Publications of James Dyer


  • Dyer, James. Cy ensuont ascuns nouel cases, collectes per le iades tresreuerend iudge, Mounsieur Iasques Dyer, chiefe Iustice del common banke, ore primierment publies & imprimies. Londini: in ædibus Richardi Tottelli, Ianuarij primo. 1585. ESTC No. S121513. Grub Street ID 141098.
  • Dyer, James. Cy ensuont ascuns nouel cases, collectes per le iades tresreuerend iudge, mounsieur Iasques Dyer, chiefe Iustice del common banke. Londini: in ædibus Richardi Tottelli, Ianuarij primo. 1592. ESTC No. S111772. Grub Street ID 131547.
  • Dyer, James. Cy ensuont ascun nouel cases, collectes per le iades tresreuerend iudge, Mounsieur Iasques Dyer, chiefe Iustice del Common Banke. Londini: In ædibus Thomæ Wight, 1601. ESTC No. S121516. Grub Street ID 141101.
  • Dyer, James. Cy ensuont ascuns nouel cases collectes per le iades tresreuerend iudge Mounsieur Iaques Dyer, chiefe Iustice del Common Banke: oue diuers resolutions & iudgements dones sur solempne [sic] arguments & auec graund deliberation, & le reasons & causes des dits resolutions & iudgements. Ore nouelment imprimes & publies. London: [by A. Islip] imprinted for the Companie of Stationers, 1621. ESTC No. S4209. Grub Street ID 148288.
  • Dyer, James. Three learned readings made upon three very usefull statutes: the first, by that great and eminent sage of the law, Sir Iames Dyer, of the Middle Temple, upon the statute of 32.H.8.Chap.I. of Wills, and 34. & 35. Hen.8.Chap.5. for the explanation of that statute. The second, by Sir Iohn Brograve, of Grayes Inne, sometime his Majesties attourney of the dutchy of Lancaster, upon the statute of 27.H.8.Chap.10. concerning jointures. The third, by Thomas Risden esquire, of the Inner Temple, upon the statute of 8.Hen.6. Chap.9. of forcible entry. London: Printed for W. Lee, M. Walbancke, D. Pakeman, and G. Bedell, 1648. ESTC No. R204745. Grub Street ID 81634.
  • Dyer, James. An exact abridgment in English of all the reports of that learned and reverend judge Sir James Dyer Knight, and sometimes Lord Chief Justice of the Common Pleas. Composed by Sir Thomas Ireland Knight, late of Grayes-Inne, and heretofore reader of that honorable society. Wherein is contained the very substance of all those reports at large. With a perfect table to the same, being a perfect abstract of every particular case. London: printed for Matthew Walbancke, and John Place, and are to be sold at their shops at Grays-Inne-gate, and Furnivalls-Inne-gate, 1651. ESTC No. R13415. Grub Street ID 61518.
  • Dyer, James. Les reports des divers select matters & resolutions des reverend judges & sages del ley, touchant & concernant mults principal points occurrent estre debate per eux: en le several regnes de les tres-hault & excellent princes, le roys Hen. 8. & Edw. 6. & le roignes Mar. & Eliz. Collect & report per tres-reverend judge, Sr. Jaques Dyer chivaler; jades chief justice del Common Banke en le temps du roigne Elizabeth. Ove deux novel tables, lum conteinant le principal choses de several matters en le dit livre; ove references al auters livres en tiels cases. Le auter, le nosmes des touts les cases in le mesme. Londini : Excudebant Johannes Streater & Henricus Twyford, delegati Edwardi & Richardi Athyns Armigerorum. Prostant venalia apud J. Martin in comiterio divi pauli, R. Horn ad regale mercatorium, H. Brome ad occidentalem partem divi pauli, R. Chiswell in parva Britannia, & R. Boulter ad turcæ caput prope regale mercatorium, 1672. ESTC No. R227824. Grub Street ID 100642.
  • Dyer, James. Les reports des divers select matters & resolutions des reverend judges & sages del ley, touchant & concernant mults principal points occurrent estre debate per eux: en le several regnes de les tres-hault & excellent princes, le roys Hen. 8. & Edw. 6. & le roignes Mar. & Eliz. Collect & report per tres-reverend judge, Sr. Jaques Dyer chivaler; jades chief justice del Common Banke en le temps du Roigne Elizabeth. Ove deux novel tables, l'un conteinant le principal choses de several matters en le dit livre; ove references al auters livres en tiels cases. Le auter, les nosmes des touts les cases in le mesme. London : printed by John Streater, Eliz. Flesher, and Henry Twyford, assignes of Richard Atkyns and Edward Atkyns, esquires. And are to be sold by George Sawbridge, John Place, John Bellinger, William Place, Tho. Basset, Robert Pawlet, Christopher Wilkinson, Tho. Dring, Will. Jacob, Ch. Harper, J. Leigh, J. Amery, J. Poole, booksellers in Fleet-street and Holborne, Anno Dom. M DC LXXII [1672]. ESTC No. R174783. Grub Street ID 67876.
  • Dyer, James. Les reports des divers select matters & resolutions des reverend judges & sages del ley, touchant & concernant mults principal points occurrent estre debate per eux: en le several regnes de les tres-hault & excellent princes, le roys Hen. 8. & Edw. 6. & le roignes Mar. & Eliz. Collect & report per tres-reverend judge, Sr. Jaques Dyer, Chivaler; Jades Chief Justice del Common Banke en le temps du roigne Elizabeth. Ove deux novel tables, l'un conteinant le principal choses de several matters en le dit livre; ove references al auters livres en tiels cases. Le auter, les nosmes des touts les cases in le mesme. London : printed by John Streater, Eliz. Flesher, and Henry Twyford, assignes of Richard Atkyns and Edward Atkyns, esquires. And are to be sold by George Sawbridge, John Place, John Bellinger, William Place, Tho. Basset, Robert Pawlet, Christopher Wilkinson, Tho. Dring, Will. Jacob, Ch. Harper, J. Leigh, J. Amery, J. Poole, booksellers in Fleet-street and Holborne, Anno Dom. M DC LXXII. [1672]. ESTC No. R43134. Grub Street ID 124200.
  • Dyer, James. Les reports des divers select matters & resolutions des reverend judges & sages del ley, touchant & concernant mults principal points occurrent estre debate per eux: en le several reignes de les tres-hault & excellent princes, le roys Hen. 8 & Edw. 6 & le roignes Mar. & Eliz. Collect & report per tres-reverend judge, Sr. Jaques Dyer chivaler; jades chief justice del Common Bank en le temps du roigne Elizabeth. A que est novelment addes mult mille de references al plusors livers del common ley cybien auncient come modern ovesq; grand nombre de cases ne unques devant imprimeè. Ove troice tables perfaicts le primer conteinant le principal matter in le dit liure. Le second le nosmes des touts le cases contenus en mesme. Le tierce le nosmes des cases novelment add en le margent del liure. London : printed by W. Rawlins, S. Roycroft, and M. Flesher assigns of Richard and Edward Atkins Esquires. For Samuel Keble at the Turks-Head over against Fetter-Lane in Fleet-street, MDCLXXXVIII. [1688]. ESTC No. R33417. Grub Street ID 116037.
  • Dyer, James. Reports of cases in the reigns of Hen. Viii. Edw. VI. Q. Mary, and Q. Eliz. taken and collected by Sir James Dyer, Knt. Some time Chief Justice of the Common Pleas. Now first translated, with additional references to the latest books of authority, marginal abstracts of the points determined in each case, and an entire new index to the whole, by John Vaillant, M. A. of The Inner Temple, Barrister at Law. To this edition a life of the author is prefixed; and From an Original Manuscript in the Library of the Inner Temple several new cases of his are introduced in the notes. In three parts. Part I. London : sold by J. Butterworth, Fleet-Street, MDCCXCIV. [1794]. ESTC No. T145817. Grub Street ID 192533.
  • Dyer, James. Reports of cases in the reigns of Hen. VIII. Edw. VI. Q. Mary, and Q. Eliz, taken and collected by Sir James Dyer, ... Now first translated, with additional references to the latest books of authority, ... and an entire new index to the whole, by John Vaillant, ... To this edition a life of the author is prefixed; and ... several new cases ... In three parts. ... Dublin: printed for Messrs. P. Byrne, J. Moore, W. Jones, J. Rice, and H. Watts, 1794. ESTC No. T208162. Grub Street ID 237102.