Publications of Joannes Groeneveld


  • Groeneveld, Joannes. Lithologia a treatise of the stone & gravel their causes, signs & symptoms with methods for their prevention and cure : and some accounts also of the manner of the collotian section / written in Latin by John. Groeneveldt ; and rendred into English. London : Printed by H.C. for J.T. and are to be sold by Rob. Clavel, 1677. ESTC No. R27400. Grub Street ID 110567.
  • Groeneveld, Joannes. Dissertatio lithologica variis observationibus & figuris illustrata. Auctore Joanne Groenevelt, transisalano daventriensi, M.D. E. Col. Med. Lond. Editio secunda.. Londini : typis M[iles]. Flesher, prostant venales apud Abel Swalle ad insigne monocerotis in coemetrio Divi Pauli, 1686. ESTC No. R188166. Grub Street ID 76173.
  • Groeneveld, Joannes. Dissertatio lithologica variis observationibus & figuris illustrata. Auctore Joanne Groenevelt, transisalano Daventriensi, M.D. e Col. Med. Lond. Editio secunda, priori multò auctior & emendatior.. London : typis M. Flesher, impensis Abeli Swalle a insigne Monocerotis in Coemeterio Divi Pauli, 1687. ESTC No. R25816. Grub Street ID 109200.
  • Groeneveld, Joannes. Arthritology: or, A discourse of the gout. Written by John Groenevelt, M.D. one of the College of Physicians. London : printed for the author, MDCXCI. [1691]. ESTC No. R8006. Grub Street ID 128215.
  • Groeneveld, Joannes. De tuto cantharidum in medicina usu interno. Auctore Joanne Groenevelt, Transisalano-Daventriensi, M.D. e Coll. Med. Lond. Londini : typis J. H[eptinstall]. prostant venales apud Johannem Taylor ad insigne Navis in C.meterio D. Pauli, 1698. ESTC No. R27399. Grub Street ID 110564.
  • Groeneveld, Joannes. Tutus cantharidum in medicinâ usus internus. Editio secunda. Priori Locupletior & auctior per Joannem Groenevelt, . Londini : typis R.E. [Robert Everingham?] Prostant venales apud Johannem Taylor, 1703. ESTC No. T66106. Grub Street ID 290914.
  • Groeneveld, Joannes. A treatise of the safe, Internal Use of cantharides in the Practice of Physick. Written a few years since in Latin, by that eminently learned and experienc'd physitian, Dr. John Greenfield, Member of the College of Physitians in London, in his own Vindication, upon account of a Contest that then happen'd between him and some of the College, about his administring them inwardly to his Patients. Now Translated into English with his Approbation, By John Marten, Chyrurgeon. To which are added, Several further and very remarkable Observations and Histories of the said Doctor, also of the Translator and others concerning the safe, prevalent, effectual and wonderful Vertues of cantharides internally administred in divers difficult and deplorable Distempers, as Ulcers of the Kidney's and Bladder, Stone, Gravel, Strangury, Dropsies, and some particular Venereal Cases; most clearly evincing that without them, those Diseases can never be Cured. As also An Anatomical and Chymical Account of that inse. London : printed for Jeffery Wale at the Angel in St. Paul's Church-Yard, and John Isted at the Golden Ball against St. Dunstan's-Church in Fleet-Street, 1706. ESTC No. T64914. Grub Street ID 289850.
  • Groeneveld, Joannes. A compleat treatise of the stone and gravel. Comprising its origin, symptoms, best way of easing, true method of cutting, and divers remarkable histories of curing many cruelly afflicted patients. With an Ample Discourse on Lithontriptick; or, Stone-Breaking Medicines. By John Greenfield, M.D. of the College of Physicians, London. The whole Illustrated with proper Figures of the Operation, and Descriptions on Copper-Plates, of some uncommon Stones, taken from Persons He has Cut and others. Absolutely Necessary To be Read by Persons labouring under that Dangerous and Dreadful Disease, or the suspicion thereof. London : printed for Ralph Smith, under the Royal-Exchange, and B. Lintott, at the Cross-Keys, between the Two Middle-Temple-Gates, Fleetstreet, 1710. ESTC No. T64149. Grub Street ID 289237.
  • Groeneveld, Joannes. A compleat treatise of the stone and gravel. Comprising its origin, symptoms, best way of easing, true method of cutting; and divers remarkable histories of curing many cruelly afflicted patients. With an ample discourse on lithontriptick; or, stone-breaking medicines. B John Greenfield, M.D. ... The whole illustrated with proper figures of the operation, and descriptions on copper-plates, . London : printed for William Innys, 1712. ESTC No. N4936. Grub Street ID 33727.
  • Groeneveld, Joannes. The grounds of physick, containing so much of philosophy, anatomy, chimistry, and the mechanical construction of a humane body, as is necessary to the accomplishment of a physitian: with the method of practice in common distempers. Extracted from the most eminent authors both antient and modern. London : printed by J. Dover, for W. Taylor, in Pater-Noster-Row, J. Osborn, in Lombard-Street, and J. Pemberton, in Fleet-Street, MDCCXV. [1715]. ESTC No. T87583. Grub Street ID 307621.
  • Groeneveld, Joannes. A treatise of the safe, internal use of cantharides in the practice of physick. Written in Latin by Dr. John Greenfield, ... The second edition. With additions of their wonderful vertues ... As also an anatomical and chymical account of that insect, . London : printed for and sold by C. Rivington, 1715. ESTC No. N63307. Grub Street ID 45513.
  • Groeneveld, Joannes. The rudiments of physick clearly and accurately describ'd and explain'd, in the most easy and familiar Manner, by Way of Dialogue between a Physician and his Pupil. Under the following heads, viz. I. Physiology: Or, The Nature and Principles of Physick in general. II. Hygiena: Which treats of Health, and discovers proper Means, and Remedies, for the Preservation of it. III. Pathology: Which considers the Diseases of the Body and Mind; their Causes, Nature, Symptoms, &c. IV. Semeiotica: Which treats of the Signs and Indications of Health and Disease. V. Therapeuticks: Which is employ'd in finding out Remedies for Diseases; and the Method of applying them to perfect a Cure. To which are added, some methods of cure in most diseases, both Acute and Chronical, according to the Practice of Dr. Pitcairn, Boerhaave; Mead, and others. First collected from the instructions of a celebrated professor of medicine in the Royal Academy of Paris: and since improv'd from the best authors, Ancient and M. [Sherborne]: Printed for R. Goadby, in Sherborne; and W. Owen, near Temple-Bar, London, [1753?]. ESTC No. N12859. Grub Street ID 2832.