Publications of Edward Phillips


  • Phillips, Edward. The mysteries of love & eloquence, or, the arts of vvooing and complementing; as they are manag'd in the Spring Garden, Hide Park, the New Exchange, and other eminent places. A work, in which are drawn to the life, the deportments of the most accomplisht persons, the mod of their courtly entertainments, treatments of their ladies at balls, their accustom'd sports, drolles and fancies, the witchcrafts of their perswasive language, in their approaches, or other more secret dispatches. To compleat the young practioners of love and courtship, these following conducing helps are chiefly insisted on. Addresses, and set forms of expressions for imitation; poems, pleasant songs, letters, proverbs, riddles, jeasts, posies, devices, a la mode pastimes, a dictionary for the making of rimes, four hundred and fifty delightful questions, with their several answers. As also epithets, and flourishing similitudes, alphabetically collected, and so properly applied to their serveral [sic] subjects, that . London: printed for N. Brooks, at the Angel in Cornhill, 1658. ESTC No. R6398. Grub Street ID 126744.
  • Phillips, Edward. The new world of English words: or, a general dictionary: containing the interpretations of such hard words as are derived from other languages; whether Hebrew, Arabick, Syriack, Greek, Latin, Italian, French, Spanish, British, Dutch, Saxon, &c. their etymologies and perfect definitions: together with all those terms that relate to the arts and sciences; ... To which are added the significations of proper names, mythology, and poetical fictions, historical relations, geographical descriptions of most countries and cities of the world; especially of these three nations wherein their chiefest antiquities, battles, and other most memorable passages are mentioned; as also all other subjects that are useful, and appertain to our English language. A work very necessary for strangers, as well as our own countrymen, for all persons that would rightly understand what they discourse, write, or read. Collected and published by E.P. For the greater honour of those learned gentlemen and artists tha. London: printed by E. Tyler, for Nath. Brooke at the sign of the Angel in Cornhill, 1658. ESTC No. R14781. Grub Street ID 62766.
  • Phillips, Edward. The new world of English words, or, A general dictionary. Containing the interpretations of such hard words as are derived from other languages, whether Hebrew, Arabick, Syriack, Greek, Latin, Italian, French, Spanish, British, Dutch, Saxon, &c., their etymologies, and perfect definitions. Together with all those terms that relate to the arts and sciences, whether biology, philosophy, logick, rhetorick, grammar, ethicks, law, natural [...]ry, magick, physick, chirurgery, anatomy, chimistry, botanicks, mathematicks, arithmetick, geometry, astronomy, astrology, chiro[...]my, navigation, fortification, dialling, surveying, musick, [...]tecture, heraldry, cruiosities, mechanicks, staticks, merchandiz[.., painting, graving, husbandry, horsemanship, hawking, [...]. To which are added the significations of proper names, mythology, and poetical fiction, historical relations, geographical descriptions of most countries and cities of the world, especially of those three nations, wherein their chief. London : printed by E. Tyler, for Nath. Brooke at the sign of the Angel in Cornhill, 1662. ESTC No. R130. Grub Street ID 61132.
  • Phillips, Edward. The nevv world of English words: or a general dictionary: containing the interpretations of such hard words as are derived from other languages; whether Hebrew, Arabick, Syriack, Greek, Latin, Italian, French, Spanish, British, Dutch, Saxon, &c. their etymologies, and perfect definitions: together with all those terms that relate to the arts and sciences; ... To which are added the significations of proper names, mythology, and poetical fictions, historical relations, geographical descriptions of most countreys and cities of the world; especially of these three nations, wherein their chiefest antiquities, battles, and other most memorable passages are mentioned: as also all other subjects that are useful and appertain to our English language. A work very necessary for strangers, as well as our own countreymen; for all persons that would rightly understan what they discourse, write, or read. Collected and published by E.P. London : printed for Nath. Brook, at the Angel in Cornhill, and William Cartwright, at the Man in the Moon in the Old Bailey, 1663. ESTC No. R40102. Grub Street ID 121939.
  • Phillips, Edward. The nevv world of words: or a general English dictionary. Containing the proper significations, and etymologies of all words derived from other languages; viz. Hebrew, Arabick, Syriack, Greek, Latin, Italian, French, Spanish, Brittish, Dutch, Saxon, &c. usefull for the adornment of our English tongue. Together with the definitions of all those terms that conduce to the understanding of any of the arts or sciences; ... To which are added the significations of proper names, in mythology, or poetical fictions, and historical relations, with the geographical descriptions of the chief countries and cities in the world; especially of these three nations, wherein their chiefest antiquities, battles, and other most memorable passages are mentioned: as also all other subjects that ... appertain to advance our English language. A work very necessary for strangers, as well as our own countrymen; ... The third edition containing a supply of above two thousand words, collected and published by E.P. London : printed, for Nath. Brook, at the Angel in Cornhil, near the Royall Exchange, 1671. ESTC No. R6416. Grub Street ID 126761.
  • Phillips, Edward. Theatrum poetarum, or A compleat collection of the poets, especially the most eminent, of all ages. The antients distinguish't from the moderns in their several alphabets. With some observations and reflections upon many of them, particularly those of our own nation. Together with a prefatory discourse of the poets and poetry in generall. By Edward Phillips. London : printed for Charles Smith, at the Angel near the Inner Temple-Gate in Fleet-Street, anno Dom. M.DC.LXXV. [1675]. ESTC No. R18539. Grub Street ID 74477.
  • Phillips, Edward. The nevv vvorld of vvords. Or a general English dictionary. Containing the proper significations, and etymologies of all words derived from other languages, viz. Hebrew, Arabick, Syriack, Greek, Latin, Italian, French, Spanish, Brittish, Dutch, Saxon, &c. ... Together with the definitions of all those terms that conduce to the understanding of any of the arts or sciences, ... To which are added, the significations of proper names, ... as also the very sum of all mythology and ancient history, ... and likewise the geographical discriptions of the chief countries and cities in the world; ... The fourth edition. Containing besides an addition of several thousand words in the above-mentioned terms, a brief view of the most eminent persons of the ancients, ... With an appendix of several words thought fit to be added &c. As also a collection of such affected or barbarous words as are advis'd to be cautiously or not at all us'd. ... Collected and published by E.P. London : printed by W.R. for Obadiah Blagrave at the Bear in St. Pauls Church-yard, near the little North door, 1678. ESTC No. R8254. Grub Street ID 128450.
  • Phillips, Edward. The nevv vvorld of vvords· Or a general English dictionary. Containing the proper significations, and etymologies of all words derived from other languages, viz. Hebrew, Arabick, Syriack, Greek, Latin, Italian, French, Spanish, Brittish, Dutch, Saxon, &c. useful for the adornment of our English tongue. Together with the definitions of all those terms that conduce to the understanding of any of the arts or sciences, ... To which are added, the significations of proper names, ... as also the very sum of all mythology and ancient history, ... and likewise the geographical discriptions of the chief countries and cities in the world; ... The fourth edition. Containing besides an addition of several thousand words ... a brief view of the most eminent persons of the ancients, ... With an appendix of several words thought fit to be added &c. As also a collection of such affected or barbarous words as are advis'd to be cautiously or not at all us'd. ... A work very necessary for strangers, as well. London : printed by W.R. for Robert Harford at the Angel in Cornhill, 1678. ESTC No. R217309. Grub Street ID 92110.
  • Phillips, Edward. A treatise of the way and manner of forming the derivatives of the Latin tongue: with a brief discourse of composites and de-composites. A work very much conducing to the more easie and speedy attaining of the Latin tongue; and to the saving of the labour of so frequentl turning over voluminous dictionaries. By E.P. de Lond. London : printed for the author, and are to be sold by George Croom, at the Blue-Ball in Thames-street, 1685. ESTC No. R218246. Grub Street ID 92933.
  • Phillips, Edward. The new world of vvords: or, A universal English dictionary. Containing the proper significations and derivations of all words from other languages, viz. Hebrew, Arabick, Syriack, Greek, Latin, Italian, French, Spanish, British, Dutch, Saxon, &c. as now made use of in ou English tongue. Together with definitions of all those terms that conduce to the understanding of any of the arts or sciences, ... To which is added, the interpretations of proper names, derived from the ancient and modern tongues; as also the sum of all the most remarkable mythology and history, deduced from the names of persons eminent in either; and likewise the geographical descriptions of the chief countries and cities in the world, especially of these three nations. collected and published by E.P. The fifth edition, with large additions and improvements from the best English and foreign authors, ... A work very necessary for strangers, as well as our own countrymen, . London : printed for R. Bently in Russel-street, Covent Garden; J. Phillips, at the King's Arms in S. Paul's Church-yard; H. Rhodes, at the corner of Bride-Lane in Fleetstreet; and J. Taylor, at the Ship in S. Paul's Church-yard, MDCXCVI. [1696]. ESTC No. R24462. Grub Street ID 108251.
  • Phillips, Edward. The beau's academy, or The modern and genteel way of wooing and complementing. After the most courtly manner: in which is drawn to the life, the deportment of most accomplished lovers, the mode of their courtly entertainments, the charms of their persuasive language, in their addresses or more secret dispatches. To which are added poems, songs, letters of love and others: proverbs, riddles, jests, posies, devices, with variety of pastimes and diversions, as cross-purposes, the lovers alphabet, &c. Also a dictionary for making rhimes, four hundred and fifty delightful questions, with their several answers. Together with A new invented art of logick: so plain and easie, that the meanest capacity may, in a short time, attain to a perfection of arguing and disputing. London : printed for O. B[lagrave]. and sold by John Sprint, at the Bell in Little-Britain, 1699. ESTC No. R181771. Grub Street ID 72214.
  • Phillips, Edward. The new world of words: or, A universal English dictionary. containing the proper significations and derivations of all words from other languages ... Together with the definitions of all those terms that conduce to the understanding of any of the arts or sciences ... To which is added, the interpretations of proper names ... Collected and published by E.P. The fifth edition, with large additions and improvements .... London : printed for J[oshua]. Phillips, at the King's-Arms in S. Paul's Church-yard; and H[enry]. Rhodes, at the Star, the corner of Bride-Lane, in Fleet-street, 1700. ESTC No. R181772. Grub Street ID 72215.
  • Phillips, Edward. The new world of words: or, universal English dictionary. Containing an account of the original or proper sense, and various significations of all hard words derived from other languages, viz. Hebrew, Arabick, Syriack, Greek, Latin, Italian, French, Spanish, British, Saxon, Danish, Dutch, &c. as now made use of in our English tongue. Together with a brief and plain explication of all terms relating to any of the arts and sciences, either liberal or mechanical, viz. grammar, rhetorick, logick, theology, law, metaphysicks, ethicks, natural philosophy, physick, surgery, anatomy, chymistry, pharmacy, botanicks, arithmetick, geometry, astronomy, astrology, cosmography, geography, hydrography, navigation, architecture, fortification, dialling, surveying, gauging, opticks, catoptricks, dioptricks, perspective, musick, mechanicks, staticks, chiromancy, physiognomy, heraldry, merchandize, maritime and military affairs, agriculture, gardening, handicrafts, jewelling, painting, carving, engraving; conf. The sixth edition, revised, corrected, and improved; with the addition of near twenty thousand words, from the best authors domestic and foreign that treat of the several subjects: by J.K. Philobibl.. London : printed for J. Phillips, at the King's-Arms in S. Paul's Church-Yard; H. Rhodes at the Star, the Corner of Bride-Lane, in Fleet-Street; and J. Taylor, at the Ship in S. Paul's Church-Yard, MDCCVI. [1706]. ESTC No. T101516. Grub Street ID 155394.
  • Phillips, Edward. The new world of words: or, universal English dictionary. ... Compiled by Edward Phillips, gent. The seventh edition, revised, corrected, and improved; ... By J. K. philobibl. . London : printed for J. Philips; H. Rhodes; and J. Taylor, 1720. ESTC No. T117175. Grub Street ID 168783.
  • Phillips, Edward. Theatrum poetarum Anglicanorum. Containing the names and characters of all the English poets, from the reign of Henry III. to the close of the reign of Queen Elizabeth. By Edward Phillips, the nephew of milton. First published in 1675, and now inlarged by additions to every article from subsequent biographers and critics. Canterbury: printed by Simmons and Kirkby, for J. White, Fleet-Street, London, 1800. ESTC No. T155403. Grub Street ID 199180.
  • Phillips, Edward. Theatrum poetarum Anglicanorum. Containing the names and characters of all the English poets, from the reign of Henry III. to the close of the reign of Queen Elizabeth. By Edward Phillips, The Nephew of Milton. First published in 1675, and now enlarged by additions to every article from subsequent biographers and critics. Canterbury: printed by Simmons and Kirkby, for J. White, Fleet-Street, London, 1800. ESTC No. T153065. Grub Street ID 197574.