Publications of Henry Rose


  • Rose, Henry. An inaugural dissertation on the effects of the passions upon the body; submitted to the examination of the Rev. John Ewing, S.T.P. provost, the medical professors and trustees of the University of Pennsylvania, for the degree of Doctor of Medicine, on the 19th day of May, 1794. By Henry Rose, of Virginia, honorary member of the Philadelphia Medical and Chemical Societies, and member of the American Medical Society. [Five lines from Armstrong]. Philadelphia: Printed by William W. Woodward, at Franklin's Head, no. 41, Chesnut-Street, 1794. ESTC No. W17225. Grub Street ID 326753.
  • Rose, Henry. A philosophicall essay for the reunion of the langvages, or, The art of knowing all by the mastery of one. Oxford: Printed by Hen. Hall for James Good, 1675. ESTC No. R11378. Grub Street ID 59670.