Publications of Daniel Cawdrey


  • Cawdrey, Daniel. Superstitio superstes: or, The reliques of superstition newly revived. Manifested in a discourse concerning the holinesse of churches, and bowing towards the altar. VVhereunto is added a censure of two letters, touching the same subject, the one written by Doct. M. the other by M. Meade. By D.C. Published by authority. London: printed for P. W. and are to be sold at the George in Fleetstreet, neere S. Dunstans Church, 1641. ESTC No. R6213. Grub Street ID 126571.
  • Cawdrey, Daniel. Three sermons: viz: 1. A commission for an assise, granted to the saints. 2. A close hypocrite discovered. 3. The lawfulnesse of doing good out of hope of reward. By Daniel Cawdrey, rector of Great Billing in Northampton-shire. London: printed by R.Y. for Phil. Nevill, at the signe of the Gun in Ivie-lane, 1641. ESTC No. R7914. Grub Street ID 128129.
  • Cawdrey, Daniel. Three sermons: viz: 1. A commission for an assise, granted to the saints. 2. A close hypocrite discovered. 3. The lawfulnesse of doing good out of hope of reward. By Daniel Cawdrey, rector of Great Billing in Northampton-shire. London: printed by R.Y. for Ph. Nevill, and are to be sold by Peter Whaley at his shop in Northampton, 1641. ESTC No. R11797. Grub Street ID 60041.
  • Cawdrey, Daniel. Superstitio superstes: or, The reliques of superstition newly revived. Manifested in a discourse concerning the holinesse of churches, and bowing towards the altar. Whereunto is added a censure of two letters, touching the same subject, by D.C. London: printed by A.N. for I.M., 1641. ESTC No. R35530. Grub Street ID 117933.
  • Cawdrey, Daniel. Superstitio svperstes: or, The reliques of superstition newly revived. Manifested in a discourse concerning the holinesse of churches, and bowing towards the altar. VVhereunto is added a censure of two letters, touching the same subject, the one written by Doct. M. the other by M. Meade. By D.C. Published by authority. London: printed for Peter Whaley of Northampton, 1641. ESTC No. R173634. Grub Street ID 67043.
  • Cawdrey, Daniel. The good man a publick good, 1. passively, 2. actively. As it was manifested in a sermon preached to the Honourable House of Commons, at the late solemne fast: January 31. 1643. By Daniel Cavvdrey, minister of the Gospell at Great Billing in Northhamptonshire, and one of the Assembly of Divines. London: printed by Tho. Harper, for Charles Greene, and P.W., 1643 [i.e. 1644]. ESTC No. R12377. Grub Street ID 60565.
  • Cawdrey, Daniel. Sabbatum redivivum: or The Christian sabbath vindicated; in a full discourse concerning the sabbath, and the Lords day. Wherein, whatsoever hath been written of late for, or against the Christian sabbath, is exactly, but modestly examined: and the perpetuity of a sabbath deduced, from grounds of nature, and religious reason. By Daniel Cawdrey, and Herbert Palmer: members of the Assembly of Divines. Divided into foure parts. 1. Of the decalogue in generall, and other laws of God, together with the relation of time to religion. 2. Of the fourth commandement of the decalogue in speciall. 3. Of the old sabbath, 4. Of the Lords day, in particular. The first part. London: printed by Robert White, for Thomas Vnderhill, and are to be sold at the signe of the Bible in Woodstreete, 1645. ESTC No. R200035. Grub Street ID 77586.
  • Cawdrey, Daniel. Vindiciæ clavium: or, A vindication of the keyes of the kingdome of Heaven, into the hands of the right owners. Being some animadversions upon a tract of Mr. I.C. called, The keyes of the kingdome of Heaven. As also upon another tract of his, called, The way of the churche of Nevv-England. Manifesting; 1. The weaknesse of his proofes. 2. The contradictions to himselfe, and others. 3. The middle-way (so called) of Independents, to be the extreme, or by-way of the Brownists. By an earnest well-wisher to the truth. London: printed by T.H. for Peter Whaley, and are to be sold in Ivy-Lane, at the signe of the Gun, 1645. ESTC No. R200247. Grub Street ID 77792.
  • Cawdrey, Daniel. Selfe-examination required in every one, for the worthy receiving of the Lords Supper first, delivered in a sermon, preparatory to the sacrament, in the church of Martines in the Fields now published for the inhabitants there, and for the publick good. Also, a short catechisme drawn out of the same, for the instruction of the meanest capacity. By D.C. London: printed by J.Y. for Thomas Walkley, and are to be sold at his shop, at the signe of the golden Pestle and Mortar, neer York House, M. DC. XLVI. [1646]. ESTC No. R231190. Grub Street ID 103345.
  • Cawdrey, Daniel. Selfe-examination required in every one, for the worthy receiving of the Lords Supper. First, delivered in a sermon, preparatory to the sacrament, in the church of Martines in the Fields. By Daniell Cawdrey, preacher there. Now published for the inhabitants there, and for the publick good. Also, a short catechisme drawne out of the same, for the instruction of the meanest capacity. London: printed for Thomas Walkley, and are to be sold at his shop, at the signe of the golden Pestle and Mortar, near York House, 1648. ESTC No. R232687. Grub Street ID 104385.
  • Cawdrey, Daniel. The depths of Satan discovered: or, the Jesuits last design to ruine religion. Being, some observations upon a pamphlet, called, The swords abuse asserted: by John Vernon. Presented to the consideration of the Armie. Citie. Kingdome. By Philopatrius Philalethes. London: printed for John Wright, at the Kings Head in the Old-Bayley, 1649. ESTC No. R205694. Grub Street ID 82366.
  • Cawdrey, Daniel. The inconsistencie of the independent way, with scripture, and it self. Manifested in a threefold discourse, I. Vindiciæ vindiciarum, with M. Cotton. II. A review of M. Hookers Survey of church-discipline. The first part. III. A diatribe with the same M. Hooker concernin baptism of infants of non-confederate parents, cap 2. of his third part. By Daniel Cawdrey, a member of the assembly, and late preacher at Martins in the Fields. London: printed by A. Miller for Christopher Meredith at the sign of the Crane in Pauls Church-yard, MDCLI. [1651]. ESTC No. R22287. Grub Street ID 96797.
  • Cawdrey, Daniel. Sabbatum redivivum: or, The Christian sabbath vindicated, in a full discourse concerning the sabbath and the Lord's day. Wherein, whatsoever hath heen [sic] written of late, for, or against the Christian Sabbath, is exactly, but modestly examined: and the perpetuity of a sabbath deduced, from the grounds of nature, and religious reason. By Dan. Cawdrey, and Herb. Palmer: members of the Assembly of Divines. The second part. Of the fourth commandment of the Decalogue in speciall. London: printed by Thomas Maxey, for Samuel Gellibrand, and Thomas Underhill, in Paul's Church-yard, 1652 [i.e. 1651]. ESTC No. R208856. Grub Street ID 85073.
  • Cawdrey, Daniel. Vindiciae vindiciarum, or, A further manifestation of M.J.C., his contradictions instanced in Vindiciae clavium being a rejoinder to his reply (to some few of those many contradictions) in his last book called, The way of Congregationall churches cleared, part 2 / by D.C. London: Printed by A.M. for Christopher Meredith, 1651. ESTC No. R23919. Grub Street ID 107763.
  • Cawdrey, Daniel. A sober ansvver, to a serious question. Propounded by Mr. G. Firmin minister of the church in Shalford in Essex. viz. Whether the ministers of England are bound, by the Word of God, to baptise the children of all such parents, which say, they believe in Jesus Christ: but are grosly ignorant, scandalous in their conversation, scoffers at godliness, and refuse to submit to church-discipline, the negative is not sufficiently defended. Which may serve also as an appendix to the diatribe with Mr. Hooker, lately published, concerning the baptisme of infants, of parents not confϤerate. By Daniel Cavvdrey pastour of the church at Great Billing in Northampton-shire. Licensed, printed, and entred, according to order. London: printed for Christopher Meredith at the sign of the Crane in Pauls Church-yard, 1652. ESTC No. R206820. Grub Street ID 83294.
  • Cawdrey, Daniel. Diatribe triplex: or A threefold exercitation, concerning 1. Superstition. 2. Will-worship. 3. Christmas festivall. With the reverend and learned Dr Hammond. By Daniel Cawdrey preacher of the Word, at Billing-Magn. in Northampton-shire. London: printed for John Wright at the Kings-Head in the Old-Bayley, 1654. ESTC No. R5692. Grub Street ID 126115.
  • Cawdrey, Daniel. Family reformation promoted. In a sermon on Joshua, chap. 24. ver. 15 and by short catechismes fitted for the three-fold relations in a family. Of 1. Children and parents. 2. Servants and masters. 3. Husband and wife. By D. Cawdrey, preacher of the word at Billing Magn. in Northamptonshire. London: printed by T.C. for John Wright at the Kings Head in the Old Bally, 1655. ESTC No. R234937. Grub Street ID 106167.
  • Cawdrey, Daniel. A late great shipwrack of faith: occasioned by a fearful vvrack of conscience. Discovered in a sermon preached at Pauls the first day of July, 1655. By Dan. Cawdrey preacher of the word, at Great Billing in Northamptonshire. Pack Maior. Tuesday the third day of July 1655 Ordered that Mr. Daniel Cawdry be desired from this court, to print his sermon at Pauls the last Lords day. Sadler. London: printed for Joseph Cranford, and are to be sold at the Ph?nix in St Pauls Church-yard, 1655. ESTC No. R23918. Grub Street ID 107762.
  • Cawdrey, Daniel. Family reformation promoted in a sermon on Joshua, chap. 24. ver. 15. and by short catechismes fitted for the three-fold relations in a family of 1. Children and parents, 2. Servants and masters, 3. Husband and wife / by D. Cawdrey ... London: Printd by T.C. for John Wright .., 1656. ESTC No. R5596. Grub Street ID 126025.
  • Cawdrey, Daniel. Independencie a great schism. Proved against Dr. Owen his apology in his tract of schism. As also an appendix to the former discourse, shewing the inconstancy of the Dr. and the inconsistency of his former and present opinions. By D. Cawdrey preacher of the Word at Billing Magn, in Northamptonshire. London: printed by J.S. for John Wright at the Kings-Head in the Old-Baley, 1657. ESTC No. R8915. Grub Street ID 129043.
  • Cawdrey, Daniel. Church-reformation promoted: in a sermon on Matth. 18. vers. 15, 16, 17. Preached at Northampton on the day of humiliation, before the association of ministers. As also. 1. Some animadversions upon Mr. Humphry's second vindication, for promiscuous admission to the sacrament. 2. Some animadversions upon Mr. Sanders his Antidiatribe, tending to the same end of church-reformation. By D. Cawdrey, Minister of the Word, at Billing, Magn. in Northamptonshire. London: printed by W. Wilson for John Wright, at the Kings head in the Old Baily, 1657. ESTC No. R5560. Grub Street ID 125990.
  • Cawdrey, Daniel. Independency further proved to be a schism. Or, A survey of Dr Owens review of his tract of schism; with a vindication of the authour from his unjust clamours and false aspersions. By D. Cawdrey Preacher of the vvord at Billing Magn. in Northamptonshire. London: printed for John Wright, at the Kings Head in the Old-Bayley, 1658. ESTC No. R5055. Grub Street ID 125533.
  • Cawdrey, Daniel. The account audited and discounted: or, a vindication of the three-fold diatribee, of 1. Supersition, 2. Will-worship, 3. Christmas festivall. Against Doctor Hammonds manifold paradiatribees. By D.C. preacher of the Word at Billing-Magn. in Northamptonshire. London: printed by Ralph Wood, for M. Wright, at the Kings Heads in the Old Bailey, 1658. ESTC No. R209720. Grub Street ID 85947.
  • Cawdrey, Daniel. Bovving towards the altar, upon religious reasons, impleaded as grossely superstitious. Being an ansvver to Dr. Duncons determination, lately reprinted. By D. Cawdrey, minister of the word at Billing Magn. in Northamptonshire. London : printed for J. Rothwel at the Fountain in Goldsmiths-Row in Cheapside, 1661. ESTC No. R29947. Grub Street ID 112856.