Roe, Thomas.
A true and faithfull relation, presented to his Maiestie and the prince, of what hath lately happened in Constantinople, concerning the death of Sultan Osman, and the setting vp of Mustafa his vncle. Together with other memorable occurrents worthy of obseruation.
Imprinted at London: [By F. Kingston] for Bartholomew Downes, and are to be sold at his house neere Fleet-bridge [by B. Downes], and in Popes head Alley, by William Sheffard, 1622.
ESTC No. S120714.Grub Street ID 140343.
Roe, Thomas.
Sir Thomas Roe his speech in Parliament: wherein he sheweth the cause of the decay of coine and trade in this land, especially of merchants trade. And also propoundeth a vvay to the House, how they may be increased.
London: printed for John Aston, 1641.
ESTC No. R13903.Grub Street ID 61968.
Roe, Thomas.
The coppy of two letters from Sr. Thomas Rowe, Lord Embassador Extraordinary for His Majesty in Germany. One to the Earle of Holland. The other to Mr. Edward Waller, one of the Members of the House of Commons. Concerning the French Embassadors accusation against him in the House of Peeres.
Printed at York: by Stephen Bulkley, August 4. 1642.
ESTC No. R212830.Grub Street ID 88378.
Roe, Thomas.
A letter from the Right Honourable Sir Thomas Rovve, extraordinary embassadour for his Majestie at vienna. To Edmund VValler Esquier one of the Members of the House of Commons. Which letter was read in the said House, Iuly 8. 1642.
London: printed for Abell Roper, [1642].
ESTC No. R212405.Grub Street ID 88007.
Roe, Thomas.
Sir Thomas Rowe's Speech at the councel table about the alteration of the coyn, in July 1640. With some observations thereon.
London : printed for Sam. Crouch at the corner of Pope's-Head-Alley over against the Royal Exchange in Cornhill, 1695.
ESTC No. R218052.Grub Street ID 92769.
Roe, Thomas.
Sir Thomas Roe's speech in Parliament; relating to the merchants, &c.
Edinburgh: printed and sold by John Moncur, at his Printing-House on the North-Side of the Trone, 1707.
ESTC No. T48372.Grub Street ID 276278.
Roe, Thomas.
Sir Thomas Roe's speech in Parliament: relating to the merchants, &c.
London : printed for Thomas Cole near Charing Cross, 1707.
ESTC No. T12948.Grub Street ID 178937.
Roe, Thomas.
A speech delivered in Parliament by a Person of Honour, Wherein is shewn the cause, and cure of the decay of trade, and merchandize. To which is added the remarkable speech of Sir Benjamin Rudyerd (made the 21st of James the 1st, 1623.) Concerning the West-India trade, and the exorbitant ambition and natural weakness of Spain.
London : Printed for F. Noble, at Otway's Head, St. Martin's-Court, St. Martin's-Lane, near Leicester Fields. And sold at the pamphlet shops of London and Westminster, 1739.
ESTC No. T49613.Grub Street ID 277393.
Roe, Thomas.
The negotiations of Sir Thomas Roe, in his embassy to the Ottoman porte, from the year 1621 to 1628 inclusive: containing a great variety of curious and important matters, relating not only to the affairs of the Turkish Empire, but also to those of the other states of Europe, in that period: his correspondences with the most illustrious persons, for dignity or character; as with the Queen of Bohemia, Bethlem Gabor Prince of Transylvania, and other potentates of different nations, &c. And many useful and instructive particulars, as well in relation to trade and commerce, as to subjects of literature; as antient manuscripts, coins, inscriptions, and other antiquities. Now first published from the originals.
London : printed by Samuel Richardson, at the expence of the Society for the Encouragement of Learning: and sold by G. Strahan, in Cornhill; C. Rivington, in St. Paul's Church-Yard; P. Vaillant, in the Strand; J. Brindley, in New Bond-Street; S. Baker, in Russel-Street, Covent-Garden; and J. Osborn, jun. in Pater-Noster Row; Booksellers to the Society: and (to booksellers only) at the Society's house in St. Martin's-Lane, M.DCC.XL. [1740].
ESTC No. T33247.Grub Street ID 263814.