Bacon, Roger.
This boke doth treate all of the beste waters artifycyalles, and the vertues and proprietes of the same, moche profytable for the poore sycke, set forthe, by syr Roger Becon Frere.
[[London]: Imprynted by me Robert Wyer, [ca. 1545]].
ESTC No. S90363.Grub Street ID 149753.
Bacon, Roger.
This boke doth create all of the beste waters artyfycialles, and the vertues and properties of the same, moche profytable for the poore sycke, set forth, by syr Roger Becon Freere.
[[London]: Imprynted by me Robert wyer, [c1550.]].
ESTC No. S110820.Grub Street ID 130790.
Bacon, Roger.
Libellus Rogerii Baconi Angli, doctissimi mathematici & medici, De retardandis senectutis accidentibus, & de sensibus conseruandis. Item, Libellus Vrsonis medici, de primarum qualitatum arcanis & effectibus. Vterq[ue] affixis ad marginem notulis illustratus, & emendatus, i lucem prodij, operâ Iohannis Williams Oxoniensis, cuius sequitur Tractatus philosophicus, de humorum numero & natura, complexionis, morbi, perturbationum origine, caloris & humidi nativi virtute & munere in humano corpore, & de a'ris infectione, vnd non rarò humores & spiritus coinquinantur.
Oxoniæ: ex officina typographica Iosephi Barnesii, Anno Dom. 1590.
ESTC No. S118911.Grub Street ID 138556.
Bacon, Roger.
Frier Bacon his discovery of the miracles of art, nature, and magick. Faithfully translated out of Dr Dees own copy, by T.M. and never before in English.
London: printed for Simon Miller at the Starre in St Pauls Church-yard, 1659.
ESTC No. R10803.Grub Street ID 59145.
Bacon, Roger.
The cure of old age, and preservation of youth. By Roger Bacon, a Franciscan frier. Translated out of Latin; with annotations, and an account of his life and writings. By Richard Browne, M.L. Coll. Med. Lond. Also a physical account of the tree of life, by Edw. Madeira Arrais. Translated likewise out of Latin by the same hand.
London : printed for Tho. Flesher at the Angel and Crown, and Edward Evets at the Green Dragon, in St Pauls Church-yard, 1683.
ESTC No. R30749.Grub Street ID 113590.
Bacon, Roger.
Fratris Rogeri Bacon, ordinis minorum, opus majus ad Clementem quartum, pontificem romanum. Ex MS. codice Dubliniensi, cum aliis quibusdam collato, nunc primum edidit S. Jebb, M.D.
Londini : typis Gulielmi Bowyer, MDCCXXXIII. [1733].
ESTC No. T128058.Grub Street ID 177696.