Publications of Henry Burton


  • Burton, Henry. The baiting of the Popes bull. Or An vnmasking of the mystery of iniquity, folded vp in a most pernitious breeue or bull, sent from the Pope lately into England, to cawse a rent therein, for his reentry. With an advertisement to the Kings seduced subiects. By H.B. Imprinted at London: By W[illiam] I[ones] for Michaell Sparke, 1627. ESTC No. S122485. Grub Street ID 142020.
  • Burton, Henry. Conflicts and comforts of conscience. A treatise, shewing how the conscience, in cases of deepest distresse and distraction, may recollect it selfe, and recouer solid and sound comfort. Collected from priuate proofe, for publike profit. By H.B. Rector of St. Mathews Friday street. Printed at London: [by T. Cotes] for Michael Sparke, 1628. ESTC No. S259. Grub Street ID 146961.
  • Burton, Henry. A tryall of priuate deuotions. Or, A diall for the houres of prayer. By H.B. rector of St. Mathevves Friday-street. London: Printed [by Bernard Alsop, Thomas Fawcet, and Thomas Cotes] for M[ichael] S[parke], 1628. ESTC No. S121011. Grub Street ID 140620.
  • Burton, Henry. A tryall of private devotions. Or, A diall for the houres of prayer. By H.B. rector of St. Mathevves Friday-street. London: Printed [by Bernard Alsop, Thomas Fawcet, and Thomas Cotes] for M. S[parke]., 1628. ESTC No. S124658. Grub Street ID 144008.
  • Burton, Henry. The law and the gospell reconciled. Or The evangelicall fayth, and the morall law how they stand together in the state of grace. A treatise shewing the perpetuall use of the morall law under the gospell to beleevers; in answere to a letter written by an Antinomian to a faithfull Christian. Also how the morality of the 4th commandement is continued in the Lords day, proved the Christian Sabbath by divine institution. A briefe catologue of the Antinomian doctrines. By Henry Burton. London: printed by I. N[orton]. for Michael Sparkes, and are to be sould at his house in Greene-arbour, at the signe of the Blew-Bible, 1631. ESTC No. S1067. Grub Street ID 130101.
  • Burton, Henry. Grounds of Christian religion laid downe briefly and plainely by way of question and answer / by H.B. London: Printed by G.M. for Robert Bird, and are to be sold at his shop at the signe of the Bible in Saint Laurence-lane, [1631]. ESTC No. S734. Grub Street ID 149358.
  • Burton, Henry. The Christians bulvvarke, against Satans battery. Or, The doctrine of iustification, so plainely and pithily layd out in the severall maine branches of it as the fruits thereof may be to the faithfull, as so many preservatives against the poysonous heresies and prevailin iniquities of these last times. By H.B. pastor of S. Mathevvs Friday-street. Printed at London: [By R. Young] for Henry Taunton, and are to be sold at his shop in Saint Dunstans Church-yard, 1632. ESTC No. S119545. Grub Street ID 139184.
  • Burton, Henry. A brief answer to a late Treatise of the Sabbath day. Digested dialogue-wise between two divines, A. and B. [Amsterdam: J.F. Stam, 1635?]. ESTC No. S4551. Grub Street ID 148536.
  • Burton, Henry. Grounds of Christian religion. Laid downe briefly and plainely by way of question and answer. By H.B. London: Printed by G. M[iller] for Robert Bird, and are to be sold at his shop at the signe of the Bible in Saint Laurence lane, 1635. ESTC No. S116135. Grub Street ID 135826.
  • Burton, Henry. A divine tragedie lately acted, or A collection of sundry memorable examples of Gods judgements upon Sabbath-breakers, and other like libertines, in their unlawfull sports, happening within the realme of England, in the compass only of two yeares last past, since the booke was published, worthy to be knowne and considered of all men, especially such, who are guilty of the sinne or arch-patrons thereof. [Amsterdam: Printed by J.F. Stam], Anno M.DC.XXXVI. [1636]. ESTC No. S115279. Grub Street ID 134970.
  • Burton, Henry. An apology of an appeale. Also an epistle to the true-hearted nobility. By Henry Burton, pastor of St. Matthevves Friday-Street. [Amsterdam: J.F. Stam], Printed, anno Dom. 1636. ESTC No. S126042. Grub Street ID 145219.
  • Burton, Henry. A divine tragedie lately acted, or a collection of sundry memorable examples of Gods judgements upon Sabbath-breakers, and other like libertines, in their unlawfull sports, happening within the realme of England, in the compass only of two yeares last past, since the booke was published, worthy to be knowne and considered of all men, especially such, who are guilty of the sinne or arch-patrons thereof. [London: F. Kingston?], Anno M. DC. XXXVI. [1636]. ESTC No. S125287. Grub Street ID 144533.
  • Burton, Henry. The Lords day, the Sabbath day. Or, A briefe answer to some materiall passages, in a late treatise of the Sabbath-day: digested dialogue-wise betweene two divines A. & B. Wherein the Lords day - Sabbath, is evidently prooved, to be of divine institution ... [Amsterdam]: Printed [by J. F. Stam], in the yeare M.DC.XXXVI [1636]. ESTC No. S120861. Grub Street ID 140486.
  • Burton, Henry. Grounds of Christian religion. Laid downe briefely and plainely by way of question and answer. By H.B. London: Printed by G. M[iller] for Robert Bird, and are to be sold at his shop at the signe of the Bible in Saint Laurence-lane, 1636. ESTC No. S118565. Grub Street ID 138218.
  • Burton, Henry. Jesu-worship confuted: or, Certaine arguments against bowing at the name Jesus. With objections to the contrary, fully answered. By that worthy divine, Henry Burton, minister of Gods word. London: printed, and are to be sold by T. Bates in the Old-Baily, 1641. ESTC No. R30875. Grub Street ID 113713.
  • Burton, Henry. The sounding of the two last trumpets, the sixt and seventh: or Meditations by way of paraphrase upon the 9th. 10th. and 11th. Chapters of the Revelation, as containing a prophecie of these last times. Digested by Henry Burton during his banishment, and close imprisonmen in the isle of Guernsey. London: printed for Samuel Gellibrand at the Brazen Serpent in Pauls church-yard, 1641. ESTC No. R6165. Grub Street ID 126529.
  • Burton, Henry. A most godly sermon: preached at St. Albons in Woodstreet on Sunday last, being the 10. of October, 1641. Shewing the necessity of selfe-denyall and humiliation, by prayer and fasting before the Lord, in regard of the present plague we now lye under. Which God, in his good time, remove from amongst us. By that faithfull minister, and witnesse of Iesus Christ, M. Henry Burton. London: printed by B. Alsop, MDCXLI [1641]. ESTC No. R18459. Grub Street ID 74068.
  • Burton, Henry. A divine tragedie lately acted, or, A collection of sundrie memorable examples of Gods judgements upon Sabbath-breakers, and other like libertines, in their unlawfull sports, hapning within the realme of England, in the compasse onely of few yeers last past, since the book was published, worthy to be known and considered of all men, especially such, who are guilty of the sin or archpatrons thereof. By that worthy divine Mr. Henry Burton. [London]: Printed [for John Wright junior, and for Tho. Bates, and are to be sold at their shops in the Old Baylie], in the yeer 1641. [i.e. 1642]. ESTC No. R18494. Grub Street ID 74285.
  • Burton, Henry. A narration of the life of Mr. Henry Burton. Wherein is set forth the various and remarkable passages thereof, his sufferings, supports, comforts, and deliverances. Now published for the benefit of all those that either doe or may suffer for the cause of Christ. Accordin to a copy written with his owne hand. London: [s.n], printed in the yeare, 1643. ESTC No. R20087. Grub Street ID 78348.
  • Burton, Henry. A narration of the life of Mr. Henry Burton. Wherein is set forth the various and remarkable passages thereof, his sufferings, supports, comforts, and deliverances. Now published for the benefit of all those that either doe or may suffer for the cause of Christ. Accordin to a copy written with his owne hand. London: printed for John Rothwell at the Sunne in Pauls Church-yard, 1643. ESTC No. R206252. Grub Street ID 82798.
  • Burton, Henry. A vindication of churches commonly called Independent: or A briefe ansvver to two books; the one intituled, Twelve considerable serious questions touching church-government: the other, Independency examined, unmasked, refuted, &c. Both lately published by William Prinne, of Lincolnes-Inne, Esquire. By Henry Burton, a brother of his, and late companion in tribulation. London: printed for Henry Overton, in Popes-head Alley, 1644. ESTC No. R1340. Grub Street ID 61504.
  • Burton, Henry. A vindication of churches, commonly called Independent: or, A briefe ansvver to two books; the one, intituled, Twelve considerable serious questions, touching church-government: the other, Independency examined, unmasked, refuted, &c. Both lately published by William Prinne, of Lincolnes-Inne, Esquire. By Henry Burton, a brother of his, and late companion in tribulation. London: printed for Henry Overton, in Popes-head Alley, 1644. ESTC No. R20892. Grub Street ID 85138.
  • Burton, Henry. A vindication of churches, commonly called Independent: or A briefe ansvver to two books; the one, intituled, Twelve considerable serious questions, touching church-government: the other, Independency examined, unmasked, refuted, &c. Both lately published by William Prinne, of Lincolnes-Inne, Esquire. By Henry Burton, a brother of his, and late companion in tribulation. Entred and printed according to order. London: printed for Henry Overton, in Popes-head Alley, 1644. ESTC No. R21818. Grub Street ID 92883.
  • Burton, Henry. The grand impostor vnmasked, or, A detection of the notorious hypocrisie, and desperate impiety of the late Archbishop (so styled) of Canterbury, cunningly couched in that written copy, which he read on the scaffold at his execution, (Ian. 10. 1644.) aliĆ¢s, called by the publisher, his funerall sermon. By Henry Burton. Published according to order. London: printed for Giles Calvert at the Black-spread Eagle at the west end of Pauls, [1645]. ESTC No. R6460. Grub Street ID 126804.
  • Burton, Henry. Truth shut out of doores: or A briefe and true narrative of the occasion and manner of proceeding of some of Aldermanbury parish, in shutting their church-doores against me. Published for the cleering of the truth from false reports, and more especially for the satisfactio of those worthy underwriters, who chose me to perform that catechisticall lecture, to whom I ought to give a just account of my carriage therein. By me, Henry Burton. London: printed for Giles Calvert, at the black spread-Eagle, at the west end of Pauls, 1645. ESTC No. R173335. Grub Street ID 66938.
  • Burton, Henry. Truth shut out of doores: or, a brief and true narrative of the occasion and manner of proceeding of some of Alderman-bury parish, in shutting their church-doores against me. Published for the clearing of the truth from false reports, and more especially for the satisfaction of those worthy underwriters, who chose me to performe that catechisticall lecture, to whom I ought to give a just account of my carriage therein. By me, Henry Burton. London: Printed for Giles Calvert, at the black spread-Eagle, at the west end of Pauls, M.DC.XLV. [1645]. ESTC No. R200446. Grub Street ID 77962.
  • Burton, Henry. VindiciƦ veritatis: truth vindicated against calumny. In a briefe answer to Dr. Bastwicks two late books, entituled, Independency not Gods ordinance, with the second part, styled the postscript, &c. By Henry Burton, one of his quondam-fellow-sufferers. London: printed by M.S. for Gyles Calvert, and are to be sold at his shop at the west end of Pauls, 1645. ESTC No. R200279. Grub Street ID 77821.
  • Burton, Henry. Conformitie's deformity. In a dialogue between conformity, and conscience. Wherein the main head of all the controversies in these times, concerning church-government, is asserted and maintained; as without which, all reformation is headlesse, and all reconciliation hopelesse. Dedicated by Henry Burton, to the honour of Jesus Christ, as the first-fruits of his late recovery from death to life; as a testimony of his humble and thankfull acknowledgement of so great a mercy: and published for the service of all those, that love the Lord Jesus Christ in sincerity ... London: Printed for Giles Calvert, at the Black Spread-Eagle neer the west end of Pauls, 1646. ESTC No. R201164. Grub Street ID 78619.
  • Burton, Henry. The peace-maker: or, Solid reasons, perswading to peace: grounded upon the late Solemn covenant. By H.B. London: printed for Giles Calvert, at the Black-spread-Eagle near the west end of Pauls, 1646. ESTC No. R200689. Grub Street ID 78182.
  • Burton, Henry. Truth, still truth, though shut out of doores: or, a reply to a late pamphlet entituled The doore of truth opened: published in the name and with the consent of the whold church of Aldermanbury. With some animadversions upon a late letter of the ministers of London to the Reverend Assembly, against toleration. By Henry Burton. London: Printed for Giles Calvert, at the black spread-Eagle, at the west end of Pauls, 1645 [i.e. 1646]. ESTC No. R200514. Grub Street ID 78018.
  • Burton, Henry. Meditations upon 1 Sam. 26. 19. Humbly presented to the Common-Councel of London, for their serious rumination. By their servant for their good, Henry Burton. London: Printed for Giles Calvert, 1647. ESTC No. R201725. Grub Street ID 79069.
  • Burton, Henry. Jesu-vvorship confuted, or, Certain arguments against bowing at the name Jesus. Proving it to be idolatrous and superstitious, and so utterly unlawfull. With objections to the contrary fully answered. By H.B. London : printed for H.C. in Popes-head-Alley, in the year 1660. ESTC No. R4361. Grub Street ID 124536.