Publications of Humphrey Hody


  • Hody, Humphrey. Contra historiam Aristeæ de LXX interpretibus dissertatio. In quâ probatur illam à Judæo aliquo confictam fuisse ad conciliandam authoritatem versioni Græcæ. Et quorundam doctorum virorum defensiones ejusdem, examini subjiciuntur. Per Humfredum Hody, A.M. Coll. Wadhami Oxon. Soc. Probat. Oxonii: typis Leon. Lichfield, impensis Ant. Stephens bibliopolæ Oxon., 1684. ESTC No. R36551. Grub Street ID 118818.
  • Hody, Humphrey. Contra historiam Aristeæ de LXX interpretibus dissertatio. In quâ probatur illam à Judæo aliquo confictam fuisse ad conciliandam authoritatem versioni Græcæ. Et quorundam doctorum virorum defensiones ejusdem, examini subjiciuntur. Per Humfredum Hody, A.M. Coll. Wadhami Oxon. Soc. Probat. Oxonii: typis Leon. Lichfield, impensis Ant. Stephens bibliopolæ Oxon. & Sam. Smith ad insignia principis in c?miterio D. Pauli London, 1684. ESTC No. R236808. Grub Street ID 107465.
  • Hody, Humphrey. Contra historiam Aristeæ de LXX interpretibus dissertatio. In quâ probatur illam à Judæo aliquo confictam fuisse ad conciliandam authoritatem versione Græcæ. Et claris. doctissimique viri D. Isaaci Vossii, aliorúmque, defensiones ejusdem, examini subjiciuntur. Per Humfredu Hody, A.M. Coll. Wadhami Oxon. Soc. Probat. Oxonii: typis Leon. Lichfield, prostant venales Londini apud Sam. Smith ad insignia Principis in C?miterio D. Pauli London, 1685. ESTC No. R28758. Grub Street ID 111797.
  • Hody, Humphrey. A letter from Mr. Humphry Hody, to a friend, concerning a collection of canons said to be deceitfully omitted in his edition of the Oxford treatise against schism. In which is likewise contained an offer of certain propositions to be prov'd by the advocates for the new separation. With a vindication of the authority of the civil power in depriving such bishops as refuse to submit to it. Oxford: printed by L. Lichfield, for Ant. Pisly bookseller, 1692. ESTC No. R35437. Grub Street ID 117849.
  • Hody, Humphrey. The case of sees vacant by an unjust or uncanonical deprivation, stated. In reply to a treatise entituled A vindication of the deprived bishops, &c. Together with the several other pamphlets lately publish'd as answers to the Baroccian treatise. By Humphry Hody, D.D. fellow of Wadh. Coll. in Oxford. London : printed by J.H. for Henry Mortlock, at the Phoenix in St. Paul's Church-Yard, MDCXCIII. [1693]. ESTC No. R13783. Grub Street ID 61859.
  • Hody, Humphrey. The resurrection of the (same) body asserted: from the traditions of the heathens, the ancient Jews, and the primitive church. With an answer to the objections brought against it. By Humphry Hody, D.D. Fellow of Wadham College in Oxford, and chaplain to his Grace John Lord Arch-bishop of Canterbury. London : printed for Awnsham and John Churchill, at the Black-Swan in Pater-Noster-Row, 1694. ESTC No. R9555. Grub Street ID 129633.
  • Hody, Humphrey. Animadversions on two pamphlets lately publish'd by Mr. Collier. The one call'd, A defence of the absolution given to Sir William Parkins at the place of execution, April 3d. The other, A vindication thereof; occasion'd by a paper entituled, A declaration of the sense of the achbishops [sic] and bishops, &c. Shewing the nature of the late absolution, both as to church and state. In a letter to a friend. London : printed for John Everingham, at the Star in Ludgate-Street, near the west end of St. Pauls, 1696. ESTC No. R13887. Grub Street ID 61950.
  • Hody, Humphrey. Some thoughts on a convocation and the notion of its divine right· With some occasional reflections on the defence of the vindication of the deprived bishops. London : printed for Tim. Childe, at the White-Hart, the west-end of St. Paul's-Charch-yard [sic], 1699. ESTC No. R37493. Grub Street ID 119724.
  • Hody, Humphrey. A short examination of A Discourse concerning edification. By Dr. Hascard. Where it is inquired, how well the author of the said discourse hath proved, that it is not lawful for a man to go from his parish church to meetings, that he might be better edifie [sic]. In a letter to a friend. London : printed: and are to be sold by A. Baldwin, near the Oxford-Arms Inn, In Warwick-Lane, 1700. ESTC No. R29483. Grub Street ID 112458.
  • Hody, Humphrey. A history of English councils and convocations. And of the clergy's sitting in Parliament. In which is also comprehended the history of parliaments. With an account of our ancient laws. By Humphry Hody, D.D. chaplain to His Grace Thomas lord archbishop of Canterbury, and regius professor of the Greek tongue in the University of Oxford. London : Printed for Rob. Clavell, at the West-end of St. Paul's Church-Yard, MDCCI. [1701]. ESTC No. T111828. Grub Street ID 163943.
  • Hody, Humphrey. Humfredi Hodii linguæ Græcæ professoris regii et archidiaconi Oxon. de Bibliorum textibus originalibus, versionibus Græcis, & Latina vulgata: libri IV. Viz. I. Contra Historiam LXX. Interpretum Aristeae nomine inscriptam Dissertatio, qua probatur illam à Judaeo quodam fuisse confictam, & IS. Vossii, aliorumque doctorum Virorum, Defensiones ejusdem ad examen revocantur. In hac Editione diluuntur Vossii Responliones. II. De Versionis (quam vocant) LXX. Interpretum Auctoribus veris, eamque conficiendi tempore, modo, & ratione. III. Historia Scholastica Textuum Originalium, Versionisque Graecae LXX. dictae, & Latinae Vulgatae. Qua ostenditur, qualis fuerit singulorum Auctoritas per omnia retro secula, & Textus Originales maximo in pretio semper habitos fuisse. IV. De caeteris Graecis Versionibus, Origenis Hexaplis, aliisque Editionibus antiquis; cum Collectione Indiculorum Librorum Biblicorum per omnes aetates, quae Historiam Canonis S. Scripturarum quam brevissimam, sed plenam ac luculent. Oxonii: e Theatro Sheldoniano, An. Dom. MDCCV. [1705]. ESTC No. T86088. Grub Street ID 306349.
  • Hody, Humphrey. De graecis illustribus linguae graecae literarumque humaniorum instauratoribus, eorum vitis, scriptis, et elogiis libri duo. E codd, potissimum mss. aliisque authenticis ejusdem aevi monimentis deprompsit Humphredus Hodius, S. T. P. Haud ita pridem Regius Professor et Archidiaconus Oxon. Praemittitur de vita et scriptis ipsius Humphredi dissertatio, auctore S. Jebb, M. D. Londini : impensis Caroli Davis, Regiae Societatis Typographi, in vico vulgo dicto Pater-Noster-Row, MDCCXLII. [1742]. ESTC No. T111968. Grub Street ID 164020.