Publications of John Pym


  • Pym, John. The speech or declaration of John Pymm, Esquire, to the Lords of the upper House, upon the delivery of the Articles of the Commons assembled in Parliament, against VVilliam Laud, Archbishop of Canterbury, in maintenance of their accusation, whereby he stands charged of high treason. Together with a true copy of the said Articles. London: printed for Ralph Mabb, 1641. ESTC No. R203308. Grub Street ID 80426.
  • Pym, John. A speech delivered at a conference with the Lords, Ianuary 25. 1641. by occasion of the petitions from the city of London, and the counties of Middlesex, Essex, and Hertford. By Iohn Pym, Esquire. Published by order of the House of Commons. Printed at London: for John Wright, 1641. ESTC No. R32255. Grub Street ID 114987.
  • Pym, John. The declaration of John Pym Esquire, vpon the vvhole matter of the charge of high treason, against Thomas Earle of Strafford, April 12. 1641. With An argument of law concerning the bill of attainder of high treason of the said Earle of Strafford, before a committee of both Houses of Parliament, in Westminster Hall, by Mr St-Iohn his Majesties Solicitor Generall, on Thursday, April 29. 1641. Printed at London: for Iohn Bartlet, and are to be sold at the gilt Cup near S. Austins Gate, in Pauls Church-yard, 1641. ESTC No. R182279. Grub Street ID 72509.
  • Pym, John. Mr. Pymmes speech in answer to Lord Straffords defence at the barre, the 13. of Aprill, 1641. [London]: Printed for John Aston, 1641. ESTC No. R182281. Grub Street ID 72512.
  • Pym, John. The speech or declaration of John Pymm, Esq. to the Lords of the upper House, upon the delivery of the articles of the Commons assembled in Parliament, against William Laud, Archbishop of Canterbury, in maintenance of their accusation, whereby he stands charged of high treason. Together with a true copie of the said articles. London: printed for Ralph Mabb, 1641. ESTC No. R8409. Grub Street ID 128582.
  • Pym, John. A declaration presented to the honourable House of Commons. With a speech delivered at conference with the Lords, Ianuary 25. 1641. By occasion of the petitions from the city of London, and the counties of Middlesex, Essex, and Hartford. By Iohn Pym esquire. Published by order of the House of Commons, and enlarged in the end since the last edition by the author, whereunto are annexed two orders of the said House, the one containing the thankes of the House given to those of Hartford-shire, the other for punishing of those, who printed a false copie of that petitio and other libellous pamphlets. Published by a true copie, February 22. 1641. London: printed for Richard Lownes, at his shop next without Lud-gate, 1641. ESTC No. R34563. Grub Street ID 117087.
  • Pym, John. Tvvo speeches made by Iohn Pymm Esquire; the one after the articles of the charge against the Earle of Strafford were read. The other, after the articles of the charge against Sir George Ratcliffe were read. London: printed for Iohn Bartlet, and are to be sold at the gilt Cup, neere St. Austins gate, 1641. ESTC No. R14842. Grub Street ID 62821.
  • Pym, John. A speech delivered in Parliament, by a worthy Member thereof, and a most faithfull vvell-wisher to the Church and common-weale; concerning the grievances of the kingdome. By I.P. Esquire. London: printed for R. L., 1641. ESTC No. R14550. Grub Street ID 62568.
  • Pym, John. The substance of Mr. Pymms speech: to the Lords in Parliament. Novemb. 9. 1641. London: imprinted for Richard Lownes, MDCXLI. [1641]. ESTC No. R212659. Grub Street ID 88222.
  • Pym, John. The declaration of John Pym Esquire, upon the vvhole matter of the charge of high treason, against Thomas Earle of Strafford, April 12. 1641. With An argument of law concerning the bill of attainder of high treason of the said Earle of Strafford, before a committee of both Houses of Parliament, in Westminster Hall, by Mr St-Iohn his Majesties Solicitor Generall, on Thursday, April 29. 1641. Both published by order of the Commons House. Printed at London: for Iohn Bartlet, and are to be sold at the gilt Cup near S. Austins Gate, in Pauls Church-yard, 1641. ESTC No. R17937. Grub Street ID 70817.
  • Pym, John. Mr. Pym, his speech in Parliament, on Saturday the 19th of February concerning the passing of the bill in the Commons House, for the present pressing of 15000 men, to be immediately transported for Ireland. Which bill was that evening sent up to the Lords for their assent, and was by them also consented unto, and passed accordingly. London: printed for R.C., 1641. ESTC No. R9949. Grub Street ID 129983.
  • Pym, John. The speech or declaration of John Pym, Esquire: after the recapitulation or summing up of the charge of high-treason, against Thomas, Earle of Strafford, 12. April, 1641. Published by order of the Commons House. London: printed for John Bartlet, 1641. ESTC No. R16945. Grub Street ID 64750.
  • Pym, John. Mr. Pymmes speech in answer to Thomas Lord Straffords defence at the barre, the 13. of Aprill, 1641. [London]: Printed for John Aston, 1641. ESTC No. R24495. Grub Street ID 108278.
  • Pym, John. A message of thankes delivered to the Lords, Commissioners for Scotland, by Mr. Pym, from the House of Commons, on Saturday the 22. of January, anno Domini, 1641. London: printed by R. Oulton & G. Dexter, for William Larnar, 1642. ESTC No. R3365. Grub Street ID 116235.
  • Pym, John. A speech delivered at a conference with the Lords. January, XXV. MDCXLI. By occasion of the petitions from the citie of London, and the counties of Middlesex, Essex, and Hertford. By Iohn Pym, esquire. Published by order of the House of Commons. Whereto are annexed two orders of the said House. The one containing the thankes of the house, given to those of Hertfordshire. The other for punishing of those who printed a false copie of that petition, and other libellous pamphlets. London: printed for F.C. and T. Bankes, [1641/2]. ESTC No. R223790. Grub Street ID 97558.
  • Pym, John. A worthy speech made by Master Pym, to the Lords on Fryday the thirty one of December concerning an information against the Lord Digby. VVherein is discovered the dangerous effects of the said information, if not suddenly prevented, against the royall power and prerogative of the King, and priviledges of Parliament. In the free votes and proceedings thereof. With His Majesties speech in the House of Commons 4. Ianuary 1641. London: printed for Thomas Banckes. and F. Coles, 1641. [i.e. 1642]. ESTC No. R229055. Grub Street ID 101657.
  • Pym, John. A speech delivered in Parliament, by a worthy Member thereof, and a most faithfull vvell-wisher to the Church and common-weale; concerning the grievances of the kingdome. By I.P. Esquire. London: printed for R. Lownes, at his shop without Ludgate, 1642. ESTC No. R6400. Grub Street ID 126747.
  • Pym, John. A speech delivered at a conference with the Lords January, XXV. MDCXLI. By occasion of the petitions from the Citie of London, and the counties of Middlesex, Essex, and Hertford. By Iohn Pym, Esquire. Published by order of the House of Commons. Whereto are annexed two orders of the said House. The one, containing the thankes of the House, given to those of Hertfordshire. The other, for punishing of those who printed a false copie of that petition, and other libellous pamphlets. London: printed for Charles Greene, 1641. [i.e.1642]. ESTC No. R6401. Grub Street ID 126748.
  • Pym, John. A speech delivered by Mr. Pym, at a conference of both Houses; ocasioned from divers instructions, resolved upon by the House of Commons, and presented to the Lords, and read by Sir Henry Vayne. Discovering the dangers and miseries the three kingdomes are liable unto, by reason of his Majesties evill counsellors as the effects doth declare. As also, the justice, reasonablenesse, and necessitie of changing them. London: printed for John Bull, June 15. 1642. ESTC No. R14471. Grub Street ID 62493.
  • Pym, John. A worthy speech made by Master Pym, to the Lords on Fryday the thirty one of December concerning an information against the Lord Digby. VVherein is discovered the dangerous effects of the said information, if not suddenly prevented, against the royall power and prerogative of the King, and priviledges of Parliament. In the free votes and proceedings thereof. London: printed for Thomas Banckes. and F. Coles, 1641. [i.e. 1642]. ESTC No. R211112. Grub Street ID 87079.
  • Pym, John. A worthy speech made by Master Pym, to the Lords on Fryday the thirty one of December concerning an information against the Lord Digby. VVherein is discovered the dangerous effects of the said information, if not suddenly prevented, against the royall power prerogative o the King, and priviledges of Parliament. In the free votes and proceedings thereof. London: printed for Thomas Banckes, 1641. [i.e. 1642]. ESTC No. R234764. Grub Street ID 106034.
  • Pym, John. A vvorthy speech spoken in Parliament, by Mr. Pym, concerning evill counsellors about his Maiestie. Also manifesting the particular advantages that would redound to this kingdome, if the said evill councellors were removed from about his Majesty. London: printed by T[homas]. F[awcet]. for I[ohn]. H[ammond]., Novemb. 17. 1642. ESTC No. R4810. Grub Street ID 125273.
  • Pym, John. A most learned and religious speech spoken by Mr. Pym, at a conference of both Houses of Parliament the 23. of this instant moneth of Septemb. Declaring unto them the necessity and benefit of the union of his Majesties three kingdomes, England, Scotland, and Ireland in matters of religion and church-government. Also certaine passages at a comm[i]ttee in the Exchequor Chamber concerning coyning of farthings now in the hands of the Lord Mowbray, and Montravers: together with some remarkable passages from Chester, and words betwixt Prince Robert and his Excellence Robert Earle of Essex. Henry Elsing Cler. Parl. D. Com. London: printed for Iohn Otwell, 1642. ESTC No. R13154. Grub Street ID 61277.
  • Pym, John. The copie of a letter written unto Sir Edward Deering, lately put out of the House, and committed unto the Tower, February 2. 1641. His bookes censured to be burnt by the common executioner, for his strange unadvised, and sudden differing from himselfe, and opposing the whole House. VVhich letter was sent as is supposed, by a worthy Member of the House of Commons, Feb. 4. 1641. London: printed for Iohn Thomas, 1641. [i.e. 1642]. ESTC No. R11460. Grub Street ID 59747.
  • Pym, John. Mr. Pymme his speech and protestation in Parliament. On Friday, the fourteenth of Ianuary. Concerning his innocency, touching the articles of high treason exhibited against himselfe, and the other gentlemen, accused upon the same, with his humble motion to the House to mov the Lords to ioyne with him in petitioning His Maiesty that he may know his accusers, against whom he may have liberty to vindicate his reputation. London: printed for I[ohn]. W[right]. and T.B., [1642]. ESTC No. R23294. Grub Street ID 104572.
  • Pym, John. March 17. Master Pyms speech in Parliament. Wherein is expressed his zeal and reall affection to the publike good. As also shewing what dangers are like to ensue by want of their enjoying the priviledges of Parliament. With the generall occasion of grief to the House, thorough His Majesties alienating himself from his Parliament in his opinions. Whereunto is added, some passages that hapned the ninth of March, between the Kings Majesty, and the committee of both Houses, when the declaration was delivered. What passed the next day, when His Majesty delivered his answer. London: printed for Andrew Coe and Marmaduke Boat, 1641. [i.e. 1642]. ESTC No. R13205. Grub Street ID 61326.
  • Pym, John. A worthy speech made by Master Pym, to the Lords on Fryday the thirty one of December concerning an information against the Lord Digby. VVherein is discovered the dangerous effects of the said information, if not suddenly prevented, against the royall power prerogative o the King, and priviledges of Parliament. In the free votes and proceedings thereof. London: printed for Thomas Banckes. and F. Coles, 1641. [i.e. 1642]. ESTC No. R212645. Grub Street ID 88208.
  • Pym, John. A speech delivered at a conference with the Lords, January XXV. MDCXLI. By occasion of the petitions from the Citty of London, and the counties of Middlesex, Essex, and Hertford. By Iohn Pym, Esquire. Published by order of the House of Commons and enlarged in the end since the last edition by the author. Whereto are annexed two orders of the said House. The one, containing the thankes of the house, given to those of Hertfordshire. The other, for punishing of those who printed a false copie of that petition, and other libellous pamphlets. London: printed by Edw. Griffin for Iohn Rothwell, and are to be sold at the signe of the Sun in Pauls Church-yard, 1641. [i.e. 1642]. ESTC No. R222735. Grub Street ID 96679.
  • Pym, John. A speech delivered at a conference with the Lords. January, XXV. MDCXLI. By occasion of the petitions from the Citie of London, and the counties of Middlesex, Essex, and Hertford. By Iohn Pym, Esquire. Published by order of the House of Commons. Whereto are annexed two orders of the said House. The one, containing the thankes of the House, given to those of Hertfordshire. The other, for punishing of those who printed a false copie of that petition, and other libellous pamphlets. Printed at London: by R. Oulton. and G. Dexter, for John Rothwell, and are to be sold at the signe of the Sun in Pauls Church-yard, 1641. [i.e. 1642]. ESTC No. R14086. Grub Street ID 62134.
  • Pym, John. The copie of a letter written unto Sir Edward Dering, lately put out of the house, and committed unto the Tower, Feb. 2. 1641. His books censured to be burnt by the common executioner, for his strange unadvised, and sudden differing from himself, and opposing the whole house. Which letter was sent, as is supposed, by a worthy member of the House of Commons, Feb. 4. 1641. London: printed for Iohn Tompson, 1641. [i.e. 1642]. ESTC No. R228674. Grub Street ID 101337.
  • Pym, John. Mr. Pym, his speech. On Tuesday the 8th of February, to the Lords, at a conferrence of both Houses, concerning the petition of the knights and gentry of the county of Kent. Delivered to the Lords, February the ninth, anno Domini, 1642. London: printed for Iohn Hammond, 1641. [i.e. 1642]. ESTC No. R11631. Grub Street ID 59896.
  • Pym, John. A remonstrance or declaration: presented, to the honourable House of Commons: concerning the grievances of the kingdome, delivered in Parliament by Iohn Pym Esquire. Published by a true copy, Aprill 6. 1643. London: Printed for Francis Williams, 1643. ESTC No. R38211. Grub Street ID 120340.
  • Pym, John. Master Pyms letter to Sir John Hotham. To my honourable friend Sir John Hotham knight, governour of Hull, these in Yorkshire. Printed at York: by Stephen Bulkley, 1643. ESTC No. R182280. Grub Street ID 72511.
  • Pym, John. A declaration and vindication of Iohn Pym Esquire: concerning the divers aspersions which have been cast upon him by sundry base and scandalous pamphlets, and by divers malignants, and people ill-affected to the good of the Common-wealth. Shewing his continuall fidelitie and integritie towards His Majestie, and the High Court of Parliament, for the good of this Kingdome, and other His Majesties dominions. London: printed for John Atkinson, March 4. Anno Dom. 1643. ESTC No. R12877. Grub Street ID 61024.
  • Pym, John. A discovery of the great plot for the utter ruine of the city of London, and the Parliament. As it was at large made known by John Pym, Esq; on Thursday being the eighth of June, 1643. at a Common-hall: and afterwards corrected by his own hand for the presse. London: printed for Peter Cole, at the Glove in Cornhill, neer the Royall Exchange, 1643. ESTC No. R22271. Grub Street ID 96659.
  • Pym, John. A discoverie of the great plot for the utter ruine of the city of London, and the Parliament. As it was at large made knovvn by John Pym, Esq; on Thursday being the eighth of June, 1643. at a Common-hall: and afterwards corrected by his owne hand for the presse. London: printed for Peter Cole, at the Glove in Cornehill, neer the Royall Exchange, 1643. ESTC No. R235655. Grub Street ID 106698.
  • Pym, John. The kingdomes manifestation: wherein a course may be taken for us and our posterity, to enjoy peace and truth together, with the propagation of the Gospell; with certaine considerations condusing thereunto. Delivered in a speech by Iohn Pym, Esquire: once a worthy member of the House of Commons, now deceased the eighth of December, 1643. London: printed by B.H. and are to be sold by J. West, neere the New-Exchange., 1643. ESTC No. R940. Grub Street ID 129485.
  • Pym, John. A discovery of the great plot for the utter ruine of the city of London and the Parliament. As it was at large made known by John Pym Esquire, on Thursday being the eighth of June, 1643. at a Common-hall. And afterwards corrected by his owne hand for the presse. London: printed for Peter Cole, at the Glove and Lyon in Cornhill, neer the Royall Exchange, 1643. ESTC No. R230621. Grub Street ID 102895.
  • Pym, John. Master Pyms speech jn [sic] the Guild-Hall, in answer of his Majesties message, sent by Captaine Hearn. [sic] on Friday Ianuary 13. Also the oath taken by the Parliament of England, concerning the maintenance of the Protestant religion, and the advancement of his Majesties honour, and regall prerogative. [London]: Jan. 14. Printed for I.H. and W. White, 1643. [i.e. 1644]. ESTC No. R235431. Grub Street ID 106539.
  • Pym, John. Master Pyms speech jn [sic] the Guild-Hall, in answer of his Majesties message, sent by Captaine Hearn. on Friday Ianuary 13. Also the oath taken by the Parliament of England, concerning the maintenance of the Protestant religion, and the advancement of his Majesties honour, and regall prerogative. [London]: Jan. 13. Printed for I.H. and W. White, 1643. [1644]. ESTC No. R202923. Grub Street ID 80099.
  • Pym, John. The remarkable speech of John Pym, Esq; in the House of Lords, upon the impeachment of Thomas Earl of Strafford for high treason. London : printed for A. Dodd, 1742. ESTC No. T102049. Grub Street ID 155896.