Jeanes, Henry.
The vvorke of heaven upon earth: or The excellencie of praise and thanksgiving, in part displayed in a sermon, inlarged into a treatise, preached at Taunton in the county of Somerset May 11. 1648. Being the day set apart for the annuall commemoration of the deliverance o that town, by the reliefe which they received on May 11. anno 1645. By Henry Jeanes minister of Gods word at Chedzoy in the same county.
London: printed by G[artrude]. D[awson]. for Francis Eglesfield at the Marigold in Pauls Church-yard, and are to be sold by George Treagle in Taunton, 1649.
ESTC No. R20545.Grub Street ID 82195.
Jeanes, Henry.
The vvorks of heaven upon earth: or The eccellencie of praise and thanksgiving, in part displayed in a sermon, inlarged into a treatise, preached at Taunton in the county of Somerset May 11. 1648. Being the day set apart for the annuall commemoration of the deliverance o that town, by the reliefe which they received on May 11. anno 1645. By Henry Jeanes Minister of Gods Word at Chedzoy in the same county.
London: printed by G.D. for Francis Eglesfield at the Marigold in Pauls Church-yard, and are to be sold by George Treagle in Taunton, 1649.
ESTC No. R204239.Grub Street ID 81235.
Jeanes, Henry.
The vvorks of heaven upon earth: or The eccellencie of praise and thanksgiving, in part displayed in a sermon, inlarged into a treatise, preached at Taunton in the county of Somerset May 11. 1648. Being the day set apart for the annuall commemoration of the deliverance o that town, by the reliefe which they received on May 11. anno 1645. By Henry Jeanes Minister of Gods Word at Chedzoy in the same county.
London: printed by G.D. for Francis Eglesfield at the Marigold in Pauls Church-yard, 1649.
ESTC No. R204240.Grub Street ID 81237.
Jeanes, Henry.
The want of church-government no warrant for a totall omission of the Lords Supper. Or, A brief and scholastical debate of that question, which hath so wonderfully perplexed many, both ministers and people. Whether or no, the sacrament of the Lords Supper may (according to presbyterial principles) be lawfully administred in an un-presbyterated church, that is, a church destitute of ruling elders. Wherein the affirmative is confirmed by many arguments, and cleared from objections, especially such as are drawn from the unavoidablenesse of mixt communions without ecclesiastical discipline. By Henry Jeanes, minister of Gods Word at Chedzoy in Sommerset-shire.
London: printed for Samuel Gellibrand, at the Ball in Pauls Church-yard, 1650.
ESTC No. R202652.Grub Street ID 79877.
Jeanes, Henry.
The want of chvrch-government no warrant for a totall omission of the Lord's Supper. Or, A briefe and scholasticall debate of this perplexing question, whether or no, the sacrament of the Lord's Supper may (according to presbyteriall principles) be lawfully administred i an un-presbyterated church, that is, a church destitute of ruling elders? Wherein the affirmative is confirmed by many arguments, and cleared from the most materiall objections. Whereunto is now added, A reply unto Mr Fullwood his pretended examination of the aforesaid discourse. By Henry Ieanes minister of God's word at Chezdoy in Sommerset-shire.
Oxford: printed by H. Hall printer to the University, for Th. Robinson, 1653.
ESTC No. R208531.Grub Street ID 84776.
Jeanes, Henry.
A mixture of scholasticall divinity, with practicall, in severall tractates: vvherein some of the most difficult knots in divinity are untied, many darke places of Scripture cleared, sundry heresies, and errours, refuted, by Henry Ieanes, minister of God's Word at Chedzo in Sommerset-shire.
Oxford: printed by H. Hall printer to the University, for Thomas Robinson, 1656.
ESTC No. R202616.Grub Street ID 79842.
Jeanes, Henry.
Doctor Hammond his Ektenesteron, or a greater ardency in Christ's love of God at one time, than another proved to be utterly irreconcileable with 1. His fulnesse of habituall grace. 2. The perpetuall happinesse, and 3. The impeccability of his soule. By Henry Ieanes, minister of Gods Word at Chedzoy in Somerset-shire.
Oxford: printed by Henry Hall, printer to the University, for Thomas Robinson, 1657.
ESTC No. R202617.Grub Street ID 79843.
Jeanes, Henry.
Uniformity in humane doctrinall ceremonies ungrounded on 1 Cor. 14.40. or, a reply unto Dr. Hammonds vindication of his grounds of uniformity from the 1 Cor. 14.40. By Henry Jeanes, minister of Gods word at Chedzoy.
Oxford: printed by A. Lichfield printer to the Universitie, for Tho. Robinson, 1660.
ESTC No. R231583.Grub Street ID 103605.
Jeanes, Henry.
A second part of The mixture of scholasticall divinity, with practical, in several tractates: wherein some of the most difficult knots in divinity are untyed, many dark places of Scripture cleared, sundry heresies and errors refuted. By Henry Jeanes, minister of Gods Wor at Chedzoy in Somersetshire. Whereunto are annexed, several letters of the same author, and Dr. Jeremy Taylor, concerning Original Sin. Together with a reply unto Dr. Hammonds vindication of his grounds of uniformity from 1 Cor. 14.40.
Oxford: printed by H. Hall [and A. Lichfield], printer to the University, for Thomas Robinson, 1660.
ESTC No. R202621.Grub Street ID 79848.
Jeanes, Henry.
Dr. Creed's voluminous defence of Dr. Hammond's 'Ektene'steron briefly examined, and the weaknesse thereof fully discovered. By Henry Jeanes.
London : printed for Edward Brewster at the Signe of the Crane in Saint Paul's-Church-yard, 1661.
ESTC No. R1257.Grub Street ID 60734.
Jeanes, Henry.
A treatise concerning the indifference of humane actions.
Oxford: Printed by Hen. Hall .. for Tho. Robinson, 1669.
ESTC No. R34477.Grub Street ID 116999.