Whitlocke, Bulstrode.
The speech of Bulstrode Whitelocke Esquire, to the Right Honourable the Lords, at a conference of both Houses on Thursday the seventeenth of February last, concerning the propositions then made by divers gentlemen, citizens, and others, for the speedy reducing of the kingdom of Ireland.
London: printed for John Burroughes, 1642.
ESTC No. R13284.Grub Street ID 61396.
Whitlocke, Bulstrode.
My Lord Whitlock's reports on Machiavil; or His recollections for the use of the students of modern policy.
London : printed for Thomas Bateman, 1659 [i.e. 1660].
ESTC No. R208278.Grub Street ID 84538.
Whitlocke, Bulstrode.
Memorials of the English affairs: or, An historical account of what passed from the beginning of the reign of King Charles the First, to King Charles the Second his happy restauration. Containing the publick transactions, civil and military. Together with the private consultations and secrets of the cabinet.
London : Printed for Nathaniel Ponder, at the Sign of the Peacok, in the Poultry, near the Church, MDCLXXXII. [1682].
ESTC No. R13122.Grub Street ID 61250.
Whitlocke, Bulstrode.
Essays ecclesiastical & civil. Containing learned and judicious discourses on several subjects, in twenty four heads, viz. Ecclesiastical matters. Ecclesiastical cognizance. The worship of God. The worship of God in his church. The duty of the priest in God's worship. The duty of the people in God's worship. The government of the church. Supremacy in ecclesiastical matters. Ecclesiastical offences tending to foreign usurpation. Ecclesiastical offences tending to domestic sedition. External honour and reverence of the church. The goods of the church. High treason. Petty treason. Fellonies. Contempt against the Crown. Offences against the Commonwealth in general. Offences against the particular duties of officers. Offences against commerce and trade. Offences against matters of charity. Offences concerning provision and food. Offences which are private injuries. Offences contra bonos mores. Offences touching matters of pleasure. To which is subjoined a treatise of the work of the sessions of.
London : printed for William Hawes, at the Bible and Rose in Ludgate-street, 1706.
ESTC No. T145379.Grub Street ID 192121.
Whitlocke, Bulstrode.
Memorials of the English affairs, from the suppos'd expedition of Brute to this island, to the end of the reign of King James the first. By Sir Bulstrode Whitlocke, Lord Commissioner of the Great Seal, &c. Publish'd from his original manuscript, with some account of his life and writings by William Penn, Esq; Governour of Pensylvania. And a preface by James Welwood. M.D.
London : printed for E. Sanger at the Post-House at the Middle Temple-Gate, E. Curll at the Peacock without Temple-Bar, and J. Pemberton at the Golden-Buck against St. Dunstan's-Church, Fleet-Street, 1709.
ESTC No. T117435.Grub Street ID 169028.
Whitlocke, Bulstrode.
Memorials of the English affairs, from the suppos'd expedition of Brute to this island, to the end of the reign of King James the first. By Sir Bulstrode Whitlocke, Lord Commissioner of the Great Seal, &c. Publish'd from his original manuscript, with some account of his life and writings by William Penn, Esq; Governour of Pensylvania. And a preface by James Welwood, M.D.
London : printed for J. Pemberton at the Golden-Buck against St. Dunstan's-Church, Fleet-Street, E. Curll at the Peacock without Temple-Bar, and E. Sanger at the Post-House at the Middle Temple-Gate, 1709.
ESTC No. T172070.Grub Street ID 209546.
Whitlocke, Bulstrode.
Memorials of the English affairs, from the suppos'd expedition of Brute to this island, to the end of the reign of King James the First. By Sir Bulstrode Whitlocke, lord commissioner of the Great Seal, &C. Publish'd from his original manuscript, with some account of his life and writings by William Penn, Esq; governour of Pensylvania. And a preface by James Welwood. M.D.
London : Printed for E. Curll at the Peacock without Temple-Bar, E. Sanger at the Post-House at the Middle Temple-Gate, and J. Pemberton at the Golden-Buck against St. Dunstan's-Church, Fleet-street, 1709.
ESTC No. T172071.Grub Street ID 209547.
Whitlocke, Bulstrode.
Quench not the spirit. Or, Several discourses of the necessity of the light, power and guidance of the Holy Spirit of God, to make men and women the true children of God. As they were delivered in his own family, at several times. By that great man, Sir Bulstrod Whitlock, once ambassador to Queen Christiana of Sweedeland; and Lord Commissioner of the Great Seal of England.
London : printed and sold by J. Sowle, in White-Hart-Court, in Gracious-Street, 1711.
ESTC No. T55276.Grub Street ID 281859.
Whitlocke, Bulstrode.
The history of England; or, memorials of the English affairs, from the suppos'd expedition of Brute to this island, to the end of the reign of King James the First. By Sir Bulstrode Whitlocke, Lord Commissioner of the Great Seal, &c. Publish'd from his original manuscript, by William Penn, Esq; Governour of Pensylvania. To which is prefix'd, the author's life. And a preface, by James Welwood, M.D.
London : printed for E. Curll at the Dial and Bible; and J. Pemberton at the Buck and Sun, both against St. Dunstan's Church in Fleetstreet, 1713.
ESTC No. T111675.Grub Street ID 163896.
Whitlocke, Bulstrode.
Mr. Bulstrode Whitlock's account of his embassy to Sweden, deliver'd to the parliament, in the year 1654. Together with the defensive alliance concluded between Great-Britain and Sweden, in the year 1700. Under the Reign of the late K. William.
London : printed, and are to be sold by John Morphew, near Stationers-Hall, 1714.
ESTC No. T111162.Grub Street ID 163596.
Whitlocke, Bulstrode.
Quench not the spirit: or, several discourses of the necessity of the light, power and guidance, of the Holy Spirit of God, to make men and women the true children of God. As they were delivered in his own family at several times, by that great man, Sir Bulstrode Whitlock, .
The second edition..
London : printed and sold by the assigns of J. Sowle, 1715.
ESTC No. T55277.Grub Street ID 281860.
Whitlocke, Bulstrode.
Memorials of the English affairs: or, an historical account of what passed from the beginning of the reign of King Charles the First, to King Charles the Second his happy restauration. Containing the publick transactions, Civil and Military: together with the private consultations and secrets of the cabinet. By Mr. Whitelock. With a Compleat index.
A new edition: with many additions never before printed..
London : printed for J. Tonson: and sold by J. and J. Knapton, R. Knaplock, A. Bettesworth and C. Hitch, G. Strahan, J. Pemberton, F. Fayram and T. Hatchet, C. Rivington, J. Batley, J. Brotherton, F. Giles, R. Williamson, J. Stagg, T. Osborne, L. Gilliver, and F. Coggan, MDCCXXXII. [1732].
ESTC No. T144860.Grub Street ID 191675.
Whitlocke, Bulstrode.
Two tracts on the benefit of registering deeds in England: I. The draught of an Act for a county register, By the Lords Commissioners Whitlock and Lisle, Lord Chief Baron Lane, Mr. Attorney Prideaux, and Sir Antony Ashley Cooper, &c. II. A treatise shewing how useful, safe, reasonable and beneficial the inrolling and registering all conveyances of lands may be to the Inhabitants of this Kingdom. By Sir Matthew Hale, Knt. Sometime Lord Chief Justice of England.
London : printed for J. Worrall, at the Dove, in Bell-Yard, near Lincoln's-Inn, MDCCLVI. [1756].
ESTC No. T66137.Grub Street ID 290946.
Whitlocke, Bulstrode.
Whitelockes notes uppon the Kings writt for choosing members of Parlement XIII Car II being disquisitions on the government of England by King Lords and Commons. Published by Charles Morton, M. D. Secretary of the Royal Society, Fellow of the Society of Antiquaries, and of the imperial Leopoldine and Petersburg Academies, First Under Librarian of the British Museum, and Physician to the Foundling Hospital. .
London : printed by W. Strahan for Andrew Millar in the Strand in the year, MDCCLXVI. [1766].
ESTC No. T145987.Grub Street ID 192673.
Whitlocke, Bulstrode.
A journal of the Swedish ambassy, in the years M.DC.LIII. and M.DC.LIV. from the commonwealth of England, Scotland, and Ireland. Written by the ambassador the Lord Commissioner Whitelocke. With an appendix of original papers. In two volumes. .
London : printed for T. Becket and P.A. de Hondt, 1772.
ESTC No. T144829.Grub Street ID 191646.