Publications of William Walwyn


  • Walwyn, William. The povver of love. London: printed by R.C. for John Sweeting, at the signe of the Angell in Popes-head Alley, 1643. ESTC No. R208782. Grub Street ID 85004.
  • Walwyn, William. A parable, or consultation of physitians vpon Master Edwards. Love. Justice. Patience. Truth. Doctors. Conscience. Hope. Piety. Superstition. Policie. Observers. London: Printed by Thomas Paine, for Giles Calvert, and are to be sold at his shop at the Black spread Eagle, at the west end of Pauls Church, 1646. ESTC No. R201169. Grub Street ID 78624.
  • Walwyn, William. A vvhisper in the eare of Mr. Thomas Edwards minister. By VVilliam VValwyn marchant. Occasioned by his mentioning of him reproachfully, in his late pernitious booke, justly entituled the Gangræna. [London: printed according to order, by Thomas Paine, for VVilliam Ley, at Paules-Chaine, 1646]. ESTC No. R200666. Grub Street ID 78158.
  • Walwyn, William. A vvord more to Mr. Thomas Edwards minister, by William VValwyn marchant. Concerning the nationall covenant. London: printed according to order, by Thomas Paine, 1646. ESTC No. R200680. Grub Street ID 78174.
  • Walwyn, William. A word in season: to all sorts of vvell minded people in this miserably distracted and distempered nation. Plainly manifesting, that the safety and well-being of the common-wealth under God, dependeth on the fidelity, and stedfast adherence of the people, to those whom they have chosen, and on their ready compliance with them. Also that the destruction and bondage of the common-wealth in generall, and of every good minded man in particular cannot be avoided, if the people, through want of consideration, shall give eare to any other counsels or counsellers. Published by authority. London: printed by Thomas Paine. and are to be sold by Edward Blackmoore, at his shop in Pauls Church-yard at the signe of the Angell, 1646. ESTC No. R200831. Grub Street ID 78314.
  • Walwyn, William. A word in season: to all sorts of wel minded people in this miserably distracted and distempered nation. Plainly manifesting, that the safety and wel-being of the Common-wealth under God, dependeth on the fidelity, and stedfast adherence of the people, to those whom they have chosen, and on their ready compliance with them. Also, that the destruction and bondage of the Common-wealth in generall, and of every good minded man in particular cannot be avoided, if the people, through want of consideration, shall give eare to any other counsels or counsellers. Published by authority for the publique good. London: printed by Thomas Paine, dwelling in Red-Crosse-street, in Goldsmiths-Alley, over against the signe of the Sugar-loafe, 1646. ESTC No. R208192. Grub Street ID 84470.
  • Walwyn, William. An antidote against Master Edwards his old and new poyson: intended to preserve this long distempered nation from a most dangerous relaps. Which his former, his later, and next gangrenous book is likely to occasion, if not timely prevented. by William Walwin. London: printed by Thomas Paine, dwelling in Red-Crosse-street, in Goldsmiths-Alley, over-against the signe of the Sugar-loafe, 1646. ESTC No. R208196. Grub Street ID 84473.
  • Walwyn, William. A prediction of Mr. Edvvards his conversion and recantation. By William Walvvin. London: printed by T[homas] P[aine] for G. Whittington and N. Brookes, at the signe of the Angell in Cornhill, below the Exchange, 1646. ESTC No. R208197. Grub Street ID 84474.
  • Walwyn, William. The vanitie of the present churches, and vncertainty of their preaching, discovered. Wherein the pretended immediate teaching of the spirit, is denyed, and the all-sufficiency of the Scriptures teaching, is maintained. With, a new and true method of reading thereof, for the peace of the mind, and rule of life. London: printed by J. Clows, and are to be sold in Cornhill, and Popes-Head-Alley, 1649. ESTC No. R210498. Grub Street ID 86645.
  • Walwyn, William. Walwyns just defence against the aspertions cast upon him, in a late un-Christian pamphlet entituled, Walwyns wiles. By William Walwyn, merchant. London: printed by H. Hils, for W. Larnar, and are to be sold at the sign of the Blackmore, near Bishops-gate, M.DC.XLIX. [1649]. ESTC No. R27583. Grub Street ID 110736.
  • Walwyn, William. The fountain of slaunder discovered. By William Walwyn, merchant. With some passages concerning his present imprisonment in the Tower of London. Published for satisfaction of friends and enemies. London: printed by H. Hils, and are to be sold by W. Larnar, at the sign of the Blackmore, near Bishops-gate, M.DC.XLIX. [1649]. ESTC No. R204437. Grub Street ID 81393.
  • Walwyn, William. Juries justified: or, A word of correction to Mr. Henry Robinson; for his seven objections against the trial of causes, by juries of twelve men. By William Walwin. Published by authority. London: printed by Robert Wood; and are to be sold at his house, near the Flying-Horse in Grubstreet, 1651. ESTC No. R204167. Grub Street ID 81177.
  • Walwyn, William. Some considerations tending to the undeceiving those, whose judgements are misinformed by politique protestations, declarations, &c. Being a necessary discourse for the present times, concerning the unseasonable difference between the Protestant and the Puritan. [London: printed by Henry Hills and John Field, printers to His Highness, MDCLIV. [1654]]. ESTC No. R218937. Grub Street ID 93528.
  • Walwyn, William. Spirits moderated, and so qualified, as to maintain the true natural heat & radical moisture of the body. Varied and distributed to several occasions and necessities, under several titles. All pleasing to the taste, and of great efficacie in the preservation of heasth, strength, and chearfulness; and in the prevention of most, and cure many distempers. Being a middle, milde, and safe course, between diet and medicine, yet in aid of both, by fortifying the appetite and digestion; and keeping off extremities, until the physician can be had. By W.W. a lover of all useful studies: and are to be had at Dr. Brooks his house in Dukes Place wilthin Ald-gate, all the forenoons; and until two in the afternoons; and after sun-set, till bed-time. London: printed by J.C. for William Larnar, at the Blackmoors head neer Fleet-bridge, 1654. ESTC No. R186118. Grub Street ID 74932.
  • Walwyn, William. Health's new store-house opened, offering to familiar use such supplies as are most wanting and really needful to humane frailty. By health's student. London : printed by Jane Clowes, and are to be sold by John Sweeting at the Angel in Popes-head-Alley over against the Royal Exchange in Corn-hill, 1661. ESTC No. R219279. Grub Street ID 93835.
  • Walwyn, William. A touch-stone for physick, directing by evident marks and characters to such medicines, as without purgers, vomiters, bleedings, issues, minerals; or any other disturbers of nature, may be securely trusted for cure in all extreamities, and be easily distinguished from such a are hazardous or dangerous: exemplyfied by various instances of remarkable cures performed solely by such medicines. London : printed by J.W. for Benjamin Billingsley, at Gresham-Colledge-gate, near the church in Broad-street, 1667. ESTC No. R9839. Grub Street ID 129887.
  • Walwyn, William. Physick for families, discovering a safe way, and ready means, whereby every one at sea or land, may with Gods assistance be in a capacity of curing themselves, or their relations, in all distempers or extremities, without any the hazards, troubles, or dangers, over usual, in all other wayes of cure. London : printed by J, [sic] Winter, and are to be sold by Robert Horn in Gresham Colledg [sic] Court, 1669. ESTC No. R15165. Grub Street ID 63123.
  • Walwyn, William. Physick for families: or, The new, safe and powerful way of physick, upon constant proof established; enabling every one, at sea or land, by the medicines herein mentioned, to cure themselves, their friends and relations, in all distempers and diseases. Without any the trouble, hazzard, pain or danger of purgers, vomiters, bleedings, issues, glisters, blisters, opium, antimony and quicksilver, so full of perplexity in sickness. By William Walwyn physician. London : printed by J.R. and are to be sold by John Starky, at the Mitre near Temple-Bar, in Fleetstreet, 1681. ESTC No. R28380. Grub Street ID 111457.
  • Walwyn, William. Physick for families. Or, The new, safe and powerful way of physick, upon constant proof established; enabling every one, at sea or land, by the medicines herein mentioned, to cure themselves, their friends and relations, in all distempers and diseases. Without any the trouble, hazzard, pain or danger of purgers, vomiters, bleedings, issues, glisters, blisters, opium, antimony and quicksilver, so full of perplexity in sickness. By William Walwyn physitian. London : printed, by J.R. and are to be sold by the author, 1696. ESTC No. R219386. Grub Street ID 93930.