Toland, John.
Christianity not mysterious: or, A treatise shewing, that there is nothing in the Gospel contrary to reason, nor above it: and that no Christian doctrine can be properly call'd a mystery. By John Toland.
The second edition enlarg'd..
London : printed for Sam. Buckley at the Dolphin over against St. Dunstans Church in Fleetstreet, MDCXCVI. [1696].
ESTC No. R7180.Grub Street ID 127460.
Toland, John.
The militia reform'd; or An easy scheme of furnishing England with a constant land-force, capable to prevent or to subdue any forein power; and to maintain perpetual quiet at home, without endangering the publick liberty.
London : printed by John Darby in Bartholomew Close: and sold by Andrew Bell at the Cross-Keys and Bible in Cornhil, MDCXCVIII. [1698].
ESTC No. R35218.Grub Street ID 117646.
Toland, John.
The militia reform'd: or, An easy scheme of furnishing England with a constant land-force, capable to prevent or to subdue any forein power; and to maintain perpetual quiet at home, without endangering the public liberty.
The second edition..
London: : printed for Daniel Brown at the Black Swan and Bible without Temple-Bar; and Andrew Bell at the Cross-Keys and Bible in Cornhil, M.DC.XC.IX. [1699].
ESTC No. R32810.Grub Street ID 115485.
Toland, John.
Amyntor: or, a defence of Milton's life. Containing I. A general apology for all writings of that kind. II. A catalogue of books attributed in the primitive times to Jesus Christ, his apostles and other eminent persons: with several important remarks and observations relating to the canon of scripture. III. A complete history of the book, entitul'd, Icon basilike, proving Dr. Gauden, and not King Charles the First, to be the author of it: with an answer to all the facts alledg'd by Mr. Wagstaf to the contrary; and to the exceptions made against my Lord Anglesey's Memorandum, Dr. Walker's book, or Mrs. Gauden's narrative, which last piece is now the first time publish'd at large.
London : printed, and are to be sold by the booksellers of London and Westminster, M.DC.XC.IX. [1699].
ESTC No. R22638.Grub Street ID 99420.
Toland, John.
The life of John Milton, containing, besides the history of his works, several extraordinary characters of men and books, sects, parties, and opinions.
London : printed by John Darby in Bartholomew Close, M.DC.XC.IX. [1699].
ESTC No. R12037.Grub Street ID 60253.
Toland, John.
Amyntor: or, A defence of Milton's life. Containing, I. A catalogue of above fourscore books (as gospels, acts, epistles, revelations, &c.) attributed in the primitive times to Jesus Christ, his apostles, &c. With several important remarks and observations relating to the canon of scripture. II. A compleat history of the book intituled Icon basilike, proving Dr. Gauden, and not King Charles the First, to be the author of it. III. Reasons for abolishing the observation of the 30th of January.
London] : Sold by the booksellers, [1699?.
ESTC No. R235659.Grub Street ID 106700.
Toland, John.
Clito: a poem on the force of eloquence.
London : printed, and are to be sold by the booksellers of London and Westminster, M.DCC. [1700].
ESTC No. R7684.Grub Street ID 127922.
Toland, John.
Anglia libera: or the limitation and succession of the crown of England explain'd and asserted; as grounded on His Majesty's speech; The Procedings in Parlament; The Desires of the People, The Safety of our Religion; The Nature of our Constitution; The Balance of Europe; And The Rights of all Mankind. By Jo. Toland.
London : printed for Bernard Lintott, at the Posthouse in the Middle-Temple Gate, Fleet-Street, M.DCC.I. [1701].
ESTC No. T21896.Grub Street ID 243295.
Toland, John.
Propositions for uniting the two East-India Companies: in a letter to a man of quality, who desir'd the opinion of a gentleman not concern'd in either company.
London : printed for Bernard Lintott, at the Post-House in the Middle-Temple-Gate, Fleet-Street, M.DCC.I. [1701].
ESTC No. T95844.Grub Street ID 315337.
Toland, John.
The art of governing by partys: particularly, in religion, in politics, in Parlament, on the Bench, and in the Ministry; with the ill effects of partys on the people in general, the King in particular, and all our foren Affairs; as well as on our Credit and Trade, in Peace or War, &c.
London : printed for Bernard Lintott, at the Post-House in the Midle-Temple-Gate, Fleet-Street, M.DCC.I. [1701].
ESTC No. T112859.Grub Street ID 164812.
Toland, John.
Propositions for uniting the two East-India Companies: in a leter to a man of quality, who desir'd the opinion of a gentleman not concern'd in either company.
London : printed for B. Bernard Lintott, 1701.
ESTC No. N39556.Grub Street ID 26876.
Toland, John.
An apology for Mr. Toland, in a letter from himself to a member of the House of Commons in Ireland; written the day before his book was resolv'd to be burnt by the committee of religion. To which is prefix'd a narrative containing the occasion of the said letter.
London : [s.n.], Printed in the year MDCCII. [1702].
ESTC No. T114604.Grub Street ID 166401.
Toland, John.
Christianity not mysterious: or, A treatise Shewing, that there is nothing in the Gospel contrary to reason, nor above it: and that no Christian Doctrine can be properly call'd a mystery. By John Toland. To which is added, an apology for Mr. Toland, in relation to the Parliament of Ireland's ordering this book to be burnt.
London : [s.n.], Printed in the year 1702.
ESTC No. T114605.Grub Street ID 166402.
Toland, John.
Paradoxes of state, relating to the present juncture of affairs in England and the rest of Europe; chiefly grounded on his Majesty's princely, pious, and most gracious speech.
London : printed for Bernard Lintott, and sold by John Nut, 1702.
ESTC No. T43627.Grub Street ID 272196.
Toland, John.
I. Reasons for addressing His Majesty to invite into England their Highnesses, the Electress Dowager and the Electoral Prince of Hanover. And likewise, II. Reasons for attainting and abjuring the pretended Prince of Wales, and all others pretending any Claim, Right, or Title from the late King James and Queen Mary. With Arguments for making a vigorous War against France.
London : printed, and sold by John Nutt near Stationers-Hall, M.DCC.II. [1702].
ESTC No. T73190.Grub Street ID 296529.
Toland, John.
Vindicius liberius: Or, M. Toland's defence of himself, against the late Lower House of Convocation, and others; wherein (besides his letter to the prolocutor) certain passages of the book, intitul'd, Christianity not mysterious, are explain'd, and others corrected: with a full and clear account of the authors princi[ples] relating to church and state; and a justification of the Whigs and commonwealthsmen, against the misrepresentation of all their opposers.
London : Printed for Bernard Lintott at the Post-House next the Middle-Temple-Gate in Fleetstreet, M.DCC.II. [1702].
ESTC No. T63149.Grub Street ID 288439.
Toland, John.
Letters to Serena: containing, I. The origin and force of prejudices. II. The History of the Soul's Immortality among the Heathens. III. The Origin of Idolatry, and Reasons of Heathenism. As also, IV. A letter to a gentleman in Holland, showing Spinosa's System of Philosophy to be without any Principle or Foundation. V. Motion essential to Matter; in Answer to some Remarks by a Noble Friend on the Confutation of Spinosa. To all which is prefix'd, VI. A preface; being a Letter to a Gentleman in London, sent together with the foregoing Dissertations, and declaring the several Occasions of writing them. By Mr. Toland.
London : printed for Bernard Lintot at the Middle-Temple Gate in Fleet street, M.DCC.IV. [1704].
ESTC No. T129765.Grub Street ID 179171.
Toland, John.
An account of the Courts of Prussia and Hanover; sent to a minister of state in Holland by Mr. Toland.
London : printed by John Darby in Bartholomew Close, M.DCC.V. [1705].
ESTC No. T10189.Grub Street ID 155733.
Toland, John.
The memorial of the state of England, in vindication of the queen, the church, and the administration: design'd to rectify the mutual mistakes of protestants, and to unite their affections in defence of our religion and liberty.
London : printed and sold by the booksellers of London and Westminster, 1705.
ESTC No. T39217.Grub Street ID 268522.
Toland, John.
An account of the courts of Prussia and Hanover; sent to a Minister of State in Holland. The second edition. To which are added, The ordinances, statutes, and privileges of the Royal Academy erected by the King of Prussia in his capital city of Berlin.
London : printed for A. Baldwin near the Oxford Arms in Warwick-Lane, M.DCC.VI. [1706].
ESTC No. T114664.Grub Street ID 166463.
Toland, John.
The memorial of the state of England, In Vindication of the Queen, the church, and the Administration: design'd to rectify the mutual mistakes of protestants, and to unite their affections in defence of our religion and liberty.
[Dublin]: London: printed for B. Bragg, and re-printed in Dublin for M. G. in Essex-Street, 1706.
ESTC No. T172043.Grub Street ID 209526.
Toland, John.
The jacobitism, perjury, and popery of High-Church priests.
London : printed for J. Baker at the Black-Boy in Pater-Noster-Row, M.DCC.X. [1710].
ESTC No. T29031.Grub Street ID 260511.
Toland, John.
The jacobitism perjury and popery of High-Church-Priests.
[Edinburgh]: London, printed for J. Baker at the Black-Boy in Pater-Noster-Row. M.DCC.X.; Edinburgh, reprinted by John Reid, in Bels-Wynd, 1710.
ESTC No. T29032.Grub Street ID 260512.
Toland, John.
The description of Epsom, with the humors and politicks of the place: in a letter to Eudoxa. There is added a translation of four letters out of Pliny.
London : printed for A. Baldwin in Warwick-Lane, [1711].
ESTC No. T117503.Grub Street ID 169093.
Toland, John.
Cicero illustratus, Dissertatio philologico-critica: sive consilium de toto edendo Cicerone, alia plan`e methodo qu`am hactenus unquam factum. Auctore Joanne Tolando.
Londini : Typis Joannis Humfreys in vico sancti Bartholomaei, M.DCC.XII. [1712].
ESTC No. T137265.Grub Street ID 185317.
Toland, John.
Dunkirk or Dover; or, the Queen's honour, the nation's safety, the liberties of Europe, and the peace of the world, all at stake till that fort and port be totally demolish'd by the French.
The second edition..
London : printed for A. Baldwin, 1713.
ESTC No. T35029.Grub Street ID 265235.
Toland, John.
A compleat history of the affair of Dr. Sacheverel, in its origin, progress, and consequences. ... In several letters to a gentleman at the court of Hannover. With an alphabetical index.
The second edition..
London : printed in the year, 1713.
ESTC No. T177729.Grub Street ID 214643.
Toland, John.
Dunkirk or Dover; or, the Queen's honour, the nation's safety, the liberties of Europe, and the peace of the world, all at stake till that fort and port be totally demolish'd by the French.
London : printed for A. Baldwin, near the Oxford-Arms in Warwick-Lane, 1713.
ESTC No. T103141.Grub Street ID 156797.
Toland, John.
An appeal to honest people against wicked priests: or, the very heathen laity's declarations for civil obedience and liberty of conscience, contrary to the rebellious and persecuting principles of some of the old Christian clergy; With an Application to the Corrupt Part of the Priests of this present Time, publish'd on Occasion of Dr. Sacheverell's last Sermon.
London : printed for Mrs. Smith in Cornhill, and sold by the booksellers of London and Westminster, [1713].
ESTC No. T108332.Grub Street ID 161231.
Toland, John.
The art of restoring. Or, the piety and probity of General Monk in bringing about the last restoration, ... with a just account of Sir Roger, who runs the parallel as far as he can. .
The seventh edition..
London : sold by J. Roberts, 1714.
ESTC No. N43010.Grub Street ID 28941.
Toland, John.
The art of restoring. or, the Piety and Probity of general Monk. In bringing about the last restoration, evidenc'd from his own authentic letters: With a just account of Sir Roger, who runs the parallel as far as he can. In a letter to a minister of state, at the court of Vienna.
The fifth edition..
London : [So]ld by J. Roberts, near the Oxford-Arms, in Warwick-Lane, 1714.
ESTC No. T98446.Grub Street ID 317709.
Toland, John.
The reasons and necessity of the Duke of Cambridge's coming to, and residing in Great Britain, argu'd from the present posture of affairs. .
London : printed for J. Baker, 1714.
ESTC No. T86565.Grub Street ID 306702.
Toland, John.
The grand mystery laid open: namely, by dividing of the Protestants to weaken the Hanover succession, and by defeating the succession to extirpate the Protestant religion. To which is added, The sacredness of parliamentary securities: Against those, Who wou'd indirectly this Year, or more directly the next (if they live so long) attack the Publick Funds.
London : printed for J. Roberts, near the Oxford-Arms in Warwick-Lane, [1714].
ESTC No. T102757.Grub Street ID 156436.
Toland, John.
The reasons and necessity of the Duke of Cambridge's coming to, and residing in Great Britain, argu'd from the present posture of affairs. .
London?] : Printed in the year, 1714.
ESTC No. T149964.Grub Street ID 195866.
Toland, John.
[The art of restoring. Or, the] piety and probity of general monk in bringing about the last restoration, evidenc'd from his own authentic letters: with a just account of Sir Roger, who runs the parallel as far as he can. In a letter to a minister of state, at the Court of Vienna.
The third edition..
London : Sold by J. Roberts, near the Oxford-Arms, in Warwick-Lane, 1714.
ESTC No. T97864.Grub Street ID 317221.
Toland, John.
The grand mystery laid open; namely, by dividing of the Protestants to weaken the Hanover succession, and by defeating the succession, to extirpate the Protestant religion. To which is added, The sacredness of parliamentary securities: .
London : printed by Ferd. Burleigh, 1714.
ESTC No. N17994.Grub Street ID 7467.
Toland, John.
The art of restoring. Or, The piety and probity of General Monk in bringing about the last restoration, evidenc'd from his own authentic letters: with a just account of Sir Roger, who runs the parallel as far as he can. In a letter to a minister of state, at the Court of Vienna.
London : sold by J. Roberts, near the Oxford-Arms, in Warwick-Lane, 1714.
ESTC No. T22479.Grub Street ID 246901.
Toland, John.
The art of restoring. Or, the piety and probity of General Monk in bringing about the last restoration, evidenc'd from his own authentic letters: ... In a letter to a minister of state, at the Court of Vienna.
The fourth edition..
London : sold by J. Roberts, 1714.
ESTC No. T17774.Grub Street ID 214655.
Toland, John.
An account of the courts of Prussia and Hannover: sent to a Minister of State in Holland. In which are contain'd the Characters of the Elector of Hannover, now King of England; The Electoral Prince, Duke of Cambridge, and others of that Illustrious Family. To which are added, The ordinances, statutes, and privileges of the Royal Academy, erected by the King of Prussia at Berlin. And The declaration of the Elector Palatine, in favour of his Protestant subjects. All three publish'd by Mr. Toland.
London : printed and sold by J. Roberts in Warwick-Lane, J. Harrison at the Royal Exchange, A. Dodd without Temple-Bar, and J. Graves in St. James's-Street, M.DCC.XIV. [1714].
ESTC No. N16350.Grub Street ID 6022.
Toland, John.
The art of restoring. Or, the piety and probity of General Monk in bringing about the last restoration, evidenc'd from his own authentic letters: with a just account of Sir Roger, Who runs the Parallel as far as he can. In a letter to a minister of state, at the Court of Vienna.
The sixth edition..
London : sold by J. Roberts, near the Oxford-Arms, in Warwick-Lane, [1714].
ESTC No. N30093.Grub Street ID 19080.
Toland, John.
Reasons for naturalizing the Jews in Great Britain and Ireland, on the same foot with all other nations. Containing also, a defence of the Jews against all vulgar prejudices in all countries.
London : printed for J. Roberts in Warwick-Lane, 1714.
ESTC No. N12733.Grub Street ID 2715.
Toland, John.
The art of restoring. Or, the piety and probity of General Monk in bringing about the last restoration, Evidenc'd from his own Authentic Letters: with a just account of Sir Roger, who runs the parallel as far as he can. In A Letter To A Minister of State, at the Court of Vienna.
The second edition..
London : sold by J. Roberts, near the Oxford-Arms, in Warwick-Lane, 1714.
ESTC No. T135330.Grub Street ID 183761.
Toland, John.
The reasons and necessity of the Duke of Cambridge's coming to, and residing in Great Britain, argu'd from the present posture of affairs. .
The second edition..
London : printed for J. Baker, 1714.
ESTC No. N26229.Grub Street ID 15603.
Toland, John.
The state-Anatomy of Great Britain. Containing a particular account of its several interests and parties, their bent and genius; and what each of them, with all the rest of Europe, may hope or fear from the reign and family of King George. Being a memorial sent by an intimate friend to a foreign minister , lately nominated to come for the Court of England.
The seventh edition..
London : printed for John Philips; and sold by J. Brotherton, and P. Meadows, at the Black Bull in Cornhill, and J. Roberts in Warwick-Lane, [1717?].
ESTC No. T106074.Grub Street ID 159264.
Toland, John.
The state-anatomy of Great Britain. Containing a particular account of its several interests and parties, their bent and genius; and what each of them, with all the rest of Europe, may hope or fear from the reign and family of King George. Being a memorial sent by an intimate friend to a foreign minister, lately nominated to come for the court of England.
The eighth edition..
London : printed for John Philips; and sold by J. Brotherton, and P. Meadows, at the Black Bull in Cornhill, and J. Roberts in Warwick-Lane. Price one shilling, [1717].
ESTC No. N69905.Grub Street ID 50724.
Toland, John.
The state-Anatomy of Great Britain. Containing a particular account of its several interests and parties, their bent and genius; and what each of them, with all the rest of Europe, may hope or fear from the Reign and Family of King George. Being a memorial Sent by an intimate friend to a Foreign Minister, lately nominated to come for the Court of England.
London : printed for John Philips, and sold by J. Brotherton at the Black Bull in Cornhill, and J. Roberts, at the Oxford-Arms in Warwick-Lane, [1717].
ESTC No. T63560.Grub Street ID 288817.
Toland, John.
The second part of the state anatomy, &c. Containing a short vindication of the former part, against the misrepresentations of the ignorant or the malicious, especially relating to our ministers of state, and to foreigners; with some reflections on the design'd clamor against the army, and on the Suedish conspiracy, also, letters to His Grace, the Late Archbishop of Canterbury, and to the dissenting ministers of all denominations, in the year 1705-6, about a general toleration, with some of their answers to the author: who now offers to publick consideration, what was then transacted for private satisfaction; together with a letter from their High-Mightinesses the States-General, of the United Provinces, on the same subject.
London : printed for John Phillips; and sold by J. Brotherton, and P. Meadows, at the Black Bull in Cornhill, and J. Roberts in Warwick-Lane, MDCCXVII. [1717].
ESTC No. T47349.Grub Street ID 275313.
Toland, John.
The second part of the state anatomy, &c. Containing a short vindication of the former part, against the misrepresentations of the ignorant or the malicious, especially relating to our ministers of state and to foreigners; with some reflections on the design'd clamor against the army, and on the Suedish consipiracy. Also, letters to His Grace, the Late Archbishop of Canterbury, and to the dissenting ministers of all denominations, in the year 1705-6, about a general toleration, with some of their answers to the author: who now offers to publick consideration, what was then transacted for private satisfaction; together with a letter from their high-mightinesses the states-general of the United Provinces, on the same subject.
The second edition..
London : Printed for John Phillips; and sold by J. Brotherton, and P. Meadows, at the Black Bull in Cornhill, and J. Roberts in Warwick-Lane, MDCCXVII. [1717].
ESTC No. T47350.Grub Street ID 275315.
Toland, John.
The state-Anatomy of Great Britain. Containing a particular account of its several interests and parties, their bent and genius; and what each of them, with all the rest of Europe, may hope or fear from the reign and family of King George. Being a memorial sent by an intimate friend to a foreign minister, lately nominated to come for the court of England.
The fifth edition..
London : printed for John Philips; and sold by J. Brotherton, and P. Meadows, at the Black Bull in Cornhill; and J. Roberts in Warwick-Lane, [1717].
ESTC No. T75379.Grub Street ID 298105.
Toland, John.
The state-anatomy of Great Britain. Containing a particular account of its several interests and parties, their bent and genius; and what each of them, with all the rest of Europe, may hope or fear from the reign and family of King George. Being a memorial sent by an intimate friend to a foreign minister, lately nominated to come for the court of England.
The ninth edition..
London : Printed for John Philips; and sold by J. Brotherton, and P. Meadows, at the Black Bull in Cornbill, and J. Roberts in Warwick-Lane, [1717].
ESTC No. T160404.Grub Street ID 199878.
Toland, John.
The state-anatomy of Great Britain. Containing a particular account of its several interests and parties, their bent and genius; and what each of them, with all the rest of Europe, may hope or fear from the reign and family of King George. Being a memorial sent by an intimate friend to a foreign minister, lately nominated to come for the court of England.
The second edition..
London : printed for John Philips; and sold by J. Brotherton and W. Meadows, at the Black Bull in Cornhill, and J. Roberts in Warwick-Lane, [1717].
ESTC No. T48564.Grub Street ID 276430.
Toland, John.
The state-Anatomy of Great Britain. Containing a particular account of its several interests and parties, their bent and genius; and what each of them, with all the rest of Europe, may hope or fear from the reign and family of King George. Being a memorial sent by an intimate friend to a foreign minister, lately nominated to come for the court of England.
The third edition..
London : printed for John Philips; and sold by J. Brotherton, and P. Meadows, at the Black Bull in Cornhill, and J. Roberts in Warwick-Lane, [1717].
ESTC No. T48565.Grub Street ID 276431.
Toland, John.
The state-anatomy of Great Britain. Containing a particular account of its several interests and parties, ... Being a memorial sent by an intimate friend to a foreign minister, lately nominated to come for the court of England.
The sixth edition..
London : printed for John Philips, and sold by J. Brotherton, and P. Meadows, and J. Roberts, [1717].
ESTC No. T48566.Grub Street ID 276432.
Toland, John.
The state-anatomy of Great Britain. Containing a particular account of its several interests and parties, their bent and genius; and what each of them, with all the rest of Europe, may hope or fear from the reign and family of King George. Being a memorial sent by an intimate friend to a foreign minister, lately nominated to come for the court of England.
The eighth edition..
London : Printed for John Philips; and sold by J. Brotherton, and P. Meadows, at the Black Bull in Cornbill, and J. Roberts in Warwick-Lane, 1717.
ESTC No. T48567.Grub Street ID 276433.
Toland, John.
The state-anatomy of Great Britain. Containing a particular account of its several interests and parties, their bent and genius; and what each of them, with all the rest of Europe, may hope or fear from the reign and family of King George. Being a memorial sent by an intimate friend to a foreign minister, lately nominated to come for the court of England.
The fourth edition..
London : printed for John Philips; and sold by J. Brotherton, and P. Meadows, at the Black Bull in Cornhill, and J. Roberts in Warwick-Lane, [1717].
ESTC No. T76583.Grub Street ID 298969.
Toland, John.
Nazarenus: or, Jewish, gentile, and Mahometan Christianity. Containing the history of the antient Gospel of Barnabas, and the modern Gospel of the Mahometans, attributed to the same apostle: this last Gospel being now first made known among Christians. Also, the original plan of Christianity occasionally explain'd in the history of the Nazarens, wherby [sic] diverse controversies about this divine (but highly perverted) institution may be happily terminated. With the relation of an Irish manuscript of the four Gospels, as likewise a summary of the antient Irish Christianity, and the reality of the Keldees (an order of lay-religious) against the two last Bishops of Worcester. By Mr. Toland.
London : printed: and sold by J. Brown without Temple-Bar, J. Roberts in Warwick-Lane, and J. Brotherton at the Black Bull in Cornhill, 1718.
ESTC No. T139629.Grub Street ID 187476.
Toland, John.
The destiny of Rome: or, the Probability of the Speedy and Final Destruction of the Pope. Concluded Partly, from natural Reasons, and political Observations; and partly, on Occasion of the famous Prophesy of St. Malachy, Archbishop of Armagh, in the XIIth Century: Which Curious Piece, Containing Emblematical Characters of all the Popes, from his own Time to the utter Extirpation of them, is not only here entirely publish'd; but likewise set in a much clearer Light, than has ever hitherto been done. In a letter To a Divine of the Church of England, From a Divine of the Church of the First-Born.
London : printed; and sold by J. Roberts in Warwick-Lane, and A. Dodd at the Peacock without Temple-Bar, 1718.
ESTC No. T31731.Grub Street ID 262522.
Toland, John.
Nazarenus: or, Jewish, Gentile, and Mahometan Christianity. Containing the history of the antient Gospel of Barnabas, and the modern Gospel of the Mahometans, attributed to the same Apostle: this last Gospel being now first made known among Christians. Also, the original plan of Christianity occasionally explain'd in the history of the Nazarens, wherby diverse Controversies about this divine (but highly perverted) Institution may be happily terminated. With the relation of an Irish manuscript of the four Gospels, as likewise a Summary of the antient Irish Christianity, and the reality of the Keldees (an order of Lay-Religious) against the two last Bishops of Worcester. By Mr. Toland.
The second edition revised..
London : printed: and sold by J. Brotherton at the Black Bull in Cornhill, J. Roberts in Warwick-Lane, and A. Dodd at the Peacock without Temple-Bar, [1718].
ESTC No. T120680.Grub Street ID 171688.
Toland, John.
An account of an Irish manuscript of the four Gospels; with a summary of the ancient Irish Christianity, ... and the reality of the Keldees ... against the two last Bishops of Worcester.
London : printed in the year, 1718.
ESTC No. N46645.Grub Street ID 31461.
Toland, John.
Tetradymus. Containing I. Hodegus; or the pillar of cloud and fire, that guided the Israelites in the wilderness, not maraculous, but, as faithfully related in Exodus a thing equally practis'd by other nations and in those places not only useful but necessary. II. Clidophorus; or of the exoteric and esoteric philosophy, that is, of the external and internal doctrine of the antients: the one open and public, accomodated to popular prejudices and the establish'd religions; the other private and secret wherein, to the few capable and discrete, was taught the real truth scripts of all disguises. III. Hypatia; or the history of the most beautiful, most virtuous, most learned, and every way accomplish'd lady; who was torn to pieces by the clergy of Alexandria, to gratify the pride, emulation, and cruelty of their Archbishop Cyril, commonly but undeservedly stil'd Saint Cyril. IV. Mangoneutes: being a defense of Nazarenus, address'd to the right reverend John lord Bishop of London; against his lor.
London : Printed: and sold by J. Brotherton and W. Meadows in Cornhill, J. Roberts in Warwick-lane, W. Meres without Temple-bar, W. Chetwood in Covent-garden, S. Chapman in Pall-Mall, and J. Graves in St. James's Street. , MDCCXX. [1720].
ESTC No. T139630.Grub Street ID 187478.
Toland, John.
Reasons most humbly offer'd to the honble House of Commons why the bill sent down to them from the most honble House of Lords, entitul'd, an Act for the better securing the dependency of the kingdom of Ireland upon the crown of Great Britain, shou'd not pass into a law.
London : printed for R. Franklin, at the Sun in Fleetstreet, MDCCXX. [1720].
ESTC No. T46469.Grub Street ID 274557.
Toland, John.
The danger of mercenary Parliaments: with a preface, shewing the infinite mischiefs of long and pack'd Parliaments. By the editor of the Earl of Shaftesbury's letters to Lord Molesworth.
London : printed for J. Peele, at Locke's Head in Pater-Noster-Row, 1722.
ESTC No. T691.Grub Street ID 293190.
Toland, John.
A collection of several pieces of Mr. John Toland, now first publish'd from his original manuscripts: with some memoirs of his life and writings. .
London : printed for J. Peele, at Locke's Head in Pater-Noster Row, M.DCC.XXVI. [1726].
ESTC No. T137257.Grub Street ID 185310.
Toland, John.
The theological and philological works of the late Mr. John Toland, being a system of Jewish, gentile and Mahometan Christianity, .
London : printed and sold by W. Mears, 1732.
ESTC No. T130415.Grub Street ID 179561.
Toland, John.
The miscellaneous works of Mr. John Toland, now first published from his original manuscripts. ... To the whole is prefixed, a copious account of Mr. Toland's life and writings. By Mr. Des Maizeaux. .
London : printed for J. Whiston; S. Baker; and J. Robinson, 1747.
ESTC No. T137256.Grub Street ID 185309.
Toland, John.
Pantheisticon: or, the form of celebrating the Socratic-Society. Divided into three parts. Which Contain, I. The Morals and Axioms of the Pantheists; or the Brotherhood. II. Their Deity and Philosophy. III. Their Liberty, and a Law, neither deceiving, nor to be deceived. To which is prefix'd a discourse upon the antient and modern societies of the learned, as also upon the Infinite and Eternal Universe. And subjoined, a short dissertation upon a two-fold philosophy of the pantheists, that is to be followed; together with an Idea of the best and most accomplished Man. Written originally in Latin, by the ingenious Mr. John Toland. And now, for the first time, faithfully rendered into English.
London : printed for Sam. Paterson, at Shakespear's-Head, opposite Durham-Yard, in the Strand; and sold by M. Cooper, in Pater-Noster Row, 1751.
ESTC No. T130739.Grub Street ID 179822.
Toland, John.
Hypatia: or, the history of a Most beautiful, most vertuous, most learned, and every way accomplish'd lady; who Was torn to Pieces by the Clergy of Alexandria, to gratify the Pride, Emulation, and Cruelty of their Archbishop, commonly but undeservedly stiled St. Cyril. Magnum aliquid instat, efferum, ... impium. Sen. Medea, Act. 3. Scen. I. lin. 16.
London : printed for M. Cooper, in Pater-Noster-Row; W. Reeve, in Fleet-Street; and C. Sympson, in Chancery-Lane, [1753].
ESTC No. T53957.Grub Street ID 280824.
Toland, John.
The art of governing by parties.
London : printed for W. Fenner in Pater-Noster-Row, [1757?].
ESTC No. T121047.Grub Street ID 171917.
Toland, John.
The art of governing by parties.
London : printed for H. Woodgate, [1760?].
ESTC No. T214554.Grub Street ID 240931.
Toland, John.
The life of Iohn Milton; containing, besides the history of his works, several extraordinary characters of men, and books, sects, parties, and opinions: with Amyntor; or a defense of Milton's life: by Iohn Toland. And uarious notes now added.
London] : London printed for Iohn Darby MDCXCIX. Reprinted for A. Millar in the Strand, MDCCLXI. [1761] [1760.
ESTC No. T137266.Grub Street ID 185318.