Publications of John Cleveland


  • Cleveland, John. The character of a London diurnall. [Oxford: printed by Leonard Lichfield], Printed in the year, 1644 [i.e.1645]. ESTC No. R35648. Grub Street ID 118028.
  • Cleveland, John. The character of a London diurnall. [Oxford: By L. Lichfield], Printed in the yeare 1644. [i.e. 1645]. ESTC No. R212392. Grub Street ID 87997.
  • Cleveland, John. News from Newcastle. London: printed in the year 1651. By William Ellis, [1651]. ESTC No. R206437. Grub Street ID 82961.
  • Cleveland, John. Poems. By J.C. VVith additions, never before printed. [London]: Printed [for William Sheares], in the yeare, 1654. ESTC No. R17657. Grub Street ID 69045.
  • Cleveland, John. Poems. By J.C. VVith additions, never before printed. [London]: Printed [for William Sheares], in the yeare, 1656. ESTC No. R17621. Grub Street ID 68840.
  • Cleveland, John. Cleaveland's petition to His Highnesse the Lord Protector. [London]: Printed for William Sheares, [1657]. ESTC No. R225488. Grub Street ID 98656.
  • Cleveland, John. Cleaveland's petition to His Highnesse the Lord Potector [sic]. [London]: Printed for William Sheares[, 1657]. ESTC No. R212144. Grub Street ID 87796.
  • Cleveland, John. The rustick rampant, or Rurall anarchy affronting monarchy: in the insurrection of VVat Tiler. By J.C. London: printed for F.C. and are to be sold at Westminster-Hall and the Royall Exchange, 1658. ESTC No. R208339. Grub Street ID 84595.
  • Cleveland, John. J. Cleaveland revived: poems, orations, epistles, and other of his genuine incomparable pieces, never before publisht. With some other exquisite remains of the most eminent wits of both the universities that were his contemporaries. London: printed for Nathaniel Brook, at the Angel in Corn-hill, 1659. ESTC No. R23713. Grub Street ID 107571.
  • Cleveland, John. Poems. By John Cleavland. With additions, never before printed. [London]: Printed for W. Shears at the Bible in Covent-Garden, and in the New-Exchange at the Black Beare, 1659. ESTC No. R29613. Grub Street ID 112571.
  • Cleveland, John. J. Cleaveland revived: poems, orations, epistles, and other of his genuine incomparable pieces. With some other exquisite remains of the most eminent wits of both the universities that were his contemporaries. This second edition, besides many other never before publisht additions, is enriched with the authors Midsummer-Moon, or Lunacy-rampant; being an university character, a short survey of some of the late fellows of the colledges. Now at last publisht from his original copies, by some of his intrusted friends. London : printed for Nathaniel Brooke at the Angel in Cornhil, 1660. ESTC No. R210161. Grub Street ID 86367.
  • Cleveland, John. The rebellion of the rude multitude under Wat Tyler and his priests Baal and Straw, in the dayes of King Richard the IId, anno 1381. Parallel'd with the late rebellion in 1640, against King Charles I. of ever blessed memory. By a lover of his King and countrey. London : printed and sold by J. R. and in Westminster-Hall, and at the New Exchange, Fleelstreet [sic], and St. Pauls Church-Yard, [1660]. ESTC No. R223909. Grub Street ID 97663.
  • Cleveland, John. Poems· By John Cleavland. With additions never before printed. London : printed for John Williams at the sign of the Crown in St. Pauls-Church-Yard, 1661. ESTC No. R1163. Grub Street ID 59894.
  • Cleveland, John. Poems· By John Cleavland. With additions, never before printed. London : printed for W. Shears at the Bible in Bedford-street, 1662. ESTC No. R26029. Grub Street ID 109386.
  • Cleveland, John. Poems· By John Cleavland. With additions, never before printed. London : printed for W[illiam]. Shears at the Bible in Bedford-street, 1662. ESTC No. R483618. Grub Street ID 125332.
  • Cleveland, John. J. Cleaveland revived: poems, orations, epistles, and other of his genuine incomparable pieces. With some other exquisite remains of the most eminent wits of both the universities that were his contemporaries. This third edition, besides many other never before publisht additions, is enriched with the authors Midsummer-moon, or Lunacy-rampant. Being an university character, a short survey of some of the late fellows of the colledges. Now at last publisht from his original copies, by some of his intrusted friends. London : printed for Nathaniel Brook, at the Angel in Cornhill, 1662. ESTC No. R1323. Grub Street ID 61348.
  • Cleveland, John. Poems. By John Cleaveland. With additions, never before printed. London : printed by S.G. for John Williams at the Crown & Globe in St. Pauls Church-yard, 1665. ESTC No. R29614. Grub Street ID 112572.
  • Cleveland, John. J. Cleaveland revived: poems, orations, epistles, and other of his incomparable pieccs [sic]. With some other exquisite remains of most eminent wits of both the universities that were his contemporaries. This fourth edition, besides many other never before publisht additions, is enriched with the authors Midsummer-moon, or Lunacy-rampant. Being an university caracter, a short survey of some of the late fellows of the colledges. Now at last publisht from his original copies by some of his intrusted friends. London : printed for Nathaniel Brooks, at the Angell in Gresham Colledge, 1668. ESTC No. R18333. Grub Street ID 73162.
  • Cleveland, John. PoemsDT By John Cleaveland. With additions, never before printed. London : printed by J. R[edman]. for John Williams, 1669. ESTC No. R27258. Grub Street ID 110443.
  • Cleveland, John. Clievelandi vindiciæ; or, Clieveland's genuine poems, orations, epistles, &c. Purged from the many false & spurious ones which had usurped his name, and from innumerable errours and corruptions in the true. To which are added many never printed before. Published according to the author's own copies. London : printed for Nath. Brooke, at the Angel in Corne-Hill near the Royal Exchange, 1677. ESTC No. R17441. Grub Street ID 67599.
  • Cleveland, John. Clievelandi Vindiciae; or, Clieveland's genuine poems, orations, epistles, &c. Purged from the many false & spurious ones which had usurped his name, and from innumerable errours and corruptions in the true copies. To which are added many additions never printed before: with an account of the author's life. Published according to the author's own copies. London : printed for Obadiah Blagrave, at the sign of the Bear in St. Paul's Church Yard, near the little north door, 1677. ESTC No. R1370. Grub Street ID 61779.
  • Cleveland, John. Clievelandi Vindiciæ: or, Clieveland's genuine poems, orations, epistles, &c. Purged from the many false and spurious ones which had usurped his name, and from innumerable errours and corruptions in the true copies. To which are added many never printed before, with an account of the author's life. Published according to the author's own copies. London : printed for Robert Harford at the Angel in Cornhill near the Royal-Exchange, 1677. ESTC No. R1324. Grub Street ID 61356.
  • Cleveland, John. The works of Mr. John Cleveland, containing his poems, orations, epistles, collected into one volume, with the life of the author. London : printed by R. Holt, for Obadiah Blagrave, at the Bear and Star, over against the little north door in St. Paul's Church-Yard, 1687. ESTC No. R43102. Grub Street ID 124181.
  • Cleveland, John. The works of Mr. John Cleveland, containing his poems, orations and epistles: also, The rustick rampant, or, Rural anarchy affronting monarchy, in the insurrection of Wat. Tyler; collected into one volume, with the life of the author. London : printed for O[badiah]. B[lagrave]. and are to be sold by J. Sprint, at the Bell in Little Britain, 1699. ESTC No. R32541. Grub Street ID 115248.