Reading, John.
The old mans staffe, two sermons shewing the onely way to a comfortable old age, preached in Saint Maries in Douer by Iohn Reading.
London: Printed by Bernard Alsop for Iohn Hodgets, 1621.
ESTC No. S115679.Grub Street ID 135368.
Reading, John.
A faire vvarning. Declaring the comfortable vse both of sicknesse and health. Deliuered in seuerall sermons at Saint Maries in Douer, by Iohn Reading minister and preacher of Gods words.
London: printed by Bernard Alsop, for Iohn Hodgets, 1621.
ESTC No. S115682.Grub Street ID 135371.
Reading, John.
Iob's house: a sermon preached at the funerall of Mistresse Elizabeth Trvmball in St. Maries in Douer. Mar. 10. 1623. By Iohn Reading.
London: printed by Nicholas Okes, for Iohn Hodgets, 1624.
ESTC No. S123254.Grub Street ID 142770.
Reading, John.
Moses and Iethro: or the good magistrate: containing sundry necessary admonitions to all maiors, gouernours, and freemen of townes corporate, as they were deliuered in a sermon at S. Maries in Douer on the election day. By Io: Reading.
London: Printed by Iohn Legatt for Robert Allott, and are to be sold in Pauls-Church-yard at the signe of the Gray-hound, 1626.
ESTC No. S115680.Grub Street ID 135369.
Reading, John.
Dauids soliloquie. Containing many comforts for afflicted mindes. As they were deliuered in sundry sermons at Saint Maries in Douer. By Io: Reading.
London: Printed [by John Legat] for Robert Allot, and are to be sold at his shop in Saint Pauls Church-yeard at the signe of the Greyhound, 1627.
ESTC No. S115683.Grub Street ID 135372.
Reading, John.
Characters of true blessednesse, delivered in a sermon preached at Saint Maries Church in Dover. Sep. 21. 1637. At the funeral of Mrs. Alice Percivall, wife of Anthony Percivall Esquire. By Iohn Reading.
London: Printed by E. G[riffin] for Ioyce Norton and Ric. Whitakers, at the signe of the Kings Armes in Saint Pauls Church yard, 1638.
ESTC No. S119785.Grub Street ID 139423.
Reading, John.
A sermon delivered at Maidston in Kent, at the assizes there held, August 23. 1641.
London: printed by E[dward]. G[riffen]. for Iohn Stafford, and are to be sold at his shop in Chancery-lane over against the Rolls, 1642.
ESTC No. R14322.Grub Street ID 62356.
Reading, John.
Little Benjamin or truth discovering error: being a clear and full answer unto the letter, subscribed by 47 ministers of the province of London, and presented to his Excellency, January 18. 1648. To inform the ignorant satisfie the desirous of the concurrent proceedings th Parliament and Army. In taking away the life of Charles Stuart, late King of England, together with, &c. By a reall lover of all those, who love peace and truth. February 17. 1648. Imprimatur Gil. Mabbot.
[London]: Printed at London, for George Whittington, at the Blew Anchor in Cornehill, neer the Royall Exchange, 1648 [i.e. 1649].
ESTC No. R205982.Grub Street ID 82575.
Reading, John.
The Ranters ranting: with the apprehending, examinations, and confession of Iohn Collins, I. Shakespear, Tho. Wiberton, and five more which are to answer the next sessions. And severall songs or catches, which were sung at their meetings. Also their several kinds of mirt and dancing. Their blasphemous opinions. Their belief concerning heaven and hell. And the reason why one of the same opinion cut off the heads of his own mother and brother. Set forth for the further discovery of this ungodly crew.
London: printed by B. Alsop, 1650.
ESTC No. R203304.Grub Street ID 80423.
Reading, John.
A guide to the Holy City. Or, Directions and helps to an holy life: containing rules of religious advice, with prayers in sundry cases, and estates, necessary for those who are not of heart so enlarged, as to advise themselves, or to conceive comfortable prayers accordin to their present wants. By Iohn Reading B.D. and sometimes student in Magdalen Hall in Oxford.
Oxford: printed [by Henry Hall] for Thom. Robinson, and Rich: Davis, 1651.
ESTC No. R14087.Grub Street ID 62135.
Reading, John.
An antidote against Anabaptism, in a reply to the plea for Anabaptists: or Animadversions on that part of the libertie of prophesying which sect. 18. p. 223. beareth this title: A particular consideration of the opinion of the Anabaptists. Together with a survey of the controverted points concerning 1. Infant baptism. 2. Pretended necessitie of dipping. 3. The dangerous practice of rebaptizing. By Jo. Reading, B.D. and sometimes student of Magdalen Hall in Oxford.
London: printed by Tho. Newcomb, for Simon York, and Richard Barley, dwelling in Dover, 1654.
ESTC No. R214734.Grub Street ID 89913.
Reading, John.
Anabaptism routed: or, a survey of the controverted points: Concerning 1. Infant-Baptisme. 2. Pretended necessity of dipping. 3. The dangerous practise of re-baptising. Together, with a particular answer to all that is alledged in favour of the Anabaptists, by Dr. Jer. Taylor, in his book, called, the liberty of Prophesying. By John Reading, B.D. and sometimes student of Magdalen-Hall in Oxford.
London: printed for Thomas Johnson, at the Golden Key, in Saint Pauls Church-yard, 1655.
ESTC No. R207312.Grub Street ID 83710.
Reading, John.
Christmas revived: or An ansvver to certain objections made against the observation of a day in memory of our Saviour Christ his birth. By John Reading. M.A. And one of the prebends of Christs-Church in Canterbury.
London : printed for John Andrewes and John Garway, and are to be sold at the White-Lion near Py-Corner, [1660].
ESTC No. R207981.Grub Street ID 84289.
Reading, John.
Hiersylias mastich· Or a scourge of sacriledge: in answer to a pamphleter calling himself Anthony Pearson, concerning the great case of tythes. VVherein many gross fallacies and untruths of the pamphleter are discovered and convinced. By Joh. Reading, once a student of Magdalen Hall in Oxford.
London : printed by D. Maxwell, and are to be sold by George Sawbridge at the [sign of the Bible] on Ludgate-Hill, 1661.
ESTC No. R182394.Grub Street ID 72586.
Reading, John.
A sermon lately delivered in the Cathedral Church of Canterbury, concerning church-musick. By John Reading, D.D. Prebend of the same church.
London : printed by Tho. Newcomb, 1663.
ESTC No. R6076.Grub Street ID 126451.