Publications of Nicaise Le Fvre


  • Le Fvre, Nicaise. A compendious body of chymistry, which will serve as a guide and introduction both for understanding the authors which have treated of the theory of this science in general; and for making the way plain and easie to perform, according to art and method, all operations, which teach the practise of this art, upon animals, vegetables, and minerals, without losing any of the essential vertues contained in them. By N. le Fèbure apothecary in ordinary, and chymical distiller to the King of France, and at present to his Majesty of Great-Britain. London : printed for Tho. Davies and Theo. Sadler, and is to be sold at the sign of the Bible over against the little North-door of St. Pauls-Church, 1662. ESTC No. R232152. Grub Street ID 104010.
  • Le Fvre, Nicaise. A discourse upon Sr Walter Rawleigh's great cordial; by N. le Febure, Royal Professor in chymistry, and Apothecary in Ordinary to his Maiesty's most honourable household. Rendred into English by Peter Belon, student in chymistry. London : printed by J[ames]. F[lesher]. for Octavian Pulleyn Junior, and are to be sold at the sign of the Bible in S. Paul's Church-yard near the little north door, 1664. ESTC No. R8971. Grub Street ID 129096.
  • Le Fvre, Nicaise. A compleat body of chymistry: wherein is contained whatsoever is necessary for the attaining to the curious knowledge of this art; Comprehending in general the whole practice thereof: and teaching the most exact preparation of animals, vegetables and minerals, so as to preserve their essential vertues. Laid open in two books, and dedicated to the use of all apothecaries, &c. By Nicasius le Febure, royal professor in chymistry to his Majesty of England, and apothecary inordinary to His Honorable houshold∙ Rendred into English by P.D.C. Esq. one of the gentlemen of His Majesties Privy Chamber. London : printed by Tho. Ratcliffe for Octavian Pulleyn Junior, and are to be sold at the sign of the Bible in St. Pauls Church-yard near the little north-door, 1664. ESTC No. R8807. Grub Street ID 128943.
  • Le Fvre, Nicaise. A compendious body of chymistry: teaching the whole practice thereof by the most exact preparation of animals, vegetables and minerals, preserving their essential vertues. By Nicasius le Febure, Royal Professor in chymistry to his Majesty of England, and Apothecary in Ordinary to his honorable houshold. Rendred [sic] into English by P. D. C. Esq. one of the gentlemen of his Majesties Privy Chamber. . London : printed by Tho. Ratcliffe for Octavian Pulleyn Junior, and are to be sold at the sign of the Bible in St. Pauls Church yard near the little North-door, 1664. ESTC No. R179413. Grub Street ID 70844.
  • Le Fvre, Nicaise. Discours sur le grand cordial de Sr Walter Rawleigh; par N. le Febvre, Professeur Royal en chymie, & apoticaire ordinaire du Roy pour la famille royale. A Londre : chez Octavian Pulleyn le jeune, à l'enseigne de la Bible au Cimetiere de St. Paul, 1665. ESTC No. R15959. Grub Street ID 63849.
  • Le Fvre, Nicaise. A compleat body of chymistry: vvherein is contained whatsoever is necessary for the attaining to the curious knowledge of this art; comprehending in general the whole practice thereof: and teaching the most exact preparation of animals, vegetables and minerals, so as to preserve their essential vertues. Laid open in two books, and dedicated to the use of all apothecaries, &c. By Nicasius le Febure, Royal Professor in Chymistry to His Majesty of England, and Apothecary in Ordinary to his honourable houshold. Fellow of the Royal Society. Rendred into English, by P.D.C. Esq; one of the gentlemen of His Majesties Privy-Chamber. Part. I. Corrected and amended; with the additions of the late French copy. London : printed for O. Pulleyn Junior, and are to be sold by John Wright at the sign of the Globe in Little-Brittain, 1670. ESTC No. R16011. Grub Street ID 63900.