Purnell, Robert.
Good tydings for sinners, great ioy for saints; or, A word to the world, and two to those that are chosen out of the world. Wherein is held forth, first, the sweet tenders of grace from the father through the son to all dejected sinners; he invites them, he woes them, he intreats them, nay, he beseecheth them to accept of mercy. In the second part of this book, called, Two words to those chosen out of the world, is spoken to the saints under their severall forms, taking notice first of the things commendable in them: and in the second place reproving them for things amisse among them. With a short prophesie of the downfall of presbyterie, independencie, anabaptismie, vaine notions, free-will. With a brief description of a true church-state, against which the gates of Hell shall not prevaile; it being founded upon a rock, it will stand against all waves and storms, that either men or devils can raise against it. I will give you all one heart, and one way. Then the Lord shall be one, and.
Printed at London: for Giles Calvert, and are to bee sold at the Black-spread Eagle at the West end of Pauls, 1649.
ESTC No. R27528.Grub Street ID 110681.
Purnell, Robert.
Good tydings for sinners, great ioy for saints; ok [sic], A word to the world, and two to those that are chosen out of the world. Wherein is held forth, first, the sweet tenders of grace from the father through the son to all dejected sinners; he invites them, he woes them he intreats them, nay, he beseecheth them to accept of mercy. In the second part of this book, called, Two words to those chosen out of the world, is spoken to the saints under their severall forms, taking notice first of the things commendable in them: and in the second place reproving them for things amisse among them. With a short prophesie of the downfall of presbytery, independency, anabaptismy, vain notions, free-will. With a brief description of a true church-state, against which the gates of Hell shall not prevaile; it being founded upon a rock, it will stand against all waves and storms, that either men or devils can raise against it. I will give you all one heart, and one way. Then the Lord shall be one, an.
Printed at London: for Giles Calvert, 1650.
ESTC No. R215275.Grub Street ID 90341.
Purnell, Robert.
No power but of God, and yet a power in every creature, or, A word in season, to all men not void of grace, or deprived of reason wherein is held forth that the Almighty God is not wanting to us in impowering of us, but we are wanting to him, in not improving our talent fo him ... / by Robert Purnel.
London: Printed by T. Mab & A. Coles for Jos. Blaiklock .., 1651.
ESTC No. R38015.Grub Street ID 120153.
Purnell, Robert.
No power but of God and yet a power in every creature. Or, A word in season, to all men not void of grace, or deprived of reason. wherein is held forth, that the Almighty God is not wanting to us, in impowering of us; but we are wanting to him, in not improving our talent for him. The Almighty gives to every man some talent or talents, viz. To some natural, to others spiritual talents or gifts: but there is no man that improves his talent so well as he might, in point of obedience to him. Which appears, in our not doing so much good, and refraining so much evil, as by the power he hath given us we ought and might have done. And, that the ordinances, institutions, & appointments of Christ held forth in the Gospel, are still in force: so that to slight them, is to slight our own priviledges; and to forsake them, is to foresake our own mercies. The abuse of Gospel-ordinances by some, doth not take away the lawful rule of them to others. By Robert Purnel.
London: printed for Samuel Newton, dwelling in Wine-street in Bristol, 1651.
ESTC No. R187132.Grub Street ID 75498.
Purnell, Robert.
The weavers shuttle displayed and the swiftness thereof unfolded, or, The words of a dying man to a dying people, in the midst of a dying nation wherein is held forth I. That the time is short, the way is narrow, the prize is great, the runners are many, the obtainers few, II. That repentance and turning to God is not in one call or command, wherefore wait upon the means appointed by God to work it, and that diligently and constantly this work deferred will be still greater, the time to do it wil[l] be shorter, the strength to do it by wil[l] be less, III. If w endeavour to the uttermost to improve the present opportunity and ability that the Almighty gives us, we shall, for ought I know, live with more comfort here and die in full assurance hereafter, for the greatest evil threatned or feared, may through wisdom be timely prevented / by Robert Purnel.
London: Printed for Giles Calvert, and are to be sold at his shop .., 1652.
ESTC No. R32258.Grub Street ID 114990.
Purnell, Robert.
No power but of God: and yet a power in every creature. Or, A word in season, to all men not void of grace, or deprived of reason. Wherein is held forth, that the Almighty God is not wanting to us, in impowering of us; but we are wanting to him, in not improving our talent for him. The Almighty gives to every man some talent or talents, viz. To some natural, to others Spiritual talents or gifts: but there is no man that improves his talent so well as he might, in point of obedience to him. ... The abuse of Gospel-ordinances by some, doth not take away the lawful use of them to others. The second edition; corrected and augmented, by Robert Purnel.
London: printed by T. Mab, for Jos. Blaicklock, dwelling in Ivy-lane, 1652.
ESTC No. R209330.Grub Street ID 85558.
Purnell, Robert.
The vvay to convert a sinner; and to recover a back-slider; and to strengthen those that stand. Wherein is held forth, that the Lord Jesus Christ is the new and living way, the true and onely way, the safe and sure way, a peaceable and pleasant way: first to bring a sinner out of a state of grace; secondly, to raise up that which was fallen, and bring home that which lost; lastly, to support the weak. Also the nature of each of these states, the trials of it, the way of attaining it, the remedy of it, the inducements to it. By Robert Purnel.
London: printed for Giles Calvert, and are to be sold at his shop at the black spred Eagle neer the West end of Pauls, 1652.
ESTC No. R5028.Grub Street ID 125510.
Purnell, Robert.
Good tidings for sinners, great joy for saints: or A word to the world, and two to those that are chosen out of the world. Wherein is held forth, first, the sweet tenders of grace from the Father, through the Son, to all dejected sinners. He invites them, he wooes them, he entreats them; nay, he beseeches them to accept of mercy. In the second [part of] this book, called, Two words to thos[e chosen out] of the world, the saints are spoken to [under their] severall forms; taking notice first [of the things] commendable in them; and in the [second place] reproving the for things amiss among them. With a short prophesie of the downefall of presbyterie, independency Anabaptismy, vain notions, and free-will. With a brief description of a true church-state against which the gates of hell shall not prevail; it being founded upon a rock, it will stand against all waves and storms that either men or devils can raise against it. By Robert Purnel.
[London]: [Printed] for Giles Calvert at the West end of Pauls, 1652.
ESTC No. R10782.Grub Street ID 59123.
Purnell, Robert.
Englands remonstrance. Or, a word in the ear to the scattered, discontented members of the late Parliament. Shewing, that self-seekers are self-losers; and that no member ought to feather his own nest, but freely permit every bird to enjoy his own feathers, and every hones man to sit under his own vine, and enjoy the fruits thereof. Likewise, a word to the present assembly at Westminster, and the councel of state at White Hall, in order to their present power, rule, government; and the peoples rights, liberties, and priviledges. By Robert Purnel.
London: printed by E. Alsop, 2653. [i.e. 1653].
ESTC No. R207191.Grub Street ID 83607.
Purnell, Robert.
The vvay to heaven discovered: and, the stumbling-blocks (cast therein by the world, flesh, and devill) removed. Or, The ready way to true happines: leading to the gate of full assurance. With a word of reproof to the scattered, discontented Members of the late Parliament. And a word of advise to the present supreme authority of England. By Robert Purnell.
[London]: Printed for William Ballard of Bristol, and are sold by J. Grismond in Ivie-lane, London, 1655.
ESTC No. R208503.Grub Street ID 84749.
Purnell, Robert.
Good tidings for sinners; great joy for saints. Or a word to the world, and two to those that are chosen out of the world. Wherein is held forth, first, the sweet tenders of grace from the Father, through the Son, to all dejected sinners. He invites them, he wooes them, he entreats them; nay, he beseeches them to accept of mercy. In the second part of this book, called, Two words to those chosen out of the world, the saints are spoken to under their several forms; taking notice first of the things commendable in them; and in the second place reproving them for thing amiss among them. With a short prophesie of the downfall of presbyterie, independency, anabaptismy, vain notions, and freewill. With a brief description of a true church-state against which the gates of hell shall not prevail; it being founded upon a rock, it will stand against all waves and storm that either men or devils can raise against it. By Robert Purnel.
London: printed for Giles Calvert, at the West end of Pauls, 1656.
ESTC No. R42327.Grub Street ID 123702.
Purnell, Robert.
The vvay to heaven discovered, and the stumbling-blocks (cast therein by the world, flesh, and Devil) removed. Or The ready way to true happiness: [...] ding to the gate of full assurance. With certaine queries to the corrupt party of the clergy, and a word of informatio and advise to the Lord Protector. By Robert Purnell.
London: printed by W. B.[entley] for Francis Egelsf[ield] at the signe of the Marygold in St. Pauls church yard, 1656.
ESTC No. R187133.Grub Street ID 75499.
Purnell, Robert.
No power but of God, and yet a power in every creature, or, A word in season, to all men not void of grace, or deprived of reason : wherein is held forth that the Almighty God is not wanting to us in impowering of us, but we are wanting to him, in not improving our talent for him ... / by Robert Purnel.
London: Printed by T.W. for T. Vere and W. Gilbertson ..., 1657.
ESTC No. R182276.Grub Street ID 72506.
Purnell, Robert.
A little cabinet richly stored with all sorts of heavenly varieties, and soul-reviving influences. Wherein there is a remedy for every malady, viz. milk for babes, and meat for strong men, and the ready way for both to obtain and retain assurance of salvation: being an abridgement of the sum and substance of the true Christian religion; wherein the cause of our salvation, the way, the guide, the rule, the evidence, the seals, &c. and the connection of these points together, and dependancy of them one upon another: this I have endeavoured to do orderly, exactly, methodically, with much plainness and clearness. By Robert Purnell.
London: printed by R.W. for Thomas Brewster, at the three Bibles, at the west end of Pauls, 1657.
ESTC No. R209217.Grub Street ID 85436.
Purnell, Robert.
The way step by step to sound and saving conversion, with a clear discovery of the two states, viz: nature, & grace: and how to know in which state one is, and the way to come out of the one into the other. Or, The ready and right path-way for the first Adams posterity t get out of their fallen estate accompanied with sin and misery, into the relation and family of the last Adam, which estate is attended with grace and glory, &c. With many weighty questions answered, and cases of conscience resolved, for the clearing and confirming the truths asserted. By Robert Purnell.
London: printed by T. Childe, and L. Parry, for Edw. Thomas at the Adam and Eve in Little Britain, 1659.
ESTC No. R209703.Grub Street ID 85930.
Purnell, Robert.
A serious exhortation to an holy life, or conversation. With a clear discovery of the nature of it, what it is. The means of attaining it. The trials of it, how it may be known. The motives, or inducements to it. Or, a profitable companion for conversion. Confirmation. Illumination. Consolation. By Robert Purnell.
London : printed for Edward Thomas at the Adam and Eve in Little Brittain, 1663.
ESTC No. R222001.Grub Street ID 96064.