Publications of Samuel Rowlands


  • Rowlands, Samuel. The betraying of Christ. Iudas in despaire. The seuen words of our Sauior on the crosse. With other poems on the Passion. London: printed by Adam Islip, 1598. ESTC No. S116242. Grub Street ID 135930.
  • Rowlands, Samuel. The lettin[g] of humours blood in the head-vaine with a new morissco, daunced by seauen satyres, vpon the bottome of Diog[e?]nes tubbe. At London: Printed by W. White for W.F., 1600. ESTC No. S4866. Grub Street ID 148783.
  • Rowlands, Samuel. The letting of humours blood in the head-vaine. VVith a new Morissco, daunced by seauen satyres, vpon the bottoms of Diogines Tubbe. At London: Printed by W. White for W. F[erbrand], 1600. ESTC No. S119829. Grub Street ID 139467.
  • Rowlands, Samuel. The letting of humors blood in the head-vaine. VVith a new Morissco, daunced by seauen satyres, vpon the bottome of Diogines tubbe. At London: printed by W. White for W. F[erbrand]., 1600. ESTC No. S94965. Grub Street ID 153076.
  • Rowlands, Samuel. The letting of humours blood in the head-vaine. VVith a new Morissco, daunced by seauen satyres, vpon the bottome of Diogines Tubbe. At London: printed by W. White for W. F[erbrand], 1600. ESTC No. S94966. Grub Street ID 153077.
  • Rowlands, Samuel. Greenes ghost haunting conie-catchers. Wherein is set downe, the arte of humouring. The arte of carrying stones. Will. St. lift. Ia. Fost. law. Ned Bro. catch. and Blacke Robins kindnesse. With the conceits of Doctor Pinch-backe a notable makeshift. Ten times more pleasant than anything yet published of this matter. London: printed [by P[eter] Short?] for R[oger] Iackson, and I. North, and are to be sold in [the shop of R. Newbery,] Fleetstreete, a little aboue the Conduit, 1602. ESTC No. S118490. Grub Street ID 138144.
  • Rowlands, Samuel. Tis merrie vvhen gossips meete. At London: Printed by W. W[hite] and are to be sold by George Loftus at the Golden Ball in Popes?ead [sic] Alley, 1602. ESTC No. S110745. Grub Street ID 130731.
  • Rowlands, Samuel. Aue Cæsar. = God saue the King. The ioyfull ecchoes of loyall English hartes, entertayning his Maiesties late ariuall in England. With an epitaph vpon the death of her Maiestie our late Queene. London: Printed [by W. White] for W. F[erbrand] and G. L[oftus] and are to be sold in Popes-hed-Ally neare the Exchange, 1603. ESTC No. S110750. Grub Street ID 130734.
  • Rowlands, Samuel. Looke to it: for, Ile stabbe ye. Imprinted at London: By E. Allde for W. Ferbrand, and George Loftes, and are to be solde in Popes-head Allie, 1604. ESTC No. S110756. Grub Street ID 130738.
  • Rowlands, Samuel. Looke to it: for, Ile stabbe ye. [London]: Imprinted at London by W. W[hite] for W. Ferbrand, and are to be sold by W. F[erbrand] and G. L[oftus] in Popes-head Allie, 1604. ESTC No. S94968. Grub Street ID 153078.
  • Rowlands, Samuel. Hell's broke loose. London: printed by W. W[hite] and are to be sold by G. Loftus in Popes-head Allie neare the Exchange, 1605. ESTC No. S110749. Grub Street ID 130733.
  • Rowlands, Samuel. Humors ordinarie. VVhere a man may be verie merrie, and exceeding vvell vsed for his sixe-pence. At London: Printed for William Firebrand, and are to be sold at his shop in Popeshead Pallace, right ouer against the tauerne doore, [1605?]. ESTC No. S956. Grub Street ID 153557.
  • Rowlands, Samuel. A theater of delightfull recreation. London: printed [by R. Field] for A. Iohnson, 1605. ESTC No. S94970. Grub Street ID 153079.
  • Rowlands, Samuel. A terrible battell betweene the two consumers of the whole world: time, and death. By Samuell Rowlands. Printed at London: [By W. Jaggard] for Iohn Deane, and are to be sold at his shop.., [1606?]. ESTC No. S112121. Grub Street ID 131885.
  • Rowlands, Samuel. Democritus, or Doctor Merry-man his medicines, against melancholy humors. Written by S.R. [London]: Printed [by William Jaggard] for Iohn Deane, and are to be sold at his shop at Temple-barre, vnder the gate, [1607]. ESTC No. S116226. Grub Street ID 135914.
  • Rowlands, Samuel. Humors looking glasse. London: Imprinted by Ed. Allde for VVilliam Ferebrand and are to be sold at his shop in the popes-head Pallace, right ouer against the Tauerne-dore, 1608. ESTC No. S110737. Grub Street ID 130725.
  • Rowlands, Samuel. Diogenes lanthorne. London: Printed [by Edward Allde] for Thomas Archer, and are to be solde at his shop in the Popes-head Pallacc [sic], neere the Royall-Exchange, [1608?]. ESTC No. S116235. Grub Street ID 135923.
  • Rowlands, Samuel. Diogenes lanthorne. London: Printed [by Edward Allde] for Thomas Pauier, and are to be solde at his shop in Cornewall at the signe of the Catt and the two Parrats, 1608. ESTC No. S116239. Grub Street ID 135927.
  • Rowlands, Samuel. Doctor Merrie-man, or, Nothing but mirth written by S.R. At London: Printed for Iohn Deane, and are to be sold at his shoppe at Temple-barre vnder the gate, 1609. ESTC No. S1675. Grub Street ID 146092.
  • Rowlands, Samuel. The famous historie of Guy earle of Warwick. London: [printed by E. A[llde]. for W. Ferbrand, 1609]. ESTC No. S94962. Grub Street ID 153074.
  • Rowlands, Samuel. The letting of humors blood in the head-vaine. With a new Morissco, daunced by seuen satyres, vpon the bottome of Diogines Tubbe. Imprinted at London: By W. White, 1611. ESTC No. S112999. Grub Street ID 132743.
  • Rowlands, Samuel. The knaue of clubbs. Printed at London: By E[dward] A[llde] dwelling on Lambard hill neere Olde Fish-street, 1611. ESTC No. S110741. Grub Street ID 130727.
  • Rowlands, Samuel. The knaue of harts. Haile fellow, vvell met. London: Printed by T[homas] S[nodham] and are to be solde by George Loftus, at [his] shop vnder S. Sepulchers-Church, 1612. ESTC No. S110743. Grub Street ID 130729.
  • Rowlands, Samuel. A crevv of kind gossips, all met to be merrie: complayning of their husbands, with their husbands ansvveres in their owne defence. Written, and newly inlarged by S.R. London: Printed by W. W[hite] for Iohn Deane, and are to be sold at his shoppe at Temple-barre, 1613. ESTC No. S110530. Grub Street ID 130562.
  • Rowlands, Samuel. More knaues yet? The knaues of spades and diamonds. With new additions. London: [Printed by Edward Allde for John Tap, 1613?]. ESTC No. S121856. Grub Street ID 141424.
  • Rowlands, Samuel. The letting of humors blood in the head-vaine. With a new morissco, daunced by seuen satyres, vpon the bottome of Diogenes tubbe. Imprinted at London: By W[illiam] W[hite], 1613. ESTC No. S1677. Grub Street ID 146094.
  • Rowlands, Samuel. More knaues yet? The knaues of spades and diamonds. London: printed [by E. Allde] for Iohn Tap, dwelling at Saint Magnus, [1613]. ESTC No. S125949. Grub Street ID 145131.
  • Rowlands, Samuel. Tis merrie vvhen gossips meete. Newly enlarged, with diuers merry songes, sung by a fidlers boy. London: printed by W. W[hite for J.] Deane, and are to be .., [1613?]. ESTC No. S119875. Grub Street ID 139513.
  • Rowlands, Samuel. Doctor Merrie-man: or, Nothing but mirth. Written by S.R. At London: printed for Samuell Rand, and are to be sold at his shoppe neere Holborne bridge, 1614. ESTC No. S124367. Grub Street ID 143742.
  • Rowlands, Samuel. Sir Thomas Ouerbury, or The poysoned knights complaint. Imprinted at London: for Iohn VVhite, [1614?]. ESTC No. S4058. Grub Street ID 148162.
  • Rowlands, Samuel. A fooles bolt is soone shott. Imprinted at London: [by E. Allde?] for George Loftus, and are to be sold at the signe of the White Horse at the Steps of the North doore of Paules, 1614. ESTC No. S94963. Grub Street ID 153075.
  • Rowlands, Samuel. Diogenes lanthorne. At London: printed [by R. Blower] for Tho Archer, [ca. 1615]. ESTC No. S125331. Grub Street ID 144576.
  • Rowlands, Samuel. The bride by S.R. London: Printed by W.I. for T.P., 1617. ESTC No. S2862. Grub Street ID 147190.
  • Rowlands, Samuel. A sacred memorie of the miracles wrought by our Lord and Sauiour Iesus Christ. Written by Samuel Rowlands. London: Imprinted by Bernard Alsop, and are to be sold at his house by Saint Annes Church neere Aldersgate, 1618. ESTC No. S116249. Grub Street ID 135937.
  • Rowlands, Samuel. Well met gossip: or, Tis merrie when gossips meete. London: Printed by I. W[right], for Iohn Deane and are to be sold at his Shop iust vnder Temple-barre, 1619. ESTC No. S112123. Grub Street ID 131887.
  • Rowlands, Samuel. Doctor Merry-man, or, Nothing but mirth written by S.R. London: Printed by A.M. for Sa. Rand, and are to be sould at his shoppe neere Holborne-bridge, 1619. ESTC No. S2863. Grub Street ID 147191.
  • Rowlands, Samuel. [A paire of spy-knaues]. [S.l.: G. Purslowe, 1620?]. ESTC No. S1119. Grub Street ID 131665.
  • Rowlands, Samuel. The night-rauen. By S.R. London: Printed by G: Eld for Iohn Deane and Thomas Baily, 1620. ESTC No. S110759. Grub Street ID 130741.
  • Rowlands, Samuel. [The famous history, of Guy Earle of Warwicke]. [London?: E. Allde, ca. 1620]. ESTC No. S2864. Grub Street ID 147192.
  • Rowlands, Samuel. Good nevves and bad nevves. By S.R. London: Printed [by George Purslowe] for Henry Bell, and are to be sold at his shop within the Hospitall gate in Smith-field, 1622. ESTC No. S110762. Grub Street ID 130743.
  • Rowlands, Samuel. The famous history of Guy Earle of Warwicke by Samuel Rowlands. Imprinted at London: By Edw. All-de ..., [ca. 1625]. ESTC No. S4450. Grub Street ID 148457.
  • Rowlands, Samuel. Doctor Merry-man: or, Nothing but mirth. Written by S. R. London: Printed by A. M[athews] for Sa: Rand, and are to be sold at his Shoppe neere Holborne-Bridge, 1627. ESTC No. S112111. Grub Street ID 131877.
  • Rowlands, Samuel. VVell met gossip: or, tis merrie when gossips meete. Now newly enlarged, with diuers merry songes. London: printed by Augustine Mathewes, and are to be sold by Michael Sparkes, 1627. ESTC No. S94971. Grub Street ID 153080.
  • Rowlands, Samuel. Heavens glory, seeke it. Earts [sic] vanitie, flye it. Hells horror, fere it. London: Printed [by T. Cotes] for Michaell Sparke, A[nn]o 1628. ESTC No. S112117. Grub Street ID 131882.
  • Rowlands, Samuel. Diogenes lanthorne. In Athens I seeke for honest men, but I shall find them God knowes when. Ile search the city, where if I can see one honest man, he shall goe with mee. London: Printed [by John Beale] for Robert Bird, dwelling at the signe of the Bible in Cheape-side, 1631. ESTC No. S1676. Grub Street ID 146093.
  • Rowlands, Samuel. Diogenes lanthorne. In Athens I seeke for honest men, but I shall find them God knows when. He search the city, where if I can see, one honest man, he shall goe with me. London: Printed by I. N[orton] for Robert Bird, and are to be sold at the signe of the Bible in St. Laurence lane, 1634. ESTC No. S112110. Grub Street ID 131876.
  • Rowlands, Samuel. The famous history of Guy earle of Warwicke. By Samuel Rowlands. [Printed at London: By Elizabeth All-de, 1635]. ESTC No. S112115. Grub Street ID 131880.
  • Rowlands, Samuel. A most excellent treatise containing the way to seek heavens glory, to flie earths vanity, to feare hells horror with Godly prayers and the bell-mans summons. London: Printed by G.M. for Michael Sparke Junior at the blew [sic] Bible in Greene-Arbour, 1639. ESTC No. S502. Grub Street ID 148911.
  • Rowlands, Samuel. Doctor merry-man: or nothing but mirth. Written by S.R. London: printed by J.O. for Samuel Rand, and are to be sold at his shop neare Holborne-Bridge, 1642. ESTC No. R229947. Grub Street ID 102336.
  • Rowlands, Samuel. The famous history of Guy Earle of Warwick. By Samuel Rowlands. London: printed by J. Bell for Thomas Vere in the old Bayley, 1649. ESTC No. R14961. Grub Street ID 62932.
  • Rowlands, Samuel. The melancholy cavalier. Or, Fancy's master-piece. A poem by J.C. [London]: Printed for C.R., in the yeer, 1654. ESTC No. R208526. Grub Street ID 84772.
  • Rowlands, Samuel. The famous history of Guy Earle of Warwick. By Samuel Rowlands. London: printed by J. Bell, and are to be sold at the east-end of Christ Church, 1654. ESTC No. R17882. Grub Street ID 70456.
  • Rowlands, Samuel. VVell met gossip: or, 'Tis merry when gossips meet. London: printed William Gilbertson, and are to be sold at his shop, at the Bible in Gilt-spur Street, 1656. ESTC No. R218464. Grub Street ID 93117.
  • Rowlands, Samuel. Doctor Merrie-man: or, Nothing but mirth. Written by S.R. London: printed by R[obert]. I[bbitson]. for Fr. Grove, and are to be sold at his shop on Snow-hill, without Newgate, 1657. ESTC No. R12807. Grub Street ID 60957.
  • Rowlands, Samuel. Time well improved: or, some helps for weak heads, in their meditations on heaven's glory, earth's vanity, hell's horrour. With prayers fitted for several occasions. Whereunto is added the verses used by the bell-men of London, in their nightly perambulations. London: printed for Henry Fletcher, at the three gilt cups in Pauls Church-yard, near the West-end, 1657. ESTC No. R209498. Grub Street ID 85730.
  • Rowlands, Samuel. Diogenes lanthorne. In Athens I seek for honest men, but I shall find them God knows when. I'le search the city, where if I can see one honest man, he shall go with me. London: printed for M. Wright, and are to be sold at the Kings-head in the old Baily, 1659. ESTC No. R218417. Grub Street ID 93076.
  • Rowlands, Samuel. A crew of kind London gossips all met to be merry complaining of their husbands, with their husbands answer in their own defence. To which is added, ingenious poems of wit and drollery. By a person of quality. London : [s.l.], printed ... sold at the ... [1663]. ESTC No. R219745. Grub Street ID 94238.
  • Rowlands, Samuel. A crew of kind London gossips all met to be merry. Complaining of their husbands. With their husbands answer in their own defence To which is added Ingenious poems. Or Wit and drollery. Written and newly enlarged by S.R. Imprinted at London : and are to be sold at the Grey-hound in St. Pauls Church-Yard, and in Westminster-Hall, [1663]. ESTC No. R7315. Grub Street ID 127586.
  • Rowlands, Samuel. A crew of kind London gossips all met to be merry. Complaining of their husbands. With their husbands answer in their own defence to which is added ingenious poems. Or wit and drollery. Written and newly enlarged by S.R. Imprinted at London : and are to be sold at the Grey-hound in St. Pauls Church-Yard, and in Westminster-Hall, 1663. ESTC No. R182869. Grub Street ID 72804.
  • Rowlands, Samuel. The famous history of Guy Earle of Warwick. Written by Samuel Rowland. London : printed for Edward Brewster, 1667. ESTC No. R33553. Grub Street ID 116152.
  • Rowlands, Samuel. Doctor merry-man: or, nothing but mirth. Written by S.R. London : mprinted [sic] by E. Crowch, for F. Coles, T. Vere, and J. Wright, 1671. ESTC No. R229664. Grub Street ID 102104.
  • Rowlands, Samuel. Well met gossip: or, 'Tis merry when gossips meet. [Ne]wly enlarged, with very merry songs, pleasant for maids, wives, and widdows, and delightfull to all that shall read it. London : [pri]nted for Tho. Vere, and are to be sold at the sign of the Angel without Newgate, 1673. ESTC No. R182920. Grub Street ID 72837.
  • Rowlands, Samuel. Well met gossip: or, 'Tis merry when gossips meet. Newly enlarged, with very merry songs, pleasant for maids, wives, and widdows; and delightfull to all that shall read it.. London : printed for Tho. Vere, and are to be sold at the Sign of the Angel without Newgate, 1675. ESTC No. R218465. Grub Street ID 93118.
  • Rowlands, Samuel. The famous history of Guy Earl of Warwick. Written by Samuel Rowland. London : printed for Edward Brewster at the sign of the Crane in St. Pauls Church-yard, 1679. ESTC No. R182919. Grub Street ID 72835.
  • Rowlands, Samuel. The famous history of Guy Earl of Warwick. Written by Samuel Rowland. London : printed for G. Conyers, at the Gold-Ring in Little-Britain, [1680?]. ESTC No. R218418. Grub Street ID 93077.
  • Rowlands, Samuel. The famous history of Guy of Warwick.b Written by Samuel Rowland. London : printed for G. Conyers, at the Gold-Ring in Little-Britain, [1680?]. ESTC No. R218463. Grub Street ID 93116.
  • Rowlands, Samuel. Doctor Merry-man, or, Nothing but mirth. Written by S.R. London : printed for F. Coles, T. Vere, J. Wright, J. Clarke, W. Thackeray, and T. Passinger, 1681. ESTC No. R39101. Grub Street ID 121096.
  • Rowlands, Samuel. The famous history of Guy Earl of Warwick. Written by Samuel Rowland. London : Printed for Edward Brewster, at the sign of the Crane in St. Pauls Church-Yard, 1682. ESTC No. R201897. Grub Street ID 79195.
  • Rowlands, Samuel. The history of Guy Earl of Warwick. Written by Samuel Rowland. London : printed for G. Conyers, at the Gold-Ring in Little-Britain, [1701?]. ESTC No. T184938. Grub Street ID 221200.
  • Rowlands, Samuel. The famous history of Guy of Warwick. Written by Samuel Rowland. London : printed for G. Conyers, at the Golden-Ring in Little-Britain, [1701?]. ESTC No. T184950. Grub Street ID 221210.
  • Rowlands, Samuel. Doctor Merry-Man: or, nothing but mirth. Being a posie of pleasant poems, and witty jests. Newcastle upon Tyne: printed and sold by John White, [1750?]. ESTC No. T187652. Grub Street ID 223564.
  • Rowlands, Samuel. Doctor Merryman; or nothing but mirth, being a poesy of pleasant poems and witty jests. London] : Printed and sold in London, [1750?. ESTC No. T183772. Grub Street ID 220155.
  • Rowlands, Samuel. Doctor Merryman: or, nothing but mirth. Being a poesy of pleasant poems and witty jests. London] : Printed and sold at the printing-office in Bow-Church-Yard, London, [1775?. ESTC No. T34784. Grub Street ID 265037.
  • Rowlands, Samuel. Doctor Merry-Man: or, Nothing but mirth. Being a posie of pleasant poems and witty jests. London] : Printed and sold in Bow Church-Yard, [1775?. ESTC No. T165711. Grub Street ID 203974.
  • Rowlands, Samuel. Doctor Merryman; or, nothing but mirth. Being a poesy of pleasant poems and witty jests. London : printed and sold in London, [1780?]. ESTC No. T34783. Grub Street ID 265036.
  • Rowlands, Samuel. Doctor Merryman, or nothing but mirth; being a poesy of pleasant poems and witty jests. [Nottingham]: Printed at the printing office on the Long-Row, [1800?]. ESTC No. T34785. Grub Street ID 265038.