Collinges, John.
The spouses hidden glory, and faithfull leaning upon her vvelbeloved. VVherein is laid down the soules glory in Christ, and the way by which the soule comes to Christ. Delivered in two lecture sermons in St Andrewes Church in Norwich. By Iohn Collings Master of Arts, and preacher of Gods word in Saviours parish in Norwich.
London: printed for William Franckling, and are to bee sold at his shop near the signe of the George in Norwich, 1646.
ESTC No. R174086.Grub Street ID 67380.
Collinges, John.
A memorial for posteritie. Dedicated, to the honour of the once never enough honoured, now, never enough lamented, patriot of his country, Sr John Hobart knight and Baronet, second son to Sir Henry Hobart knight and Baronet, Lord Chiefe Justice of the Common-Pleas, and late of Bickling in the countie of Norfolke; one of the members of the honourable House of Commons. Being, an exhortation made at his buriall the twentie eighth day of Aprill, 1647. By Iohn Collings, Master of Arts, and preacher of Gods Word in Saviours parish in Norwich.
[London]: Printed for William Frankling in Norwich, neere the George, 1647.
ESTC No. R171440.Grub Street ID 65685.
Collinges, John.
The spouses hidden glory, and faithfull leaning upon her vvelbeloved. VVherein is laid down the soules glory in Christ, and the way by which the soule comes to Christ. Delivered in two lecture sermons in St. Andrewes Church in Norwich. By Iohn Collings Master of Arts, an Preacher of Gods Word in Saviours parish in Norwich.
London: Printed for Richard Tomlins dwelling at the signe of the Sunne in Pie-Corner, 1647.
ESTC No. R201300.Grub Street ID 78741.
Collinges, John.
The lost sheep brought home: or, Severall sermons preached upon Cant.8.5. Divided into three parts. 1. The first, discovering the state of the elect by nature. 2. The second, discovering the way of restauration and redemption, by the Lord Jesus Christ. 3. The third, discovering the use of faith, or the spouses posture in every wildernesse: this last having been before published, and now againe reprinted, with the addition of the other two parts. Preached by Iohn Collings, Master of Arts, one of the preachers of Gods Word to the congregation within Great Peter parish in Norwich.
Printed at London: for Rich: Tomlins, and are to be sold at his house at the signe of the Sun and Bible in Pye-corner, 1649.
ESTC No. R174085.Grub Street ID 67379.
Collinges, John.
Faith & experience: or, A short narration of the holy life and death of Mary Simpson, late of Gregories parish in the city of Norvvich: who dyed, anno 1647. in or about the thirtieth yeare of her age, after 3 yeares sicknesse and upwards. Containing a confession of her faith, and relation of her experience, taken from her owne mouth. To which is added, A sermon preached at her funerall, upon Rom. 14. 6, 7. By John Collings, M.A.
London: printed for Richard Tomlins, and are to be sold at his house at the signe of the Sun and Bible in Pye-corner, 1649.
ESTC No. R231574.Grub Street ID 103598.
Collinges, John.
A lesson of self-deniall: or, The true way to desirable beauty. By John Collings, M.A.
[London?]: Printed for Rich: Tomlins, 1649.
ESTC No. R23532.Grub Street ID 106461.
Collinges, John.
A cordiall for a fainting soule: or, Some essayes for the satisfaction of wounded spirits, labouring under severall burthens: in which severall cases of conscience most ordinary to Christians, especially in the beginning of their conversion, are resolved. Being the summe of fourteen sermons, delivered in so many lectures in a private chappell belonging to Chappell-Field-House in Norvvich. With a table annexed, conteining the severall cases of conscience, which in the following treatise are spoken to directly, or collaterally. Preached, and now published (upon the importunity of divers Christians,) by John Collings, Mr of Arts, and one of the most unworthy of the ambassadors of Jesus Christ, for the preaching of the Gospell in that city.
London: printed for Richard Tomlins at the Sun and Bible neare Pie-corner, MDCXLIX [1649].
ESTC No. R24775.Grub Street ID 108528.
Collinges, John.
Five lessons for a Christian to learne. Or, The summe of severall sermons; setting out, 1. The state of the elect by nature. 2. The way of their restauration and redemption by Jesus Christ. 3. The great duty of the saints, to leane upon Christ by faith in every condition. 4. The saints duty of self-denyall, or the way to desirable beauty. 5. The right way to true peace, discovering where the troubled Christian may find peace, and the nature of true peace. By John Collings, M.A. and preacher of Gods word in Norwich.
London: printed for Rich: Tomlins, and are to be sold at his house at the Sun and Bible in Pye-corner, 1650.
ESTC No. R23459.Grub Street ID 105920.
Collinges, John.
A cordial for a fainting soule. Part II. Being the sum of two and twenty lecture-sermons more; preacht in the chappel, belonging to Chappel-field-house, in the city of Norvvich. Wherein is discovered, the power of faith, in order to the conquest of carnal and slavish fears, and irregular disquietments and dejections of spirit, whether for causes, external internal; private or publike: wherein several cases of conscience, are resolved, relating to such fears and disquietments of spirit. By John Collings, master of arts, and preacher of Gods word, in the city of Norwich.
London: printed for Richard Tomlins, and are to be sold, at the Sun and Bible near Pie-corner, MDCL [1650].
ESTC No. R24776.Grub Street ID 108529.
Collinges, John.
Vindiciæ ministerii evangelici; = A vindication of the great ordinance of God, viz. a Gospel-ministry; in which these ensuing questions are shortly discust. 1. Whether under the Gospell there be such a function as the ministry; ... 2. Whether no more be required for this function, to authorize men ordinarily, to preach, interpret, and apply Scriptures, ... 3. Whether those that ordinarily preach, open and apply Scriptures, must be set apart by the Presbytery. 4. Whether the laying on of the hands of the Presbytery can be omitted in scripturall ordination without sin. 5. Whether Christians that make a conscience of hearing the Word of God, can without sin heare such preach, open or apply Scriptures, as are not ordained, but meerly gifted, &c. In which, the affirmative part of the first and third questions, and the negative part of the three others is maintained, and the judgments of former divines in them held forth; ... By John Collings, M.A. & preacher of Gods Word in Norwich.
London: printed for Rich: Tomlins, at the sign of the Sun & Bible near Pye-corner, 1651.
ESTC No. R206448.Grub Street ID 82970.
Collinges, John.
Vindiciæ ministerii evangelici; a vindication of the great ordinance of God viz. a Gospel-ministry; in which these ensuing questions are shortly discust. 1. Whether under the Gospel there be such a function as the ministry, ... 2 Whether no more be required for this function, to authorize men ordinarily to preach, interpret, and apply Scriptures, ... 3. Whether those that ordinarily preach, open and apply Scriptures, must be set apart by the Presbytery. 4 Whether the laying on of the hands of the Presbytery can be omitted in scripturall ordination without sin 5. Whether Christians that make a conscience of hearing the Word of God, can without sin hear such preach, open or apply Scriptures, as are not ordained, but meerly tgifted men, &d. In which, the affirmative part of the first and third questions, and the negative part of the three others is maintained, and the judgements of former divines in them held forth; ... By John Collings. M.A. & preacher of Gods word in Norwich.
London: printed for Rich. Tomlins, at the sign of the Sun and Bible neer Pye-corner, 1651.
ESTC No. R16882.Grub Street ID 64688.
Collinges, John.
Vindiciæ ministerii evangelici; a vindication of the great ordinance of God, viz. A gospel-ministry; in which these ensuing questions are shortly discust. 1. Whether under the gospell there be such a function as the ministry; ... 2. Whether no more be required for this function, to authorize men ordinarily, ... 3. Whether those that ordinarily preach, open and apply scriptures, must be set apart by the Presbytery. 4. Whether the laying on of the hands of the Presbytery can be omitted in scripturall ordination without sin. 5. Whether Christians that make a conscience of hearing the Word of God, ... but meerly gifted, &c. In which, the affirmative part of the first and third questions, and the negative part of the three others is maintained, and the judgments of former divines in them held forth; and all the considerable arguments on the contrary parts brought by Anabaptists, Socinians, Erastians, Separatists, &c. are answered, and what is already answered to them by Zanchy, Aretius, Che.
[Norwich]: Printed for for William Franklin in Norwich, 1652.
ESTC No. R176260.Grub Street ID 68870.
Collinges, John.
A cordial for a fainting-soul. Part III. Divided into two parts. In the first is discovered the nature and danger of carnal reasonings, their consistency and inconsistency with true faith, to which is added sutable application; and in that the usual carnal arguments of Christians are answered, and several motives propounded, to perswade Christians from reasonings of this nature, together with directions how to set faith on work in the conquest of them. In the second part is discovered the nature of cavilling, or the souls sin in refusing comfort, which subject i handled in the same method as the former. In both are several useful cases spoken to, for the further satisfaction of doubting troubled Christians. Delivered in several lectures, in the chappel belonging to Chappel-field-house in Norwich. By John Collings Mr. of arts, and preacher of Gods word in the said city.
London: printed for Richard Tomlins, and are to be sold at the Sun and Bible near Pie-corner, 1652.
ESTC No. R206786.Grub Street ID 83261.
Collinges, John.
A cordial for a fainting soule, or, Some essaies for the satisfaction of doubting wounded Christians labouring under severall burdens especially such as arise in Christians spirits from a mistake of the grounds of faith ... : in which severall doubts, most ordinary to Christians in the beginning of their conversion releved ... : being the sum of fourteen sermons ... : with three several tables annexed / by John Collinges.
London: Printed for Richard Tomlins, 1652.
ESTC No. R26034.Grub Street ID 109392.
Collinges, John.
Responsoria ad erratica pastoris, sive, Vindiciæ vindiciarum. Id est, The Shepherds wandrings discovered, in a revindication of the great ordinance of God: Gospel-preachers, and preaching. By way of reply and answer to a late booke, called, The peoples priviledges, and dut guarded against the pulpit and preachers encroachment. And their sober justification and defence of their free and open exposition of Scriptures. Published by William Sheppard, Esq. Wherein Mr Sheppards pretended guard, consisting of ten propositions and ten arguments, is examined, and found to weare nothing by wooden swords. And all his replyes to Mr Tho. Halls arguments, and Mr Collinges arguments in his Vindiciæ ministerii, brought against not ordained persons ordinary preaching, are found but cavils and too light. And the truth still maintained, ... in that, preaching and expounding Scripture publiquely, are proper acts to Gospel officers; not common to all. Wherein also the great question, how far the spirit of .
London: printed for R. Tomlins at the Sun and Bible near Pie-corner, 1652.
ESTC No. R207127.Grub Street ID 83548.
Collinges, John.
Responsoria ad erratica piscatoris. Or, A caveat for old and new prophanenesse. By way of reply to two over-confident pamphlets; the one called a Caveat for old and new sabbatarians, published by Edward Fisher, Esq. The other called Festorum Metropolis, published by an unknowne author. In which answer, the severall opinions of Epiphanius, Syslyga, Beroaldus, Scaliger, Sethus Calvisius, &c. for the day of Christs birth, are propounded and examined, and it is fully proved, that the direct day cannot be determined. The question also, concerning the observation of Christmas-day, is debated, and it is fully proved, that it is not (as Mr Fisher and others, falsly say) grounded on Scripture, ...Telesphorus, Theophilus, Cyprian, is found false and spurious, ... The power of magistrates and churches in constituting holy-dayes ... Dr Hammond's more sober vindication of the day, and his late defence of it in his resolution of the six queries, is (in a short appendix) examined, and found insuffici.
London: printed for Richard Tomlins at the Sun and Bible near Py-Corner, 1653.
ESTC No. R206874.Grub Street ID 83335.
Collinges, John.
A nevv lesson for the Indoctus Doctor: or rather, A fescue, and a pair of spectacles to help him to read the former, better. Containing a vindication of a book called Indoctus Doctor Edoctus, from the impertinent bablings of a late libellous pamphlet against it, publishe under the name of Theophilus Brabourn, formerly Bolt-Poake, Weaver, Hosier, and Maltster, now a nonsensicall scribler in the city of Norw: with a vindication of the author of the aforesaid book, as also of Reverend Mr. Perkins, and of some truths of God, from the impudent lies, prophane and scurrilous expressions in the forementioned libell cast upon them. By J. Collinges B.D. and preacher of the gospel in Norwich.
London: printed by J.G. for Joseph Cranford, at the Ph?nix in Saint Paul's Church-yard, neer the little North-door, 1654.
ESTC No. R207385.Grub Street ID 83774.
Collinges, John.
Provocator provocatus, or, An answer made to an open challenge made by one M. Boatman in P[e]ters parish in Norwich, the 13th of December, 1654. in a sermon preached there at a fast , in which answer these questions are spoke to. ... BY John Collings, B.D. & Preacher of th gospell in Norwich.
London: printed for William Francklyng, bookseller in Norwich, 1654.
ESTC No. R232871.Grub Street ID 104511.
Collinges, John.
Indoctus doctor edoctus: or a short ansvver to a little tract of Theophilus Brabourn's, concerning the changing of church-discipline. Wherern [sic] the pitifull simplicity of the said tract is discovered, and the authors folly made manifest to all men. And it is made fully appear, that he hath sayd nothing to the purpose, in attempting to prove that the government of the Church ought to be put into the hands of the magistrate. With an answer to what the said author hath said in it, concerning the Sabbath, together with a copy of his recantation of the very same doctrine in the High Commission. By John Collings, B.D. and preacher of the Gospel in the city of Norwich. Febr. 15. 1653. Imprimatur Edmund Calamy.
London: printed by H: Hills for R: Tomlins, and are to be sold at the Sun and Bible near Py-corner, 1654.
ESTC No. R207515.Grub Street ID 83890.
Collinges, John.
The works of John Collings, B.D. and pastor of a church of Christ in Stevens Parish in the city of Norwich. The first volume.
London: printed for Richard Tomlins at the Sun and Bible in Pye-corner, 1655.
ESTC No. R32495.Grub Street ID 115202.
Collinges, John.
Responsoria bipartita, sive Vindiciæ suspensionis ecclesiasticæ ut et presbyterii evangelici. A double reply, containing a vindication of the antient practice of the Church (according to the rule of the word) suspending the ignorant and scandalous from the Lords Supper. As also of ecclesiastical presbyteries ... The first in answer to one M. Boatmans challenge of all the ministers on earth to make suspension of any but Turks, Jews, pagans and excommunicate persons from the Lords Supper, appear from Scripture. In answer to whom the said censure is justified by severa arguments from Scripture, and the universal practice of the Church, the magisterial vanity also of his sermon, Decem. 13. and March 28. in Peters Church in Norwich is discovered, ... In which answer also some objections of Erastus, Mr. Prin, and Mr. Humfry, are coilaterally considered, and answered. The second part in answer to Theophilus Brabourn, who hath talked something in a little pamphlet against the Lord Jesus Christ.
London: printed by H. Hills for Richard Tomilins, and are to be sold at his house at the sign of the Sun and Bible neer Py-Corner, [1655].
ESTC No. R207514.Grub Street ID 83889.
Collinges, John.
Certamina euchairou proschairou. Or, A seasonable vindication of foure truths of God. 1. The divine ordinance and office of the ministry; with the due installing of persons in that office, by imposition of the hands of the Presbytery, in opposition to all non-ordained preachers, cleared first, and proved by arguments, and vindicated from Mr Shepards exceptions in his book; call'd, The peoples priviledge and duty guarded. 2. The preheminence of the Christian Sabbath above Christmas day; which is proved to have been an humane, novell institution, not to be proved within the first 300 yeares, against Mr Fisher, Pastor Fido, and Dr Hammond. 3. The government of the church in the hands of Christs proper officers, vindicated from Mr Brabournes weak exceptions in his book for the change of discipline. 4. The divine right of suspension of the ignorant and scandalous from the Lords Supper, in conformity to the practice of the Universall Church, as is fully proved against what Mr Boatman, Mr Hum.
London: printed for Rich. Tomlins, at the Sun & Bible in Pye-Corner, 1655.
ESTC No. R227737.Grub Street ID 100599.
Collinges, John.
A cordial for a fainting soule: or, Some essaies for the satisfaction of doubting wounded Christians, labouring under several burdens; especially such as arise in Christians spirits, from a mistake of the grounds of faith: or, from a misunderstanding of the nature & acts of saving faith. In which several doubts, mostly ordinary to Christians in the beginning of their conversion, are resolved; the ground of Christians going to Christ cleared; the acts of saving faith are discovered with the severall weaknesses with which they may consist. Being the sum of fourteen sermons, delivered in so many lectures in the chappell belonging to chappel field-house in Norwich. With three several tables annexed; the first containing the cases spoken to, directly or collaterally; the second giving the reader an account of the contents of each sermon; the third of the principall things contained in the tract. The third edition, corrected and enlarged. By Iohn Collings, B.D. and Pastor of the Church of Ch.
London: printed for Rich. Tomlins, at the Sun & Bible near Pye-corner, 1657.
ESTC No. R16737.Grub Street ID 64553.
Collinges, John.
Elisha's lamentation for Elijah. Or, The just cause of a peoples mourning upon the losse of a faithful minister, under their greatest assurance of his translation to glory. Discoursed in a lecture sermon, preached at St. Lawrence Church in Norwich, Decemb. 14. 1655. upon occasion of the losse of that reverend servant of God, Mr John Carter, pastor of that congregation, who died Decemb. 10. and was buried there, Decemb. 12. By John Collinges, B.D. and Pastor of the Church of God, in Stephens Parish, in the said city.
London: printed by J. Streater, for W. Frankling, and are to be sold at the Half-Moon, in the Market-place in Norwich, 1657.
ESTC No. R174084.Grub Street ID 67378.
Collinges, John.
Elisha's lamentation for Elijah. Or, The just cause of a peoples mourning upon the losse of a faithful minister, under their greatest assurance of his translation to glory. Discoursed in a lecture sermon, preached at St. Lawrence Church in Norwich, Decemb. 14. 1655. upon occasion of the losse of that reverend servant of God, Mr John Carter, pastor of that congregation, who died Decemb. 10. and was buried there, Decemb. 12. By John Collinges, B.D. and Pastor of the Church of God, in Stephens Parish, in the said city.
London: printed by J. Streater, for Richard Tomlins, at the Sun and Bible in Pie-Corner, 1657.
ESTC No. R207420.Grub Street ID 83809.
Collinges, John.
Vindiciæ ministerii evangelici revindicatæ: or The preacher (pretendedly) sent, sent back again, to bring a better account who sent him, and learn his errand: by way of reply, to a late book (in the defence of gifted brethrens preaching) published by Mr. John Martin of Edgefield in Norfolk, Mr. Samuel Petto of Sandcroft in Suffolk, Mr. Frederick Woodale of Woodbridge in Suffolk: so far as any thing in their book pretends to answer a book published, 1651. called Vindiciæ ministerii evangelici; with a reply also to the epistle prefixed to the said book, called, Th preacher sent. By John Collinges B.D. and pastor of the church in Stephens parish in Norwich.
London: printed by S.G. for Richard Tomlins, at the sign of the Sun and Bible neer Pye-Corner, 1658.
ESTC No. R207611.Grub Street ID 83972.
Collinges, John.
A cordiall for a fainting soule: or, some essayes for the satisfaction of wounded spirits, labouring under severall burthens: in which severall cases of conscience most ordinary to Christians, especially in the beginning of their conversion, are resolved. Being the summe of fourteen sermons, delivered in so many lectures in a private chap-pell belonging to Chappell-Field-House in Norvvich. With a table annexed, conteining the severall cases of conscience, which in the following treatise are spoken to directly, or collaterally. Preached, and now published (upon the importunity of divers Christians,) by John Collings, Mr of Arts, and one of the most unworthy of the ambassadors of Jesus Christ, for the preaching of the gospell in that city.
London: printed for Richard Tomlins at the Sun and Bible neare Pie-corner, MDCXLIX [sic] 1659.
ESTC No. R171439.Grub Street ID 65683.
Collinges, John.
A cordial for a fainting soul. Part II being the sum of two and twenty lecture-sermons more, preacht in the chappel belonging to Chappel-field-house in the city of Norwich : wherein is discovered the power of faith in order to the conquest of carnal and slavish fears and irregular disquietments and dejections of spirit, whether for causes external, internal, private or publike : wherein several cases conscience are resolved relating to such fears and disquietments of spirit / by John Collings ...
London: Printed for Richard Tomlins .., MDCLIX [1659].
ESTC No. R40849.Grub Street ID 122605.
Collinges, John.
The weavers pocket-book: or, Weaving spiritualized. In a discourse, wherein men employed in that occupation, are instructed how to raise heavenly meditations, from the several parts of their work. To which also are added some few moral and spiritual observations, relatin both to that and other trades. By J. C. D.D.
London : printed by A. Maxwell for Tho. Parkhurst, and are to be sold at the Bible and Three Crowns in Cheapside near Mercers Chappel, 1675.
ESTC No. R216325.Grub Street ID 91246.
Collinges, John.
The intercourses of divine love betwixt Christ and the Church, or, The particular believing-soul as metaphorically expressed by Solomon in the second chapter of the Canticles : opened and improved in several lecture-sermons, upon that whole chapter : discoursing, the excellency of Christ, his heart towards his church and particular believers in it, under its or their various states and circumstances, the workings of their hearts in communion with him, with many other Gospel-propositions of great import to the souls of saints / by J.C. ...
London: Printed by A. Maxwel for Tho. Parkhurst .., 1676.
ESTC No. R16739.Grub Street ID 64555.
Collinges, John.
The intercourses of divine love betwixt Christ and the Church, or The particular believing-soul; as metaphorically expressed by Solomon in the second chapter of the Canticles: opened, and improved in several lecture-sermons upon that whole chapter. Discoursing, the excellency of Christ; his heart towards his church and particular believers in it, under its or their various states and circumstances; the workings of their hearts in communion with him: with many other Gospel-propositions of great import to the souls of saints. By J.C., D.D.
London : Printed by A. Maxwel for Tho. Parkhurst, at the Bible and Three Crowns in Cheapside near Mercers-Chappel, and the Bible on London-Bridge, 1676.
ESTC No. R18843.Grub Street ID 76363.
Collinges, John.
Strength in weakness. A sermon preached at the funeral of Mrs. Martha Brooks, late wife to Mr. Tho. Brooks minister of the gospel in London; who departed this life June 20, 1676. To which are added some experiences of the grace and dealings of God, observed and gathered by a near relation of the said Mrs. Brooks. By J.C. a friend of the deceased, and her surviving husband.
London : printed for John Hancock at the Three Bibles in Popes-Head Alley, Cornhill, 1676.
ESTC No. R40850.Grub Street ID 122607.
Collinges, John.
Several discourses concerning the actual Providence of God. Divided into three parts. The first, treating concerning the notion of it, establishing the doctrine of it, opening the principal acts of it, preservation and government of created beings. With the particular acts by which it so preserveth and governeth them. The second, concerning the specialities of it, the unsearchable things of it, and several observable things in its motions. The third, concerning the dysno=eta, or hard chapters of it, in which an attempt is made, to solve several appearances of difficulty in the motions of Providence, and to vindicate the justice, wisdom, and holiness of God, with the reasonableness of his dealing in such motions. By John Collinges, D.D.
London : printed for Tho. Parkhurst, and are to be sold by Edward Giles in St. Andrews parish in Norwich, 1678.
ESTC No. R233164.Grub Street ID 104760.
Collinges, John.
Several discourses concerning the actual Providence of God. Divided into three parts. The first, treating concerning the notion of it, establshing the doctrine of it, opening the principal acts of it, preservation and government of created beings. With the particular acts, by which it so preserveth and governeth them. The second, concerning the specialities of it, the unsearchable things of it, and several observable things in its motions. The third, concerning the dysno=eta, or hard chapters of it, in which an attempt is made, to solve several appearances of difficulty in the motions of Providence, and to vindicate the justice, wisdom, and holiness of God, with the reasonableness of his dealing in such motions. By John Collinges, D.D.
London : printed for Tho. Parkhurst at the Bible and Three Crowns at the lower end of Cheapside, near Mercers Chappel, and at the Bible on London Bridg, 1678.
ESTC No. R26036.Grub Street ID 109394.
Collinges, John.
Defensative armour, against four of Sathan's most fiery darts: viz. temptations to atheistical and blasphemous impressions and thoughts, self-murther, despair, and presumption. Wherein is discoursed the nature of these temptations, the several tempters to these sins, the arguments ordinarily used by the tempters in the inforcing of them; and some proper advice is offered to those who are exercised with them. By J.C. D.D.
London : printed for Benjamin Alsop, at the Angel and Bible over against the Stocks-market, and Ewdard [sic] Giles bookseller in Norwich, 1680.
ESTC No. R12985.Grub Street ID 61117.
Collinges, John.
The history of conformity: or a proof of the mischief of impositions, from the experience of more than one hundred years.
London : printed by A. Maxwell, and R. Roberts, 1681.
ESTC No. R28566.Grub Street ID 111626.
Collinges, John.
The vindication of liturgies, lately published by Dr. Falkner, proved no vindication of the lawfulness, usefulness and antiquity of set-forms of publick ministerial prayer, to be generally used by, or imposed on all ministers; and consequently an answer to a book, intituled, A reasonable account why some pious nonconformists judge it sinful, for them to perform their ministerial acts in by the prescribed forms of others. Wherein with an answer to what Dr. Falkner hath said in the book aforesaid, the original principles are discovered, from whence the different apprehensions of men in this point arise. By the author of the Reasonable account, and Supplement to it.
London : printed for Benjamin Alsop, at the Angel and Bible in the Poultry, 1681.
ESTC No. R37651.Grub Street ID 119869.
Collinges, John.
The improvableness of water-baptism: or, A discourse concerning the gravity and seriousness of the action, and the usefulness of the sacred institution of baptism. Instructing all parents, how great a thing they do, when they bring their children to that holy ordinance. And all persons, whether young or old, what obligations their baptism hath brought them under; what wrath it hath exposed wicked and impenitent persons to; and what use they may make of their baptism for confirmation of their faith, and quickening them to repentance and an holy life. Discoursed from Rom. 6.3,4. by way of sermon. By John Collinges, D.D. minister of the gospel in Norwich.
London : printed by A. Maxwell and R. Roberts, 1681.
ESTC No. R5112.Grub Street ID 125586.
Collinges, John.
The intercourses of divine love betwixt Christ and his Church, or The particular believing soul. Metaphorically expressed by Solomon in the first chapter of the Canticles, or Song of Songs. Opened and applied in several sermons, upon that whole chapter. In which the excellencies of Christ, the yernings of his bowels towards believers, under various circumstances, the workings of their hearts towards, and in, communion with him, with many other gospel propositions of great import to souls, are handled By John Collinges, D.D.
London : printed by T. Snowden, for Edward Giles bookseller in Norwich, near the Market-place, 1683.
ESTC No. R16693.Grub Street ID 64511.
Collinges, John.
Thirteen sermons upon several useful subjects. Two of them being funeral dicourses, occasioned by the death of the Reverend Mr. Nathaniel Mitchel, Minister of the Gospel. I. The crown of righteousness, and for whom prepared. Upon I Tim. 4.7.I. 2 Serm. II. The influence of God upon getting wealth. Upon Deut. 8.18. I Serm. III. The small influence that abundance hath upon mans life. Upon Luke 12.15. I Serm. IV. The nature of that testimony, which Christian are bound to give to the Lord Jesus Christ. Upon 2 Tim. I.8. 4 Serm. V. The nature of persecution for righteousness sake, and the blessedness of those so persecuted. Upon Matth. 5.10. 3 Serm. VI. VI. The riddle of a persecuted believers life. Upon 2 Cor. 4.9. I Serm. VII. How persecution turneth to believres, for a testimony. From Luke 21.13. I Serm. By John Collinges, D.D.
London : printed by T.S. for Edward Giles, bookseller in Norwich, near the Market place. And sold at the Phoenix in St. Pauls Church-yard., 1684.
ESTC No. R16837.Grub Street ID 64645.
Collinges, John.
The happiness of brethrens dwelling together in unity. Discoursed upon Psalm 133. vers. 1. On occasion of the late thanksgiving, Feb. 14. 1688/9. By John Collinges, D.D.
London : Printed by T.S. for Edward Giles bookseller in Norwich, near the Market-Place, 1689.
ESTC No. R26035.Grub Street ID 109393.
Collinges, John.
The history of conformity, or, A proof of the mischief of impositions: from the experience of more than one hundred years. Shewing the only means to reconcile all Protestants: humbly tendered to the consideration of this present Parliament.
London : printed by R. Roberts, MDCLXXXIX. [1689].
ESTC No. R34831.Grub Street ID 117332.
Collinges, John.
The weavers pocket-book: or, weaving spiritualized. In a discourse, Wherein Men employed in that Occupation, are instructed how to raise Heavenly Meditations, from the several Parts of their Work. To which also are added some few moral and spiritual observations, relating both to That and other Trades. By J. C. D.D.
Edinburgh: printed by John Mosman and Company, [1723].
ESTC No. T189603.Grub Street ID 225018.
Collinges, John.
The weavers pocket-book or, weaving spiritualized. In a discourse, Wherein Men employed in that Occupation, are instructed how to raise Heavenly Meditations, from the several Parts of their Work. To which also are added some few moral and spiritual observations ; relating both to That and other Trades. By John Collins. D.D.
Glasgow: printed for John Brown mercha[nt], MDCCLXVI. [1766].
ESTC No. T118193.Grub Street ID 169747.
Collinges, John.
The weavers pocket-book: or, weaving spiritualized. In a discourse, ... To which also are added some few moral and spiritual observations, ... By J. C. D.D.
Dundee: printed, for James Stark, 1766.
ESTC No. T179477.Grub Street ID 216205.
Collinges, John.
The art of weaving spiritualized. In a discourse, wherein men employed in that occupation are instructed how to raise heavenly meditations from the several parts of their work. ... By J. Colins, ...
Edinburgh: printed by W. Darling, for the publishers, 1780.
ESTC No. T212930.Grub Street ID 239924.