Publications of Edward Browne


  • Browne, Edward. A description of an annuall vvorld, or, Briefe meditiations upon all the holy-daies in the yeere. With certaine briefe poeticall meditations of the day in generall and all the daies in the weeke. By E.B. London: printed by E.G. for William Ley, and are to be sold at his shop at Paules Chaine..downe to Doctors Commons, 1641. ESTC No. R6201. Grub Street ID 126560.
  • Browne, Edward. A description of an annuall vvorld. Or, Briefe meditations upon all the holy-daies in the yeere. With certaine briefe poeticall meditations of the day in generall, and all the daies in the weeke. By E.B. London: printed by E[dward] G[riffin], 1641. ESTC No. R12452. Grub Street ID 60630.
  • Browne, Edward. Sir James Cambels Clarks disaster, by making books, shewing that lying and scandalous pamphlets against the King and Parliament are in great estimation, but bookes of learning and religion little regarded. Exemplified in a compendious letter to Iohn Philpond in Suffolke. London: [s.n], printed in the climacterian yeere, 1642. ESTC No. R19105. Grub Street ID 76898.
  • Browne, Edward. A rare paterne of iustice and mercy; exemplified in the many notable, and charitable legacies of Sr. Iames Cambel, Knight, and alderman of London, deceased: worthy imitation. Whereunto is annexed A meteor, and a starre: or, Briefe and pleasant meditations of Gods providence to his chosen, of the education of children and of the vertue of love; with other poems. By Edw: Browne. Printed at London: for William Ley at Pauls Chaine, neere Doctors Common, M DC XLII. [1642]. ESTC No. R208421. Grub Street ID 84673.