Harrington, James.
The commonwealth of Oceana.
London: printed for D[aniel]. Pakeman, and are to be sold at his shop at the Rainbow in Fleet-street, 1656.
ESTC No. R20882.Grub Street ID 85041.
Harrington, James.
The common-wealth of Oceana.
London: printed by J. Streater, for Livewell Chapman, and are to be sold at his shop at the Crown in Popes-Head-Alley, 1656.
ESTC No. R18610.Grub Street ID 74917.
Harrington, James.
The prerogative of popular government. A politicall discourse in two books. The former containing the first præliminary of Oceana, inlarged, interpreted, and vindicated from all such mistakes or slanders as have been alledged against it under the notion of objections. Th second concerning ordination, against Dr. H. Hamond, Dr. L. Seaman, and the authors they follow. In which two books is contained the whole commonwealth of the Hebrews, or of Israel, senate, people, and magistracy, both as it stood in the institution by Moses, and as it came to be formed after the captivity. As also the different policies introduced into the Church of Christ, during the time of the Apostles. By James Harrington.
London: printed [by G. Dawson] for Tho. Brewster at the three Bibles at the west end of Pauls Church-yard, 1658. [i.e. 1657].
ESTC No. R202382.Grub Street ID 79628.
Harrington, James.
The stumbling-block of disobedience & rebellion cunningly imputed by P.H. unto Calvin, removed in a letter to the said P.H. from I.H.
[London: printed for D. Pakeman, at the Rainbow in Fleetstreet, 1658].
ESTC No. R35985.Grub Street ID 118332.
Harrington, James.
The commonwealth of Oceana.
London: Printed for D. Pakeman, and are to be sold at his shop .., 1658.
ESTC No. R3544.Grub Street ID 117851.
Harrington, James.
The art of law-giving: in III books. The first, shewing the foundations and superstructures of all the kinds of government. The second, shewing the frames of the commonwealths of Israel and of the Jewes. The third, shewing a model fitted unto the present state, of balanc of this nation. To which is added an appendix concerning an House of Peers. By J. Harrington.
London: printed by J. C[ottrell]. for Henry Fletcher, at the three Gilt Cups in Pauls Churchyard, near the west-end, 1659.
ESTC No. R13628.Grub Street ID 61715.
Harrington, James.
Aphorisms political. The second edition enlarged, by James Harrington.
London: printed by J[ames]. C[ottrell]. for Henry Fletcher, at the sign of the three Gilt Cups in St. Pauls Church-yard, 1659.
ESTC No. R335.Grub Street ID 116108.
Harrington, James.
Politicaster: or, A comical discourse, in answer unto Mr. Wren's book, intituled, Monarchy asserted, against Mr. Harrington's Oceana. By J.H.
London: printed by J.C. for Henry Fletcher, at the three Gilt Cups in Pauls Churchyard, near the west-end, 1659.
ESTC No. R212655.Grub Street ID 88218.
Harrington, James.
Valerius and Publicola: or, The true form of a popular commonwealth extracted e puris naturalibus. By James Harrington.
London: printed by J.C. for Henry Fletcher, at the three Gilt Cups in St. Pauls Church-yard, 1659.
ESTC No. R202585.Grub Street ID 79811.
Harrington, James.
Pour enclouer le canon.
[London: printed for Henry Fletcher, 1659].
ESTC No. R202587.Grub Street ID 79813.
Harrington, James.
A discourse upon this saying: the spirit of the nation is not yet to be trusted with liberty; lest it introduce monarchy, or invade the liberty of conscience.
London: printed by J.C. for Henry Fletcher, at the three Gilt Cups in Paul's Church-yard, [1659].
ESTC No. R202588.Grub Street ID 79814.
Harrington, James.
A discourse shewing, that the spirit of parliaments, with a council in the intervals, is not to be trusted for a settlement: lest it introduce monarchy, and persecution for conscience. By James Harrington.
London: printed by J.C. for Henry Fletcher, at the three gilt Cups neer the west-end of Pauls, 1659.
ESTC No. R202589.Grub Street ID 79815.
Harrington, James.
Aphorisms political. By James Harrington.
London: printed by J.C. for Henry Fletcher, at the signe of the three Gilt Cups in St. Pauls Church-yard, [1659].
ESTC No. R202590.Grub Street ID 79817.
Harrington, James.
A parallel of the spirit of the people, with the spirit of Mr. Rogers. And an appeal thereupon unto the reader, whether the spirit of the people, or the spirit of men like Mr. Rogers, be the sitter to be trusted with the government. By James Harrington.
London: printed by J.C. for Henry Fletcher, at the signe of the three Gilt Cups in St. Pauls Church-yard, [1659].
ESTC No. R207274.Grub Street ID 83677.
Harrington, James.
Brief directions shewing how a fit and perfect model of popular government may be made, found, or understood.
[London: printed for Daniel Pakeman, at the Rain-bow in Fleet-street, 1659].
ESTC No. R4541.Grub Street ID 124905.
Harrington, James.
The vvayes and meanes whereby an equal & lasting Commonvvealth may be suddenly introduced and perfectly founded with the free consent and actual confirmation of the whole people of England. By James Harrington.
London : printed for J.S., 1660.
ESTC No. R208243.Grub Street ID 84512.
Harrington, James.
A letter unto Mr. Stubs in answer to his Oceana weighed, &c.
London : printed for J.S., 1660.
ESTC No. R202813.Grub Street ID 80005.
Harrington, James.
The Rota: or, A model of a free-state, or equall common-wealth: once proposed and debated in brief, and to be again more at large proposed to, and debated by a free and open society of ingenious gentlemen.
London : printed for John Starkey at the Miter, near the Middle-Temple gate in Fleet-street, 1660.
ESTC No. R202586.Grub Street ID 79812.
Harrington, James.
Political discourses: tending to the introduction of a free and equal commonvvealth in England. By James Harrington, Esquire.
London : printed by J[ames]. C[ottrell]. for Henry Fletcher, at the three Gilt Cups in Paul's Church-yard, 1660.
ESTC No. R689.Grub Street ID 127187.
Harrington, James.
The Oceana of James Harrington, and his other works; som [sic] wherof are now first publish'd from his own manuscripts. The whole collected, methodiz'd, and review'd, with an exact account of his life prefix'd, by John Toland.
London : printed [by John Darby], and are to be sold by the booksellers of London and Westminster, M.DCC. [1700].
ESTC No. R9111.Grub Street ID 129220.
Harrington, James.
The oceana of James Harrington, Esq; and his other works: with an account of his life prefix'd, by John Toland. To which is added, Plato redivivus: or, a dialogue concerning government.
Dublin: printed by R. Reilly, for J. Smith, and W. Bruce, on the Blind-Key, M.DCC.XXXVII. [1737].
ESTC No. T128623.Grub Street ID 178201.
Harrington, James.
The oceana and other works of James Harrington Esq; collected, methodiz'd, and review'd, with an exact account of his life prefix'd, by John Toland. To which is added, an appendix, containing all the political tracts wrote by this author, omitted in Mr. Toland's edition.
London : printed for A. Millar, at Buchanan's Head, against St. Clement's Church, in the Strand, M.DCC.XXXVII. [1737].
ESTC No. T146276.Grub Street ID 192946.
Harrington, James.
The oceana and other works of James Harrington Esq; Collected, methodiz'd, and review'd, with an exact account of his life prefix'd, by John Toland. To which is added, an appendix, containing all the political tracts wrote by this author, omitted in Mr. Toland's edition.
The third edition: with an alphabetical index of the principal matters..
London : Printed for A. Millar, opposite to Catharine-street, in the Strand, M.DCC.XLVII. [1747].
ESTC No. T127183.Grub Street ID 177011.
Harrington, James.
The oceana of James Harrington, Esq; and his other works: with an account of his life prefix'd, by John Toland. To which is added, Plato redivivus: or, a dialogue concerning government.
Dublin: printed for William Williamson, Bookseller, at Mecaenas's Head in Bride-Street, MDCCLVIII. [1758].
ESTC No. T128622.Grub Street ID 178200.
Harrington, James.
The oceana and other works of Iames Harrington, with an account of his life by Iohn Toland.
London : printed for T. Becket, and T. Cadell, in the Strand; and T. Evans, in King Street, Covent Garden, MDCCLXXI. [1771].
ESTC No. T145707.Grub Street ID 192436.