Publications of Herbert Palmer


  • Palmer, Herbert. An endeauour of making the principles of Christian religion, namely the Creed, the ten Commandments, the Lords Prayer, and the Sacraments, plain and easie: tending to the more speedy instruction of the meanest capacities, and vveakest memories; and for the making triall also of their understandings, vvho though they have atteined some measure of saving knovvledge, yet through the vveaknesse of their abilities cannot expresse even that vvhich they do conceive. [Cambridge]: Printed by Roger Daniel, printer to the University of Cambridge, 1640. ESTC No. S117506. Grub Street ID 137176.
  • Palmer, Herbert. Scripture and reason pleaded for defensive armes: or The whole controversie about subjects taking up armes. Wherein besides other pamphlets, an answer is punctually directed to Dr. Fernes booke, entituled, Resolving of conscience, &c. The Scriptures alleadged are fully satisfied. The rationall discourses are weighed in the ballance of right reason. Matters of fact concerning the present differences, are examined. Published by divers reverend and learned divines. It is this fourteenth day of Aprill, 1643. ordered by the Committee of the House of Commons in Parliament concerning printing, that this booke, entituled, Scripture and reason pleaded for defensive armes, be printed by Iohn Bellamy and Ralph Smith. John White. London: printed for Iohn Bellamy and Ralph Smith at the signe of the three Golden Lions neare the Royall-Exchange, M.DC.XLIII. [1643]. ESTC No. R206836. Grub Street ID 83305.
  • Palmer, Herbert. The upright Protestant, as he was reformed from the superstitious errours of popery in the happy reignes of Edward the 6th. Qu. Elizabeth, and K. Iames of blessed memory. And for whom this (thrice happy) Parliament will live and die. London: printed for George Lindsey, and are to be sold at his shop over against the London-Stone, 1643. ESTC No. R20434. Grub Street ID 81315.
  • Palmer, Herbert. An endeavour of making the principles of Christian religion, namely the creed, the ten commandements, the Lords Prayer and the Sacraments, plaine and easie: tending to the more speedy instruction of the meanest capacities, and weakest memories. And for the making tryal also of their understandings, who though they have atteined some measure of saving knowledge, yet through the weaknesse of their abilities connot expresse even that which they doe conceive. London: printed for Thomas Underhill at the Bible in Woodstreete, 1643. ESTC No. R187016. Grub Street ID 75451.
  • Palmer, Herbert. The necessity and encouragement, of utmost venturing for the churches help: together with the sin, folly, and mischief of self-idolizing. Applyed by a representation of - 1. Some of the most notorious nationall sins endangering us. 2. The heavy weight of wrath manifested in our present calamities. Yet withall, grounds of - 3. Confidence, that our church shall obtain deliverance in the issue. 4. Hopes that the present Parliament shall be still imployed in the working of it. All set forth in a sermon, preached to the Honorable House of Commons, on the day of the monethly solemn fast, 28. June, 1643. By Herbert Palmer B.D. and minister of Gods Word at Ashwell in Hertfordshire. Published by order of that House. London: printed for John Bellamie in Cornhill at the three golden Lyons neer the Royall Exchange, 1643. ESTC No. R21704. Grub Street ID 91874.
  • Palmer, Herbert. The necessity and encouragement, of utmost venturing for the churches help: together with the sin, folly, and mischief of self-idolizing. Applyed by a representation of - 1. Some of the most notorious nationall sins endangering us. 2. The heavy weight of wrath manifested in our present calamities. Yet withall, grounds of - 3. Confidence, that our church shall obtain deliverance in the issue. 4. Hopes that the present Parliament shall be still imployed in the working of it. All set forth in a sermon, preached to the Honorable House of Commons, on the day of the monethly solemn fast, 21. June, 1643. By Herbert Palmer B.D. and minister of Gods Word at Ashwell in Hertfordshire. Published by order of that House. London: printed for Sam: Gellibrand at the Brazen Serpent in Pauls Church-yard, 1643. ESTC No. R1360. Grub Street ID 61688.
  • Palmer, Herbert. An endeavour of making the principles of Christian religion, namely the Creed, the ten Commandements, the Lords Prayer, and the Sacraments, plaine and easie: tending to the more speedy instruction of the meanest capacities, and weakest memories. And for the making triall also of their understandings, who though they have attained some measure of saving knowledge, yet through the weaknesse of their abilities cannot expresse even that which they doe conceive. By Herbert Palmer. London: printed for Thomas Vnderhill at the Bible in Woodstreete, 1644. ESTC No. R181412. Grub Street ID 72012.
  • Palmer, Herbert. An endeavovr of making the principles of Christian religion, namely the Creed, the ten Commandements, the Lords Prayer, and the sacraments, plaine and easie: tending to the more speedy instruction of the meanest capacities, and weakest memories. And for the making triall also of their understandings, who though they have attained some measure of saving knowledge, yet through the weaknesse of their abilities cannot expresse even that which they doe conceive. Herbert Palmer. London: printed for Thomas Vnderhill at the Bible in Woodstreete, 1644. ESTC No. R181413. Grub Street ID 72013.
  • Palmer, Herbert. An endeavour of making the principles of Christian religion, namely the Creed, the ten Commandements, the Lords prayer, and the Sacraments, plaine and easie: tending to the more speedy instruction of the meanest capacities, and weakest memories. And for the making triall also of their understandings, who though they have attained some measure of saving knowledge, yet through the weaknesse of their abilities cannot expresse even that which they doe conceive. London: Printed for Thomas Vnderhill at the Bible in Woodstreete, 1644. ESTC No. R2981. Grub Street ID 112737.
  • Palmer, Herbert. The soule of fasting: or Affections requisite in a day of solemne fasting and humiliation. According to the pattern, Neh. 9.5. &c. By H.P. Imprimatur. Charles Herle. London: printed by M. Simmons for Thomas Underhill at the Bible in Woodstreet, 1644. ESTC No. R204934. Grub Street ID 81790.
  • Palmer, Herbert. The glasse of Gods providence towards his faithfull ones. Held forth in a sermon preached to the two Houses of Parliament, at Margarets Westminster, Aug. 13. 1644. being an extraordinary day of humiliation. Wherein is discovered the great failings that the best are liabl unto; upon which God is provoked sometimes to take vengeance. The whole is applyed specially to a more carefull observation of our late Covenant, and particularly against the ungodly toleration pleaded for under pretence of liberty of conscience. By Herbert Palmer, B.D. minister of Gods Word at Ashwell in Hertford-shire: a member of the Assembly of Divines. London: printed by G.M. for Th. Underhill at the Bible in Woodstreet, 1644. ESTC No. R5391. Grub Street ID 125839.
  • Palmer, Herbert. Memorials of godlinesse and Christianitie. Part I. Of making religion ones businesse. A meditation, first communicated in a letter to a private friend, and now offred to all as a patterne of what all should make their desire and endeavour. By Herbert Palmer, B.D. London: printed by G.M. for Tho. Underhill at the Bible in Woodstreet, 1644. ESTC No. R208766. Grub Street ID 84990.
  • Palmer, Herbert. Memorials of godlinesse and Christianitie. Part I. Of making religion ones businesse. A meditation, first communicated in a letter to a private friend, and now offred to all as a pattern of what all should make their desire and endeavour. The second edition corrected. By Herbert Palmer, B.D. London: printed by G.M. for Tho. Underhill at the Bible in Woodstreet, 1645. ESTC No. R221393. Grub Street ID 95554.
  • Palmer, Herbert. A full ansvver to a printed paper, entituled, Foure serious questions concerning excommunication, and suspension from the Sacrament, &c. Wherein the said questions, with the particulars under them, and severall arguments and texts of Scripture produced in them, concernin the matter of excummunication and suspension from the Sacrament, are particularly and distinctly discussed. London: printed by Richard Bishop, 1645. ESTC No. R181414. Grub Street ID 72014.
  • Palmer, Herbert. An endeavovr of making the principles of religion, namely the Creed, the Ten commandments, the Lords prayer, and the Sacraments, plaine and easie tending to the more speedy instruction of the meanest capacities and weakest memories, and for the making triall also of thei understandings who though they have attained some measure of saving knowledge yet through the weakensse of their abilities cannot express even that which they doe conceive / by Herbert Palmer. London: Printed by G.M. for Tho. Underhill, 1645. ESTC No. R26176. Grub Street ID 109526.
  • Palmer, Herbert. A full ansvver to a printed paper, entituled, Foure serious questions concerning excommunication, and suspension from the Sacrament, &c. Wherein the severall arguments and texts of Scripture produced, are particularly and distinctly discussed: and the debarring of ignorant and scandalous persons from the Sacrament, vindicated. London: printed by Richard Bishop, 1645. ESTC No. R200273. Grub Street ID 77817.
  • Palmer, Herbert. The duty & honour of church-restorers: set forth in a sermon preached to the Honourable House of Commons, Septemb. 30. 1646. Being the day of the monethly solemne fast, at Margarets Westminster. By Herbert Palmer, B.D. minister of Gods Word at Ashwell in Hertfordshire, and a member of the Assembly of Divines. London: Printed by R.W. for Thomas Vnderhill, at the signe of the Bible in Woodstreete, 1646. ESTC No. R201122. Grub Street ID 78579.
  • Palmer, Herbert. Memorials of godlinesse and Christianity. In two parts. Part I. containing meditations. 1. Of making religion ones businesse. 2. An appendix applyed to the calling of a minister. Part II. containing. 1. The character of a Christian in paradoxes and seeming contradictions. 2. A proof or character of visible godliness. 3. Some general considerations to excite to watchfulnesse, and to shake off spirituall drowsinesse. 4. Remedies against carefulnesse. 5. The soul of fasting. The fourth edition corrected. By Herbert Palmer, B.D. Master of Qu. Cul. Camb. London: printed by A[braham]. M[iller]. for Tho. Underhil at the Anchor in Pauls Church-yard, 1651. ESTC No. R181415. Grub Street ID 72015.
  • Palmer, Herbert. Memorials of godlines & Christianity. In three parts. Part I. containing meditations 1. Of making religion ones business. 2. An appendix applied to the calling of a minister. The fifth edition corrected and inlarged by the author Herbert Palmer, B.D. late master of Qu. Coll. Camb. London: printed by A[braham]. M[iller]. for T[homas]. Underhill at the Anchor in Pauls Church-yard, 1655. ESTC No. R181416. Grub Street ID 72016.
  • Palmer, Herbert. Memorials of godlines & Christianity. In three parts. Part I. Containing meditations 1. Of making religion ones business. 2. An appendix applied to the calling of a minister. The seventh edition corrected and enlarged by the author. Herbert Palmer, B.D. late Master of Queens-Col. Camb. London: printed by A[braham]. M[iller]. for Tho. Underhill at the Anchor in Pauls Church-yard, 1657. ESTC No. R16743. Grub Street ID 64560.
  • Palmer, Herbert. Memorials of godliness & Christianity. In three parts. Part I. Containing meditations 1. Of making religion ones business. 2. An appendix applied to the calling of a minister. The seventh edition corrected and enlarged by the author. Herbert Palmer, B.D. late Master of Queens Col. Camb. London: printed by A[braham]. M[iller]. for Tho. Underhill at the Anchor in Pauls Church-yard, 1657. ESTC No. R234962. Grub Street ID 106189.
  • Palmer, Herbert. Memorials of godliness & Christianity. In three parts. Part. I. Containing meditations 1. Of making religion ones business. 2, An appendix applied to the calling of a minister. With a brief account of the authors life. The tenth edition corrected and enlarged. By Herbert Palmer, B.D. late Master of Queens Col. Camb. London : printed for Henry Million at the Bible near White-Fryers in Fleetstreet, 1670. ESTC No. R27526. Grub Street ID 110679.
  • Palmer, Herbert. Memorials of godliness and Christianity. In three parts. Part. 1. Containing meditations 1. of making religion ones business. 2. An appendix applied to the calling of a minister. With a brief account of the authors life. The eleventh edition corrected and enlarged. By Herbert Palmer, B.D. late master of Queens Col. Camb. London : printed by T[homas]. J[ohnson] for Henry Million at the Bible near White-Fryers in Fleetstreet, 1673. ESTC No. R181417. Grub Street ID 72017.
  • Palmer, Herbert. Memorials of godliness and Christianity, in a discourse of making religion ones business: and several other practical treatises, with a brief account of the authors life. The eleventh edition corrected and enlarged. By Herbert Palmer B.D. late Master of Queens Col. Camb. London : printed by Samuel Crouch at the Princes Arms the corner shop of Popes-head Alley next Cornhill, 1681. ESTC No. R4136. Grub Street ID 123003.
  • Palmer, Herbert. [Memorial of godliness. ... By Herbert Palmer.]. [The thirteenth edition?].. London? : printed for, and sold by Tho. Parkhurst?, 1708?. ESTC No. T108513. Grub Street ID 161397.
  • Palmer, Herbert. Memorials of godliness and Christianity. In three parts. Part I. Containing, meditations (I.) Of making religion ones business. (II.) An appendix, applied to the calling of a minister. By H. Palmer, B.D. Late master of Queens College Camb. Boston: Printed and sold by Timothy Green, at the lower-end of Middle-Street, 1713. ESTC No. W14488. Grub Street ID 323901.
  • Palmer, Herbert. Divine paradoxes: or distinguishing characteristics of a believer, chiefly extracted from Lord Bacon and others, with the Contention of Heaven, from Erskine's Gospel sonnets. By The Rev. J. Price, Minister of the Gospel. Leeds: printed by Binns & Brown, 1799. ESTC No. T73027. Grub Street ID 296371.