Publications of Edward Leigh


  • Leigh, Edward. The history of the twelve Caesars, first emperors of Rome: namely, I. Julius Caesar. II. Augustus. III. Tiberius. IV. Caligula. V. Claudius. VI. Nero. VII. Galba. VIII. Otho. IX. Vitellius. X. Vespasian. XI. Titus. XII. Domitian. Being an account of the most remarkable transactions, revolutions, and events, both in peace and war, which happened during their reigns. Collected from the most authentic historians, both ancient and modern. By Edward Leigh, Esq. Philadelphia: Printed for Robert Johnson, & Co. no. 147, High Street, 1798. ESTC No. W12751. Grub Street ID 322042.
  • Leigh, Edward. A treatise of the divine promises. In five bookes. In the first, a generall description of their nature, kinds, excellency, right use, properties, and the persons to whom they belong. In the foure last, a declaration of the covenant it selfe, the bundle and body of all the promise, and the speciall premises likewise, which concerne a mans self or others, hath temporall, spirituall and eternall. By Edvvard Legh, Master of Arts of Magdalen Hall in Oxford. The second impression corrected and inlarged by the authour. London: printed by George Miller, and are to be sold by Thomas Underhill at the Mayden-head in the Poultry, MDCXLI. [1641]. ESTC No. R19654. Grub Street ID 77232.
  • Leigh, Edward. Critica sacra. Observations on all the radices, or primitive Hebrew words of the Old Testament in order alphabeticall, wherein both they (and many derivatives also issuing from them) are fully opened out of the best lexicographers and scholiasts. By Edward Legh Esquier, Mr of Arts of both universities. London: printed by G.M. for Thomas Underhill at the signe of the Bible in Wood-street, 1642. ESTC No. R34515. Grub Street ID 117039.
  • Leigh, Edward. A speech, of Colonell Edward Leigh, as it was delivered by himselfe to the honourable House of Commons, upon occasion of presenting a Stafford-shire petition: as also the petition it selfe, presented by the same colonell, and divers other gentlemen of Stafford-shire, on Munday the thirtieth of Septem. 1644. London: printed by F. L. for Matthew Walbancke, at Grays-Inne-Gate, 1644. ESTC No. R14525. Grub Street ID 62540.
  • Leigh, Edward. Critica sacra: or, Philologicall and theologicall observations upon all the Greek words of the New Testament, in order alphabeticall. Wherein usually the etymon of the word is given, its force and emphasis observed, and the severall acceptions of it in Scripture, and the versions by expositors are set downe. By Edward Leigh Esquire, Master of Arts, and a member of the House of Commons. London: printed by James Young, for Thomas Underhill, and are to be sold at the signe of the Bible in Wood-street, M.DC.XLVI. [1646]. ESTC No. R202697. Grub Street ID 79920.
  • Leigh, Edward. A treatise of divinity consisting of three bookes. The first of which handling the Scripture or Word of God, treateth of its divine authority, the canonicall bookes, the authenticall edition, and severall versions; the end, properties, and interpretation of Scripture. Th second handling God, sheweth that there is a God, and what he is, in his essence and severall attributes, and likewise the distinction of persons in the divine essence. The third handleth the three principall workes of God, decree, creation, and providence. By Edward Leigh Esq. Master of Arts, and one of the members of the House of Commons. London: printed by E. Griffin for William Lee, and are to be sold at his shop at the Turkes-head in Fleetstreet, neere Ram-alley, 1646. ESTC No. R39008. Grub Street ID 121029.
  • Leigh, Edward. Analecta de XII primis Cæsaribus. = Select and choyce observations concerning the twelve first Cæsars emperours of Rome. The second edition corrected, and inlarged, and an advertisement to the reader, with six more emperourr [sic] annexed thereunto. By Edward Leigh, a member of the House of Commons. Certaine choice French proverbs, alphabetically disposed and Englished, added also by the same author. Printed at London: by Moses Bell for Mathew Walbancke, at Graies Inne Gate, 1647. ESTC No. R2253. Grub Street ID 98512.
  • Leigh, Edward. A treatise of divinity consisting of three bookes. The first of which handling the Scripture or Word of God, treateth of its divine authority, the canonicall bookes, the authenticall edition, and severall versions; the end, properties, and interpretation of Scripture. Th second handling God, sheweth that there is a God, and what he is, in his essence and several attributes, and likewise the distinction of persons in the divine essence. The third handleth the three principall workes of God, decree, creation and providence. By Edward Leigh Esq. Master of Arts; and one of the Members of the House of Commons. London: Printed by E. Griffin for William Lee, and are to be sold at his shop at the Turkes-head in Fleetstreet, neere Ram-alley, 1647. ESTC No. R201405. Grub Street ID 78835.
  • Leigh, Edward. The saints encouragement in evil times: or Observations concerning the martyrs in generall, with some memorable collections out of Foxes three volumes. Martin Luther. The covenant and promises. Living and dying by faith. By Edward Leigh Esquire. London: printed by A[braham]. M[iller]. for William Lee and Thomas Underhill, 1648. ESTC No. R222045. Grub Street ID 96103.
  • Leigh, Edward. Critica sacra: or, Observations on all the radices, or primitive Hebrew words of the Old Testament in order alphabeticall, wherein both they (and many derivatives also issuing from them) are fully opened, out of the best lexicographers and scholiasts. By Edward Leigh Esquire, Mr of Arts of both universities. London: printed by A. Miller for Thomas Underhill, and are to be sold at his shop at the sign of the blue Anchor and Bible in Pauls Churchyard near the little North door, M.DCL. [1650]. ESTC No. R221356. Grub Street ID 95523.
  • Leigh, Edward. A treatise of the divine promises in five books : in the first, a general description of their nature ... : in the four last, a declaration of the covenant itself ... London: Printed by A. Miller for Thomas Underhill .., 1650. ESTC No. R34516. Grub Street ID 117040.
  • Leigh, Edward. Annotations upon all the New Testament philologicall and theologicall: wherein the emphasis and elegancie of the Greeke is observed. Some imperfections in our translation are discovered. Divers Jewish rites and customes tending to illustrate the text are mentioned. Many antilogies and seeming contradictions reconciled. Severall darke and obscure places opened. Sundry passages vindicated from the false glosses of papists and hereticks. By Edward Leigh, Master of Arts of both the Universities. London: printed by W[illiam]. W[ilson]. and E[dward] G[riffith]. for William Lee, and are to be sold at his shop at the Turks-Head in Fleetstreet next to the Miter and Ph?nix, Anno Dom. 1650. ESTC No. R20337. Grub Street ID 80473.
  • Leigh, Edward. Critica sacra: or, Philologicall and theologicall observations upon all the Greek vvords of the New Testament, in order alphabeticall. Wherein usually the etymon of the word is given, its force and emphasis observed, and the severall acceptions of it in Scripture, and the version by expositours are set down. By Edward Leigh Esquire, Master of Arts of both universities. London: printed by Roger Daniel, for Thomas Underhill, and are to be sold at the Sign of the Anchor in Pauls Church-yard. [sic] near the little north door, M. DC. L. [1650]. ESTC No. R43372. Grub Street ID 124378.
  • Leigh, Edward. Critica sacra in two parts: the first containing Observations on all the radices, or primitive Hebrevv vvords of the Old Testament, in order alphabetical. Wherein both they (and many derivatives also issuing from them) are fully opened out of the best lexicographers and scholiasts. The second edition corrected, and much enlarged by the authour. The second Philologicall and Theologicall observations upon all the Greek vvords of the New Testament, in order alphabetical. Wherein usually the etymon of the word is given, its force and emphasis observed, and the severall acceptions of it in scripture, and the versions by expositors are set down. By Edward Leigh Esquire, Mr of Arts of Magdalen Hall in Oxford. London: printed by Abraham Miller and Roger Daniel for Thomas Underhill at the Anchor in Pauls Church-yard, near the little north-door, M.DC.L. [1650]. ESTC No. R11616. Grub Street ID 59884.
  • Leigh, Edward. The saints encouragement in evil times: or Observations concerning the martyrs in general, with some memorable collections about them out of Mr Foxes three volumes. Martin Luther. The covenant and promises. Afflictions. Living and dying by faith. By Edward Leigh Esquire, Mr of Arts of Magdalen Hall in Oxford. London: printed by Abraham Miller for William Lee and Thomas Underhill, MDCLI. [1651]. ESTC No. R209215. Grub Street ID 85434.
  • Leigh, Edward. A philologicall commentary, or, An illustration of the most obvious and usefull words in the law. With their distinctions and diverse acceptations, as they are found as well in reports ancient and modern, as in records, and memorials never printed: usefull for all young students of the law. By E.L. Gentleman, sometimes of the Middle Temple. London: printed by T. Mabb for Charles Adams, and are to be sold at his shop at the signe of the Mary-Gold over against Fetter-lane in Fleet-street, 1652. ESTC No. R202675. Grub Street ID 79898.
  • Leigh, Edward. A treatise of religion & learning, and of religious and learnedmen. Consisting of six books. The two first treating of religion & learning. The four last of religious or learned men in an alphabetical order. A vvork seasonable for these times, wherein religion and learning have so many enemies. By Edward Leigh Master of Arts of Magdalen-Hall in Oxford. London: printed by A[braham]. M[iller]. for Charles Adams at the signe of the Talbot near St Dunstans-Church in Fleetstreet, M.DC.LVI. [1656]. ESTC No. R3476. Grub Street ID 117270.
  • Leigh, Edward. Annotations on five poetical books of the Old Testament: (viz.) Job, Psalmes, Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, and Canticles. By Edward Leigh Master of Arts of Magdalen-Hall in Oxford. London: printed by A[braham]. M[iller]. for T. Pierpoint at the Sunne, E. Brewster at the Crane, and M. Keinton at the Fountain in Pauls Church-yard, 1657. ESTC No. R12549. Grub Street ID 60716.
  • Leigh, Edward. Select and choyce observations, containing all the Romane emperours. The first eighteen by Edward Leigh M.A. of Magdalene-Hall in Oxford, the others added by his son Henry Leigh, M.A. also of the same house. Certain choyce French proverbs, alphabetically disposed and Englished added also by the same Edward Leigh. London: printed by Roger Daniel, for John Williams at the sign of the Crown in St Paul's Church-yard, 1657. ESTC No. R11757. Grub Street ID 60013.
  • Leigh, Edward. A treatise of the divine promises. In five books. In the first, a general description of their nature, kindes, excellency, right use, properties, and the persons to whom they belong. In the four last, a declaration of the covenant it self, the bundle and body of all the promises, and the special promises likewise, which concern a mans self or others, both temporal, spiritual, and eternal. The fourth edition corrected and much enlarged. By Edward Leigh Master of Arts of Magdalen-Hall in Oxford. London: Printed by A. Miller, for Henry Mortlocke at the Ph?nix in St. Pauls Church-yard, 1657. ESTC No. R208449. Grub Street ID 84701.
  • Leigh, Edward. Second considerations concerning the High Court of Chancery, and the most excellent ordinance for the regulation and limitation of that court by Edw. Leigh, Gent. London: Printed by J.G. for Rich. Marriot, and are to be sold at his shop .., 1658. ESTC No. R22117. Grub Street ID 95369.
  • Leigh, Edward. A philologicall commentary: or, An illustration of the most obvious and useful words in the lavv. VVith their distinctions and divers acceptations, as they are found as well in reports antient and modern, as in records, and memorials never printed: usefull for all young students of the law. The second edition reviewed and inlarged. By Edward Leigh gentleman, sometimes of the Middle Temple. London: printed by A[braham]. M[iller]. for Charles Adams, and are to be sold at his shop at the sign of the Talbot near St Dustans [sic] Church in Fleetstreet, 1658. ESTC No. R19653. Grub Street ID 77231.
  • Leigh, Edward. England described: or the several counties & shires thereof briefly handled. Some things also premised, to set forth the glory of this nation. By Edward Leigh Esquire, Mr of Arts of Magdalen-Hall in Oxford. London: printed by A.M. for Henry Marsh at the signe of the Princes-Arms in Chancery-lane, near Fleetstreet, 1659. ESTC No. R202677. Grub Street ID 79900.
  • Leigh, Edward. Choice observations of all the kings of England from the Saxons to the death of King Charles the First. Collected out of the best Latine and English vvriters, who have treated of that argument. By Edward Leigh Esquire, and Master of Arts of Magdalen Hall in Oxford. London : printed for Joseph Cranford, at the sign of the Gun in St. Pauls Church-yard, 1661. ESTC No. R11454. Grub Street ID 59740.
  • Leigh, Edward. Critica sacra in two parts: the first containing Observations on all the radices or primitive Hebrew words of the Old Testament, in order alphabetical. Wherein both they (and many derivatives also issuing from them) are fully opened out of the best lexicographers and scholiasts. The third edition, corrected and much enlarged by the authour; with an addition of a supplement to both parts. The second Philological and theological observations upon all the Greek words of the New Testament, in order aphabetical [sic]. Wherein usually the etymon of the word is given its force and emphasis observed, and the severall acceptions of it in Scripture, and the versions by expositors are set down. By Edward Leigh Esquire, Mr of Arts of Magdalen Hall in Oxford. The fourth edition.. London : printed by Abraham Miller and Roger Daniel [and John Redmayne], and are to be sold by the booksellers of London, MDCLXII. [1662]. ESTC No. R12067. Grub Street ID 60282.
  • Leigh, Edward. A systeme or body of divinity: consisting of ten books. Wherein the fundamentals and main grounds of religion are opened; the contrary errours refuted; most of the controversies between us, the papists, Arminians and Socinians discussed and handled; several scriptures explained, and vindicated from corrupt glosses. A work seasonable for these times, wherein so many articles of our faith are questioned, and so many gross errours daily published. The second edition corrected, and enlarged; there being about one hundred sheets inserted throughout the whole work, besides the additions annexed by themselves at the end. By Edward Leigh Esquire, and Master of Arts of Magdalen-Hall in Oxford. London : printed by A[braham]. M[iller]. for William Lee at the signe of the Turks-Head in Fleet-street over against Fetter-lane, M.DC.LXII. [1662]. ESTC No. R12684. Grub Street ID 60834.
  • Leigh, Edward. Critica sacra, or, Philologicall and theologicall observations upon all the Greek words of the New Testament in order alphabeticall : wherein usually the etymon of the word is given, its force and emphasis observed and the severall acceptions of it in Scripture and the version by expositours are set down / by Edward Leigh . The fourth edition, corrected and enlarged by way of supplement to the whole book, which was never in print before this impression / done by the authours one [sic] hand.. London : Printed by John Redmayne, 1662. ESTC No. R34965. Grub Street ID 117437.
  • Leigh, Edward. Critica sacra: or observations on all the radices, or primitive Hebrew words of the Old Testament in order alphabetical ... By Edward Leigh ... The third edition, corrected and much enlarged by the authour by way of supplement . London : printed by A[braham]. M[iller]. and are to be sold by the booksellers of London, MDCLXII. [1662]. ESTC No. R179424. Grub Street ID 70849.
  • Leigh, Edward. A supplement to the Critica sacra, wherein many of the originall words of both Testaments being alphabetically disposed, are explained out of learned scholiographers and criticks, and hereby many both controversall texts, and difficult scriptures illustrated. By Edward Leigh Esquire, and Master of Arts of Magdalen Hall in Oxford. London : printed for Andrew Crook, at the Green Dragon, and Edward Brewster at the Crane in S. Paul's Church-yard, M. DC. LXII. [1662]. ESTC No. R217615. Grub Street ID 92385.
  • Leigh, Edward. Select and choice observations concerning all the Roman and Greek emperors. The first eighteen by Edward Leigh, M.A. of Magdalen-Hall in Oxford: the others added by his son Henry Leigh, M.A. also of the same house. Also certain choice French proverbs, alphabetically disposed and Englished added by the same Edward Leigh. The second edition, corrected, and much enlarged.. London : printed by R. Davenport for John Williams at the Crown and Globe in S. Paul's Church-yard, 1663. ESTC No. R27675. Grub Street ID 110812.
  • Leigh, Edward. F.lix consortium; or, A fit conjuncture of religion and learning, in one entire volume, consisting of six books: the first treating of religion in general; the false religions, and the true, and several questions also discussed concerning that argument. The second, of learning, the excellency and usefulness of it, the liberal arts, the chiefest languages, the universities and publick schools of several nations. The third, fourth, fifth, and sixth books, particularizing the men eminent for religion or learning, divine or humane, among the Jews, Christians, ancient or modern writers, protestants or papists, characterizing their persons, and giving judgment of their works. In an alphabetical order. By Edward Leigh Master of Arts of Magdalen-Hall in Oxford. London : Printed for Charles Adams at the sign of the Talbot near St. Dunstans Church in Fleetstreet, 1663. ESTC No. R12761. Grub Street ID 60909.
  • Leigh, Edward. Analecta Caesarum Romanorum. Or, Select observations of all the Roman emperors. Illustrated with their several effigies, according to their coins. The first eighteen by Edward Leigh, Esq; the others added by his son Henry Leigh, --- Masters of Art of both universities. Also certain choice French proverbs alphabetically disposed and Englished, added by the same Edward Leigh. The fourth edition, corrected and much enlarged.. London : printed by R.D. for John Williams, at the Crown and Globe in S. Paul's Church-yard, MDCLXIV. [1664]. ESTC No. R34514. Grub Street ID 117038.
  • Leigh, Edward. Critica sacra in two parts: the first containing observations on all the radices or primitive Hebrew words of the Old Testament, in order alphabetical ... The second philological & theological observations upon all the Greek words of the New Testament, in order alphabetica ... By Edward Leigh . The fourth edition, to which is now added the sculptures of the most eminent passages in the Old Testament, in twenty four brass figures.. London : printed for William Crook .., MDCLXIV. [1664]. ESTC No. R34966. Grub Street ID 117438.
  • Leigh, Edward. Select and choice observations concerning all the Roman and Greek emperors. The first eighteen by Edward Leigh, M.A. of Magdalen-Hall in Oxford: the others added by his son Henry Leigh, M.A. also of the same house. Also certain choice French proverbs, alphabetically disposed and Englished added by the same Edward Leigh. The third edition, corrected, and much enlarged.. London : printed for J. Williams, and are to be sold by Amos Curteyne bookseller in Oxford, 1670. ESTC No. R39134. Grub Street ID 121107.
  • Leigh, Edward. Three diatribes or discourses. First of travel, or a guide for travellers into forein parts. Secondly, of money or coyns. Thirdly, of measuring of the distance betwixt place and place. By Edward Leigh Esq; and Mr. of Arts of Magdalene-Hall in Oxford. London : printed for William Whitwood, at the sign of the Golden Bell in Duck-Lane, near Smithfield, 1671. ESTC No. R12004. Grub Street ID 60222.
  • Leigh, Edward. The gentlemans guide, in three discourses· First of travel, or a guide for travellers into foreign parts. Secondly, of money or coyns. Thirdly, of measuring of the distance betwixt place and place. By Edward Leigh Esq; and Mr. of Arts of Magdalen-Hall in Oxford. London : printed for William Whitwood, next to the Cross Keys near Ivy Bridge in the Strand, 1680. ESTC No. R37598. Grub Street ID 119814.