Publications of Henry Stubbe


  • Stubbe, Henry. Horæ subsecivæ: seu Prophetiæ Jonæ et Historiæ Susannæ paraphrasis Græca versibus heroicis. Authore H. Stubbs ex Æde Christi, Oxoniæ. Londini: typis Du-Gardianis, anno Dom. 1651. ESTC No. R9810. Grub Street ID 129858.
  • Stubbe, Henry. Illustrissimo, summæque spei juveni Henrico Vane Armigero, honoratissimi, & à me blurimm observandi viri, Dni D.D. Henrici Vane de Raby, equitis aurati, filio primogenito ... [Oxford: by L. Lichfield], 1656. ESTC No. R11257. Grub Street ID 59564.
  • Stubbe, Henry. Deliciæ poetarum Anglicanorum in Græcum versæ. Quibus accedunt elogia Romæe & Venetiarum. Authore H. Stubbe A.M. ex æde Christi. Oxoniæ: excudebat H. Hall, Academiæ typographus, impensis Eduardi Forrest, 1658. ESTC No. R34627. Grub Street ID 117147.
  • Stubbe, Henry. The Savilian professours case stated. Together with severall reasons urged against his capacity of standing for the publique office of antiquary in the University of Oxford, which are enlarged and vindicated against the exceptions of Dr. John Wallis (heretofore of Cambridge) Savilian Professour of Geometry in the said university, wherein he hath been elected (as it is said) and since admitted to the office of Antiquary. The whole processe is faithfully penned, and submitted to the judgement of all conscientious men, and in particular to those honourable personages who are protectors of Sr. Henry Saviles statutes. By Henry Stubbe M.A. and student in Ch. Ch. London: printed by J[ohn]. T[wyn]. for Andrew Crook, and are to be sold by Richard Davis in Oxon., 1658. ESTC No. R38191. Grub Street ID 120318.
  • Stubbe, Henry. A letter to an officer of the Army concerning a select senate mentioned by them in their proposals to the late Parliament. The necessity and prudentialness of such a senate is here asserted by reason and history. Whereunto are added sundry positions about government, and an essay towards a secure settlement. By Henry Stubbe, of Ch. Ch. in Oxon. London: printed, and are to be sold by T.B. at the three Bibles in Paul's Church-yard; and in Westminster-Hall, 1659. ESTC No. R216291. Grub Street ID 91213.
  • Stubbe, Henry. A vindication of that prudent and honourable knight, Sir Henry Vane, from the lyes and calumnies of Mr. Richard Baxter, minister of Kidderminster. In a monitory letter to the said Mr. Baxter. By a true friend and servant of the Commonwealth of England, &c. London: printed for Livewel Chapman, at the Crown in Popes-Head-Alley, 1659. ESTC No. R203679. Grub Street ID 80770.
  • Stubbe, Henry. A letter to an officer of the Army concerning a select senate mentioned by them in their proposals to the late Parliament. The necessity and prudentialness of such a senate is here asserted by reason and history. Whereunto are added sundry positions about government, and an essay towards a secure settlement. By Henry Stubbe, of Ch. Ch. in Oxon. London: printed for T.B. and are to be sold at the three Bibles in Paul's Church-yard; and in Westminster-Hall, 1659. ESTC No. R203691. Grub Street ID 80784.
  • Stubbe, Henry. The common-vvealth of Israel, or A brief account of Mr. Prynne's anatomy of the good old cause. By H.S. London: printed for Tho. Brewster, and are to be sold at the sign of the Three Bibles, at the west-end of Pauls, 1659. ESTC No. R203692. Grub Street ID 80785.
  • Stubbe, Henry. A letter to an officer of the Army concerning a select senate mentioned by them in their proposals to the late Parliament. The necessity and prudentialness of such a senate is here asserted by reason and history. Whereunto are added sundry positions about government, and an essay towards a secure settlement. By Henry Stubbe, of ch. ch. in Oxon. London : printed for T.B. and are to be sold at the three Bibles in Paul's Church-yard; and in Westminster-Hall, 1660. ESTC No. R31960. Grub Street ID 114711.
  • Stubbe, Henry. The common-wealth of Oceana put into the ballance, and found too light. Or An account of the republick of Sparta, with occasional animadversions upon Mr. James Harrington and the Oceanistical model. By Henry Stvbbe of Ch. Ch. Oxon. London : printed for Giles Calvert, at the Black spread-Eagle at the west end of Pauls, 1660. ESTC No. R38189. Grub Street ID 120316.
  • Stubbe, Henry. The Indian nectar, or A discourse concerning chocolata: wherein the nature of cacao-nut, and the other ingredients of that composition, is examined, and stated according to the judgment and experience of the Indians, and Spanish writers, who lived in the Indies, and others; with sundry additional observations made in England: the ways of compounding and preparing chocolata are enquired into; its effects, as to its alimental and venereal quality, as well as medicinal (especially in hypochondriacal melancholy) are fully debated. Together with a spagyrical analysis of the cacao-nut, performed by that excellent chymist, Monsieur le Febure, chymist to His Majesty. By Henry Stubbe formerly of Ch. Ch. in Oxon. physician for His Majesty, and the right honourable Thomas Lord Windsor in the island of Jamaica in the West-Indies. London : printed by J[ames]. C[ottrell]. for Andrew Crook at the sign of the Green Dragon in St. Paul's Church-yard, 1662. ESTC No. R32737. Grub Street ID 115422.
  • Stubbe, Henry. The miraculous conformist: or An account of severall marvailous cures performed by the stroaking of the hands of Mr Valentine Greatarick; with a physicall discourse thereupon, in a letter to the Honourable Robert Boyle Esq; with a letter relating some other of his miraculous cures, attested by E. Foxcroft M.A. and fellow of Kings-Colledge in Cambr: by Henry Stubbe, physician at Stratford upon Avon in the county of Warwick. Oxford: printed by H. Hall printer to the University, for Ric: Davis, 1666. ESTC No. R28187. Grub Street ID 111276.
  • Stubbe, Henry. Campanella revived, or an enquiry into the history of the Royal Society, whether the virtuosi there do not pursue the projects of Campanella for the reducing England unto popery. Being the extract of a letter to a person of honour from H.S. with another letter to Sir N.N. relating the cause of the quarrel betwixt H.S. and the R.S. and an apology against some of their cavils. With a postscript concerning the quarrel depending betwixt H.S. and Dr. Merrett. London : printed for the author, 1670. ESTC No. R7503. Grub Street ID 127764.
  • Stubbe, Henry. The plus ultra reduced to a non plus: or, A specimen of some animadversions upon the Plus ultra of Mr. Glanvill, wherein sundry errors of some virtuosi are discovered, the credit of the Aristotelians in part re-advanced; and enquiries made about the advantages of the ancient education in England above the novel and mechanical. ... The original and progress of anatomy. ... Some trials in order to a discovery of the nature of the English baths. By Henry Stubbe, physician at Warwick. London : printed for the author, 1670. ESTC No. R204855. Grub Street ID 81726.
  • Stubbe, Henry. Legends no histories: or, A specimen of some animadversions upon the History of the Royal Society. Wherein, besides the several errors against common literature, sundry mistakes about the making of salt-petre and gun-powder are detected, and rectified: whereunto are added two discourses, one of Pietro Sardi, and another of Nicolas Tartaglia relating to that subject. Translated out of Italian. With a brief account of those passages of the authors life, which the virtuosi intended most to censure, and expatiate upon: written to save them the trouble of doing any thin besides defending themselves. Together with the Plus ultra of Mr. Joseph Glanvill reduced to a non-plus, &c. By Henry Stubbe, physician at Warwick. Printed at London : and are to be sold by the book-sellers there, 1670. ESTC No. R21316. Grub Street ID 88666.
  • Stubbe, Henry. A censure upon certaine passages contained in the history of the Royal Society, as being destructive to the established religion and Church of England. Oxford: printed for Ric. Davis, A.D. 1670. ESTC No. R32736. Grub Street ID 115421.
  • Stubbe, Henry. A reply unto the letter written to Mr. Henry Stubbe in defense of the history of the Royal Society. Whereunto is added a Preface against Ecebolius Glanvill; and an answer to the letter of Dr. Henry More, containing a reply to the untruthes he hath publish'd, and a censur of the cabbalo-pythagorical philosophy, by him promoted. Oxford: Printed for Richard Davis, 1671. ESTC No. R31961. Grub Street ID 114712.
  • Stubbe, Henry. The Lord Bacons relation of the sweating-sickness examined, in a reply to George Thomson, pretender to physick and chymistry. Together with a defence of phlebotomy in general, and also particularly in the plague, small-pox, scurvey, and pleurisie. In opposition to the same author, and the author of Medela medicinae, Doctor Whitaker, and Doctor Sydenham. Also, a relation concerning the strange symptomes happening upon the bite of an adder. And a reply, by way of preface to the calumnies of Eccebolius Glanvile. By Henry Stubbe physician at Warwick. London : printed for Phil. Brigs, and are to be sold by booksellers in London, 1671. ESTC No. R33665. Grub Street ID 116250.
  • Stubbe, Henry. A censure upon certain passages contained in the History of the Royall Society, as being destructive to the established religion and Church of England. The second edition corrected & enlarged. Whereunto is added the letter of a virtuoso in opposition to the censure, A reply unto the letter aforesaid, and A reply unto the præfatory answer of Ecebolius Glanvill, chaplain to Mr Rouse of Eaton (late member of the Rump Parlament) rectour of Bath, & fellow of the Royall Society. Also an answer to the letter of Dr Henry Moore, relating unto Henry Stubbe physician at Warwick. Oxford: printed for Richard Davis, 1671. ESTC No. R39704. Grub Street ID 121580.
  • Stubbe, Henry. A justification of the present war against the United Netherlands. Wherein the declaration of His Majesty is vindicated, and the war proved to be just, honourable, and necessary; the dominion of the sea explained, and His Majesties rights thereunto asserted; the obligations of the Dutch to England, and their continual ingratitude: illustrated with sculptures. In answer to a Dutch treatise entituled, Considerations upon the present state of the United Netherlands. By an English man. London : printed for Henry Hills and John Starkey, and are to be sold at the Bell in St. Pauls Church-yard and the Mitre within Temple-Bar, 1672. ESTC No. R474717. Grub Street ID 125210.
  • Stubbe, Henry. A justification of the present war against the United Netherlands. Wherein the declaration of His Majesty is vindicated, and the war proved to be just, honourable, and necessary; the dominion of the sea explained, and His Majesties rights thereunto asserted; the obligations of the Dutch to England, and their continual ingratitude: illustrated with sculptures. In answer to a Dutch treatise entituled, Considerations upon the present state of the United Netherlands. By an English man. London : printed for Henry Hills and John Starkey, and are to be sold at the Bell in St. Pauls Church-yard and the Mitre within Temple-Bar, 1672. ESTC No. R9857. Grub Street ID 129903.
  • Stubbe, Henry. Rosemary & Bayes: or, Animadversions upon a treatise called, The rehearsall trans-prosed. In a letter to a friend in the countrey. London : printed for Jonathan Edwin, at the Three Roses in Ludgate-street, 1672. ESTC No. R16254. Grub Street ID 64126.
  • Stubbe, Henry. A justification of the present war against the United Netherlands. Wherein the declaration of His Majesty is vindicated, and the war proved to be just, honourable, and necessary; the dominion of the sea explained, and His Majesties rights thereunto asserted; the obligations of the Dutch to England, and their continual ingratitude: illustrated with sculptures. In answer to a Dutch treatise entituled, Considerations upon the present state of the United Netherlands. By an English man. London : printed for Henry Hills and John Starkey, and are to be sold at the Bell in St. Pauls Church-yard and the Mitre within Temple-Bar, 1672. ESTC No. R232663. Grub Street ID 104372.
  • Stubbe, Henry. A justification of the present war. Against the Vnited Netherlands. Wherein the declaration of His Majesty is vindicated, and the war proved to be just, honourable, and necessary. The dominion of the sea explained, and His Majesties rights thereunto asserted. The obligations of the Dutch to England, and their continual ingratitude. Illustrated with sculptures, in answer to a Dutch treatise entituled, Considerations upon the present state of the United Netherlands. By Henry Stubbe. London : printed for Henry Hills and John Starkey, at the Mitre within Temple-Bar, 1673. ESTC No. R38291. Grub Street ID 120410.
  • Stubbe, Henry. A further iustification of the present war against the United Netherlands. Illustrated with several sculptures. By Henry Stubbe, a lover of the honour and welfare of old England. London : Printed for Henry Hills, and John Starkey, and are to be sold at the sign of the Miter near Temple-Barr, in Fleetstreet, MDCLXXIII. [1673]. ESTC No. R30154. Grub Street ID 113041.
  • Stubbe, Henry. A caveat for the Protestant clergy. Or, A true acount of the sufferings of the English clergy upon the restitution of popery in the days of Queen Mary. The second edition. The author Henry Stubbe of Warwick. London : printed for W[illiam]. Cooper at the Pelican in Little-Britain, 1678. ESTC No. R41152. Grub Street ID 122869.
  • Stubbe, Henry. A light shining out of darkness: or, Occasional queries submitted to the judgment of such as would enquire into the true state of things in our times. The whole work revised by the author, the proofs englished and augmented, with sundry material discourses concerning the ministry, separation, inspiration, Scriptures, humane learning, oaths, tithes, &c. With a brief apology for the Quakers, that they are not inconsistent with magistracy. By an indifferent, but learned hand. The third edition.. London : printed and sold by T. Sowle, in White-Hart-Court in Gracious-Street, 1699. ESTC No. R26267. Grub Street ID 109605.