Publications of George Buchanan


  • Buchanan, George. Ane admonitioun direct to the trew Lordis mantenaris of the Kingis grace authoritie. Imprintit at Striviling: be Robert Lekprevik, anno Do. M. D. LXXI. [1571]. ESTC No. S125204. Grub Street ID 144459.
  • Buchanan, George. Ane admonitioun direct to the trew Lordis maintenaris of Iustice, and obedience to the Kingis grace. M. G. B. Imprentit at Striuiling [i.e. London]: be Robert Lekpreuik, Anno. Do. 1571. ESTC No. S91239. Grub Street ID 150398.
  • Buchanan, George. Ane admonition direct to the trew Lordis mantenaris of the kingis graces authoritie. M. G. B. Imprentit at Striuiling [i.e. London]: Be Robert Lekpreuik [i.e. by J. Day], Anno Do. M.D.LXXI. [1571]. ESTC No. S119532. Grub Street ID 139171.
  • Buchanan, George. Ane admonition direct to the trew Lordis mantenaris of the Kingis graces authoritie. M.G.B. Imprinted at London: By Iohn Daye, accordyng to the Scotish copie printed at Striuilyng by Robert Lekpreuik, Anno Do. M.D.LXXI. [1571]. ESTC No. S121982. Grub Street ID 141541.
  • Buchanan, George. Ane detectioun of the doingis of Marie Quene of Scottis, tuiching the murther of hir husband, and hir conspiracie, adulterie, and pretensit mariage with the Erle Bothwell. And ane defence of the trew Lordis, mantenaris of the kingis grace actioun and authoritie. Translatit out of the Latine quhilke was writtin be M.G.B. Imprentit at Sanctandrois: Be Robert Lekpreuik, Anno. Do. M. D. LXXII. [1572]. ESTC No. S118393. Grub Street ID 138046.
  • Buchanan, George. Baptistes, siue calumnia, tragoedia, auctore Georgio Buchanano Scoto. Edinburgi: Apud Henricum Charteris, M. D. LXXVIII. [1578]. ESTC No. S116192. Grub Street ID 135883.
  • Buchanan, George. Baptistes, siue calumnia, tragoedia, auctore Georgio Buchanano Scoto. Londini [i.e. Louvain?]: Et prostant Antuerpiæ apud Iacobum Henricium [i.e. J. Heybergius?], M.D.LXXVIII. [1578]. ESTC No. S118823. Grub Street ID 138471.
  • Buchanan, George. Paraphrasis psalmorvm Davidis poetica, mvlto quam antehac castigatior; auctore Georgio Buchanano, Scoto, poetarum noftriseculifacile principe. Adnotuta vbique diligenter carminum genera. Eivsdem Buchanani tragoedia quæ inscribitur Iephthes. Londini: excudebat Thomas Vautrollerius, impensis Henrici Denham, 1580. ESTC No. S2535. Grub Street ID 146921.
  • Buchanan, George. De iure regni apud Scotos dialogus, auctore Georgio Buchanano Scoto. Ad Iacobum VI. Scotorum Regem. M. D. LXXX. [Antwerp]: [G. van den Rade] Ad exemplar Ioannis Rossei. Edinburgi, cum priuilegio Scotorum Regis, [1580]. ESTC No. S111155. Grub Street ID 131065.
  • Buchanan, George. Paraphrasis Psalmorum Dauidis poetica multo quam antehac castigatior; auctore Georgio Buchanano, Scoto, poëtarum nostri saculi facilè principe. Adnotata sunt argumenta, & carminum genera. Accesserunt duae eiusdem Buchanani tragœdiæ sacrae: Ipehthes seu votum, & Baptistes siue Calmunia. Londini: Ex officina typographica Richardi Field, 1592. ESTC No. S118824. Grub Street ID 138472.
  • Buchanan, George. Paraphrasis Psalmorum Dauidis poetica, Auctore Georgio Buchanano Scoto, poëtarum nostri seculi facilè principe. Adnotata ubique diligenter carminum genera. Accessorunt dua eiusdem Buchanani tragœdia sacræ: Iephthes seu votum, & Baptistes sive Calumnia. Edinburgi: Excudebat Andreas Hart, Bibliopôla, Anno 1611. ESTC No. S117208. Grub Street ID 136882.
  • Buchanan, George. Georgii Buchanani Scoti, poemata innumeris pen locis ex ipsius autographo castigata & aucta. Addito insuper ex eodem, miscellaneorum libro, nunc primm in lucem edito. Edinburgi: ex officina Andreæ Hart, anno 1615. ESTC No. S123534. Grub Street ID 143021.
  • Buchanan, George. De prosodia libellus. Authore G. Buchanano. Edinburgi: excudebat Andreas Hart bibliopola, anno 1621. ESTC No. S125284. Grub Street ID 144530.
  • Buchanan, George. Paraphrasis Psalmorum Dauidis poetica, Auctore Georgio Buchanano Scoto, po'tarum nostri seculi facil principe. Adnotata ubique diligenter carminum genera. Accessorunt dua eiusdem Buchanani tragϤia sacræ: Iephthes siue votum, & Baptistes sive Calumnia. Edinburgi: Excudebat Andreas Hart, Bibliopôlæ, 1621. ESTC No. S117004. Grub Street ID 136684.
  • Buchanan, George. Psalmorum Davidis paraphrasis po'tica Georgii Buchanani Scoti: argumentis ac melodiis explicata atque illustrata operâ ac studio Nathanis Chitræi. Londini: Apud Edvv. Griffinum, 1640. ESTC No. S114260. Grub Street ID 133978.
  • Buchanan, George. Tyrannicall-government anatomized: or, A discourse concerning evil-councellors. Being the life and death of John the Baptist. And presented to the Kings most excellent Majesty by the author. Die Martis, 30. Januarii, 1642. It is ordered by the committee of the House of Commons concerning printing, that this book be forthwith printed and published: Iohn VVhite. London: printed for John Field, 1642 [i.e. 1643]. ESTC No. R4582. Grub Street ID 124941.
  • Buchanan, George. Rerum Scoticarum historia, auctore Georgio Buchanano Scoto. Ad Jacobum VI. Scotorum regem. Accessit de jure regni apud Scotos dialogus, codem Georgio Buchanano auctore. [Edinburgh]: M.DC.XLIII. Ad exemplar Alexandri Arbuthneti editum Edimburgi, [1643]. ESTC No. R224013. Grub Street ID 97742.
  • Buchanan, George. De prosodia libellus authore G. Buchanano. Edinburgi: Ex officina Societatis Stationariorum, 1660. ESTC No. R27815. Grub Street ID 110956.
  • Buchanan, George. De prosodia libellus. Authore G. Buchanano Scoto. Glasguæ: excudebat Robertus Sanders, urbis typographus, M. DC. LXVII. [1667]. ESTC No. R218577. Grub Street ID 93223.
  • Buchanan, George. Georgii Buchanani Scoti, Poetarum sui sæculi facile principis, po'mata quæ supersunt omnia, in tres partes divisa, multo quam ante hac emendatiora catalogus eorum quæ hac editione continentur, sequens exhibebit pagella. Edinburgi: prostant apud Joannem Cairns, bibliopolam, anno MDCLXXVII. [1677]. ESTC No. R213388. Grub Street ID 88850.
  • Buchanan, George. Georgii Buchanani Scoti poetarum sui sæculi facile principis, po'mâta quæ supersunt omnia in tres partes divisa, multo quam ante hac emendatiora : catalogus eorum quæ hac editione continentut, sequens exhibebit pagella. Edinburgi: prostant apud Joannem Cairns ..., anno cIc Ic c LXXVII [1677]. ESTC No. R43070. Grub Street ID 124154.
  • Buchanan, George. De prosodia libellus: authore G. Buchanano, Scoto. Edinburgi: excudebat Thomas Brown, anno. Dom. 1678. ESTC No. R173202. Grub Street ID 66854.
  • Buchanan, George. Psalmorum Davidis paraphrasis poetica Georgii Buchanani Scoti. Argumentis ac melodiis explicata atque illustrata. Londini : typis S.G. sumptibus Thomas Malthus, & venales prostant, ad in signia solis, in platea vulgo dicto. The Poultrey, 1683. ESTC No. R214025. Grub Street ID 89356.
  • Buchanan, George. Georgii Buchanani Scoti Poemata in tres partes digesta. Pars prima Psalmorum Davidis paraphrasis poetica Jephthes sive votum, tragoedia. Baptistes sive calumnia, tragoedia. Pars secunda. Franciscanus & fratres. Elegiarum liber. Sylvarum liber. Hendecasyllab[o]n liber. Jamb[o]n liber. Epigrammatum libri III. Miscellaneourum liber. De sphaera mundi. Lib. V. Pars tertia Euripidis Medea ejusdem Alcestis utraque Latino carmine reddita. G. Buchanani vita ab ipso scripta biennio ante mortem. Adjecta sunt Paraphrasi Psalmorum argumenta singulis Psalmis praefixa. Item collectanea quibis vocabula & modi loquendi tam poetici qu`am ali`as difficiliores, & min`us vulgo obvii, perspicu`e explicantur:Etiam diversa carminum genera margini adjecta Oper^a & studio N. Chytraei. His accedunt nunc prim`um variae lectiones & conjecturae in partem secundam. Londini : B. Griffin prostant ad insignia Gryphis in vico vulgo dicto the Old Baily, 1686. ESTC No. R34415. Grub Street ID 116940.
  • Buchanan, George. De prosodia libellus authore G. Bughanano [sic] Scoto. Edinburgi: ex officina Societatis Bibliopolarum, anno Dom. 1689. ESTC No. R173203. Grub Street ID 66855.
  • Buchanan, George. A detection of the actions of Mary Queen of Scots, concerning the murther of her husband, and her conspiracy, adultery, and pretended marriage with the Earl Bothwel. And a defence of the true Lords, maintainers of the King's Majesties action and authority. Written in Latin by G. Buchanan. Translated into Scotch. And now made English. London : printed, and are to be sold by Richard Janeway, in Queen's Head-Ally, near Pater-Noster-Row, 1689. ESTC No. R4626. Grub Street ID 124978.
  • Buchanan, George. De jure regni apud ScotosDT Or, A dialogue, concerning the due priviledge of government in the kingdom of Scotland. Betwixt George Buchanan and Thomas Maitland, by the said George Buchanan. Translated out of the original Latine into English. By Philalethes. London : printed for Richard Baldwin, 1689. ESTC No. R2834. Grub Street ID 111418.
  • Buchanan, George. The history of Scotland· Written in Latin, by George Buchanan. Faithfully rendered into English. I have carefully and diligently perused this translation of Buchanan's History; and, finding it to be faithfully and exactly done, have therefore allowed it to be printed. August 13th, 1689. J. Fraser. London : printed by Edw. Jones, for Awnsham Churchil, at the Black Swan in Ave-Mary-Lane, near Pater-Noster-Row, 1690. ESTC No. R466. Grub Street ID 125011.
  • Buchanan, George. The history of Scotland· Written in Latin, by George Buchanan. Faithfully rendered into English. I have carefully and diligently perused this translation of Buchanan's History; and, finding it to be faithfully and exactly done, have therefore allowed it to be printed. August 13th, 1689. J. Fraser. London : printed by E. Jones, for A. Churchil, and sold by S. Crouch, at the corner of Popes-Head-Alley, over against the Royal-Exchange in Cornhil, 1690. ESTC No. R227061. Grub Street ID 99966.
  • Buchanan, George. De prosodia libellus, authore G. Buchanano Scoto. Edinburghi: excudebat hæres Andreæ Anderson, regum typographus, anno Dom. 1694. ESTC No. R218583. Grub Street ID 93228.
  • Buchanan, George. Rerum Scoticarum historia, auctore Georgio Buchanano, Scoto; cum indice, longé locupletissimo, & in quo habentur usitatiora regionum, urbium, fluminum &c. Nomina, patrio sermone conscripta. Cui accessit, ejusdem authoris dialogus, De jure regni, apud Scotos; necnon tabula Scotiæ topographica. Edimburgi: ex typographœo Georgii Mosman, anno salutis humanæ, M.DCC. [1700]. ESTC No. R214909. Grub Street ID 90058.
  • Buchanan, George. An impartial account of the affairs of Scotland, from the death of K. James the fifth, to the tragical exit of the Earl of Murray, Regent of Scotland. In four books. Wherein, besides other material passages of state not hitherto published, is the Scotch Embassy to Queen Elizabeth, to declare her successor, with the learned arguments on that head. Also some remarkable instances that may give light into the dependency of Scotland on the crown of England. With an extract of Mary Queen of Scot's Letters to the Earl of Bothwell, plainly detecting the whole design and execution of her husband's murder. Written by an eminent hand. London : printed for John Nutt near Stationer's Hall, 1705. ESTC No. T83145. Grub Street ID 303626.
  • Buchanan, George. A continuation of drummond's history of Scotland, from the death of King James V. Infour books. Wherein many secret and memorable transactions (relating to both Kingdoms) are brought to light. By an Eminent hand. London : Printed for William Hawes at the Bible and Rose in Ludgate-street, and Jeffery Wale at the Angel in St. Paul's-Church-Yard, 1706. ESTC No. N31907. Grub Street ID 20784.
  • Buchanan, George. The very learned Scotsman, Mr. George Buchanan's fratres fraterrimi, three books of epigrams, and book of miscellanies, in English verse; with the illustration of the proper names, and mythologies therein mentioned: by Robert Monteith. Edinburgh: printed by the heirs and successors of Andrew Anderson, Printer to the Queens most Excellent Majesty, Anno Dom. MDCCVIII. [1708]. ESTC No. T145008. Grub Street ID 191806.
  • Buchanan, George. Georgij Buchanani Scoti ad viros sui seculi clarissimos, eorumque ad eundem, epistolæ. Ex Mss. accurate descriptæ, nunc primum in lucem editæ. Londini : impensis D. Brown; & Gulielmi Taylor, 1711. ESTC No. T143958. Grub Street ID 190917.
  • Buchanan, George. Georgii Buchanani Scoti poemata in tres partes digesta. Pars prima Psalmorum Davidis paraphrasis poetica. Jephthes, sive Votum, Tragoedia. Baptistes, sive Calumnia, Tragoedia. Pars secunda Franciscanus & Fratres. Elegiarum Liber. Sylvarum Liber. Hendecasyllabon Liber. Jambon Liber. Epigrammatum Libri III. Miscellaneorum Liber. De Sphaera Mundi. Lib. V. Pars tertia Euripidis Medea Ejusdem Alcestis utraque Latino carmine reddita. G. Buchanani vita ab ipso scripta biennio ante mortem. Adjecta sunt paraphrasi psalmorum Argumenta singulis Psalmis praefixa. Item collectanea Quibus Vocabula & Modi loquendi tam Poetici quàm aliàs difficiliores, & minùs vulgo obvii, perspicuè explicantur. Etiam Diversa Carminum Genera Margini adjecta. Operâ & Studio N. Chytraei. His accedunt nunc primùm variae Lectiones & conjecturae in partem secundam. Londini : impensis Rob. Gosling, ad Insigne Mitrae & Coronae, in vico vulgo vocato Fleet-Street, 1716. ESTC No. T145452. Grub Street ID 192192.
  • Buchanan, George. An appendix to the history of Scotland. Containing, I. A detection of the actions of Mary Queen of Scots, concerning the murder of her husband, and her conspiracy, adultery, and pretended marriage with Earl Bothwel, and a defence of the true Lords, maintainers of the King's Majesty's action and authority. II. De Jure Regni apud Scotos: or, A discourse concerning the due privilege of Government in the Kingdom of Scotland By George Buchanan, author of the said history. To which is added, the genealogie of all the Kings of Scotland, from Fergus the First, who began to reign in the year of the world, 3641. Before the coming of our Saviour Jesus Christ, 330 years, to the reign of James the Sixth of that name, King of Scots, and the first of England. With the oaths of a Duke, Earl, Lord, of Parliament, and Knight of Scotland. London : Printed by Sam. Palmer, for S. Illidge under Serle's Gate Lincoln's-Inn New-Square; T. Corbet at Addison's Head without Temple-bar; and T. Payne in Little-Britain, MDCCXXI. [1721]. ESTC No. T144675. Grub Street ID 191506.
  • Buchanan, George. Buchanan's History of Scotland. In twenty books. Containing I. An Account of its several Situations; and the Nature of its Soil and Climate. II. The Ancient Names, Manners, Laws, and Customs of the Country, and what People inhabited the Island from the very Beginning. III. A Chronicle of all its Kings, in an exact Series of Succession, from Fergus, the first Founder of the Scotish Monarchy, to the Reign of King James VI. of Scotland, and First, of England. The second edition, revised and corrected from the Latin original, by Mr. Bond. In two volumes. Adorned with Curious Cutts Engraven from the Original Paintings, by Mr. White, Mr. Vertue, &c. London : printed by J. Bettenham, for A. Bettesworth, W. Taylor, T. Bickerton, and J. Batley, in Pater-Noster-Row; E. Curll, in the Strand; W. Mears, without Temple-Bar; C. Rivington, in St. Paul's Church-Yard: and J. Lacy, in Fleetstreet, M.DCC.XXII. [1722]. ESTC No. T95821. Grub Street ID 315315.
  • Buchanan, George. Rerum scoticarum historia, auctore Georgio Buchanano Scoto, ad optimam & castigatissimam Roberti Fribarnii editionem expressa. Cum indice ... Accesserunt auctoris Vita ab ipso scripta, ejusdemque Dialogus de jure regni apud Scotos: necnon tabula Scotiæ topographica. Edimburgi: sumptibus Jo. Patoni, 1727. ESTC No. N13053. Grub Street ID 3000.
  • Buchanan, George. Buchanan's History of Scotland. In twenty books. Containing I. An Account of its several Situations; and the Nature of its Soil and Climate. II. The Ancient Names, Manners, Laws, and Customs of the Country, and what People inhabited the Island from the very Beginning. III. A Chronicle of all its Kings; in an exact Series of Succession, from Fergus, the first Founder of the Scotish Monarchy, to the Reign of King James VI. of Scotland, and First, of England. The third edition, revised and corrected from the Latin original. In two volumes. Adorned with curious cuts engraven from the original paintings, by Mr. White, Mr. Vertue, &c. London : printed by J. Bettenham, for D. Midwinter and A. Ward , in Little-Britain ; A. Bettesworth and C. Hitch, and J. Batley , in Pater-Noster-Row ; E. Curll , in Burleigh-Street in the Strand ; C. Rivington, and J. Wilford, in St. Paul's Church-Yard, MDCCXXXIII. [1733]. ESTC No. N15166. Grub Street ID 4901.
  • Buchanan, George. Buchanan's history of Scotland. Containing I. A detection of the actions of Mary Queen of Scots, concerning the murder of her husband, and her conspiracy, adultery, and pretended marriage with Earl Bothwel; and a defence of the true Lords, maintainers of the King's Majesty's action and authority. II. De Jure Regni apud Scotos: or, A discourse concerning the due privilege of government in the kingdom of Scotland. To which is added, the genealogy of all the kings of Scotland, from Fergus the first, who began to reign in the year of the world, 3641. Before the coming of our Saviour Jesus Christ, 330 years, to the reign of James the sixth of that name, King of Scots, and the first of England. With the oaths of a Duke, Earl, Lord of Parliament, and Knight of Scotland. Adorned with curious cuts. The second edition.. London : Printed for D. Browne, at the Black-Swan, without Temple-Bar, 1733. ESTC No. N62516. Grub Street ID 44855.
  • Buchanan, George. Buchanan's History of Scotland. In twenty books. ... The third edition, revised and corrected from the Latin original. In two volumes. Adorned with curious cuts engraven from the original paintings, by Mr. White, Mr. Vertue, &c. London : printed for D. Midwinter and A. Ward, A. Bettesworth and C. Hitch, J. Batley, E. Curll, C Rivington [and 11 others in London], 1733. ESTC No. T166846. Grub Street ID 204994.
  • Buchanan, George. Buchanan's history of Scotland. Containing, I. A detection of the actions of Mary Queen of Scots, concerning the murder of her husband, her conspiracy, adultery, and pretended marriage with Earl Bothwel, and a defence of the true Lords, maintainers of the King's Majesty's action and authority. II. De jure Regni apud Scotos: or, A discourse concerning the due priviledge of government, in the kingdom of Scotland. To which is added, the genealogy of all the Kings of Scotland, their lives, the years of their coronation, the time of their reign, the year of their death, and manner thereof, with the place of their burial, from Fergus I. who began to reign in the year of the world 3641, before the coming of our Saviour Jesus Christ 330 years, to the reign of James VI. of that name, King of Scots, and the 1st of England. With the oath of a Duke, Earl, Lord of Parliament, and Knight of Scotland. Adorn'd with a curious cut. The third edition.. London : Printed for J. Clark and T. Hatchet, at the Royal Exchange; R. Ford and J. Gray in the Poultry; C. Rivington, in St. Paul's Church-yard; J. Osborn at the Golden-Ball in Pater-Noster-Row; A. Millar at Buchanan's Head against St. Clement's Church in the strand; A. Lyon in Russel-street, Covent-Garden; J. Brindley in New Bond-street; J. Jackson by St. James's; J. Stagg in Westminster-Hall; and O. Payne in Round Court, MDCCXXXIV. [1734]. ESTC No. T168018. Grub Street ID 205995.
  • Buchanan, George. A tragedy called Jephthah, or, the vow: composed in Latin by the learned Mr. George Buchannan [sic]. Newly translated into English by William Tait, ... Edinburgh: printed in the year, 1750. ESTC No. T220221. Grub Street ID 243995.
  • Buchanan, George. De jure regni apud Scotos, dialogus. Auctore Georgio Buchanano, Scoto. Glasguae: in aedibus Roberti Urie, MDCCL. [1750]. ESTC No. T153847. Grub Street ID 198058.
  • Buchanan, George. Buchanan's History of Scotland. In twenty books. ... The fourth edition. Translated from the Latin original. Wherein several errors in the English editions are corrected. To which is added, an appendix, ... In two volumes. Adorned with copper-plates, and a map of Scotland. Edinburgh: printed by Hamilton, Balfour, and Neill, for J. Wood, Edinburgh, and R. Taylor, Berwick, 1751-52. ESTC No. N15167. Grub Street ID 4902.
  • Buchanan, George. Rerum scoticarum historia, auctore Georgio Buchanano Scoto. Ad antiquissimam Arbuthneti editionem exprimitur textus. Sed notas, Quibus varioe lectiones ex omnibus editionibus & nonnullis Mss colliguntur, loci difficiliores explicantur, & plurima, ex Mss. rarissimis, ad historiam & antiquitates Scoticas pertinentia, continentur, summa cura addidit Jacobus Man, Abredonensis. Accesserunt Index locupletissimus, Auctoris vita ab ipso scripta, & Dialogus de Jure Regni apud Scotos. Abredoniæ: typis Jacobi Chalmers. Prostant venales apud Al. Angus, in vico vulgo dicto Broadgate, MDCCLXII. [1762]. ESTC No. T133171. Grub Street ID 182022.
  • Buchanan, George. The history of Scotland, from the earliest accounts of that nation, to the reign of King James VI. Translated from the Latin of George Buchanan. In Two Volumes. Volume I. Edinburgh: printed by A. Donaldson and J. Reid. For Alex. Donaldson, MDCCLXII. [1762]. ESTC No. T96148. Grub Street ID 315613.
  • Buchanan, George. The history of Scotland, from the earliest accounts of that nation, to the reign of King James VI. Translated from the Latin of George Buchanan. In Two Volumes. To which is annexed, a Genealogy of all the Kings from Fergus I. to James VI. with the Year of the World, and the year of Christ, when each began his reign. Volume I. Edinburgh: printed for W. Duncan, and R. Clark, Booksellers, MDCCLXVI. [1766]. ESTC No. T96149. Grub Street ID 315614.
  • Buchanan, George. De jure regni apud Scotos. Or, A dialogue, concerning the due privilege of government, in the kingdom of Scotland, betwixt George Buchanan and Thomas Maitland, by the said George Buchanan. And translated out of the original Latin into English, by Philalethes. Philadelphia: Printed by Andrew Steuart, in Second-street, MDCCLXVI. [1766]. ESTC No. W27543. Grub Street ID 337650.
  • Buchanan, George. Buchanan's History of Scotland. In twenty books. ...The fifth edition. Translated from the Latin original. Wherein several errors in the English editions are corrected. To which is added, an appendix, ... In two volumes. Aberdeen: printed and sold by John Boyle, 1771. ESTC No. T166848. Grub Street ID 204996.
  • Buchanan, George. Jephthes, sive votum, tragoedia. Auctore Georgio Buchanano Scoto. Glasguae: in aedibus academicis, excudebant Robertus et Andreas Foulis, Academiae Typographi, M.DCC.LXXV. [1775]. ESTC No. T187965. Grub Street ID 223820.
  • Buchanan, George. George Buchanan's dialogue concerning the rights of the crown of Scotland translated into English; with two dissertations prefixed; one archeological inquiring into the pretended identity of the getes and scythlans, of the getes and goths, and of the goths and scots; and the other historical vindicating the character of buchanan as an historian, and containing some specimens of his poetry in english verse. By Robert Macfarlan, A.M. London : printed by S. Hamilton, Falcon-Court, Fleet-Street; for T. Cadell, jun. and W. Davies in the strand; and W. Creech, Edinburgh, 1799. ESTC No. T144784. Grub Street ID 191604.
  • Buchanan, George. The history of Scotland, from the earliest accounts of that nation, to the reign of King James VI. Translated from the Latin of George Buchanan. ... To which is annexed, a genealogy of all the kings, from Fergus I. to James VI. ... Aberdeen: printed by Burnett and Rettie, for J. Burnett, 1799. ESTC No. T208740. Grub Street ID 237530.
  • Buchanan, George. The history of Scotland, from the earliest accounts of that nation, to the reign of King James VI. Translated from the Latin of George Buchanan. In Two Volumes. To which is Annexed, A Genealogy of all the Kings from Fergus I. to James VI. Seventh edition. Revised and corrected from the original, by Mr. Bond. Embellished with an Klegant Head of the Author. From an Original Painting in Anderson's Institution in this City. Vol. I. Glasgow: printed by Chapman and Lang, 1799. ESTC No. T96147. Grub Street ID 315612.