Hickman, Henry.
Patro-scholastiko-dikai?sis, or A justification of the fathers and schoolmen: shewing that they are not self-condemned for denying the positivity of sin. Being an answer to so much of Mr. Tho. Pierce's book, called 'Autokatakrisis as doth relate to the foresaid opinion. By Hen. Hickman, fellow of Magdalene Colledge, Oxon.
Oxford: printed by Hen. Hall, for Joh. Adams, and Edw. Forrest, 1659.
ESTC No. R29475.Grub Street ID 112449.
Hickman, Henry.
Pothen zizagia [sic], sive, Concio de hæresium origine Latine habita ad Academicos Oxonienses, 12 Aprilis pro inchoando termino. Adjicitur brevis refutatio Tileni.. [sic] Per Henricum Hickman, S. Th. Bacc. & Collegii Magd. socium.
Oxoniæ: excudebat A. Lichfield, Acad. typogr. Impensis Ed. Forrest, 1659.
ESTC No. R13436.Grub Street ID 61537.
Hickman, Henry.
Patro-scholastiko-dikai?sis, or, A justification of the fathers and the schoolmen: shewing, that they are not self-condemned for denying the positivity of sin. Being an answer to so much of Mr. Tho. Pierce's book, called Autokatakrisis, as doth relate to the foresaid opinion. By Hen: Hickman, fellow of Magdalene Colledge, Oxon.
Oxford: printed by A. Lichfield, fot [sic] Joh. Adams, and Edw. Forrest, 1659.
ESTC No. R217506.Grub Street ID 92291.
Hickman, Henry.
A review of the Certamen epistolare betwixt Pet. Heylin D.D. and Hen. Hickman B.D. Wherein the exceptions of the Dr. against Mr. H.'s arguments are all taken off, and our first reformers proved not to hold with the Arminians. Also a reply to Mr. Pierce his late virulent letter to the aforesaid Dr. By Theophilus Churchman.
London: printed for Iohn Adams bookseller in Oxford, 1659.
ESTC No. R209752.Grub Street ID 85979.
Hickman, Henry.
Laudensium apostasia: or a dialogue in which is shewen, that some divines risen up in our church since the greatness of the late archbishop, are in sundry points of great moment, quite fallen off from the doctrine received in the Church of England. By Henry Hickman fellow of Magd. Colledg Oxon.
London : printed by D. Maxwell, for Sa. Gellibrand, at the sign of the Ball in St. Pauls Churchyard, 1660.
ESTC No. R208512.Grub Street ID 84757.
Hickman, Henry.
Plus ultra: or Englands reformation, needing to be reformed. Being an examination of Doctor Heylins History of the reformation of the Church of England. Wherein, by laying together all that is there said by the Dr. about the reformation of the Church, and by many testimonies of Reverend Jewel, Bishop of Salisbury; and by several observations made upon the whole, it doth evidently appear, that the present state of the Church of England is no way to be rested in; but ought to proceed to a farther degree of perfection. Written by way of letter to Dr. Heylin, by H.N. O.I. Oxon.
London : printed for the authors, and are to be sold in St. Dunstans Church-yard in Fleetstreet, 1661.
ESTC No. R19961.Grub Street ID 77515.
Hickman, Henry.
Apologia pro ministris in Angli^a (vulgo) non-conformistis, ann: 1662. Aug. 24. die Bartholomaeo dicto, ejectis. Adversus argutiolas putidasque calumnias Durelli, Ellisii, aliorumque. Per Irenaeum Eleutherium A.M. ex Academia Cantabrig.
Eleutheropoli [i.e. London?] : anno aerae Christianae 1664. Bartholomaeae 2., [1664].
ESTC No. R212416.Grub Street ID 88018.
Hickman, Henry.
The believers duty towards the Spirit, and the Spirits office towards believers. Or, A discourse concerning believers not grieving the Spirit, and the Spirits sealing up believers to the day of redemption. Grounded on Ephes. 4. 30.
London : printed for Sa. Gellibrand at the Ball in S. Pauls Church-yard, 1665.
ESTC No. R2810.Grub Street ID 111205.
Hickman, Henry.
Historia quinq-articularis exarticulata; or, Animadversions on Doctor Heylin's quintquarticular historyDT In which, 1. The aspersions cast on foreign reformers, are wiped off. 2. The doctor's manifold contradictions, are manifested. 3. The doctrine of the Arminians in the five points, is proved, to be contrary to the doctrine of the Reformed Church of England. By Henry Hickman, B.D.
The second edition corrected, and enlarged..
London : printed for Robert Boulter at the Turks-head in Cornhil over against the Royal Exchange, 1674.
ESTC No. R23973.Grub Street ID 107812.
Hickman, Henry.
Speculum Sherlockianum: or, A looking-glass in which the admirers of Mr. Sherlock may behold the man, as to his accuracy, judgement, orthodoxy. By an obedient son of the Church of England.
London : printed for Thomas Parkhurst at the Three Crowns and Bible at the lower end of Cheap-side, near Mercers-Chappell, M.DC.LXXIV. [1674].
ESTC No. R10759.Grub Street ID 59101.
Hickman, Henry.
The believers duty towards the Spirit, and the Spirits office towards believers; or, A discourse concerning believers not grieving the Spirit, and the Spirits sealing up believers to the day of redemption. Grounded on Ephes. 4. 30. By Henry Hickman, B. D.
London : printed for T. Parkhurst at the Bible and Three Crowns, at the lower end of Cheap-side, 1700.
ESTC No. R218949.Grub Street ID 93539.