Publications of Robert Cotton


  • Cotton, Robert. A short vievv of the long life and raigne of Henry the Third, King of England. Presented to King Iames. [London]: Printed [by John Okes, Bernard Alsop, and Thomas Fawcet for Benjamin Fisher], M D CXXVII. [1627]. ESTC No. S302. Grub Street ID 147324.
  • Cotton, Robert. A treatise against recusants, in defence of the Oath of alegeance. With executions of consideration, for repressing the encrease of papists. By Sir Robert Cotton, Knight. London: printed by Richard Hearn, anno. Dom. 1641. ESTC No. R212611. Grub Street ID 88177.
  • Cotton, Robert. An abstract out of the records of the Tovver, touching the Kings revenue: and how they have supported themselves. By Sir Robert Cotton, Knight and Baronet. London: printed for G. Tomlinson, T.A. and A.C., [1642]. ESTC No. R22041. Grub Street ID 94784.
  • Cotton, Robert. A briefe abstract of the qvestion of precedency, betweene England and Spain. Occasioned by Sir Henry Nevil Knight, the Queen of Englands embassador, and the embassadour of Spain at Callys, before commissioners appointed by the French King: who had moved a treaty of peace in the two and fortieth yeare of the reigne of the same Queen, by Robert Cotton Esquire, at the commandement of the Queens Majesty. London: printed by L. N. and R. C. for Thomas Slater, at the signe of the Swan in Duck lane, Novemb. 24. 1642. ESTC No. R228035. Grub Street ID 100782.
  • Cotton, Robert. The histories of the lives and raignes of Henry the Third, and Henry the Fourth. Kings of England. Written by Sr. Robert Cotton, and Sr. Iohn Hayvvard, Knights. London: printed for William Sheares, and are to be sold at his shop in Bedford-Street, in Coven-garden neere the new Exchange, at the signe of the Bible, an. 1642. ESTC No. R3965. Grub Street ID 121526.
  • Cotton, Robert. The forme of governement of the kingdome of England: collected out of the fundamental lawes and statutes of this kingdome. Wherin is manifested the customary uses of the kings of England upon all occasions, either of marriage, peace or warre, to call their peeres and barons of the realme to be bartners [sic] in treatizes, and to give their juditious advice: the state and security of the whole kingdome depending upon such counsells and determinations. Likewise the names of the kings, and the times when such Parliaments were called, and the acts that passed upon those and the like occasions. Henry I Iohn Henry 3 Edward I Edward 2 Edward 3 Richard 2 Henry 4 Henry 5 Henry 6 Edward 4 Henry 7 Henry 8 Pulished [sic] for the satisfaction of all those, that desire to know the manner and forme of the governement of the land, and the fundamentall lawes of the kingdome. London: printed for Tho. Bankes, 1642. ESTC No. R21849. Grub Street ID 93141.
  • Cotton, Robert. The troublesome life and raigne of King Henry the Third. Wherein five distempers and maladies are set forth. Viz. 1. By the Pope and church-mens extortions. 2. By the places of best trust bestowed upon unworthy members. 3. By patents and monopolies for private favourites 4. By needlesse expences and pawning of jewels. 5. By factious lords and ambitious peeres. Sutable to these unhappie times of ours; and continued with them till the King tied his actions to the rules of his great and good councell, and not to passionate and single advice. Imprinted at London: for George Lindsey, 1642. ESTC No. R4221. Grub Street ID 123635.
  • Cotton, Robert. A briefe abstract of the question of precedency, betweene England and Spain. Occasioned by Sir Henry Nevil Knight, the Queen of Englands embassadour, and the embassadour of Spain at Callys, before commissioners appointed by the French King: who had moved a treaty of peac in the two and fortieth yeare of the reigne of the same Queen, by Robert Cotton Esquire, at the commandement of the Queens Majesty. London: printed by L[uke]. N[orton]. and R[ichard]. C[otes]. for Thomas Slater, at the signe of the Swan in Duck lane, Novemb. 24. 1642. ESTC No. R231682. Grub Street ID 103675.
  • Cotton, Robert. The danger vvherein the kingdome of England now standeth; and the remedy for the present safety thereof. With the proposations drawne for sure defense of the same, and the annoying of all the wicked adversaries. Worthy to be read of all them that wish well to the prosperity of all true hearted English-men. But more specially for all merchants and sea-men whatsoever. London: printed for Richard Palmer, 1643. ESTC No. R12117. Grub Street ID 60333.
  • Cotton, Robert. The histories of the lives and raignes of Henry the Third, and Henry the Fourth. Kings of England. Written by Sr. Robert Cotton, and Sr. Iohn Hayvvard, Knights. London: printed for William Sheares, and are to be sold at his shop in Bedford-Street, in Covent-garden neere the new Exchange, at the signe of the Bible, an. 1643. ESTC No. R225284. Grub Street ID 98500.
  • Cotton, Robert. Cottoni posthuma: divers choice pieces of that renovvned antiquary Sir Robert Cotton, Knight and Baronet, preserved from the injury of time, and expos'd to public light, for the benefit of posterity, by J.H. Esq;. London: printed by Francis Leach, for Henry Seile over against St. Dunstans Church in Fleetestreet, 1651. ESTC No. R210459. Grub Street ID 86613.
  • Cotton, Robert. The histories of the lives and raignes of Henry the III. and Henry the IIII. Kings of England. Written by Sr. Robert Cotton, and Sr. John Hayvvard knights. London: printed for William Sheares, at the Bible in St. Pauls Church-yard, 1652. ESTC No. R213225. Grub Street ID 88723.
  • Cotton, Robert. An answer made by command of Prince Henry, to certain propositions of warre and peace, delivered to His Highnesse by some of his military servants. Whereunto is adjoyned The French charity; or, An essay written in French by an English gentleman, upon occasion of Prince Harcourt's coming into England; and translated into English by F.S.J.E. London: Printed by Roger Daniel, anno MDCLV. [1655]. ESTC No. R32525. Grub Street ID 115232.
  • Cotton, Robert. An answer made by Sr. Robert Cotton, at the command of Prince Henry, to certain propositions of warre and peace, delivered to his Highnesse by some of his military servants. Whereunto is adjoyned The French charity; or an essay written in French by an English gentleman, upon occasion of Prince Harcourt's coming into England; and translated into English by F.S.J.E. London: printed for William Sheares, at the Bible in S. Paul's Church-yard, anno 1655. ESTC No. R208681. Grub Street ID 84908.
  • Cotton, Robert. Warrs with forregin [sic] princes dangerous to our common-wealth: or, Reasons for forreign wars answered. With a list of all the confederates from Henry the firsts reign to the end of Queen Elizabeth. Proving, that the kings of England alwayes preferred unjust peace, befor the justest warre. London: printed for William Shears in Westminster-hall, 1657. ESTC No. R221452. Grub Street ID 95600.
  • Cotton, Robert. Warrs with forreign princes dangerous to our common-wealth: or, Reasons for forreign wars answered. With a list of all the confederates from Henry the firsts reign to the end of Queen Elizabeth. Proving, that the kings of England alwayes preferred unjust peace, before the justest warre. London: printed for William Shears in Westminster-hall, 1657. ESTC No. R224544. Grub Street ID 98173.
  • Cotton, Robert. The histories of the lives and raignes of Henry the III and Henry the Fourth, Kings of England written by Sr. Robert Cotton and Sr. John Hayward . London : Printed for William Sheares .., 1661. ESTC No. R40894. Grub Street ID 122646.
  • Cotton, Robert. Cottoni posthuma: divers choice pieces of that renowned antiquary Sir Robert Cotton, Knight and Baronet, preserved from the injury of time, and exposed to publick light, for the benefit of posterity. By J.H. Esq;. London : printed for Richard Lowndes at the White Lion in Duck Lane, near Smith-field, and Matthew Gilliflower at the Sun in Westminster-Hall, 1672. ESTC No. R2628. Grub Street ID 109617.
  • Cotton, Robert. An answer to such motives as were offer'd by certain military-men to Prince Henry, inciting him to affect arms more than peace. Made at His Highness command by Sr. Robert Cotton Baronet. With a short view of the life and reign of Henry the Third King of England, by the same author. The second edition, very much corrected, and a preface added by Sr. John Cotton Baronet. To which is annexed the French charity, or an Essay written in French by an English gentleman, upon occasion of Prince Harcourt's coming into England: and translated into English, by F.S.J.E. London : printed for Henry Mortlock, at the Phoenix in St. Paul's Church-yard, and at the White Hart in Westminster-Hall, 1665 [i.e. 1675]. ESTC No. R38826. Grub Street ID 120878.
  • Cotton, Robert. An answer to such motives as were offer'd by certain military-men to Prince Henry, inciting him to affect arms more than peace. Made at His Highness command by Sr. Robert Cotton Baronet. With a short view of the life and reign of Henry the Third King of England, by the same author. The second edition, very much corrected, and a preface added by Sr. John Cotton Baronet. To which is annexed the French charity, or an essay written in French by an English gentleman, upon occasion of Prince Harcourt's coming into England: and translated into English, by F.S. J.E. London : printed for Henry Mortlock, at the Ph.nix in St. Paul's Church-yard, and at the White Hart in Westminster-Hall, 1675. ESTC No. R2467. Grub Street ID 108433.
  • Cotton, Robert. Cottoni posthuma: divers choice pieces of that renowned antiquary, Sir Robert Cotton, Knight and Baronet. Preserved from the injury of time, and exposed to publick light, for the benefit of posterity, by J.H. Esq;. London : printed by M.C. for C. Harper. and are to be sold by W. Hensman and T. Fox, at the Kings Arms, and at the Angel in Westminster-Hall, 1679. ESTC No. R4774. Grub Street ID 125241.
  • Cotton, Robert. The histories of the lives and reigns of Henry the Third, and Henry the Fourth. Kings of England: written by Sir Robert Cotton, and Sir John Heywood Knights. London : printed, and are to be sold by Peter Parker at the Leg and Star in Cornhil, against the Royal Exchange, 1679. ESTC No. R27281. Grub Street ID 110466.
  • Cotton, Robert. Cottoni posthuma: divers choice pieces wherein are discussed several important questions concerning the right & power of the Lords and Commons in Parliament. By that renowned antiquary Sir Robert Cotton, Baronet. London : printed by M.C. for C. Harper. and are to be sold by W. Hensman and T. Fox, at the Kings Head, and at the Angel in Westminster-Hall, 1679. ESTC No. R223947. Grub Street ID 97695.
  • Cotton, Robert. The antiquity and dignity of parliaments. Written by Sir Robert Cotton. London : printed for Norman Nelson at Grays-Inne-Gate in Holbourn, Anno Domini 1680. ESTC No. R14588. Grub Street ID 62601.
  • Cotton, Robert. A brief survey (historical and political) of the life and reign of Henry the III. King of England. Dedicated to his most sacred Majesty. London : printed for James Vade, at the Cock and Sugar Loaf, near St. Dunstan's Church, in Fleet-street, 1680. ESTC No. R18954. Grub Street ID 76765.
  • Cotton, Robert. A short view of the reign of King Henry III. Shewing the danger of the subjects arrogancy: the methods of great mens rise and fallings: the wrong the King and his subjects suffer from evil counsellors: the bitterness of the bishops and clergy in those distempers of government: the Parliament finding fault with the King: the King's averseness from such dealings: his taking other courses for money: after this, the King reduced to great straits: the Parliament again convening, takes advantage thereby; but ensues the mischief of equal authority in the government The King having suffered thus much, when settled was more cautious. By Sir R.C. Knight and Baronet. London : printed for Richard Janeway in Queens-head Alley in Pater-noster Row, 1681. ESTC No. R15995. Grub Street ID 63884.
  • Cotton, Robert. A speech made by Sir Robert Cotton, Kt and Baront, before the Lords of his Majesty's most honorable Privy-Council, at the council-table: being thither called to deliver his opinion touching the alteration of coin. Sept. 2. Annoque Regni Regis Caroli II. London : printed for Tho. Horne, at the south entrance of the Royal Exchange in Cornhill, 1690. ESTC No. R233455. Grub Street ID 104984.
  • Cotton, Robert. A discourse of foreign war: with an account of all the taxations upon this kingdom, from the Conquest to the end of the reign of Queen Elizabeth. Also a list of the confederates from Henry I· to the end of the reign of the said Queen; shewing which have prov'd most beneficial to England. Formerly written by Sir Robert Cotton, Barronet, and now published by Sir John Cotton, Barronet. London : printed for Henry Mortlock, at the Ph.nix in St. Paul's Churchyard, and at the White-Hart in Westmister Hall, 1690. ESTC No. R9016. Grub Street ID 129138.