Coke, Edward.
Les reports de Edvvard Coke l'attorney generall le roigne, de diuers resolutions, & iudgements donnes auec graund deliberation, per les tresreuerendes iudges, & sages de la ley, de cases & matters en ley queux ne fueront vnques resolue, ou aiuges par deuant, & les raisons, & causes des dits resolutions & iudgements, durant les tresheureux regiment de tresillustre & renomes Roigne Elizabeth, le founteine de tout iustice, & la vie de la ley.
Londini: in ædibus Thomæ Wight. Cum Priuilegio, anno domini 1601.
ESTC No. S4045.Grub Street ID 148152.
Coke, Edward.
Les reports de Edvvard Coke L'attorney generall le Roigne, de diuers resolutions, & iudgements donnes auec graund deliberation, per les tresreuerendes iudges, & sages de la ley, de cases & matters en ley queux ne fueront vnques resolue, ou aiuges par deuant, & les raisons, & causes des dits resolutions & iudgements, durant les tresheureux regiment de tresillustre & renomes Roigne Elizabeth, le founteine de tout iustice, & la vie de la ley.
Londini: [printed by Adam Islip] in ædibus Thomæ Wight, [1601?].
ESTC No. S124194.Grub Street ID 143589.
Coke, Edward.
Le second part des reportes del Edvvard Coke Lattorney Generall de Roigne, de diuers matters en ley, auec graunde & mature consideration resolue, & adiudge, queux ne fueront vnques resolue ou adiudge par deuant, & les raisons & causes de yceux, durant le raigne de tresillustre & renomes Roygne Elizabeth, le fountaine de tout iustice, & la vie de la ley.
[London: Printed by Adam Islip] In ædibus Thomæ VVight, [1604?].
ESTC No. S116287.Grub Street ID 135976.
Coke, Edward.
Le quart part des reportes del Edward Coke Chiualier, Lattorney general le Roy: de diuers resolutions & iudgements dones sur solemnes arguments, & auec graund deliberation & conference des tresreuerend iudges & sages de la ley de cases difficult, en queux sont graund diuersities des opinions, et queux ne fueront vnques resolues, ou adiudges, & reporte par deuant: et les raisons & causes des dits resolutions & iudgements; publies en le primier an (le printempts de tout heureusit) de tresheureux regiment de treshault et tresillustre Iaques Roy Dengleterre, Fraunce, & Ireland, & de Escoce le 37. le fountaine de tout pietie & iustice, & la vie de la ley.
Londini: [printed by Adam Islip] in ædibus Thomæ VVight, 1604.
ESTC No. S125722.Grub Street ID 144956.
Coke, Edward.
La size part des reports Sr. Edw. Coke Chiualer, chiefe Iustice del Common banke: des diuers resolutions & iudgements dones sur solemne arguments, & auec grand deliberation & conference des tresreuerend iudges & sages de la ley, de cases en ley queux ne fueront vnques resolue ou adiudges par deuant: et les raisons & causes des dits resolutions & iudgements. Publies en le cinq' an de treshaut & tresillustre Iaques Roy Dengl. Fr. & Irel. & de Escoce le 41. le fountaine de tout pietie & iustice, & la vie de la ley.
[London]: Printed [by A. Islip] for the Societie of Stationers, anno 1607.
ESTC No. S124668.Grub Street ID 144017.
Coke, Edward.
La sept part des reports Sr. Edvv. Coke Chiualer, chiefe Iustice del Common Banke: des diuers resolutions & iudgements done sur solemne arguments & auec grand deliberation & conference des tresreuerend iudges & sages de la ley, de cases en ley queux ne fueront vnques resolue ou adiudges par deuant: et les raisons & causes des dits resolutions & iudgements. Publies en le size an del treshaut & tresillustre Iaques Roy Dengl. Fr. & Irel. & de Escoce le 42. le fountaine de tout pietie & iustice, & la vie de la ley.
[London]: Printed [by Adam Islip] for the Societie of Stationers, Anno 1608.
ESTC No. S125723.Grub Street ID 144957.
Coke, Edward.
La huictme part des Reports de Sr Edw. Coke Chevalier, chiefe Justice del common bank: des divers resolutions & judgements donez sur solemnes arguments & avec grand deliberation & conference des tresreverend judges & sages de la ley, de cases in ley queux ne fueront unques resolves ou adjudgez par devant: et les raisons & causes des dits resolutions & judgements. Publie en le neufme an de treshaut & tresillustre Jaques, Roy Dengl. Fr. & Irel. & de Escoce le 44. le fountain de tout piety & justice, & la vie de la ley.
London: printed for the Societie of Stationers, anno 1611.
ESTC No. S91480.Grub Street ID 150536.
Coke, Edward.
La huictme part des reports de Sr. Edvv. Coke cheualier, chiefe iustice del Common Banke: des diuers resolutions & jugements donez sur solennes arguments & auec-grand deliberation & conference des tresreuerends iuges & sages de la ley, de cases en ley queux ne fueront vnques resolus ou adiudgez par deuant: et les raisons & causes des dits resolutions & iugements. Publie en le neufme an de treshaut & tresillustre Iaques roy Dengl. Fr. & Irel. & de Escoce le 44. Le fountaine de tout pietie & iustice, & la vie de la ley.
London: printed for the Societie of Stationers, anno 1611.
ESTC No. S4190.Grub Street ID 148274.
Coke, Edward.
Quinta pars relationum Edvvardi Coke equitis aurati, regij attornati generalis de varijs resolutionibus & judicijs, magnâ & maturâ deliberatione in rebus permagni momenti & ponderis, à reuerendis iudicibus & juris-consultissimis latis; vnà cum resolutionum & iudiciorum rationibus & causis. In lucem ædita anno fælicissimi & florentissimi regni regis Iacobi ... = The fift part of the reports of Sr. Edvvard Coke knight, the Kings attorney generall. Of diuers resolutions and iudgments giuen vpon great deliberation, in matters of great importance & consequence by the reuerend iudges and sages of the law; together with the reasons and causes of their resolutions and iudgements. Published in the yeare of the most happie and prosperous raigne of King Iames, ...
London: printed for the Companie of Stationers, anno dom. 1612.
ESTC No. S4189.Grub Street ID 148272.
Coke, Edward.
A booke of entries: containing perfect and approued presidents of counts, declarations, informations, pleints, inditements, barres, replications, reioynders, pleadings, processes, continuances, essoines, issues, defaults, departure in despite of the court, demurrers, trialls, iudgements, executions, and all other matters and proceedings (in effect) concerning the practique part of the laws of England, in actions reall, personall, and mixt, and in appeales; necessarie to be knowne, and of excellent vse for the moderne practise of the law, many of them contaynin matters in law and points of great learning: and none of them euer imprinted heretofore. Collected and published for the common good and benefit of all the studious and learned professors of the laws of England.
London: Printed [by Adam Islip] for the Societie of Stationers, anno Dom. 1614.
ESTC No. S121747.Grub Street ID 141318.
Coke, Edward.
Le quart part des reportes del Edvvard Coke chiualier, l'attorney generall le roy: de diuers resolutions & iudgements dones sur solemnes arguments, & auec grand deliberation & conference des tresreuerend iudges & sages de la ley de cases difficult, en queux sont grand diuersities des opinions, & queux ne fueront vnques resolues, ou adiudges, & report par deuant : et les reasons & causes des dits resolutions & iudgements, publies in le primer an (le printemps de tout heureusite) de tresheureux regiment de treshault & tresillustre Iaques Roy Dengleterre, Fraunce, & Ireland, & de Escoce le 37. Le fountaine de tout pietie & iustice, & la vie de la ley.
London: printed for the Companie of Stationers, 1618.
ESTC No. S4587.Grub Street ID 148550.
Coke, Edward.
La dixme part des reports de Sr. Edvv. Coke Chiualier, chiefe Iustice Dengleterre des plees deste tenus deuant le Roy mesme assignee, & del Counseil prive d'Estat: des diuers resolutions & iugements donez sur solennes arguments & auec grand deliberation & conference des tresreuerend iuges & sages de la ley, de cases en ley queux ne fueront vnques resolus ou adiuges par deuant: et les raisons & causes des dits resolutions & iugements. Publie en la vnziesme an de treshaut & tresillustre Iaques [...].
[London]: Printed [by Adam Islip] for the Societie of Stationers, Anno Dom. 1618.
ESTC No. S117702.Grub Street ID 137370.
Coke, Edward.
Fasciculus florum. Or A handfull of flowers, gathered out of the seuerall bookes of the Right Honorable Sir Edward Coke Knight, and one of the Kings Maiesties most honorable councellours of estate. Per Tho: Ashe, Graijens.
At London: printed by G. Eld, 1618.
ESTC No. S839.Grub Street ID 149461.
Coke, Edward.
Les reports de Edvvard Coke l'attorney generall le roigne, de diuers resolutions, & iudgements donnes auec graund deliberation, per les tresreuerendes iudges, & sages de la ley, de cases & matters en ley queux ne fueront vnques resolue, ou aiuges par deuant, & les raisons, & causes des dits resolutions & iudgem[en]ts, durant les tresheureux regiment de tresillustre & renomes roigne Elizabeth, le fountaine de tout iustice, & la vie de la ley.
London: printed for the Company of Stationers, 1619.
ESTC No. S4183.Grub Street ID 148267.
Coke, Edward.
La vnzme part des reports de Sr. Edvv. Coke Chiualier, chiefe Iustice Dengleterre des plees deste tenus deuant le Roy mesme assignee, & del Counseil prive d'Estat: des diuers resolutions & iugements donez sur solennes arguments & auec grand deliberation & conference des tresreuerend iuges & sages de la ley, de cases en ley queux ne fueront vnques resolus ou adiuges par deuant: et les reasons & causes des dits resolutions & iugements. Publie en la troisiesme an de treshaut & tres-illustre Iaques ...
[London]: Printed [by Adam Islip] for the Societie of Stationers, anno Dom. 1619.
ESTC No. S117704.Grub Street ID 137372.
Coke, Edward.
La size part des reports Sr. Edvv. Coke Chiualer, chiefe Iustice del Common banke: des diuers resolutions & iudgements dones sur solemne arguments, & auec grand deliberation & conference des tresreuerend iudges & sages de la ley, de cases en ley queux ne fueront vnques resolue ou adiudges par deuant: et les raisons & causes des dits resolutions & iudgements. Publies en le cinq' an de treshaut & tresillustre Iaques ...
[London]: Printed [by Adam Islip] for the Societie of Stationers, Anno 1621.
ESTC No. S120379.Grub Street ID 140014.
Coke, Edward.
Quinta pars relationum Edvvardi Coke Equitis aurati, Regij Attornati Generalis. De varijs resolutionibus & iudicijs, magna & matura deliberatione in rebus permagni momenti & ponderis, a reuerendis iudicibus & iuris-consultissimis latis vna cum resolutionum & iudiciorum rationibus & causis. In lucem ædita annno [sic]... regni Regis Iacobi ... 3. ... = The fift part of the reports of Sr. Edvvard Coke Knight, the Kings Attorney Generall ...
London: Printed [by Adam Islip] for the Company of Stationers, Anno Dom. 1624. Cum priuilegio.
ESTC No. S119132.Grub Street ID 138776.
Coke, Edward.
La huictme part des reports de Sr Edvv. Coke Cheualier, chiefe Iustice del Common Banke: des diuers resolutions & iudgements donez sur solennes arguments & auec grand deliberation & conference des tresreuerend iudges & sages de la ley, de cases en ley queux ne fueront vnques resolues ou adiudgez par deuant: et les raisons & causes des dits resolutions & iudgements. Publie en le neufme an de treshaut & tresillustre Iaques ...
London: Printed [by Adam Islip] for the Societie of Stationers, Anno 1626.
ESTC No. S123054.Grub Street ID 142578.
Coke, Edward.
The first part of the Institutes of the lawes of England. Or, A commentarie vpon Littleton, not the name of a lawyer onely, but of the law it selfe. Authore Edw. Coke Milite.
London: Printed [by Adam Islip] for the Societie of Stationers, Anno 1628.
ESTC No. S113366.Grub Street ID 133104.
Coke, Edward.
La dixme part des reports de S. Edw. Coke Chiualier, chiefe Iustice Dengleterre des plees deste tenus deuant le Roy mesme assignee, & del Counseil prive d'Estat: des diuers resolutions & iudgements donez sur solennes arguments, & auec grand deliberation & conference des tresreuerend iuges & sages de la ley, de cases en ley queux ne fueront vnques resolus ou adiudges par deuant: et les raisons & causes des dits resolutions & iugements. Publie en la vnziesme an de treshaut & tresillustre Iaques ...
[London]: Printed [by Adam Islip] for the Societie of Stationers, Anno Dom. 1629. Cum priuilegio.
ESTC No. S116828.Grub Street ID 136516.
Coke, Edward.
The first part of the Institutes of the lawes of England. Or, A commentarie vpon Littleton, not the name of a lawyer onely, but of the law it selfe. Authore Edw: Coke Milite.
London: Printed by [Miles Flesher, John Haviland, and Robert Young,] the assignes of Iohn More Esquire; and are to be sold by Richard More in S. Dunstans Churchyard, Anno 1629.
ESTC No. S113341.Grub Street ID 133081.
Coke, Edward.
La vnzme part des reports de Sr. Edvv. Coke Chiualier, chiefe Iustice Dengleterre des plees deste tenus deuant le Roy mesme assignee, & del Counseil prive d'Estat: des diuers resolutions & iugements donez sur solennes arguments & auec grand deliberation & conference des tresreuerend iuges & sages de la lev, de cases en ley queux ne fueront vnques resolus ou adiuges par deuant: et les reasons & causes des dits resolutions & iugements. Publie en la troisiesme an de treshaut & tres-illustre Iaques [...].
[London]: Printed by the assignes of Iohn More Esquire, 1631.
ESTC No. S119133.Grub Street ID 138777.
Coke, Edward.
La vnzme part des reports de Sr. Edw. Coke Chivalier, chiefe Justice Dengliterre des plees deste tenus devant le Roy mesme assignee, & del Counseil prive d'Estat: des divers resolutions & judgements donez sur solennes arguments & avec grand deliberation & conference des tresreverend juges & sages de la ley, de cases en ley queux ne fueront unques resolus ou adjuges par devant: et les reasons & causes des dits resolutions & jugements. Publie en la troisiesme an de treshaut & tres-illustre Jaques Roy Dengleterre, France & Ireland, & de Escosse le 49. le founteyne d tout pietie & justice, & la vie de la Ley.
London: printed by the assignes of John More Esquire, 1631.
ESTC No. S124806.Grub Street ID 144110.
Coke, Edward.
The first part of the Institutes of the lawes of England: or A commentary upon Littleton, not the name of a lawyer only, but of the law it selfe. Authore Edw. Coke Milite.
London: Printed by M[iles] F[lesher] I[ohn] H[aviland] and R. Y[oung] assignes of I. More Esquire, Anno 1633.
ESTC No. S113340.Grub Street ID 133080.
Coke, Edward.
Le second part des reports del Edward Coke lattorney general le roigne de divers matters en ley, avec graunde & mature consideration resolve, & adjudge, queux ne fueront unques resolve ou adjudge par devant, & les raisons & causes de yceux, durant le raigne de tresillustre & renomes roygne Elizabeth, le fountaine de tout iustice, & la vie de la ley.
Londini: Per assignatos Johannis More armigeri, M DC XXXV [1635].
ESTC No. S4185.Grub Street ID 148269.
Coke, Edward.
Le tierce part des reportes del Edvvard Coke lattourney general le roigne de diuers resolutions & iudgements donnes auec graund deliberation, per les tresreuerend iudges, & sages de la ley, de cases & matters en ley, queux ne fueront vnques resolue, ou adiudges par deuant, & les reasons & causes des dits resolutions & iudgements, durant les tresheureux regiment de tresillustre & renomes roigne Elizabeth, le fountaine de tout iustice, & la vie de la ley.
London: printed by the assignes of John More, 1635.
ESTC No. S4186.Grub Street ID 148270.
Coke, Edward.
Le quart part des reportes del Edward Coke chiualier, lattorney general le roy: de diuers resolutions & iudgements dones sur solemnes arguments, & auec graund deliberation & conference des tresreuerend iudges & sages de la ley de cases difficult, en queux sont graund diuersities des opinions, & queux ne fueront vnques resolues, ou adiudges, & reporte par deuant: et les raisons & causes des dits resolutions & iudgements; publies en le primier an (le printempts de tout heureusit) de tresheureux regiment de treshault & tresillustre Iaques roy Dengleterre, Fraunce, & Ireland, & de Escoce le 37. Le fountaine de tout pietie & iustice, & la vie de la ley.
Londini: Excus. per assignationem Iohannis More armigeri, M.DC.XXXV. [1635].
ESTC No. S4188.Grub Street ID 148271.
Coke, Edward.
Les reports de Eduuard Coke l'attorney generall le roigne de diuers resolutions & iudgments donnes auec graund deliberation, per les tresreuerendes iudges, & sages de la ley, de cases & matters en le [sic] queux ne fueront vnques resolue, ou aiuges par deuant, & les raisons, & causes des dits resolutions & iudgements, durant les tresheureux regiment de tresillustre & renomes roigne Elizabeth, le founteine de tout iustice, & la vie de la ley.
Londini: Per assignationem Iohannis More armigeri, 1636.
ESTC No. S4184.Grub Street ID 148268.
Coke, Edward.
La size part des reports Sir Edw. Coke Chiualer, chiefe Iustice del Common banke: des diuers resolutions & iudgements dones sur solemne arguments, & auec grand deliberation & conference des tresreuerend iudges & sages de la ley, de cases en ley queux ne fueront vnques resolue ou adiudges par deuant: et les raisons & causes des dits resolutions & iudgements. Publies en le cinq' an de treshaut & tresillustre Iaques Roy Dengl. Fr. & Irel. & de escoce le 41. Le fountaine de tout piety & iustice, & la vie de la ley.
London: printed by the assignes of Iohn More Esquire, 1636.
ESTC No. S124727.Grub Street ID 144052.
Coke, Edward.
The first part of the Institutes of the lawes of England: or A commentary upon Littleton, not the name of the author only, but of the law it selfe. Authore Edw. Coke Milite.
London: Printed by M[iles] F[lesher] I[ohn] H[aviland] and R[obert] Y[oung] assignes of I. More Esquire, Anno 1639.
ESTC No. S896.Grub Street ID 149515.
Coke, Edward.
The compleate copy-holder. Wherein is contained a learned discourse of the antiquity and nature of manors and copy-holds. VVith all things thereto incident, as. Surrenders. Presentments. Admittances. Forfeitures. Customes, &c. Necessary, both for the lord and tenant. Together, with the forme of keeping a copy-hold court, and court baron. By Sir Edvvard Coke, Knight.
London: printed by T. Cotes, for W. Cooke, and are to be sold at his shop, at Furnivalls-Inne Gate in Holborne 1641.
ESTC No. R1843.Grub Street ID 73917.
Coke, Edward.
The second part of the Institutes of the lawes of England. Containing the exposition of many ancient, and other statutes; whereof you may see the particulars in a table following. Authore Edw. Coke milite, I.C.
London: printed by M. Flesher, and R. Young, for E[phraim]. D[awson]. R[ichard]. M[eighen]. W[illiam]. L[ee]. and D[aniel]. P[akeman]., 1642.
ESTC No. R231698.Grub Street ID 103683.
Coke, Edward.
The second part of the Institutes of the lawes of England. Containing the exposition of many ancient, and other statutes; whereof you may see the particulars in a table following. Authore Edw. Coke milite, I.C.
London: printed by M. Flesher, and R. Young, for E[phraim]. D[awson]. R[ichard]. M[eighen]. W[illiam]. L[ee]. and D[aniel]. P[akeman]., 1642.
ESTC No. R12887.Grub Street ID 61033.
Coke, Edward.
The compleate copy-holder vvherein is contained a learned discourse of the antiquity and nature of manors and copy-holds. With all things thereto incident, as presentments. Admittances. Surrenders. Forfeitures. Customes. &c. Necessary, both for the lord and tenant. Together, with the forme of keeping a copy-hold court, and court-baron. By Sir Edward Cooke, Knight.
London: printed for Matthew Walbanck, and Richard Best, 1644.
ESTC No. R27988.Grub Street ID 111115.
Coke, Edward.
The third part of the Institutes of the laws of England: concerning high treason, and other pleas of the crown, and criminall causes. Authore Edw. Coke milite, I.C. MDCXLIV.
Printed at London: by M. Flesher, for W. Lee, and D. Pakeman, [1644].
ESTC No. R12841.Grub Street ID 60992.
Coke, Edward.
The fourth part of the Institutes of the laws of England: concerning the jurisdiction of courts. Authore Edw. Coke milite, I.C. MDCXLIV.
Printed at London: by M. Flesher, for W. Lee, and D. Pakeman, [1644].
ESTC No. R1842.Grub Street ID 73871.
Coke, Edward.
The fourth part of the Institutes of the laws of England: concerning the jurisdiction of courts. Authore Edw. Coke milite, I.C. MDCXLVIII.
[London]: Printed at London by M. Flesher, for W. Lee, and D. Pakeman, [1648].
ESTC No. R40364.Grub Street ID 122167.
Coke, Edward.
The third part of the Institutes of the laws of England: concerning high treason, and other pleas of the crown, and criminall causes. Authore Edw. Coke milite, I.C.
[London]: MDCXLVIII. Printed at London by M. Flesher, for W. Lee, and D. Pakeman, [1648].
ESTC No. R221404.Grub Street ID 95560.
Coke, Edward.
The compleat copy-holder, wherein is contained a learned discourse of the antiquity and nature of mannors and copy-holds: being a guide and direction for Surrenders. Presentments. Admittances. Forfeitures. Customes. &c. By Sir Edward Coke Knight. Whereunto is newly added The relation between the lord of a mannor and the copy-holder his tenant: by that worthy lawyer Charles Calthrop of Lincolnes-Innes Esquire. Together, with the forme of keeping of a copy-hold court and court baron: also, two tables newly added.
London: printed for W. Lee, and D. Pakeman, at the Turkes-head, and the Rainbow in Fleet-street, 1650.
ESTC No. R893.Grub Street ID 129058.
Coke, Edward.
An exact abridgment in English, of the eleven books of reports of the learned Sir Edward Coke, Knight, late Lord Chiefe Justice of England, and of the Councel of Estate to His Majestie, King James. Composed by the judicious, Sir Thomas Ireland, Knight, late of Grayes Inne, and an ancient reader of that honourable societie. Wherein is briefly contained the very substance and marrow of all those reports, together with the resolutions on every case. Also a perfect table for the finding of the names of all those cases, and the principall matters therein contained. Very usefull for all men, especially the students and practisers of that honourable profession.
London: printed by M. Simmons, for Matthew Walbancke, at Grayes Inne Gate, and H. Twyford in Vine-court in the Middle Temple, 1650.
ESTC No. R26030.Grub Street ID 109388.
Coke, Edward.
Judges judged out of their own mouthes. Or The question resolved by Magna Charta, &c. who have been Englands enemies, kings seducers, and peoples destroyers, from Hen. 3. to Hen. 8. and before and since. Stated by Sr. Edvvard Coke, KntÂÂ.†¨ate L. chief justice of England. E€œxpostulated, and put to the vote of the people, by J. Jones, gent. Whereunto is added eight observable points of law, executable by justices of peace.
London : printed by W. Bently, and are to be sold by John Williams at the Crown in S· Pauls Church-yard, MDCL [1650].
ESTC No. R171419.Grub Street ID 65671.
Coke, Edward.
An exact abridgment in English, of the eleven books of reports of the learned Sir Edward Coke, Knight, late Lord Chiefe Justice of England, and of the Councel of Estate to His Majestie, King James. Composed by the judicious, Sir Thomas Ireland, Knight, late of Grayes Inne, and an ancient reader of that honourable societie. Wherein is briefly contained the very substance and marrow of all those reports, together with the resolutions on every case. Also a perfect table for the finding of the names of all those cases, and the principall matters therein contained. Very usefull for all men, especially the students and practisers of that honourable profession.
London: printed by M. Simmons, for Matthew Walbancke, at Grayes Inne Gate, 1650.
ESTC No. R236131.Grub Street ID 106960.
Coke, Edward.
An exact abridgement in English of the eleven books of reports of the learned Sir Edward Coke ... wherein is contained the very substance ... of all those reports together with the resolutions on every case ... / composed by Thomas Ireland.
London: Printed by M. Simmons for Matthew Walbancke and H. Twyford, 1651.
ESTC No. R23715.Grub Street ID 107573.
Coke, Edward.
A perfect abridgment of the eleaven bookes of Reports, of the reverend, and learned Kt. Sr. Edvv. Cook, sometimes Chiefe Justice of the upper bench. Originally written in French, by Sr. John Davis, sometimes Atturney-Generall in Ireland. Done into English. Whereunto is annexed two perfect tables.
London: printed by I.G. for W. Lee D. Pakeman, and G. Bedell, are to be sold at their shops in Fleet-Street, 1651.
ESTC No. R223921.Grub Street ID 97674.
Coke, Edward.
An abridgement of the Lord Coke's commentary on Littleton: collected by an unknown author; yet by a late edition pretended to be Sir Humphrey Davenport, Kt. And in this second impression purged from very many gross errors committed in the said former edition. With a tabl of the most remarkable things therein.
London: printed for W. Lee, D. Pakeman, and G. Bedell, 1651.
ESTC No. R217258.Grub Street ID 92069.
Coke, Edward.
A perfect abridgment of the eleaven bookes of Reports, of the reverend, and learned Kt. Sr. Edvv. Cook, sometimes Chiefe Justice of the upper bench. Originally written in French, by Sr. John Davis, sometimes Atturney-Generall in Ireland. Done into English. Whereunto is annexed two perfect tables.
London: printed by I.G. for W. Lee D. Pakeman, and G. Bedell, are to be sold at their shops in Fleete-Streete, 1651.
ESTC No. R35622.Grub Street ID 118001.
Coke, Edward.
Synopsis or, An exact abridgement of the Lord Cokes commentaries upon Littleton: being a briefe explanation of the grounds of the common law. Composed by that famous and learned lawyer, Sir Humphrey Davenport Knight, heretofore Reader of that honourable Society of Graye's Inne, and afterwards Lord Chiefe Barron of the honourable Court of Exchequer, at Westminster. With a perfect table poynting out the most remarkeable things therein contained.
London: printed by E.G. for Matthew Walbancke at Grayes Inne Gate, and Henry Twyford in Vine-Court, Middle Temple, 1652.
ESTC No. R217265.Grub Street ID 92075.
Coke, Edward.
An exact abridgment in English, of the eleven books of reports of that learned Sir Edward Coke, Knight, late Lord Chief Justice of England, and of the councell of estate to His Majesty, King James. Composed by the judicious Sir Thomas Ireland, Knight, late of Grayes Inne and an ancient reader of that honorable societie. VVherein is briefly contained the very substance and marrow of all those reports, together with the resolutions on every case. Also a perfect table for the finding of the names of allthose cases, and the principal matters therein contained. Very usefull for all men, especially the students and practisers of that honorable profession.
London: printed by F. Leach, for Matthew Walbanck, at Grayes Inne Gate, and H. Twyford in Vine-Court in the Middle Temple, 1656.
ESTC No. R174017.Grub Street ID 67329.
Coke, Edward.
The twelfth part of the Reports of Sir Edward Coke, Kt. Of divers resolutions and judgments given upon solemn arguments, and with great deliberation and conference with the learned judges in cases of law, the most of them very famous, being of the kings especiall reference, from the Council table, concerning the prerogative; as for the digging of salt-peter, forfeitures, forrests, proclamations, &c. And the jurisdictions of the Admiralty, Common Pleas, Star-Chamber, High Commission, Court of Wards, Chancery, &c. And expositions and resolutions concerning authorities, both ecclesiasticall and civill, within this realm. Also the formes and proceedings of Parliaments, both in England, & Ireland: with an exposition of Poynings law. With alphabeticall tables, wherein may be found the principall matters contained in this booke.
London: Printed by T.R. for Henry Twyford, and Thomas Dring, and are to be sold in Vine-Court Middle Temple, and at the George in Fleetstreet, neer Cliffords-Inne, 1656.
ESTC No. R18370.Grub Street ID 73507.
Coke, Edward.
The first part of the Institvtes of the laws of England. Or, A commentary upon Littleton, not the name of the author only, but of the law it selfe. Hac ego gradævus posui tibi candide lector authore Edw. Coke. milite.
London: printed for the Company of Stationers, Anno 1656.
ESTC No. R218002.Grub Street ID 92720.
Coke, Edward.
An exact abridgment in English, of the eleven books of reports of the learned Sir Edward Cook, Knight, late Lord Chief Justice of England, and of the Councell of Estate to his Majesty, King James. Composed by the judicious Sir Thomas Ireland, Knight, late of Grayes Inne, and an antient reader of that honorable societie. Wherein is briefly contained the very substance and marrow of all those reports together with the resolutions on every case. Also a perfect table for the finding of the names of all those cases, and the principal matters therein contained. Very usefull for all men, especially the students and practisers of that honorable profession.
London: printed by F. Leach, for Matthew Walbancke, at Grayes Inne Gate, 1657.
ESTC No. R223930.Grub Street ID 97681.
Coke, Edward.
The reports of Sir Edvvard Coke Kt. late Lord Chief-Justice of England, and one of His Majesties Council of State. Of divers resolutions and judgements given upon solemn arguments, and with great deliberation, and conference of the most reverend judges, and sages of law; of cases in law which never were resolved or adjudged before; and the reasons and causes of the said resolutions and judgements. Faithfully rendred into English.
London: printed for W. Lee, M. Walbanck, D. Pakeman, and G. Bedell, and are to be sold at their shops in Fleetstreet, and at Grays-Inn Gate in Holborn, 1658.
ESTC No. R2260.Grub Street ID 99113.
Coke, Edward.
The twelfth part of The reports of Sir Edward Coke, Kt. Of divers resolutions and judgments given upon solemn arguments, and with great deliberation and conference with the learned judges in cases of lavv, the most of them very famous, being of the Kings especiall reference from the council table, concerning the prerogative; as for the digging of salt-peter, forfeitures, forrests, proclamations, &c. And the jurisdictions of the Admiralty, Common Pleas, Star-Chamber, High Commission, Court of Wards, Chancery &c. And expositions and resolutions concerning authorities, both ecclesiastical and civill, within this realme. Also the formes and proceedings of Parliaments, both in England, & Ireland: with an exposition of Poynings Law. With alphabetical tables, wherein may be found the principall matters contained in this book.
London: printed for Henry Twyford and Thomas Dring, and are to be sold in Vine-court Middle Temple, and at the George in Fleet-street, neer Cliffords-Inne, 1658.
ESTC No. R12886.Grub Street ID 61032.
Coke, Edward.
The declarations and other pleadings, contained in the eleven parts of the Reports of Sir Edward Coke Knight, sometime Lord Chief Justice of England; and one of his Majesties Council of Estate. Rendred into English, by W. Hughes of Grayes-Inne, Esquire. For the benefit o all students, and practizers of the common law. With a perfect table of the principal matters thereunto annexed.
London: printed for W. Lee, D. Pakeman, and G. Bedell, to be sold at their shops in Fleet-street, 1659.
ESTC No. R7332.Grub Street ID 127604.
Coke, Edward.
Certain select cases in lavv, reported: by Sir Edvvard Coke, Knight, late Lord Chief Justice of England and one of His Majesties Council of State. Translated out of a manuscript written with his own hand. Never before published. With two exact tables, the one of the cases, and the other of the principal matters therein contained.
London: printed by Tho. Roycroft for J. Sherley, H. Twyford, and Tho. Dring, and are to be sold at their shops, at the Pelican in Little-Brittain, in Vine-court Middle Temple, and at the George in Fleetstreet, 1659.
ESTC No. R1290.Grub Street ID 61048.
Coke, Edward.
The third part of the Institutes of the laws of England: concerning high treason, and other pleas of the crown, and criminall causes. uthore Edw. Coke milite, J.C.
London] : MDCLX. Printed at London by J. Flesher, for W. Lee, and D. Pakeman, [1660.
ESTC No. R27898.Grub Street ID 111031.
Coke, Edward.
The fift [sic] part of the Reports of Sr Edward Coke ... of divers resolutions & judgements given upon great deliberation, in matters of great importance and consequence, by the reverend judges and sages of the law; together with the reasons and causes of their resolutions and judgements. Published in the year ... of King James of England, France and Ireland the 3. and of Scotland the 39.
London : printed by James Flesher, 1660.
ESTC No. R472325.Grub Street ID 125137.
Coke, Edward.
Le reading del mon Seignior Coke, sur lestatute de 27. E. 1. appelle lestatute de Finibus Levatis.
Londini : excudebat T[homas]. R[oycroft]. Sumptibus G. Lee, D[aniel]. Pakeman, & Gabr. Bedell, & apud eos prostant sub signis capitis turcici, iridis, & ad portum medii templi in vico vulgo dicto Fleetstreet, anno Dom. 1662.
ESTC No. R23843.Grub Street ID 107692.
Coke, Edward.
The second part of the Institutes of the laws of England. Containing the exposition of many ancient, and other statutes; whereof you may see the particular in a table following. Authore Edw. Coke Milite, I C. With an alphabetical table not heretofore printed.
London : printed by J[ames]. Flesher for W[illiam]. L[ee]. D[aniel]. P[akeman]. and G[abriel]. B[edell]., 1662.
ESTC No. R29969.Grub Street ID 112876.
Coke, Edward.
Un exact alphabetical table de tout l'principal matteires, maximes, et axiomes, conteynns en le abridgment de le Siegneur Cokes Reportes. Par Edwardum Trotman. Ar'.
London : printed for W. Lee, at the Turks-Head in Fleet-Street; and H. Twyford, in Vine-Court Middle-Temple, 1664.
ESTC No. R35650.Grub Street ID 118030.
Coke, Edward.
The first part of the institutes of the laws of England. Or, A commentary upon Littleton, not the name of the author only, but of the law itself. Haec ego gr&adaevus posui tibi candide lector. Authore Edw. Coke, Milite.
The sixth edition, corrected..
London : printed for the Company of Stationers, anno 1664.
ESTC No. R41765.Grub Street ID 123309.
Coke, Edward.
An exact abridgment in English, of the eleven books of reports of the learned Sir Edward Cook, Knight, late Lord Chief Justice of England, and of the Council of Estate to his Majesty, King James. Composed by the judicious Sir Thomas Ireland, Knight, late of Grayes-Inne, and an ancient reader of that honorable society. Wherein is briefly contained the very substance and marrow of all those reports, together with the resolutions on every case. Also a perfect table for the finding of the names of all those cases, and the principal matters therein contained. Very useful for all men, especially the students and practisers of that honorable profession.
The third impression..
London : printed for George Dawes over against Lincolns-Inne Gate in Chancery Lane, 1666.
ESTC No. R174018.Grub Street ID 67330.
Coke, Edward.
The twelfth part of the reports of Sr. Edward Coke, Kt. Of divers resolutions and judgments given upon solemn arguments, and with great deliberation and conference with the learned judges in cases of law, the most of them very famous, being of the Kings especial reference, from the council table, concerning the prerogative; as for the digging of salt-peter, forfeitures, forests, proclamations, &c. And the jurisdictions of the Admiralty, Common Pleas, Star-chamber, High Commission, Court of Wards, it Chancery, &c. and expositions and resolutions concerning authorities, both ecclesiastical and civil, within this realm. Also the forms and proceedings of Parliaments, both in England, and Ireland: with an exposition of Poynings Law. The second edition. With alphabetical tables, wherein may be found the principal matters contained in this book.
London : printed by the assigns of Richard and Edward Atkins Esquires, for Hen. Twyford and Tho. Basset, and are to be sold in Vine-court Middle Temple, and at the George in Fleet-street, near Cliffords Inne, 1677.
ESTC No. R28565.Grub Street ID 111625.
Coke, Edward.
The complete copy-holder; being a learned discourse of the antiquity and nature of manors and copy-holds, with all things thereto incident. By Sir Edward Coke, Knight. Whereto is added a supplement by way of additions to and amplifications of the foregoing treatise. Both of them necessary as well for lord as tenant.
London : printed by John Streater, James Flesher, and Henry Twyford, assignes of Richard Atkyns and Edward Atkyns, Esquires, 1668.
ESTC No. R43104.Grub Street ID 124182.
Coke, Edward.
A supplement by way of additions to and amplifications of the foregoing treatise, concerning copy-hold and customary estates: wherein the grounds laid down in the said treatise are made good and confirmed by several resolutions and judgements given in the courts of commo laws of England in divers cases.
London : printed by John Streater, James Flesher, and Henry Twyford, assignes of Richard Atkyns and Edward Atkyns, Esquires, 1668.
ESTC No. R214939.Grub Street ID 90082.
Coke, Edward.
The fourth part of the Institutes of the lawes of England; concerning the jurisdiction of courts. The fourth edition; with an alphabetical table, not heretofore printed. Authore Edw. Coke milite.
London : printed for A. Crooke, W. Leake, A. Roper, F. Tyton, T. Dring, T. Collins, J. Place, W. Place, J. Starkey, T. Bassett, R. Pawlett, S. Heyricke, and G. Dawes, booksellers in Fleetstreet and Holborne, 1669.
ESTC No. R35651.Grub Street ID 118031.
Coke, Edward.
The third part of the institutes of the laws of England: concerning high treason, and other pleas of the crown, and criminal causes. The fourth edition. Authore Edw. Coke. Milite.
London : printed for A[ndrew]. Crook, W[illiam]. Leake, A[bel]. Roper, F[rancis]. Tyton, T[homas]. Dring, T[homas]. Collins, J[ohn]. Place, W[illiam]. Place, J[ohn]. Starkey, T[homas]. Basset, R[obert]. Pawlett, S[amuel]. Heyrick, and G[eorge]. Dawes, booksellers in Fleetstreet and Holborn, 1669.
ESTC No. R26617.Grub Street ID 109903.
Coke, Edward.
The second part of the institutes of the laws of England. Containing the exposition of many ancient, and other statutes; whereof you may see the particulars in a table following. The third edition. With an alphabetical table. Authore Edw. Coke. milite, I.C.
London : printed for A. Crooke, W. Leake, A. Roper, F. Tyton, T. Dring, T. Collins, J. Place, W. Place, J. Starkey, T. Bassett, R. Pawlett, S. Heyrick, and G. Dawes, booksellers in Fleetstreet, Chancery-Lane, and Holborne, 1669.
ESTC No. R30266.Grub Street ID 113145.
Coke, Edward.
The first part of the Institutes of the laws of England. Or, A commentarie upon Littleton, not the name of a lawyer only, but of the law it self. Haec ego grandaevus posui tibi candide lector. Authore Edw. Coke milite.
The eighth edition carefully corrected: with an alphabetical table thereunto added..
London : printed for the Society of Stationers, Anno Domini, 1670.
ESTC No. R34822.Grub Street ID 117323.
Coke, Edward.
The third part of the Institutes of the laws of England: concerning high treason, and other pleas of the crown, and criminal causes. Authore Edw. Coke. milite.
The fourth edition..
London : printed by John Streater, James Flesher, Henry Twyford, assigns of Richard Atkyns, and Edward Atkyns Esquires, 1670.
ESTC No. R27899.Grub Street ID 111032.
Coke, Edward.
The first part of the Institutes of the laws of England. Or, A commentary upon Littleton, not the name of the author only, but of the law it self. Haec ego grandaevus posui tibi, candide lector. Authore Edwardo Coke milite.
The seventh edition carefully corrrected..
London : printed by John Streater, James Flesher, and Henry Twyford, assigns of Richard Atkins and Edward Atkins, Esquires. And are to be sold by George Sawbridge, John Place, John Bellinger, William Place, Thomas Basset, Robert Pawlet, Christopher Wilkinson, Thomas Dring, William Jacob, Allen Banks, Ch. Harper, John Amery, John Poole, John Leigh, MDCLXX. [1670].
ESTC No. R33309.Grub Street ID 115948.
Coke, Edward.
An exact abridgement of the two last volumes of reports of Sr. Edw. Coke, Knight. Entituled The 12th. and 13th. parts; being a supplement, and observing the method of Edward Trotman, Esquire. By Thomas Manley, of the Middle-Temple. With a table containing the principal matters therein.
Imprinted at London : and are to be sold by Henry Twyford and Timothy Twyford, 1670.
ESTC No. R35620.Grub Street ID 118000.
Coke, Edward.
The third part of the Institutes of the laws of England concerning high treason and other pleas of the crown and criminal causes authore Edw. Coke.
The fifth edition : with an alphabetical table..
London : Printed for A. Crook [and 12 others] ..., 1671.
ESTC No. R43105.Grub Street ID 124183.
Coke, Edward.
The fourth part of the institutes of the laws of England. Concerning the jurisdiction of courts. The fifth edition. With an alphabetical table, not heretofore printed. Authore Edw. Coke, Milite.
London : printed by John Streater, Henry Twyford, Elizabeth Flesher, assigns of Richard Atkyns, and Edward Atkyns Esquires, M,DC,LXXI. [1671].
ESTC No. R29300.Grub Street ID 112301.
Coke, Edward.
The second part of the Institutes of the laws of England. Containing the exposition of many ancient, and other statutes; whereof you may see the particulars in a table following. The fifth edition. With an alphabetical table. Authore Edw. Coke, Milite, I.C.
London : printed for A[ndrew]. Crooke, W[illiam]. Leake, A[bel]. Roper, F[rancis]. Tyton, T[homas]. Dring, T[homas]. Collins, J[ohn]. Place, W[illiam]. Place, J[ohn]. Starkey, T[homas]. Basset, R[obert]. Pawlett, S[amuel]. Heyrick, and G[eorge]. Daws, booksellers in Fleetstreet, Chancery-Lane, and Holbourn, 1671.
ESTC No. R29301.Grub Street ID 112302.
Coke, Edward.
The third part of the institutes of the laws of England. Concerning high treason, and other pleas of the crown, and criminal causes. The fifth edition. With an alphabetical table. Authore Edw. Coke, Milite.
London : printed for A. Crooke, W. Leake, A. Roper, F. Tyton, T. Dring, T. Collins, J. Place, W. Place, J. Starkey, T. Basset, R. Pawlett, S. Heyrick, and G. Daws, booksellers in Fleetstreet, Chancery-Lane, and Holbourn, 1671.
ESTC No. R226871.Grub Street ID 99794.
Coke, Edward.
A book of entries: containing perfect and approved presidents of counts, declarations, informations, pleints, indictments, barres, replications, rejoynders, pleadings, processes, continuances, essoines, issues, defaults, departure in despight of the court, demurrers, trials, judgements, executions, and all other matters and proceedings (in effect) concerning the practick part of the laws of England, in actions real, personal, and mixt, and in appeals. Being very necessary to be known, and of excellent use for the modern practice of the law, many of them containing matters in law, and points of great learning. Collected and published for the common good and benefit of all the studious and learned professors of the laws of England.
The second edition carefully corrected..
London : printed by John Streater, James Flesher, and Henry Twyford, assigns of Richard Atkins and Edward Atkins, Esquires. And are to be sold by George Sawbridge, [and 13 others], anno Dom. M.DC.LXXI. [1671].
ESTC No. R25311.Grub Street ID 109013.
Coke, Edward.
The fourth part of the institutes of the laws of England. Concerning the jurisdiction of courts. The fifth edition. With an alphabetical table, not heretofore printed. Authore Edw. Coke Milite.
London : printed by John Streater, Henry Twyford, Elizabeth Flesher, assigns of Richard Atkyns, and Edward Atkyns, Esquires, M.DC.LXXI. [1671].
ESTC No. R226877.Grub Street ID 99798.
Coke, Edward.
La septme part des reports de Sr Edw. Coke Chival; chief justice del common bank. Des divers resolutions & judgments done fur solemne arguments & ove grand deliberation & conference des tresreverend judges & sages de la ley de cases del ley queux ne fueront unques resolv ou adjudges par devant. Et les raisons & causes des dits resolutions & judgments. Publies en le size an del treshaut & tres-illustre Jaques Roy d'Englet' Fr. & Irel. & de Escoce le 42. Le fountain de touts pietie & justice & la vie de la ley.
Londini : excudebant Johannes Streater & Henricus Twyford delegati Edwardi & Richardi Atkins armigerorum, MDCLXXI. [1671].
ESTC No. R233370.Grub Street ID 104922.
Coke, Edward.
The second part of the Institutes of the laws of England containing the exposition of many ancient, and other statutes : whereof you may see the particulars in a table following / authore Edw. Coke.
The fifth edition..
London : Printed by John Streater, Henry Twyford, Elizabeth Flesher, assigns of Richard Atkyns, and Edward Atkyns, Esquires, M.DC.LXXI. [1671].
ESTC No. R40845.Grub Street ID 122601.
Coke, Edward.
The fourth part of the institutes of the laws of England; concerning the jurisdiction of courts. The fifth edition; with an alphabetical table, not heretofore printed. Authore Edw. Coke Milite.
London : printed by John Streater, Henry Twyford, Elizabeth Flesher, assigns of Richard Atkyns, and Edward Atkyns Esquires, M.DC.LXXI. [1671].
ESTC No. R235361.Grub Street ID 106486.
Coke, Edward.
The second part of the Institutes of the laws of England: containing the exposition of many ancient, and other statutes; whereof you may see the particulars in a table following. The fourth edition. Authore Edw. Coke Milite, J.C.
London : printed by John Streater, Henry Twyford, Elizabeth Flesher, assigns of Richard Atkyns, and Edward Atkyns Esquires, M.DC.LXXI. [1671].
ESTC No. R30267.Grub Street ID 113146.
Coke, Edward.
Les reports de Sir Edward Coke, jades chiefe justice de Bank le roy. Conteinant divers resolutions & judgements per les tresreverend judges & sages de la ley, des cases & matters resolve & adjudge, & les raisons & causes de ceo, en le reigne du roygne Elizabeth, & du Jaques treshault & puissant roy de Angleterre. Ovesque le general table, a touts les several livres de mesmes les reports; per quelle, touts les cases & matters in yceux conteinus puissont facilement estre troves.
London : printed by John Streater, Eliz. Flesher, and Henry Twyford, assignes of Richard Atkyns and Edward Atkyns, esquires. And are to be sold by George Sawbridge, John Place, John Bellinger, William Place, Tho. Basset, Robert Pawlet, Christopher Wilkinson, Tho. Dring, Will. Jacob, Ch. Harper, J. Leigh, J. Amery, J. Poole, booksellers in Fleet-street and Holborne, Anno Dom. M DC LXXII. [1672].
ESTC No. R24770.Grub Street ID 108524.
Coke, Edward.
The complete copy-holder; being a learned discourse of the antiquity and nature of manors and copy-holds, with all things thereto incident. By Sir Edward Coke, knight. Whereto is added a supplement by way of additions to, and amplifications of the fore-going treatise. Both of them necessary as well for lord as tenant.
London : printed by E. Flesher, John Streater, and Henry Twyford, assignes of Richard Atkyns, and Edward Atkyns, Esquires, 1673.
ESTC No. R31649.Grub Street ID 114429.
Coke, Edward.
Certain select cases in law, reported: by Sir Edward Coke, Knight, late Lord Chief Justice of England and one of His Majesties Council of State. The second edition. With two exact tables, the one of the cases, and the other of the principal matters therein contained.
London : printed by the assigns of R. and E. Atkins Esquires, for H. Twyford, T. Basset, and B. Sherley, 1677.
ESTC No. R1291.Grub Street ID 61056.
Coke, Edward.
The reports of Sir Edward Coke, Kt. late Lord Chief Justice of England. Of divers resolutions and judgments given upon solemn arguments, and with great deliberation, and conference of the most reverend judges, and sages of the law; of cases in law which never were resolved or adjudged before; and the reasons and causes of the said resolutions and judgments. The second edition carefully compared with the French, and purged from former errors. With a table to the whole.
London : printed for H. Twyford, T. Collins, T. Basset, J. Wright, S. Heyrick, T. Sawbridge, M. Pitt, C. Harper, and J. Place, MDCLXXX. [1680].
ESTC No. R5436.Grub Street ID 125881.
Coke, Edward.
The third part of the Institutes of the laws of England: concerning high treason, and other pleas of the crown, and criminal causes.The sixth edition. Authore Edw. Coke Milite.
London : printed by W. Rawlins, for Thomas Basset at the George near St. Dunstans Church in Fleet-street, MDCLXX. [1680].
ESTC No. R18334.Grub Street ID 73172.
Coke, Edward.
The third part of the Institutes of the laws of England: concerning high treason, and other pleas of the Crown, and criminal causes. The sixth edition. Authore Edw. Coke Milite.
London : printed by W[illiam]. Rawlins, for Thomas Basset at the George near St. Dunstan's Church in Fleetstreet, MDCLXXXI. [1681].
ESTC No. R175782.Grub Street ID 68547.
Coke, Edward.
The fourth part of the Institutes of the laws of England: concerning the jurisdiction of courts. The sixth edition. Authore Edw. Coke Milite.
London : printed by W. Rawlins, for Thomas Basset at the George near St. Dunstans Church in Fleet-street, MDCLXXXI. [1681].
ESTC No. R24769.Grub Street ID 108522.
Coke, Edward.
The second part of the Institutes of the laws of England: containing the exposition of many ancient, and other statutes, whereof you may see the particulars in a table following. The sixth edition. Authore Edw. Coke Milite, J.C.
London : printed by W. Rawlins, for Thomas Basset at the George near St. Dunstan's Church in Fleet-street, MDCLXXI. [1681].
ESTC No. R24771.Grub Street ID 108525.
Coke, Edward.
The first part of the institutes of the laws of England, or, A commentary upon Littleton, not the name of the author only, but of the law itself. Haec ego grandaevus posui tibi, candide lector, authore Edwardo Coke, milite. The ninth edition carefully corrected: with an alphabetical table. To this edition is added two learned tracts of the same authors; the first, his reading upon the 27th of Edward the First, entituled, The statute of levying fines: and the second, Of bail and mainprize.
London : printed by William Rawlins, Samuel Roycroft, and H Sawbridge, assigns of Richard Atkins and Edward Atkins, Esquires. And are to be sold by Christopher Wilkinson, Richard Tonson, and Jacob Tonson; at the Black-Boy in Fleetstreet, within Grays-Inn Gate next Grays-In Lane, and at the Judges Head in Chancery Lane near Fleetstreet, MDCLXXXIV. [1684].
ESTC No. R473.Grub Street ID 125156.
Coke, Edward.
An abridgment of the Lord Coke's commentaries upon Littleton: being a brief explanation of the grounds of the common law. Composed by that famous and learned lawyer, Sir Humphrey Davenport, Knight, some time Lord Chief Baron of the Honourable Court of Exchequer at Westminster. With a table of the most remarkable things therein contained.
London : printed by the assigns of Richard Atkyns and Edward Atkyns, Esquires. And are to be sold by the booksellers in London, 1685.
ESTC No. R30916.Grub Street ID 113755.
Coke, Edward.
La dixme part des reports de Sr. Edw· Coke chivalier, chief justice Dengleterre, des plees destre tenus devant le roy mesme assignee, & del counseil prive d'estate: des divers resolutions & judgments donez sur solemnes arguments & avec grand deliberation & conference des tres-reverend judges & sages de la ley, de cases en ley queux ne fueront unques resolve ou adjudges par devant: et les reasons & causes des dits resolutions & judgments. Publie en la unziesme an de treshaut & tres-illustre Jaques, roy Dengleterre, France & Ireland, & de Escosse le 47. le fountaine de tout pietie & justice, & la vie de la ley.
London : printed by the assigns of Rich. and Edw. Atkins Esquires; for Samuel Keble at the Turks-Head in Fleet-street, and John Walthoe, in Vine-Court, Middle-Temple, 1697.
ESTC No. R38817.Grub Street ID 120868.
Coke, Edward.
La tierce part des reports del Edward Coke, lattorney general le roigne, de divers resolutions & judgments donnes avec graund deliberation, per les tres-reverend judges & sages de la ley, de cases & matters en ley, queux ne fueront unques resolve, ou adjudges par devant, & les raisons & causes des dits resolutions & judgments, durant les tres-heureux regiment de tres-illustre & renomes roigne Elizabeth, le fountaine de tout justice, & la vie de la ley. Avec references al touts livers del common ley, cybien ancient come modern.
London : printed by the assigns of Rich. and Edw. Atkyns, Esquires; for Samuel Keble, at the Turks-Head in Fleet-street; and John Walthoe, in Vine-Court, Middle Temple, 1697.
ESTC No. R23716.Grub Street ID 107574.
Coke, Edward.
Les reports de Edw. Coke l'Attorney General le Roign. Des divers resolutions & judgments donez avec graund deliberation, per les tres-reverend judges & sages de la ley, de cases & matters en ley queux ne fueront unques resolve ou adjudges par devant: et les reasons & causes des dits resolutions & judgments, durant le tresheureux regiment de tres-illustre & renomes roign Elizabeth, le fountain de tout justice, & la vie de la ley. Avec references al touts liures del common ley, cybien ancient come modern.
London : printed by the assigns of Rich. and Edw. Atkyns, Esquires; for Samuel Keble, at the Turks-Head in Fleet-street; and John Walthoe, in Vine-Court, Middle Temple, 1697.
ESTC No. R34823.Grub Street ID 117324.
Coke, Edward.
Le second part des reports del Edward Coke,lattorney general le roigne, de divers matters en ley, avec grand & mature consideration resolve, & adjudge, queux ne fueront unques resolve ou adjudge par devant, & les reasons & causes de yceux, durant le raigne de tres-illustre & renomes roygne Elizabeth, le fountaine de tout justice, & la vie de la ley. Avec references al touts liures del common ley, cybien ancient come modern.
London : printed by the assigns of Rich. and Edw. Atkins Esquires; for Samuel Keble at the Turks-Head in Fleet-street, and John Walthoe, in Vine-Court, Middle-Temple, 1697.
ESTC No. R26031.Grub Street ID 109389.
Coke, Edward.
La huictme part des reports de Sr. Edw. Coke, chivalier, chief justice del common bank: des divers resolutions & judgments donez sur solemnes arguments, & avec graund deliberation & conference des tres-reverend judges & sages de la ley, de cases en ley queux ne fueront unques resolve ou adjudges par devant: et les reasons & causes des dits resolutions & judgments. Publie en le neufme an de tres-haut & tres-illustre Jaques, roy Dengleterre', France & Ireland, & de Escose le 44. le fountain de tout piety & justice, & la vie de la ley. Avec references al touts liures del common ley, cybien ancient come modern.
London : printed by the assigns of Rich. and Edw. Atkyns Esquires; for Samuel Keble,at the Turks-Head in Fleet-street; and John Walthoe, in Vine-Court, Middle Temple, 1697.
ESTC No. R37188.Grub Street ID 119430.
Coke, Edward.
Le quart part des reports de Sr. Edw. Coke, chivalier, l'attorney general le roy: des divers resolutions & judgments donez sur solemnes arguments, & avec graund deliberation & conference des tres-reverend judges & sages de la ley, de cases difficult, en queux sont grand diversities des opinions, & queux ne fueront unques resolve ou adjudges ou report par devant: et les reasons & causes des dits resolutions & judgments· Publie en le primer an (le printemps de tout heureusitè) de tresheureux regiment de tres-haut & tres-illustre Jaques roy Dengleterre, France & Ireland, & de Escose le 37. le fountain de tout piety & justice, & la vie de la ley. Avec references al touts liures del common ley, cybien ancient come modern.
London : printed by the assigns of Rich. and Edw. Atkyns, Esquires; for Samuel Keble, at the Turks-Head in Fleet-street; and John Walthoe, in Vine-Court, Middle Temple, 1697.
ESTC No. R37189.Grub Street ID 119431.
Coke, Edward.
La neufme part des reports del Sr. Edw. Coke chivalier, chief justice del commom [sic] bank: des divers resolutions & judgments dones sur solemne arguments, & avec grand deliberation & conference des tres-reverend judges & sages de la ley, de cases en ley queux ne fueron unques resolve ou adjudges par devant: et les raisons & causes des dits resolutions & judgments. Publie en le dixiesme an de treshaut & tres-illustre Jaques roy Dengleterre, France & Ireland, & de Escosse le 46, le fountain de tout pietie & justice, & la vie de la ley. Avec references al touts liures del common ley, cybien ancient come Modern.
London : printed by the assigns of Rich. and Edw. Atkins Esquires; for Samuel Keble at the Turks-Head in Fleet-street, and John Walthoe, in Vine-Court, Middle-Temple, 1697.
ESTC No. R8219.Grub Street ID 128415.
Coke, Edward.
La unzime part des reports de Sr. Edw· Coke chivalier,chief justice Dengleterre, des plees destre tenus devant le roy mesme assignee & del Counseil prive d'estate: des divers resolutions & judgments donez sur solemnes arguments & avec grand deliberation & conference des tres-reverend judges & sages de la ley, de cases en ley queux ne fueront unques resolve ou adjudges par devant: et les reasons & causes des dits resolutions & judgments. Publie en la troisiesme an de treshaut & tres-illustre Jaques roy Dengleterre, France & Ireland, & de Escosse le 49. le fountain de tout pietie & justice, & la vie de la ley. Avec references al touts liures del common ley, cybien ancient come modern.
London : printed by the assigns of Rich. and Edw. Atkins Esquires; for Samuel Keble at the Turks-Head in Fleet-street, and John Walthoe in Vine-Court, Middle-Temple, 1697.
ESTC No. R24461.Grub Street ID 108250.
Coke, Edward.
La cinquiesme part des reports del Sr. Edw. Coke chivalier, lattorney general le roy, des divers resolutions & judgments dones sur solemne arguments, & avec grand deliberation & conference des tres-reverend judges & sages de la ley, de cases en ley queux ne fueront unques resolve ou adjudges par devant: et les raisons & causes des dits resolutions & judgments. Publie en le tierce an de treshaut & tres-illustre Jaques roy Dengleterre, France & Ireland, & de Escosse le 39, le fountain de tout pietie & justice, & la vie de la ley. Avec references al touts liures del common ley, cybien ancient come modern.
London : Printed by the assigns of Rich. and Edw. Atkins Esquires; for Samuel Keble at the Turks-Head in Fleet-street, and John Walthoe, in Vine-Court, Middle-Temple, 1697.
ESTC No. R1526.Grub Street ID 63214.
Coke, Edward.
Le size part des reports del Sr. Edw· Coke chivalier, chief justice del commom [sic] bank. Des divers resolutions & judgments dones sur solemne arguments, & avec grand deliberation & conference des tres-reverend judges & sages de la ley, de cases en ley queux ne fueront unques resolve ou adjudges par devant: et les raisons & causes des dits resolutions & judgments. Publies en le cinq' an de treshaut & tres-illustre Jaques roy Dengleterre, France & Ireland, & de Escosse le 41, le fountain de tout pietie & justice, & la vie de la ley. Avec references al touts liure del common ley, cybien ancient come modern.
London : printed by the assigns of Rich. and Edw. Atkins Esquires; for Samuel Keble at the Turks-Head in Fleet-street, and John Walthoe, in Vine-Court, Middle-Temple, 1697.
ESTC No. R35623.Grub Street ID 118002.
Coke, Edward.
Le sept part des reports de Sr. Edw. Coke, chivalier, chief justice del common-bank: des divers resolutions & judgments donez sur solemnes arguments, & avec graund deliberation & conference des tres-reverend judges & sages de la ley, de cases en ley queux ne fueront unques resolve ou adjudges par devant: et les reasons & causes des dits resolutions & judgments. Publie en le size an del tres-haut & tres-illustre Jaques roy Dengleterre, France & Ireland, & de Escose le 42. le fountain de tout piety & justice, & la vie de la ley. Avec references al touts liures del common ley, cybien ancient come modern.
London : printed by the assigns of Rich. and Edw. Atkyns Esquires; for Samuel Keble, at the Turks-Head in Fleet-street; and John Walthoe, in Vine-Court, Middle Temple, 1697.
ESTC No. R35624.Grub Street ID 118003.
Coke, Edward.
The first part of the institutes of the laws of England. Or, a commentary upon Littleton, Not the Name of the Author only, but of the Law it self. Haec ego grandaevus posui tibi, candide Lector, authore Edwardo Coke, Authore Edwardo Coke, Milite. The Tenth Edition Carefully corrected from the Errors of the former Impressions: With an Alphabetical Table. To Which are added Two Learned Tracts of the same Author; The first, His Reading upon the 27th of Edward the First, Entituled, The Statute of Levying Fines: And the second, Of Bail and Mainprize.
The tenth edition carefully corrected ...
London : printed by William Rawlins, and Samuel Roycroft, assigns of Richard Atkins and Edward Atkins, Esquires. And are to be sold by Charles Harper at the Flower-de-Luce against St. Dunstan's Church in Fleet-Street and J. Walthoe in Vine-Court Middle-Temple, adjoyning to the Cloysters, 1703.
ESTC No. T112890.Grub Street ID 164844.
Coke, Edward.
An abridgment of the first part of my Ld. Coke's Institutes; with some additions explaining many of the difficult cases, .
London] : Printed by the assignee of Edward Sayer Esq; and are to be sold by John Walthoe, 1711.
ESTC No. T112750.Grub Street ID 164720.
Coke, Edward.
An abridgment of the first part of my Ld. Coke's Institutes; with some additions explaining many of the difficult cases, .
London : printed for J. Walthoe in the middle-Temple-Cloysters: and at his shop in Stafford, 1714.
ESTC No. T163340.Grub Street ID 201907.
Coke, Edward.
An abridgment of the first part of my Ld Coke's Institutes; with some additions, explaining many of the difficult cases, .
The third edition corrected..
London] : In the Savoy: printed by Eliz. Nutt and R. Gosling (assigns of Edw. Sayer, Esq;) for John Walthoe, 1719.
ESTC No. T114737.Grub Street ID 166538.
Coke, Edward.
The first part of the institutes of the laws of England: or, a commentary upon littleton, not the name of the author only, but of the law it self. Hoec ego grandoevus posui tibi, candide lector, Authore Edwardo Coke, milite. Also three learned tracts of the same author: the first, his reading upon the 27th of Edward the first, entituled, the statute of levying fines: the second, of Bail and mainprize: and the third, his compleat copyholder. The eleventh edition, (carefully corrected from the many errors of the former impressions) to which is added, the treatise of the old tenures of the laws of England: with two new tables; and many references to the modern law cases, never printed before, and distinguished from the old references by this mark.
In the Savoy : Printed by Eliz. Nutt and R. Gosling, (Assigns of Edward Sayer Esq;) and are to be sold by B. Lintott, at the Cross-Keys, R. Gosling, at the Mitre and Crown, in Fleetstreet; and T. Ward, in the Inner-Temple-Lane, MDCCXIX. [1719].
ESTC No. N6886.Grub Street ID 50145.
Coke, Edward.
An abridgment of the first part of my Ld. Coke's Institutes; with Some additions explaining many of the difficult Cases, and shewing in what Points the law has been altered by late Resolutions and Acts of Parliament. By William Hawkins Serjeant at Law.
The fourth edition. To which is now added, a large index ...
London] : In the Savoy: printed by E. and R. Nutt, and R. Gosling, (assigns of Edw. Sayer, Esq;) for John Walthoe in the Middle-Temple-Cloysters, 1725.
ESTC No. T150439.Grub Street ID 196237.
Coke, Edward.
A general table to the first eleven books of the Reports of the late most reverend judge, Sir Edward Coke, ... by which all the matters and cases in them contained, may easily be found; with two alphabetical catalogues, .
London] : Printed in the year, 1727.
ESTC No. N18277.Grub Street ID 7755.
Coke, Edward.
The reports of Sir Edward Coke Kt. in English, compleat in thirteen parts, with references to all the antient and modern books of the law. Exactly translated and compared with the first and last edition in French, and printed Page for Page with the same. To which are now added the pleadings to the cases.
London] : In the Savoy: printed by E. and R. Nutt, and R. Gosling, (assigns of Edw. Sayer Esq;) for D. Browne, J. Walthoe, B. Lintot, R. Gosling, W. Mears, T. Ward, W. Innys, J. Osborn, T. Woodward, F. Clay, T. Wotton, K. Williamson and A. Ward, M.DCC.XXVII. [1727.
ESTC No. N12826.Grub Street ID 2797.
Coke, Edward.
An abridgment of the first part of my Ld. Coke's Institutes; with Some additions explaining many of the difficult Cases, and shewing in what Points the law has been altered by late Resolutions and Acts of Parliament. By William Hawkins Serjeant at Law. To which is now added a large Index in the Nature of an Analysis of the most General Heads.
The fifth edition. To which is now added a large index ...
London] : In the Savoy: printed by E. and R. Nutt, and R. Gosling, (assigns of Edw. Sayer, Esq;) for T. Osborne, in Gray's Inn, MDCCXXXVI. [1736.
ESTC No. N14925.Grub Street ID 4671.
Coke, Edward.
The first part of the institutes of the laws of England: or, a commentary upon Littleton, ... authore Edwardo Coke, .
The twelfth edition, (carefully corrected from the errors of the former impressions) with two new tables; and many references to the modern law cases, ...
London] : In the Savoy: printed by E. and R. Nutt, and R. Gosling, (assigns of Edward Sayer, Esq;) for R. Gosling, and H Lintot, 1738.
ESTC No. T112990.Grub Street ID 164942.
Coke, Edward.
The reports of Sir Edward Coke Kt. in English, in thirteen parts compleat; (with references to all the ancient and modern books of the law.) Exactly translated and compared with the first and last edition in French, ... To which are now added the respective pleadings in English. The whole newly revised, .
London] : In the Savoy: printed by E. and R. Nutt, and R. Gosling, (assigns of Edward Sayer Esq;) for R. Gosling, W. Mears, W. Innys and R. Manby, T. Woodward, F. Clay, [and 8 others in London], 1738.
ESTC No. N12827.Grub Street ID 2798.
Coke, Edward.
An abridgment of the first part of my Ld. Coke's Institutes; with some additions explaining many of the difficult cases, ... By William Hawkins, .
The sixth edition. To which is now added a large index in the nature of an analysis of the most general heads..
London] : In the Savoy: printed by Henry Lintot, (assignee of Edward Sayer, Esq;) for T. Osborne, 1742.
ESTC No. T112757.Grub Street ID 164725.
Coke, Edward.
An abridgment of the first part of my Ld. Coke's Institutes; with some additions ... By William Hawkins, .
The sixth edition. To which is now added a large index ...
London] : In the Savoy: printed by Henry Lintot, (assignee of Edward Sayer, Esq;), 1744.
ESTC No. N29127.Grub Street ID 18314.
Coke, Edward.
An abridgment of the first part of Ld. Coke's Institutes; with great additions, explaining many of the difficult Cases, and shewing in what Points the Law has been altered by late Resolutions and Acts of Parliament. By William Hawkins, Serjeant at Law.
The seventh edition. To which is now added, a large index ...
London] : In the Savoy: printed by Henry Lintot, for D. Browne, without Temple-Bar; J. Shuckburgh, between the Temple-Gates; J. Whiston and B. White, in Fleet-Street, M.DCC.LI. [1751.
ESTC No. T137149.Grub Street ID 185215.
Coke, Edward.
The golden passage in the great charter of England, called Magna Charta. Or, the charter of British liberties, granted by King John ... With Lord Coke's remarks and explanations.
London?] : Printed for E. and C. Dilly; Price 1s. per dozen, or 7s. per hundred, 1775.
ESTC No. N68103.Grub Street ID 49596.
Coke, Edward.
The first part of the institutes of the laws of England; or a commentary upon Littleton, Not the Name of the Author only, but of the Law itself. Authore Edwardo Coke, milite. The thirteenth edition. Also three learned tracts of the same authore: The First, his Reading upon the 27th of Edward I. Intitled, De Finibus Levatis; The Second, of Bail and Mainprize; and the Third, his Complete Copyholder. Together with the treatise of the old tenures. The whole revised and corrected by Francis Hargrave, of Lincoln's-Inn, Esq. With the addition of various readings of Littleton, From The More Early Editions; and a preface, notes, and references, by the editor. And also an analysis of Littleton. Written by an Unknown Hand in 1658-9, but never before published.
London : printed for G Kearsly, near Srrjeant's-Inn [sic], in Fleet-Street; and G. Robinson, in Paternoster-Row, MDCCLXXV. [1775].
ESTC No. T117843.Grub Street ID 169423.
Coke, Edward.
The golden passage in the great charter of England, called Magna Charta. Or, the charter of British liberties, granted by King John To His Subjects, In the 17th Year of his Reign, In Running-Mead, Between Stains and Windsor, June 15, in the Year 1215, and 560 Years ago. With Lord Coke's remarks and explanations.
London?] : Printed for the use of the London Association in, M.DCC.LXX.VI. [1776.
ESTC No. T123977.Grub Street ID 174265.
Coke, Edward.
The reports of Sir Edward Coke, Knt. in English, in thirteen parts complete; with references to all the ancient and modern books of the law. Exactly translated and compared with the first and last edition in French, and printed Page for Page with the same. To which are now added, the respective pleadings, i N English. The whole newly revised, and carefully Corrected and Translated, with many additional Notes and References, by George Wilson, Serjeant at Law.
London : printed for J. and F. Rivington, in St. Paul's Church-Yard; W. Owen, G. Kearsly, and M. Waller, in Fleet-Street; W. Flexney, in Holborn; and G. Robinson, in Pater-Noster Row, MDCCLXXVI. [1776].
ESTC No. N12828.Grub Street ID 2799.
Coke, Edward.
The reports of Sir Edward Coke, Knt. in English, in thirteen parts complete; with references to all the ancient and modern books of the law. Exactly translated, and compared with the First and Last Edition in French, and printed Page for Page with the same. To which are now added, the respective pleadings, in English. The whole newly revised, and carefully corrected and translated, with many additional notes and references, By George Wilson, Serjeant at Law.
London : printed for J. Rivington and Sons, St. Paul's Church-Yard; W. Owen, Fleet-Street; T. Longman and G. Robinson, Pater-Noster Row; G. Kearsly, Fleet-Street; W. Flexney and W. Cater, Holborn; E. Brooke, Bell-Yard, Temple-Bar; and T. Whieldon and Co. Fleet-Street, 1777.
ESTC No. T147782.Grub Street ID 194313.
Coke, Edward.
The first part of the institutes of the laws of England. Or, a commentary upon Littleton. ... authore Edwardo Coke, milite. The thirteenth edition, revised and corrected. With the addition of notes and references, from the beginning to folio 195 inclusive, by Francis Hargrave, ... and from folio 196 to the end, with the preface and index to the notes, by Charles Butler, ... And an analysis of Littleton,.
London : printed by T. Wright, for E. Brooke (successor to Messrs. Worrall and Tovey), 1788.
ESTC No. T117845.Grub Street ID 169424.
Coke, Edward.
The first part of the institutes of the laws of EnglandDT Or, a commentary upon Littleton. ... authore Edwardo Coke, milite. The thirteenth edition, revised and corrected. With the addition of notes and references, from the beginning to folio 190 inclusive, by Francis Hargrave, ... and from folio 190 to the end, with the preface and index to the notes, by Charles Butler, ... And an analysis of Littleton,.
London : printed by T. Wright, for E. Brooke (successor to Messrs. Worrall and Tovey), 1788.
ESTC No. N31548.Grub Street ID 20439.
Coke, Edward.
The first part of the institutes of the laws of England. Or, A commentary upon Littleton. Not the name of the author only, but of the law itself: Authore Edwardo Coke, milite. The fourteenth edition, revised and corrected. With the addition of notes and references, from the beginning to folio 190 inclusive, by Francis Hargrave, Esq. of Lincoln's-Inn. And from folio 190 to the end, with the preface and index to the notes, by Charles Butler, Esq. of Lincoln's-Inn. Including also, the notes of Lord Chief Justice Hale, and Lord Chancellor Nottingham. And an analysis of littleton, written by an unknown hand in 1658-9, but never before published.
London : Printed for E. and R. Brooke, Bell-Yard, near Temple-Bar, M,DCC,LXXXIX. [1789].
ESTC No. T112989.Grub Street ID 164940.
Coke, Edward.
The first part of the institutes of the laws of England. Or, a commentary upon Littleton. ... authore Edwardo Coke, ... The fourteenth edition, revised and corrected. With the addition of notes and references, ... by Francis Hargrave, ... And ... by Charles Butler, ... Including also, the notes of Lord Chief Justice Hale, and Lord Chancellor Nottingham. ...
Dublin: printed for James Moore, 1791.
ESTC No. N9777.Grub Street ID 54655.
Coke, Edward.
An abridgment of the first part of Lord Coke's Institutes; ... By William Hawkins, Serjeant at Law.
Dublin: printed for H. Watts, and W. Jones, 1792.
ESTC No. N14926.Grub Street ID 4672.
Coke, Edward.
The reports of Sir Edward Coke, Knt. in English, in thirteen parts complete; With References to all the ancient and modern Books of the Law. Exactly translated and compared with the first and last edition in French, and printed Page for Page with the same. To Which Are Now Added, The Respective Pleadings, In English Vol. I. The whole newly revised, and carefully corrected and translated, with many additional Notes and References. By George Wilson, Serjeant at Law.
Dublin: printed for J. Moore, No. 45, College-Green, 1793.
ESTC No. T121183.Grub Street ID 172035.
Coke, Edward.
An abridgment of the reports of the learned Sir Edward Coke, Knight. The first eleven books abridged by Sir Thomas Ireland, ... and the two last by Thomas Manley, ...
Dublin: printed by H. Watts, 1793.
ESTC No. N52747.Grub Street ID 36736.
Coke, Edward.
The first part of the institutes of the laws of England; or, A commentary upon Littleton: not the name of the author only, but of the law itself. Authore Edwardo Coke, milite. The fifteenth edition; revised and corrected, with further additions of notes, references, and proper tables. By Francis Hargrave and Charles Butler, Esquires, of Lincoln's-Inn. Including also the notes of Lord Chief Justice Hale and Lord Chancellor Nottingham: and an analysis of Littleton, written by an unknown hand in 1658-9.
London : Printed for E. and R. Brooke, Bell-Yard, near Temple Bar, M,DCC,XCIV. [1794].
ESTC No. T112813.Grub Street ID 164767.
Coke, Edward.
The third part of the institutes of the laws of England: concerning high treason, and other pleas of the crown. And criminal causes. Authore Edwardo Coke, Milite, J. C. Haec ego grandaevus posui tibi, candide lector.
London : printed for E. and R. Brooke, Bell-Yard, near Temple-Bar, M.DCC.XCVII. [1797].
ESTC No. T112733.Grub Street ID 164702.
Coke, Edward.
The fourth part of the institutes of the laws of England. Concerning the jurisdiction of courts. Authore Edwardo Coke, Milite, J. C. Haec ego grandaevus posui tibi, candide lector.
London : printed for E. and R. Brooke, Bell-Yard, near Temple Bar, M.DCC.XCVII. [1797].
ESTC No. T112734.Grub Street ID 164703.
Coke, Edward.
The second part of the Institutes of the laws of England. Containing the exposition of many ancient and other statutes. Authore Edwardo Coke, Milite, J. C. Haec ego grandaevus posui tibi, candide lector.
London : printed for E. and R. Brooke, Bell-Yard, near Temple-Bar, M.DCC.XCVII. [1797].
ESTC No. T112814.Grub Street ID 164768.