Breton, Nicholas.
A discourse in commendation of the valiant as vertuous minded gentleman, Maister Frauncis Drake, with a reioysing of his happy aduentures. VVritten by N. Breton. Gentleman.
At London: printed by Iohn Charlewood, dwelling in Barbican at the signe of the halfe Eagle and the Key, 1581.
ESTC No. S91191.Grub Street ID 150369.
Breton, Nicholas.
A floorish vpon fancie. As gallant a glose, vpon so trifling a text as euer, was written. Compiled by N.B. Gent. To which are anuexed [sic] the toyes of an idle head: containing, many pretie pamphlets, for pleasaunt heads to passe away idle time withall. By the same authour.
At London: Printed by Richarde Ihones: dwelling at the Signe of the Rose and Crowne, neere Holborne Bridge, 1582.
ESTC No. S112651.Grub Street ID 132404.
Breton, Nicholas.
[A floorish upon fancie].
[London: Printed by Richard Jones, ca. 1585].
ESTC No. S122206.Grub Street ID 141762.
Breton, Nicholas.
The historie of the life and fortune of Don Frederigo di terra Nuoua. The discourse of whose aduentures, what it may import, or how it is set downe, were better to be considered by the reader, then commended by the writer. C?um virtutis Patria. N. Breton.
At London: printed by Iohn Charlewoode, for Rice Iohnes, and are to be sold at his shop without Algate, ouer against the church, anno Dom. 1590.
ESTC No. S91193.Grub Street ID 150371.
Breton, Nicholas.
The vvil of vvit, vvits vvill, or vvils wit, chuse you whether. Containing fiue discourses, the effects whereof follow. Reade and iudge. Compiled by Nicholas Breton, Gentleman.
London: Printed by Thomas Creede, 1599.
ESTC No. S120291.Grub Street ID 139927.
Breton, Nicholas.
Pasquils mad-cappe and his message.
London: Printed by V[alentine] S[immes] for Thomas Bushell, and are to bee solde at his shop at the great north doore of Paules, 1600.
ESTC No. S120039.Grub Street ID 139680.
Breton, Nicholas.
Pasquils fooles-cap sent to such (to keepe their weake braines warme) as are not able to conceiue aright of his mad-cap. With Pasquils passion for the worlds waywardnesse. Begun by himselfe, and finished by his friend Morphorius.
Imprinted at London: [by R. Bradock] for Thomas Iohnes, dwelling neere Holborne Conduit, 1600.
ESTC No. S120884.Grub Street ID 140508.
Breton, Nicholas.
Pasquils mad-cap. And his message.
London: Printed by V[alentine] S[immes] for Thomas Bushell, and are to bee solde at his shop at the great north doore of Paules, 1600.
ESTC No. S123326.Grub Street ID 142838.
Breton, Nicholas.
The second part of Pasquils mad-cap intituled: The fooles-cap. With Pasquils passion: begun by himselfe, and finished by his friend Morphorius.
Imprinted at London: [By G. Simson?] for Thomas Iohnes, dwelling neere Holborne Conduit, 1600.
ESTC No. S123063.Grub Street ID 142586.
Breton, Nicholas.
The soules heavenly exercise set downe in diuerse godly meditations, both prose and verse, by Nicholas Breton gent.
Imprinted at London: [By R. Bradock] for VVillam Leake, 1601.
ESTC No. S113342.Grub Street ID 133082.
Breton, Nicholas.
A true description of vnthankfulnesse: or an enemie to ingratitude. Compiled by Nicholas Breton Gent.
At London: Printed by Thomas Este, 1602.
ESTC No. S116188.Grub Street ID 135879.
Breton, Nicholas.
Wonders worth the hearing. VVhich being read or heard in a winters euening, by a good fire, or a summers morning, in the greene fields: may serue both to purge melancholy from the minde, & grosse humours from the body. Pleasant for youth, recreatiue for age, profitable for all, and not hurtfull to any.
London: Printed [by E. Allde] for Iohn Tappe, and are to be solde at his shop on Tower hill neere the Bulwarke gate, 1602.
ESTC No. S115952.Grub Street ID 135644.
Breton, Nicholas.
A poste with a packet of madde letters.
London: Printed for Iohn Smethicke, and are to be sold at his shop in S. Dunstons Church-yard in Fleetstreet, 1603.
ESTC No. S236.Grub Street ID 146751.
Breton, Nicholas.
[A poste vvith a packet of madde letters].
[London: by Thomas Creede, 1605?].
ESTC No. S118591.Grub Street ID 138243.
Breton, Nicholas.
The soules immortall crowne consisting of seauen glorious graces. 1. Vertue. 2. Wisedome. 3. Loue. 4. Constancie. 5. Patience. 6. Humilitie. 7. Infinitenes. Deuided into seauen dayes workes. And dedicated to the Kings most excellent Maiestie.
At London: Printed by H. Lownes, and are to be sold by I. C[harlton] and F. B[urton], 1605.
ESTC No. S1523.Grub Street ID 145955.
Breton, Nicholas.
I pray you be not angrie a pleasant and merry dialogue, betweene two trauellers as they met on the high-way / by N.B.
At London: Printed by W.W. for William Iones, dwelling at the signe of the Gunne neare Holborne Conduit, 1605.
ESTC No. S235.Grub Street ID 146743.
Breton, Nicholas.
A poste vvith a packet of madde letters. The second part.
London: printed by Thomas Creede, for Iohn Browne, and Iohn Smethicke, 1605.
ESTC No. S126033.Grub Street ID 145210.
Breton, Nicholas.
The honour of valour. By Nicholas Breton Gent.
At London: printed for Christopher Purset, and are to bee solde at the Mary Magdalens head in Holborne, neere Staple Inne, 1605.
ESTC No. S91194.Grub Street ID 150372.
Breton, Nicholas.
A poste vvith a packet of madde letters. The second part.
London: Printed by R[ichard] B[radock] for Iohn Browne, and Iohn Smethicke, and are to be solde in S. Dunstones churhyard [sic], 1606.
ESTC No. S237.Grub Street ID 146759.
Breton, Nicholas.
The vvil of vvit, vvits vvill, or vvils wit, chuse you whether. Containing fiue discourses, the effects whereof follow. Reade and iudge. Newly corrected and amended, being the fift time imprinted. Compiled by Nicholas Breton, Gentleman.
London: Printed by Thomas Creede, 1606.
ESTC No. S123062.Grub Street ID 142585.
Breton, Nicholas.
VVits priuate vvealth. Stored with choise commodities to content the minde.
London: printed by Ed[ward]. Allde, for Iohn Tappe, and are to be solde at his shop vpon Tower-Hill, neere the Bul-warke Gate, 1607.
ESTC No. S125202.Grub Street ID 144457.
Breton, Nicholas.
A murmurer.
London: printed by Robert Ravvorth, and are to be sold by Iohn Wright, at his shop neere Christ-Church gate, 1607.
ESTC No. S91196.Grub Street ID 150373.
Breton, Nicholas.
Diuine considerations of the soule, concerning the excellencie of God, and the vilenesse of man. Verie necessarie and profitable for euerie true Christian seriously looke into. By N.B. G.
London: Printed by E. A[llde] for Iohn Tappe and are to be solde at his shop on the Tower-Hill, nere the Bulwarke Gate, 1608.
ESTC No. S116485.Grub Street ID 136171.
Breton, Nicholas.
A poste vvith a packet of madde letters. The second part.
London: Printed [by John Windet] for Iohn Browne, and Iohn Smethwicke, and are to be sold in Saint Dunstans Church-yard, 1609.
ESTC No. S238.Grub Street ID 146770.
Breton, Nicholas.
A poste vvith a packet of madde letters.
London: Printed by I[ohn] W[indet] for Iohn Smethwicke, and Iohn Browne, and are to be sold in Saint Dunstans Church-yard in Fleetstreet, 1609.
ESTC No. S732.Grub Street ID 149356.
Breton, Nicholas.
Wits priuate vvealth. Stored with choise commodities to content the minde,.
London: printed by Ed[ward]. Allde, for Iohn Tappe, and are to be solde at his shop at St. Maguus [sic] corner, 1611.
ESTC No. S124536.Grub Street ID 143888.
Breton, Nicholas.
The vncasing of Machiuils instructions to his sonne: vvith the answere to the same.
London: printed [by John Beale] for Thomas Bushell, 1613.
ESTC No. S111861.Grub Street ID 131628.
Breton, Nicholas.
The vncasing of Machivils instructions to his sonne: vvith the answere to the same.
London: printed [by J. Beale] for Thomas Bushell, 1613.
ESTC No. S91202.Grub Street ID 150377.
Breton, Nicholas.
A poste vvith a packet of mad letters. The second part.
London: printed by T. S[nodham]. for Iohn Browne, and Iohn Smethwicke, and are to be sold in Saint Dunstans Church-yard in Fleetstreet 1613.
ESTC No. S124201.Grub Street ID 143597.
Breton, Nicholas.
VVits priuate wealth. Stored with choise commodities to content the minde.
London: Printed by Tho. Creede, for Iohn Tapp, and are to be sold at his shop at St. Magnus corner, 1615.
ESTC No. S1522.Grub Street ID 145954.
Breton, Nicholas.
The vncasing of Machauils instructions to his sonne: with the ansvvere to the same.
London: Printed by E. G[riffin] for Richard Higgenbotham, and are to be sold at his shoppe at the signe of the Cardinals Hat without Newgate, 1615.
ESTC No. S120558.Grub Street ID 140187.
Breton, Nicholas.
Religions love, in wisedomes worth, the truest beauty, best setts forth ...
[London]: Are to be sould in Popes head Ally by Ioh: Sudbury & Geo: Humble, [1615].
ESTC No. S123014.Grub Street ID 142539.
Breton, Nicholas.
Crossing of proverbs. The second part. With, Certaine briefe questions and answeres. By B.N. Gent.
At London: Printed [By G. Eld] for Iohn Wright, and are to be solde at his shop without Newgate, at the signe of the Bible, 1616.
ESTC No. S116782.Grub Street ID 136469.
Breton, Nicholas.
The hate of treason, vvith a touch of the late treason. By N.B.
Printed at London: [By George Eld?], 1616.
ESTC No. S1520.Grub Street ID 145953.
Breton, Nicholas.
A poste vvith a packet of mad letters.
London: printed by William Stansby, for Iohn Smethwicke, and Iohn Marriot, and are to be sold in Saint Dunstans Church-yard in Fleetstreet, 1620.
ESTC No. S126032.Grub Street ID 145209.
Breton, Nicholas.
A solemne passion of the soules love. By Nicholas Breton.
London: printed by George Purslowe, 1621.
ESTC No. S91200.Grub Street ID 150375.
Breton, Nicholas.
The soules harmony. By Nicholas Breton.
London: printed by George Purslowe, 1622.
ESTC No. S126034.Grub Street ID 145211.
Breton, Nicholas.
A solemne passion of the soules loue. By Nicholas Breton.
London: Printed by George Purslowe, 1623.
ESTC No. S116487.Grub Street ID 136173.
Breton, Nicholas.
I pray you be not angry, for I will make you merry a pleasant and merry dialogue, betweene two trauellers, as they met on the high-way.
London: Printed by A. M[athewes] for Samuel Rand and are to be sold at his shop at Holborne Bridge, 1624.
ESTC No. S116183.Grub Street ID 135874.
Breton, Nicholas.
A solemne passion of the soules loue. [By Nicholas Breton.].
[London: printed by George Purslowe, 1625?].
ESTC No. S125201.Grub Street ID 144456.
Breton, Nicholas.
VVits private vvealth. Stored vvith choyse commodities to content the minde.
London: printed by Edward All-de, dwelling neere Christ Church, 1625.
ESTC No. S91203.Grub Street ID 150378.
Breton, Nicholas.
Characters and essayes, by Alexander Garden.
Aberdene: Printed by Edward Raban, printer to the citie and both colledges, 1625.
ESTC No. S118826.Grub Street ID 138474.
Breton, Nicholas.
Soothing of proverbs: with only true forsooth. In two parts. By B. N. Gent.
London: printed for Iohn Wright [Eliot's Court Press], and are to be sold at his shop without Newgate at the signe of the Bible, 1626.
ESTC No. S91201.Grub Street ID 150376.
Breton, Nicholas.
A poste with a packet of madde letters. ...
[London: for J. Marriot, 1630].
ESTC No. S91198.Grub Street ID 150374.
Breton, Nicholas.
The soules harmony.
[London: Printed by George Purslowe?, ca. 1630].
ESTC No. S122524.Grub Street ID 142059.
Breton, Nicholas.
Crossing of proverbs. The second part: with certaine briefe questions and answers. By B.N. Gent.
London: printed [by A. Mathewes?] for Iohn Wright, and are to be sold at his shop without Newgate at the signe of the Bible, 1631.
ESTC No. S91189.Grub Street ID 150368.
Breton, Nicholas.
Crossing of proverbs. Crosse-answers, and crosse-humours. By B.N. Gent.
London: printed [by A. Mathewes?] for Iohn Wright, and are to be sold at his shop without Newgate at the signe of the Bible, 1631.
ESTC No. S126433.Grub Street ID 145533.
Breton, Nicholas.
Poste with a madde packet of letters.
London: Printed [by Miles Flesher] for Iohn Marriot, 1633.
ESTC No. S115302.Grub Street ID 134994.
Breton, Nicholas.
Grandsire graybeard. Or Machiauell displayed.
London: Printed [by William Stansby] for Richard Higgenbotham, and are to bee sold in the bulwarke neere the Tower at the signe of the Vnicorne, 1635.
ESTC No. S110244.Grub Street ID 130342.
Breton, Nicholas.
The figure of foure: wherein are sweet flowers, gathered out of that fruitfull ground, that I hope will yeeld pleasure and profit to all sorts of people. The second part.
London: Printed [by J. Haviland] for Iohn Wright, and are to bee sold at his shop without Newgate, at the signe of the Bible, 1636.
ESTC No. S114444.Grub Street ID 134156.
Breton, Nicholas.
A Poste vvith a packet of mad letters.
London: Printed [by Miles Flesher] for Iohn Marriot, 1637.
ESTC No. S116486.Grub Street ID 136172.
Breton, Nicholas.
Conceited [letters] newly lay[d open,] or, A most exce[llent] bundle of new wi[t,] wherein is knitt up together [all the] perfections, or art of epistol[ing] which the most ignorant may with m[uch] modestie talke and argue with the best learned. A worke varying from the nature of former presidents.
London: printed by M. Parsons for Samuel Rand, and are to bee sold at his shop neere Holborne Bridge, 1638.
ESTC No. S124649.Grub Street ID 143999.
Breton, Nicholas.
VVits private vvealth. Stored vvith choise of commodities to content the minde.
London: Printed by B. Alsop and T. Favvcet, for George Hurlock, and are to be sold at his shop neere St. Magnus-corner, 1639.
ESTC No. S240.Grub Street ID 146788.
Breton, Nicholas.
A poste vvith a packet of mad letters.
London: Printed for John Marriot, [1640?].
ESTC No. R30247.Grub Street ID 113130.
Breton, Nicholas.
VVits private vvealth. Stored vvith choise commodities to content the minde.
London: printed by B. Alsop, and T. Favvcet, for George Hurlock, and are to be sold at his shop neere St. Magnus-corner, 1640.
ESTC No. S95989.Grub Street ID 153840.
Breton, Nicholas.
Wits private wealth. Stored with choise of commodities to content the minde.
London: printed by Thomas Favvcet, for George Hurlock and are to be sold at his shop neere St. Magnus-corner, 1642.
ESTC No. R21010.Grub Street ID 86306.
Breton, Nicholas.
Englands selected characters, describing the good and bad worthies of this age. VVhere the best may see their graces, and the worst discerne their basenesse. The particulars be these, 1 A worthy king. 2 An unworthy king. 3 A worthy queen. 4 An unworthy woman. 5 A worthy prince. 6 An unworthy prince. 7 A worthy Privy counsellour. 8. An unworthy Privy counsellour. 9 A worthy noble-man. 10 An unworthy noble-man. 11 A worthy bishop or minister. 12 An unworthy bishop or minister. 13 A worthy judge. 14 An unworthy judge. 15 A worthy knight & souldier. 16 An unworthy knight & souldier. 17 A worthy gentleman. 18 An unworthy gentleman. 19 A worthy lawyer. 20 An unworthy lawyer. 21 A worthy souldier. 22 An untrained souldier. 23 A worthy physitian. 24 An unworthy physitian 25 A Jesuit reprobated. 26 A cowardly Cavalier. 27 A bawd of the black guard. 28 A malignan knave a hatcher of plots.
London: printed for T. S., 1643.
ESTC No. R2558.Grub Street ID 109096.
Breton, Nicholas.
Englands selected characters, describing the good and bad worthies of this age. VVhere the best may see their graces, and the worst discerne their basenesse. The particulars be these, 1 A worthy king. 2 An unworthy king. 3 A worthy queen. 4 An unworthy queen. 5 A worthy prince. 6 An unworthy prince. 7 A worthy Privy counsellour. 8. An unworthy Privy counsellour. 9 A worthy noble-man. 10 An unworthy noble-man. 11 A worthy bishop or minister. 12 An unworthy bishop or minister. 13 A worthy judge. 14 An unworthy judge. 15 A worthy knight & souldier. 16 An unworthy knight & souldier. 17 A worthy gentleman. 18 An unworthy gentleman. 19 A worthy lawyer. 20 An unworthy lawyer. 21 A worthy souldier. 22 An untrained souldier. 23 A worthy physitian. 24 An unworthy physitian 25 A Jesuit reprobated. 26 A cowardly Cavalier. 27 A bawd of the black guard. 28 A malignan knave a hatcher of plots.
London: printed for Thomas Slater, 1643.
ESTC No. R210662.Grub Street ID 86774.
Breton, Nicholas.
I pray you be not angry: for I will make you merry. A pleasant and merry dialogue between two travellers, as they met on the highway.
London: printed by Bernard Alsop, for Samuel Rand, and are to be sold at his shop at Holborn-Bridge, 1650.
ESTC No. R229776.Grub Street ID 102188.
Breton, Nicholas.
The figure of foure: being a new booke, containing many merry conceits, which will yield both pleasure and profit to all that reads or heare it. The last part.
London: printed for W. Gilbertson, at the signe of the Bible in Guilt-spur-street, without New-gate, 1653.
ESTC No. R11158.Grub Street ID 59469.
Breton, Nicholas.
The figure of foure: being a new booke, containing many merry conceits, which will yield both pleasure and profit to all that reads or heare it. The last part.
London: printed for W. Gilbertson, at the signe of the Bible in Guilt-spur-street without New-gate, 1654.
ESTC No. R40297.Grub Street ID 122113.
Breton, Nicholas.
[A poste with a packet of mad letters].
London : printed for Richard Tomlins at the Sun and Bible near Pie-Corner, 1660.
ESTC No. R173252.Grub Street ID 66889.
Breton, Nicholas.
Nevv conceited letters, newly laid open. Or, A most excellent bundle of new wit: vvherein is knit up together all the perfections, or art of epistoling, by which the most ignorant may with much modesty talk and argue with the best learned. With the addition of divers letters of good consequence, never before printed. A vvork varying from the nature of former presidents.
London : printed for John Stafford, and are to be sold at his house in George-Yard, neer Fleet-Bridge, 1662.
ESTC No. R218963.Grub Street ID 93552.
Breton, Nicholas.
Wits private wealth: stored with choice of commodities to content the minde.
London : printed by W[illiam]. L[eybourne]. for George Hurlock, and are to be sold at his shop at Magnus Church corner in Thames-Street neer London-Bridge, 1664.
ESTC No. R173254.Grub Street ID 66891.
Breton, Nicholas.
A post with a packet of mad letters.
Newly imprinted..
London : printed by E. Okes for R.T. and are to be sold by Robert Boulter at the Turks Head in Bishopgate-street, 1669 [i.e. 1670].
ESTC No. R22667.Grub Street ID 99629.
Breton, Nicholas.
Crossing of proverbs: a merry book; divided into two parts: the first part containing many pleasant jests, and proverbs of several sorts. The second part contains many excellent questions and answers. Which will yield comfort to the hearer: merriment to the reader, pleasur to the buyer, and profit to the seller. Newly corrected with additions. The last part, by B. R. gent.
London : printed for William Whitwood, at the sign of the Bell in Duck Lane near [Smith-Field?, 1670?].
ESTC No. R173250.Grub Street ID 66887.
Breton, Nicholas.
Wits private wealth: stored with choice of commodities to content the mind.
London : printed for Benjamin Hurlock, and are to be sold at his shop over against St. Magnus Church, on London Bridge, near Thames-Street, 1670.
ESTC No. R22650.Grub Street ID 99509.
Breton, Nicholas.
A poste with a packet of mad letters.
London : printed by E[dward]. Crowch for Obediah Tomlins at the signe of the Bible in Pauls Church-yard (a corner shop) next Cheapside, 1674.
ESTC No. R173253.Grub Street ID 66890.
Breton, Nicholas.
The souls harmony. By Nicholas Breton.
The eleventh edition..
London] : Printed for F. Coles, T. Vere, J. Wright, and J. Clarke, 1676.
ESTC No. R11159.Grub Street ID 59470.
Breton, Nicholas.
A post with a pacqvet of letters.
Newly imprinted..
London : printed by J.C. for Tho. Fabian, at the signe of the Bible in Pauls Church-yard (a corner-shop) next Cheap-side, 1678.
ESTC No. R223965.Grub Street ID 97709.
Breton, Nicholas.
The court of honour or, the vertuous Protestant's looking-glass: being the true and lively characters (or descriptions of the chief and most noble worthies that maintain any pious princes crown, or make happy a kingdon: with their several qualifications, dignities and tytles. Wherein good kings may view their own images, virtuous noblemen see their own pictures, subjects learn loyal obedience, and all sorts of men, behold (as in a mirrour) their own excellencies and graces, vices or defects: to persevere in the one, and forsake the other ... Written by a royalist, a person of quality: one that fears God, and honoureth the King .
London] : Printed by A[nne]. Purslow, and Tho. Haly, 1679.
ESTC No. R171565.Grub Street ID 65751.
Breton, Nicholas.
Machiavil's advice to his sonDT Newly translated out of Italian into English verse. By R.L. Esq;.
London : printed for T. Burrel, 1681.
ESTC No. R16625.Grub Street ID 64447.
Breton, Nicholas.
Crossing of proverbs: or A book divided into two parts: the first part containing many true jests, and proverbs of several sorts. The second part contains many excellent questions and answers. Which will yield comfort to the hearer: merriment to the reader, pleasure to the buyer, and profit to the seller. Newly corrected with additions. By B.R. gent. With allowance.
London : printed for Margaret White, M DC LXXX III. [1683].
ESTC No. R173251.Grub Street ID 66888.
Breton, Nicholas.
A poast [sic] with a pacquet of letters.
Newly imprinted..
London : printed for Thomas Fabian, at the signe of the Bible in St. Paul's Church-yard (a corner-shop) next Cheap-side, 1685.
ESTC No. R214750.Grub Street ID 89926.
Breton, Nicholas.
The crossing of proverbs or a book divided into two parts. The first part containing many true jests and proverbs of several sorts. The second part contains many excellent questions and answers. ... Newly corrected with additions by R. B. gent.
[Aberdeen?]: Re-printed in the year, 1720.
ESTC No. T226991.Grub Street ID 248324.
Breton, Nicholas.
The crossing of proverbs: a book divided into two parts. The first part containing many true jests, and proverbs of several sorts. The second part contains many excellent questions and answers. ... Newly corrected with additions, by B. R. gent.
[Aberdeen?]: Re-printed an. Dom., 1731.
ESTC No. T192328.Grub Street ID 226849.