Huise, John.
A perfect suruey of the English tongue, taken according to the vse and analogie of the Latine. And serueth for the more plaine exposition of the grammaticall rules and precepts, collected by Lillie, and for the more certaine translation of the English tongue into Latine. Together with sundry good demonstrations, by way of sentences in either tongue. Written and collected by Io: Hewes, Master of Arts.
London: Printed by Edw: All-de, for William Garret [These are to be solde at M. Lawes shop in Pauls Church-yard, neere Saint Augustines Gate, at the signe of the Foxe], 1624.
ESTC No. S115189.Grub Street ID 134884.
Huise, John.
A survey of the English tongue: taken according to the vse and analogie of the Latine: serving much to the exposition of the grammaticall rules by Lilly, and to the more certaine translation of the English into Latine. Together with sundry good demonstations [sic] by way of sentences in either tongue. Written and collected by Joh. Hewis Master of Arts.
London: printed by Robert Young, for Iohn Rothwell in Pauls Church-yard at the signe of the Sunne, 1632.
ESTC No. S116539.Grub Street ID 136226.
Huise, John.
Florilogium phrasic[o]n. Or, a survey of the Latine tongue, according to the elegancy of it's [sic] proper dialect. Necessary for all young students in the same for their better imitation, and practise thereof, either by their voice, or pen. And into severall heades disposed, and collected by Ioh. Huise. Mr. of Arts.
London: printed by A[ugustine]. M[atthewes]. for Richard Thrale, at the Signe of the Crosse-keyes in Pauls Church-yard, 1633.
ESTC No. S3179.Grub Street ID 147462.
Huise, John.
Florilogivm phrasicon. Or, A survey of the Latine tongue, according to the elegancy of its proper dialect. Necessary for all young students in the same for their better imitation, and practice thereof, either by their voice, or pen. And into severall heads disposed, and collected by John Huise, Mr. of Arts. And now inlarged with a thousand phrases wanting in the former edition, by Alexander Ross.
London: Printed by R. N. for W. Garret, 1650.
ESTC No. R12866.Grub Street ID 61014.
Huise, John.
Florilogium phrasic[o]n. Or, a survey of the Latine tongue, according to the elegancy of it's [sic] proper dialect. Necessary for all young students in the same for their better imitation, and practise thereof, either by their voice, or pen. And into severall heads disposed, and collected by John Huise. Mr of Arts. And now inlarged with a thousand phrases wanting in the former edition, by Alexander Ross.
London: printed by R.N[orton]. for W. Garret, 1650.
ESTC No. R232753.Grub Street ID 104429.
Huise, John.
Florilogium phrasicon or, a survey of the Latine tongue, according to the elegancy of it's [sic] proper dialect. Necessary for all young students in the same for their better imitation, and practise thereof, either by their voice, or pen. And into several heads disposed, and collected by John Huise. M.A. And now inlarged with a thousand phrases, wanting in the former edition, by Alexander Ross.
London: printed by D. M. for Tho. Davies. at the Sign of the Bible in S. Pauls Church yard, 1659.
ESTC No. R5696.Grub Street ID 126117.