers rare and profitable inuentions, together with sundry new experimentes in the art of husbandry, distillation, and moulding. Faithfully and familiarly set downe, according to the authors owne experience, by Hugh Platte, of Lincolnes Inne Gentleman. London: Printed by Peter Short, dwelling on Breadstreat hill, at the signe of the Star, and are to be solde in Paules Churchyard, 1594. ESTC No. S110434. Grub Street ID 130484.
  • Plat, Hugh. Hugonis Platti Armig: Manuale, sententias aliquot diuinas & morales complectens: partim sacris patribus. Partim Petrarcha philosopho & poeta celeberrimo decerptas. Londini: Excudebat Petrus Short, 1594. ESTC No. S114892. Grub Street ID 134594.
  • Plat, Hugh. The jewell house of art and nature conteining diuers rare and profitable inuentions, together with sundry new experimentes in the art of husbandry, distillation, and moulding / faithfully and familiarly set downe, according to the authors owne experience, by Hugh Platte ... London: Printed by Peter Short, dwelling on Breadstreat-hill, at the signe of the star, and are to be solde in Paules Church-yard, by William Ponsonby, 1594. ESTC No. S2282. Grub Street ID 146676.
  • Plat, Hugh. A discouerie of certaine English wants, which are royally supplyed in this treatise by H. Platt of Lincolnes Inne Esquier. Printed at London: By P[eter] S[hort] for William Ponsonby, 1595. ESTC No. S114758. Grub Street ID 134467.
  • Plat, Hugh. Sundrie nevv and artificiall remedies against famine. Written by H.P. Esq. vppon thoccasion of this present dearth. [London]: Printed by P[eter] S[hort] dwelling on Breadstreet hill, at the signe of the Starre, 1596. ESTC No. S114752. Grub Street ID 134462.
  • Plat, Hugh. The nevv and admirable arte of setting of corne: with all the necessarie tooles and other circumstances belonging to the same: the particular titles whereof, are set downe in page the following. Imprinted at London: By Peter Short, dwelling at the signe of the Starre on Bredstreet hill, 1600. ESTC No. S122434. Grub Street ID 141980.
  • Plat, Hugh. Delightes for ladies, to adorne their persons, tables, closets, and distillatories. VVith bewties, banquets, perfumes and waters. Read, practise, and censure. At London: printed by Peter Short, [1600?]. ESTC No. S125836. Grub Street ID 145057.
  • Plat, Hugh. [The new and admirable arte of setting of corne]. [London: by Peter Short, 1600?]. ESTC No. S125906. Grub Street ID 145106.
  • Plat, Hugh. The nevv and admirable arte of setting of corne: with all the necessarie tooles and other circumstances belonging to the same: the particular titles whereof, are set downe in the page following. Imprinted at London: By Peter Short, dwelling at the signe of the Starre on Bredstreet hill, 1601. ESTC No. S114898. Grub Street ID 134600.
  • Plat, Hugh. Delightes for ladies to adorne their persons, tables, closets, and distillatories with beauties, banquets, perfumes and waters. At London: Printed by Peter Short, 1602. ESTC No. S1267. Grub Street ID 145630.
  • Plat, Hugh. Delightes for ladies, to adorne their persons, tables, closets and distillatories. With beauties, banquets, perfumes and waters. At London: Printed by Peter Short, 1603. ESTC No. S114731. Grub Street ID 134441.
  • Plat, Hugh. A nevv, cheape and delicate fire of cole-balles, wherein seacole is by the mixture of other combustible bodies, both sweetened and multiplied. Also a speedie way for the winning of any breach: with some other new and seruiceable inuentions answerable to the time. Imprinted at London: By Peter Short dwelling at the signe of the Starre on Bredstreet-hill, 1603. ESTC No. S114744. Grub Street ID 134454.
  • Plat, Hugh. Delightes for ladies, to adorne their persons, tables, closets, and distillatories: with. Beauties, banquets, perfumes and waters. reade, practise, and censure. At London: printed by H. L[ownes]., 1605. ESTC No. S94740. Grub Street ID 152904.
  • Plat, Hugh. Certaine philosophical preparations of foode and beuerage for sea-men, in their long voyages: with some necessary, approoued, and hermeticall medicines and antidotes, fit to be had in readinesse at sea, for preuention or cure of diuers diseases. [London: H. Lownes, 1607]. ESTC No. S94738. Grub Street ID 152903.
  • Plat, Hugh. Floraes paradise, beautified and adorned with sundry sorts of delicate fruites and flovvers, by the industrious labour of H.P. Knight: with an offer of an English antidote, (beeing a present, easie, and pleasing remedy in violent feavers, and intermitting agues) as also of some other rare inventions, fitting the times. At London: Printed by H. L[ownes] for William Leake: and are to be sold in Paules Church-yard, at the signe of the holy Ghost, 1608. ESTC No. S120798. Grub Street ID 140426.
  • Plat, Hugh. Delightes for ladies, to adorne their persons, tables, closets, and distillatories: with beauties, banquets, perfumes & waters. At London: Printed by Humfrey Lownes, 1609. ESTC No. S114736. Grub Street ID 134446.
  • Plat, Hugh. Delightes for ladies, to adorne their persons, tables, closets, and distillatories: with beauties, banquets, perfumes and waters. At London: printed by Humfrey Lownes, 1611. ESTC No. S482. Grub Street ID 148746.
  • Plat, Hugh. Delightes for ladies, to adorne their persons, tables, closets, and distillatories: with beauties, banquets, perfumes and waters. At London: Printed by H[umphrey] L[ownes] and are to be sould by Arthur Iohnson, 1615. ESTC No. S1640. Grub Street ID 146058.
  • Plat, Hugh. Delights for ladies to adorne their persons, tables, closets, and distillatories, with beauties, banquets, perfumes, and waters. At London: Printed by H.L. and are to be sould by Arthur Iohnson, 1617. ESTC No. S4418. Grub Street ID 148433.
  • Plat, Hugh. Delights for ladies, to adorne their persons, tables, closets, and distillatories; with beauties, banquets, perfumes and waters. Read, practise, and censure. London: printed by Humfrey Lownes, 1624. ESTC No. S125837. Grub Street ID 145058.
  • Plat, Hugh. Delights for ladies, to adorne their persons, tables, closets, and distillatories with beauties, banquets, perfumes, and waters. London: printed by H.L[ownes]. and R.Y[oung]. and are to bee sold by Iames Boler, 1630. ESTC No. S2281. Grub Street ID 146675.
  • Plat, Hugh. Delights for ladies, to adorne their persons, tables, closets, and distillatories with beauties, banquets, perfumes, and waters. London: Printed by R. Y[oung] and are to bee sold by Iames Boler, 1632. ESTC No. S114740. Grub Street ID 134450.
  • Plat, Hugh. Delights for ladies, to adorne their persons, tables, closets, and distillatories with beauties, banquets, perfumes, and waters. London: Printed by R. Y[oung] and are to bee sold by Iames Boler, 1635. ESTC No. S114742. Grub Street ID 134452.
  • Plat, Hugh. Delights for ladies to adorne their persons, tables, closets, and distillatories, with beauties, banquets, perfumes and waters. London: Printed by Robert Young, 1640. ESTC No. S1641. Grub Street ID 146059.
  • Plat, Hugh. Delights for ladies, to adorn their persons, tables, closets, and distillatories, with beauties, banquets, perfumes, and waters. Read, practice, and censure. London: printed by James Young, 1644. ESTC No. R226995. Grub Street ID 99897.
  • Plat, Hugh. Delights for ladies, to adorn their persons, tables, closets, and distillatories, with beauties, banquets, perfumes, and waters. London: Printed by James Young, 1644. ESTC No. R43904. Grub Street ID 124738.
  • Plat, Hugh. Delights for ladies, to adorn their persons, tables, closets, and distillatories. With beauties, banquets, perfumes and waters. Read, practice, and censure. London: printed by James Young, 1647. ESTC No. R226992. Grub Street ID 99894.
  • Plat, Hugh. Delights for ladies to adorn their persons, tables, closets and distillatories: with beauties, banquets, perfumes and waters. Read, practice, and censure,. London: printed by William Dugard, 1651. ESTC No. R220448. Grub Street ID 94814.
  • Plat, Hugh. The Garden of Eden. Or, An accurate description of all flowers and fruits now growing in England, with particular rules how to advance their nature and growth, as well in seeds and herbs, as the secret ordering of trees and plants. By that learned and great observer, Sir Hugh Plat, Knight. And now published by the author's own manuscript. London: printed for William Leake, at the Crown in Fleetstreet betwixt the two Temple gates, 1653 [i.e. 1652]. ESTC No. R203174. Grub Street ID 80309.
  • Plat, Hugh. The jewel house of art and nature: containing divers rare and profitable inventions, together with sundry new experiments in in [sic] the art of husbandry. With divers chymical conclusions concerning the art of distillation, and the rare practises and uses thereof. Faithfully and familiarly set down, according to the authours own experience. By Sir Hugh Plat of Lincolns-Inne, Knight. Whereunto is added, a rare and excellent discourse of minerals, stones, gums, and rosins; with the vertues and use thereof, by D.B. Gent. London: printed by Elizabeth Alsop, and are to be sold at her house in Grubstreet, near the Upper Pump, 1653. ESTC No. R10675. Grub Street ID 59021.
  • Plat, Hugh. The jevvel house of art and nature: containing divers rare and profitable inventions, together with sundry new experiments in the art of husbandry. With divers chimical conclusions concerning the art of distillation, and the rare practises and uses thereof. Faithfully an familiarly set down, according to the authours own experience. By Sir Hugh Plat of Lincolns-Inne, Knight. Whereunto is added, a rare and excellent discourse of minerals, stones, gums, and rosins; with the vertues and use thereof. By D.B. Gent. London: printed by Bernard Alsop, and are to be sold at his house in Grubstreet, near the Upper Pump, 1653. ESTC No. R12749. Grub Street ID 60897.
  • Plat, Hugh. The Garden of Eden. Or, An accurate description of all flowers and fruits now growing in England, with particular rules how to advance their nature and growth, as well in seeds and herbs, as the secret ordering of trees and plants. By that learned and great observer, Sir Hugh Plat, Knight. London: printed for William Leake, at the Crown in Fleetstreet betwixt the Two Temple Gates, 1654. ESTC No. R33966. Grub Street ID 116522.
  • Plat, Hugh. Delights for ladies, to adorn their persons, tables, closet's and distillatories: with beauties, banquets, perfumes and waters. Read, practise, and censure,. London: printed by R.W., 1654. ESTC No. R214917. Grub Street ID 90066.
  • Plat, Hugh. The garden of Eden, or, An accurate description of all flowers and fruits now growing in England with particular rules how to advance their nature and growth, as well in seeds and herbs, as the secret ordering of trees and plants / by that learned and great observer, Sir Hugh Plat, knight. London: Printed for William Leake .., 1655. ESTC No. R32266. Grub Street ID 114997.
  • Plat, Hugh. Delights for ladies, to adorn their persons, tables, closets and distillatories: with beuties [sic], banquets, perfumes and waters. Read, practice, and censure,. London: printed by William Dugard, 1656. ESTC No. R181829. Grub Street ID 72247.
  • Plat, Hugh. The second part of the Garden of Eden. Or An accurate description of all flowers and fruits growing in England; with partuicular [sic] rules how to advance their nature and growth, as well in seeds and herbs, as the secret ordering of trees and plants. By that learned an great observer, Sir Hugh Plat Knight. Never before printed. London: printed for William Leak, at the Crown in Fleetstreet betwixt the two Temple-gates, 1660 [i.e. 1659]. ESTC No. R203175. Grub Street ID 80310.
  • Plat, Hugh. The Garden of Eden. Or, An accurate description of all flowers and fruits now growing in England, with particular rules how to advance their nature and growth, as well in seeds and hearbs, as the secret ordering of trees and plants. By that learned and great observer, Si Hugh Plat, Knight. London: printed for William Leake, at the Crown in Fleetstreet betwixt the two Temple Gates, 1659. ESTC No. R217320. Grub Street ID 92120.
  • Plat, Hugh. The Garden of Eden. Or, An accurate description of all flowers and fruits now growing in England, with particular rules how to advance their nature and growth, as well in seeds and herbs, as the secret ordering of trees and plants. By that learned and great observer, Sir Hugh Plat, Knight. The fifth edition.. London : printed for William Leake, at the Crown in Fleetstreet betwixt the two Temple Gate, 1660. ESTC No. R33968. Grub Street ID 116523.
  • Plat, Hugh. The second part of the Garden of Eden: Or, An accurate description of all flowers and fruits now growing in England. With particular rules how to advance their nature and growth, as well in seeds and herbs, as the secret ordering of trees and plants. By that learned and great observer, Sir Hugh Plat Kt. London : printed for William and John Leake, at the Crown in Fleetstreet, betwixt the two Temple Gates, 1675. ESTC No. R181831. Grub Street ID 72249.
  • Plat, Hugh. The Garden of Eden: or, An accurate description of all flowers and fruits now growing in England, with particular rules how to advance their nature and growth, as well in seeds and herbs, as the secret ordering of trees and plants. In two parts. By that learned and great observer, Sir Hugh Plat Kt. The sixth edition.. London : printed for William and John Leake, at the Crown in Fleetstreet, betwixt the two Temple Gates, 1675. ESTC No. R31801. Grub Street ID 114560.