Tombes, John.
Væ scandalizantium. Or, A treatise of scandalizing, wherein the necessity, nature, sorts, and evills of scandalizing, are handled, with resolution of many questions thereto pertaining. Preached at Lemster, in Hereford-shire. By Iohn Tombes B.D.
Oxford: printed by Leon: Lichfield, for Edward Forrest, an. dom. 1641.
ESTC No. R21407.Grub Street ID 89395.
Tombes, John.
Christs commination against scandalizers: or, A treatise wherein the necessitie, nature, sorts, and evils of scandalizing are clearly and fully handled. With resolution of many questions, especially touching the abuse of Christian liberty: shewing that vengeance is awarded against such as use it to the grievance of their weake brethren. By Iohn Tombes. Minister of Gods Word.
London: printed for E. Forrest, and are to be sold by Richard Royston at the signe of the Angell in Ivy-lane, 1641.
ESTC No. R1928.Grub Street ID 77035.
Tombes, John.
Fermentvm Pharisæorvm, or, The leaven of pharisaicall wil-worship: declared in a sermon on Matth. 15.9 Novemb. 24. 1641. at Lemster in Herefordshire. By Iohn Tombes, B.D. It is this nineteenth day of Aprill Anno Dom. 1643. Ordered by the committee of the House of Commons in Parliament, concerning printing, that this book intituled (the leaven of Pharisaicall Wil-worship) be printed. John White.
London: printed by Richard Cotes for Andrew Crooke, and are to be sold at his shop at the signe of the Greene Dragon in Pauls Church-yard, 1643.
ESTC No. R20645.Grub Street ID 82971.
Tombes, John.
Iehovah iireh: or, Gods providence in delivering the godly. Opened in two sermons in the citie of Bristoll, on the day of publike thanksgiving in that citie, March 14. 1642. For the deliverance of that citie from the invasion without, and the plot of malignants within the city, intended to have been acted the Tuesday night before. With a short narration of that bloody and abominable plot. Preached by Iohn Tombes, B.D. It is this two and twentieth day of Aprill, Anno Dom. 1643. ordered by the Committee of the House of Commons in Parliament concerning printing, that this booke intituled, Johovah Jireh, or Gods providence in delivering the godly, be printed. John White.
London: printed by Rich. Cotes, for Michael Sparkes Senior, 1643.
ESTC No. R11900.Grub Street ID 60130.
Tombes, John.
Anthropolatria; or, the sinne of glorying in men, especially in eminent ministers of the gospel. Wherein is set forth the nature and the causes of this sinne, as also the many pernicious effects which at all times this sinne hath produced, and with which the church of Christ is still infected. With some serious disswasives from this sinne, and directions to prevent the infection thereof. A discourse usefull, and in these times very seasonable. By John Tombes, B.D. and preacher of Gods word at the Temple.
London: printed by G. Miller for John Bellamy at the signe of the three golden-Lions in Cornehill hear the Royall-Exchange, 1645.
ESTC No. R200049.Grub Street ID 77599.
Tombes, John.
Anthropolatria; or, the sinne of glorying in men, especially in eminent ministers of the gospel. Wherein is set forth the nature and causes of this sinne, as also the many pernicious effects which at all times this sinne hath produced, and with which the church of Christ i still infected. With some serious disswasives from this sinne, and directions to prevent the infection thereof. A discourse usefull, and in these times very seasonable. By John Tombes, B.D. and preacher of Gods Word to the Honourable Societies of the Temples.
London: printed by G[eorge]. Miller for John Bellamy at the signe of the three golden-Lions in Cornehill hear the Royall-Exchange, 1645.
ESTC No. R235187.Grub Street ID 106354.
Tombes, John.
Tvvo treatises and an appendix to them concerning infant-baptisme. The former treatise being an exercitation presented to the chair-man of a committee of the Assembly of Divines. The later an examen of the sermon of Mr Stephen Marshall, about infant-baptisme, in a letter sent to him. By John Tombes. B. D.
London: printed for George Whittington, and are to be sold at the signe of the Blackmore in Bishopsgate-streete, December 15. 1645.
ESTC No. R200471.Grub Street ID 77979.
Tombes, John.
An exercitation about infant-baptisme; presented in certaine papers, to the chair-man of a committee of the assembly of divines, selected to consider of that argument, in the yeers, 1643, and 1644. With some few emendations, additions, and an answer to one new objection. Translated out of Latine, by the author. Published according to order.
London: printed by M[atthew]. S[immons]. for George Whittington, 1646.
ESTC No. R187000.Grub Street ID 75441.
Tombes, John.
Tvvo treatises and an appendix to them concerning infant-baptisme. The former treatise being an exercitation presented to the chair-man of a committee of the assembly of divines. The later [sic] an examen of the sermon of Mr. Stephen Marshall, about infant-baptisme, in a letter sent to him.
London: printed for George Whittington, and are to be sold at the signe of the Blackmore in Bishopsgate-streete, December 15. 1646.
ESTC No. R33850.Grub Street ID 116419.
Tombes, John.
An apology or plea for the Two treatises, and appendix to them concerning infant-baptisme; published Decemb. 15. 1645. Against the unjust charges, complaints, and censures of Doctor Nathanael Homes, Mr Iohn Geree, Mr Stephen Marshall, Mr John Ley, and Mr William Hussey; together with a postscript by way of reply to Mr Blakes answer to Mr Tombes his letter, and Mr Edmund Calamy, and Mr Richard Vines preface to it. ... By Iohn Tombes, B.D.
London: printed for Giles Calvert, at the Black-Spread-Eagle at the west end of Pauls, 1646.
ESTC No. R201072.Grub Street ID 78533.
Tombes, John.
An antidote against the venome of a passage, in the 5th. direction of the epistle dedicatory to the whole book of Mr. Richard Baxter teacher at Kederminster in Worcestershire, intituled, The saints everlasting rest, containing a satyricall invective against Anabaptists b Iohn Tombes B.D. Lately teacher at Bewdley in the same county.
London: printed by Charles Sumptner for Thomas Brewster and Greg. Moule at the three Bibles neer the west-end of Pauls, 1650.
ESTC No. R206421.Grub Street ID 82947.
Tombes, John.
Antipædobaptism, or no plain nor obscure scripture-proof of infants baptism, or church-membership, being the first part of the full review of the dispute about infant-baptism: containing an ample disquisition of the ingrassing, Rom. II. 17. the promise, Acts 2. 39. the holinesse of children, I Cor. 7.14. Whereby the expositions of those texts, and arguings thence for infant-baptism by Mr. Stephen Marshall, Mr. John Geere, Mr. Richard Baxter, Mr. Thomas Cobbet, Mr. Thomas Blake, Mr. Josiah Church; and the arguments of Mr. Nathaniel Stephens for the convertiblity of a word of promise and command, are fully refuted. By John Tombes, B.D.
London: printed by H. Hils, and are to be sold by H. Crips, and L. Lloyd, in Popes-head Alley, 1652.
ESTC No. R206798.Grub Street ID 83272.
Tombes, John.
Præcursor: or A forerunner to a large review of the dispute concerning infant-baptism; wherein many things both doctrinall and personal are cleared: about which Mr. Richard Baxter in a book mock-titled Plain Scripture-proof of infants church-membership and baptism hath darkned [sic] the truth. By John Tombs B.D.
London: printed by H. Hils, and are to be sold by H. Crips and Lod. Lloid in Popes-head Ally, T. Brewster and G. Moule at the Three Bibles at the West end of Pauls, 1652.
ESTC No. R27540.Grub Street ID 110694.
Tombes, John.
An addition to the Apology for the two treatises concerning infant-baptisme, published December 15. 1645. In which the author is vindicated from 21. unjust criminations in the 92. page of the book of Mr. Robert Baille, minister of Glasgow, intituled Anabaptisme. And sundry materiall points concerning the covenant, infants-interest in it, and baptisme by it, baptism by an unbaptized person, dipping, Erastianism and church-government, are argued, in a letter (now enlarged) sent in September 1647. to him, by John Tombes B.D.
London: printed by Hen. Hills for Hen. Crips, and Lodowick Lloid, in Popes-head Alley, T. Brewster, and G. Moule at the three Bibles at the west end of Pauls, 1652.
ESTC No. R11324.Grub Street ID 59621.
Tombes, John.
Joannis Tombes Beudleiensis Refutatio positionis ejusq[ue]; Confirmationis pædo-baptismum esse licitum affirmantis ab Henrico Savage SS.T.D. Coll. Ball. in Comitioorum Vesperiis Oxon. Mense Julio, anni 1652. propositæ, una cum responsione ad ea quæ objiciuntur in epistola, & postscripto, annexis tribus quæstionibus nuper ab eo-editis, & in argumentis octo Vossianis in disputatione theologica de pædobaptismo positia, sed in centone Savagiano desunt.
Londini: typis Henrici Hills, 1653.
ESTC No. R9904.Grub Street ID 129944.
Tombes, John.
A publick dispute betwixt John Tombs, B.D. respondent. John Cragge, and Henry Vaughan, M.A. opponents, touching infant-baptism, the fifth of September, 1653. in the church of St. Maries in Abergavenie in Monmothshire. Occasioned by a sermon preached the day before, by Mr Tombs, upon St. Mark. 16.16. He that believeth, and is baptized, shall be saved, but he that believeth not, shall be damned. Also a sermon preached by Mr. Cragge, the next Lords day following, upon the same text: wherein the necessity of dipping is refuted, and infant-baptism asserted.
London: printed for H. Twyford, N. Brook, J. Place, and are to be sold in Vine-Court Middle Temple, the Angel in Cornhill, and at Furnivals-Inn-Gate in Holborn, 1654.
ESTC No. R9749.Grub Street ID 129798.
Tombes, John.
Anti-pædobaptism, or, The second part of the full review of the dispute concerning infant-baptism in which the invalidity of arguments ... is shewed ... / by John Tombs ...
London: Printed by Henry Hills .., MDCLIV [1654].
ESTC No. R33835.Grub Street ID 116405.
Tombes, John.
A plea for anti-pædobaptists, against the vanity and falshood of scribled papers, entituled, The anabaptists anatomiz'd and silenc'd in a public dispute at Abergaveny in Monmouth-shire Sept. 5. 1653. Betwixt John Tombes, John Cragg, and Henry Vaughan, touching infant-baptism. By John Tombes, B.D.
London: printed by Henry Hills, and are to be sold at his house at the sign of Sir John Old-Castle in Py-Corner, 1654.
ESTC No. R206989.Grub Street ID 83427.
Tombes, John.
Anti-pædobaptism, or, The third part being a full review of the dispute concerning infant baptism : in which the arguments for infant baptism from the covenant and initial seal, infants visible church membership, antiquity of infant baptism are refelled [sic] : and the writings of Mr. Stephen Marshal, Mr. Richard Baxter ... and others are examined, and many points about the covenants, and seals and other truths of weight are handled / by John Tombes.
London: Printed by E. Alsop, 1657.
ESTC No. R28882.Grub Street ID 111911.
Tombes, John.
Felo de se. Or, Mr. Richard Baxter's self-destroying; manifested in twenty arguments against infant-baptism, gathered out of his own writing, in his second disputation of right to sacraments. By John Tombes, B.D.
London: printed by Henry Hills, next door to the sign of the Peacock in Aldersgate-steeet [sic], 1659.
ESTC No. R33836.Grub Street ID 116406.
Tombes, John.
A short catechism about Baptism. By John Tombes, B.D.
London: Printed by Henry Hills, next door to the sign of the Peacock in Aldersgate-street, 1659.
ESTC No. R210349.Grub Street ID 86526.
Tombes, John.
True old light exalted above pretended new light: or A treatise of Jesus Christ, as He is the light which enlightens every one that comes into the world. Against the sense both of the Quakers, Arminians, and other assertors of universal grace; whose light is proved to be darkness. Delivered in nine sermons, by John Tombes, B.D., and commended to publick view by Mr Richard Baxter.
London : printed by A.M. for Thomas Underhill at the Sign of the Anchor and Bible in Pauls Church-yard, 1660.
ESTC No. R21431.Grub Street ID 89611.
Tombes, John.
Romanism discussed, or, an answer to the nine first articles of H.T. his Manual of controversies. Whereby is manifested, that H.T. hath not (as he pretends) clearly demonstrated the truth of the Roman religion by him falsly called Catholic, by texts of holy scripture, councils of all ages, Fathers of the first five hundred years, common sense, and experience, nor fully answered the principal objections of protestants, whom he unjustly terms sectaries. By John Tombes, B.D. And commended to the world by Mr. Richard Baxter.
London : printed by Henry Hills, and are to be sold by Jane Underhill, and Henry Mourtlock in Paul's Church-yard, 1660.
ESTC No. R201254.Grub Street ID 78697.
Tombes, John.
A serious consideration of the oath of the Kings supremacy: wherein these six propositions are asserted. 1. That some swearing is lawful. 2. That some promissory oaths are lawful. 3. That a promissory oath of allegiance and due obedience to a king is lawful. 4. That the King in his realm, is the onely supreme governour over all persons. 5. That the king is the governour of the realm, as well in all spiritual or ecclesiastical things, or causes, as temporal. 6. That the jurisdictions, priviledges, preeminences, and authorities in that oath, may be assisted and defended. By John Tombes B.D.
London : printed by Henry Hills, living in Aldersgate-street next door to the sign of the Peacock, [1660].
ESTC No. R220153.Grub Street ID 94585.
Tombes, John.
A serious consideration of the oath of the Kings supremacy: wherein these six propositions are asserted. 1. That some swearing is lawful. 2. That some promissory oaths are lawful. 3. That a promissory oath of allegiance and due obedience to a king is lawful. 4. That the king in his realm, is the onely supreme governour over all persons. 5. That the king is the governour of the realm, as well in all spiritual or ecclesiastical things, or causes, as temporal. 6. That the jurisdictions, priviledges, preeminences, and authorities in that oath, may be assisted and defended. By John Tombes B.D.
London : printed by Henry Hills, living in Aldersgate-street next door to the sign of the Peacock, [1660].
ESTC No. R208060.Grub Street ID 84361.
Tombes, John.
Romanism discussed, or, an answer to the nine first articles of H.T. his Manual of controversies. Whereby is manifested, that H.T. hath not (as he pretends) clearly demonstrated the truth of the Roman religion by him falsly called Catholick, by texts of holy scripture, councils of all ages, Fathers of the first five hundred years, common sense, and experience, nor fully answered the principal objections of protestants, whom he unjustly terms sectaries. By John Tombes, B.D. And commended to the world by Mr. Richard Baxter.
London : printed by Henry Hills, and are to be sold by Jane Underhill, and Henry Mourtlock in Paul's Church-yard, 1660.
ESTC No. R208181.Grub Street ID 84463.
Tombes, John.
A supplement to the Serious consideration of the oath of the Kings supremacy; published October 1660. In, first, some consideration of the oath of allegiance. Secondly, vindicating of the consideration of the oaths of the Kings supremacy and allegiance, from the exceptions of Richard Hubberthorn, Samuel Fisher, Samuel Hodgkin, and some others against them, in the points of swearing in some case, and the matters of those oaths. By John Tombes B.D.
London : printed by Henry Hills, living in Aldersgate-street next door to the sign of the Peacock, [1661].
ESTC No. R207991.Grub Street ID 84298.
Tombes, John.
A supplement to the Serious consideration of the oath of the Kings supremacy; published October 1660. In, first, some consideration of the oath of allegiance. Secondly, vindicating of the consideration of the oaths of the Kings supremacy and allegiance, from the exceptions of Richard Hubberthorn, Samuel Fisher, Samuel Hodgkin, and some others against them, in the points of swearing in some case, and the matters of those oaths. By John Tombes B.D.
London : printed by Henry Hills, living in Aldersgate-street next door to the sign of the Peacock, 1660 [i.e. 1661].
ESTC No. R203802.Grub Street ID 80884.
Tombes, John.
Sephersheba: or The oath-book. Being a treatise concerning swearing: the nature, forms, rights, lawfulnesse, rules of swearing, adjuration, and keeping of oaths; wherein the errors of papists, Quakers and others about swearing are detected; many cases about swearing and keeping oaths are resolved in XX. catechetical lectures delivered at Lemster in Herefordshire on the third commandment, in the year 1636. but now much enlarged by John Tombes. B.D.
London : printed by John Twyn for Andrew Crook at the Green Dragon in St. Pauls Church Yard, 1662.
ESTC No. R28199.Grub Street ID 111287.
Tombes, John.
Saints no smiters: or, Smiting civil powers not the work of saints. Being a treatise, shewing the doctrine and atempts of Quinto-Monarchians, or, Fifth-Monarchy-Men about smiting powers, to be damnable and antichristian. By John Tombes, B.D.
London : printed by R.D. for Henry Eversden at the Greyhound in St. Paul's Church-yard, 1664.
ESTC No. R6979.Grub Street ID 127276.
Tombes, John.
Theodulia: or, A just defence of hearing the sermons and other teaching of the present ministers of England. Against a book unjustly entituled, (in Greek) A Christian testimony against them that serve the image of the beast. (In English) A Christian and sober testimony against sinful complyance. Wherein the unlawfulness of hearing the present ministers of England is pretended to be clearly demonstrated by an author termed by himself Christophilus Antichristomachus. By John Tombes.
London : printed by E. Cotes for Henry Eversden under the Crown Tavern in West-Smithfield, 1667.
ESTC No. R33692.Grub Street ID 116276.
Tombes, John.
Emmanuel; or, God-man. A treatise wherein the doctrine of the first Nicene and Chalcedon councels, concerning the two natures in Christ, is asserted against the lately vented Socinian doctrine. By John Tombes, B.D.
London : printed for F. Smith at the sign of the Elephant and Castle without Temple-Bar, 1669.
ESTC No. R5748.Grub Street ID 126168.
Tombes, John.
Theodulia: or, a just defence of hearing the sermons and other teaching of the present ministers of England. To which is annexed an appendix for vindication of it from the abuses in the reply to it intituled Jerubbaal. By John Tombes, B.D.
London : printed by E. Okes for Henry Eversden under the Crown Tavern in West-Smithfied [sic], 1670.
ESTC No. R222505.Grub Street ID 96482.
Tombes, John.
Emmanuel; or, God-man. A treatise wherein the doctrine of the first Nicene and Chalcedon councils, concerning the two natures in Christ, is asserted against the lately vented Socinian doctrine. A work very necessary at this time, to prevent the danger of that spreading heresie. By John Tombes, B.D.
London : printed for Francis Smith at the Elephant and Castle near the Royal Exchange in Cornhill, and at the same sign the first shop without Temple-Bar, 1673.
ESTC No. R185371.Grub Street ID 74464.
Tombes, John.
A just reply to the books of Mr. Wills, and Mr. Blinman. (with Mr. Baxters injurious preface) for infant-baptism: for vindication of truth and integrity of antip.dobaptists. In a letter to Henry Danvers Esq. By John Tombes, B.D.
London : printed for the author, and sold by H.E at the Crown in Cornhill, near the Stocks-Market, 1675.
ESTC No. R203321.Grub Street ID 80439.
Tombes, John.
Joannis Tombes Beudleiensis Angli. Animadversiones in librum Georgii Bulli cui titulum fecit Harmonia apostolica. Seu Binæ dissertationes, quarum in priore doctrina D. Jacobi de justificatione ex operibus explanatur ac defenditur in posteriore consensus D. Pauli cum Jacobo liquido demonstratur.
Oxoniæ: excudebat H. Hall. academiæ typographus impensis Tho: Bowman, An. D. M.DC.LXXVI. [1676].
ESTC No. R20610.Grub Street ID 82672.