Publications of John Gadbury


  • Gadbury, John. Animal cornutum, or The horn'd beast: wherein is contained, 1 a brief method of the grounds of astrology, 2 a description of each planet and sign, 3 the way to erect a figure of heaven, 4 a narrative of what visible eclipses (both of sun and moon) will appear in our horizon, for these 15 years yet to come, with the month, day, and hour when they happen. Whereunto is annexed, an examination of a spurious pamphlet (intituled, Astrology proved to be the doctrine of dæmons) laying open the antagonist's malice, and folly; with a refutation of his errors, by an astrological example, in figure, and judgement. Composed for the benefit of all those that are desirous to exercise themselves herein, by J. Gadbury, a lover of the celestial sciences. London: printed for William Larnar, and are to be sold at the Blackmores head neer Fleet-bridge, 1654. ESTC No. R208533. Grub Street ID 84777.
  • Gadbury, John. Speculum astrologicum, or, An astrological glasse representing the state of the yeare of humane redemption, 1656 ... chiefly referred to the zenith of the ... university and city of Oxford ..., / by John Gadbury. London: Printed by E. Brudenell, for the Company of Stationers, 1656. ESTC No. R30675. Grub Street ID 113515.
  • Gadbury, John. Coelestis legatus: or, The coelestial ambassadour astrologically predicting the grand catastrophe that is probable to befall most of the kingdomes and countries of Europe. From the influences of those many planetary conjunctions celebrated in the month of September, 1656; but more especially from that eminent conjunction of Saturn and Mars in Virgo in the same month. Unto which is added a catalogue of all the conjunctions of those two planets since the year 1552 reaching to the year 1700. with chronologicall observations, of what hath succeeded those past, and a probable conjecture of what may succeed those yet to come. Together with some peeces of Haly in the English tongue. By John Gadbury, Philomath. London: printed by E. B[rudenell?] and are to be sold by John Allen, at the Rising-Sun in Pauls Church-yard, 1656. ESTC No. R202262. Grub Street ID 79507.
  • Gadbury, John. Speculum astrologicum: or An astrological glasse, representing the state of the year, 1657. With astrological judgments thereon, and tables astronomical, observations chronological, very usefull. As also the rising and setting of the moon, aspects of the planets, and time of high-water at London-bridge, every day in the year. Referred chiefly to the meridian of the famous and flourishing university and city of Oxford, whose latitude is 51d. 42m. By John Gadbury philomath?matikon. London: printed by E. Brudenell, for the Company of Stationers, 1657. ESTC No. R28234. Grub Street ID 111321.
  • Gadbury, John. Merlinus Gallicus: Or, A prediction for the year of grace, 1660. Representing the state and condition of all sorts of persons in Europe, from the crown to the clown. Deduced from the configurations of the luminaries, conjunctions and aspects of the planets, after a more certain manner then practised by English artists. Together with the nativity of the illustrious King of Denmark: proving it impossible (by the canons of astrology) for him to lose his kingdom, or for the Swede to become lord thereof, wherein Merlinus Anglicus may see his error. Also a question and answer in astrology, whether Copenhagen shall be taken or no: with many other things of profitable consequence. By Monsieur Fr. Missonne Philastrogus. To which is added, an everlasting almanack; with an easie way to erect a figure, and give judgement of the weather, and tables of houses fitted for several latitudes. London: printed by T.J. for Fr. Cossinet, and sold at his shop at the Anchor and Mariner in Tower-street, with other books of art; as, arithmetick, geometry, trigonometry, navigation, astronomy, and astrology, 1660 [i.e. 1659]. ESTC No. R209790. Grub Street ID 86016.
  • Gadbury, John. The nativity of the late King Charls astrologically and faithfully performed; with reasons in art, of the various success, and mis-fortune of his whole life. Being occasionally a brief history of our late unhappy wars. Unto which is added (by way of appendix) the genitures of the late Queen, Prince, &c. And their sympathy, or antipathy with this illustrious nativity compared. By John Gadbury, philomath?matikos. London: printed by James Cottrel, 1659. ESTC No. R202161. Grub Street ID 79412.
  • Gadbury, John. Eph?meris, or, A diary of the cælestial motions for the year 1659 the state of the year : with diverse astrological and chronological observations : also a table of houses with the ready use thereof enabling an ordinary capacity to the erecting a figure of heaven for an time whatsoever / by John Gadbury. London: Printed by J. C. for the Company of Stationers, [1659]. ESTC No. R28214. Grub Street ID 111300.
  • Gadbury, John. Natura prodigiorum: or, A discourse touching the nature of prodigies. Together with the kinds, causes and effects, of comets, eclipses, and earthquakes. With an appendix touching the imposturism of the commonly-received doctrine of prophecies, spirits, images, sigils, lamens, the christal, &c. and the propugners of such opinions. By John Gadbury philoma th=ematikos. London : printed by J.C. for Fr. Cossinet, at the Anchor and Mariner in Tower-street; and Tho. Basset in St. Dunstans-Church-yard in Fleetstreet, 1660. ESTC No. R202414. Grub Street ID 79655.
  • Gadbury, John. Neophuto-astrologos. = The novice-astrologer instructed: in a New-Years-gift to Mr. William Lilly; occasioned by the scurrility, scandal, ignorance, and flattery of his Merlin for the ensuing year. With two dedicatory epistles; the one to the learned divines, the other to the honest astrologers of this nation. By G.J. or J.G. which Lilly the parasite pleaseth. London : printed for E.C. and are to be sold at the Royal Exchange, Westminster-hall, and Paul's Church-yard, 1660. ESTC No. R212656. Grub Street ID 88219.
  • Gadbury, John. Nuncius astrologicus; or, The astrological legate: demonstrating to the world the success that may probably (by the influences of the stars) be expected from the present unhappy controversie, between the two northern kings: deduced from the nativity of His Royal Majesty of Denmark. By John Gadbury, philomath=etikos. London : printed by J. Cottrel, for F. Cossinet; and are to be sold at the Anchor and Mariner in Tower-Street, 1660. ESTC No. R212657. Grub Street ID 88220.
  • Gadbury, John. Eph=emeris, or, A diary for the year 1660 by John Gadbury. London : Printed by J.C. for the Company of Stationers, [1660]. ESTC No. R28216. Grub Street ID 111302.
  • Gadbury, John. Britains royal star: Or, An astrological demonstration of Englands future felicity; deduced from the position of the heavens as they beheld the earth in the meridian of London, at the first proclaiming of his Sacred Majesty King Charles the second, on May 8. 10h. 56m. A.M. 1660. And an enquiry made into the use and abuse of astrologie, resolving whether it be convenient to be continued or contemned. Also, an admirable observation of a conjunction of Jupiter and Mars made in the year 1170. by a learned monck of Canterbury, communicated to the learned in astronomy. Together with an exaination and refutation of that nest of sedition, published by Mr. H. Jessey, concerning frogs, dogs, &c. in his pamplet falsly intituled, The Lods Loud call to England, &c. By John Gadbury, philomathematicus. London : printed for Sam. Speed, at the signe of the Printing-Press in St. Paul's Church-yard, 1661. [i.e. 1660]. ESTC No. R208138. Grub Street ID 84429.
  • Gadbury, John. Ephemeris: or, A diary astronomical and astrological for the year of grace 1661. Attended on with a micro-chron of the most remarkable accidents that have happened in England, since the year 1640. And an astrological judgement upon the great eclipse of the sun, March 20. and the sun's ingresses, &c. Discovering what the stars portend to the inhabitants of this northern clime, the ensuing year. With several other things of useful conswquence. By John Gadbury, philomathematich'os. London : printed by James Cottrel, for the Company of Stationers, 1661. ESTC No. R13674. Grub Street ID 61754.
  • Gadbury, John. Genethlialogia. Or, The doctrine of nativities, containing the whole art of directions and annual revolutions: whereby, any man (even of an ordinary capacity) may be enabled to discover the most remarkable and occult accidents of his life, as they shall occur unto him in the whole coure thereof, either for good or evil. Also, tables for calculating the planets places for any time, either past, present, or to come. Together with the doctrine of horarie questions; which (in the absence of a nativity) is sufficient to inform any one of all manner of contingencies necessary to be known· By John Gadbury, philomath=ematickos. London : printed for William Miller at the Gilded Acorn, near the little north-door in St Pauls Church-yard, M.DC.LXI. [1661]. ESTC No. R40260. Grub Street ID 122082.
  • Gadbury, John. Eph=emeris, or, A diary astronomical and astrological for the year of grace 1662 containing 1. The motions and aspects of the planets, and eclipses of the luminaries, full sea, &c., 2. An astrological account of what the stars portend to these islands the ensuing years, 3. A probable demonstration of the ascendent of England, & London in particular / by John Gadbury. London : Printed Jo. Cottrel, for the Company of Stationers, 1662. ESTC No. R33072. Grub Street ID 115717.
  • Gadbury, John. Collectio geniturarum: or, A collection of nativities, in CL genitures; viz. princely, prelatical, causidical, physical, mercatorial, mathematical, of short life, of twins, &c. With many useful observations on them, both historical and astrological· Being of practical concernment unto philosophers, physitians, astronomers, astrologers, and others that are friends unto Urania· By John Gadbury, philomath=ematiko's. Maii 29. Imprimatur. G. Wharton. London : printed by James Cottrel, MDCLXII. [1662]. ESTC No. R12546. Grub Street ID 60713.
  • Gadbury, John. Ephemeris, or, A diary astronomical and astrological for the year of grace 1663 ... by John Gadbury. London : printed by James Cottrel for the Company of Stationers, [1663]. ESTC No. R28972. Grub Street ID 111994.
  • Gadbury, John. Dies novissimus: or, Dooms-day not so near as dreaded. Together with something touching the present invasion of the Turk into the German Empire; and the probable success thereof. By John Gadbury, philomathematikos. London : printed by James Cottrel, 1664. ESTC No. R11481. Grub Street ID 59762.
  • Gadbury, John. Eph=emeris: or, A diary astronomical and astrological for the year of grace 1664. It being bissextile or leap-year. Containing I. The motions and aspects of the planets, eclipses of the luminaries, full sea, terms, and their returns, monethly observations, &c. II. A general judgement on the year, from the suns ingress into Aries, and that great eclipse of the moon in July. III. Two remarkable nativities; the one of a maiden-gentlewoman said to be bewitched; the other of a student in physick. By John Gadbury, philomath=ematikos. London : printed by James Cottrel, for the Company of Stationers, [1664]. ESTC No. R28974. Grub Street ID 111995.
  • Gadbury, John. Natura prodigiorum: or, A discourse touching the nature of prodigies. Together with the kindes, causes, and effects, of comets, (or blazing-stars) eclipses and earthquakes; remarkable since the birth of Christ to this present year 1665 . With an appendix touching the imposturism of the commonly-received doctrine of prophecies, spirits, images, sigils, lamens, the christal, &c. and the propugners of such opinions. The second edition. By John Gadbury philomathematikos. London, : printed for Fr. Cossinet, at the Anchor and Mariner in Tower-street, 1665. ESTC No. R36529. Grub Street ID 118797.
  • Gadbury, John. Eph=emeris: or, A diary astronomical and astrological for the year of grace 1665. It being the first after the bissextile, or leap-year. Containing 1. The motions and aspects of the planets, eclipses of the luminaries, full sea, terms and their returns, monthly observations, weather, &c. 2. A general judgement on the year from suns ingress into the vernal equinox. 3. A short discourse of the holy feast of Easter: with other things of necessary use and consequence. By John Gadbury. London : printed by Ja. Cotterel, for the Company of Stationers, [1665]. ESTC No. R2238. Grub Street ID 97567.
  • Gadbury, John. London's deliverance predicted: in a short discourse shewing the cause of plagues in general; and the probable time (God not contradicting the course of second causes) when the present pest may abate, &c. By John Gadbury, philomathematikos. London : printed by J. C[ottrell]. for E. Calvert, at the Black Spread-Eagle, at the west-end of St. Pauls, 1665. ESTC No. R24344. Grub Street ID 108142.
  • Gadbury, John. De cometis: or, a discourse of the natures and effects of comets, as they are philosophically historically & astrologically considered. With a brief (yet full) account of the III late comets, or blazing stars, visible to all Europe. And what (in a natural way of judicature they portend. Together with some obsevations on the nativity of the Grand Seignior. By John Gadbury, philomathematichoz. London : printed for L. Chapman in Exchange-alley, 1665. ESTC No. R27377. Grub Street ID 110545.
  • Gadbury, John. London's deliverance predicted: in a short discourse shewing the causes of plagues in general and the probable time (God not contradicting the course of second causes) when this present pest may abate, etc. By John Gadbury, . London : printed by J[ames]. C[ottrell]. for E[lizabeth]. Calvert, at the Black Spread-Eagle, at the west-end of St. Pauls, 1666. ESTC No. R177461. Grub Street ID 69560.
  • Gadbury, John. Eph=emeris: or, A diary astronomical and astrological for the year of grace 1666. It being the second after the bissextile, or leap-year. Containing 1. The motions and aspects of the planets, eclipses of the luminaries, full sea, terms and their returns, monthly observations, weather, &c. 2. A general judgment upon this (supposed wonderful) year; from eclipses, and the Suns ingress into the vernal equinox: with many other matters pertinent to such a work. By John Gadbury. London : printed by Ja. Cotterel, for the Company of Stationers, [1666]. ESTC No. R2176. Grub Street ID 92369.
  • Gadbury, John. Vox solis: or, an astrological discourse of the great eclipse of the sun, which happened on June 22. 1666. in 10 deg. of the watry signe Cancer. Shewing what effects may most probably attend it, and unto what persons, kingdoms and countries, they are chiefly directed. By John Gadbury, Philomath=emapkoz. With allowance. Intended to have been publisht in his Ephemeris for this present year 1667. but prevented by reason of the late terrible conflagration of London. London : printed by James Cotterel, for Eliz. Calvert, at the signe of the Black Spread-Eagle in Duck-lane, MDCLXVII. [1667]. ESTC No. R223618. Grub Street ID 97410.
  • Gadbury, John. Ephemeris: or, A diary astronomical and astrological for the year of grace 1667. Being the third year after the bissextile, or leap-year. Containing I. The motions and aspects of the planets; eclipses of the luminaries, full sea, termes and their returns, high-water, weather, &c. 2. A general judgement on the year, from the suns ingress into Aries; and the several eclipses that happen therein, with other observations proper for a work of this nature. By John Gadbury, Philomathematikos. London : printed by T. Milbourn for the Company of Stationers, [1667]. ESTC No. R20783. Grub Street ID 84153.
  • Gadbury, John. Eph]-emeris· Or, A diary astronomical and astrological, for the year of grace 1668. It being the bissextile, or leap-year. Containing 1. The motions and aspects of the planets, ... 2. An astrological judgement touching the state of the year, ... 3. The first fifty aphorisms of Hermes, in English and Latine, ... By John Gadbury, philomath=ematikos. London] : Printed by Ja. Cotterel, for the Company of Stationers, [1668. ESTC No. R30674. Grub Street ID 113514.
  • Gadbury, John. A brief relation of the life and death of the late famous astrologer, Mr. Vincent Wing. Together with his nativity, as it was done, many years before his death, by his own hand; and now, for general satisfaction, made publick. By J.G. philomath=etikos. London : printed by T. Milbourn, 1669. ESTC No. R215141. Grub Street ID 90237.
  • Gadbury, John. Eph=emeris, or, A diary astronomical and astrological for the year of humane redemption by Jesus Christ 1669 being the first after the leap-year ... / by John Gadbury. London : Printed for the Company of Stationers, [1669]. ESTC No. R26509. Grub Street ID 109815.
  • Gadbury, John. A brief relation of the life and death of the late famous mathematician and astrologer, Mr. Vincent Wing. Together with his nativity, as it was done, many years before his death, by his own hand; and now for general satisfaction, made publick. By J. G. philomath=ematikos. London : printed by T. Milbourn for John Stephens in Westminster-Hall, 1670. ESTC No. R216246. Grub Street ID 91172.
  • Gadbury, John. A brief relation of the life and death of the late famous mathematician and astrologer, Mr. Vincent Wing. Together with his nativity, as it was done, many years before his death, by his own hand; and now for general satisfaction, made publick. By J. G. philomath=ematikos. London : printed by T.M., 1670. ESTC No. R216424. Grub Street ID 91323.
  • Gadbury, John. Eph=emeris. Or, A diary astronomical, astrological, meteorological, for the year of our Lord 1670. In two parts. Exhibiting I. The planetary motions and configurations, eclipses &c. together with the common furniture of other almanacks, as termes, tides &c. II. The figur of the world, and judgments thereon, touching the state of the whole year. Also some never-failing astrological experiments, demonstrating the certainty of starry influences upon things sublunary. Inviting the lovers of truth to a better acquaintance with opinion of astrology. By John Gadburye,. London : printed for the Company of Stationers, 1670. ESTC No. R28217. Grub Street ID 111303.
  • Gadbury, John. Eph=emeris: or, A diary astronomical, astrological, meteorological, for the year of grace 1671. Being the third after the leap-year. Presenting I. The planetary motions and configurations, eclipses, &c. Together with the usual furniture of other almanacks, as terms, tides, sun-rising, &c. II. The revolution of the world, and judgements thereon, touching the state of the year in general. III. A choice experiment, evincing the verity of celestial influences. And a preface (as the author hopes) of no common utility to the sons of art and learning. IV. The radix of the noble island of Jamaica. By John Gadbury, philomath=ematikos. London : printed [by J.C.] for the Company of Stationers, [1671]. ESTC No. R28224. Grub Street ID 111310.
  • Gadbury, John. The Jamaica almanack, or, An astrological diary for the year of our Lord God, 1673 calculated particularly for the noble island of Jamaica ... with an astrological discourse touching the growing greatness of that excellent, temperate and fruitful island ... / by John Gadbury. London : Printed by John Darby for the Company of Stationers, 1672. ESTC No. R30570. Grub Street ID 113409.
  • Gadbury, John. Prognostikon, or, An astrological prediction of the various changes likely to occur in most parts of Europe this present year 1658 from the manifold passions and positions of the cælestial movers, viz. the sun, moon and planets ... respecting the meridian of ... Oxford ... / by John Gadbury. London: Printed by W. Godbid for the Company of Stationers, 1672. ESTC No. R30571. Grub Street ID 113410.
  • Gadbury, John. Eph=emeris: or, A diary astronomical, astrological, meteorological, for the year of grace 1672. It being the bissextile, or leap-year. Wherein you may observe. I. The motions and configurations of the sun, moon and stars, eclipses, terms, tides, sunrising, length of the day, and twilight, &c. II. The scheam of the worlds revolution, and a brief judgment on the probable state of the year. With the revolution of the noble island of Jamaica. III. An hundred aphorisms relating to nativities, transferred from my Collectio geniturarum, hither, for the advantage of such as cannot go to the price of that book. IV. The truth of astrology evinced by a famous example, taken out of the great Duke of Guise's memoires. By John Gadbury, philomath=ematikos. London?] : Printed for the Company of Stationers, [1672?. ESTC No. R35700. Grub Street ID 118066.
  • Gadbury, John. Ephemerides of the celestial motions for X. years: beginning anno 1672. (where the industrious Mr Wings expired) and ending an. 1681. Calculated according to art from new tables, and compared with the most correct observations of the noble Tycho, Kepler, Mr. Wright, and other approved astronomers. Accommodated to the meridian of the honourable city of London. With an introduction to the use thereof. By John Gadbury, philomath=emat. and physician to the Queens most excellent Majesty. London : printed by John Macock for the Company of Stationers, 1672. ESTC No. R25855. Grub Street ID 109238.
  • Gadbury, John. The VVest India, or Jamaica almanack 1674 ... by John Gadbury. London : Printed for the Company of Stationers, [1673]. ESTC No. R28975. Grub Street ID 111996.
  • Gadbury, John. Eph=emeris: or, A diary astronomical, astrological, meteorological. For the year of our Lord, 1673. Presenting, I. The planetary motions, aspects and ecclipses [sic]: together with the usual furniture of other almanacks, as terms, tides, &c. II. The figure of the world, and judgment thereon; touching sickness and sanity, plenty and penury, &c. III. The genitures of those three great ornaments of learning, and honor of our English nation, viz. Mr. John Selden, the Lord F. Bacon, Sir Kenelm Digby Kt. Made publick for the advantage of artists, and illustration of astrology. With a catalogue of all the monarchs which have reigned over Great Brittain, since the time of K. Edgar. By John Gadbury philomath=ematikos, student in physick and astroloigie. London : printed [by J.C.] for the Company of Stationers, [1673]. ESTC No. R28225. Grub Street ID 111311.
  • Gadbury, John. Thesaurus astrologiæ: or, An astrological treasury. Containing the choicest mysteries of that curious, but abstruse learning, relating to physick. Being the collections and experiments of a learned physitian and astrologer deceased, whose name is not known. But for its singular benefit to all the sons of physick and astrology is commended to the world. By John Gadbury, student in astrology and physick. London : printed for Thomas Passenger, at the three Bibles upon London-Bridge, MDCLXXIV. [1674]. ESTC No. R11537. Grub Street ID 59813.
  • Gadbury, John. Eph=emeris: or, A diary astronomical, astrological, meteorological, for the year of our Lord, 1674. Exhibiting, I. The motions, and aspects of the planets, eclipses of the sun and moon, terms, tides, planetary hour, &c. together with some of the grand ague-fits that are likely to happen in the world this year; noted in the very months they will fall in II. Some general judgments grounded on the figure of the world, eclipses, &c. and of Saturns return to Aries. III. Divers astrological experiments in the nativities--- of persons dying in child-bed----- and living with stinking breaths With an enquiry into the reasons of such astonishing and loathsome accidents, unto which humane kind is subject. Together, with a defence of Scorpio in hexameter verse over the several months of the year. By John Gadbury phlomath=ema[t]iko, student in physick and astrologie. London : printed for the Company of Stationers, [1674]. ESTC No. R26510. Grub Street ID 109817.
  • Gadbury, John. Eph=emeris: or, A diary astronomical, and meteorological, for the year of our Lord 1675· With predictions, and experiments, astrological. Written and made by John Gadbury, student in physick and astrology. London : printed by J. Cotterel, for the Company of Stationers, 1675. ESTC No. R1734. Grub Street ID 66972.
  • Gadbury, John. Diarum astronomicum, or, A West-India almanack for the year of our Lord 1675 principally designed for the service of those noble islands Jamaica and Barbado's ... by John Gadbury. London : Printed by Ja. Cottrell for the Company of Stationers, 1675. ESTC No. R28212. Grub Street ID 111298.
  • Gadbury, John. Obsequium rationabile, or, A reasonable service performed for the celestial sign scorpio in xx remarkable genitures of that glorious but stigmatized horoscope : against the malitious and false attempts of that grand (but fortunate) imposter, Mr. William Lilly / by John Gadbury . London : Printed for William Berry .., 1675. ESTC No. R33312. Grub Street ID 115951.
  • Gadbury, John. Eph=emeris, or, A diary astronomical and meteorological for the year of grace 1676 by John Gadbury. London : Printed for the Company of Stationers, [1676]. ESTC No. R28226. Grub Street ID 111312.
  • Gadbury, John. Eph=emeris: or, A diary, astronomical & astrological for the year of our Lord, 1677. Being the first after leap-year. With experiments & observations astrological· Also something touching the noble country of Jamaica, and how to make this ephemeris serviceable to the West-Indies. By John Gadbury, student in physick and astrology. London : printed by J[ohn]. D[arby]. for the Company of Stationers, 1677. ESTC No. R20276. Grub Street ID 79966.
  • Gadbury, John. The just and pious scorpionist: or The nativity of that thrice excellent man Sir Matthew Hales, late Lord Chief Justice of England. Who was born in the year of our Lord 1609. on Wednesday, Novemb. the first, 7h 8' manè, under the c.lestial scorpion: astrologically consider'd, by John Gadbury, student in physick and astrology. Licensed Feb. 21. 1676/7. Ro. L' Estrange. London : printed by J. D[arby]. for Robert Boulter, at the Turks-Head in Cornhil, over against the Royal-Exchange, 1677. ESTC No. R30397. Grub Street ID 113254.
  • Gadbury, John. Eph=emeris: or, A diary astronomical and meteorological for the year of our Lord, 1678. Being the second after leap-year. With predictions and experiments astrological. Also rules directing how this ephemeris may be reduced to the meridians of Jamaica, Barbado's, &c. By John Gadbury, student in physick and astrology. London : printed by J.D. for the Company of Stationers, 1678. ESTC No. R28227. Grub Street ID 111313.
  • Gadbury, John. Eph=emeris: or, A diary astronomical and meteorological for the year of our Lord, 1678. Being the second after leap-year. With predictions and experiments astrological. Also rules directing how this ephemeris may be reduced to the meridians of Jamaica, Barbado's, &c. By John Gadbury, student in physick and astrology. London : printed by J.D. for the Company of Stationers, 1678. ESTC No. R223453. Grub Street ID 97258.
  • Gadbury, John. Astrological predictions for the year, 1679 shewing, according to the most approv'd of rules of that sublime study, what revolutions, or accidents, are likely to happen in many parts of the world, especially in England, Scotland, and Ireland / by J.G. London : Printed for R.G., 1679. ESTC No. R40435. Grub Street ID 122223.
  • Gadbury, John. Eph=emeris: or, A diary astronomical, astrological, and meteorological, for the year of our Lord, 1679. Being the third after leap-year. With prædictions and experiments sydereal. By John Gadbury, student in physick and astrology. London : printed by J[ohn]. D[arby]. for the Company of Stationers, 1679. ESTC No. R25871. Grub Street ID 109254.
  • Gadbury, John. Eph=emeris: or, A diary, astronomical, and astrological, for the year of our Lord, 1680. It being bissextile, or leap-year. With prædictions and experiments sydereal. By John Gadbury, student in physick and astrology. London : printed by J[ohn]. D[arby]. for the Company of Stationers, 1680. ESTC No. R15637. Grub Street ID 63553.
  • Gadbury, John. Magna veritas: or, John Gadbury, (student in physick and astrology) not a papist, but a true Protestant of the Church of England. Published for the satisfaction of all such as know not the said John Gadbury, and yet give credit to all kinds of scandals and falshoods that pass upon his much injured reputation since his late unfortunate confinement. London : printed by A. M.[Maxwell]. and R. R.[Roberts]., 1680. ESTC No. R11482. Grub Street ID 59763.
  • Gadbury, John. Ephemerides of the celestial motions and aspects, eclipses of the luminaries, &c. for XX years. Beginning anno 1682. and ending an. 1701. Calculated according to art from new tables, agreeing to the most correct observations of the ablest astronomers in this mercurial age. Accommodated to the meridian of the honourable city of London; and for the service and benefit of all the sons of Urania, now made publick. By John Gadbury, student in physick and astrology. London : printed by J. Macock, for the Company of Stationers, MDCLXXX. [1680]. ESTC No. R25856. Grub Street ID 109239.
  • Gadbury, John. Eph=emeris: or, A diary, astronomical, astrological, meteorological, for the year of our Lord, 1681. It being the first after bissextile, or leap-year. With prædictions and experiments sydereal. By John Gadbury, student in physick and astrology. London : printed by J.D. for the Company of Stationers, 1681. ESTC No. R15728. Grub Street ID 63639.
  • Gadbury, John. Eph=emeris: or, A diary, astronomical, astrological, meteorological, for the year of our Lord, 1682. It being the second after bissextile. With prædictions and experiments sydereal. Also something of the late comet. By John Gadbury, student in physick and astrology. London : printed by J.D for the Company of Stationers, 1682. ESTC No. R20254. Grub Street ID 79772.
  • Gadbury, John. Eph]-emeris: or, A diary, astronomical, astrological, meteorological, for the year of our Lord, 1683. Being the third after bissextile, or leap-year: with a further account of the late terrible comet. By John Gadbury, student in physick and astrology. London : printed by J.D. for the Company of Stationers, 1683. ESTC No. R15727. Grub Street ID 63638.
  • Gadbury, John. John Gadbury (student in astrology) his past and present opinion of the Ottoman or Turkish power: together with what he hath wrote concerning the great and puissant French-king; a prince (if there be truth in the stars) not born to be miserable, (as some boldly write) but to be one of the greatest bulwarks of Christendom. London] : Printed by Nathaniel Thompson, at the entrance into the Old-Spring-Garden near Charing-Cross, 1683. ESTC No. R11535. Grub Street ID 59811.
  • Gadbury, John. Eph=emeris: or, A diary, astronomical, astrological, meteorological, for the year of our Lord, MDCLXXXIV. It being the bissextile, or leap-year. With an account of the great solar eclipse, and something touching the triple conjunction of Saturn and Jupiter. By John Gadbury, student in physick and astrology. London : printed by J[ohn]. D[arby]. for the Company of Stationers, 1684. ESTC No. R15726. Grub Street ID 63637.
  • Gadbury, John. Cardines coeli: or, An appeal to the learned and experienced observers of sublunars and their vicissitudes, whether the cardinal signs of heaven are most influential upon men and things: proved by X. remarkable genitures, &c. In a reply to the learned author of Cometomantia wherein the character of Gassendus is defended; and sundry other starry truths are justified. By John Gadbury, student in physick and astrology. London : printed for M.G. and sold by Daniel Brown, at the Black-Swan without Temple-Bar, Sam. Sprint, at the Bell in Little-Britain, John Guillim, within Bishops-Gate, booksellers, 1685. ESTC No. R215803. Grub Street ID 90770.
  • Gadbury, John. Eph]-emeris: or, A diary, astronomical, astrological, meteorolgical, for the year of our Lord, 1685. It being the first after bissextile, or leap-year. With some further remarques upon the late triple regal conjunction of Saturn and Jupiter, not the destroyer (as some have idly written) but great advancer of monarchy. Together with a brief account of the fiery planet Mars his tedious transit through the coelestial sagittary. By John Gadbury, student in physick and astrology. London : printed by J.D. for the Company of Stationers, 1685. ESTC No. R32771. Grub Street ID 115450.
  • Gadbury, John. Ephemeris: or, A diary, astronomical, and meteorological, for the year of our Lord, 1686. and second after leap-year. Wherein is briefly explained several feasts of our Christian Church: with sundry other things of note, as the planets motions, eclipses, &c. and instructions how to set a true figure of heaven at any time for ever. By John Gadbury, student in physick and astrology. London : printed by J[ohn]. D[arby]. for the Company of Stationers, 1686. ESTC No. R13619. Grub Street ID 61707.
  • Gadbury, John. Merlinus verax: or, An almanack for the year of our Lord, 1687. Containing a compleat relation of the most eminent matters which have happen'd in England since the commencement of T. Oates's damnable Popish Plot; to the happy discovery of the horrid Rye-House republican conspiracy, together with a compleat ephemeris of the planets motions and aspects, eclipses, saints days, terms and their returns, &c. By a lover of loyalty, and an abhorrer of all wicked plots and conspiracies, whether from Rome or Geneva. Cum privilegio [et] gratia Regiæ Majestatis. London : printed for the Company of Stationers, 1687. ESTC No. R23627. Grub Street ID 107094.
  • Gadbury, John. Festum festorum: or, a discourse touching the holy feast of Easter. Shewing how it may be established for ever. By John Gadbury, student in physick and astrology. Licensed, Decemb. 1st. 1686. London : printed by N. Thompson, for the Company of Stationers, MDCLXXXVII. [1687]. ESTC No. R5647. Grub Street ID 126074.
  • Gadbury, John. A reply to that treasonous and blasphemous almanack, for 1687. Printed in Holland, by (whom? but) Jo. Partridge an English renegado for treason. Manifesting his absurd errours in art; and declaring the genuine significations of the stars towards Great Britain, Rome, &c. Together with the nativities of both places, shewing their excellent correspondence with the late great conjunction of Saturn and Jupiter, the ruling configuration of this age. Cum privilegio & gratia regiæ majestatis. London : printed for Nath. Thompson at the entrance to the Old Spring-Garden, MDCLXXXVII [1687]. ESTC No. R182660. Grub Street ID 72674.
  • Gadbury, John. Eph=emeris: or, A diary, astronomical, astrological, meteorological, for the year of our Lord God, 1687. The third after leap-year. Containing a discourse touching the holy feast of Easter; the birth-days of diverse illustrious persons, who are now regnant & vivant in Europe. Together with the planets motions, and aspects, eclipses, sun-rise, &c. By John Gadbury, student in physick and astrology. London : printed by J[ohn]. D[arby]. for the Company of Stationers, 1687. ESTC No. R27119. Grub Street ID 110322.
  • Gadbury, John. Ephemeris: or, A diary astronomical, astrological, meteorological, for the year of our Lord, 1688. It being the bissextile, or leap-year. Containing I. A compleat ephemeris in both accounts. II. The several luminarian eclipses. III. The solar quarterly ingresses. IV. Some modest astrological praedictions. Cum multis aliis, &c. By Jonh [sic] Gadbury, student in physick and astrology. Cum privilegio & gratiae Regiae Majestatis. London : printed by J[ohn]. D[arby]. for the Company of Stationers, 1688. ESTC No. R15691. Grub Street ID 63606.
  • Gadbury, John. Eph=emeris: or, A diary astrological, astronomical, meteorological, for the year of our Lord, 1689. It being the first after bissextile, or leap-year. Wherein is contained I. A compleat ephemeris of the planets motions and aspects, eclipses; and other necessary matters. II. Some humble and yet loyal glances upon the long expected, and thrice welcome birth of the Prince of Wales. III. A brief discourse of the original and antiquity of Westminster. With a chronology of some remarkable matters pertaining thereto from the time of its being the temple of Apollo, to this present age. By John Gadbury, student in physick and astrology. Cum privilegio & gratia Regiæ Majestatis. London : printed by J.D. for the Company of Stationers, 1689. ESTC No. R20179. Grub Street ID 79113.
  • Gadbury, John. Eph=emeris. Or, A diary astronomical, astrological, meteorological, for the year of our Lord, 1690. being the second after bissextile, or leap-year. Containing I. A complete ephemeris of the planets motions and aspects, eclipses of the luminaries, high water, the moons age terms, and their returns; with a domifying table, and a table of the planets essential dignities, &c. according to Ptolemy. II. An exact translation of the Jatromathematica of the excellent Hermes Trismegistus, which himself dedicated to the patronage of the great Egyptian king Ammon; of most admirable use in physick. By John Gadbury, student in physick and astrologie. Licensed, September 16th, 1689. Rob. Midgley. London : printed by J.R. for the Company of Stationers, 1690. ESTC No. R28229. Grub Street ID 111315.
  • Gadbury, John. Ephemeris. Or, A diary astronomical, astrological, meteorological, for the year of our Lord, 1691. Being the third after bissextile, or, leap-year. Comprehendiug [sic] I. An ephemeris of the planets motions, eclipses of the luminaries, terms, and their returns; with a domifying table, and a table of the planets essential dignities, after Ptolemy. II. An enquiry astrological, whether the planets [Venus] and [Mercury] do not stimulate turbulent humid air, upon changing their sign. Together with a demonstration of the nature and influence of the Pleiades, &c. By John Gadbury, student in physick and astrologie. ... "Licensed September 27th, 1690. Rob. Midgley. London : printed by J.R. for the Company of Stationers, 1690. ESTC No. R28231. Grub Street ID 111318.
  • Gadbury, John. Nauticum astrologicum: or, the astrological seaman; directing merchants, marriners, captains of ships, ensurers, &c. how (by Gods blessing) they may escape divers dangers which commonly happen in the ocean· Unto which is added a diary of the weather for XXI. years together, exactly observed in London, with sundry observations thereon. By John Gadbury, student in physick and astrology. London : printed for Matthew Street, MDCXCI. [1691]. ESTC No. R223617. Grub Street ID 97409.
  • Gadbury, John. Eph=emeris. Or, A diary astronomical, astrological, meteorological, for the year of our Lord, 1692. It being bissextile, or leap-year: attended on, by I. An ephemeris of the planetary motions, aspects, eclipses, terms, sun and moons rising, and setting, planetary-hour, break of day and twilight, &c. II. A demonstration of the lunar influence in more than 500 observations of its raining within the compass of triduum, every new and full moon. III. An account of some of the feasts of the Church, not vulgarly known, together with solar ingresses, &c, by John Gadbury student in physick and astrologie. Licensed, September 14th, 1691. Rob. Midgley. London : printed by J.R. for the Company of Stationers, 1692. ESTC No. R28233. Grub Street ID 111320.
  • Gadbury, John. Eph=emeris. Or, A diary astronomical, astrological, meteorological, for the year of our Lord, 1693. Being the first after bissextile, or leap-year. Accompany'd with I. The planets motions and aspects, eclipses, rising and setting of the sun and moon: the terms, and their returns; the planetary-hour, &c. II. The suns entring the four cardinal points, and some observations thereon. III. Something touching the excellency and utility of astrology, with an answer to some popular objections commonly urg'd against it. By John Gadbury, student in physick and astrology. Imprimatur, Geo. Royse, September 21th, 1692. London : printed by J.R. for the Company of Stationers, 1693. ESTC No. R28235. Grub Street ID 111322.
  • Gadbury, John. Ephemeris· Or, A diary astronomical, astrological, meteorological, for the year of our Lord, 1694. It being the second after leap-year· Attended on by I. The planets motions and aspects, eclipses: rise and setting of sun and moon. The terms, &c. II. The suns entrance into the cardinal points, and variation of the weather III. The exact times of several choice genitures of use to the ingenious artist. IV. A discourse touching the original and antiquity of the planetary-hour, and how to find the same for ever. By John Gadbury, student in physick and astrologie. Imprimatur, Edward Cooke, October 2d. 1693. London : printed by J.R. for the Company of Stationers, 1694. ESTC No. R15690. Grub Street ID 63605.
  • Gadbury, John. Eph=emeris. Or, A diary astronomical, astrological, meteorological, for the year of grace, 1695. It being the third year after leap-year. Attended on by I. The planets motions and aspects, eclipses: rising and setting of the sun and moon. With the calends, nones, and ide in every moneth of the year; terms,and their returns. II. The suns entrance into the cardinal points, and the weather's various alterations. III. A brief acconnt [sic] of the Copernican astrology which respects the sun as center of the visible world: declaring that he being so, doth not interfere with the doctrine of Ptolemie in the judicials of astrologie. By John Gadbury, student in physick and astrologie. London : printed by J.R. for the Company of Stationers, 1695. ESTC No. R28237. Grub Street ID 111324.
  • Gadbury, John. Eph=emeris· Or, A diary astronomical, astrological, meteorological, for the year of our Lord, 1696. It being the bissextile, or leap-year· Comprehending, I. The planets motions and aspects, eclipses: rising and setting of the sun and moon. With the terms, planetary-hours &c. II. The suns ingress into the cardinal points, and variation of the air. III. Some remarkable notes of antiquity, adorning the XII. moneths, excerpted (for the most part) from Mr. Auberyes remains of Gentilisme. IV. A general judgment upon the year. By John Gadbury. Student in physick and astrologie. Imprimatur, September 30. 1695. Thomas Green. London : printed by J.R. for the Company of Stationers, 1696. ESTC No. R28228. Grub Street ID 111314.
  • Gadbury, John. Astrologonaytis or, The astrological seaman: directing merchants, mariners, &c. adventuring to sea, how (by God's blessing) to escape many dangers which commonly happen in the ocean. Unto which (by way of appendix) is added, A diary of the weather for XXI. years, very exactly observed in London: with sundry observations made thereon. By John Gadbury, student in physick and astrology. London : printed by Matthew Street, MDCXCVII. [1697]. ESTC No. R226163. Grub Street ID 99271.
  • Gadbury, John. Eph=emeris or, A diary astronomical, astrological, meteorological, for the year of our Lord, 1697. It being the first after leap-year. Containing, I. The planets motions, aspects, eclipses, rising and setting of the sun and moon, twilight, terms, planetary hour, domifying table, &c. II. The aires various changes, and the suns entrance into the four cardinal points: with some astrological conjectures thereon. III. The genitures of XXIV learned physicians, XII foreign, and XII domestic; cum multis aliis, &c. By John Gadbury. Student in astrologie and physick. Imprimatur, August 20. 1696. Thomas Green. London : printed by J.R. for the Company of Stationers, 1697. ESTC No. R38423. Grub Street ID 120528.
  • Gadbury, John. Eph=emeris: or, A diary astronomical, astrological, meteorological, for the year of our Lord, 1698. It being the second after bissextile, or, leap-year. Exhibiting, I. The planets motions and aspects, eclipses: rising and setting of the sun and moon; with the planetary-hours, terms, &c. II. The genitures of sundry famous poets, both foreign and domestick. With many other matters suitable to such a work. III. Some remarks on the placidian astrology. By John Gadbury, student in astrologie and physick. London : printed by J.R. for the Company of Stationers, 1698. ESTC No. R28230. Grub Street ID 111317.
  • Gadbury, John. Eph=emeris: or, A diary astronomical, astrological, meteorological, for the year of our Lord, 1699. Being the third from bissextile, or, leap-year. Comprehending, I. The planets motions and aspects, eclipses, sun and moon's rising and setting, terms, planetary-hour, day-break, twilight, &c. II. The genitures of some famous astronomer; and astrologers. III. Something touching lunar influence, not commonly known. By John Gadbury, student in physick and astrologie. London : printed by J.R. for the Company of Stationers, 1699. ESTC No. R28232. Grub Street ID 111319.
  • Gadbury, John. Ephemeris: or, A diary astronomical, astrological, meteorological, for the year of our Lord, 1700. Which is bissextile with us, but omitted in the Roman account. Containing, I. The planets motions, aspects, eclipses, &c. Rising and setting of the sun and moon, terms, twilight planetary-hour, &c. II. The times and types of all visible eclipses to us, for XXVII years yet to come. III. Some account of solar influence and energy over all kinds of bodies sublunary. By John Gadbury, student in astrologie and physick. London : printed by J.R. for the Company of Stationers, 1700. ESTC No. R38424. Grub Street ID 120529.
  • Gadbury, John. Ephemeris: or, a diary astronomical, astrological, meteorological, for the year of our Lord, 1701; ... By John Gadbury,. London : printed by J. R., for the Company of Stationers, 1701. ESTC No. T18118. Grub Street ID 217765.
  • Gadbury, John. Ephemeris: or, a diary astronomical, astrological, meteorological, for the year of our Lord, 1702. ... By John Gadbury. London : printed by William Richardson, for the Company of Stationers, 1702 [i.e. 1701?]. ESTC No. T18119. Grub Street ID 217774.
  • Gadbury, John. Ephemeris: or, a diary astronomical, astrological, meteorological, for the year of our Lord, 1703. ... By John Gadbury,. London : printed by W. Richardson, for the Company of Stationers, 1703. ESTC No. T18120. Grub Street ID 217784.
  • Gadbury, John. Ephemeris: or, a diary astronomical, astrological, meteorological, for the year of our Lord, 1705. ... By John Gadbury,. London : printed for the Company of Stationers, 1705. ESTC No. T18134. Grub Street ID 217914.
  • Gadbury, John. Ephemerides of the c.lestial motions, for XX years; commencing with the year 1709, and concluding with the year 1728. Supputated from the British Tables. Together with the Times and Types of all the Visible Eclipses of the Sun and Moon, During the whole Time. Referr'd to the Meridian of London. By John Gadbury, Student in Physick and Astrologie. Verbum & Opera Jehovae meditabor. London : printed for R. and W. Mount, and T. Page, in Postern-Row, on Tower-Hill, 1709. ESTC No. T133121. Grub Street ID 181986.
  • Gadbury, John. Nauticum astrologicum: or, the astrological seaman; directing merchants, captains of ships, mariners, ensurers, &c. How (by God's Blessing) they may escape divers Dangers which commonly happen in the ocean. unto which is added a diary of the weather For XXI Years together, Exactly observed in London, With Sundry Observations thereon. Being the posthumous work of John Gadbury, late Student in Physick and Astrology. London : printed for George Sawbridge, at the Three Golden Flower-de-Luces in Little Britain, 1710. ESTC No. T142335. Grub Street ID 189738.
  • Gadbury, John. Ephemerides of the c.lestial motions, for XXII years, commencing With the Year 1719, and concluding with the Year 1740 Supputated from the British tables. Together with the times and types of all the Visible eclipses of the sun and moon, During the whole Time. Referr'd to the Meridian of London. By John Gadbury, Student in Physick and Astrologie: Verbum & Opera Jehovae meditabor. London : printed for R. and W. Mount and T. Page, in Postern-Row, on Tower-Hill, 1718. ESTC No. T131418. Grub Street ID 180403.